Who here uses Windows Phone?


Golden Member
Sep 7, 2011
If you do what phone? Are you happy with it? Is there enough apps? I've been contemplating the switch but it just doesn't seem like the app situation is still even close to Android and iOS's app selection.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I do. Lumia 928 on Verizon. I'm very happy with it, but I'm a light user at best. I've tried out a handful of apps at most, but that would be the case on any phone for me. I picked WP because I like the hardware (camera quality and build material) and (as someone who was choosing a smartphone with no prior experience on iOS, Android, or WP) it's interface seemed the most intuitive and pleasant to me.

Suffice to say I don't need it for much, but there's nothing I've needed it to do that it hasn't been able to do yet either. I basically text and browse the net on it.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2004
I'm getting ready to switch to WP. Probably the 929 on Verizon when it's released in November. After a lot of soul searching, I don't use 3/4 of the apps on my iPhone. The ones I do use are on WP or have some 3rd party version of it. And for the ones that aren't, I'll still have an iPad for them (garageband, animoog, ect)
I think the only thing that scares me right now is that WP internet explorer can't handle pop-ups. Hopefully that issue will be fixed with GDR3 or WP8.1


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
I bought a Lumia 521 to try out earlier this year. I ended up liking it so much that I returned it...

So I could purchase a Lumia 920 and really give it a try as a daily driver. I ended up using the L920 as my main line for a few months and left my TMo SIM in my iPhone 5. And that was the problem.

Every time I try Android as my daily driver, I can leave my iPhone at home. Last summer, I went with a Galaxy Nexus as my main device. I even sold my iPhone 4 to pay for it. Because I knew I could. I knew I could carry around the Nexus and not feel like I'd NEED my iPhone for anything. There were simply things that bugged me about platform and so I chose to go back to iOS when the iPhone 5 came out. But I could have used Android day to day and not had an issue.

I went almost three months carrying an iPhone 5 and Lumia 920. I never felt like I could leave my iPhone at home and be comfortable throughout the day. I simply decided that I would keep the iPhone as a standby while I got used to Windows Phone. Then, one day, I decided that I needed to leave my iPhone at home and give WP8 the true run it deserved. My AT&T SIM went back in the iPhone that night.

I am so conflicted about Windows Phone. I love the minimalist interface. I think it does a lot of things right. It's very uniform and app developers that care definitely make better apps for WP than the ones they have available for Android or iOS. Flixster, Rdio, Amazon and IMDb were all really great on Windows Phone. Baconit is an AMAZING Reddit app. But there was simply so much missing. HBO Go. Amazon Instant Video. Youmail. A decent sleep cycle app. We're not even going to talk about games.

And so many little things about the OS that are just so irritating. The Settings screen is a mess. It seems like things were thrown in there with absolutely no consideration of how they were to be accessed. Live tiles are, quite frankly, almost useless because of the update period. I could never get Baconit to do /r/gonewild lock screen photos like I wanted! No rotation lock. No status bar that is accessible in everywhere. Internet Explorer is, quite frankly, nowhere near a great browser, UI-wise. Touch response was slow and inaccurate, especially while using IE. The text messaging app is... just bad, visually.

And for all the talk that came out of Microsoft's mouth during the WP8 launch, they slacked off very quickly. WP needs to iterate very quickly in order to get it up to par with iOS and Android, feature-wise and UI-wise. They need to, quite frankly, throw millions of dollars to developers in order to entice development to the platform so that people will buy Windows Phones so that the ecosystem can be sustainable.

That's not to say no one should Windows Phone. If you can look at one and it does the basic functions you need, it's actually mostly a joy to use. It took me so long to sell my Lumia 920 because every time I pick it up I actually enjoyed messing with it.

But if you're even a LITTLE afraid of the app selection on the WP Marketplace, then you should give it another year to incubate and see if MS puts their money where their mouth is in 2014 (which, I presume they're going to do).


