Who are WE? (Boston & US)


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2000
PentagonJugend or THINKING HUMANS?

When people will start wondering: "If we are so good, why others don't like us"???

Are we good?

Why people are terrified about Boston bomb explosion? Have you forgotten bombing Bagdad/Iraq on 2003 without any reason and over hundred thousand killed after that in Iraq?

Of course, there are/were some bad people too, who don't like US...but those, who support Pentagon actions - are just as bad...JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE OF "THE FENCE"....

Two Bads never will make One Good...

Why to cry about a few killed and injured while with your indirect support has done much worse to the other people...

Eric Maria Remarque has said: "One Man's Death - a Tragedy...Many Men Deaths - just Statistics..."

What is a Global World? US and WE? Others are out of count?
Democracy is "MY WAY OR MY WAY"?

Who ARE WE? Why we cry about HUMANS killed in Boston, but we don't give a shit about HUMANS killed BY US in other places? Aren't WE COWARDS?


Do anyone question themselves about?


Aug 24, 2004

We humans like to separate ourselves form other humans based on various things, like race, religion and nationality. This extends to everything, including the value of life. This is one of the major causes of war.

The reality is that we humans are terrible, absolutely terrible in every way. We are rotten to the core and we won't see that. I am speaking for myself as well.

We only cry because we are actually crying for ourselves, not for anyone else. Our fear, only loneliness in response to the tragedy is making us cry rather than what actually took place. People often say, "My community has bonded together after this tragedy." This is pure rubbish. They only bonded together due to their fears. After the initial fears are over, they'll go back to hating one another. Just like what happened after 9/11.

We see this Boston incident through the lens of an American, or a Bostonian, rather than a human being. A human being would be worried about all people rather than only his so-called "Fellow countrymen."

You put it right. We are cowards in the worst way.

As for what is a global world. It is conformity and imitation. So-called advancement through education and technology. If one doesn't follow this formula, they are considered backward. What we don't realize is that this leads to competition and further war.

Thank you.
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Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
"We" are humans who happen to have more power than anybody else. Its all about politics, nothing personal. Your race or religion or whatever is just a distraction. Might makes right, plain and simple.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
"We" are humans who happen to live in the United Corporate States of America. Its all about corporate interests, nothing personal. Your race or religion or political affiliation or whatever is just a distraction. Profit is all that matters, plain and simple.

Fixed that for you.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
As an american, I think we as america are self absorbed, selfish jerkwads who think we are so great that everyone must be just like us. American's like to tell everyone else what is right, moral, lawful and wrong yet such a high percentage of morals in this country get broken everyday that it's hypocritical. We even expect public speakers to speak of pride, no hate, justice..etc yet one slip of the tongue and their done despite the accusers say and do far worse. We are a hypocritical society that does most things ass backwards so as to be easier to pick the pockets of another.

So when children die elsewhere, it makes meager and short lived news. Happens here and we turns into a ghetto momma, like most everything here in America, we don't make much sense. I can see why no one really likes us, it's the fact that we are consuming sheeple that will spend money like no other is why many countries continue to tolerate us.

Vic Vega

Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Is the OP asking why we go crazy over one bombing with only a few deaths when bombings like this occur in third world shit holes all the time and no one cares?

Because they are third world shit holes and no one cares... it's a way of life. These people made their countries shitty.

When this happens in the US, it's news because it's not really an every day thing here, so it's kind of a big deal.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Is the OP asking why we go crazy over one bombing with only a few deaths when bombings like this occur in third world shit holes all the time and no one cares?

Because they are third world shit holes and no one cares... it's a way of life. These people made their countries shitty.

When this happens in the US, it's news because it's not really an every day thing here, so it's kind of a big deal.

That's not the way I read it, or the other posters in the thread.
He seems to talking about the US killing thousands of innocents and no one cares.


Mar 18, 2013
"We," is collectivist nonsense.

"I" am saddened by the loss of life, regardless of who it is and "I" loathe violence no matter who is employing it.

The fact that "our," propaganda ministry covers these tragic domestic events and ignores US military murders abroad is nobody's fault except for the pigs in the state media who willfully ignore what's going on elsewhere.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2012
Actually you get lots of friend on the other side of the big ocean. There are non here that believe it's a conspiracy. So you get friends mate. I even vote so liberal you could not believe it and here I feel with you like 9/11.


Jun 24, 2003
What a nonsense thread. This is the sort of shit Moonbeam would write.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
Ahh a circle jerk self hate thread.

Casting this thread as an ignominious circle jerk self hate thread is apathetic to the extreme, in what is a serious matter.

It's true, that the U.S has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people directly and indirectly in our War against Islamic terror..

You think doing this has no consequences? For every terrorist we kill, we create 10 more to replace them due to our methods..

Karma is real..


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
What a nonsense thread. This is the sort of shit Moonbeam would write.
Nah, Moonie would write it better.

Casting this thread as an ignominious circle jerk self hate thread is apathetic to the extreme, in what is a serious matter.

