Why are Millennials more...Liberal?

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Golden Member
Jul 18, 2012
You're asking me to feel sorry for poverty in hundred dollar tennis shoes, carrying smart phones, watching cable TV and playing on their XBoxes?
No, I'm asking you to feel sorry for real people, not anecdotes, caricatures, and myths extrapolated to make you feel better about awful realities.

American poverty today is American prosperity fifty years ago.
No it isn't, and that's a stupefyingly ignorant statement if you actually believe it.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I actually had a conversation with my best friends 19yo son about politics and government recently.

The general feeling is that government is corrupt, bought and paid for by special interests and there is very little hope of changing that. He and he says his friends have more overall humanitarian leanings and liberal leanings, but from a philosophical standpoint rather than partisan standpoint. He isn’t looking at it from a governmental perspective. When he identifies as liberal he is comparing his world view to other overall, government isn’t really in the equation.

In his eyes republicans and democrats are both worthless, conservatives and conservative principles are outdated and dogmatic, he also understands that “liberals” have some odd ways of thinking and approaching issues, but they seem to be more inclusive of everyone than conservatives.

I was actually surprised at how much consideration he has given it, when I asked him does he consider himself a republican/ conservative liberal or democrat he said none of that shit, it comes down to the issues people face and why they face them.

He said being dogmatic for the sake of needing to belong is ridiculous.

I left the conversation having some hope for the future

Yup, that's a pretty good place for him to be. A 19 year old is not at the maturity level to understand the complex rationales for Democratic policies. So, him seeing conservatism for what it is and being at a place where he can fall into adult liberalism when he can finally follow its intricacies and understand why certain trade-offs are made is pretty good.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
No, I'm asking you to feel sorry for real people, not anecdotes, caricatures, and myths extrapolated to make you feel better about awful realities.
Awwww *sniffle* everyone feels so sorry for you on your computer letting the world know about that first-worlder plight. *sniffle*


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Older people are likely to have saved more money so have more spending power, while younger people will be less afraid of losing what they have. Similarly, older people will have more career stability, younger people will have more options.

Older people are more experienced, younger people are more open minded.
Older people are more cynical due to experiencing more of life's problems, younger people are more naive.
Older people are more set in their ways, younger people are more impressionable.
Older people spent the formative years of their childhood further in the past. As societal trends slowly change, the more out of touch those formative norms will be.

Younger people have always been more progressive. The article says that people are now more progressive at a certain age. Maybe what's been changing is what it means to be young. Life expectancy goes up, retirement age has gone up, average age to marry and have a child has gone up, people are going to and graduating college later and people are leaving the household of their parents are later.

It's interesting for me to look at it, since I'm 30 years old but am way more liberal now than I was 10 years ago. But that's almost entirely due to a gradual departure from religion. I also live in a multi-family house (that I partially own) with my (unemployed) mother on another floor/apartment, but also my girlfriend, a friend, and a tenant renting the first floor. I have money, but I don't really spend it.
Some good points there.

The Americans who staged the Revolutionary War were also "whiners". If they weren't whiners they would have just shut up and showed subservience to the King. There's nothing wrong with protesting injustices.
I do not believe that I've ever seen willingness to fight for freedom equated with willingness to demand handouts. Congratulations, I suppose. This must be some sort of proggie milestone.

They too serve who demand free stuff.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Seriously, the plight of the "Most Excellent First Worlder" is just soooooooo sad. People just don't give you stuff for free anymore, and the streets aren't paved with gold like they used to be. *sniffle*.

Its just soooooooo hard to get someone to fund the rockstar birthright Excellent First Worlders deserve!

What's the world coming to when Excellent First Worlders don't get everything they deserve handed to them and are made to suffer the horrible fate of being told they'll have to do for self???? Quick! Someone tweet the Third World and let them know of this horrible injustice Excellent First Worlders are suffering under!


Aug 24, 2004
Liberals and Conservatives.

Chocolate or Vanilla.

Facebook of Twitter.

Coke or Pepsi.

It is so sad how humans are. They have grouped themselves into silly things such as liberals and conservatives. They label themselves and others as if the label is so important. Then they judge them based on that damn label. Sad humans.

In the end, they are the same. Liberals or Conservatives. Both are sheep. Little slavish sheep that follow their stupid ideologies. Not different from the blind faith that many religious people follow. Same thing, different terminology.

Oh well. This is our world.
Oct 30, 2004
When you move on from "there aren't enough ladders, so government should just provide me the rewards of climbing it since we can't all succeed" to something like "there aren't enough ladders, so I'll have to work extra hard", call me and we'll debate.

I never said "the government should just provide me the rewards of climbing it." You're just reinforcing the strawman. I'm trying to provide an explanation as to why many younger people are more liberal in their economic policies.

