Why do African-Americans get away with being blatantly racist?

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Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Meh, we enslaved them for a few hundred years, then "freed" them into Jim Crowe laws, then continued to segregate them and oppress them, sometimes blatantly, someties subtley, for decades thereafter. We've kind of had it coming. Let them be a little pissed off at us, we've earned it.

Maybe you, but me and my family have never had anything to do with the slave trade. Not to mention that the majority of slaves that was shipped to the Americas were sold to 'White' Europeans by 'African-African' Africans (That PC enough for you? )


Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: geno
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Meh, we enslaved them for a few hundred years, then "freed" them into Jim Crowe laws, then continued to segregate them and oppress them, sometimes blatantly, someties subtley, for decades thereafter. We've kind of had it coming. Let them be a little pissed off at us, we've earned it.

Speak for yourself.

My ancestors didn't even live on this continent during that period. Why should I be blamed?

There is no "we".

A-fucking-men. Enough of grouping all white people together and trying to hold them responsible for shit that no one currently alive is responsible for. Enough of this fucking "white person guilt" so many white people feel. It's absolutely insulting. People who think like johnjohn end up treating black people differently because of that retarded thought process, which is 100% racist. End of story, no argument about it.

Fucking god, people are still responding to the joke I made on the first page without reading the rest of the discussion? Anybody who ever ends their point of view with "End of story, no argument about it" is like a kid sticking their fingers in their ears and going "la la la not listening la la la." How the we supposed to talk to assholes like you?

Please, then, open up the argument as to how treating someone differently based on race isn't racist? If you want to open up that can of worms, be my guest. I dont' see how you can argue anything different, thus the "end of story" conclusion. Don't get me wrong, I'm still all ears (eyes?) and definitely not plugging my ears, so don't assume so much.


Senior member
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: n yusef
Instead of arguing about definitions of racism (an important debate, but a bit off-topic), we need to recognize that racism is more explicit racial language. Racism is getting asked for ID when you pay with a credit card, when the white customers before and after you were not questioned. Racism is a waiter giving the check that you asked for to the white person you are with. Racism is an all white cast on a TV show set in NYC. Racism is calling black criminals savage animals and white criminals disturbed. Racism comes in small acts, often without malicious intent. To claim that we live in a post-racial society is to be willfully ignorant.

Whenever I see whites complain about racism from PoC, I realize that they just don't get it. Getting called a "beloved patriot" by a impoverished teenager is not comparable to hearing a joke about "spics" from your employer who passed you up for a promotion.

Stop crying. I think that people like complaining because it's easier to complain than to actually work to improve your position in life. It's also trendy. The problem is that nobody cares and it only makes you look like a loser.

You think or you KNOW? You ever walk in those shoes? People do care. It is an unnecessary burden/obstacle that YOU don't have to deal with. Here you want to call it trendy...LOL, yeah um ok. I guess police assaults against blacks are trendy too huh?

Of course some white people don't care. Why the fuck would they want everything equal. Some have it so damn good and silently keep that glass ceiling in mint condition.
There were no jim crow laws to restrict white's privileges in the sixties, so of course they think it doesn't have an effect on what is going on today.

You try and think about people whose mothers and grandmothers that are STILL alive today had to attend the worst schools (if they wereallowed to attend at all) and humiliation due to their SKIN COLOR less than 50 years ago in the USA. Now you want to call it 'trendy' to cry foul??
Fuck you.


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Superself
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: n yusef
Instead of arguing about definitions of racism (an important debate, but a bit off-topic), we need to recognize that racism is more explicit racial language. Racism is getting asked for ID when you pay with a credit card, when the white customers before and after you were not questioned. Racism is a waiter giving the check that you asked for to the white person you are with. Racism is an all white cast on a TV show set in NYC. Racism is calling black criminals savage animals and white criminals disturbed. Racism comes in small acts, often without malicious intent. To claim that we live in a post-racial society is to be willfully ignorant.

Whenever I see whites complain about racism from PoC, I realize that they just don't get it. Getting called a "beloved patriot" by a impoverished teenager is not comparable to hearing a joke about "spics" from your employer who passed you up for a promotion.

