Why are Europeans so offended by US patriotism?

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Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: SnapIT
The americans think that they are better than europeans, the towelheads or any other nation for that matter... And that is not elitist????????????

Nazis isn't just about Germany in the WWII... if you knew anything about the Nazi ideation you would know that it exists in every country and in every state, nowdays it has very little to do with jews...

Nazism is like racism, the belief of a better race...

I have seen more idiots in this thread than i want to see in a lifetime, you obviously do not have ONE CLUE about europe.. only what you think you know...

"The socialist" countries of europe huh... well... most are capitalistic countries, but how would you know that when you think that anything east of florida is just russkis??

If anything, this thread shows the ignorance of americans... and that is just plain sad...

Looks like you got your fair share of ignorance, too. To me it just confirms the snobby elitist Eurotrash belief that Americans are ignorant. See how that works.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: iamwiz82
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Actually Lucky...

There are enough ignorant people here, if i gave them a mindblowing thought, do you think that would wipe out the US?
one can only hope... right?

here is the reason americans dont like europeans.

LMAO, i did the same thing to you that Lucky said you did to the Pakistanians... and you did not get it...

Now i might be stupid or something, but if you can make a joke and cannot take the same joke, it wasn't a joke in the first place...

So either you are stupid or ignorant... your choice...



Jul 8, 2002
Looks like you got your fair share of ignorance, too. To me it just confirms the snobby elitist Eurotrash belief that Americans are ignorant. See how that works.

Would you care to explain just how my post shows ignorance?


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: SnapIT
No, Lucky... and i am sorry for the generalisation i made...

I shouldn't have made that one... i should have said SOME... like that sciponfux or whatever he calls himself...
I heard my handle being called? Address that one to me next time, coward.


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
the u.s. is the greatest country in the world right now largely i believe because of our geographic location and lack of enemies on our borders. if world war i and ii hadn't occurred the europeans would most likely be right with us or ahead economically. they lost many more soldiers and had their whole infrastructure destroyed, whereas the u.s. lost comparatively few men and had almost no infrastructure destruction. the europeans probably lost 30-40 years of this century because of the wars and having to rebuild.


Jul 8, 2002
I heard my handle being called? Address that one to me next time, coward.

Whatever... can you read what i wrote above or do i have to spell it out for you oh mister holier than thou chirstian american with all the correct opinions?

But sure, us europeans are 25 years behind... LMAO... you really do believe that don't you... Let me ask you a question, is that stupidity or just ignorance... are you toooooo stupid to understand or to ignorant to bother??



Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: SnapIT Whatever... can you read what i wrote above or do i have to spell it out for you oh mister holier than thou chirstian american with all the correct opinions?

But sure, us europeans are 25 years behind... LMAO... you really do believe that don't you... Let me ask you a question, is that stupidity or just ignorance... are you toooooo stupid to understand or to ignorant to bother??
You amuse me with your presumptions about me. You have no idea who I am or what my background is. You only exacerbate your idiocy with these conclusions of yours. Please get back to work so you can continue paying half of your income to your socialist paradise state.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Scipionix
Originally posted by: SnapIT Whatever... can you read what i wrote above or do i have to spell it out for you oh mister holier than thou chirstian american with all the correct opinions?

But sure, us europeans are 25 years behind... LMAO... you really do believe that don't you... Let me ask you a question, is that stupidity or just ignorance... are you toooooo stupid to understand or to ignorant to bother??
You amuse me with your presumptions about me. You have no idea who I am or what my background is. You only exacerbate your idiocy with these conclusions of yours. Please get back to work so you can continue paying half of your income to your socialist paradise state.

Well, i guess that proves my point... i do not pay half of my income, i pay 30% for that, i have free medical care, my kids get school lunches, if they don't eat meat, they get a vegetable school lunch with enough proteins....

So before you know ANYTHING about anything mister holy Scorafjaklfjak STFU!

Because when the it all comes around, you do not know anything... i bet you believe that tale about the bears walking around in the streets of sweden too?? MAN, you are just showing off your ignorance here...


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
SnapIT, they just don't understand. They think Europe is different and lacks in everything. I've lived in Germany, France, UK and Poland for a spread of 5 years. But I've visited Finland, Sweden, Russia, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria and Spain, so I know what you're talking about. I currently reside in Toronto, Canada (and for 3rd time I was always Canadian). But it's a pointless debate as most of the users here are North American and young so they wouldn't know.

I wouldn't hesitate moving to Europe if I was given a chance and a decent job there. You won't understand if you've actually been there.
The only place I'd live in North America would be Oregon, USA.


