White Nationalist mass protest turns to riot at University of Virginia

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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Thank you for the solid reply. My disagreement may be that it is still too soon to pick that scab off those wounds.

People voting to take these actions are voting to provoke a response. It's bigger than them, this is a concerted campaign across the nation to fully eliminate Confederate symbols. To purge America of its Southern heritage. Criminals and racists may identify with it... but so too do terrorists hold Islam. Do we vote to remove Islam from America, tear down their Mosques? Many have been wrong to say yes to that.

The impetus appears to be of stereotyping the many for the actions of a few. The result is a shredding of our honored reunion as a nation. The peril is that fresh transgressions provoke new polarization and new hatreds to begin a heightened cycle of violence all over again. This is a dangerous path Americans have chosen this century, to polarize and divide against one another.

If there are monuments over Islamist heroes in the US then yeah, tear them the fuck down.

You see a statue of OBL around, tear it the fuck down.

If you don't see that, then what you have there, son, is a false equivalence.
Reactions: greatnoob


Nov 11, 1999
again. you do not know what free speech is. in fact there have been several brits on this board that just can't grasp the concept.

The concept of free speech is a constraint on the Govt. It doesn't really cover incitement to violence, which is what displaying the despised symbols of the Klan & the Nazis do to a lot of people, particularly when it's done in their faces, on their streets & in their communities. It's perfectly obvious that the people who do it are seeking violence & mocking us for perceived weakness.

Fascists use free speech to gain power, not to keep it. Current efforts by the Trump Admin to create dossiers on people who visited the Trump protest site are just the beginning of real fascism. With modern computer power, it's like gerrymandering, only different.


Jun 5, 2000
Oh wise(less) one, in your own words please explain what you think free speech is? (This is going to be pure hilarity!) @J.Wilkins seems to have a pretty good grasp on things whereas you're a known ignoramus.

if you think and agree that Wilkins has a grasp on what free speech is then you really need to go back and take your GED again.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
Thank you for the solid reply. My disagreement may be that it is still too soon to pick that scab off those wounds.

People voting to take these actions are voting to provoke a response. It's bigger than them, this is a concerted campaign across the nation to fully eliminate Confederate symbols. To purge America of its Southern heritage. Criminals and racists may identify with it... but so too do terrorists hold Islam. Do we vote to remove Islam from America, tear down their Mosques? Many have been wrong to say yes to that.

The impetus appears to be of stereotyping the many for the actions of a few. The result is a shredding of our honored reunion as a nation. The peril is that fresh transgressions provoke new polarization and new hatreds to begin a heightened cycle of violence all over again. This is a dangerous path Americans have chosen this century, to polarize and divide against one another.

The false equivalency here is ridiculous. The reason to remove statues of Lee (or other confederate leaders) is the same as the reason that there aren't a whole lot of statues of hitler in germany: he was an evil man with evil intentions who was responsible for great suffering, and is not someone who should be revered or looked up to. Lee et al were traitors who fought the united states explicitly to retain the right to use black people as slaves; these statues were often built to strike terror into the hearts of people (especially of the darker variety) who hoped the evils of our past were over. That's it. If you really want to honor or 'honored reunion as a nation' the statues would have been of Sherman, Grant, and Lincoln, but somehow the statues are only of the people who wanted to enslave black people until the end of time. Huh, strange how that works.

That isn't to say that we should forget our history; quite the opposite. Everyone should learn about the civil war, and Lee, and so forth; how they seceded because they wanted to (maintain the ability to) enslave black people; how they continued to fight because they wanted to enslave black people; how they caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans because they wanted to enslave black people; how 'states rights' and 'southern heritage' is bullshit newspeak for how they wanted to enslave black people. Those are all valuable lessons. Unfortunately, there seems to be a positive correlation between having statues of racist slavers and thinking the civil war wasn't about slavery.

The entire idea of these guys was to divide america, its literally why they left. Let's stop honoring them and instead honor the people who brought as together -- you know, the people the southerners still tend to hate. Sherman, Grant, etc.
Reactions: greatnoob


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
if you think and agree that Wilkins has a grasp on what free speech is then you really need to go back and take your GED again.

This retardedness has gone on for long enough, why don't you just stop being coy and start telling me where I'm wrong? Perhaps it's a misunderstanding and we actually agree?

Perhaps you are fucked in the skull and have no argument but want to keep going "hurrrr dun undastand frai speeech".