Stop crying. I think that people like complaining because it's easier to complain than to actually work to improve your position in life. It's also trendy. The problem is that nobody cares and it only makes you look like a loser.

You think or you KNOW? You ever walk in those shoes? People do care. It is an unnecessary burden/obstacle that YOU don't have to deal with. Here you want to call it trendy...LOL, yeah um ok. I guess police assaults against blacks are trendy too huh?

Of course some white people don't care. Why the fuck would they want everything equal. Some have it so damn good and silently keep that glass ceiling in mint condition.
There were no jim crow laws to restrict white's privileges in the sixties, so of course they think it doesn't have an effect on what is going on today.

You try and think about people whose mothers and grandmothers that are STILL alive today had to attend the worst schools (if they wereallowed to attend at all) and humiliation due to their SKIN COLOR less than 50 years ago in the USA. Now you want to call it 'trendy' to cry foul??
Fuck you.

For fuck's sake remove the glass from your vag. Like the majority of racist black people were alive in the 60's to get pushed around by our asshole grandfathers. :roll:

For what it's worth, I pretty much gave up on racial relations improving at all when the Obama Chia Pet got yanked off the shelves for being racist. Black people got given a carte blanche to bitch, moan, and escape any personal responsibility whatsoever for their actions by self-hating ignorant white people. If white people were given the same free pass, they'd abuse it just as much.

My point is that people suck in general, regardless of skin color.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: geno
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: geno
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Meh, we enslaved them for a few hundred years, then "freed" them into Jim Crowe laws, then continued to segregate them and oppress them, sometimes blatantly, someties subtley, for decades thereafter. We've kind of had it coming. Let them be a little pissed off at us, we've earned it.

Speak for yourself.

My ancestors didn't even live on this continent during that period. Why should I be blamed?

There is no "we".

A-fucking-men. Enough of grouping all white people together and trying to hold them responsible for shit that no one currently alive is responsible for. Enough of this fucking "white person guilt" so many white people feel. It's absolutely insulting. People who think like johnjohn end up treating black people differently because of that retarded thought process, which is 100% racist. End of story, no argument about it.

Fucking god, people are still responding to the joke I made on the first page without reading the rest of the discussion? Anybody who ever ends their point of view with "End of story, no argument about it" is like a kid sticking their fingers in their ears and going "la la la not listening la la la." How the we supposed to talk to assholes like you?

Please, then, open up the argument as to how treating someone differently based on race isn't racist? If you want to open up that can of worms, be my guest. I dont' see how you can argue anything different, thus the "end of story" conclusion. Don't get me wrong, I'm still all ears (eyes?) and definitely not plugging my ears, so don't assume so much.



Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Dari
I know other peoples can be racist but it seems to be OK if African Americans do it. It's accepted.

Same ole sad ploy to get some hating on blacks. Out of the last, I don't know 40 years of music, lol, you just happen to hear your "first" song with some off handed mention of color and you translate that into "It seems ok if blacks are racist" and the whiteys/crackers played out, overdone line. Give me a break


Dec 20, 2002
Those that do, just don't have anything better to talk about. Like Chris Rock for instance, if he weren't black, he'd have nothing to focus his "comedy" on.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2007
Racism will never die because there are people on both sides who profit it from it being an issue. If racism wasn't an issue, we wouldn't need the countless organizations that function to counter racism. As racism continues to become less of a problem, people will want to stop spending money on racism or any issue that doesn't affect them. So to keep money coming into Washington, many figure heads do their best to persuade everyone that their group is either victims or perpetrators of racism to keep the issue alive and to keep the money coming in.
It's not about skin color anymore. It's about money. Yes, there are still some haters on both sides who will never like the others. And that group of people is shrinking by the day. The KKK is dying. The Black Panthers are dying. Racism will always exist, but it will never be a majority. Not in business, not in athletics and not in the hearts and minds of the majority of decent citizens in this country.

