Who else thinks the 8800GT sucks?

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Senior member
May 14, 2007
Originally posted by: cambit69

The 8800GT brings the most amount of satisfaction to the greatest number of people - and that's whats most important in life :heart:


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Knobjockey
Originally posted by: cambit69

The 8800GT brings the most amount of satisfaction to the greatest number of people - and that's whats most important in life :heart:

whats important in life is to have a pair of cards that can run crysis on very high settings at 2560x1600 w/4xAA at 60 fps.

the 8800GT should have been called the 8900GT and should have been accompanied by its respective 8900 GTX, and perhaps even an 8950GX2 with 2 GT chips for quad SLI.

nvidia we need new high end cards please k thx? crysis, a TWIMTBP title runs like shit.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Extelleron
It's a good card, but it's not amazing or anything special as many people make it out to be. The reason people see it as being so amazing is because there has been a real lack of any good cards since last November.

The 8800GT is not, however, better than what we've seen in the past, in fact it's not nearly as a good as the 7900GT was. The 8800GT is slightly slower than last year's high end for $250, the 7900GT was sightly faster than the previous year's high end for $300.

It's a good card, yes, but nothing we haven't seen before. I really want to see a card that will finally be FASTER than the GTX.

While its still too early to say about the 8800 GT, there were good and bad things about the 7900gt as well.
A) It overclocked like a beast and could be voltmodded to be as fast as the then top of the line 7900GTX.
B) There were also many many bad cards, where XFX and EVGA had to recall/fix them, IIRC.


Mar 13, 2006
Originally posted by: fishmonger12
Originally posted by: cambit69
ok if you're coming from a 6800 i can see this being amazing for you. but what about the people with 8800GTS, GTX and ultras? it's not like its going to run crysis any better. the folks who bought the 8800GTS when it came out earlier this year, we waited 6 months for this?!? wtf

If you need to upgrade from an 8800 GTS you either have unlimited or nearly unlimited money to spend or are retarded and didn't plan far enough in advance when you bought your card.

Get over yourself and go whine somewhere else.

Anyone with "69" in their name is neither of the above.

Maybe 15 years old, but not rich.



Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by: cmdrdredd
Originally posted by: Azn
Originally posted by: cmdrdredd
Originally posted by: Azn
Cards need to be twice as fast as 8800gt to play dx10 titles. 20fps won't cut it especially for online play.

People are jumping the gun but you should really wait for Rv670 since it's also dx10.1. Who knows it might slaughter GTX and make crysis actually playable on highest settings.

at 1024x768 I set DX10 to very high and it's easily playable. 20fps is not that bad for the demo.

20fps is definitely bad for online play although it wasn't all that bad at 20fps for single player because it seemed to feel smoother than actually is. I need at least 50fps average to be competitive.

1024x768 is pretty low resolution as well.

You play the beta MP? I did and it was only 25fps average at certain times and very playable.

Also, 1024x768 may be low res but this is DX10. No choice... so just deal with it. Quit complaining

20 fps @ 1024x768 with $300-$500 cards. Quit complaining?

I'm glad suckers like you paying $400 for your 2900xt to get 20fps for a dx10 game but I know a bad deal when I see it.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2006
Originally posted by: Griswold
Originally posted by: munky
The 8800gt doesn't suck, it's the most impressive midrange card I've seen in a long time. It wasn't meant to be an upgrade for those who bought a 8800gts, instead it's a better alternative for those who haven't bought one.

Midrange? Whats the high-end then? Surely not GTX or Ultra, considering how close their are, yet so much more expensive. The name and price might suggest midrange but its not. Its the-card-that-made-a-whole-set-of-products-obsolete. :Q

When will people get their heads screwed on properly?

The 8800GT IS a high-end card with a mid-range price.
You simply can't get better than that!!

The 8800GT beats the 8800GTX!!!