I don't know which it is but so far I'm leaning towards the latter.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
The concept of free speech is a constraint on the Govt. It doesn't really cover incitement to violence, which is what displaying the despised symbols of the Klan & the Nazis do to a lot of people, particularly when it's done in their faces, on their streets & in their communities. It's perfectly obvious that the people who do it are seeking violence & mocking us for perceived weakness.

Fascists use free speech to gain power, not to keep it. Current efforts by the Trump Admin to create dossiers on people who visited the Trump protest site are just the beginning of real fascism. With modern computer power, it's like gerrymandering, only different.

Not to mention that they frequently directly propose violent acts towards certain groups directly...

But apparently that is free speech, or not, I don't know because I don't know what free speech is even though I've explained it to those that apparently don't.


Apr 8, 2013
Again, you don't have free speech, period.

"Free speech" is not binary. It isn't something you either have or you don't. You have it to varying degrees. Treating narrow exceptions as negating the rule - which is what you're doing here - leads to the conclusion that if you're going to ban one category of speech, you may as well ban lots of it


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I wasn't concerned about free speech in the US in the least you moron, go read the discussion. My point is that not all speech is protected speech and in the case of Nazists advocating violence that is NOT protected speech.

If you didn't have it in for me for being called out as such a fucktard in our last discussion you would probably agree with me but nah, you have to be retarded when it comes to addressing me.

Buh---buh---- BRITAIN!

Get the fuck out of here.

Nazis advocating violence can most certainly be protected speech, depending on the context where that speech is made and how it's made. It is called the 'Brandenburg test', where in order to lose 1st amendment protection speech must be intentionally provoking imminent violence, not violence in the abstract.


I already explained this to you earlier. Yet again you don't know what you're talking about. This is a recurring theme with you that when someone points out you said something wrong instead of thanking them for helping out you fly into a childish rage. It's pretty funny!
Reactions: OutHouse


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
"Free speech" is not binary. It isn't something you either have or you don't. You have it to varying degrees. Treating narrow exceptions as negating the rule - which is what you're doing here - leads to the conclusion that if you're going to ban one category of speech, you may as well ban lots of it

Jesus fucking Christ I'm surrounded by people who cannot read but would love to attack anything I have to say.

What I did, if you read the fucking discussion, was to address the idiotic idea that all speech is protected. Free speech as in "I can march down the road inciting violence with speech" is not protected speech which is what outhouse is trying to claim.

He didn't say as much but he did imply that through responding with "you don't know what free speech is" which led me to believe that he thinks that all speech is free and protected which it is not.

Just read the discussion, I'm getting really fucking tired of people nailing down one response out of the context of the discussion and trying to argue against something I never said.


Mar 9, 2005
I find it ironic that the CEO of Walmart has spoken out against Trump for failing to unite the divide when his company is guilty of multiple appearances before the EEOC, NLRB and federal court for various labor related violations.
Reactions: soundforbjt


Jun 24, 2001
Keep in mind your comments history shows an illustrious record of batting for your team, for example on the BART train race issue.

But hey, degens gonna degen.
There's a history of you misguidedly claiming that I'm associated with views and people you dislike and steadily convincing yourself while making a fool out of yourself in front of everyone else.

The BART train thing is a perfect example. You are incapable of disagreeing without assuming that the disagreement comes from some fundamental racist or political view. You latched onto something I said and twisted it to fit your mistaken interpretation and you remain convinced today despite your mistake being ON FULL DISPLAY in that thread.

What I said there was that blocking the video could actually increase unjustified prejudice toward minorities since the riders already know that much about the perpetrators and may hold it against innocent people as a result. It was a logical perspective you and others may not have considered, but it seems that was too much for you to understand. The "protecting minorities from unjust prejudice" part went right over your head and you still steadfastly refuse to see it even now while ascribing the perspective to some imaginary alliance with racists.

In your twisted world, giving one reason to release the video in defense of minorities is the same as saying that I hate minorities and share my hatred and politics with other people you decide to lump me with. Absolutely everyone you have ever disagreed with is a racist Trump supporter, even when we aren't talking about race or politics, like when I asked Perknose not to stigmatize trailer living.

I was mistaken mentioning you this time in this thread do you feel better now? Because the wall of text above is way to much effort on your part.
My point is that it shouldn't happen... ever.... in any thread.