Jul 8, 2002
Well VFAA... if they know everything, like they say they do.. then why don't they get it...

Europe is NOT 25 years behind the US... now, i do not know where you got that from.... but you have to be utterly stupid to believe it...

Swedish technology is AHEAD, so is finnish and german... so why not shut up about that... if you are talking about europe as a mass of states,europe will whip your butt anytime... except for one thing... the military force... we spent our money on our homeless, you spent yours on military force... well... who did the right thing... and no, jerboy, you are not allowed to vote..


Sep 22, 2001
Swedish technology is AHEAD, so is finnish and german... so why not shut up about that... if you are talking about europe as a mass of states,europe will whip your butt anytime... except for one thing... the military force... we spent our money on our homeless, you spent yours on military force... well... who did the right thing... and no, jerboy, you are not allowed to vote..

They will huh. What technologies are they ahead in? You can spend your money on the homeless because we spend our money on defense. To defend you. If you had to spend the money and defend yourselves, you'd be screwed. Literally. You are the exact stereotypical elitist, socialist, Eurotrash that I despise. And before you start some rant about things you don't know, I am older than you, I've been more places and I've interacted with people from lots of countries. I base my comments on my experiences and perceptions.


Oct 11, 1999
Because the europeans can't agree on anything, common currency, language, laws, government. They want us to collapse into the rabble country/city states that they've become.

Think about it, most european countries are the size of US states, if they could form a centralized government, they could prob kick our ass, but they're busy arguing about what to image to put on the Euro, and if the queen mother should pay taxes.


Apr 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Because the europeans can't agree on anything, common currency, language, laws, government. They want us to collapse into the rabble country/city states that they've become.

Think about it, most european countries are the size of US states, if they could form a centralized government, they could prob kick our ass, but they're busy arguing about what to image to put on the Euro, and if the queen mother should pay taxes.

Yes that's right, Europe has *collapsed* into seperate country/city states. Oh how I long for the days before the collapse, when Europe, the supercontinent was all one country and we all spoke Esperanto and drank champagne during the beer fest.

Just so I can totally re-write my history, did this collapse happen before or after Europeans founded America? Or was America always one nation ruled by the 'Indians'?

Good ol Amerigo Vespucci!



Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Because the europeans can't agree on anything, common currency, language, laws, government. They want us to collapse into the rabble country/city states that they've become.

Think about it, most european countries are the size of US states, if they could form a centralized government, they could prob kick our ass, but they're busy arguing about what to image to put on the Euro, and if the queen mother should pay taxes.

They really couldn't. The population of the EU is somewhat larger than ours but the combined GDP is somewhat smaller than ours. Their economies separately are not as dynamic as ours and their growth rates and unemployment rates have been worse than ours for quite a while now. Now that they are together under a single currency, the individual countries have no monetary policy and interest rates will be set by the Bundesbank, excuse me, the European Central Bank, which has price stability as its overriding goal and is still German-dominated. That means that economic growth will be even slower. The EU could become an economic superpower, but not one to rival us, and I am still far from convinced that the whole system is viable anyway. The common people are none too happy with the Euro.


Apr 30, 2002
They really couldn't. The population of the EU is somewhat larger than ours but the combined GDP is somewhat smaller than ours. Their economies separately are not as dynamic as ours and their growth rates and unemployment rates have been worse than ours for quite a while now. Now that they are together under a single currency, the individual countries have no monetary policy and interest rates will be set by the Bundesbank, excuse me, the European Central Bank, which has price stability as its overriding goal and is still German-dominated. That means that economic growth will be even slower. The EU could become an economic superpower, but not one to rival us, and I am still far from convinced that the whole system is viable anyway. The common people are none too happy with the Euro.

What if Europe threw away all it's diversity/languages/cultures and cranked up their production and stopped caring that much about how the enviornment suffered, would Europe then equal the US?

From a very recent (last few days) WWF report on how the earth will die by 2050:

Based on factors such as a nation's consumption of grain, fish, wood and fresh water along with its emissions of carbon dioxide from industry and cars, the report provides an ecological 'footprint' for each country by showing how much land is required to support each resident.

America's consumption 'footprint' is 12.2 hectares per head of population compared to the UK's 6.29ha while Western Europe as a whole stands at 6.28ha. In Ethiopia the figure is 2ha, falling to just half a hectare for Burundi, the country that consumes least resources.


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Jimmyjammer

What if Europe threw away all it's diversity/languages/cultures and cranked up their production and stopped caring that much about how the enviornment suffered, would Europe then equal the US?