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2003
The 8800GT is the best bang for your buck at present. It's the first time in a long time i've been excited about a video card. I cannot afford to put down $500 on the latest and greatest, and it was only from wheeling and dealing that i can afford the money for the 8800GT. But for the $232 i paid, i'm getting something that isn't only 30% as fast as the best out there, like the previous mid range cards like the 8600 / 7600 / 6600. This may be a mid range card, but it's as close to the high end stuff they've ever been.

I'm pretty sure nvidia will sell 10 times as many of these cards as the high end cards, because not everybody can put down $500 on a single piece of hardware


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
My feelings are that by all accounts the 8800GT-512 is a great card for
casual to relatively enthusiast gamers, and for anyone wanting a powerful
desktop / workstation PC capable of fast high quality 3D, HD video playback,
and general 2D/3D desktop and application use.

As a programmer / experimenter personally I'm annoyed that it seems to
lack any support for "double precision" floating point at *any* speed even if
it'd run at 1/2 or 1/3rd the performance of FP32. Even if high end industrial
cards using the G92 chip will eventually support that, it's regrettable that the
capability seems absent from the "consumer" card here since it'd make
personal software development / experimentation practical whereas only
pretty serious and well funded concerns that really NEED that capability
would buy a Tesla for that. It'd be awfully nice to be able to develop/test
any kind of GPGPU program on mid-range hardware that's also useful
for consumer graphics and then run one's application on some high end
industrial cluster of GPUs if there's any market for doing that.
Programs that don't have the economic uses but which are useful
for obscure research, experimentation, skill development, etc. just aren't
practical otherwise in some cases where FP64 is needed.

I think it effectively obsoletes (considering price and performance)
the 8800GTX, the 8800GTS-anything, the 8600-GTS, and the 8600-GT.

The 8600's are just way too expensive to be good for a "mid range" solution
without delivering more gaming / 3D power. The 8600's are also way too
expensive to use JUST for HTPC / HD movie / general graphics use for people who
DON'T want to do demanding gaming.

The 8800GT is a bit better than (price & performance) most models of 8800GTS,
and the 8800GT has better HD video playback capability, better HDCP support,
etc. so that for new buyers today it seems to be the 8800GT is a better deal than
any of the past 8800GTS models.

Would I regret owning an 8800GTX or 8800GTS if you already own one and
are finding that it meets your current and anticipated needs? Not at all; they
were fine cards in their day, and they get the job done very well for most
games and applications. The 8800GT is just like a somewhat upgraded version
of the 8800GTS and a MUCH more affordable slightly downgraded
(but improved in HD video playback and HDCP areas) version of the 8800GTX.

What's still lacking in the marketplace is:

a) a new fairly high end card that can deliver full HDCP, dual-link DVI,
good quality HD video playback assist (most everything sucks in this area in
one way or another -- ATI's best 2600/2700/2800 parts seem to have the
overall advantage for high quality HD video applications). Perhaps such a card
should also include a modern HD sound capability too including some of the
new Dolby HD modes that nothing on the market yet supports. The only real
reason to include the sound with the graphics is due to the stupidity of the
whole DRM / HDCP fiasco which may make other HD digital sound cards useless
for HD-DVD/Blu-Ray down the road. And also the fact that something supporting
good OpanAL, the net HD-Dolby standards, Optical out, HDMI audio, and which
can real-time encode multi-channel game/PC/music audio to Dolby HD and
Optical / HDMI out doesn't exist yet.

b) A graphics card that can give better DX10.1 / DX10 performance with
AA at high resolutions like 1900x1200, 2560x2560, etc. for games like
Crysis, et. al. More people are getting 22", 24" and 30" screens with high
res, and even the 8800GTX doesn't cut it for playing DX10 games like Crysis
and future high visual effects titles on large screens at native resolutions
and good FPS.

c) Low to lower-mid-range cards that are adequate for most gaming at 1280x1024
and fully support high quality HD video playback for the home PC / HTPC
that don't suck in performance or price (8600GTS/GT, HD2400, et.al. I'm talking
to you). Under $100 should deliver solid contenders in this area, but it all
seems very marginal especially the sucky HD playback quality and software
support we see now, the whole HDCP lacking fiasco, and the fact that
the 8600GT(S) is almost useless for even DX9 gaming for most of last years
titles if you want reasonable video quality, and totally useless in
real time DX10 gaming.



