Why do conservatives...

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Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
think that their way is the only way? Some people do not agree with the government. Its not new. You dont on occassion. Does that mean we are less "patriotic?" No. By expressing our opinions on the government's decisions and by protesting in the streets it means we are just as, if not more, patriotic than everyone blindly following the government's decrees. This is not a country built on conformatism. If it was we would be drinking tea and eating god awful buscuits every day talking about some old broad as "her majesty."

Do your duty and think. I dont want to tell you that if you cant think for yourself that you should get out, like you do about the "communist, hippy, liberal, traitorous, trash" you all like to rant and rave about. Because I think you have the right to your opinion, and you should respect that right for others, even if you cannot understand their reasoning. If you do not want to listen to the reasoning of others (and I mean really listen), then dont ask, dont mention it around people you know have opinions of their own and who will let you know that they disagree.

In other words, we Americans are all on the same side, even if we cant agree what is best. If you cant be civil or intelligent once in a while, please dont post in this thread.

EDIT: For the people that actually read the entire first post, but might not understand my rambling: Just because I may not agree with your anti-Iraq statements and actions, DO NOT TELL ME TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!

Thats it.


Finally! I thought only conservatives lived on this board. I was called a stupid liberal for backing an anti-war protest and then accused of being un-American, and unpatriotic. I don't see how voicing my opinion is being unpatriotic- especially since this country was built on the tenet that we should have the right to express ourselves. Ever heard of the freedom of speech?



Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001
I'm a conservative, but I'm annoyed with a lot of others who are conservative. I'm also annoyed with a lot of others who are liberals. But more liberals than conservatives, a lot of them come across as whiney.

I'm not so sure I'd back an anti-war protest unless they gave me sufficient reason to hold an anti-war protest. But I wouldn't call them stupid liberals because of it either. If the country goes to war, I hope it's for the right reasons. And I will support the government on the basis that they have more information than I do... unless I become privy of sufficient counterinformation first.


Senior member
Sep 25, 2000
to your remarks red dawn. Because I support my president, and maybe I should have worded it better doesnt' mean that I am a sheep. But of course you have to bring in that I would have a great followe in the nazi regime. How stupid is that? you are going to compare my loyalty to the President of the United States, like that of the germans to hitler? I love america, don't get me wrong there. I do agree with our president on war. There are some issues I don't agree, but in this war situation I agree. and no, if he told me to go and jump off a bridge, I wouldn't. I love how you take my statement, and take it construde it to mean what you want it to mean.

lol, nazi, all I can do is laugh at that comment, because I think it's pretty far fetched and idiotic.


Apr 15, 2002
I consider myself pretty conservative, but not right wing, there are a lot of things that I feel very stongly about that are more liberal arguments. I have multiple friends on the front lines that I care about very much. Yet I still feel very strongly that it Saddam isn't taken out of power it is just a matter of time before he does something major.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
think that their way is the only way?
Did a liberal convince you of this? And liberals are open to conservative ideas?


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: fuzzy bee For some reason, "close-mindedness" is associated with conservatism, but it actually applies to both ways of thinking.

Ahah, you just hit it.

Liberals = "open-minded" versus "close-minded".
Conservatives = "right-minded" versus "wrong-minded".

In Liberal world, everything is a free for all, nothing is wrong except to delcare something wrong. In Conservative world, there is an understanding that actions have consequences. Us conservatives are a bit more enlightened to realize that "open-mindedness" in many cases is another description of ignorance. To be open-minded, is to have to ignore the facts.

The radicals in both groups tarnish the philsophies of each - Liberals live in a fantasy Utopian land, whereas Conservatives are stubborn in their ways. Both philosophies exhibit arrogance...


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
Why are there so many anti-republican viewpoint marches and not anti-democrat viewpoint marched? You wanna know why? Okay, I'll tell you. Democrats are people who believe in working together such as in a socialism way, they feed off of other people. Republicans are more independent and self- reliant, they are not follow the pack kind of people.


In other words - Republicans have brains, Democrats don't.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
think that their way is the only way?
Did a liberal convince you of this? And liberals are open to conservative ideas?

I see more ignorant intolerance on the part of conservatives against "liberal" thinking than I do from liberals against "conservative" thinking. Not once have I seen a hippy tell someone to get out of the country if they dont like something.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
think that their way is the only way?
Did a liberal convince you of this? And liberals are open to conservative ideas?

I see more ignorant intolerance on the part of conservatives against "liberal" thinking than I do from liberals against "conservative" thinking. Not once have I seen a hippy tell someone to get out of the country if they dont like something.

No, instead they become a teacher and force their students to write to Bush about the evils of war for course credit.

edit: And for the record, "intolerance" isn't always a bad thing. It comes along with something called a "backbone".


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore

No, instead they become a teacher and force their students to write to Bush about the evils of war for course credit.

Encourage your children to become teachers. I think teachers should be as impartial as humanly possible.

edit: And for the record, "intolerance" isn't always a bad thing. It comes along with something called a "backbone".

