White Nationalist mass protest turns to riot at University of Virginia

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Dec 9, 1999
My strategy is to not defend racists fucks, who sadly....all Americans should be condemning....but now many wont.

That's good, but you just ruled out defending basically every minority, and wish all Americans to condemn them. You of course can want what you want but I think that might be going a little too far...

By playing the both sides games, the right has effectively taken nazis under their umbrella. Gg Cons.

Or, people keep saying that as often and as loudly as they can so the narrative can be set that Cons are in fact doing that. Not a bad strategy for votes...

Edit, btw, I'm not a Facebook user....and subsequently don't watch any of those little videos, that the horrific left uses to paint nazis in a terrible light....those crazy lefties....always giving nazis shit.

Oh man, you must get on! If for nothing else then to see each cross section of America entertainment in the Comments section! So so hilarious to read Intellectuals failing in these in these videos/memes and not even realizing it...lol...


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
LOL, WHAT????? Did you just say that left leaning hate groups are ok because of the right leaning hate groups? The bad hate needs to be balanced out by the good hate in your universe?

I didn't say they were OK. I said they exist only because of the right. You get that, no? It is, again, placing the blame for their existence and their actions where it belongs: Nazis. If there were no Nazis, there would be no need for the left wing groups that you fear.

Why do you fear them? Are you also a Nazi? That would really be the only reason you need to fear such left wing groups.


Dec 9, 1999
don't worry, Chucky. Thread is still young for you to get your Nazi on. Hey, at least you've always been open and honest about it.

Well, racist yes, Nazi, no. Curious: Were these folks in fact marching as Nazis, or, are the Emos just calling them Nazis?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What he's really saying is he's mad when white people don't stay silent and compliant and don't let every other group constantly push their pet agenda narratives. Like, when how many murders by Blacks on Whites happen, there isn't a massive emo response from The Left, but one guy on the hated Not Left runs his car into some protesters, killing one, and it's the end of the world emo rage whine fest that must be met with the most biblical of condemnations. Intellectuals...if ya can't beat'em, run'em over...just kidding, just kidding (we don't want those unbiased mods to think I actually meant that)...

data. you need to bring data and not emotion. Let's get some data about black on white murders. and black on black. and white on black.

data chucky, data. Not rightwing Nazi fear and emotion. Real people live in this world, not internet sociopaths such as yourself.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Well, racist yes, Nazi, no. Curious: Were these folks in fact marching as Nazis, or, are the Emos just calling them Nazis?

haha, fair enough.

Right-wing nationalists, the KKK were involved, and various other white supremacists. Many swastikas were worn.

So let's call them Nazis?


Dec 9, 1999
data. you need to bring data and not emotion. Let's get some data about black on white murders. and black on black. and white on black.

data chucky, data. Not rightwing Nazi fear and emotion. Real people live in this world, not internet sociopaths such as yourself.

How much data do you need to look at the nightly news, daily Facebook feed, and realize that there is nary a peep about Blacks murdering and committing violent crimes against Whites? I mean, my Facebook feed is literally every other post about this. When have I seen all these people taking harsh stand with harsh language about Whites getting murdered/assaulted by Blacks? Nevah. Do you need a study to observe Reality?


Nov 4, 2004
That's good, but you just ruled out defending basically every minority, and wish all Americans to condemn them. You of course can want what you want but I think that might be going a little too far...

Or, people keep saying that as often and as loudly as they can so the narrative can be set that Cons are in fact doing that. Not a bad strategy for votes...

Oh man, you must get on! If for nothing else then to see each cross section of America entertainment in the Comments section! So so hilarious to read Intellectuals failing in these in these videos/memes and not even realizing it...lol...

Please, you painting all minorities as racists now? The nazis have a very clear agenda, and not all whites agree.

You keep on playing your nazis defense moves

It goes like this, when groups like nazis are enabled, groups like antifa should rise up.

They have one purpose, and it's not based on genetics.

Nazis will be there with or without antifa, and they're doctrine is based on racism.

Your both sides game is bullshit.

Nah, not getting on Facebook lol


Jun 9, 2016
That's good, but you just ruled out defending basically every minority, and wish all Americans to condemn them. You of course can want what you want but I think that might be going a little too far...

Or, people keep saying that as often and as loudly as they can so the narrative can be set that Cons are in fact doing that. Not a bad strategy for votes...