Feb 24, 2002
Originally posted by: cambit69
i got an evga 8800GTS 320MB and the 8800GT is only marginally faster. It ain't worth it for me to go through all the hassle to buy a new one, sell the old one or jump through the hoops for the step-up program.

sure its faster, cooler, cheaper but not by much. where the hell is the competition from ATI? who else thinks nvidia has something faster up their sleeves but are delaying it because of lack of competition? I feel bad for the people who just purchased a GTX or Ultra.

Cooler? It hits in the 90C range under load. I don't consider that to be cooler at all. nVIDIA really should have put a dual slot heatsink with at least DHES in the design.


Golden Member
Jun 30, 2007
Originally posted by: Azn
20 fps @ 1024x768 with $300-$500 cards. Quit complaining?

I'm glad suckers like you paying $400 for your 2900xt to get 20fps for a dx10 game but I know a bad deal when I see it.

The bad deal is all the hype surrounding DX10. This is not the time to be considering DX10 for anything when it brings a $700 card to a screeching halt. Many of those games perform spectacular in DX9 mode on mid-ranged hardware as long as you don't go crazy on the settings.

People who have to run the latest games that stress even high end systems will pay a penalty to be on the cutting edge. If you do not like the way the game has always been played, then you have the wrong hobby. Stop whining about poor performance and just skip these games if it takes a supercomputer to even run them. Start sending a message to developers to make games compatible for current hardware by not buying these over-hyped games.

The 8800GT is a godsend for those of us who skipped upgrading our mid-ranged 7 series cards because the only real upgrade was almost $300. In the next few months, with the release of ATI's new hardware the price of the 512 version will be on par to what I paid to upgrade my 6600GT to this 7600GT. ($199.00) I will not spend much more than $200 on a new video card because it is not worth the extra cost to squeeze a few FPS out of a game designed for tomorrows hardware. The cutting edge games of 2-3 years ago now play just fine on mid-ranged parts so I will stick with them and save my cash.

If running the latest and greatest is what you live for, this is in no way a shot at you. I am only targeting people who wine about poor performance knowing damn well it has always happened this way for enthusiasts and hobbyist.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Hehe, 8800GT only suck for those who put up 300+ for 2900xt and 8800gts/8800gtx. Sure it doesn't outperform the best card out there that costs $500+, but it's clearly not priced to do so. Plus this is a single slot solution, with lower noise and power consumption that actually make it sensible to jump into SLI without obnoxious noise and power supply.

There will be a few suckers who bought into the hype and spent lots of money only to build a box that can also double as a heater and sounds like tornado in a box. 8800GT is not for those people as it is not designed to be the performance leader. But for the rest of us who actually wanna build a sensible box with great price/performance ratio, this is by far the best card on the market.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
I am deeply impressed with the card, but i have a severe aversion to cut-down products.

A 128 SPU version clocked at 640MHz with 2000MHz GDDR memory would go down a treat.

How about it?


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Cheex

When will people get their heads screwed on properly?

The 8800GT IS a high-end card with a mid-range price.
You simply can't get better than that!!

[L=The 8800GT beats the [/quote]

That's just a technicality. The 8800GTX should not be the high end any more.


Senior member
Jun 25, 2007
This Palit-version could be solid gold; first card that has pcb which differs a lot from reference model. This card uses 3-phase power supply system instead of 2-phase of reference model. They are saying that this would lower power consumption. Also they are saying that this would make this card more reliable than reference model. In addition they promise that this will be more calmer and more silent than reference model.

