Who's Christian here?

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Nov 3, 2004
I consider mormons/JWs as cultish, and i don't believe they worship the same thing that I and other christians do. or catholics if you see a distinction

Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins


Dec 12, 2005
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
I consider mormons/JWs as cultish, and i don't believe they worship the same thing that I and other christians do. or catholics if you see a distinction

Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins

Just wondering.

To you is accepting the Holy Trinity necessary though to be saved.
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: DVK916
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
I consider mormons/JWs as cultish, and i don't believe they worship the same thing that I and other christians do. or catholics if you see a distinction

Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins

Just wondering.

To you is accepting the Holy Trinity necessary though to be saved.

no, I don't think so

there are primary issues, secondary issues, and then issues that are just retarded.

primary issue is believing in God, jesus as savior, etc. which leads to salvation

secondary issue is accepting idea of trinity, priesthood of all believers, pope, good works(they're good and i think it'll store treasures in heaven, but isn't necessary at all for salvation, unless you count acceptance of christ as savior as a good work)

rosemary beads are retarded


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
Don't mormons believe they too can be come gods with their own planets. That satan and jesus are brothers.

We believe that we need to become perfect like God. We believe that we need to become one with God. We believe that we are ALL spiritual brothers and sisters. We believe that Christ has recieved "all that the father hath" and that we can recieve the same. - So in a word, yes. But that is certainly is the twisted terminology of an anti-mormon. I am more concerned with how I treat my kids and neighbors than worrying about becoming a "god". And I have enough trouble taking care of my yard to ensure I am not concerned about a planet...


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: DaShen
Originally posted by: DVK916
Originally posted by: shoRunner
Originally posted by: DVK916

Heaven and Hell are what make people christian. When you believe that you will be tortured for eternity if you don't comply it is a strong motivator.

this is also why you find many hypocrits, because christianity is not about getting a get out of hell free card....as you so naively perceive it.

No but according to christianity those who are not christian are garenteed a spot in hell.

The reason is that everyone, including Christians (sometimes especially Christians, that is what makes the actual gift so undeserving), deserve nothing but eternal seperation from G-d. To be in G-d's presence you must be blameless, without fault. None of us are. That is the premise. The Law and Sin is what seperates us from God. Since God is both Just and Merciful, he cannot just ignore the Law.

Is a judge just if he lets a proven criminal go free without giving the criminal what he deserves? Would a judge be just if let a rapists go 'scott free' because he pitied and loved the person who raped? No, of course not. Would it be just if another rapist offered to take the punishment instead. No, of course not. But if someone who did not commit a criminal act, like the Judge Himself, willingly took the rapists place, would the justice be done.

Therefore, G-d demenstrated His love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He gave us the ability to be present before Him blameless because another person who was blameless took our place.

god doesnt care about tribal ppl who have never heard of christ or the bible. lots of just and mercy there eh?

this concept is one of the main reasons to not buy into this nonsense, sure some weird things happen to all of us, like some old friend cross ing paths with you or something great happening to you. But what about all the bad crap? like why do some babies die and some people get diseases? so everyone else can be taught compassion? how is that free will? back to the main point, if im some native culture who was never exposed to christianity, like say some buddhist, or some Papau New Guinea tribe, do I go to hell?


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins

Neither Mormons nor JW's reject the Atonement of Christ.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2004
i was a loooong time ago. as i got older i grew out of that superstitious way of thinking and turned into an atheist.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
back to the main point, if im some native culture who was never exposed to christianity, like say some buddhist, or some Papau New Guinea tribe, do I go to hell?

Nope. Just like Christ went and taught people in 'paradise', there are people teaching them there now. All will learn of Christ and have a chance to accept or reject him, whether in this life or the next one.



Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
like why do some babies die and some people get diseases?

And death is only bad to us. While we are having funerals here, God is having a welcome home party in heaven!!
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Lovepig
Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins

Neither Mormons nor JW's reject the Atonement of Christ.

yeah, but i dunno if they believe in the same being Christ, like the archangel michael/jesus christ business, and the Adam is God idea?

<---- not exactly an expert in JW/Mormonism, so feel free to clear up any misconceptions


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Lovepig
like why do some babies die and some people get diseases?

And death is only bad to us. While we are having funerals here, God is having a welcome home party in heaven!!

so why dont christians bury their dead in cheap pine boxes? why all the wasted money on pomp and circumstance?


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Lovepig
like why do some babies die and some people get diseases?

