Who says the 512MB GTXs aren't available? :D

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Originally posted by: Agnostos Insania
What was the point of this thread again?

"I have 6 new cards, you don't."

Seriously, this thread has no purpose other than to inflate your ego further by absorbing the "OMG FAP FAP FAP" comments into your brain. Some people have voiced their displeasure over this, and quite frankly you shouldn't at all be surprised.

not only that but the title is deceptive because it suggests that GTX 512 is actually available when it's really not . So I guess that was just a joke to attract people to read your "look what I got" thread. But seriously the availability situation of the GTX 512 is not helping nvidia and with the X1900 already available it might get ugly for them. So your new GTX 512 SLI is already not the fastest, just a day after you almost got it to work......I gues you gonna get the X1900 next just as soon as something even better comes a long....it's nice to always have the second best, isn't it ?

What's your problem? Wish you actually had a pair or something?

You know something that's even more funny? G71 comes out, and I'll have a pair of those, too. What kind of stupid envious crap is going to come out of your mouth then?

BTW, let's see how many people have Crossfire vs SLi, and we'll see who's second best.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: Agnostos Insania
What was the point of this thread again?

"I have 6 new cards, you don't."

Seriously, this thread has no purpose other than to inflate your ego further by absorbing the "OMG FAP FAP FAP" comments into your brain. Some people have voiced their displeasure over this, and quite frankly you shouldn't at all be surprised.

Actually, its kinda cool to know that a follow Anadtechner has such an awesome setup. I'm happy for him..

its more like "sharing the wealthy" rather than to put people down.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Ronin
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Originally posted by: Agnostos Insania
What was the point of this thread again?

"I have 6 new cards, you don't."

Seriously, this thread has no purpose other than to inflate your ego further by absorbing the "OMG FAP FAP FAP" comments into your brain. Some people have voiced their displeasure over this, and quite frankly you shouldn't at all be surprised.

not only that but the title is deceptive because it suggests that GTX 512 is actually available when it's really not . So I guess that was just a joke to attract people to read your "look what I got" thread. But seriously the availability situation of the GTX 512 is not helping nvidia and with the X1900 already available it might get ugly for them. So your new GTX 512 SLI is already not the fastest, just a day after you almost got it to work......I gues you gonna get the X1900 next just as soon as something even better comes a long....it's nice to always have the second best, isn't it ?

What's your problem? Wish you actually had a pair or something?

You know something that's even more funny? G71 comes out, and I'll have a pair of those, too. What kind of stupid envious crap is going to come out of your mouth then?

BTW, let's see how many people have Crossfire vs SLi, and we'll see who's second best.

That was pretty arrogant.

Yeah and you wouldnt have the newest if you didnt have connections with Nvidia. In fact I dont know anyone here that keeps to the absolute newest hardware that doesnt get some sort of free or reduced pricing.

Sorry, the rest of us arent on the equivalent of video card food stamps and have other things going on in our lives? :disgust:

Its not jealousy, but you need to quit acting like you are supreme for having SLI-whatever. The rest of us could afford it if we wanted too, and you wouldnt blow that cash on a ton of GTX512s if you paid full price either.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: v8envy

This is an easy prediction to make. Several anandtechers have already ordered X1900XTs for $505-545. From the leaked specs on the cards & benchmark results and common sense, the X1900XT is faster than the X1800XT. The 512 Press Edition's wins vs X1800XT on a majority of games w/ FSAA are pretty slim, so the X1900XTX should either be a clear winner, or once again an arguable winner like the X1800XT.

Now, *TWO* X1900XTs in crossfire ($1000 pricepoint) will beat the living snot out of single 512 press edition (also $1000 pricepoint) on more than 90% of all past and current games, by a very convincing margin. Please refer to X1800XT CF results on the ORB for numbers supporting my theory. It's not a hard prediction to make that X1900XTX will only be better.

What's debateable is whether the 512 Press Edition will still command a $1000 pricetag, or even the $649 MSRP after monday. What's not debateable is that you have be braindead to buy one today for $1000.

