Who has NO plan?


Sep 26, 2000
Let's see:


The Republican plan is to borrow money from China and give it as a loan to Americans. Even 70 percent of the Republicans who ran this year say we can't continue to do this. Yet the Republicans in power have done nothing to fix it.

The Democrats plan to roll back the tax cuts for the super wealthy. They plan to roll back the tax cuts for the oil industry that the Republicans handed out.


The Republicans plan to keep underfunding No Child Left Behind and stick with their cuts in student loans for college.

The Democrats plan to fund No Child Left Behind fully and also to amend it in light of its deficiencies. Plus the Democrats plan to increase aid for a college education to keep America competitive in the world.


The Republicans plan to continue allowing countries like China to compete unfairly with the US and the world by artificially keeping their exchange rate lower than it should be.
Also, the Republicans plan on continuing their tax plan that benefits businesses that outsource American jobs. The Republicans plan to keep the status quo where China steals Amerian patents and copyrights.

The Democrats plan to push China to fairly trade its currency and to also abide by patent and copyright agreements aggresievly.


The Republicans will not put any plan to fund the HUUUUGGGGEEE deficits their drug bill will cause.

The Democrats plan to allow the government to negotiate drug prices and use that money to fill the doughnut and at least partially pay for the drug plan.

Voting rights:

The Republicans support electronic voting, using an easily hacked system, with no paper trail.

The Democrats support a paper trail to prevent vote stealing.


The Republicans plan on continuing their failed plan.

The Democrats plan on putting real pressure on the Iraqis to fix their own problems.

Boy, when you get down do it the Republicans seem to have saddled us with things like a huge Medicare drug plan deficit, a doughnut hole, and Iraq. They don't plan on doing anything to fix.

Yet, the Democrats seem to have reasonable plans.

And I didn't even get into the Republicans plan for all of us to drive hydrogen cars in 11 years, yet the only thing they have done is wishful thinking.



Senior member
May 26, 2006
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

What about SS being privately invested? It would have gone up something like 20% the past couple of years.... who stopped that one from happening?


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: bobdelt
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

A "small" rollback of the top end tax cuts will provide a huge increase. Add to that -- hopefully -- the reduction of certain horrid policies will help quite a bit. I hope Henry Waxman goes after things like the use of cost plus in Iraq (which he has spoken out about).


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
How come Tech's OPs usually sound like leftwing email spam?

I've got a better question: Who has crap plans? BOTH


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Where are the funds going to come from to fullfill the Dems plans?

Or are they hoping that some will get shot down.
Then they can point to the shootdown as not getting them through.
asd they do not have to explain how they would fund them.


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Where are the funds going to come from to fullfill the Dems plans?

Or are they hoping that some will get shot down.
Then they can point to the shootdown as not getting them through.
asd they do not have to explain how they would fund them.

A better question is where the Republicans where going to get the funds for the programs when they VOTED them into law?



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: PELarson
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Where are the funds going to come from to fullfill the Dems plans?

Or are they hoping that some will get shot down.
Then they can point to the shootdown as not getting them through.
asd they do not have to explain how they would fund them.

A better question is where the Republicans where going to get the funds for the programs when they VOTED them into law?
the target of the thread is to brag about the Dems. That is what my question is regarding

Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Both parties plan to bankrupt America

dahunan wins for most accurate post.

Q: Who's gonna pay for it?

D: TAXES! (But that's just to cover the current shortfall... how we pay for the added spending to cover our new programs is anybody's guess)
R: Who cares? Throw another billion on the fire!



Apr 10, 2000
I don't know whether or not Democrats have a realizable plan. But I do know that the Republicans have already proven they either have no plan, or have no sense and come up with idiotic plans. This is kinda like that episode of Seinfeld where George realizes that every decision he's ever made is wrong and he's gonna do the opposite, so long as the Dems do the opposite of what the Reps have, they should be ok.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: thraashman
I don't know whether or not Democrats have a realizable plan. But I do know that the Republicans have already proven they either have no plan, or have no sense and come up with idiotic plans. This is kinda like that episode of Seinfeld where George realizes that every decision he's ever made is wrong and he's gonna do the opposite, so long as the Dems do the opposite of what the Reps have, they should be ok.

Not defending the Rs here... but... This is terrible, this plan. /samir

Doing the opposite of someone else is not a plan. The Ds have a tremendous opportunity here. Yet, they're already starting to snipe at each other (Rangle: Let's reinstitute the draft! Pelosi: Not on your life! // Pelosi: Murtha! Dems: Hoyer!) rather than caucus together and come up with a uniform agenda. They still have a couple of months to figure things out but I'm not holding much hope.


Jun 23, 2004
Increasing taxes back to the 1990?s era will only cover the current shortfall. Even then, social security and other programs will continue to consume more resources indefinitely. If you plan to even maintain them as they are today, you?d have to continuously raise taxes higher in the years ahead.

