Why Can't the Left Govern?

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Yes he did, he came into office stated he wanted to be a war president, hence a shitload of our problems since.

9/11 gave him the reason to go balls to the wall.

Still wonder about that one to begin with, even if I'm NOT a conspiracy guy, and were mostly Saudi's involved at the time who the GOP seems to be best friends with.

I'm a bit old have seen things happen over time, just saying.

Still wonder if Putin's actions aren't geared somehow to the recently announced cuts in US military spending somehow myself.

Ponder that one a bit.

And who may have prodded.

"I've looked into his eyes" something or other, some old Dubya quote.

I've personally met Jeb, wish he'd been the President at the time over Dubya actually.

Katherine Harris will rot in hell I hope for even getting him a second term.

Putin's moves had nothing to do with US defense cuts. We could blow his conventional army to hell just as easily now was we ever could.


Nov 11, 1999
Are you referring to the last Republican darling, George Bush, who committed treason by fabricating evidence of weapons of mass destruction in order to get the nation to wage a war that cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives?

The Republican Party won't even acknowledge that was president now and wouldn't even invite him to their presidential convention in the last election.

Rank & file Righties have gone straight into shock & denial over the Bush years. They were the culmination of decades of work & indoctrination- Repubs in charge in the Senate, the HOR, & the Executive, busily freeing the Iraqi people, cutting taxes at the same time, making it easy to buy the home of your dreams, beefing up security to fight the terrarist threat, stacking the judiciary & the federal civil service- a lot of other stuff, too.

When it all fell apart, they simply refuse to believe that their own policy caused it.

Gawd, it must be great to have followers like that, to be able to turn their best qualities against them, keep their loyalty & adulation while fucking them in the ass. There's something about screaming Leftist! Leftist! Leftist! with every stroke that seems to keep 'em happy. Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! seems to work really well, too.


Dec 3, 2013
Rank & file Righties have gone straight into shock & denial over the Bush years. They were the culmination of decades of work & indoctrination- Repubs in charge in the Senate, the HOR, & the Executive, busily freeing the Iraqi people, cutting taxes at the same time, making it easy to buy the home of your dreams, beefing up security to fight the terrarist threat, stacking the judiciary & the federal civil service- a lot of other stuff, too.

When it all fell apart, they simply refuse to believe that their own policy caused it.

Gawd, it must be great to have followers like that, to be able to turn their best qualities against them, keep their loyalty & adulation while fucking them in the ass. There's something about screaming Leftist! Leftist! Leftist! with every stroke that seems to keep 'em happy. Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! seems to work really well, too.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
If Obama's healthcare plan would have been "ok states, just roll your own" I think the result would have been much better.

Sure some blue states would have some single payer system that might be worse than the ACA, but others would have kept and enhanced (via tort reform) the system we used to have.

Policy at a state level is going to be more personalized and effective. Sure that sucks if the "effect" is something negative like a more aggressive drug war or a war on abortion, but you have to take the good with the bad.
Agreed, and well said. That's one big problem with one size fits all nationalization - if it's fucked, we're all fucked. If it functions at all, we'll have no way to know if there's a better way. Conversely, individual states have competition. If your state screws up, it will lose businesses and individuals; if your state does it right, it will gain businesses and individuals, thereby pressuring states who did worse to do better.

And being government it's an absolute certainty that it will be implemented by people who have zero practical knowledge of and experience with either health care or health insurance or web portal design by hiring people based on political connections.


Nov 20, 2005
That's one big problem with one size fits all nationalization - if it's fucked, we're all fucked. If it functions at all, we'll have no way to know if there's a better way. Conversely, individual states have competition. If your state screws up, it will lose businesses and individuals; if your state does it right, it will gain businesses and individuals, thereby pressuring states who did worse to do better.

Exactly. It comes down to a concept that there isn't a respect for the choices of certain regions, so force it for everyone.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I always find it strange that people think tort costs are a significant driver of US health spending.

What does it take to kill that myth?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I always find it strange that people think tort costs are a significant driver of US health spending.

What does it take to kill that myth?
Apparently it would take ceding Texas and California back to Mexico.