Even if I had participated in the thread, it's the agent00f way to argue and discourages discussion by throwing wrong, irrelevant, or perceived implications around to taint any potential the discussion may have had. I wanted you to see the undeniable similarity, reflect on that, and adjust your behavior. Wasn't really interested in an apology or an admission of a mistake, but thanks.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Nazis advocating violence can most certainly be protected speech, depending on the context where that speech is made and how it's made. It is called the 'Brandenburg test', where in order to lose 1st amendment protection speech must be intentionally provoking imminent violence, not violence in the abstract.


I already explained this to you earlier. Yet again you don't know what you're talking about. This is a recurring theme with you that when someone points out you said something wrong instead of thanking them for helping out you fly into a childish rage. It's pretty funny!

No, you didn't explain jack shit and in the context we're in here, with a Nazi march turned violent then how in the FUCK is it protected speech when the violence is not just imminent, it's ongoing?

I really wish I was wrong here and in other cases where I have been I have had no problem admitting as much but in this case you are saying that Nazis advocating violence and committing violence is protected speech.

At least you didn't go buh-buh BRITAIN! this time.


Jun 9, 2016
There's a history of you misguidedly claiming that I'm associated with views and people you dislike and steadily convincing yourself while making a fool out of yourself in front of everyone else.

The BART train thing is a perfect example. You are incapable of disagreeing without assuming that the disagreement comes from some fundamental racist or political view. You latched onto something I said and twisted it to fit your mistaken interpretation and you remain convinced today despite your mistake being ON FULL DISPLAY in that thread.

What I said there was that blocking the video could actually increase unjustified prejudice toward minorities since the riders already know that much about the perpetrators and may hold it against innocent people as a result. It was a logical perspective you and others may not have considered, but it seems that was too much for you to understand. The "protecting minorities from unjust prejudice" part went right over your head and you still steadfastly refuse to see it even now while ascribing the perspective to some imaginary alliance with racists.

In your twisted world, giving one reason to release the video in defense of minorities is the same as saying that I hate minorities and share my hatred and politics with other people you decide to lump me with. Absolutely everyone you have ever disagreed with is a racist Trump supporter, even when we aren't talking about race or politics, like when I asked Perknose not to stigmatize trailer living.

My point is that it shouldn't happen. Ever.

Even if I had participated in the thread, it's the agent00f way to argue and discourages discussion by throwing wrong, irrelevant, or perceived implications around to taint any potential the discussion may have had. I wanted you to see the undeniable similarity, reflect on that, and adjust your behavior. Wasn't really interested in an apology or an admission of a mistake, but thanks.

I do recall you were trying so hard to spin your racist colleagues who love to like ethnic folk to animals as the Real protectors of them minorities.

Same as you're here to similarly turn a blind eye to nazi buddies and pinpoint the Real problem of leftist calling them out, just like dear leader.

But I must say well played given how many dumbshit democrats reliably fall for this claptrap.


Apr 8, 2013
Jesus fucking Christ I'm surrounded by people who cannot read but would love to attack anything I have to say.

What I did, if you read the fucking discussion, was to address the idiotic idea that all speech is protected. Free speech as in "I can march down the road inciting violence with speech" is not protected speech which is what outhouse is trying to claim.

He didn't say as much but he did imply that through responding with "you don't know what free speech is" which led me to believe that he thinks that all speech is free and protected which it is not.

Just read the discussion, I'm getting really fucking tired of people nailing down one response out of the context of the discussion and trying to argue against something I never said.

Yeah, I read the entire discussion, word for word. Your comment, to wit:

Again, you don't have free speech, period.

Suggests that you view "free speech" as a binary proposition. I did read that you were discussing various exceptions to it. I was only replying to that comment, which I felt was an over-reach of your previous point.

Don't get so pissed off. People are going to disagree with you on this board. It happens literally every minute here.


Jun 5, 2000
This retardedness has gone on for long enough, why don't you just stop being coy and start telling me where I'm wrong? Perhaps it's a misunderstanding and we actually agree?

Perhaps you are fucked in the skull and have no argument but want to keep going "hurrrr dun undastand frai speeech".

I don't know which it is but so far I'm leaning towards the latter.

we started this little experiment when i called you out when you said "hate speech is not protected"

sorry but it is. anybody in this country has the right (unlike yours) to walk down the street yelling vile shit directed toward anybody or any group they want. In this country (unlike yours) everybody has a right to make racist, sexist, newspaper, website, billboard, facebook post... to anybody or group they want and THE GOVERNMENT CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT.

that my limey friend is what free speech is and one of the reasons we kicked your sorry asses out of north america.



