Who here is still undecided?

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Senior member
Oct 19, 2003
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: Farang
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Yes Farang it would seem the world would rather us elect Ron Paul or Barack Obama pretty much overwhelmingly.


That poll is non-scientific and not at all accurate. I don't care so much that the world likes Obama, I want them to know we can like Obama.

I wouldn't vote for a Hussien for is for certain.

I really Hate the fact that some people think we need to increase our standing in the world. Who gives a schit. You don't vote for a pres for PR though out the planet.

Good thing is at least he's not a personal injury lawyer or a Washington insider like the other two.

The GOP has too many ho hum candidates. And maybe no classic conservatives.

If Mit wasn't Mormon I'd feel better about him. Sorry to offend but most Christians think they are a leech. He looks and act Presidential though.

Huck- no thanks doesn't do it for me to mild mannered. Likes his illegals too much for my tatse.

McCain- Is more a Southern Democrat than a part of the GOP. Sorry John I support waterboarding terrorists. It is an effective proven method.

Rudy - The media hates this guy I hardley here much. Rudy is a JERK but I think he would be an effective leader.

and Thompson - Wish I could here more on what looks like the most conservative candidate. again the media are not interested in reporting anything about him.

Ron Paul - Nut job with some interesting ideas. Not Presidential material.

who to vote for? i dunno

Uhh what makes Paul a nutjob? Is that what Fox News told you? The guy's life and values are about as picture perfect American as you can get.


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2006
Originally posted by: d3n
Originally posted by: Rockinacoustic
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Originally posted by: Rockinacoustic
Barring an early drop-out I will likely vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. Even though my vote may not count on his behalf, I'll make damn sure it counts on behalf of my voting right and values.

Unless McCain gets the nomination, I have a hard time seeing myself voting Republican in the Presidential election.

I don't see McCain/Paul being similar, but to each his own. I wish everyone had your ideals when voting. Both voting for themselves and if they don't feel truly represented by the candidates then don't vote. People seem to have forgotten not voting is almost as much a statement as voting.

It is true that they are essentially polar opposite candidates. But from my point of view, if I can't have a candidate who is determined to get us out of the mess in Iraq and be fiscally responsible, then I'll choice the one who will give us the best chance for progress while over there; If we're gonna spend billions of dollars, lets spend it strategically and wisely no?

McCain may have questionable domestic policies and knowledge (notably the economy), but perhaps the best thing for this country is someone who can best clean up our foreign policy amidst trying to overhaul our own problems at home.

But hey, I'm working with what my country is giving me for my first time voting :roll:

McCain is not fiscally responsible in any way. I think hes committed us to 100 years in Iraq and he is very pro amnesty. I dont mind immigrants but any deal will be very divisive for everyone. It will create a lot of resentment and social strife with current economic conditions. Amnesty for 12 million means a crushing influx for social security and Medicaid. It would be a death blow for entitlements for anyone. period.

Besides the war is going to end one way to another. A trillion $ a year cannot be funded any longer. I think this economy is in far more trouble than anyone would like to think. Ben Bernake today was pleading for congress to step in. He knows the Fed has messed things up with inflating the money supply. They have tried to stall the symptoms of a recession by cutting interest rates and relying on new standards of measuring inflation to hid the fact we are in trouble. Just like before the great depression this will only make our outcome far worse than what it had to be.

Ron Paul is the republican all the other republicans are stealing talking points from because the rest don't have a clue on monetary policy. McCain was on Anderson Cooper tonight with rather lame attempt to parrot Ron's stance on how inflation comes about.

Ron is the only one that has the fortitude to step in and immediately cut a trillion $ a year for an unconstitutional war. A war that wasn't officially declared and repeal powers the federal government never had the right to assume. Especially for the role of the presidency that Bush has amassed. Any other Dem or Rep besides Ron Paul would step into office the first day and just thank Bush for the work hes done for them

States used to compete to be the most open and free. Now people vote on socialist polices in one state and then wonder why it becomes so messed up.. they move somewhere else and do the same. Look at MA and NH. Many moved out of MA into NH. Now it is basically a suburb of Boston and guess what... they just voted for McCain and Romney.

Any time a politician panders for my vote I like to remember the phrase; A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.

"Fiscally responsible" is a vain term to use. No foreign policy such as ours is fiscally conservative. The reality is that Ron Paul cannot pull out of Iraq in the day or so some of the "paulbots" seem to praise him with. An immediate pullout would cause immense chaos in not just Iraq but the entire middle east; Whether we like it or not, we planted the powder keg and are the only ones blowing out the flame on the wick.

That being said, I believe Paul has great aspirations to this country, and while some of his ideals are radical to most, people seem to forget that our government is bigger than one person and maintains a system of checks and balances. To me the biggest hamper the paulbots give the man is their inordinate obsession with the guy himself and not the position he's running for. That's where his electability comes into question sadly.

That being said, The two main reasons I plan to vote for the man are his sensical ideas (Reality is unfortunately against him, I'll admit), his domestic policies, and his genuine personality. The man has garnered my interest into politics, and while his body may not assume position in the oval office, I hope that one day some of his messages will.