It's true, that the U.S has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people directly and indirectly in our War against Islamic terror..

You think doing this has no consequences? For every terrorist we kill, we create 10 more to replace them due to our methods..

Karma is real..
So the real secret to winning is to simply passively allow ourselves to be killed off. That way they'll like us. 'Course, we'll be dead so it won't really matter . . .

We are in a war for the future of the world. Some say the secret to winning that war is to refuse to fight it. I say the only way anyone ever won a war they refused to fight is either to be unreachable or from their oppressor's humanity. The latter method only worked for Gandhi that I ever remember, and these are not people with a surfeit of humanity. The very idea of staking one's life on the kindness of people who would casually walk up and plant a bomb behind a woman with five children is mind boggling; I literally cannot imagine the thought processes that make us the bad guy here. The former requires us to protect our borders, allowing no one in, ever. When the terrorists get in - and they will, whether by internal conversion or by infiltration - we'll still be faced with the same question of either killing them and creating ten more terrorists each, or dying like good little infidels.

The only reason people can be this simplistically pacific is because hard men (and now women) stand ready to do violence if necessary to keep you safe, up to and including sacrificing their lives if need be.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2012
If I may. Just consider it advice. If you look back at ww2 we were allies and still we are. Unfortunately the wast majority danish people do not agree with the policies of the us government eg guantanamo. We are drifting apart well knowing we got far more in common with you guys than them middle fanatics. Still we see a big surge in fundamentalism in the us. The evangelist church is gaining ground while here we get more detached from the church. That might not be entirely true, but take a party like mine. Yes I am a member of a political party on the far left, we got gay marriages, we got the best minimum wages, we got social security, we got a system more equal than even venecuela and our biggest problem is china like you. Cheap labour no unions and ridiculous working conditions.

Try consider carefully what kind of world you want.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
Nah, Moonie would write it better.

So the real secret to winning is to simply passively allow ourselves to be killed off. That way they'll like us. 'Course, we'll be dead so it won't really matter . . .

We are in a war for the future of the world. Some say the secret to winning that war is to refuse to fight it. I say the only way anyone ever won a war they refused to fight is either to be unreachable or from their oppressor's humanity. The latter method only worked for Gandhi that I ever remember, and these are not people with a surfeit of humanity. The very idea of staking one's life on the kindness of people who would casually walk up and plant a bomb behind a woman with five children is mind boggling; I literally cannot imagine the thought processes that make us the bad guy here. The former requires us to protect our borders, allowing no one in, ever. When the terrorists get in - and they will, whether by internal conversion or by infiltration - we'll still be faced with the same question of either killing them and creating ten more terrorists each, or dying like good little infidels.

The only reason people can be this simplistically pacific is because hard men (and now women) stand ready to do violence if necessary to keep you safe, up to and including sacrificing their lives if need be.

I'm not advocating pacifism at all. I'm even a veteran of the U.S Armed Forces, who's done several tours in the Middle East.

My point is, you can't slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people (doesn't matter what your intentions or reasons are) and expect no serious blowback..

If you do a drone strike or bombing on a target that kills the terrorist, but also kills 15 other people that probably had nothing to do with terrorism other than being in the vicinity, it understandably creates some hard feelings and you've now "created" more terrorists..

What you end up with, is an endless cycle of violence that will never end with each side scoring victories and experiencing failures; a cycle that consumes not only lives, but tremendous wealth and resources as well..

We need to get out of the Middle East and stay out. Those people are fucking crazy, as their religion has warped their minds over centuries of psychological conditioning which allows them to perform acts that would be unimaginable to most other people.

Unless we're willing to use brutal Roman tactics and subjugate them using extreme violence (and we're not), we'll never completely beat them.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
If I may. Just consider it advice. If you look back at ww2 we were allies and still we are. Unfortunately the wast majority danish people do not agree with the policies of the us government eg guantanamo. We are drifting apart well knowing we got far more in common with you guys than them middle fanatics. Still we see a big surge in fundamentalism in the us. The evangelist church is gaining ground while here we get more detached from the church. That might not be entirely true, but take a party like mine. Yes I am a member of a political party on the far left, we got gay marriages, we got the best minimum wages, we got social security, we got a system more equal than even venecuela and our biggest problem is china like you. Cheap labour no unions and ridiculous working conditions.

Try consider carefully what kind of world you want.
I'm not at all sure it's fair to say that we were allies in World War II. Before the invasion (but after the invasion of Czechoslovakia) Denmark signed a mutual non-aggression back with Germany. You guys fought for only a couple hours and lost less than twenty men resisting the German invasion - frankly, the French fought harder and took more losses during the British/American invasion of North Africa just to satisfy their own sense of honor. Once occupied, Denmark was singularly allowed to keep its government intact and provided the Germans with food and war materials - including the use of tens of thousands of Soviet slave laborers to produce war materials. You guys did act wonderfully toward your Jewish countrymen and thousands of Danes in your merchant marine carried allied supplies, hundreds dying in the effort, but tens of thousands of Danes fought as volunteers for the German army, thousands dying in the effort. And while you did have some armed forces that escaped and formed up in (I think) Sweden, unless I've forgotten something none of those forces ever fought for or with the allies. Contrast that with the French or especially the Poles, who took as grievous losses (proportionally) as any allied combatant and still had their nation raped by and crushed under Marxism for sixty years. Kind of a mixed bag, no?