Jun 9, 2016
we started this little experiment when i called you out when you said "hate speech is not protected"

sorry but it is. anybody in this country has the right (unlike yours) to walk down the street yelling vile shit directed toward anybody or any group they want. In this country (unlike yours) everybody has a right to make racist, sexist, newspaper, website, billboard, facebook post... to anybody or group they want and THE GOVERNMENT CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT.

that my limey friend is what free speech is and one of the reasons we kicked your sorry asses out of north america.

Same people who argue segregation was really about "state rights".


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Thank you for the solid reply. My disagreement may be that it is still too soon to pick that scab off those wounds.

150 years is too soon? Give me a break...

People voting to take these actions are voting to provoke a response. It's bigger than them, this is a concerted campaign across the nation to fully eliminate Confederate symbols. To purge America of its Southern heritage. Criminals and racists may identify with it... but so too do terrorists hold Islam. Do we vote to remove Islam from America, tear down their Mosques? Many have been wrong to say yes to that.

The impetus appears to be of stereotyping the many for the actions of a few. The result is a shredding of our honored reunion as a nation. The peril is that fresh transgressions provoke new polarization and new hatreds to begin a heightened cycle of violence all over again. This is a dangerous path Americans have chosen this century, to polarize and divide against one another.

This is Southern Heritage:

It really, really shouldn't be a source of pride.


Jun 9, 2016
So funny democrats here were convinced that they've successfully "educated" Jakaslas.

Maybe he can pretend to have some revelation again when this pandering to the klan becomes too obvious, and string dems along until the next time confederate sons need a champion again.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
we started this little experiment when i called you out when you said "hate speech is not protected"

sorry but it is. anybody in this country has the right (unlike yours) to walk down the street yelling vile shit directed toward anybody or any group they want. In this country (unlike yours) everybody has a right to make racist, sexist, newspaper, website, billboard, facebook post... to anybody or group they want and THE GOVERNMENT CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT.

that my limey friend is what free speech is and one of the reasons we kicked your sorry asses out of north america.

This is an ideal that is certainly not true, if you tried it you'd get arrested.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Yeah, I read the entire discussion, word for word. Your comment, to wit:

Suggests that you view "free speech" as a binary proposition. I did read that you were discussing various exceptions to it. I was only replying to that comment, which I felt was an over-reach of your previous point.

Don't get so pissed off. People are going to disagree with you on this board. It happens literally every minute here.

In the context of the discussion it means one thing only, there is no such thing as free speech in the US or in the UK. In both nations it is regulated.

I even explained that in those exact words but somehow, perhaps by sheer will or because you didn't actually read the discussion, you still managed to misunderstand it.

I'm getting pissed off at wilful misunderstandings and arguing against strawmen for no good reason, it's intellectual dishonesty and I expect better from people who at least seemingly have the intelligence to realize that this is what they are doing.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
In the context of the discussion it means one thing only, there is no such thing as free speech in the US or in the UK. In both nations it is regulated.

I even explained that in those exact words but somehow, perhaps by sheer will or because you didn't actually read the discussion, you still managed to misunderstand it.

I'm getting pissed off at wilful misunderstandings and arguing against strawmen for no good reason, it's intellectual dishonesty and I expect better from people who at least seemingly have the intelligence to realize that this is what they are doing.

This is like saying that there's no such thing as democracy or capitalism in the world. If that's your argument then your definition is so narrow as to be functionally meaningless.

That's what woolfe was trying to tell you.
Reactions: Meghan54


Nov 11, 1999
Klansmen & Nazis intend to incite violence. Unsurprisingly, some people can't help themselves & will give it to them. I mean, they're fucking Nazis, right?

That Donald sure brings out the best in people, doesn't he?


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
This is like saying that there's no such thing as democracy or capitalism in the world. If that's your argument then your definition is so narrow as to be functionally meaningless.

That's what woolfe was trying to tell you.

Well there was such a thing as capitalism with Pinochet but other than that there has been none, there has been various degrees of liberal socialism though, regulated free markets known as mixed market economies but if you have an example I'm dying to hear about it.

My argument is simple, speech is regulated. His argument is that it's not.
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