Why Can't the Left Govern?

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Mar 19, 2007
History will not forget what that man did to the world but that certainly doesn't stop a certain sect of the American populace from trying to revise it and sweep it under the rug continually. But Obama! Conservatives try every day to make Obama out to be a monster for lies about health care yet held no heat to the feet of the man whose lies destroyed the economy and actually killed his own citizens instead of heinously and neglectfully trying to insure them. The only solace the World has is the fact that less and less of this kind of person breaths with their mouth each day. The extinction won't come in the form of a quick bright flash from the sky but from continuing to open the mouths for all to hear and expose the pariahs and outcasts. If the flood came tomorrow there would be no seats for any of them.

Get um in while you can cause the statute of limitations on But Bush..... is running out.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Allowed the american people to decide? As I remember it, he didn't want to make the decision so he pawned it off on congress so they'd have the egg on their faces instead of himself.

So, the executive branch of our government can declare war?

When was this change made??

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
W tortured kittens slowly by pulling their legs off and sticking their tails in a paper shredder. The left does not torture kittens, it merely stuffs them in a bag and drowns them fast. Therefore the left is good. You should give the left more power because the left is so good.

And this works on a great deal of people.

George Walker Bush lied.

There was no kitten torture. There were no Arab children being eaten by American soldiers. There were no death and rape camps.

Our military was sent in, to get shot at, blown up and straight up killed for,.. what?

When you face a man who is willing to throw away lives, just for his own interests, and lies to get that done, you have something far worse than kitten torture.

If you don't see it that way, well, then, keep living your life as you see fit; supporting lies and allowing death based on lies to be perfectly acceptable for the leader of your nation.

edit: and the left has lied,.. to increase a rich person's taxes by 2 to 3%,.. the horror,... the horror.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It depends on the scale.

If 80% of a society agree about something, then it should be done. 90% agree about having police departments, flight controllers, public roads, etc. so we have them. 90%+ agree that murder is wrong so we have a law against murder. Some still murder, but they are the outliers. Not everyone will agree, but resources should go towards enforcement when we mostly agree.

Simply put, if your law makes the MAJORITY of Americans in a given category illegal or illegitimate, then you have an issue.

Like with the mandate- only 25% of "young invincibles" have signed up for Obamacare. That means for 75% of the young uninsured the exchanges lack value for them. The mandate forcing 75% to either play ball or pay a fine is a bad law. If it was 5% or 10% or even 25% playing a fine ok, that is the cost of change.

But 75%?!?! Anything over 50% and the change you are trying to force is too out there, and the law trying to force this change is a bad one.

And that goes for conservatives too. Right now 45.6 percent of high school seniors admit to smoking pot, when that goes over 50% we should (and probably will) live under a similar regime to Colorado.

The thing is conservatives are less likely to go after the majority, they go after minorities. That has its own problems, tyranny of the majority and all, but it is better than tyranny by the minority (which is what we get with something like the mandate).

This mostly comes down to selective slicing of the American electorate to get a desired result. By your logic I could say that probably 100% of the people in jail are against them being in jail. That makes it a bad law to have jails.

But some things might expose you to unlimited economic liability.

Like what?

Sure, for stuff we all mostly agree on. The problem is forcing change that the majority don't agree on. It just doesn't work.

No the government is here to regulate resources and solve conflicts for those limited resources. The second a government tries to improve the lot of humanity above and beyond what the majority want it faces failure.

The government tries to improve the lot of humanity through regulation of resources and conflict resolution. Those two are the same thing.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Humanity is mentally ill, filled with self hate, doesn't know it, doesn't want to know it, and doesn't want to know it doesn't want to know. Without a sense of self worth and grounding in ones own being there is only programming motivated by unconscious needs. Every step we take toward the light we destroy out of fear of what real happiness means, the self destructiveness of those who feel undeserving and sabotage all of life.

The government we see is only the result of the emotional dead, vacuum cleaners sucking on other vacuum cleaners. Humanity will not see that it is its own self hate that creates all of its own destruction as an unconscious wish. We have met the enemy and it is us, but we always pretend its something other, the enemy out there, the bogie man under the bed, the terror of out childhood traumas. We don't need a government, we need a spiritual doctor, so we can crucify them one after another. There is only one thing wrong with the world and it is you. Everything is a projection of our own inner problem. There is only one real question and that is how can one become self aware.


