Why are Europeans so offended by US patriotism?

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Oct 9, 1999
Because throughout history there have been time where patriotism has grown in areas in europe, that usualy lead to nationalism or something alike.

Just overall Europe has learned that too much patriotism is a dangerous thing.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Czar
Because throughout history there have been time where patriotism has grown in areas in europe, that usualy lead to nationalism or something alike.

Just overall Europe has learned that too much patriotism is a dangerous thing.

And what divine right does Europe have to judge how much patriotism is too much, Czar?


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: Czar
Because throughout history there have been time where patriotism has grown in areas in europe, that usualy lead to nationalism or something alike.

Just overall Europe has learned that too much patriotism is a dangerous thing.

And what divine right does Europe have to judge how much patriotism is too much, Czar?
I'll answer for him, I'd say just a little bit less than Hitler's Germany...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: Czar
Because throughout history there have been time where patriotism has grown in areas in europe, that usualy lead to nationalism or something alike.

Just overall Europe has learned that too much patriotism is a dangerous thing.

And what divine right does Europe have to judge how much patriotism is too much, Czar?
Everyone looks at the world from his own perspective and his own life. Patriotism doesnt mean exactly the same thing here as it does in the US.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: Czar
Because throughout history there have been time where patriotism has grown in areas in europe, that usualy lead to nationalism or something alike.

Just overall Europe has learned that too much patriotism is a dangerous thing.

And what divine right does Europe have to judge how much patriotism is too much, Czar?
I'll answer for him, I'd say just a little bit less than Hitler's Germany...

That whoosh sound you heard was my point flying over your head.


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2001
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.

My point was this, Europeans can be weary of too much patriotism because they have seen it lead to Fascism, Nazism, etc. In no way am I saying that people should just stop being patriotic. There is some good that comes of it. Just don't be blind in your patriotism...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.

The patriotic state in America today is nothing compared to that of Nazi Germany.

You also have to consider the fact that Germany had been beaten down pretty harshly in WW1, and many of its citizens were resentful of that fact. The German economy was in the dumps, and people were looking for someone or somebody to solve all of their problems, and give them a boogeyman to blame it on. In walks Hitler.

Sorry, but I can't in any way extend that to the current state in America.


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.

The patriotic state in America today is nothing compared to that of Nazi Germany.

You also have to consider the fact that Germany had been beaten down pretty harshly in WW1, and many of its citizens were resentful of that fact. The German economy was in the dumps, and people were looking for someone or somebody to solve all of their problems, and give them a boogeyman to blame it on. In walks Hitler.

Sorry, but I can't in any way extend that to the current state in America.
Actually, we got beat down pretty bad on 9-11. We also looked for a scape-goat. Anyone who wore a turban or looked middle eastern. Everyone was treated as equals, except the muslims? That doesn't seem right to me. Also, our economy is in the crapper, so it looks slightly similar to me...

*edit* of course I don't mean the peak of nazism, where jews were interned and then later killed...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.

The patriotic state in America today is nothing compared to that of Nazi Germany.

You also have to consider the fact that Germany had been beaten down pretty harshly in WW1, and many of its citizens were resentful of that fact. The German economy was in the dumps, and people were looking for someone or somebody to solve all of their problems, and give them a boogeyman to blame it on. In walks Hitler.

Sorry, but I can't in any way extend that to the current state in America.
Actually, we got beat down pretty bad on 9-11. We also looked for a scape-goat. Anyone who wore a turban or looked middle eastern. Everyone was treated as equals, except the muslims? That doesn't seem right to me. Also, our economy is in the crapper, so it looks slightly similar to me...

3,000 people dead in a terrorist attack does not equate to an entire country being destroyed. Nearly two million Germans died in the First World War.

And while the stock market is in the dumps, most of our other economic indicators are positive. Post-war Germany was in a depression, with high percentages of unemplyment.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
Originally posted by: Xerox Man
Originally posted by: TheOmegaCode
I doubt it. Nazism is just extreme patriotism/nationalism. Patriotism can be a good thing, but if you take it to an extreme, people begin to develop an elitist attitude, which is never good.

The patriotic state in America today is nothing compared to that of Nazi Germany.

You also have to consider the fact that Germany had been beaten down pretty harshly in WW1, and many of its citizens were resentful of that fact. The German economy was in the dumps, and people were looking for someone or somebody to solve all of their problems, and give them a boogeyman to blame it on. In walks Hitler.

Sorry, but I can't in any way extend that to the current state in America.
Actually, we got beat down pretty bad on 9-11. We also looked for a scape-goat. Anyone who wore a turban or looked middle eastern. Everyone was treated as equals, except the muslims? That doesn't seem right to me. Also, our economy is in the crapper, so it looks slightly similar to me...

3,000 people dead in a terrorist attack does not equate to an entire country being destroyed. Nearly two million Germans died in the First World War.

And while the stock market is in the dumps, most of our other economic indicators are positive. Post-war Germany was in a depression, with high percentages of unemplyment.

don't forget, the price of stamps went up!



Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2001
I said similar, not the same. Of course we aren't in as bad of shape as Germany was post WW1, and our we aren't nationalistic, yet. I'm just saying that if we keep walking this path then bad things might come.

How many people were begging for the blood of Muslims after 9-11? In my opinion, too many.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: bonk102
because we are celebrating freedom from Europe?

Actually, this is an idea i had never thought of. The creation of the USA was the first blow a european power suffered that didn't entirely come from another european power.


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by: DonaldC
A great many of our founders were European. Look at all the USA has accomplished in the last 226 years. Much of Europe is still 25 years behind us. Do we rule or what.

