Why Biden is pulling the US -- and NATO -- out of Afghanistan

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May 30, 2008
New strategy: Leave Afghanistan, get everyone who wants evac'ed out. Let Taliban take over Kabul. Nuke from orbit while most are in one place?


Still say the better, and less genocidal, strategy would have been to have given the entire female population US (or European) citizenship and let them leave. Then let the Taliban build their little incel kingdom bereft of any women, and see how long it lasts.


Jun 12, 2005
For now, just going to focus on hoping everyone gets out without any casualties.

Regardless, "10k Americans trapped behind enemy lines" is horrible no matter who is at fault. And that's nothing to say of the optics and future electoral ramifications, although not important right now as lives are at stake. I am curious what the worst case scenario was that was presented to Biden and his staff, re: timeline of withdrawal and expected fall of government.

I also find myself wondering how I and others here, in the media, congress, etc would be reacting if this had played out exactly this way but under Trump.

Would we be calling for impeachment?

Yes +++++++
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Jun 12, 2005
Still say the better, and less genocidal, strategy would have been to have given the entire female population US (or European) citizenship and let them leave. Then let the Taliban build their little incel kingdom bereft of any women, and see how long it lasts.

Then they would resort to doing little boys... Oh wait.


Jan 25, 2000
See, this is what is confusing me. We had 2500 troops with plans to add 4000 to help with drawdown on the 15th. Here you are saying we drew down troops when we were planning on adding more? That makes no sense to me. What am I missing?
What you're missing is we had gone from a force level of 2500 to about 1000, and had to surge back in 5k at the last moment due to the crisis. By all accounts, that was not the original plan and was a snap decision based on the rapid capitulation of the Afghan government. You know all this, so weird that you're acting confused.

We had been drawing down troops for weeks; we handed off the largest U.S. base at Bagram last month. Obviously the administration and/or DoD assumed Kabul wouldn't fall for weeks or even months, so civilians who needed to get out would have ample opportunity. That proved to not be the case. Look, I agree with Biden's claim that any way you structure the military withdrawal was fraught with risks and unintended consequences. Logically if that's true, you plan for the worst case and hope it doesn't come to that. Instead we planned for a relatively optimistic case, and it blew up on us. As others have said, hopefully the Taliban doesn't fuck up and start interfering with evacuation.
Reactions: Leeea


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
We had been drawing down troops for weeks; we handed off the largest U.S. base at Bagram last month. Obviously the administration and/or DoD assumed Kabul wouldn't fall for weeks or even months, so civilians who needed to get out would have ample opportunity. That proved to not be the case. Look, I agree with Biden's claim that any way you structure the military withdrawal was fraught with risks and unintended consequences. Logically if that's true, you plan for the worst case and hope it doesn't come to that. Instead we planned for a relatively optimistic case, and it blew up on us.

Literally every other country was caught by surprise. None of them evacuated their embassies ahead of time. Kabul capitulating in days was not what everybody thought was going to happen.

As others have said, hopefully the Taliban doesn't fuck up and start interfering with evacuation.

They start shooting at American forces and the game is, once again, up. Presumably they wish their rule to last more than a couple weeks. This is incentive is to let the foreigners get out.


May 30, 2008
Well, on the plus-side, ISIS consider the Taliban to be backsliding moderates at best, and possibly agents of the US.

But there has been one notable exception among jihadist groups: the Islamic State (Isis), which considers the Taliban “apostates” because of their willingness to negotiate with the US, their apparent pragmatism and their failure to apply Islamic law with sufficient rigour.

Such criticism is not new – the Taliban faced similar attacks in the 1990s when the movement had contacts with the UN and western governments – but now it comes after fierce battles in Afghanistan between the local Isis affiliate and Taliban forces. On Thursday after followers spread vitriolic criticism on social media, Isis issued its first official statement on the matter, accusing the Taliban of being bad Muslims and agents of the US.


Jul 17, 2003
What I worry about is the inter marrying of Taliban families and AQ families. That makes for interaction that we may need to deal with in the future. We'll see.

Curious to what the Taliban think of the CCP's treatment of muslim Uighurs, and if it will override being broke as shit.


Feb 1, 2008
What I worry about is the inter marrying of Taliban families and AQ families. That makes for interaction that we may need to deal with in the future. We'll see.

I guess we'll find out when the cream corn goes flying at Thanksgiving dinner.


Oct 6, 2009
What you're missing is we had gone from a force level of 2500 to about 1000, and had to surge back in 5k at the last moment due to the crisis. By all accounts, that was not the original plan and was a snap decision based on the rapid capitulation of the Afghan government. You know all this, so weird that you're acting confused.