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
I have a Lumia 920 along with a Android -- I find that in general I don't feel the need to install as many apps on WP as on Android. There are really only a few things that I am missing on WP that I would like to see, mainly Fooducate and Dropbox.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
My personal opinion is WP won't hit it's stride until 8.1 is released. The real convergence of the desktop, tablet, and phone interfaces will begin at some point next year. App parity will be a thing of the past if a developer can simultaneously target W8, Win8RT, and WP8 with minimal effort.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
My personal opinion is WP won't hit it's stride until 8.1 is released. The real convergence of the desktop, tablet, and phone interfaces will begin at some point next year. App parity will be a thing of the past if a developer can simultaneously target W8, Win8RT, and WP8 with minimal effort.

App parity between Windows devices perhaps, but it won't change anything compared to other OSes.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2004
I've had the htc trophy, lumia 822, lumia 920 and not currently on the lumia 928 from Verizon. In between I've had the galaxy s3 and HTC the one. I've always went back to Windows phone. I just like the overall UI and experience better. Yes all the apps aren't there but new apps are coming just about everyday. After seeing some leaked images of windows 8.1 on wpcentral.com, windows phone is looking even more better.

I do plan on getting the lumia 929 when it comes out in november.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Lumia 710 w/ WinMo 7.8

Fantastic phone build quality and WinMo is a great lightweight aesthetically pleasing OS. However, I just picked up a HTC First and look forward to really comparing the two.


Jan 6, 2003
Nokia Lumia 920

I have had iphones and android phones, and I much prefer my Windows Phone. It does what I need it to do, and doesn't get in my way. I haven't had a lack of apps, as it has everything that I need.

Of course, I don't use just a huge amount of apps. The browser is better for me than any of the other phone browsers I have used (chrome, safari, dolphin, etc...). The apps to me seem to be of a better quality on WP than on the other two as well. The phone doesn't crash, reboot randomly (had this problem on every single android phone I have had), or require me to use a program to sync things to my pc.

All in all, I am sold on Windows Phone, and pretty much everyone in my family has one now after playing around with mine, and they are extremely happy with them.

And I must mention the build quality of the Nokia Lumia line. Best build quality of any phone I have held.


Aug 8, 2001
So far I've used the Dell Venue Pro, HTC Trophy, Lumia 710, Lumia 920, and Lumia 521 (current).

I've been very happy with all of them. If you are very dependent on big name apps you might be a little disappointed with Windows Phone, but for the most part you'll find many of the same apps plus equivalent apps to what you can find on Android or iOS.

The marketplace is a whole lot better than it was in the early days, though even at launch I remember WP7 had a decent selection of Live games, and still does. I think people don't realize that the Xbox Live hub on Windows Phone has always been and still is better than what Apple or Android has in terms of a game center. WP doesn't have the same selection of games, but it's very competitive in the number of good games, especially with some exclusive ones like Halo: Spartan Assault.


Senior member
Feb 13, 2011
I've used every version (7, 7.5, 7.8, and 8) of Windows Phone since its release. I've always liked the platform, and I still do. It is a point of parity with iOS and Android in most regards, but each of the platforms take a bit of getting used to.

Simply put: if Windows Phone does what you want it to do, I feel that it is the most elegant experience of the three major operating systems. The platform is gaining slowly in America, but it has actually reached about 10% market share in Europe.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2003
Using a 521 currently, had a HTC Arrive on 7.8 (still miss the keyboard) - prefer either to the android phones my wife and I have had.

Can't speak to an iPhone as I haven't used one.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
Switched to an HTC Trophy on Verizon (WP 7.5, though I think it had 7 on it for the first day or so) in mid 2011.

Switched to a Lumia 928 on Verizon this summer. Plenty happy with it.