My view is that the government needs to fix the economy to restore ladders of upward mobility (such as ending or reducing our problems with global labor arbitrage) and address the issues of whether or not the the top 5% is actually working for and earning the money its accumulating or expropriating it from the people actually doing the work.
Oct 30, 2004
I do not believe that I've ever seen willingness to fight for freedom equated with willingness to demand handouts. Congratulations, I suppose. This must be some sort of proggie milestone.

If you want to mischaracterize everyone who opposes the Republicans as being moochers and looters, go ahead. Not everyone who supports progressive causes is "demanding handouts".


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If you want to mischaracterize everyone who opposes the Republicans as being moochers and looters, go ahead. Not everyone who supports progressive causes is "demanding handouts".

I pay more in taxes and fees than I get in services each year almost certainly, and I think taxes on my income bracket should be higher.

They need to be able to convince themselves that people only hold progressive ideals so they can steal people's money or for some other nefarious purpose. Once they are forced to admit that smart people can genuinely hold these ideas because they think they are the best for society then an entire leg of their world view is knocked out. I'm sure it would be scary.

Oddly enough, for as much as they complain about the Worldwide Progressive Conspiracy they secretly desperately want it to exist. They need it.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
You're asking me to feel sorry for poverty in hundred dollar tennis shoes, carrying smart phones, watching cable TV and playing on their XBoxes? Chance not. American poverty today is American prosperity fifty years ago.

Where's the proof of that (outside of Fox News' hatred bubble)? Even if it is true, why aren't you happy that they're using that money to bolster the economy? If everyone who receives assistance didn't spend it, we would be in even worse shape.

It sounds like a line lifted directly from Fox news.

There may be some fraud in the support system, but why do people paint everyone who can't obtain enough money to live on with the same, broad brush? There simply aren't enough good jobs in this country for the population. It's simple math.

This hatred of all things progressive, especially if it helps people (who they assume don't deserve it) makes me sad for humanity.

Progressive policies (that conservatives fought all the way) help the elderly and disabled stay out of poverty, and do you think conservatives turn that filthy money away when it's their turn to collect?"

  • Welfare for corporations is money well spent."

  • "Welfare for humanity is the worst evil of all, and anyone who takes it is a lazy sub-human."
Those are the talking points of Fox News and the same message the Koch brothers support with millions. They are shoving it down people's throats, and they're swallowing it. It gets repeated here a lot here. I guess people can't think for themselves. Again my sadness for parts of this society waxes.

The road they would have us go down would plunge millions of low income people, the elderly and disabled into abject, homeless poverty. We were there before and (to the great chagrin of conservatives) we helped them out. Isn't that who we are as a society? Or will we cast people aside while we dine on lobster? Maybe it could be like the deep class boundaries in India. Is that what we want? Is that who we are?

We subsidize the oil and gas industries to the tune of $41B a year. I'm sure there's waste and fraud there too. Does that mean all industry that accepts subsidies is evil? Where's the outrage about this?


Senior member
Mar 13, 2012
Bunch of spoiled, whiny, entitled little shits. When parents stop rewarding bad behavior with a belt and instead give them a shiny new toy, what do you expect?

They aren't liberal in the sense of more personal freedoms. They're "liberal" in the sense they want free crap cause its not fair they don't have it.

If it weren't a crime to whoop your child's ass when they deserve it, we wouldn't see so much of it. The baby boomers and hippies are to blame.

We aren't a generation of selfless humanitarians. We're a bunch of selfish bastards whose easy lives have been full of coddling and uncorrected bad behavior.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
You know, many liberals are liberal for social policy, not fiscal policy.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Oddly enough, for as much as they complain about the Worldwide Progressive Conspiracy they secretly desperately want it to exist. They need it.

Who else are they going to blame their failures on? Certainly not themselves. That would require them to accept personal responsibility for which they expect everyone else to but themselves, e.g., your business failed, its not because it was poorly run. No! Its the liberals and their oppressive government regulations that did caused it.


May 18, 2013
My experience with these guys, less of them have proper parents and they never knew a world without the internet. These youngsters don't realize it wasn't that long ago you had to actually figure out how to live like an Indian.


Aug 31, 2002
Peoples expectations are flat out wrong.

Older people have proper expectations IE Werepossum but as the world changes older people do in fact lose touch with reality, not that he isn't correct its just that the people with the PROPER expectations in life are unable to translate them into what that means in 2014 with everything else that is going on and has changed.

Now, flash to the younger generations and they have entirely skewed views on how the world should work. They have skewed expectations on work, money, happiness, family, friends, everything. They do however, live more in the here and now. They have more at stake in the hustle and bustle. Trying to find what makes them happy for the rest of their lives. Its tragic that they really have their hopes all built up on what is entirely the wrong direction.


Aug 31, 2002
My experience with these guys, less of them have proper parents and they never knew a world without the internet. These youngsters don't realize it wasn't that long ago you had to actually figure out how to live like an Indian.

By proper parents you mean a baby boomer?

We are already at the point where kids born to boomers have already had their owns kids, already entering the workforce.