We had been drawing down troops for weeks; we handed off the largest U.S. base at Bagram last month. Obviously the administration and/or DoD assumed Kabul wouldn't fall for weeks or even months, so civilians who needed to get out would have ample opportunity. That proved to not be the case. Look, I agree with Biden's claim that any way you structure the military withdrawal was fraught with risks and unintended consequences. Logically if that's true, you plan for the worst case and hope it doesn't come to that. Instead we planned for a relatively optimistic case, and it blew up on us. As others have said, hopefully the Taliban doesn't fuck up and start interfering with evacuation.
No I didn't "know all this." As I mentioned, I hadn't followed any of it very closely at all. I had assumed we had pulled out the troops because that seemed to be the high level narrative but when I actually dug into it a tiny bit I found out that Biden increased the additional troops to 5000 from the originally planned 4000. That read to me as we had already planned to add 4000, so why would we remove troops if we were planning on adding more?


Jan 25, 2000
No I didn't "know all this." As I mentioned, I hadn't followed any of it very closely at all. I had assumed we had pulled out the troops because that seemed to be the high level narrative but when I actually dug into it a tiny bit I found out that Biden increased the additional troops to 5000 from the originally planned 4000. That read to me as we had already planned to add 4000, so why would we remove troops if we were planning on adding more?
From what I've read, the 2500 was supposed to get down to about 650 by month's end. Those last service members would have guarded the embassy and the airport. So that seems to have been the plan as far as getting American civilians out before the Afghan government falls. The 3000+1000 surge was decided within the past 10 days once the Taliban began seizing provincial capitals and we recognized that Kabul was vulnerable.



Jul 17, 2003
I guess we'll find out when the cream corn goes flying at Thanksgiving dinner.

Shami kabob everywhere I hope. I want a multitude of wives all pissed at each other and bitching at a defeated looking guy in the middle of it all, wearing an expression that says You know what? Screw jihad, I could just disappear off in Sudan and hunt for a few years. "Training."



May 30, 2008
Curious to what the Taliban think of the CCP's treatment of muslim Uighurs, and if it will override being broke as shit.

I'm betting they'll be perfectly happy to sell their co-religionists out, in return for strategic and economic benefits of Chinese co-operation. Just as every other Muslim country or group has done.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Here's what I don't get.

Why are there 15k non-military personnel still in Afghanistan in August 2021?

This was initially going to happen in May. Then 9/11, then finally 8/31. Even in the best case scenario where the Afghan government would last for ~12 months or whatever, it still wouldn't be safe for Americans to stay in that country after our military forces left.

So again, even under ideal circumstances, 8/31 was rapidly approaching. Why were there so many Americans still there? An (additional) gaff on the State dept not notifying these people to get out sooner? Or are they all just procrastinators? Did they think they could take their sweet time leaving the country once our military was gone? The whole thing just floors me, and why I think it's unfair to pin this entirely on Biden as the same thing would have happened under Trump (yeah, yeah, he would have magically gotten all our assets out before May). And aside from all these people now being in danger, it is entirely deflating because it will likely sink the Dems in 2022 and 2024 as the GOP will easily use this to paint them as "weak on security" like they loved to do circa early 2000s when we got into this mess in the first place.

And I worry a GOP majority won't stumble like they did last time in cementing their agenda.
The state department did notify people to get out months ago.
Reactions: gothuevos


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Taliban seizes ‘motherload’ of US weapons and drones as jihadis tear towards Kabul.

U.S. pull out of Afghanistan appears to be a fiasco !

Biden's government don't seem to know how many Americans are left in Afganistan and instead of worn out AK's and pickup trucks he appears to be rearming the Taliban with modern American weapons sporting M16's (M4's), MG3's, Humvees, Black Hawk Helocopters, Drones... etc.

Maybe he's going to send the ATF in there to confiscate them ;o)

Was not the main reason for this occupation to rid the terrorist threat to America - I have a feeling Biden may have just opened the door again. No doubt the Taliban have there eyes on Pakistan.

The media and many supportive Nations are condemning his actions.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Caught a Mi 17 briefly on flight tracking originating at KBL doing a sortie east of the airport...probably doing more pickups given the shit show at the airport gates.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Taliban seizes ‘motherload’ of US weapons and drones as jihadis tear towards Kabul.

U.S. pull out of Afghanistan appears to be a fiasco !

Biden's government don't seem to know how many Americans are left in Afganistan and instead of worn out AK's and pickup trucks he appears to be rearming the Taliban with modern American weapons who appear sporting M16's, MG3's, Humvees, Black Hawk Helocopters, Drones... etc.

Maybe he's going to send the ATF in there to confiscate them ;o)

The media and many supportive Nations are condemning his actions.

Afghan weapons. Just US made.

Anything that's not a small arm is basically worthless to them unless we really think the Taliban has a lot of experience in military aircraft operation and maintenance plus access to US parts.
Reactions: Zorba


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Just to be clear, America spent two decades and more than a trillion dollars building a government and Afghan military that fell in two days to this:

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declares he doesn't understand why (he should have been fired for that statement, it is literally his goddamn job to understand why). To me the answer is as clear as day. The Afghani people did not ask to be invaded and refuse to be ruled by empires whether they be the USSR or the USA. America won no hearts or minds in Afghanistan but the Taliban did. Good luck to the Afghans and I hope they are able to keep Saudi terrorists out of their country this time around.