Nov 23, 2001
I'm not entirely sure who I'm going to vote for, but I know damned well I don't want to see either a neocon nor a religious fanatic in the White House.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Could you tell us why you haven't picked a candidate to support yet? If you haven't. Is their a particular issue you're waiting for to be discussed? Are you watching the debates? Do you have any questions about the candidates and or their views?

I have definitely decided to vote against the Republicans. The country and probably the world can not afford 4 to 8 more years of staying the GWB course. All the republicans sound like clones of Mr Bush.

Look at Huckabee, who wants to turn the US into a christian theocracy. Man that has to nipped in the bud before we are all in serious do-do.

In terms of who I will vote for, I am waiting to hear and see more of what the candidates have to say before I decide.


Jun 16, 2000
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I'm not American but I have been following the election closely and if I were in USA I would be undecided still. It really does feel like you guys are choosing between a douche and a turd this cycle, there are no real gems in my opinion. If forced to choose I would say either Obama or McCain.

I think this crop is a lot better than 2004 - ugh, Bush vs Kerry?

Anyway, I'm still undecided. I'm a registered democrat, my primary isn't until April, following that I could very well vote for a republican. No sense in rushing in and making a decision now - I have 11 months until I really have to have an answer. I'd rather make an informed decision when I'm ready, than make a rash decision and then blindly support for the next year.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2004
If you aren't voting for Ron Paul, you're no better than all those sheeple who voted for Bush twice. Wake up.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Could you tell us why you haven't picked a candidate to support yet? If you haven't. Is their a particular issue you're waiting for to be discussed? Are you watching the debates? Do you have any questions about the candidates and or their views?

I have definitely decided to vote against the Republicans. The country and probably the world can not afford 4 to 8 more years of staying the GWB course. All the republicans sound like clones of Mr Bush.

Look at Huckabee, who wants to turn the US into a christian theocracy. Man that has to nipped in the bud before we are all in serious do-do.

In terms of who I will vote for, I am waiting to hear and see more of what the candidates have to say before I decide.

Paul is the only candidate decidedly anti-Bush. IE, GTFO of Iraq, and stop screwing over our economy.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Yes Farang it would seem the world would rather us elect Ron Paul or Barack Obama pretty much overwhelmingly.


Ha! Check out those numbers. Paul 60,000 votes, rest of the field about 1,000 each. You sure that's not a scientific poll? It definitely seems like those are rational results taken from a select sample.

You know, RPnutz would be wise to do what they are doing, namely flooding every online poll, but they should do it in a manner that makes it look like RP might have actually won fairly, i.e. voting enough to keep it close in the poll so he wins by 5-10% points. When it's RP with 99% of the votes, even Saddam Hussein would be like wtf?

As to OP: I can't see myself voting for any of the Reps but I'm in NY which goes 60%+ dem anyway


Senior member
Jan 10, 2004
sirjonk, what does NY being 60%+ dem have to do with voting in a primary?

Also, the simple reason for Paul's domination in online polls is the fact that the other candidates don't have online support. Combine that with the fact that those too young to vote, and people around the world support his ideas...

Can you explain why you'd choose a big government, economy raping democrat not committed to pulling our troops out of Iraq, over a big government, economy raping republican committed to keeping them there?


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: LilGator
If you aren't voting for Ron Paul, you're no better than all those sheeple who voted for Bush twice. Wake up.

People with blind faith for Ron Paul are equally as guilty of being "sheeple" as everyone else. His supporters believe everything he says without question. They take his position, his words, and use them to attack those who don't side with him. You are so blinded by his image that you cannot even see that there is no conspiracy to keep Ron Paul out of office - he just sucks at getting elected. People don't like him because his agenda is incredibly anti-federalist, because his foreign policy is so blindingly isolationist, and because the solutions he proposes are nothing but short-term "miracle cures" that will ultimately damage this nation and our economy beyond belief.

He isn't only polling 5% nationally because people are "sheeple." He's polling 5% natioanlly because he has major electibility issues and a relatively unpopular platform. Until you get out from under his trance, though, I doubt you'll see that.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Yes Farang it would seem the world would rather us elect Ron Paul or Barack Obama pretty much overwhelmingly.

I'll vote for Obama; or, if the Dems screw up their nominations, I'll vote for whoever is running against Hillary on the Republican side.

By the way, is this thread just another veiled effort to post more Ron Paul bullsh*t? Hmmm...

You anti-Paulbots need thicker tin foil hats. Everything is a Paul conspiracy to you nutjobs.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: LilGator
people around the world support [RP's] ideas...

That's a baseless assertion and since paul wants to pretty much end the billions in foreign aid and funding the US doles out now, probably really wrong as well.

Can you explain why you'd choose a big government, economy raping democrat not committed to pulling our troops out of Iraq, over a big government, economy raping republican committed to keeping them there?

