Who else hates protestors?


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
For me the reason I hate protestors isn't because of the message they bring. Heck I encourage people to speak out. But enough is enough!! Today I was stuck in traffic because stoopid protestors were...protesting, so they had to block off some major streets.

A few reasons why I hate protestors:

1.) They have no consideration for the well-being of others: they don't care if you're inconvenienced at all, they don't care if the bus driver is late for his route, they don't care if a guy can't see his girl because of the traffic (no...not me...a guy my friend is seeing couldn't come over to see her cuz of the traffic).

2.) Honk if you want peace. As if there wasn't enough honking in LA already. Not to mention what if I want my honk to mean something else? They don't have a right to jack the symbolism of my honk!

3.) They don't clean up after themselves. All over UCLA there is chalk/flyers left over from protestors. Some of the chalk have been there for months. It cost taxpayer $ to get this $hit cleaned up!

4.) They really don't sway the opinion of anyone. How many people drive/walk by a protest and suddenly go.."oh...lookie there...a lotta people chanting...i think i'll join their side!"

5.) They are hypocritical. At the anti-war protest at UCLA, protestors actively tried to beat up pro-war protestors. So they think violence suddenly is the solution now?

6.) They have nothing informative to say. All they do is chant something like "hell no...we won't go!" or "Not in our name!"

7.) They don't reveal who funds them. If you protest, you should reveal who funds you. For all we know these guys are funded by the KKK!

8.) Everyone thinks protests are the answer. Sorry guys, protests were the answer in the 60's, but you're about four decades behind. Not to mention all protests are the same. All you have to do is switch the signs, and you can't tell which protests are which!

Ok...so those are my thoughts. Anyone else hate protestors? =/



Nov 5, 2002
There are supposed to be plans for some civil disobediance protests now that the war has started, to basically cause some problems in major cities. Not exactly the brightest idea since currently law enforcement has bigger things to worry about now. They have the right to protest, but that just puts many lives at risk if there was some kind of terrorist attack.


Jun 9, 2000
I have no problem with people protesting to express their opinion, but if you are protesting FOR peace then do it peacefully.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: mpitts
I have no problem with people protesting to express their opinion, but if you are protesting FOR peace then do it peacefully.

I have no problem with them speaking out...but they AFFECT other people and they DON"T care.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
some protester said they wouldnt move even if an ambulance had to get through..how is thier protest more important than someone having a heart attack?

I just hope hey dont try this when the war starts..i dont want them distracting the authorities who are tryng to prevent a terrorist attack here in the USA


Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: mpitts
I have no problem with people protesting to express their opinion, but if you are protesting FOR peace then do it peacefully.

That's the problem. Most of these "Peace-protestors" are only protesting to protest, because it's the cool, hippy thing to do. Yeah, there are lots of people against the war, but for the most part, only the insecure, ignorant ones go protest in public.


Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
some protester said they wouldnt move even if an ambulance had to get through..how is thier protest more important than someone having a heart attack?

I just hope hey dont try this when the war starts..i dont want them distracting the authorities who are tryng to prevent a terrorist attack here in the USA

Run that jerk over with the ambulence and see how many others try it. Then let him die in the street due to 'blockage due to protestors'. Poetic justice.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
i hope protesters doing this kinda crap when the war starts get the full book thrown at them ..
Jan 18, 2001
I also hate people who post protests about protestors on message boards.

1) They don't care if they inconvience you by inserting stuff you have to read.

2) They leave threads that stay around for DAYS! reducing the number of YAGT and YACT that I can see on one window.

3) They don't sway anyone's opinion. They just attract other people who want to protest protestors (see #1, #2).

4) They are hypocritical. Protesting protesters! HA!

5) They have very little to say, other than the fact that they hate protestors, often disguised as a Top 10 list.

6) They don't reveal why it makes a difference why they think it will matter who is funding who. Yet they somehow slip in a comparison of protestors to the KKK.

7) They don't appreciate history.

yeah, i hate protestors too.



Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Wompa164
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
some protester said they wouldnt move even if an ambulance had to get through..how is thier protest more important than someone having a heart attack?