Knowing Palit this card will be from the cheapest end even when it would be superior to most models. I personally loved my Palit 7600 GT =cheap, cooler is better than reference model, good overclocker..and red pcb looks great

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
When the other vendors like Asus, Gigabyte and co start employing their own PCBs and cooling solutions, i bet we are going to see GTs that perform better than GTXs. XXX/super super clocked edition anyone?


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
There's evidentally a new version of the 8800GTS-640 coming out
any moment between now and the next 3 weeks with the same or similar
model number, but with better hardware features and performance due to a
new revision of the chip.

Also people say that the G92 / 8800GT probably has
128 shader processors in a setup of 8x16=128 but some are seemingly
disabled in the 8800GT which only activates 7x16=112 of them.

Also people find and report that there's seemingly good headroom for
overclocking the current 8800GT GPU chip and memory.

So because of all that, as well as the announcements of more products
pending release in 2007, I believe that in mid-November (15th or 19th?)
that we'll see the introduction of new card models that aren't stripped down.

e.g. one with 128 shader processers, and fairly reasonably overclocked
settings compared to the 8800GT. Possibly with more memory options too
(1GB?). This would effectively replace the 8800GTX in every way, if true.

It is also probable that in a similar timeframe that they'll announce new
TESLA series (and maybe QUATTRO series) boards based on the same
G92 chip in the 8800GT but with more memory, more 'unlocked' features like
maybe double precision floating point processing (TESLA), maybe 1GB or more
of possibly ECC memory (TESLA), line AA for CAD (QUATTRO), etc.

Now the interesting question would be if they'll announce a new
'higher high end' board that's radically more capable than even the fully
unlocked G92 with overclocks and 128 shader processors, et. al.
At some point there should be a card with around 2x that level of performance
for the new high end. Speculation is that they might release a "8800GX2"
type product which would basically combine two 8800GTs in a dual-slot
setting, though there'd be little benefit of that vs. just using SLI'ed 8800GTs.

Another possibility is that sometime between mid-November and Q1 2008 they'll
introduce something like a 9800GTX based on some new chip maybe the G90
or whatever. I'd expect it to be like the 8800GT's G92 chip but with maybe
50% or more processing power.

Anyway wait until 15-19 November and maybe the other shoe will drop about
higher end card models for 8800GTS-640-Version2 and the fully unlocked
G92 etc.

Originally posted by: R3MF
I am deeply impressed with the card, but i have a severe aversion to cut-down products.

A 128 SPU version clocked at 640MHz with 2000MHz GDDR memory would go down a treat.

How about it?



Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: munky
The 8800gt doesn't suck, it's the most impressive midrange card I've seen in a long time. It wasn't meant to be an upgrade for those who bought a 8800gts, instead it's a better alternative for those who haven't bought one.

QFT. whoever thinks 8800gt is a disspointment needs to realize it cost 230 not 530


Senior member
Jun 25, 2007
Originally posted by: Cookie Monster
When the other vendors like Asus, Gigabyte and co start employing their own PCBs and cooling solutions, i bet we are going to see GTs that perform better than GTXs. XXX/super super clocked edition anyone?
At the moment only Foxconn manufactures these cards, but Palit does seem to start to make their cards soon (Palit makes also Gainward and Xpertvision cards).

Asus-cards are made by PcPartner..and so are Sparkle-cards and they have already announced their 8800 GT card with passive cooler..so I wouldn't be suprised to see some sort of non-reference version with Asus stickers on top of it. Gigabyte cards are made by Ge-Cube and I don't know where they are with their 8800 GT's

There is alredy Zotac's (PcPartner's Nvidia-brand) 8800 GT with clocks like 700/2000.. with reference board.. what kind of clocks they'll get with their own pcb's and with better coolers


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
Originally posted by: QuixoticOne
There's evidentally a new version of the 8800GTS-640 coming out
any moment between now and the next 3 weeks with the same or similar
model number, but with better hardware features and performance due to a
new revision of the chip.