In 2003, the Texas Legislature passed a tort reform bill which included a $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages for all physicians in a case. That same year the people of Texas approved an amendment to the Texas constitution “Authorizing the legislature to determine limitations on noneconomic damages,” thereby minimizing legal challenges to the legislative bill. The effect of this cap on noneconomic damages has been dramatic. Since 2003, every malpractice insurance carrier in Texas has reduced their premiums for physicians. Texas Medical Liability Trust, the largest carrier in Texas has reduced its average premium by over 50%. Claims and lawsuits in most Texas counties have been cut in half. Since tort reform was passed in Texas, the number of newly licensed doctors in Texas went from 2038 in the year before reform to 3621 in 2009. This has presumably had a positive effect on access to care. Charity care rendered by Texas hospitals rose 24% in the 3 years after tort reform, according to the Texas Medical Association. 76 Texas counties have seen a net gain in EPs since the passage of tort reform, including 39 medically underserved counties and 30 counties that are partially underserved.

California has had a $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice since 1975. Following adoption of that change, liability premiums for California physicians rose 283% compared to 925% for physicians in the rest of the country. Oregon also adopted caps on noneconomic damages in 1987. In 1998, the Oregon Supreme Court threw out the caps and, according to the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, within three years the cost of medical liability claims increased 400%. Missouri passed a $350,000 cap on noneconomic damages in 2005, and from 2005 to 2006 the Kansas City Business Journal reported that claims against emergency physicians dropped more than 70%. Other states have proposed limiting attorneys’ fees in medical malpractice cases (California does limit fees to 40% of the judgment), shortening their statute of limitations to file suit, and more stringent doctor discipline, all with modest success.
Medical malpractice insurance is often a doctor's single largest cost, and due to the common doctrine of deep pockets and jury sympathy awards doctors stand to lose whether or not they actually did anything wrong. Conversely, the bandits of the bar stand to get rich whether or not the doctor actually did anything wrong.

Of course, Emergency Physician is a magazine by and for doctors, not bureaucrats or academics, so your mileage may vary.
Oct 30, 2004
I think that is where climate change comes in- sure we are ruining the planet and it would be great if some entity could enforce restrictions but no group has that power and it would be scary to give a group that much power.

Basically, our short life spans and self interest will result in the ultimate extinction of our species once the planet can no longer support human life.

I think the Obamacare mandate's trying to force young people to get insurance is the same way. I think if your policy, despite how great it is, is so against human nature that it requires big government to enforce then you have a bad policy. Sorry, humanity will have to do without whatever benefit your policy intended.
Health care is against human nature? Other nations seem to be doing a pretty good job with evul sochulust health care (while getting more health care and spending less).

In my opinion, I often see leftist policy directed at how people "should" behave than how they actually behave, followed by a meltdown in the progressive community when the whole world won't play ball and tons of resources (that were previously not considered) have to be spent to enforce what they feel is the correct course of action (sometimes punitively) when incentives would work better.
It could also be argued that rightist or libertarian or free market policy is directed at how people and businesses "would" ideally behave rather than focused on how people actually behave. Many free market morons have faith that all business people will behave responsibly like fictitious Ayn Randian heroes and won't engage in inflicting economic externalities on other people (such as dumping toxic waste into rivers) and also have faith that meritocracy will prevail over cronyism.

Sometimes I think progressives can't deal with the fact that humans are shitty creatures that only change due to self interest, and ignore that fact to the peril of their policies.
Sometimes I think free market morons can't deal with the fact that humans are shitty creatures that will collectively damage themselves without having their externalities regulated.
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Oct 30, 2004
It can be really hard to determine what is a right thing? Is waiting 4 months for a doctor's appointment like my dad did while he died from Parkinsons Disease the right thing? That was the VA. This is what you can expect from government health care.

...and the alternative is? Under free market medicine tens of thousands of people died in the United States every year from treatable conditions. Our current quasi-market based system is not some sort of free market fantasy land where everyone can afford and obtain the health care they need.
Oct 30, 2004
Read this quote carefully. This is exactly how the left governs. What Obama and his administration did in Syria, and in the Ukraine more recently, and Libya a few years back, is highly dangerous and could easily lead to a million deaths. But its not as bad as what W and the neocons did. That's it. That's all that matters. End of story. That is the logic of the left. Here it is again in simpler terms:

W tortured kittens slowly by pulling their legs off and sticking their tails in a paper shredder. The left does not torture kittens, it merely stuffs them in a bag and drowns them fast. Therefore the left is good. You should give the left more power because the left is so good.