I certainly agree we are drifting apart, although I'm surprised to see the rise of evangelism listed as a cause. We were a pretty religious nation when we fought and died to free you. But in any case, as you can see from this thread and others there are still plenty in America who share your values. If we haven't collapsed by then, we'll no doubt liberate you the next time you're occupied. We did the same for Kuwait, after all, and we've practically nothing in common with them.

Er, you might want to discover some oil though, just in case . . .

I'm not advocating pacifism at all. I'm even a veteran of the U.S Armed Forces, who's done several tours in the Middle East.

My point is, you can't slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people (doesn't matter what your intentions or reasons are) and expect no serious blowback..

If you do a drone strike or bombing on a target that kills the terrorist, but also kills 15 other people that probably had nothing to do with terrorism other than being in the vicinity, it understandably creates some hard feelings and you've now "created" more terrorists..

What you end up with, is an endless cycle of violence that will never end with each side scoring victories and experiencing failures; a cycle that consumes not only lives, but tremendous wealth and resources as well..

We need to get out of the Middle East and stay out. Those people are fucking crazy, as their religion has warped their minds over centuries of psychological conditioning which allows them to perform acts that would be unimaginable to most other people.

Unless we're willing to use brutal Roman tactics and subjugate them using extreme violence (and we're not), we'll never completely beat them.
My apologies then, and thank you for your service. I don't disagree with your points here, but as this event makes perfectly clear the Islamicists are not willing to stay out of America. Can't build a worldwide Islamic Caliphate without America. We'll always be the Great Satan as long as we are not an Islamic nation.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
american hypocrisy is pretty ridiculous. we drop nuclear bombs on japan and destroy the lives of millions of innocents for generations and feel no guilt and yet are outraged when something much smaller scale like this boston bombing is done to us


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
american hypocrisy is pretty ridiculous. we drop nuclear bombs on japan and destroy the lives of millions of innocents for generations and feel no guilt and yet are outraged when something much smaller scale like this boston bombing is done to us

You realize the Japanese had roughly 9 divisions fortified around Japan in preparation for a land invasion, correct? And had been actively training elderly men, women, and even children with sharpened bamboo sticks and kamikaze grenade attacks, to sacrifice for the Emperor, if the US had gone ahead with a standard ground invasion, correct? Costing actually many more civilian lives, not to mention tens of thousands of US troops?

No, of course you don't. Because you're an ignorant, reactionary fool with a poor/non-existent grasp of logical fallacies and reasoning, as evidenced by your inane posts and asinine comparisons.

Read a book, learn something.


Apr 2, 2011
A minority of "leaders" decides for whole mankind and theses
people do not care about their fellows , they are nihilists
who wants to put their mark on history , be it with wars.

Without this way of being governed , that puts all human efforts
doing evil and destruction for the sake of profits we would surely
have PCs since about the christ time....

Angry Irishman

Golden Member
Jan 25, 2010
american hypocrisy is pretty ridiculous. we drop nuclear bombs on japan and destroy the lives of millions of innocents for generations and feel no guilt and yet are outraged when something much smaller scale like this boston bombing is done to us

Your avatar is a reflection of yourself.....


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
You realize the Japanese had roughly 9 divisions fortified around Japan in preparation for a land invasion, correct? And had been actively training elderly men, women, and even children with sharpened bamboo sticks and kamikaze grenade attacks, to sacrifice for the Emperor, if the US had gone ahead with a standard ground invasion, correct? Costing actually many more civilian lives, not to mention tens of thousands of US troops?

No, of course you don't. Because you're an ignorant, reactionary fool with a poor/non-existent grasp of logical fallacies and reasoning, as evidenced by your inane posts and asinine comparisons.

Read a book, learn something.

youre repeating known u.s. propaganda mean to excuse american barbarism and that was long ago debunked by credible historians. if anyone other than an american president had done something that barbaric they would have been hung at nuremberg (or wherever...) and gone down in history with the likes of hitler, stalin, pol pot, saddam etc..


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
youre repeating known u.s. propaganda mean to excuse american barbarism and that was long ago debunked by credible historians. if anyone other than an american president had done something that barbaric they would have been hung at nuremberg (or wherever...) and gone down in history with the likes of hitler, stalin, pol pot, saddam etc..

Really? Propaganda, admitted to and corroborated by Japanese historians as well.

Admit it, you don't know jack shit about the history, and are just parroting your typical bullshit attention whore nonsense. The math has been done, and the casualties would have far, far outweighed what they were, for both sides.
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