From a very recent (last few days) WWF report on how the earth will die by 2050:

Based on factors such as a nation's consumption of grain, fish, wood and fresh water along with its emissions of carbon dioxide from industry and cars, the report provides an ecological 'footprint' for each country by showing how much land is required to support each resident.

America's consumption 'footprint' is 12.2 hectares per head of population compared to the UK's 6.29ha while Western Europe as a whole stands at 6.28ha. In Ethiopia the figure is 2ha, falling to just half a hectare for Burundi, the country that consumes least resources.

First of all, you would be hard-pressed to defend Europe as more "diverse" or having "more languages" than the United States. Second, this report says absolutely nothing that we don't already know: the US consumes more resources than Europe because it is far wealthier than Europe. Third, you believe something that uses measures like the white rhino population to predict when the world will end?


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: sale1980
Originally posted by: AmusedOne
Originally posted by: LukFilm
Originally posted by: Tominator
More like envy!

Our economy, military...you name it...beats them by a long shot and we won't even go in to saving their ass a time or two.

They pretend freedom and equality. We struggle every day with those things. Our borders are the most liberal of ANY nation. We accept EVERYONE with half a desire to live here.

Be American and try and get a job in Germany and you'll go to jail! Be German and try to get a job in the US and you'll get hiring preference and interest free loans.....

Be an illegal immigrant in any country you can name besides the US and you get deported asap. Here we turn the other way....then give them amnesty a job and interest free loans.

They pretend, we don't and it irks them to no end.

LOL, whatever. I'm a student here for the past seven years and there is NO WAY IN HELL the US would allow me to stay one extra day beyond my visa expiration. And all those illegal immigrants with no skills are allowed to stay here with no problem. WTF? :|

Just marry one of our fine women, and you can stay all you like

HAHAHA, LOL, LMFAO....LukFilm? NEVER! Let's just say, been there, done that. Oh, and I forgot, HAHAHA. j/k LukFilm...I couldn't resist!!!!!!

Are you still with that dude? If not, LMK, so we can go out or something. If so, LMK where I can email you, I haven't talked to you in a while...


Apr 30, 2002
First of all, you would be hard-pressed to defend Europe as more "diverse" or having "more languages" than the United States. Second, this report says absolutely nothing that we don't already know: the US consumes more resources than Europe because it is far wealthier than Europe. Third, you believe something that uses measures like the white rhino population to predict when the world will end?

First: Why would I be hard pressed to 'defend' Europe as more diverse than America? It's not really a fair comparison as America is one country while Europe is many countries. The fact that Europe is more diverse should be obvious. You'll find a lot of English speakers in Italy but the official language is still Italian. Spain has spanish, Germany german etc etc. Each of those countries has lots of people who speak different languages within their borders. America has lots of people who speak many languages, most every language on earth is covered but that means nothing more than America either has lots of foreigners or lots of multilingual people. The offical language is still English, while a simple combination of Britain and Norway doubles America's 'official language count'. A ridiculously obvious point, but anyway...

Second: I'm not an expert on this so that's why I quoted the WWF as I respect their expertise. However, I'd hazard a guess that you've got it backwards a little, America is far wealthier than Europe as it consumes more than Europe, would be my supposition, not the other way around. But like I said, I leave that to the experts.

Thirdly: I can't find mention of the white Rhino anywhere in that piece I copied and pasted. It mentions "grain, fish, wood and fresh water along with its emissions of carbon dioxide from industry and cars" which I think is a much more accurate analysis than whether or not the white Rhino is around.

This thread has disintegrated into a 'My country is better than yours' fest. I'm starting to think many people on here think Europe is one country. It's also hard to tell who the older/wiser and more intelligent people are, from the younger posters more prone to shouting useless additions to the arguement.

Were'nt we originally talking about American patriotism and how it annoys some people?


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Jimmyjammer
First: Why would I be hard pressed to 'defend' Europe as more diverse than America? It's not really a fair comparison as America is one country while Europe is many countries. The fact that Europe is more diverse should be obvious. You'll find a lot of English speakers in Italy but the official language is still Italian. Spain has spanish, Germany german etc etc. Each of those countries has lots of people who speak different languages within their borders. America has lots of people who speak many languages, most every language on earth is covered but that means nothing more than America either has lots of foreigners or lots of multilingual people. The offical language is still English, while a simple combination of Britain and Norway doubles America's 'official language count'. A ridiculously obvious point, but anyway...
Quite wrong. The United States does not have an official language, nor has it ever had one. A ridiculously obvious point, I might add.

Second: I'm not an expert on this so that's why I quoted the WWF as I respect their expertise. However, I'd hazard a guess that you've got it backwards a little, America is far wealthier than Europe as it consumes more than Europe, would be my supposition, not the other way around. But like I said, I leave that to the experts.
If that were so, why would the Burundians not simply increase the amount of resources they use to a European level and thus be as wealthy as Europe?