The number of Americans killed in conflicts in Syrian and Ukraine is...?

The amounts of money the U.S. has spent on Syria and Ukraine is...?

How does that compare to the Bush wars of Iraq and Afghanistan?
Oct 30, 2004
Like with the mandate- only 25% of "young invincibles" have signed up for Obamacare. That means for 75% of the young uninsured the exchanges lack value for them.

The exchanges lack value for them in a very short-sighted and irrational way. They'll feel differently years later when they have grown from "young invincibles" to "old vulnerables" (growing old and developing health problems is that human nature thing).

Perhaps the policy should be changed. If you are a "young invincible" you don't have to participate, but if you want to benefit from the system later you will have to pay a huge entrance fee. If you don't want to pay that fee then go buy your care on the free market and be subject to insurance company death panels and 1000 page contracts designed to rescind your insurance when you need it.

Anything over 50% and the change you are trying to force is too out there, and the law trying to force this change is a bad one.

And that goes for conservatives too. Right now 45.6 percent of high school seniors admit to smoking pot, when that goes over 50% we should (and probably will) live under a similar regime to Colorado.

The thing is conservatives are less likely to go after the majority, they go after minorities. That has its own problems, tyranny of the majority and all, but it is better than tyranny by the minority (which is what we get with something like the mandate).

You almost sound as though you believe in majority-rules democracy.

No the government is here to regulate resources and solve conflicts for those limited resources. The second a government tries to improve the lot of humanity above and beyond what the majority want it faces failure.

What happens if the majority ends up wanting evul people's state sociulusm?
Oct 30, 2004
Women's rights haven't changed at a federal level in a long time.

The problem is that the Republitards are trying to change that at a state level and we need additional laws at the federal level to prevent that.

The Republicans' failure to change the laws to prevent Big State Government in the Bedroom is the same as supporting Big State Government in the Bedroom.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
The problem is that the Republitards are trying to change that at a state level and we need additional laws at the federal level to prevent that.

The Republicans' failure to change the laws to prevent Big State Government in the Bedroom is the same as supporting Big State Government in the Bedroom.

Wait, how are they trying to ruin womens rights? Are you referring to the no sex without judge approval crap?
Oct 30, 2004
There will NEVER be a system that can control and steer humanity all in one direction. No matter the system, the government, the law- all can be corrupted. Anywhere there is a concentration of power it attracts the worst in humanity that have an evil genius.

You will never make a law to constrain these people. They will always run through loopholes, or violate the spirit and not the word. They don't care about your ideals or good intentions. No matter how nicely you set up the house of cards to benefit humanity someone will trash the house just because they can.

People like murderers and white collar criminals? We have jails for that. If the spirit of the law is so easily violated, the law needs to be more detailed such that those violations now violate the law.
Oct 30, 2004
Sure some blue states would have some single payer system that might be worse than the ACA, but others would have kept and enhanced (via tort reform) the system we used to have.

The "Tort Reform" as a solution to our health care problems is red herring. It's a distraction that sounds good to no-think free market morons, but lacks substance. They can never answer questions like:

(1.) Without the fear of legal liability (being made to pay for the costs of your mistakes), what is the motivation to exercise due care and to avoid negligence?

(2.) If injured people could no longer obtain compensation from lawsuits, does their injuries and economic damages magically disappear? Or do those costs just reassert themselves in a non-medical area on the national ledger?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
The "Tort Reform" as a solution to our health care problems is red herring. It's a distraction that sounds good to no-think free market morons, but lacks substance. They can never answer questions like:

(1.) Without the fear of legal liability (being made to pay for the costs of your mistakes), what is the motivation to exercise due care and to avoid negligence?

(2.) If injured people could no longer obtain compensation from lawsuits, does their injuries and economic damages magically disappear? Or do those costs just reassert themselves in a non-medical area on the national ledger?

(I'm not going to try arguing for it, but here goes): What you're suggesting isn't reform, but elimination. You're assuming when people say "tort reform" (which is a bigger issue than just medical) they mean "elimination of law suits."