Jan 25, 2012
Currently using the 920. I'm pretty happy with it. As far as apps are concerned, I don't really miss anything important. Some apps I ended up using regularly,

- Lomogram
- Fantasia Painter
- Data Sense
- Twitter
- Facebook (horrible app, but I need it sometimes. Personally, the People hub is better)
- Here CityLens
- Panorama
- Listen Music player
- MPATool
- Audiocloud (soundcloud 3rd party app)
- Audio Recorder
- Connectivity Tiles
- Flashlight
- GetThemAll
- IE (Yes, it works fine)
- Meme Generator (not as good as android ones... :/)
- Nokia ProCam
- SkyDrive
- Skype
- Bing Translator
- SpeedTest.net
- UC Browser (for *ahem* certain sites)
- Whatsapp, Viber, WeChat, ChatON, etc etc... they are all there...
- WPTorrent
- World Clock
- Zomato

As far as games are concerned, I've been playing Wordament and Reaper only... Reaper is an awesome game even for a mobile platform

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
Selenium, which carrier are you on? I assume you're not in the U.S. because you have the Nokia ProCam app, which comes with GDR2 and Amber, which AT&T (the exclusive 920 carrier in the U.S.) hasn't pushed that update out yet.

As for me, I have a 920 as well, on AT&T (hence why I know that AT&T's doing a terrible job getting us GDR2, despite being on-the-ball with GDR1's release). Personally, I don't agree with the complaints about Windows Phone's lack of apps. The only app I miss/want is Trillian, because while IM+ is semi-capable as a replacement, not syncing conversations from my desktop to my phone and vice versa is a bit annoying. That, and Trillian was/is just a generally-cleaner application, in my opinion.

Of the apps on my phone, the ones I frequently use are:

--Battery (tile and lockscreen capabilities give easily-seen battery percentage)
--Engadget (occasional reading of stuff)
--Fantasy Baseball and Football (both are third-party Yahoo apps and are barely-passable; I often use them just for the link to my leagues' home pages)
----Flashlight XT (obviously a flashlight)
--IM+ (again, passable Trillian substitute)
--Imagefusion (lets you make a lockscreen of combined pictures or, in my vase, album art)
--MPAtool (for the artist-based lockscreen feature on the OS)
--STOP Music (clears the music player's now playing so I don't accidentally restart music)
--Unified Remote (as a VLC remote for easy skipping/pausing of stuff I am watching on my computer, along with a mouse)
--WPCentral (for reading that site, of course)

I've also got a decent number of games, most of which are Xbox-enabled:

--Asphalt 7 (finished)
--Flowerz (finished)
--Gun Bros. (finished)
--Halo: Spartan Assault
--ilomilo (bought it on-sale, haven't played it yet)
--Jetpack Joyride (finished)
--Minesweeper (finished)
--Shuffle Party (finished)
--Skulls of the Shogun (again, bought on sale and have only played a few levels)
--Tetris Blitz
--Tiki Towers
--Uno & Friends

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I went almost three months carrying an iPhone 5 and Lumia 920. I never felt like I could leave my iPhone at home and be comfortable throughout the day. I simply decided that I would keep the iPhone as a standby while I got used to Windows Phone. Then, one day, I decided that I needed to leave my iPhone at home and give WP8 the true run it deserved. My AT&T SIM went back in the iPhone that night.

Why? I'm curious as to what you missed that badly.

I am so conflicted about Windows Phone. I love the minimalist interface. I think it does a lot of things right. It's very uniform and app developers that care definitely make better apps for WP than the ones they have available for Android or iOS. Flixster, Rdio, Amazon and IMDb were all really great on Windows Phone. Baconit is an AMAZING Reddit app.

I completely agree here. Apps have so much more aesthetic potential on Windows Phone. I think that the Newegg app is a great example of a nice-looking app on the platform. It's very clean and easy to use.

But there was simply so much missing. HBO Go. Amazon Instant Video. Youmail. A decent sleep cycle app. We're not even going to talk about games.

I don't use any of that (no idea what Youmail is, nor what you mean by "sleep cycle app"). Still, if it's stuff that you miss, it's stuff that you miss. I don't ever hold that kind of stuff against a person, because your smartphone SHOULD fit your habits. You should never have to fit your habits to your entertainment devices, in my opinion.

And so many little things about the OS that are just so irritating. The Settings screen is a mess. It seems like things were thrown in there with absolutely no consideration of how they were to be accessed.