I just hope hey dont try this when the war starts..i dont want them distracting the authorities who are tryng to prevent a terrorist attack here in the USA

Run that jerk over with the ambulence and see how many others try it. Then let him die in the street due to 'blockage due to protestors'. Poetic justice.

yeah...then maybe they'd think about the rammifications of their actions. That they're right to be heard does not override our rights. /=P



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
i hope protesters doing this kinda crap when the war starts get the full book thrown at them ..

I hope they get mugged on their way home.

come on seriously do you think they would be spending time protesting in the streets if they actually had jobs, or a life for that matter?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
For me the reason I hate protestors isn't because of the message they bring. Heck I encourage people to speak out. But enough is enough!! Today I was stuck in traffic because stoopid protestors were...protesting, so they had to block off some major streets.

A few reasons why I hate protestors:

1.) They have no consideration for the well-being of others: they don't care if you're inconvenienced at all, they don't care if the bus driver is late for his route, they don't care if a guy can't see his girl because of the traffic (no...not me...a guy my friend is seeing couldn't come over to see her cuz of the traffic).

1.) The US Government has no consideration for the well-being of others. Sure, the United States is the only country in which a majority of the population agrees with the war in Iraq, and Bush defies many of the most powerful nations on Earth by going ahead with a unilateral invasion of Baghdad, as well as nullifying the United Nations, an international moderating party which we helped to create. Not to mention the Iraqi people whose blood will be on the hands of our armed forces...

2.) Honk if you want peace. As if there wasn't enough honking in LA already. Not to mention what if I want my honk to mean something else? They don't have a right to jack the symbolism of my honk!

2.) How dare Bush jack the importance of the UN? The precedent he's setting here by saying "I'll let the UN vote, but the vote really doesn't matter" nullifies almost a century of a cooperated effort towards global politics and away from national singularity.

3.) They don't clean up after themselves. All over UCLA there is chalk/flyers left over from protestors. Some of the chalk have been there for months. It cost taxpayer $ to get this $hit cleaned up!

3.) How many billions of dollars is this war going to cost? And how long will the US be cleaning up after themselves in Iraq and the rest of the middle east? Will my grandchildren still be in debt from this war?

4.) They really don't sway the opinion of anyone. How many people drive/walk by a protest and suddenly go.."oh...lookie there...a lotta people chanting...i think i'll join their side!"

4.) Bush doesn't seem to be convincing anybody, even people in the countries that supposedly agree with us[/quote]

5.) They are hypocritical. At the anti-war protest at UCLA, protestors actively tried to beat up pro-war protestors. So they think violence suddenly is the solution now?

5.) We're attacking Iraq because they have chemical weapons and aren't supposed to, right?[/quote]

6.) They have nothing informative to say. All they do is chant something like "hell no...we won't go!" or "Not in our name!"

6.) "He tried to kill my dad"

7.) They don't reveal who funds them. If you protest, you should reveal who funds you. For all we know these guys are funded by the KKK!

7.) Boy, I sure would like to see some figures on how much money Bush and the GOP have recieved from the gun lobby, the oil lobby, the defense lobby...

8.) Everyone thinks protests are the answer. Sorry guys, protests were the answer in the 60's, but you're about four decades behind. Not to mention all protests are the same. All you have to do is switch the signs, and you can't tell which protests are which!

8.) Some people seem to think war is the answer. Sorry guys, we thought the same thing in the 60's and look where Vietnam got us! We all wonder why Europe is almost uniformly against this war...maybe because Europe has experienced more devestation and death from war than any other country/region?

Ok...so those are my thoughts. Anyone else hate protestors? =/




Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Yea, we needed another one of these lame, one-sided threads about how people excercising their freedom of speech are the devil.


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member<br>AT FAQ M
Oct 9, 1999
Perhaps you should move to China.

We don't have very many protests here, so I've never been inconvenienced.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2001
I have never and will never pay attention to protestors and I have no idea why! I think it is my nature... I ignore people who I know are trying to attract attention :/


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
For me the reason I hate protestors isn't because of the message they bring. Heck I encourage people to speak out. But enough is enough!! Today I was stuck in traffic because stoopid protestors were...protesting, so they had to block off some major streets.