If ever I wanted to see find an answer to "why can't the left govern", it's in this thread. The answer to why the right can't govern...well, might be in this thread, but it is most certainly on ATPN.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
The left are like Linux users/programmers, they have the ability to do better, are smarter and more capable but because they can't or won't connect with the average user the evil Microsoft reigned supreme with all its flaws,

so they belittle the poor user with a snarky attitude and treat them like they are beneath them constantly pointing out the flaws in Windows and telling the user how stupid they are not using their system in an elitist smug manner and thus turning them off to the superiority of what they believe to be in Linux.

Just look at these forums as an example, we have some very capable intelligent Liberals but they prefer to do things like post long diatribes of how evil Republicans/Conservatives are and how they are mentally stunted and their inferior brain doesn't work properly like theirs, while others have some sort of snarky remark put-down so they can feel better about themselves and talk at you instead of to you and if you don't get it you are some mouth breathing moron that never will.

Even if their message is the correct/better one their mannerism and general pompous arrogant attitude causes many not to hear what they say (Obama and you didn't build it), so they turn to opportunists like Rush Limbaugh and Fox news because they figured out the most important thing when talking to someone, how to connect.


Nov 11, 1999
Apparently it would take ceding Texas and California back to Mexico.


Medical malpractice insurance is often a doctor's single largest cost, and due to the common doctrine of deep pockets and jury sympathy awards doctors stand to lose whether or not they actually did anything wrong. Conversely, the bandits of the bar stand to get rich whether or not the doctor actually did anything wrong.

Of course, Emergency Physician is a magazine by and for doctors, not bureaucrats or academics, so your mileage may vary.

Spin it! Tort reform doesn't seem to change the price of medical care, supposedly the whole point. Savings just get lost somewhere between the price of doing business & the price of care. Funny that.

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Dec 3, 2013
The left are like Linux users/programmers, they have the ability to do better, are smarter and more capable but because they can't or won't connect with the average user the evil Microsoft reigned supreme with all its flaws,

so they belittle the poor user with a snarky attitude and treat them like they are beneath them constantly pointing out the flaws in Windows and telling the user how stupid they are not using their system in an elitist smug manner and thus turning them off to the superiority of what they believe to be in Linux.

Just look at these forums as an example, we have some very capable intelligent Liberals but they prefer to do things like post long diatribes of how evil Republicans/Conservatives are and how they are mentally stunted and their inferior brain doesn't work properly like theirs, while others have some sort of snarky remark put-down so they can feel better about themselves and talk at you instead of to you and if you don't get it you are some mouth breathing moron that never will.

Even if their message is the correct/better one their mannerism and general pompous arrogant attitude causes many not to hear what they say (Obama and you didn't build it), so they turn to opportunists like Rush Limbaugh and Fox news because they figured out the most important thing when talking to someone, how to connect.
Most seems to mind their business and leave people alone from what I've seen,and offer valuable feedback and fend off attacks.



Junior Member
Mar 26, 2014
Just look at the Freedom Tower is all one needs to do and my Blog if that is not enough Proof for ya. Muslim Spire = Freedom Tower.
Watch first 3 or so videos at top of my Blog...
If ask me, most people are in a brainwash-trance and can Not see common sense truth such as Symbols/Architecture meanings.
Most importantly,seeing these temporary[kings of this earth]in broad daylight actions Per Se.
Most are concerned about little nonessential things like this and that...
Saying goes: walking as blind men.
Not downing anyone here,just overall in this world.

More happy now since i just seen the latest percentage overall on Obama from the American People on Fox News 11pm.
Economy 53% disapprove,
Foreign Policy: 58% disapprove
Healthcare:51% disapprove
maybe not accurate totally but close enough from glance I seen.
Wake Up America finally.

And as far as Republicans,Democrats & blah blah go....
A kingdom can Not stand if divided.
Especially, if we turn from God. Just look what has happened
since taking out Ten Commandments from Schools.
We are a Blessed Nation & consecrated on this from Manhattan,New York.
Reason we have so much.
God saying now: my way or the highway

Obama=Antichrist. Abomi(Obama)-nation of Desolation standing in the Holy Place where it ought not to be(Freedom Tower).
we will rebuild
we will...
we will...
*Obama wrote this in blue marker on top of Muslim Spire above.

New World Order peeps(Obama and the like)are using so-called Rebels to overthrow mid.,eastern governments to put in Radical Muslim Leaders in as Leader/s.
Recent Proof is with Egypt.
Right after elected President Morsi of Egypt chanted in streets to thousands live on Mid.,Eastern news tv.
March toward Jerusalem making millions of martyrs cry,Jew,Christian and the like,anyone;and we shall pray
there as our own.
This will apply later on in the Temple Mount as well I believe concerning the Abomination=declaring himself as God.
Video on Blog of Morsi.