I like this guy

You know what's funny? Some of the diehard Nvidia fanboys originally said that the X1800XT was going to be a Press Edition type card, with low availablity and high (above MSRP) prices. In reality it's turned out to be highly available and was selling for MSRP and below not that long after release. Nvidia, ON THE OTHER HAND, did manage to give us the untimate PRESS EDITION card, the 512MB GTX. Months later and it's still selling for way above MSRP and harder to spot in stock than Bigfoot. Funny thing is I don't see these fanboys berating Nvidia much about it.

Again for the 705th time... The 512MB GTX was limited edition from the start.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Would someone please let this thread die? I mean all that needs to be said HAS been said. He has 6 7800GTX, Big whoop. He got them for free, Big whoop. He needed help deciding on a PSU, and that was given. Now it has turned into Video Card religeous banter. Time to end this thread for it has no value for anyone, other then to point fingers about who has what, how they got it, when they got it, it's availability and such. There is nothing to add to this topic.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Ronin
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Originally posted by: Agnostos Insania
What was the point of this thread again?

"I have 6 new cards, you don't."

Seriously, this thread has no purpose other than to inflate your ego further by absorbing the "OMG FAP FAP FAP" comments into your brain. Some people have voiced their displeasure over this, and quite frankly you shouldn't at all be surprised.

not only that but the title is deceptive because it suggests that GTX 512 is actually available when it's really not . So I guess that was just a joke to attract people to read your "look what I got" thread. But seriously the availability situation of the GTX 512 is not helping nvidia and with the X1900 already available it might get ugly for them. So your new GTX 512 SLI is already not the fastest, just a day after you almost got it to work......I gues you gonna get the X1900 next just as soon as something even better comes a long....it's nice to always have the second best, isn't it ?

What's your problem? Wish you actually had a pair or something?

You know something that's even more funny? G71 comes out, and I'll have a pair of those, too. What kind of stupid envious crap is going to come out of your mouth then?

BTW, let's see how many people have Crossfire vs SLi, and we'll see who's second best.

You have Crossfire too, don't you?

Anyway "Bad Ronin- stop showing us the cool perks of your work!"

Anybody here who wants this stuff can get it, you just need to get in an industry that is supplied developer cards. Being angry with Ronin is like being mad at airline employees for getting free flights- his cards are a fringe benefit of his work. From what he's told me of the hours he's working lately, I don't know if I'd trade no matter what the perks are.

BTW- I'm interested in Ronin's mondo haul of 512MB 7800GTXs, how sweet is that?



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Ronin
Interesting. I'd forgotten about Silverstone (and as a note, the S12-600 is the one I tried previously on the 256MB cards that didn't appear to be stable). I'll look further into that as an option.

Thanks for the information, Pete, and the perspective. It's much appreciated.

The Silverstone is a pretty solid PSU, however if noise is of any concern, forget about it. I am not a terribly picky person when it comes to that stuff, but that single 80mm fan was just too much. I ended up returning it after about a week.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Rampage
Yeah and you wouldnt have the newest if you didnt have connections with Nvidia. In fact I dont know anyone here that keeps to the absolute newest hardware that doesnt get some sort of free or reduced pricing.

Wrong. I can afford the cards very easily. Because I don't have to buy them doesn't factor in on whether I'd have them or not. Don't presume to know my financial situation, bud.

Your tone is apparent, and it's sad. You should have saved yourself some time and simply not posted.

Sorry, the rest of us arent on the equivalent of video card food stamps

This is legendary, let me tell you. It's going on my sig.



Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
seriously this thread has gone way to far. rofl
all the dude was trying to do is show you the coolness of 6 grand worth of cards side by side. there is no need to find insights as to how he got them, where he got them, how could he afford them, how can we afford them.

you guys are a bunch of retards, its a cool thread, not a flame thread.

personally thanks for the pictures ronin, I really enjoyed them. I have no reason to envy you, because we are clearly different people. we do different things, and we get different benefits.

now cool down, and look at the pics once more. then dream with your eyes open like i do.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
There is certainly no need for the flames, but I can understand how this thread was misleading. Look at the title of the thread... Being an affiliate with nVidia, or your company does not make them available to us regular users. It doesn't bother me that he has them, and I think that is cool to have a job like that. But creating a thread that said "Who says they are not available?" when most people would have attributed that to someone who paid for the cards. I mean, no one is going to question whether they are available to nVidia and their affiliates, but on the open market to pay for them at MSRP isn't something easily found. So I do think the title was misleading, whether intended or not. For someone to get irritated over that, is beyond me. Regardless, it is nothing to get worked up about.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Yreka
Originally posted by: Ronin
Interesting. I'd forgotten about Silverstone (and as a note, the S12-600 is the one I tried previously on the 256MB cards that didn't appear to be stable). I'll look further into that as an option.

Thanks for the information, Pete, and the perspective. It's much appreciated.

The Silverstone is a pretty solid PSU, however if noise is of any concern, forget about it. I am not a terribly picky person when it comes to that stuff, but that single 80mm fan was just too much. I ended up returning it after about a week.

Isn't it always? I'm going to spend some more time troubleshooting and whatnot before I bite the bullet (this may mean throwing the Seasonic back into the box and seeing how things go).


Jun 30, 2005
what I don't like is the deceptive title of this thread, if you really want to "share" with us what you got just call this thread "look what I got"

btw, good luck on the power plant, you can always use your PC (or is it an airplane?) as a heating appliance


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
What are your comments supposed to mean? My PC is nearly silent (the 512MB cards are more quiet than the 256MB ones, due to the lower RPM, larger sized fan).

Temps are hardly an issue, either (the cards themselves run @ ~40C idle, ~55C under load, and the CPU is 34C under load:


That's with 1 120MM Panaflo M1A on an XP-120, and 2 120MM fans as intake/exhaust, and nothing else.

Was there a point to your post?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
what I don't like is the deceptive title of this thread, if you really want to "share" with us what you got just call this thread "look what I got"

btw, good luck on the power plant, you can always use your PC (or is it an airplane?) as a heating appliance




Jun 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Ronin
What are your comments supposed to mean? My PC is nearly silent (the 512MB cards are more quiet than the 256MB ones, due to the lower RPM, larger sized fan).

Temps are hardly an issue, either (the cards themselves run @ ~40C idle, ~55C under load, and the CPU is 34C under load:


That's with 1 120MM Panaflo M1A on an XP-120, and 2 120MM fans as intake/exhaust, and nothing else.

Was there a point to your post?

ummm...yeah, that was my point - so many heat producing components that is being vented from your machine (thus the components themselves stay relatively cool), that it is practically a heater. It's ok for a video card to run at 55C but I wouldn't want to sit in such a room temprature.

btw, nice job on keeping it quiet at least


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Even for SoCal, my power bill only runs about $150/month (and yes, I *am* in fact an electronics monkey...you don't want to know what I house in my place). I'm sure it'll take a small bump (if I'm gaming all the time), but I wouldn't expect it to explode.


Oct 19, 1999
Originally posted by: dworley
Interetsing article on the Inquirer today about NVIDIA paying off people with gifts to "salt" message boards with endorsements of it's products.......Did Ronin ever say how he got 6 7800GTX 512's for free?


I think you need to reread the thread, mate. Ronin has never made a secret of the fact that he is connected to nVidia on these forums and you can see his requisition order in the images he posted.

As for the Inquirer, they are just dressing up forum talk (old forum talk at that) as news... typical for them. The only suprise with that article is that Fraud didn't pen it, though it's badly written enough to be him in disguise...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
And everyone still seems to forget that nVIDIA isn't the only place I get my hardware from, it just happens that they're more generous with it (I also have 3 X1800XT's, 2 X1800XLs, 1 X1600, and 2 X1300's, for example). Do I lean green? Yup, I do, since before the GeForce days. But I don't refute a good product when I see it.
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