Also people say that the G92 / 8800GT probably has
128 shader processors in a setup of 8x16=128 but some are seemingly
disabled in the 8800GT which only activates 7x16=112 of them.

Also people find and report that there's seemingly good headroom for
overclocking the current 8800GT GPU chip and memory.

So because of all that, as well as the announcements of more products
pending release in 2007, I believe that in mid-November (15th or 19th?)
that we'll see the introduction of new card models that aren't stripped down.

e.g. one with 128 shader processers, and fairly reasonably overclocked
settings compared to the 8800GT. Possibly with more memory options too
(1GB?). This would effectively replace the 8800GTX in every way, if true.

It is also probable that in a similar timeframe that they'll announce new
TESLA series (and maybe QUATTRO series) boards based on the same
G92 chip in the 8800GT but with more memory, more 'unlocked' features like
maybe double precision floating point processing (TESLA), maybe 1GB or more
of possibly ECC memory (TESLA), line AA for CAD (QUATTRO), etc.

Now the interesting question would be if they'll announce a new
'higher high end' board that's radically more capable than even the fully
unlocked G92 with overclocks and 128 shader processors, et. al.
At some point there should be a card with around 2x that level of performance
for the new high end. Speculation is that they might release a "8800GX2"
type product which would basically combine two 8800GTs in a dual-slot
setting, though there'd be little benefit of that vs. just using SLI'ed 8800GTs.

Another possibility is that sometime between mid-November and Q1 2008 they'll
introduce something like a 9800GTX based on some new chip maybe the G90
or whatever. I'd expect it to be like the 8800GT's G92 chip but with maybe
50% or more processing power.

Anyway wait until 15-19 November and maybe the other shoe will drop about
higher end card models for 8800GTS-640-Version2 and the fully unlocked
G92 etc.

i certainly hope so.



Golden Member
May 24, 2005
It doesn't suck but it's not super-amazing either. People around here love to swing to extremes and exaggerations. It's a decent card, but it's what we were looking for back in the Springtime when they released the stupid 8600 cards on us instead. Now they're making up for it.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2005
yacoub - people around here do like to swing to extremes. I don't think we were looking for quite this card this past spring when the 8600's came out. I don't recall anyone wanting/expecting a part that beat the GTS 640 at that time. What I think many gamers wanted was a 64/80 stream processor part that slotted in the ~$200 range (well under the GTS' $350) but still gave very good performance. What we got instead was less than half that: a 32 stream processor part that wasn't any better than the mid-range parts it replaced, along with a hefty price-tag.

I think the 8800gt would have been too much to ask for this past spring. Now, I think it is positioned price-wise in very much the same manner right now (and in the next couple of months) that the 8600gts was when it debuted. What this seems to signal is that NVIDIA has a much more powerful set of cards to release (topping the GTX significantly) that will push the 8800gt into 7600gt territory--very good territory given what the 7600gt gave you.


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by: yacoub
It doesn't suck but it's not super-amazing either. People around here love to swing to extremes and exaggerations. It's a decent card, but it's what we were looking for back in the Springtime when they released the stupid 8600 cards on us instead. Now they're making up for it.



Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by: soonerproud
Originally posted by: Azn
20 fps @ 1024x768 with $300-$500 cards. Quit complaining?

I'm glad suckers like you paying $400 for your 2900xt to get 20fps for a dx10 game but I know a bad deal when I see it.

The bad deal is all the hype surrounding DX10. This is not the time to be considering DX10 for anything when it brings a $700 card to a screeching halt. Many of those games perform spectacular in DX9 mode on mid-ranged hardware as long as you don't go crazy on the settings.

People who have to run the latest games that stress even high end systems will pay a penalty to be on the cutting edge. If you do not like the way the game has always been played, then you have the wrong hobby. Stop whining about poor performance and just skip these games if it takes a supercomputer to even run them. Start sending a message to developers to make games compatible for current hardware by not buying these over-hyped games.