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Nov 20, 2005
Basically, our short life spans and self interest will result in the ultimate extinction of our species once the planet can no longer support human life.

Well maybe. I personally believe we will eventually get into such a nasty war that our population and therefore impact on the planet is minimal for centuries.

Health care is against human nature? Other nations seem to be doing a pretty good job with evul sochulust health care (while getting more health care and spending less).

Again, people in those nations have different expectations than Americans.

It could also be argued that rightist or libertarian or free market policy is directed at how people and businesses "would" ideally behave rather than focused on how people actually behave. Many free market morons have faith that all business people will behave responsibly like fictitious Ayn Randian heroes and won't engage in inflicting economic externalities on other people (such as dumping toxic waste into rivers) and also have faith that meritocracy will prevail over cronyism.

Those people are important too, they are the rank and file foot soldiers of evil geniuses that know what they are doing. Not everyone can be completely rational in the 21st century, because by definition that makes you cynical.

Sometimes I think free market morons can't deal with the fact that humans are shitty creatures that will collectively damage themselves without having their externalities regulated.

I agree with that in theory. I disagree with the degree to which you can regulate in practice. The best written laws always have loopholes, whether in the words or implementation.

The exchanges lack value for them in a very short-sighted and irrational way. They'll feel differently years later when they have grown from "young invincibles" to "old vulnerables" (growing old and developing health problems is that human nature thing).

Perhaps the policy should be changed. If you are a "young invincible" you don't have to participate, but if you want to benefit from the system later you will have to pay a huge entrance fee. If you don't want to pay that fee then go buy your care on the free market and be subject to insurance company death panels and 1000 page contracts designed to rescind your insurance when you need it.

This right here is basically what I have been going for in this thread. The leftist RAGE when some certain segment doesn't want to play ball with the grand plan designed to screw them to benefit someone else is a symptom of why leftists can't rule. The first day this was sold as deficit neutral on the backs of the young was the day it failed.

You almost sound as though you believe in majority-rules democracy.

Actually I personally believe in meritocracy-based oligarchies but that is not what Americans want nor what I am conditioned to accept so I don't advocate it.

What happens if the majority ends up wanting evul people's state sociulusm?

That is fine in many cases and how we get public schools, libraries, police departments, etc.

The problem is that the Republitards are trying to change that at a state level and we need additional laws at the federal level to prevent that.

The Supreme Court is basically what determines how far red states can go. What you are really complaining about is that that body has shifted right in my lifetime so now a Texas can get away with more.

Throwing the Feds in the mix won't fix anything, it will just waste a lot of money and time. I mean hell, the Feds still say pot is illegal and that doesn't stop Colorado. The Feds saying some abortion restrictions are illegal won't stop Texas. You have to take the good with the bad.

That is what the left doesn't get. They set some arbitrary floor, and if anywhere falls below that floor its unacceptable even if that is what those people wanted. And then on the Good Ship Outrage they try to intervene.

Unless it happens on the other side of some arbitrary border.

The Republicans' failure to change the laws to prevent Big State Government in the Bedroom is the same as supporting Big State Government in the Bedroom.

No, supporting practical reasonable policy even when it doesn't always result in what you want is called rational politics.

The "Tort Reform" as a solution to our health care problems is red herring. It's a distraction that sounds good to no-think free market morons, but lacks substance. They can never answer questions like:

(1.) Without the fear of legal liability (being made to pay for the costs of your mistakes), what is the motivation to exercise due care and to avoid negligence?

Moral responsibility, which many doctors have (med schools do that right I think).

But let me say I personally don't think ALL doctors should not have legal liability. Only the really crappy ones that barely made it through med school working for the state in some capacity (even if its just they only take Medicare/Medicaid/VA patients) should have legal immunity because their services are free.

Private physicians with talent should still be liable to be sued, but damages should be capped so they don't lose their life earnings in one case. It is the risk they take for putting their talents on the free market for high income patients.

(2.) If injured people could no longer obtain compensation from lawsuits, does their injuries and economic damages magically disappear? Or do those costs just reassert themselves in a non-medical area on the national ledger?