Thirdly: I can't find mention of the white Rhino anywhere in that piece I copied and pasted. It mentions "grain, fish, wood and fresh water along with its emissions of carbon dioxide from industry and cars" which I think is a much more accurate analysis than whether or not the white Rhino is around.
My mistake. It was the African elephant.
"Endangered wildlife: African elephant numbers have fallen from 1.2 million in 1980 to half a million now."
I would think that this is a problem caused by African poachers, not "overconsumption," and I especially don't see how this has anything to do with the United States since new ivory imports are illegal here.


Apr 30, 2002
Quite wrong. The United States does not have an official language, nor has it ever had one. A ridiculously obvious point, I might add.

That's actually quite interesting, I wasn't aware America didn't have an official language. However, if just goes to prove my point even further. America has no official language, Europe has many depending on the country. That to me seems like diversity, but to seal the point I could just add cultural diversity. Europe has culture and a history that is far greater than America has. Oh and the 'obviousness' I was referring to wasn't the fact that whatever country had whatever language officially, but rather that Europe was more culturally diverse. Again, it's hardly a fair comparison as America = 1 country, Europe =many!

If that were so, why would the Burundians not simply increase the amount of resources they use to a European level and thus be as wealthy as Europe?

Burundi is pretty small, but a lovely place. America is massive, has a large popualtion and consumes lots and I was pointing out the fact that it's enviormental record is...at best...not that good.

My mistake. It was the African elephant.
"Endangered wildlife: African elephant numbers have fallen from 1.2 million in 1980 to half a million now."
I would think that this is a problem caused by African poachers, not "overconsumption," and I especially don't see how this has anything to do with the United States since new ivory imports are illegal here.

I didn't mention the Africa Elephant in my clipping as it wasn't relevant. Congratulations on noticing that the addition of that little tidbit of info has nothing to do with the US.



Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by: Tominator
More like envy!

Our economy, military...you name it...beats them by a long shot and we won't even go in to saving their ass a time or two.

They pretend freedom and equality. We struggle every day with those things. Our borders are the most liberal of ANY nation. We accept EVERYONE with half a desire to live here.

Be American and try and get a job in Germany and you'll go to jail! Be German and try to get a job in the US and you'll get hiring preference and interest free loans.....

Be an illegal immigrant in any country you can name besides the US and you get deported asap. Here we turn the other way....then give them amnesty a job and interest free loans.

They pretend, we don't and it irks them to no end.


I think we need to build walls around the US. Like 8 miles high, and if they even see a person in their sight, they get a cap in their @$$. And ship all the immigrants outta here



Aug 30, 2001
Why are Europeans so offended by US patriotism?

Most are not. If you want to go around singing "U - S - A" and lar-de-dar like stuff, waving your flag, thats fine by most of us. We do the same a lot of the time too, just look at the world cup and events like that, loads of people who get behind their country. nothing special about that.

there are other reasons why europeans have problems with the US, here is a brief list for ME PERSONALLY i speak FOR NO-ONE ELSE BUT MYSELF

1. Arrogance. This thread proves it all. Whether true or not, all the claims of 'oh yeah its coz we're so great' and such like. the US has lots of problems, faults just like every other country in the world.

2. Selfishness. There seems to be a general attitude of do whats best for yourself and the rest of the world can go to hell, at least with the current US government. I don't need to list all the recent examples. all that crap posted about socialism too, you wouldn't be saying that if your kid daughter needed medical treatment and you couldn't afford to pay for it.

3. Attempted Bullying to get their own way. WTF is that latest thing about wanting to be immune to prosecution for Genocide ??? the US thinks they are above everyone else. the US doesn't hold itself accountable to the rest of the world.

4. Lies. This thread has about 4,000 lies or over-statements about history.

and if europe wanted to be a massive super power, we could easily be, we could all unite and make one massive union, but most of us know what kinds of problems that would cause, and so the european union only exists for uniting things that actually work.

just for the record i also have major problems with

and in part Germany

goodbye, ive had my say, and will not read this thread again, im sure ill be flamed for expressing my opinion.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
well the usa is the universal boogey man now

Actually, I think Israel is considered the Universal Bogeyman right now.

The Arab/Muslim countries have done a good job at promoting their agenda of excising Israel from the global community. Since they couldn't do it by war they are attempting to do it politically. The UNHRC? a year or so ago proved that in it's vot calling Israel a Racist country.

The US just defends Israel in the UN and elsewhere.

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