A few reasons why I hate protestors:

1.) They have no consideration for the well-being of others: they don't care if you're inconvenienced at all, they don't care if the bus driver is late for his route, they don't care if a guy can't see his girl because of the traffic (no...not me...a guy my friend is seeing couldn't come over to see her cuz of the traffic).

1.) The US Government has no consideration for the well-being of others. Sure, the United States is the only country in which a majority of the population agrees with the war in Iraq, and Bush defies many of the most powerful nations on Earth by going ahead with a unilateral invasion of Baghdad, as well as nullifying the United Nations, an international moderating party which we helped to create. Not to mention the Iraqi people whose blood will be on the hands of our armed forces...



I hope you get stuck on the freeway or street for hours on your way home/ movies/visit soemoen or whatever, then you can come tell us how great it was to be inconvienenced.....im sure you will enjoy it..


Jul 7, 2001
whoa and i thought i was the only one... yes i hate them all with a vengeance. well, not all. they can protest all they want, as long as they don't interrupt my life.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
For me the reason I hate protestors isn't because of the message they bring. Heck I encourage people to speak out. But enough is enough!! Today I was stuck in traffic because stoopid protestors were...protesting, so they had to block off some major streets.

A few reasons why I hate protestors:

1.) They have no consideration for the well-being of others: they don't care if you're inconvenienced at all, they don't care if the bus driver is late for his route, they don't care if a guy can't see his girl because of the traffic (no...not me...a guy my friend is seeing couldn't come over to see her cuz of the traffic).

1.) The US Government has no consideration for the well-being of others. Sure, the United States is the only country in which a majority of the population agrees with the war in Iraq, and Bush defies many of the most powerful nations on Earth by going ahead with a unilateral invasion of Baghdad, as well as nullifying the United Nations, an international moderating party which we helped to create. Not to mention the Iraqi people whose blood will be on the hands of our armed forces...



I hope you get stuck on the freeway or street for hours on your way home/ movies/visit soemoen or whatever, then you can come tell us how great it was to be inconvienenced.....im sure you will enjoy it..[/quote]

And we wonder why the French (and the rest of the world) say America is arrogant...we are going to Gulf War II, thousands of innocent civilians will lose their lives, more will lose their livelihoods and their homes, American and Iraqi soldiers will die, and the worst thing you can imagine is being stuck on the freeway.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
For me the reason I hate protestors isn't because of the message they bring. Heck I encourage people to speak out. But enough is enough!! Today I was stuck in traffic because stoopid protestors were...protesting, so they had to block off some major streets.

A few reasons why I hate protestors:

1.) They have no consideration for the well-being of others: they don't care if you're inconvenienced at all, they don't care if the bus driver is late for his route, they don't care if a guy can't see his girl because of the traffic (no...not me...a guy my friend is seeing couldn't come over to see her cuz of the traffic).

1.) The US Government has no consideration for the well-being of others. Sure, the United States is the only country in which a majority of the population agrees with the war in Iraq, and Bush defies many of the most powerful nations on Earth by going ahead with a unilateral invasion of Baghdad, as well as nullifying the United Nations, an international moderating party which we helped to create. Not to mention the Iraqi people whose blood will be on the hands of our armed forces...



I hope you get stuck on the freeway or street for hours on your way home/ movies/visit soemoen or whatever, then you can come tell us how great it was to be inconvienenced.....im sure you will enjoy it..

And we wonder why the French (and the rest of the world) say America is arrogant...we are going to Gulf War II, thousands of innocent civilians will lose their lives, more will lose their livelihoods and their homes, American and Iraqi soldiers will die, and the worst thing you can imagine is being stuck on the freeway.[/quote]

Ok...how about I set up a protest blocking off ur street about AIds or Cancer and how there is a lack of medical research being done? Thousands of innocent civilians will lose their lives. Some families will be devestates as their sole bread winner undergoes expensive medical treatment. The protest will keep you from getting to your house, keep you stuck in traffic...blah blah blah.

Try using a better argument.

Apr 5, 2000
I have a problem when they interrupt everyone else. They can protest all the want but when they're stopping traffic or causing a huge scene/riot, that's crossing the line
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