Oh man, you must get on! If for nothing else then to see each cross section of America entertainment in the Comments section! So so hilarious to read Intellectuals failing in these in these videos/memes and not even realizing it...lol...

The resident race realist helpfully identifying the Real problem for his fellow conservatives to pursue.


Dec 9, 1999
haha, fair enough.

Right-wing nationalists, the KKK were involved, and various other white supremacists. Many swastikas were worn.

So let's call them Nazis?

So they were all Nazis or not? Honestly I haven't bothered clicking on the emo links, so I don't know. There are definitely Nazi groups, who have Nazi marches. How we allow that I'm not quite sure (we went to war against them a few decades ago). Then there are groups that aren't Nazis but may share some viewpoints with Nazis. If it wasn't a Nazi rally, and/or it wasn't predominately Nazis marching, then I'm not sure why people are emo throwing out, It's the Nazis!!!!!!shift1!!!! ???


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
How much data do you need to look at the nightly news, daily Facebook feed, and realize that there is nary a peep about Blacks murdering and committing violent crimes against Whites? I mean, my Facebook feed is literally every other post about this. When have I seen all these people taking harsh stand with harsh language about Whites getting murdered/assaulted by Blacks? Nevah. Do you need a study to observe Reality?

you know there are actual research groups that provide this data. You know this, right? when you say things like "My facebook feed says!," we all just laugh at you. You do understand what kind of selective garbage a "Facebook feed" is, right? also, none of that is data.

Hell, several us posted links to similar data consulting groups that gather this sort of information annually. When you are trying to debate and put forth a rational, debatable argument, you need actual data. Not the late-night rantings of your dumb uncle.

are you just avoiding doing the work because you already know that I'm right, and it's easier for your sensibilities to rely on the selective confirmation of extreme right-wing opinion articles to feed your perspective?


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
That's good, but you just ruled out defending basically every minority, and wish all Americans to condemn them. You of course can want what you want but I think that might be going a little too far...

You are trying to say it's the minorities that are racists? This is your excuse for your behavior no doubt.


Nov 4, 2004
So they were all Nazis or not? Honestly I haven't bothered clicking on the emo links, so I don't know. There are definitely Nazi groups, who have Nazi marches. How we allow that I'm not quite sure (we went to war against them a few decades ago). Then there are groups that aren't Nazis but may share some viewpoints with Nazis. If it wasn't a Nazi rally, and/or it wasn't predominately Nazis marching, then I'm not sure why people are emo throwing out, It's the Nazis!!!!!!shift1!!!! ???
You feel better if they're called white supremecists?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So they were all Nazis or not? Honestly I haven't bothered clicking on the emo links, so I don't know. There are definitely Nazi groups, who have Nazi marches. How we allow that I'm not quite sure (we went to war against them a few decades ago). Then there are groups that aren't Nazis but may share some viewpoints with Nazis. If it wasn't a Nazi rally, and/or it wasn't predominately Nazis marching, then I'm not sure why people are emo throwing out, It's the Nazis!!!!!!shift1!!!! ???

Tell me chucky, what do you think of Black Lives Matter? Are they all racists and it's a racists terrorist group, or is it just some of them?


Nov 11, 1999
Honestly I haven't bothered clicking on the emo links, so I don't know.

So you don't know what you're talking about yet felt compelled to express your oh so precious opinion. That's real Freedumb!


Oct 22, 1999
Dude...I'm actually embarrassed for you. You've got to be the stupidest person on this forum...and that's no mean feat!

Coming from the guy that accused me of invoking Godwin's Law in a thread literally about Nazis. While you were actively defending those Nazis with your typical "both sides do it" crap. Then of course when called on it you pulled your classic "who me."

Most people when being accused of supporting Nazis would clarify what they said, you just first act offended then acted like you never said anything.

At least the other sympathizers in this thread don't try claim they didn't say what they said a couple hours before.


Sep 5, 2000
So instead of 74% of all killings it is really 74% of the narrow subset of "extremist killings". Which is a total of 372 over the last 10 according to the cited link.


September 12 2001 - December 31 2016:
Muslim extremists = 119 deaths
Right wing extremists = 106 deaths

September 12 2001 - December 31 2016:
Muslim extremists = 119 deaths
Right wing extremists = 158 deaths

Either source doesn't come close to your 74% even before including the black extremists. It goes back 15 years and would actually bias it towards the right wing point and still doesn't add up. Not good in any case but stop trying to mislead people about the dangers of extremists in the US considering the % of the population Muslims comprise in the US.