Nov 20, 2005
This mostly comes down to selective slicing of the American electorate to get a desired result. By your logic I could say that probably 100% of the people in jail are against them being in jail. That makes it a bad law to have jails.

No we have a tradition that when you commit a serious crime your opinion no longer matters.

Like what?

Like plenty of things. Unlimited Liability is a term used in the business world and it means that a person/entity will take full responsibility for debt and/or other obligations.

I am not talking about a technical sense as in "no one can even spend all the moniez!1!" but in a business sense.

The government tries to improve the lot of humanity through regulation of resources and conflict resolution. Those two are the same thing.

Well now we are getting into semantics of what "improve the lot of humanity" means.


Nov 20, 2005
The government we see is only the result of the emotional dead, vacuum cleaners sucking on other vacuum cleaners.

Which is how it should be.

There will NEVER be a system that can control and steer humanity all in one direction. No matter the system, the government, the law- all can be corrupted. Anywhere there is a concentration of power it attracts the worst in humanity that have an evil genius.

You will never make a law to constrain these people. They will always run through loopholes, or violate the spirit and not the word. They don't care about your ideals or good intentions. No matter how nicely you set up the house of cards to benefit humanity someone will trash the house just because they can.

The best system ACCOUNTS for the crappiness of humanity, and forces these evil geniuses to rage on each other cuddlefish-style for all the rewards.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No we have a tradition that when you commit a serious crime your opinion no longer matters.

And who decides those things are crimes? Maybe those people don't think they should be serious crimes either. See the problem?

Regardless, with any policy you can slice the electorate in a way where 100% of some group or another won't like it. I don't find that a valuable way to judge the merits of a policy.

Like plenty of things. Unlimited Liability is a term used in the business world and it means that a person/entity will take full responsibility for debt and/or other obligations.

I am not talking about a technical sense as in "no one can even spend all the moniez!1!" but in a business sense.

That doesn't happen in government though, as the government is the eventual arbiter of what that liability would be.

Well now we are getting into semantics of what "improve the lot of humanity" means.



Nov 11, 1999
Gawd. Henninger really hacked his way through that piece to cut out chunks of the red meat that our Righties love so much.

It's a 3 in 1 rant, hitting some touchstones, the triggers that send 'em off into foamer-ville. And they take it from there into a fringewhack ecstasy of laments.

As if NYC charter schools, a carbon emissions conference & the ACA are really just the same thing, as if they're not just a really easy way to push the buttons that get his audience nice & irrational.

As a propagandist, he's both lazy & arrogant, but he def knows his audience. Take this segue between the conference & the ACA-

One organization specialist calls this phenomenon "social deadlock." ObamaCare is social deadlock. But the American left keeps doing it.

It takes a leap of Faith to follow that linkage, a willingness to believe in what twitterpates you & gets your panties all up in a nice tight knot.

And then Henninger delivers the rant, because he knows his audience, and because he has to have a pretty low opinion of them to spew that stuff. Apparently he's right about that, because he makes a damned good living doing it.


Nov 11, 1999
Women's rights haven't changed at a federal level in a long time.

But it's OK if they're diminished at the State level, I suppose.

Crusading control freaks might as well be whistling Dixie at the federal level. So they'll do what they can get away with at the State level.


Nov 20, 2005
But it's OK if they're diminished at the State level, I suppose.

If Obama's healthcare plan would have been "ok states, just roll your own" I think the result would have been much better.

Sure some blue states would have some single payer system that might be worse than the ACA, but others would have kept and enhanced (via tort reform) the system we used to have.

Policy at a state level is going to be more personalized and effective. Sure that sucks if the "effect" is something negative like a more aggressive drug war or a war on abortion, but you have to take the good with the bad.


Feb 5, 2006
...aren't you also missing something? Such as they don't want to lift the ceiling? Agree or disagree with their motives, but they're capable. They just don't want to.

They couldn't do it, even if it meant the country would default. House Democrats had to come in and save the country.
Oct 30, 2004
Why can't the Right govern?