This is another thing I really agree with. The menu's a mess on a good day. The only setting I really ever touch is the audio one though (when I have my earphones in). It's placed awkwardly near the bottom, but it's easily-accessed through one flick, and I have its location memorized now, so it's not an issue of sifting through the settings for it. Still, an alphabetized list would have been nice. That, or have something like a folder-style list. Have a "connections" option, where you go into is and just have ALL of the stuff (WiFi, cellular, location, Airplane, NFC) listed with the switches right there.

Live tiles are, quite frankly, almost useless because of the update period. I could never get Baconit to do /r/gonewild lock screen photos like I wanted! No rotation lock. No status bar that is accessible in everywhere. Internet Explorer is, quite frankly, nowhere near a great browser, UI-wise. Touch response was slow and inaccurate, especially while using IE. The text messaging app is... just bad, visually.

I don't agree with the tiles. They ARE limiting, but not to a problematic degree, at least for me. The only tiles I really use (in terms of live functions) are for Battery, Store, and my school e-mail account. With the first, it updates every 30 minutes, which isn't terrible, but I can also just tap the tile (it's in the upper-left for me), and the tile forces an update then. For the second, I have it to sync hourly, so the 30-minute minimum isn't a problem. For the Store, that really only needs updated once daily, so no harm done.

I admit that the touch seems a bit overly-picky on the keyboard at times, but maybe that's just my generally-sloppy typing style on touch devices, which I am terrible at. I don't mind the messaging app, though. I can understand where only slightly varying the hues for each person in the conversation can be a bit annoying (especially if you're slightly colorblind or something), but I don't see the iOS or Android offerings as superior.

And for all the talk that came out of Microsoft's mouth during the WP8 launch, they slacked off very quickly. WP needs to iterate very quickly in order to get it up to par with iOS and Android, feature-wise and UI-wise. They need to, quite frankly, throw millions of dollars to developers in order to entice development to the platform so that people will buy Windows Phones so that the ecosystem can be sustainable.

I'll again disagree here. With my HTC Droid Incredible (which I used from 2010-2012), the only real update I got was from Froyo to Gingerbread, I think (that's 2.3-2.4, right?). On Windows Phone, I got GDR1 after one month. I'll be getting GDR2 soon (I hope), putting it at just shy of a year. GDR3 is expected in November. 8.1 is supposed to come in early-2014 (which I read as Q1, but I might be overly-optimistic). that means I WILL get 3 meaningful updates within about a year, and a fourth MAJOR one after about 15-18 months. That, and Microsoft guaranteed 36 months of WP8 support, while Android OEMs (particularly HTC) seem to drop support after 12-18 months.

The slowness of Windows Phone is from the other players. Carriers hold up the updates (AT&T and GDR2 is a BIG example). OEMs aren't fast enough with hardware releases (Samsung and HTC are also phoning it in HARD). The release cycle of the platform is also awkward, which I suppose is on the lap of Microsoft. Having this fall cycle puts them in an awkward position with Android. With Apple, it doesn't matter much, as they have the custom/exclusive SoCs. When we compare Android and Windows Phone, both are almost solely living off of the Qualcomm stuff (save the versions of Samsung stuff with the Eynos chips). Since the One and S4 launched in a spring-ish time frame (don't recall the exact months), this fall release for Windows Phone means they are releasing stuff about halfway into a Qualcomm SoC life cycle. That means something of a permanent case of catch-up, and I don't like it.

The MSM8960 SoC in everything from the 810 to the 1020 (which also sat in the U.S. Galaxy S III) was about 6 months old when it got into Windows Phone devices. Within another 6 months, the Snapdragon 600 stuff MAJORLY outclassed it. Now, due to a 2-year contract, I'm going to be with the 920 until fall 2014, and I was starting with 6-month old hardware to start (it doesn't majorly bother me, but it's a spec thing that can be a nuisance). That no WP devices launched with a 600 SoC plain sucks for consumers. That we're not hearing anything about a legitimate 920/925/928 successor when we're 11 months into its life cycle is only made worse by the fact that they released on a SoC that was 6-12 months old (depending on the 92x device you talk about).

That's not to say no one should Windows Phone. If you can look at one and it does the basic functions you need, it's actually mostly a joy to use. It took me so long to sell my Lumia 920 because every time I pick it up I actually enjoyed messing with it.