Play me off Jonny,


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Meh, we enslaved them for a few hundred years, then "freed" them into Jim Crowe laws, then continued to segregate them and oppress them, sometimes blatantly, someties subtley, for decades thereafter. We've kind of had it coming. Let them be a little pissed off at us, we've earned it.

Maybe you, but me and my family have never had anything to do with the slave trade. Not to mention that the majority of slaves that was shipped to the Americas were sold to 'White' Europeans by 'African-African' Africans (That PC enough for you? )

shhhh, don't point out history to people


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Originally posted by: geno
It's insulting in that regard, too. I meant it more in the way of, "Oh, here comes a black person, let me hold the door for them since their people have had it rough." insulting in that sense. And that's not far-fetched, people who think like johnjohn end up treating people differently based on race, even if it's well-intentioned. It's time that way of thinking to go the way of the dodo. It prolongs racism and does no one any good.

funny but I have had black people say something to me and my daughter for holding the door open for them. Things like "yeah, that makes up for it" and "Shouldn't I be holding the door open for you?" Get over it. We do not hold the door open because you are black, we hold it open because that is what we were taught to do by our parents. I don't give a crap what color you are, I will be polite.

I am not saying discrimination is not taking place in small gestures, but stop looking for them ALL the time. I am sure I could go out and, if looking as hard for them as some blacks do, find plenty of cases against me for my weight (260LBS, 5'11 White Male)


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: OCguy
Originally posted by: PHiuR
the majority can't be discriminated against by the minority.

Are you really that stupid?

They get away with it because the older generation of Americans has guilt over things that we had no control over.

This is dying out fast though. In another generation or so, every race will be scorned for racism. No more exceptions

The white people in power don't care, because they get to treat them like shit. It has nothing to do with guilt, it has to do with the white man knowing they have the power, and ultimately anything a non white person says to them means nothing. I worked somewhere where a black man was fired for calling a co worker a cracker. Hatred towards another without power means NOTHING.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: zerocool84
Originally posted by: Corporate Thug
Originally posted by: zerocool84
Originally posted by: Corporate Thug
Originally posted by: Dari
I was just listening to a new T-Pain song ("All of the above") and the rapper says his new Benz is all white, just like McCain. If this was directed against blacks, there would be hell to pay. It seems like it's OK if they do it but not OK for anyone else. BTW, do any white people actually feel offended by African-Americans calling them "crackers" or "whitey"? I can't imagine anyone shedding a tear over that. Power has its priviledges.

1. It's not a T-Pain song, the song is by Maino (ft. T-Pain)
2. The line is "the new benz is all white, call it John McCain"
3. it's neither racist nor offensive.

Ok but imagine if a white guy said the benz is all black call it reggie jackson........yea

that doesn't sound racist to me either...

To me either but peopple like Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton will take that and run with it. They take the smallest things and blow them up just to get some airtime. That's what pisses me off the most.

Um no they wouldn't plenty of white rappers have said similar punchlines and never catch flack. Paul Wall said his "Benz is black on black like gang violence." (black Benz, black rim) Nobody made a fuss about it at all, and that line is worse than the OP's example. Still neither are close to racist.


Apr 27, 2004
Why the fuck do you people always bitch about this? Who the fuck cares? Do you really want to know the real answer to your question because here it is:

They get away with it because NO ONE CARES except idiots like you who bitch about it on forums.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Why the fuck do you people always bitch about this? Who the fuck cares? Do you really want to know the real answer to your question because here it is:

They get away with it because NO ONE CARES except idiots like you who bitch about it on forums.

There are plenty of people who care, the racist white people who go out of their way to make sure they don't hire black people, and use every opportunity to put them down or try to hold them back. These types want total control at all times. And if a black person is calling them a beloved patriot or Cracker they get into a total shit fit over it. It's supposed to be THEM calling the black person names, not the other way around.

