"Why are there no black presidents?"


Dec 19, 2002
She looked sad. A young black girl (12-13 yrs old?) had asked me why there were no black presidents. Can you explain this Mr. Prez? We need more diversity especially when America is becoming more minority.

Anyway, the little girl looked at me sadly and said "Why does the dubya do this to my own people?" I said "how honey?" And she said "I think he doesn't care about my people." I said "I think so too" and we both went our seperate ways.

Sad if you ask me.


Jan 20, 2001
What makes her think Dubya did anything to her people? He's certainly doing everything he can for "his people" but I wouldn't go so far as to say he's doing anything to hers.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: tec699
She looked sad. A young black girl (12-13 yrs old?) had asked me why there were no black presidents. Can you explain this Mr. Prez? We need more diversity especially when America is becoming more minority.

Anyway, the little girl looked at me sadly and said "Why does the dubya do this to my own people?" I said "how honey?" And she said "I think he doesn't care about my people." I said "I think so too" and we both went our seperate ways.

Sad if you ask me.

Race is still very important in the US. I do not blame GWB for this.



Jan 31, 2003
Well, considering the last major Black "official" to be seriously considered for Presidential candidacy sounded like a fast talking, rhyming snake-oil salesman (Jesse Jackson) and I think you have you answer. I'm not counting the "Reverend" Al Sharpton and his little forray into the political arena in the beginning of this election season, and I'm not counting the speculation about Colin Powell a few years back, either.

Provide a viable candidate who isn't an embarassment to those he represents and he (or she) has as good a shot as anybody else.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003

America is racist, thats why.

Such a blanket label is BS and you know it. That kind of remark is one of the reasons for no black presidents. Too many black "leaders" seem to look for racism under evey rock, all the time. I have heard arguments in the local school system that uniform punishment for breaking well defined rules, particularly violence, are unfair to blacks because they fail to account for the differences in "black culture". I have heard black college students on spring break defended when they burned cars and looted. Claims that they were only arrested because they were black. I personally know of a black man caught on video tape stealing very expensive product from a company. He was immeadiately fired. He was back at work the next week, proud to proclaim that lawyers from a black advocacy group had threatened the company with long and expensive litigation (claiming discrimination - totally baseless BTW) if they did not give him his job back.

Racism is not gone yet in the country, I grant you. But it is not everywhere. Not the cause of every black person's problems.

Want a black president? Run a qualified candidate who doesn't present blacks as outside the mainstream majority culture. Who doesn't absolutely require finding racism for his fortune and prestige. It is certainly OK to fix it when you really find it, but don't shoehorn it into every issue.

Colin Powel was once just such a possible candidate. His race would have been insignificant in any consideration I might have given to voting for him. He, his son, and John McCain have all been tainted by the Bush Administration, making them far less electable in the future.


Jan 31, 2003
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa

America is racist, thats why.

Such a blanket label is BS and you know it. That kind of remark is one of the reasons for no black presidents. Too many black "leaders" seem to look for racism under evey rock, all the time. I have heard arguments in the local school system that uniform punishment for breaking well defined rules, particularly violence, are unfair to blacks because they fail to account for the differences in "black culture". I have heard black college students on spring break defended when they burned cars and looted. Claims that they were only arrested because they were black. I personally know of a black man caught on video tape stealing very expensive product from a company. He was immeadiately fired. He was back at work the next week, proud to proclaim that lawyers from a black advocacy group had threatened the company with long and expensive litigation (claiming discrimination - totally baseless BTW) if they did not give him his job back.

Racism is not gone yet in the country, I grant you. But it is not everywhere. Not the cause of every black person's problems.

Want a black president? Run a qualified candidate who doesn't present blacks as outside the mainstream majority culture. Who doesn't absolutely require finding racism for his fortune and prestige. It is certainly OK to fix it when you really find it, but don't shoehorn it into every issue.

Colin Powel was once just such a possible candidate. His race would have been insignificant in any consideration I might have given to voting for him. He, his son, and John McCain have all been tainted by the Bush Administration, making them far less electable in the future.


Luck JF

Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
The only black man I'd vote for is Alan Keyes. Want a black President then get behind Alan Keyes!


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
I fail to see where GWB had anything to do with Powells reputation, or that of black skinned people anywhere. Each man, Black/White or other can make or break himself regardless of the situation. Bill Cosby is a very visible and vocal advocate of black empowerment through being American, not "Black". There are many community leaders tha support him, to include many Black leaders.