And death is only bad to us. While we are having funerals here, God is having a welcome home party in heaven!!

how do you know there is this welcome party in heaven? just cause you read it, thats like all of us reading the lord of the rings and believing all that crap just cause we were taught it from day 1 as if it it were fact. Do you really believe if this werent conditioned into you in some form or another you would have "found" god? What miracles have you witnessed PERSONALLY? not something you read in some elaborate story book? What happens to all the people who came before Christ came along? I tell you, the framers of this elaborate moneymakeing scheme known as Christianity and other religions really were smart, they always have some passage to counter a non-believers arguments. Don't you guys see this is used as a means of control,. religion always has and will be. They told the slaves to obey their masters in church, racism and discrimination was propagated and maintained using religion, catholic priests molesting kids for ages, need I go on??? how can this be a good insititution??!?!


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
so why dont christians bury their dead in cheap pine boxes? why all the wasted money on pomp and circumstance?

elaborate funeral services help the SURVIVORS feel better. That has nothing to do with religion. Additionally in many areas laws and politics prohibit people from having cheap burial boxes, and require them to buy $5,000+ pine boxes....

yeah, but i dunno if they believe in the same being Christ, like the archangel michael/jesus christ business, and the Adam is God idea?

Again, the 'adam-god theory' is twisted anti-mormon stuff. It is by no means a Core Doctrine of the LDS Church. Main differences of LDS are we do believe we existed before we lived on earth, we do not believe in the Trinity, and we believe God loves people now just as much as any-time on the Earth and provides tghe same revealtion, guidance, miracles, and leadership to people now that He has in historic times.

Here is a better summary (if I can link). http://scriptures.lds.org/en/a_of_f/1


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
What miracles have you witnessed PERSONALLY? not something you read in some elaborate story book? What happens to all the people who came before Christ came along? I tell you, the framers of this elaborate moneymakeing scheme known as Christianity and other religions really were smart, they always have some passage to counter a non-believers arguments. Don't you guys see this is used as a means of control,. religion always has and will be.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure there is some of that out there. Probably alot. History documents men changing the scriptures and religious laws for their own personal and political gain certainly. Other men make changes with the best intents yet they are fallible and may be wrong. But just because they are wrong things out there does not mean the righ thting does not exist. If you looked at every possible asnwer (wrong and right) to 2+2=? you might look at 50 billion answers before you read 2+2=4. If you stopped at 49 billion, you just might assume that there was no right asnwer to your problem... and you'd mostly be right. Too bad you would be mssing out on the actual right answer.

And for the record I HAVE witnessed a small handful of Miracles. Although you will be unlikely to find me discussing them on an online forum. I think we can all imagine what those results might be...



Senior member
Jun 29, 2004
How many historical events have you witnessed? I didnt see the burning of Rome but I believe it because of credible sources. The Bible is a credible source IMO. You may disagree. But don't disagree because of philisophical issues(i.e. the Bible is wrong because people caanot be raised form the dead).

Like I said, each will have to give an account for what they have been revealed.

And for the record, I do not consider Mormons nor JW's Christians in the sense that they believe a different Jesus than I do. Its like comparing the idealized Hitler in propaganda films to the real guy(no im not comparing Mormons to Nazis). The point I am making is we believe in two different Jesus'. Not to mention different sciptures.


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Giantsfan24
How many historical events have you witnessed? I didnt see the burning of Rome but I believe it because of credible sources. The Bible is a credible source IMO. You may disagree. But don't disagree because of philisophical issues(i.e. the Bible is wrong because people caanot be raised form the dead).

Like I said, each will have to give an account for what they have been revealed.

And for the record, I do not consider Mormons nor JW's Christians in the sense that they believe a different Jesus than I do. Its like comparing the idealized Hitler in propaganda films to the real guy(no im not comparing Mormons to Nazis). The point I am making is we believe in two different Jesus'. Not to mention different sciptures.

the burning of rome im sure was documented by many scholars of different religious backgrounds though, which adds to its credibility. this is far from believing in Christianity wholeheartedly because its in a book by likeminded/belief scholars.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2000
And for the record, I do not consider Mormons nor JW's Christians in the sense that they believe a different Jesus than I do.

Not to nit-pick but if believeing in a different Savior goes BOTh ways. If he believes different than you, then you also believe differen than him. Is there some reason your opinion should hold more validity than a JW who said YOU weren't Christian because YOU believe ina different Jesus than him?

I only believe in ONE Jesus the Christ. I just authomatically think we are talking about the same Jesus because I only know of one. What religion exactly teaches about multiple Jesus'??


Senior member
Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: SampSon
I'm jewish, god says you should all serve me.

wow, they are all out slaves then?

Other than being smarter than everyone else, I guess being a jew really starts to pay off for me...