I might get called a beloved patriot by a black man, but the fact if we both apply for the same job I'm 95/100 going to to get it over him - regardless of if I'm qualified or not. Tends to make the names I'm called pretty meaningless. If I had my choice between supposedly being able to blurt out any racial slur whenever I wanted with no repercussion, or get a job. Or hell, NOT get my resume thrown out before it's read because I have an ethnic name. I'm going to have to go with the job thing. They can call me a cracker ass cracker all day. If I was a minority and I knew HR people were tossing my resume to the side due to my name, I'd understandably probably want to call somebody a beloved patriot too.



Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
i've called black people "awesome dude" before in a friendly way and they didnt think i was being racist, however if i was to walk up up to a random black person and call him a ni**er it would be completely different.

it's the context in which it is used..

Obama's Pastor Jeramiah Wright comes to mind. He says he hates whites and you can't call him racist or they will accuse you of it.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: QueBert
I might get called a beloved patriot by a black man, but the fact if we both apply for the same job I'm 95/100 going to to get it over him - regardless of if I'm qualified or not.

Good luck with that if you are not spanish at least and applying for many large jobs down in in S. Florida. While affirmative action has gone away, many companies have a mandate more or less for ethnic diversity in management.

Problem is they must turn down more qualified and experienced workers many times to place one of ethnic background. I was part of a conversation between a government and large supermarket's hiring managers.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: QueBert
I might get called a beloved patriot by a black man, but the fact if we both apply for the same job I'm 95/100 going to to get it over him - regardless of if I'm qualified or not.

Good luck with that if you are not spanish at least and applying for many large jobs down in in S. Florida. While affirmative action has gone away, many companies have a mandate more or less for ethnic diversity in management.

Problem is they must turn down more qualified and experienced workers many times to place one of ethnic background. I was part of a conversation between a government and large supermarket's hiring managers.

Since when? Even in the localities that have passed laws regarding this little has changed.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Linflas
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: QueBert
I might get called a beloved patriot by a black man, but the fact if we both apply for the same job I'm 95/100 going to to get it over him - regardless of if I'm qualified or not.

Good luck with that if you are not spanish at least and applying for many large jobs down in in S. Florida. While affirmative action has gone away, many companies have a mandate more or less for ethnic diversity in management.

Problem is they must turn down more qualified and experienced workers many times to place one of ethnic background. I was part of a conversation between a government and large supermarket's hiring managers.

Since when? Even in the localities that have passed laws regarding this little has changed.

That's the thing. Law or no law...companies get scrutinized when they are non-ethnic even if all the demographics for them show they are mirroring it.

Funny thing is just this past weekend I have heard again that Obama isn't really black and if he was 100% african he'd never have won. My reply was well if he was 100% european he wouldn't have won either because you have to be a US citizen to be president . I got just a blank stare.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Yes, it's racist. Yes, minorities get away with being racist. That's life.

Aren't they becoming the majority? Considering they pop out 4-5 kids per family.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman
I'm guessing you've never heard Guns N' Roses - One in a Million.

That song was not meant to be taken seriously. In their own words.....

Slash (who is half-black) had this to say about the song: The last song on Lies is "One In A Million": Have you ever been hassled by someone with a gun and a badge? Maybe you've been conned or had someone attempt to sell you stolen property and they just won't take no for an answer. Have you ever been to a gas station or convenience store and been treated like you don't belong there by an individual who can barely speak English? Hopefully not, but have you ever been attacked by a homosexual? Has some so-called religionist tried to con you out of your hard-earned cash? Have you ever been banned or censored by a relatively small group of people claiming to be a majority with self-righteous and dangerous motives? This song is very simple and extremely generic. My apologies to those who may take offense.

Axl: I wrote the song as a joke. West just got robbed by two black guys on Christmas night, a few years back. He went out to play on Hollywood boulevard and he's standing there playing in front of the band and he gets robbed at knife point for 78 cents. A couple of days later we?re all sittin? around watchin? TV....and I picked up this guitar, and I can only play like the top two strings, and I ended up fuckin? around with this little riff. It was the only thing I could play on the guitar at the time. And then I started ad-libbing some words to it as a joke. And we had just watched Sam Kinison or somethin? on the video, you know, and I guess the humour was just sorta leanin? that way anyway or somethin?. I don?t know. But we just started writing this thing.
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