The key is education, and avoidance of being "Black". Black is a color, not a culture. I [ersonally know a few black skinned African immigrants, and they have nice jobs, kids in school getting good grades, and the whole family (all 10) are members of my church. They fail to see why someone whose grandparents were born here cannot get an education and make something of themselves, when they themselves have been here less than 10 years, and have gone from a mobile home to a 2500 square foot home in the suburbs. Nobody gave them anything. They worked for it.

Education and proper parenting are the keys in my opinion. My parent raised me to believe that if I didn't have the best education that I could get.... emotionally, morally and school-wise, then my life would be at the mercy of those better educated. They were right for the most part in my case. Without their drive and instructions, I might have not had the oportunities that I have had, and the success that followed.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2004
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa

America is racist, thats why.

Such a blanket label is BS and you know it.

It depends on how you interpret that statement. It doesn't necessarily mean that every American is racist, but instead reflects on our culture, where it's unusual to see black people in positions in power.

Racism is not gone yet in the country, I grant you. But it is not everywhere. Not the cause of every black person's problems.

No, but it doesn't have to be everywhere. It also doesn't necessarily have to be a high degree of racism either; some people may be fine having black co-workers or neighbors, but balk at a black President. If only a few percent of the people change their vote based on a candidate's race, then that candidate likely won't be elected President as our elections are typically quite close.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Siddhartha

Race is still very important in the US. I do not blame GWB for this.

He didn't create racism but GWB represents the culture and heritage that has traditionally persecuted blacks. At the best GWB and his ilk are indifferent to blacks. At worst they are closet racists.


Golden Member
Apr 11, 2003
America has never had a woman president either. There have been several muslims countries with female prime ministers or presidents, something that is hard to comprehend for most Americans.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Luck JF
The only black man I'd vote for is Alan Keyes. Want a black President then get behind Alan Keyes!

After the comments in the other thread, I never thought you could say something nuttier.


Luck JF

Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Siddhartha

Race is still very important in the US. I do not blame GWB for this.

He didn't create racism but GWB represents the culture and heritage that has traditionally persecuted blacks. At the best GWB and his ilk are indifferent to blacks. At worst they are closet racists.

Really I see it as the total opposite. John Kerry and the Democrats are the racists. They promise blacks handouts because they believe blacks are not smart enough or hard working enough to take care of themselves. They promise blacks preferential treatment in bidding and exclusive bidding limited to only minorities for the few start their own businesses since they assume black owned companies cannot put together an actual competitive bid. They promise to keep intact the system where blacks with lower test standards are admitted to our nation's universities in order to promote 'diversity' because blacks are just not smart enough to score on the same scoring standards as the rest of the population.
George Bush and the Republicans promise blacks the right to start their own businesses without huge tax burdens that are the real oppressor of people. George Bush put in place a law that insures blacks are not just passed through the school system and graduated without even knowing how to read. George Bush believes every child can get the same basic education regardless of race.
Democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves but they are not even cognitive of how racist they are.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Luck JF
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Siddhartha

Race is still very important in the US. I do not blame GWB for this.

He didn't create racism but GWB represents the culture and heritage that has traditionally persecuted blacks. At the best GWB and his ilk are indifferent to blacks. At worst they are closet racists.

Really I see it as the total opposite. John Kerry and the Democrats are the racists. They promise blacks handouts because they believe blacks are not smart enough or hard working enough to take care of themselves. They promise blacks preferential treatment in bidding and exclusive bidding limited to only minorities for the few start their own businesses since they assume black owned companies cannot put together an actual competitive bid. They promise to keep intact the system where blacks with lower test standards are admitted to our nation's universities in order to promote 'diversity' because blacks are just not smart enough to score on the same scoring standards as the rest of the population.
George Bush and the Republicans promise blacks the right to start their own businesses without huge tax burdens that are the real oppressor of people. George Bush put in place a law that insures blacks are not just passed through the school system and graduated without even knowing how to read. George Bush believes every child can get the same basic education regardless of race.
Democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves but they are not even cognitive of how racist they are.

Democrats aren't the ones who said there's only one black person worth voting for.

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: 1pinky
I fail to see where GWB had anything to do with Powells reputation, or that of black skinned people anywhere. Each man, Black/White or other can make or break himself regardless of the situation. Bill Cosby is a very visible and vocal advocate of black empowerment through being American, not "Black". There are many community leaders tha support him, to include many Black leaders.