Whenever we have Republicans in office they embroil the nation in wasteful and expensive wars and try to put the government into people's bedrooms.
Oct 30, 2004
Where as a true leader will just pull shit straight from out his ass, call it "evidence", shame anyone who opposes military action and send hundreds of thousands to their death.

Are you referring to the last Republican darling, George Bush, who committed treason by fabricating evidence of weapons of mass destruction in order to get the nation to wage a war that cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives?

The Republican Party won't even acknowledge that he was president now and wouldn't even invite him to their presidential convention in the last election.
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Nov 11, 1999
If Obama's healthcare plan would have been "ok states, just roll your own" I think the result would have been much better.

Kinda like what we had before- you know, the system that had been failing by degrees for a long time.

Sure some blue states would have some single payer system that might be worse than the ACA, but others would have kept and enhanced (via tort reform) the system we used to have.

Like tort reform has solved anything where it's been implemented. But it sounds good, for pablum.

Policy at a state level is going to be more personalized and effective.

Mere assertion of Faith.

Sure that sucks if the "effect" is something negative like a more aggressive drug war or a war on abortion, but you have to take the good with the bad.

So, basically, any trade off where you can claim more white suburban male privilege is a good thing, particularly if you can stay smug.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
poofyhairguy: Which is how it should be.

M: What does this mean. Nothing is as it should be. What is is because humanity is asleep. What is has to be exactly as it is mechanically. We are programmed by unconscious feelings. We do not have to be asleep, but we want to be. We do not know that we can awaken and we do not know how to awaken. We do not know what that means.

p: There will NEVER be a system that can control and steer humanity all in one direction.

M: It is a program, a machine. Only he who knows the program can be free. There is only one person you can affect and that is yourself.

p: No matter the system, the government, the law- all can be corrupted. Anywhere there is a concentration of power it attracts the worst in humanity that have an evil genius.

M: But ask yourself why? What is evil genius. It is nothing but cunning driven by self hate. It is founded on a belief that is not real.

p: You will never make a law to constrain these people. They will always run through loopholes, or violate the spirit and not the word. They don't care about your ideals or good intentions. No matter how nicely you set up the house of cards to benefit humanity someone will trash the house just because they can.

M: You see it upside down. Only you matter. The only goal that's real is to awaken personally. The only question is how.

p: The best system ACCOUNTS for the crappiness of humanity, and forces these evil geniuses to rage on each other cuddlefish-style for all the rewards.

M: You are looking out there instead of within. To awaken is the answer to everything.

Let those who have awakened themselves worry about others. They and they alone will know how. Relax and be happy. The universe is perfect, always has been, and always will be. There is only love.


Dec 3, 2013
Are you referring to the last Republican darling, George Bush, who committed treason by fabricating evidence of weapons of mass destruction in order to get the nation to wage a war that cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives?

The Republican Party won't even acknowledge that was president now and wouldn't even invite him to their presidential convention in the last election.
Yes he did, he came into office stated he wanted to be a war president, hence a shitload of our problems since.

9/11 gave him the reason to go balls to the wall.

Still wonder about that one to begin with, even if I'm NOT a conspiracy guy, and were mostly Saudi's involved at the time who the GOP seems to be best friends with.

I'm a bit old have seen things happen over time, just saying.

Still wonder if Putin's actions aren't geared somehow to the recently announced cuts in US military spending somehow myself.

Ponder that one a bit.

And who may have prodded.

"I've looked into his eyes" something or other, some old Dubya quote.

I've personally met Jeb, wish he'd been the President at the time over Dubya actually.

Katherine Harris will rot in hell I hope for even getting him a second term.
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Dec 3, 2013
George Walker Bush lied.

There was no kitten torture. There were no Arab children being eaten by American soldiers. There were no death and rape camps.

Our military was sent in, to get shot at, blown up and straight up killed for,.. what?

When you face a man who is willing to throw away lives, just for his own interests, and lies to get that done, you have something far worse than kitten torture.

If you don't see it that way, well, then, keep living your life as you see fit; supporting lies and allowing death based on lies to be perfectly acceptable for the leader of your nation.

edit: and the left has lied,.. to increase a rich person's taxes by 2 to 3%,.. the horror,... the horror.
And what he said.
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