I think for those who aren't productive enough to have private insurance, yes it should.


Nov 20, 2005
People like murderers and white collar criminals? We have jails for that. If the spirit of the law is so easily violated, the law needs to be more detailed such that those violations now violate the law.

Your last sentence is the primary reason why the left can't lead. When you talk about loopholes in the law, they run to "well make the law better!"

That is what they left doesn't get: the law can NEVER win. Some evil genius smarter than everyone who wrote the law put together will find some loophole they missed and exploit it. Even if that is not the case, and the wording of the law is perfect, it has to be enforced by imperfect people who can easily be duped or corrupted in many cases. Or you can throw a ton of lawyers at the backend to make enforcing the law an expense that is hard to undertake.

No matter what, in the end, the evil guys win. Life is not a Disney movie.

That is why communism failed as a state government. The evil geniuses rise to the top on the backs of those who are connected and rig the game for themselves. Some are more equal than others.

You will NEVER reign these people in, and you will NEVER "convince" them to play by the rules. Many are basically sociopaths that lack the most basic of morals. I mean, that describes a lot of "great" leaders in history.

So any system that tries to lock them in a cage, and is dependent on that segment being in a cage for the law to work, is doomed to terrible failure. Yes it sucks, yes it means the liberal utopia will never exist unless we get into genetic breeding, but that is the way it is.

Given these people exist with a capacity to ruin stable social systems that we create, the best thing we can do is make sure that the barriers are high enough that only the best and most evil can rise above the system and then make sure they rise into some arena where they go at each other instead of going after the basic stability of our lives.

That is where we can change what has been the standard for throughout human history- let the modern day Genghis Khan go after the modern day Alexander instead of each pillaging and raping our metaphorical villages. It makes the evil geniuses happy because all they want is a challenge, and it makes us happy because our world has a degree of stability to it.

The movie Wall Street is not showing "greed is good," it is showing how humanity finally won against those bastards by distracting them with green paper.

Thanks to a good set of barriers (the constitution, amendments and the Supreme Court) and a good arena (Wall Street) we have had a lot of stable success in America and the whole free world. The second you ignore the basis for that success, hope for better from humanity and base policy on that hope is when you doom us all.


Golden Member
Sep 25, 2013
Just look at the Freedom Tower is all one needs to do and my Blog if that is not enough Proof for ya. Muslim Spire = Freedom Tower.
Watch first 3 or so videos at top of my Blog...
If ask me, most people are in a brainwash-trance and can Not see common sense truth such as Symbols/Architecture meanings.
Most importantly,seeing these temporary[kings of this earth]in broad daylight actions Per Se.
Most are concerned about little nonessential things like this and that...
Saying goes: walking as blind men.
Not downing anyone here,just overall in this world.

More happy now since i just seen the latest percentage overall on Obama from the American People on Fox News 11pm.
Economy 53% disapprove,
Foreign Policy: 58% disapprove
Healthcare:51% disapprove
maybe not accurate totally but close enough from glance I seen.
Wake Up America finally.

And as far as Republicans,Democrats & blah blah go....
A kingdom can Not stand if divided.
Especially, if we turn from God. Just look what has happened
since taking out Ten Commandments from Schools.
We are a Blessed Nation & consecrated on this from Manhattan,New York.
Reason we have so much.
God saying now: my way or the highway

Obama=Antichrist. Abomi(Obama)-nation of Desolation standing in the Holy Place where it ought not to be(Freedom Tower).
we will rebuild
we will...
we will...
*Obama wrote this in blue marker on top of Muslim Spire above.

New World Order peeps(Obama and the like)are using so-called Rebels to overthrow mid.,eastern governments to put in Radical Muslim Leaders in as Leader/s.
Recent Proof is with Egypt.
Right after elected President Morsi of Egypt chanted in streets to thousands live on Mid.,Eastern news tv.
March toward Jerusalem making millions of martyrs cry,Jew,Christian and the like,anyone;and we shall pray
there as our own.
This will apply later on in the Temple Mount as well I believe concerning the Abomination=declaring himself as God.
Video on Blog of Morsi.


Not true. It's actually the Masons & the lizard people that really rule things. Decades of fluoride & vaccinations have turned the god fearing into socialist liberals. Obama is really subservient to Lord Voltan, the lizard king of Wolf 359.
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