Domestic Social Issues and appointment of Supremes and Fed Judges. They have longer lasting impact nationally and locally than the pres does for his/her 8 years.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Yes Farang it would seem the world would rather us elect Ron Paul or Barack Obama pretty much overwhelmingly.

I'll vote for Obama; or, if the Dems screw up their nominations, I'll vote for whoever is running against Hillary on the Republican side.

By the way, is this thread just another veiled effort to post more Ron Paul bullsh*t? Hmmm...

You anti-Paulbots need thicker tin foil hats. Everything is a Paul conspiracy to you nutjobs.
I guess you've missed the fact that this thread has mostly turned into YARPCJ... Yet Another Ron Paul Circle Jerk. The OP has responded several times with "well maybe you should check out Ron Paul..." Then, at least four other bots, and you, showed up to throw their love into the cup. YAY!

In other words, I fvcking called it like the Babe, and this thread is definitely just another veiled attempt by the OP to jerk off to RP.




Feb 6, 2002
I voted Republican last time, but I dont know about this go around. I feel I could vote for Romney but I dont know about the other people. All this stupidity about religion is a little on the redicuous side. What I am looking at now is that we did not have a large enough of a military to start this war in Iraq. This is something the press has kind of barely picked up on. Bush did not have enough guts to tell the truth about this and lay out a plan to increase the size of the military. I feel if the EU wants the USA to maintain bases in the EU that they should be paying for them. It is like they want our protection but they dont want to have to pay for it. I am a realist, and we can not really afford to be the World Police Force. If we can not control the security of our own southern border, we have no business being in Asia or Europe.

I think we should just Pull out of countries we have had a military presence in for 50 years. We would be better off beefing up our navy and Air Force and increasing our ground forces than investing in the infrastructure of other countries. Every time we try to interfere in foreigh diplomacy we always end up with egg on our face. So lets sit back and make jokes about how the EU Manages its affairs for a while. Our involvement in the Middle East has been hurting the problem more than it has solved anything.

I say if other countries want our help let them pay for it.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Since I can't vote in primaries I have to wait and see, I do know for sure I don't want Hillary/Guliani/Huckabee/Romney


Nov 29, 1999

Order of Preference:

DEM: Obama, Kucinich, Richardson, Edwards, Hillary
REP: Paul, McCain, Huckabee, Thompson, Romney, Guilliani

But really, after the first 1-2 (or 3) in each category, it's really not a choice, as much as a ranking of differing piles of dog feces.

The thought of either Hillary, Romney, or Guilliani sitting in the White House makes me want to commit seppuku.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Who here is still undecided?
I am undecided, it'll depend on which candidates win the nominations before I decide whom to vote for.


Senior member
Jan 15, 2008
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Mavtek3100
Yes Farang it would seem the world would rather us elect Ron Paul or Barack Obama pretty much overwhelmingly.

I'll vote for Obama; or, if the Dems screw up their nominations, I'll vote for whoever is running against Hillary on the Republican side.

By the way, is this thread just another veiled effort to post more Ron Paul bullsh*t? Hmmm...

You anti-Paulbots need thicker tin foil hats. Everything is a Paul conspiracy to you nutjobs.
I guess you've missed the fact that this thread has mostly turned into YARPCJ... Yet Another Ron Paul Circle Jerk. The OP has responded several times with "well maybe you should check out Ron Paul..." Then, at least four other bots, and you, showed up to throw their love into the cup. YAY!

In other words, I fvcking called it like the Babe, and this thread is definitely just another veiled attempt by the OP to jerk off to RP.


Yes, Yes, the OP was all about Ron Paul. He suggested him once to someone who nearly described Ron Paul perfectly without mentioning his name.

Actually though I am disappointed that so many have either taken the time to point out who they support rather than why they are undecided.



Jul 17, 2003
I'm not entirely sure who I'm going to vote for, but I know damned well I don't want to see either a neocon nor a religious fanatic in the White House.

That sums it up perfectly for me. :thumbsup:


Jan 4, 2001
About half of Ron Paul seems interesting. The other half looks really opposed to what I'd like, so, no go for him.

Clinton, I don't think so. I worry that she'll pick up a large portion of votes from women for one simple fact: she's a woman. After decades of fighting for gender equality, what's the sole basis (for some people, not all) for voting for a particular candidate? Gender.:laugh:

Obama, maybe.

The Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert ticket - heh, if only.

What I've seen of the other candidates, I don't approve of most of their ideas.

Unfortunately, there is no option for "Erase Washington DC, Format, Reinstall."


Jan 7, 2008
There's not a single Republican running this time that I could support (and I used to like McCain about a decade ago), and the only Democrats that I really like aren't going to make it to he final round, so I am undecided as to which Democrat I will vote for in the primary, but I don't see myself voting for any of the current Republicans in the general.


Nov 3, 2000
I'm not sure yet myself.

I think I'd like Paul if it was possible to vote for him in the general election, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case

Of the "more likely" candidates, I'd prefer Obama or McCain. The rest of the Republican candidates are just terrible - for all the cries of a "return to conservatism" not a single one of them is anything more than W pt. II - and I won't be voting for Billary.
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