If you want to build bigger government programs, you?ll only accelerate the financial breakdown that such programs cause. You can raise taxes to compensate for them, to delay the inevitable, but one day you?ll reach 100% taxation and will have to start growing money off trees.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: bobdelt
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

A "small" rollback of the top end tax cuts will provide a huge increase. Add to that -- hopefully -- the reduction of certain horrid policies will help quite a bit. I hope Henry Waxman goes after things like the use of cost plus in Iraq (which he has spoken out about).
Didn't you know that even a 1% increase in the top marginal tax rate will cause all top earners to immediately stop working, leading to a catastrophic failure of the U.S. economy? I mean, what top earner WOULDN'T rebel at the prospect of retaining only 64% of their $100 million income rather than 65%?



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: bobdelt
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

A "small" rollback of the top end tax cuts will provide a huge increase. Add to that -- hopefully -- the reduction of certain horrid policies will help quite a bit. I hope Henry Waxman goes after things like the use of cost plus in Iraq (which he has spoken out about).
Didn't you know that even a 1% increase in the top marginal tax rate will cause all top earners to immediately stop working, leading to a catastrophic failure of the U.S. economy? I mean, what top earner WOULDN'T rebel at the prospect of retaining only 64% of their $100 million income rather than 65%?
It has to do with the percieved handout /robbery of soak the rich/wealthy/hard workers to give to the poor.

When the give away programs are felt to actually improve society; there will be less resistance.



Senior member
May 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: bobdelt
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

A "small" rollback of the top end tax cuts will provide a huge increase. Add to that -- hopefully -- the reduction of certain horrid policies will help quite a bit. I hope Henry Waxman goes after things like the use of cost plus in Iraq (which he has spoken out about).

you got any evidence for that?

I think letting the rich invest their money which creates new jobs and spurs growth which creates more tax revenue is a better idea


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: bobdelt
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: bobdelt
How can the dems pay for all that stuff and borrow less from china? Even with a slight increase taxes you cant reasonably do all that, lets be realistic now. (and i wont even bring up the fact that tax revenue increased since the tax cuts, oh wait, i just did)

The china thing isnt that bad. The current account defecit ==> lots of us dollars to china, which they loan back to us. If china has a large US investment, they will probably be more inclined to go along with us and not want to hurt us economically.

A "small" rollback of the top end tax cuts will provide a huge increase. Add to that -- hopefully -- the reduction of certain horrid policies will help quite a bit. I hope Henry Waxman goes after things like the use of cost plus in Iraq (which he has spoken out about).

you got any evidence for that?

I think letting the rich invest their money which creates new jobs and spurs growth which creates more tax revenue is a better idea
depending on which side of the fence you sit on; one came come up with studies/stats to suport the rob from rich or let the poor pull themselves up by working.

The problem with rob from the rich is that the bar keeps being lowered (deliberately or by inflation). Look at England's tax rate.

Ever wonder why there are so many tax shelters going around. The perceptions of robbing the wealthy.

Jun 27, 2005
I'll give this to the Dems... They put the AMT on their agenda. Their plan would be to raise the threshold or elinimate it altogether. Whatever happens, at least somebody has it on the agenda to FIX that mess.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Increasing taxes back to the 1990?s era will only cover the current shortfall. Even then, social security and other programs will continue to consume more resources indefinitely. If you plan to even maintain them as they are today, you?d have to continuously raise taxes higher in the years ahead.

If you want to build bigger government programs, you?ll only accelerate the financial breakdown that such programs cause. You can raise taxes to compensate for them, to delay the inevitable, but one day you?ll reach 100% taxation and will have to start growing money off trees.

Nah there are probably some people who honestly believe they can tax you at 110% of your income.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
I'll give this to the Dems... They put the AMT on their agenda. Their plan would be to raise the threshold or elinimate it altogether. Whatever happens, at least somebody has it on the agenda to FIX that mess.

Wow if they actually deal with that load of horseshat and fix it for the middle class I will be very impressed.



Junior Member
Nov 11, 2006
Ok tell me about the plan with illegal immigrants.

Democrats- Let II get jobs and vote without becoming a citizen

Republicans- Stop giving them jobs and force them to either become a citizen or leave.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Increasing taxes back to the 1990?s era will only cover the current shortfall. Even then, social security and other programs will continue to consume more resources indefinitely. If you plan to even maintain them as they are today, you?d have to continuously raise taxes higher in the years ahead.

If you want to build bigger government programs, you?ll only accelerate the financial breakdown that such programs cause. You can raise taxes to compensate for them, to delay the inevitable, but one day you?ll reach 100% taxation and will have to start growing money off trees.

Nah there are probably some people who honestly believe they can tax you at 110% of your income.



Senior member
Jul 16, 2002

The Republicans plan to continue allowing countries like China to compete unfairly with the US and the world by artificially keeping their exchange rate lower than it should be.
Also, the Republicans plan on continuing their tax plan that benefits businesses that outsource American jobs. The Republicans plan to keep the status quo where China steals Amerian patents and copyrights.

The Democrats plan to push China to fairly trade its currency and to also abide by patent and copyright agreements aggresievly.

Pray tell, how do you force China to remove the peg (which, btw, they moved last summer). How do you force a country to stop buying / selling it's currency to stabilize it at a range they want it trading at? Would you (as the US Government) take it lightly if China told you to stop issuing T Bills or to lower interest rates an extra 25bps because they want you to?

Dems to China: Remove the peg.
China: No.
Dems: Please?
China: No.
Dems: I'll be your best friend.
China: No.

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