Now, don't flame me, remmember you're all are my slaves! MUHAhahahahaha...


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
LOL, these threads are always fun, and always remind me why I don't adhere to organized religion and all the dogma and politics involved.

Just so some of you can get this through your thick skulls...

There are Catholic Christians, adhering to one of the oldest sects of Christianity, and there are Protestant Christians, so called because they decided to Protest the Catholic church.

It cracks me up how so many Protestants (usually fundies) insist that Catholics aren't Christian! Just because you don't LIKE them doesn't change the fact that they practice one of the original forms of Christianity...


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
I sure hope non of you christians are fat now. You realise gluttony and greed are part of the seven deadly sins, right? Effectively, you will go to hell for that.

Or... or do you just pick and choose what parts of the bible you feel apply to you? In which case you're not a true christian and should therefore go the whole way and give it up.

start thinking: it really rocks!


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
Originally posted by: Lovepig
Oh, and i meant that they aren't saved when they reject the Nicene Creed BECAUSE they reject the part where Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins

Neither Mormons nor JW's reject the Atonement of Christ.

yeah, but i dunno if they believe in the same being Christ, like the archangel michael/jesus christ business, and the Adam is God idea?

<---- not exactly an expert in JW/Mormonism, so feel free to clear up any misconceptions

We believe in God, the Father, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. We we believe they are one being, as in number, no. Do we believe they are one being, as in unified in what they do, yes. After all, husbands and wives are commanded to be one, as Christ is with God. If one means singular, as in the number, that's going to be an interesting mix. Seems more likely to me that when Christ says that he and the Father are one, he is really saying that they are unified in what they do. His prayers make a lot more sense that way too.

As for Michael, we believe him to be an archangel, just like you. Be believe God is our Father and Christ is our brother. Michael and all other beings who have ever existed are our brothers and sisters.

That make sense?


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Isla
LOL, these threads are always fun, and always remind me why I don't adhere to organized religion and all the dogma and politics involved.

Just so some of you can get this through your thick skulls...

There are Catholic Christians, adhering to one of the oldest sects of Christianity, and there are Protestant Christians, so called because they decided to Protest the Catholic church.

It cracks me up how so many Protestants (usually fundies) insist that Catholics aren't Christian! Just because you don't LIKE them doesn't change the fact that they practice one of the original forms of Christianity...

QFT... Anyone who follows Christ's teachings and professes Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior is a believer. (Part of Christ's teachings was that he was the one way to G-d)


Originally posted by: engineereeyore
We believe in God, the Father, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. We we believe they are one being, as in number, no. Do we believe they are one being, as in unified in what they do, yes. After all, husbands and wives are commanded to be one, as Christ is with God. If one means singular, as in the number, that's going to be an interesting mix. Seems more likely to me that when Christ says that he and the Father are one, he is really saying that they are unified in what they do. His prayers make a lot more sense that way too.

As for Michael, we believe him to be an archangel, just like you. Be believe God is our Father and Christ is our brother. Michael and all other beings who have ever existed are our brothers and sisters.

That make sense?

I could talk endlessly about certain thing about Mormonism. (Some very strange, peculiar things with the way the BOM was created and also the historical and theological backing of the BOM indeed, but I will leave it at that) They used to have a theologian that would write articles and he owned the rights to a website, so posted those articles online, but once his website funding ran out, LDS bought him out. I think it was something like karm.org, but I don't remember exactly. I think the guy worked for Probe Ministries if you want to know if he was reputable or not.

BTW, The RLDS (Revised) has started to follow Biblical doctrine. Although they still profess that the BOM is a holy book, they rarely reference it.


Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
Originally posted by: Stojakapimp
First off, I don't understand how Protestants could sit there and claim that Catholics are not Christians. Absolutely ridiculous.

Secondly, as other people have mentioned, you either need to add Orthodox on that list or leave off denominations. You can't specify Christians and then leave out the oldest practicing sect

Are you catholic?

No...I'm Orthodox

And if you look up Christian in Wikipedia, it states:

"Many Christians are grouped into ecclesial communities called denominations which are separated by certain aspects of their respective beliefs and theologies. The liturgical denominations, including Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, Roman and Eastern Catholicism, Anglicanism, and Lutheranism, along with many constituent components of the reformed traditions of Presbyterianism, Methodism, Moravianism, et al., teach that the title Christian is honorificly bestowed upon those who have received the sacrament of Baptism, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

It just seems silly to me that Protestants can state that Catholics are not Christians and don't mention anything about the other 20000 Protestant sects not being Christian. I mean has anybody read anything about Calvinism? There's some weird stuff there too
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