So you just wanted the source so you could attack it. You had no intention of reading it. You are deplorable nazi scum, we will find you and expose you. As you stick your heads out, one by one, you will be photographed and shamed. You will lose your friends and careers. There will be no safe space for you to hide in.


Dec 9, 1999
Please, you painting all minorities as racists now?

Minorities are far more racist than the average Whitey will ever be. I'm not painting them like that, they are like that. I've got 3 decades of living where I live backing that up for me. You can tell yourself whatever you need to. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Indians, are all racist as F. If you want to go nuclear on racists, have fun with that. I think what you mean is you want to nuclear against only White racists, because, hey, only Whitey is racist, amirite?

The nazis have a very clear agenda, and not all whites agree.

You keep on playing your nazis defense moves

I'm not Nazi defense moving anything. If there were Nazis there, then I really don't care what happened to them. We fought WWII in large part against them, so there is no love lost there with me. That said, we fought the Cold War against the Communists, and Lefties can't love those guys enough, nor the Socialism the Nazis pushed. Politics makes strange bedfellows I guess...

It goes like this, when groups like nazis are enabled, groups like antifa should rise up.

Maybe we could get them all, along with the Westboro loones, and just have a big televised battle royal? Proceeds go to national debt reduction...

They have one purpose, and it's not based on genetics.

Nazis will be there with or without antifa, and they're doctrine is based on racism.

Or, Antifa will be there with or without Nazis. Looking at my FB feed, I'm not sure who I'd rather have living next to me.

Your both sides game is bullshit.

Sorry, I've lived as a minority in my own neighborhood. Going with the BothSides diminishment BS won't fly with me. Both sides are just as bad as the other. I'd don't want any of these f*ckers around me.

Nah, not getting on Facebook lol

OMG you don't know what you're missing!


Dec 9, 1999
you know there are actual research groups that provide this data. You know this, right? when you say things like "My facebook feed says!," we all just laugh at you. You do understand what kind of selective garbage a "Facebook feed" is, right? also, none of that is data.

Why would I care if some Lefty laughs at me? LOL I mean, I can look, daily, at exactly what you all say doesn't happen. I can live here for 30 years and experience what you all somehow can never call out, but, will go emo whine/rage fest when the other side of the same coin happens. I'm glad you all laugh at me as much as I laugh at you. The sad thing is, your study is a piece of paper. My reality is just that, Reality. Why would I ever be concerned with biased lol'ers who can't even understand the narrative they keep trying to push is itself rejected by Reality? Worse, often, it's actually rejected by their own behaviors? LOL, talk about a F'd up belief system!

Hell, several us posted links to similar data consulting groups that gather this sort of information annually. When you are trying to debate and put forth a rational, debatable argument, you need actual data. Not the late-night rantings of your dumb uncle.

are you just avoiding doing the work because you already know that I'm right, and it's easier for your sensibilities to rely on the selective confirmation of extreme right-wing opinion articles to feed your perspective?

Sorry Intellectual, I already know the actual score, wasting my time to satisfy your need for a cubicle warrior study validation really isn't in my priority list. I'm sure the Proggies who end up in my Friends FB feed will be interested to know they're my 'dumb uncle' LOL...


Jun 9, 2016
Minorities are far more racist than the average Whitey will ever be. I'm not painting them like that, they are like that. I've got 3 decades of living where I live backing that up for me. You can tell yourself whatever you need to. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Indians, are all racist as F. If you want to go nuclear on racists, have fun with that. I think what you mean is you want to nuclear against only White racists, because, hey, only Whitey is racist, amirite?

I'm not Nazi defense moving anything. If there were Nazis there, then I really don't care what happened to them. We fought WWII in large part against them, so there is no love lost there with me. That said, we fought the Cold War against the Communists, and Lefties can't love those guys enough, nor the Socialism the Nazis pushed. Politics makes strange bedfellows I guess...

Maybe we could get them all, along with the Westboro loones, and just have a big televised battle royal? Proceeds go to national debt reduction...

Or, Antifa will be there with or without Nazis. Looking at my FB feed, I'm not sure who I'd rather have living next to me.

Sorry, I've lived as a minority in my own neighborhood. Going with the BothSides diminishment BS won't fly with me. Both sides are just as bad as the other. I'd don't want any of these f*ckers around me.

OMG you don't know what you're missing!

Typical race realist speaks for all the conservatives here.
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