I was late-born which I think is why I have unique perspective on this. I'm with the millennial/Gen-Y cohort but was raised with the same boomer values that Gen-X was raised on.

Some gripes are legitimate. We really won't be getting SS. We truly are too broke to ever buy all the houses that the boomers are going to offload in retirement. Gen X bought their houses and started their families during the housing boom. Good freaking luck to the boomers in retirement and the millennials just starting out. We are in fact, in the exact same boat together. Alot of people are too misinformed to even know where to begin on finding root causes and then people just argue out of ignorance solving nothing.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I pay more in taxes and fees than I get in services each year almost certainly, and I think taxes on my income bracket should be higher.

They need to be able to convince themselves that people only hold progressive ideals so they can steal people's money or for some other nefarious purpose. Once they are forced to admit that smart people can genuinely hold these ideas because they think they are the best for society then an entire leg of their world view is knocked out. I'm sure it would be scary.

Oddly enough, for as much as they complain about the Worldwide Progressive Conspiracy they secretly desperately want it to exist. They need it.
Of course it's not just about money. Power gets you guys off even more, whether it's the power to decide what one can have for lunch or power over one's health care. And pretending that recognizing the goals for which proggies work equals believing in a conspiracy fools no one. There's an old saying that the best trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he doesn't exist. Proggies are not nearly as smart as old Scratch and you have zero chance of fooling people into believing they don't exist.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Where's the proof of that (outside of Fox News' hatred bubble)? Even if it is true, why aren't you happy that they're using that money to bolster the economy? If everyone who receives assistance didn't spend it, we would be in even worse shape.

It sounds like a line lifted directly from Fox news.

There may be some fraud in the support system, but why do people paint everyone who can't obtain enough money to live on with the same, broad brush? There simply aren't enough good jobs in this country for the population. It's simple math.

This hatred of all things progressive, especially if it helps people (who they assume don't deserve it) makes me sad for humanity.

Progressive policies (that conservatives fought all the way) help the elderly and disabled stay out of poverty, and do you think conservatives turn that filthy money away when it's their turn to collect?"

  • Welfare for corporations is money well spent."

  • "Welfare for humanity is the worst evil of all, and anyone who takes it is a lazy sub-human."
Those are the talking points of Fox News and the same message the Koch brothers support with millions. They are shoving it down people's throats, and they're swallowing it. It gets repeated here a lot here. I guess people can't think for themselves. Again my sadness for parts of this society waxes.

The road they would have us go down would plunge millions of low income people, the elderly and disabled into abject, homeless poverty. We were there before and (to the great chagrin of conservatives) we helped them out. Isn't that who we are as a society? Or will we cast people aside while we dine on lobster? Maybe it could be like the deep class boundaries in India. Is that what we want? Is that who we are?

We subsidize the oil and gas industries to the tune of $41B a year. I'm sure there's waste and fraud there too. Does that mean all industry that accepts subsidies is evil? Where's the outrage about this?
Surely you feel at least a little self-conscious claiming that people who aren't progressive "can't think for themselves" when proggresive policies promote government thinking for people. Hungry? Government will tell you what to eat and help you buy it. Need a place to live? Let government pick up the tab.

News flash - there has never been a time when there were enough good jobs for everyone. There never will be. There never SHOULD be, for when people don't need to try harder than the next guy, progress ceases and regression begins. We saw that in every communist country. When there is no benefit to working harder, nobody works harder. Most people just go through the motions, because the end result is the same either way.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
This is some piss-poor, no-effort trolling.
Says the guy who starts out a post asking someone to feel sorry...

(Hint: I know bleeding hearts are a bit dense, but most people -including many who aren't quite as rockstar first world as yourself- with any shred of human dignity don't actually want others 'feeling sorry' for them. That's just the typical patronizing smug leftloon attitude at work, that you mistake not only for compassion, but actually think is cornering the market on it).


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Of course it's not just about money. Power gets you guys off even more, whether it's the power to decide what one can have for lunch or power over one's health care. And pretending that recognizing the goals for which proggies work equals believing in a conspiracy fools no one. There's an old saying that the best trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he doesn't exist. Proggies are not nearly as smart as old Scratch and you have zero chance of fooling people into believing they don't exist.

Yeah this pretty much proves my post.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Surely you feel at least a little self-conscious claiming that people who aren't progressive "can't think for themselves" when proggresive policies promote government thinking for people. Hungry? Government will tell you what to eat and help you buy it. Need a place to live? Let government pick up the tab.

News flash - there has never been a time when there were enough good jobs for everyone. There never will be. There never SHOULD be, for when people don't need to try harder than the next guy, progress ceases and regression begins. We saw that in every communist country. When there is no benefit to working harder, nobody works harder. Most people just go through the motions, because the end result is the same either way.

Why don't you actually try responding to what he said instead of diverting yourself off on a misplaced rant about Communism?


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
the world always gets more liberal, as humanity becomes more enlightened. people stop slavery, then they let blacks and women vote, they legalize gay marriage etc....
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