But if you're even a LITTLE afraid of the app selection on the WP Marketplace, then you should give it another year to incubate and see if MS puts their money where their mouth is in 2014 (which, I presume they're going to do).

I agree, there are still meaningful app gaps that need to be addressed, but it DOES sound like most of them are being worked on. The only exception here is Google, but that's 1005 on Google, who outwardly refuses to offer any support (despite Microsoft's willingness to bring SmartGlass, Xbox Music, and Office to iOS and Android). Heck, even when Microsoft offered to make a YouTube app themselves, Google refused. When Microsoft did it anyway, they sent a cease and desist. They then said Microsoft HAD to make it an HTML5 app (which the Android and iOS apps aren't ,and which is much tougher to build, from what I heard).

Third-party developers do a GREAT job of filling in the holes with Windows Phone, I think. Pinterest has good third-party solutions. YouTube has SEVERAL of them (MetroTube is often cited as better than anything Google ever put out on the other platforms). Swapchat covers Snapchat, I guess. Microsoft self-made Twitter and Facebook apps when their owners wouldn't. Over the past few months, several god Instagram options have launched.

Things still remain, but it's getting better, and I still think that the pros (UI, music player, Xbox integration, Office integration, etc.) greatly outweigh the cons for me.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2001
I had a Lumia 920 for 2 weeks and it was great but there was a great disparity in lack of apps then (Dec 2012). I got in on the HSN 521 deal and man has the Windows store grown... although still lacking games/apps but way way way better than before.

I'm going to be honest and say I don't really use that many applications/games... but it's just nice to be able to download an app here and there when you want it. I say try out a WP yourself. You'd be surprised on how good it really is... just needs more refinement (8.1).

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
See, those kinds of statements, I want to say "fair point to," but I can't. I have to instead ask WHAT was/is missing. You say that there was a great lack of apps in 2012, and that there are still many apps and games lacking. I'd like to hear some examples, because as someone who doesn't use Android to know, I'm curious as to what people still ask for from the platform before they'd legitimately switch.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I used WP7 for over a year, wasnt bad.

Tried using WP8 recently, after having a Note 2 for about a year.

Nope. Nothing to make me go back. Not enough apps, no widgets, not enough customization (both in fun stuff like themes and practical stuff like settings), lack of regular updates, some things are impossible while the rest require multiple steps, just unacceptable all around.


Nov 20, 2005
What does that mean?

Right now Windows has three app stores: Real Windows (x86), Windows RT and Windows Mobile.

This of course is a crazy clusterfuck, so hopefully MS can get them all on the same page.

I personally doubt that will happen. I think in five years the two ARM ecosystems will be dead and the x86 one will have turbo-boosters bolted on to cover all platforms.

With that said, I applaud Microsoft for the fact that their smartphone OS was a trendsetter. The best part of the design were copied by everyone - the flat GUI (iOS7), the squared off tiles (Google Play), and the social feed homescreen (blinkfeed).

Microsoft just needs to decide what arch its going to live on, or start working on a Java-esc trick like Android has with .net to make it platform agnostic on the client side instead of the development side.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2004
Right now Windows has three app stores: Real Windows (x86), Windows RT and Windows Mobile.

This of course is a crazy clusterfuck, so hopefully MS can get them all on the same page.

I personally doubt that will happen. I think in five years the two ARM ecosystems will be dead and the x86 one will have turbo-boosters bolted on to cover all platforms.

With that said, I applaud Microsoft for the fact that their smartphone OS was a trendsetter. The best part of the design were copied by everyone - the flat GUI (iOS7), the squared off tiles (Google Play), and the social feed homescreen (blinkfeed).

Microsoft just needs to decide what arch its going to live on, or start working on a Java-esc trick like Android has with .net to make it platform agnostic on the client side instead of the development side.

They've rumored to have already said they are merging the App stores. I agree it is one of the big things holding back WP.


Nov 20, 2005
MS's problem is they want to put the burden on developers- "just compile for all our archs." No matter how easy you make it, that means the archs won't have parity.

They need to move to a Java model where their app store binaries can run on any platform.
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