This is a great day for the world. It exposes America for the warmongering profiteering nation that it truly is. Hopefully this makes it much much more difficult for political hacks to start fresh wars that serve no American interest.

I believe Assange was correct over a decade ago when he said the ONLY reason for this war was to launder money from American taxpayers to war profiteers and that the war would go on for as long as the grifters could make it last. I would add that it also was a method for the CIA to get money off the books from the opium trade. If there was another mission, the level of incompetence in achieving it is off the scales. The purported mission of getting Bin Laden was achieved years ago.

For context, I watched the orderly, peaceful and strong exit of the USSR and was gob-smacked by the marked contrast to the American withdrawal. The Russians had a highly ranked general ON SITE throughout the entire process ensuring it went off without a hitch. The Americans did not, disgraceful. The fact that no high ranking officials have lost their jobs for this embarrassment is a signal to the world that there is no accountability within our system.

Most interesting was the old footage of the Russians complaining that the Afghans looted their military bases immediately after they withdrew. For American leaders to be surprised when it happened to us displays an ignorance of history that is truly surreal.

Biden deserves credit for getting us out of Afghanistan. I applaud that. He deserves criticism for botching it so horribly. He deserves much more criticism for not holding the parties that gave him bad intel and executed the plan so horrifically responsible for their failure. They should have been very publicly reprimanded and fired. There must be a severe consequence for incompetence or your allies will lose faith in you and your enemies will attempt to take advantage of you. For example, Great Britain's parliament publicly held Joe Biden inc contempt this week. That is important and it diminishes America's prestige in the eyes of the world. If America doesn't hold its own to account, the world will increasingly do so.
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May 30, 2008
Afghan weapons. Just US made.

Anything that's not a small arm is basically worthless to them unless we really think the Taliban has a lot of experience in military aircraft operation and maintenance plus access to US parts.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see an analysis of what loot the Taliban could make use of vs what is just a functionless, unmaintainable trophy. Can't help thinking things like night-vision goggles are more useful to them than Blackhawk helicopters or whatever else they've got hold of.

Somewhere I saw a quote from some Pentagon guy saying something along the lines of 'it's fortunate that our equipment is so unreliable'.
Reactions: Zorba and Leeea


Mar 17, 2008
I dont know, cause a few bitch "alpha" males decided it is so .. What is Afghanistan? Its an idea. Just like every other country on the planet. An idea.
Reason to be in Afghanistan as anyplace should be



Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Yeah, it would be interesting to see an analysis of what loot the Taliban could make use of vs what is just a functionless, unmaintainable trophy. Can't help thinking things like night-vision goggles are more useful to them than Blackhawk helicopters or whatever else they've got hold of.

Somewhere I saw a quote from some Pentagon guy saying something along the lines of 'it's fortunate that our equipment is so unreliable'.

Times when a high maintenance burden is actually an advantage. They're more likely to kill themselves trying to use any of it.


Jun 30, 2003
Yeah, it would be interesting to see an analysis of what loot the Taliban could make use of vs what is just a functionless, unmaintainable trophy. Can't help thinking things like night-vision goggles are more useful to them than Blackhawk helicopters or whatever else they've got hold of.

Somewhere I saw a quote from some Pentagon guy saying something along the lines of 'it's fortunate that our equipment is so unreliable'.
I was thinking about this the other day. Sure they may have equipment for a little while, but military hardware is ridiculously maintenance intensive. They are basically useless without having all the infrastructure and logistics behind them.
Like getting a Ferrari but not being able to afford the maintenance.
Their best move night be to sell it to an interested butter like another nation-state.
Reactions: Leeea


Nov 11, 1999
Taliban seizes ‘motherload’ of US weapons and drones as jihadis tear towards Kabul.

U.S. pull out of Afghanistan appears to be a fiasco !

Biden's government don't seem to know how many Americans are left in Afganistan and instead of worn out AK's and pickup trucks he appears to be rearming the Taliban with modern American weapons who appear sporting M16's, MG3's, Humvees, Black Hawk Helocopters, Drones... etc.

Maybe he's going to send the ATF in there to confiscate them ;o)

Was not the main reason for this occupation to rid the terrorist threat to America - I have a feeling Biden may have just opened the door again. No doubt the Taliban have there eyes on Pakistan.

The media and many supportive Nations are condemning his actions.

So dishonest. It's perfectly obvious that we had no control over the Taliban or ANG forces who surrendered en masse. And *Biden* is rearming the Taliban? WTF are you talking about? We've armed & supplied ANG forces for 20 years. It was their stuff, not ours. They surrendered it when they surrendered.
Reactions: Leeea
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