The 8800GT is a godsend for those of us who skipped upgrading our mid-ranged 7 series cards because the only real upgrade was almost $300. In the next few months, with the release of ATI's new hardware the price of the 512 version will be on par to what I paid to upgrade my 6600GT to this 7600GT. ($199.00) I will not spend much more than $200 on a new video card because it is not worth the extra cost to squeeze a few FPS out of a game designed for tomorrows hardware. The cutting edge games of 2-3 years ago now play just fine on mid-ranged parts so I will stick with them and save my cash.

If running the latest and greatest is what you live for, this is in no way a shot at you. I am only targeting people who wine about poor performance knowing damn well it has always happened this way for enthusiasts and hobbyist.

Never said 8800gt is anything but good and brings new performance into the mid range systems which is also good for the industry.

You can surely do all the things you mentioned with any of the cards out today. Turn down settings to make the game playable. Paying $400-500 for a card to get 20fps @ low resolutions is unacceptable. That is all I'm trying to say here. People thinking you can actually play dx10 game with effects are in the wake of rude awakening when they need to shell out another $500 a year from now and and so on.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: fishmonger12
Originally posted by: cambit69
ok if you're coming from a 6800 i can see this being amazing for you. but what about the people with 8800GTS, GTX and ultras? it's not like its going to run crysis any better. the folks who bought the 8800GTS when it came out earlier this year, we waited 6 months for this?!? wtf

If you need to upgrade from an 8800 GTS you either have unlimited or nearly unlimited money to spend or are retarded and didn't plan far enough in advance when you bought your card.

Get over yourself and go whine somewhere else.

Wow.. What a STUPID thing to say.... (no offense)

Did you think before you said that? Off course every GTS owner NEEDS to get a 8800GT because they were just CHEATED out of their money. If you don't know why, do some research please and then we can talk. The only logical thing for every GTS owner to do now is sell their used card and buy a brand new 8800 GT for about the same exact amount. NOT doing it, would be retarded, because it would be like passing up an offer of a FREE performance upgrade.

Planing in advance? Are you nuts? If you knew anything about video cards you'd know that this sentence was inherently wrong! Besides.. You are ignoring all those who didn't have to money to buy bleeding edge cards in order to be "future proof". These people went for the GTS because the GTX was too expensive and now they are screwed. Why screw the poor? Screw those who had money to waste and bought the GTX!! These rich boys could easily get rid of their card and buy a new one right now. The "poor" folks who got the GTS cant do that...


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: ibex333
Originally posted by: fishmonger12
Originally posted by: cambit69
ok if you're coming from a 6800 i can see this being amazing for you. but what about the people with 8800GTS, GTX and ultras? it's not like its going to run crysis any better. the folks who bought the 8800GTS when it came out earlier this year, we waited 6 months for this?!? wtf

If you need to upgrade from an 8800 GTS you either have unlimited or nearly unlimited money to spend or are retarded and didn't plan far enough in advance when you bought your card.

Get over yourself and go whine somewhere else.

Wow.. What a STUPID thing to say.... (no offense)

Did you think before you said that? Off course every GTS owner NEEDS to get a 8800GT because they were just CHEATED out of their money. If you don't know why, do some research please and then we can talk. The only logical thing for every GTS owner to do now is sell their used card and buy a brand new 8800 GT for about the same exact amount. NOT doing it, would be retarded, because it would be like passing up an offer of a FREE performance upgrade.

Planing in advance? Are you nuts? If you knew anything about video cards you'd know that this sentence was inherently wrong! Besides.. You are ignoring all those who didn't have to money to buy bleeding edge cards in order to be "future proof". These people went for the GTS because the GTX was too expensive and now they are screwed. Why screw the poor? Screw those who had money to waste and bought the GTX!! These rich boys could easily get rid of their card and buy a new one right now. The "poor" folks who got the GTS cant do that...

go tell that to Jen-Hsun, he will laugh and throw a $500 pair of dirty cashmere underwear in your face.
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