And a lot of the world is even further behind us than that. IMO, that's why the terror-sissies are so angry, cuz they've been burning up in that desert for the last 2000-3000 years and haven't got their act together enough to invent air conditioning yet.

By the way....

Yes, we do rule!



Platinum Member
May 9, 2001
Good post by jimmyjammer. Yes, your average European has formulated his/her opinion of the U.S. based on obnoxious tourists, vapid Hollywood movies and local anti-American media. Is it any wonder, then, that they have completely missed what America is actually like? Most Europeans I know have been pleasantly surprised by the U.S. once they actually visit.

As for Europeans, I honestly hadn't heard that they were "offended by US patriotism," but those that are each have their own individual motivations for feeling that way. However, I do suspect that many of them are just now beginning to realize that the U.S. they have ripped on so vigorously for years may not have been that bad after all. You know the saying "let sleeping dogs lie?" Well, now the rest of the world is witnessing a mere whisper of what a truly belligerent American superpower could have done with its past decade+ of dominance, and I think the potential consequences are starting to sink in.

As another poster mentioned, Europeans have experienced that consequences of nationalism firsthand in the past, and continue to do so. So when they attempt to stifle U.S. patriotism it may be at least partially to prevent a progression to the level of pre-WWI/II European nationalism. Think about it: if Germany was able to cause as much damage as it did under Hitler, what could the U.S. do if it decides to take a more aggressive stance? A disturbing thought to many Europeans, and one that they likely had not considered before, instead taking the older, "gentler" U.S. for granted.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
exp, BRAVO!

But once we're through our 3rd beer bottle, here comes the question; Are Europeans really offended by US patriotism?
My answer is no.
Remember the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson. I think it represented US citizens with how strong their beliefs were.
I believe the true USAs patriotism comes from the American Civil War. Standing in lines of 100 men, a 100 feet apart from eachother with muskets and knowledge that 40% of the line will die at first shoot is just an example of patriotism. But back then, people fought for freedom. Nowdays, we fight from eachother.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2001
Originally posted by: AmusedOne
Originally posted by: LukFilm
Originally posted by: Tominator
More like envy!

Our economy, military...you name it...beats them by a long shot and we won't even go in to saving their ass a time or two.

They pretend freedom and equality. We struggle every day with those things. Our borders are the most liberal of ANY nation. We accept EVERYONE with half a desire to live here.

Be American and try and get a job in Germany and you'll go to jail! Be German and try to get a job in the US and you'll get hiring preference and interest free loans.....

Be an illegal immigrant in any country you can name besides the US and you get deported asap. Here we turn the other way....then give them amnesty a job and interest free loans.

They pretend, we don't and it irks them to no end.

LOL, whatever. I'm a student here for the past seven years and there is NO WAY IN HELL the US would allow me to stay one extra day beyond my visa expiration. And all those illegal immigrants with no skills are allowed to stay here with no problem. WTF? :|

Just marry one of our fine women, and you can stay all you like

HAHAHA, LOL, LMFAO....LukFilm? NEVER! Let's just say, been there, done that. Oh, and I forgot, HAHAHA. j/k LukFilm...I couldn't resist!!!!!!



Jul 8, 2002
The americans think that they are better than europeans, the towelheads or any other nation for that matter... And that is not elitist????????????

Nazis isn't just about Germany in the WWII... if you knew anything about the Nazi ideation you would know that it exists in every country and in every state, nowdays it has very little to do with jews...

Nazism is like racism, the belief of a better race...

I have seen more idiots in this thread than i want to see in a lifetime, you obviously do not have ONE CLUE about europe.. only what you think you know...

"The socialist" countries of europe huh... well... most are capitalistic countries, but how would you know that when you think that anything east of florida is just russkis??

If anything, this thread shows the ignorance of americans... and that is just plain sad...



Nov 26, 2000
Originally posted by: SnapIT
The americans think that they are better than europeans, the towelheads or any other nation for that matter...

If anything, this thread shows the ignorance of americans... and that is just plain sad...

You sure about that?



Jul 8, 2002
No, Lucky... and i am sorry for the generalisation i made...

I shouldn't have made that one... i should have said SOME... like that sciponfux or whatever he calls himself...

However, i uses the term towelheads, because that is what i read into statements made by americans regarding muslims... nothing else...

I think it is just as bad when some IDIOT thinks that the entire ground of Pakistan should be made into a parking lot because a TRIBE did something wrong...

In general though... most americans here cannot see beyond their patriotism (and in some cases even nationalism) and agree that maybe, just maybe there can be a better way of doing things than the american way...

Now stating that europe is 25 years behind in evolution, is laughable at best... it shows ignorance...


Nov 26, 2000
dont take what is said here so literally. A lot of times its just what we perceive as harmless fun, jokes, ya know? I doubt we have too many retards here who would literally advocate nuking pakistan.

Now France, that's another story.


Jun 30, 2001
I don't think it's the fact that we are celebrating breaking away from Europe. It's more of the fact that they were the superpowers back then, and they lost 85% of that power to us. Just think, most of them have histories that go way back and they were in charge for like 1,000 years. Then a few people go off and create a single country that is bigger than all of Europe (or at least close) that kicks their butt in everything. Now, you hear about Americans all over the place. The internet it dominated with American sites and sites about American movies and games, etc... I think they just resent the fact that the US basically indirectly controls the world.


Jul 8, 2002
Actually Lucky...

There are enough ignorant people here, if i gave them a mindblowing thought, do you think that would wipe out the US?
one can only hope... right?


Jan 10, 2001
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Actually Lucky...

There are enough ignorant people here, if i gave them a mindblowing thought, do you think that would wipe out the US?
one can only hope... right?

here is the reason americans dont like europeans.
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