The key is education, and avoidance of being "Black". Black is a color, not a culture. I [ersonally know a few black skinned African immigrants, and they have nice jobs, kids in school getting good grades, and the whole family (all 10) are members of my church. They fail to see why someone whose grandparents were born here cannot get an education and make something of themselves, when they themselves have been here less than 10 years, and have gone from a mobile home to a 2500 square foot home in the suburbs. Nobody gave them anything. They worked for it.

Education and proper parenting are the keys in my opinion. My parent raised me to believe that if I didn't have the best education that I could get.... emotionally, morally and school-wise, then my life would be at the mercy of those better educated. They were right for the most part in my case. Without their drive and instructions, I might have not had the oportunities that I have had, and the success that followed.
imo, the biggest problem in the black community is the breakdown of the family unit. How many single black mothers are there? It's been demonstrated over and over how important the core family structure and parental discipline are to raising children properly and ensuring their proper education. I think many black leaders have or are realizing this, including Cosby, and are attempting to do something about it. I laud Cosby in particular for being so up front about it as well. It may be criticism but it's constructive criticism.

To the original poster, is there any reason why you didn't tell this girl about the black members of dubya's staff, just to let her know that there blacks in positions of power? Maybe if she knew that she'd have walked away with some hope and possibly a dream for her future.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
To the original poster, is there any reason why you didn't tell this girl about the black members of dubya's staff, just to let her know that there blacks in positions of power? Maybe if she knew that she'd have walked away with some hope and possibly a dream for her future.

Then you could have told her about the conservative attempts to stamp out the black vote with scare-tactics. You know... just to be fair and balanced and all...
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
To the original poster, is there any reason why you didn't tell this girl about the black members of dubya's staff, just to let her know that there blacks in positions of power? Maybe if she knew that she'd have walked away with some hope and possibly a dream for her future.

Then you could have told her about the conservative attempts to stamp out the black vote with scare-tactics. You know... just to be fair and balanced and all...

You could have told her about the accusations (actually FUD) spread by Democrats that the Republicans supposedly have this plan (and subsequently hand her a Kerry/Edwards branded tin-foil chapeau). Then you could have told her about Democratic groups like ACORN who have been fudging minority voter registration to improperly represent the Democratic vote as well.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
To the original poster, is there any reason why you didn't tell this girl about the black members of dubya's staff, just to let her know that there blacks in positions of power? Maybe if she knew that she'd have walked away with some hope and possibly a dream for her future.

Then you could have told her about the conservative attempts to stamp out the black vote with scare-tactics. You know... just to be fair and balanced and all...

You could have told her about the accusations (actually FUD) spread by Democrats that the Republicans supposedly have this plan (and subsequently hand her a Kerry/Edwards branded tin-foil chapeau). Then you could have told her about Democratic groups like ACORN who have been fudging minority voter registration to improperly represent the Democratic vote as well.

And when she grows up she will have heard my side and your side and she will make her own decision. Like most blacks, she will likely vote Democrat. In the market of ideas, your conservative views don't sell in the black community.


Oct 21, 2004
Originally posted by: slick230
Well, considering the last major Black "official" to be seriously considered for Presidential candidacy sounded like a fast talking, rhyming snake-oil salesman (Jesse Jackson) and I think you have you answer. I'm not counting the "Reverend" Al Sharpton and his little forray into the political arena in the beginning of this election season, and I'm not counting the speculation about Colin Powell a few years back, either.

Provide a viable candidate who isn't an embarassment to those he represents and he (or she) has as good a shot as anybody else.

What he said.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: tec699
She looked sad. A young black girl (12-13 yrs old?) had asked me why there were no black presidents. Can you explain this Mr. Prez? We need more diversity especially when America is becoming more minority.

Anyway, the little girl looked at me sadly and said "Why does the dubya do this to my own people?" I said "how honey?" And she said "I think he doesn't care about my people." I said "I think so too" and we both went our seperate ways.

Sad if you ask me.

You may have told her that Presidents aren't appointed, they run for office. You could also have told her that this President has more black cabinet members than any past President. You could have mentioned how much American loves Condi Rice, out National Security Advisor and Colin Powell, out Secretary of State and how important they are to her safety and how they are setting the stage for a person of color to run for President in the near future. I guess you just didn't think of that. Perhaps you (being a senseless Bush Basher) just weren't in the mood for the truth that morning. It is good that you represent your country so well.

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