Ahh yes, to have a backbone you must be an ignorant and intolerant. Why cant everyone accept the fact that I have the right to my own educated opinion? Why cant everyone accept the fact that I have the duty to call the government on some of the things they try to do that I do not agree with? Hell, those are some of the founding principles in this country. We can change things if we try, we shouldnt have to abandon everything.


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Buffdaddy34
Originally posted by: ElFenix
If you saw the riots here in San Francisco, the people who strayed off from the regular war protest, they were all the drugged up hippies, the malcontents, and most of them were there just to protest. do you see that if we had a pro war march, how everyone would get shatted upon. But these people, these people who are drugged up have a bigger say than I do.

anyways, I don't want to piss anyone off. I just want to say that if you disagree with the war, and you are ANTI-WAR be freaking consistent. The "Hollywood" people you see, they NEVER once spoke up against Clinton going into Bosnia or Somalia. They never said anything. But when Bush says to go to War, they are against it. They sing to it. They have everyone go against it. Give me a break. not anti-war, anti-bush. Tahts' what pisses me off about the Hollywood people.

on a side note. The only reason I disagree with war, is because I don't like the thought of people dying, innocent or not. I just don't like the thought of it. But to be able to put someone like Saddam out of power, that I agree with. The man has brainwashed his people, they think he is a great man, but he continues to kill his people with chemicals, starving them, blah blah blah. You see how strong the support is for a man who doesn't care for his country, and then you come to the United States, and you see how discontent people are with our president who looks out for his country. It's actually quite annoying. And when you turn on the TV you see all the people who are pissed off with Bush, how often do you see the BUSH Supporters on TV. rare.

No war because I don't like people dying. But if the leader of our country says we are, then I'm for it. If it was clinton, who I despised as a president said let's go, I would back him, because he is the chosen leader of this country. I highly doubt we would have threadso n this if clinton was doing this. of course clinton would have no other issues with Iraq, except he might trade with, sell them arms, and go to iraq and sleep in one of saddam's palaces, and get some ehhh.. ergh, sorry, off track. and I don' tknow how to end this so I will end it here.

What if by not going to war and even more innocents die? The US has always gone to great links to prevent innocent casualties. It doesn't help that Saddam puts his military equipment and such in high civilian population areas. I doubt Saddam's people "love" him truely because if you speak out against him, their secret police will come and kill you/torture you/ etc. All the Iraqis that have gotten out have described in great detail what he has been doing. It's a bloody travisty that no one cares.

I really worry about Saddam, they guy has said in interviews his plans were to take over the middle east. He needs to be removed now before he can build himself up again. Remember that the original gulf war was stopped with a truce on the contingency that Saddam fully disarms. He obviously hasn't, ever day he says "whoops, we found some more weapons, we forgot. Sorry" And the UN doesn't care, even after 17 resolutions giving him a last, last, last chance.

Please check out this link: Who's making money off Saddam

People aren't that discontent here in the US, it's just the media has nothin else to put on so they give those people air time. Maybe take a look at how many people didn't protest. You shouldn't have to go out and get on TV to SUPPORT your president.

Let's enjoy being Americans and having the right to disagree and have our own opinions.



Senior member
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Fixxors
"Why do conservatives think that their way is the only way?"

Because conservative people have ideals based on ignorance and hatred, which they can only support by thinkin in black and white. Right or wrong. Conservatives don't want to think. They want to have someone tell em its evil, or a sin, so they use what little sytem resources their brains can power to watch Jerry Springer.

Matter of fact, they consider thinking "hypocracy". Abortion will always be a grey area for the liberal mind. So will the death penalty, gun control, the envonment, seperation of chuch and state and so on. A liberal will carry the burden of thinking, and rethinking, and reconsidering, even if the answer may never come. And liberals trust in each other, no matter how different. They don't fear other races, or cultures, or orientations, and thus they are open to peace instead of dominance. And the conservative walls that keep back our community will eventually be overcome. The liberal american dream of unity and equality may seem unattainable, but it's the struggle that is so important. Even now the conservatives today share many ideals of the liberals of yesterday. They are just a couple decades behind.

Conservatives are just people that have given up, and are stubbornly letting themselves be left behind because they are afraid of diversity and don't trust in mankind. They want "god" to set the rules. They want progress and change to be demonized and illegalized or censored. With our conservatives you are either for or against. Pro or con. That's why religion is such an important tool for them. But they are a dying breed and they realise it, and they are bitter. America will not let them forget the aftermath of our own hatred and ignorance. Racism has been proven immoral, as has sexism. America will not let it's gays or women or minoritys suffer anymore. Prohibition and censorship have only led to perversion and made our children victims.

They think their way is the only way, because they are not free to invest any real thought. In the end what is right will prevail. Sadly there are a lot of people being hurt in our country even today as we wait for conservatives to catch up.

Sad, just really sad. Do yourself a favor and pick up a good book written by a strong conservative and maybe you'll actually understand what conservatism is all about. You sound like someone who has been spoon feed by the Ultra-left your whole life. Maybe it's you that needs to "think and rethink" your beliefs. I really like the part where you say that conservatives "fear" other races and cultures. It's the Democrats who think that minorities are inferior and need special treatment. I as a Conservative believe that anyone can make it America whether you are black, red, pink or purple, gay, lesbian, short, tall, rich or poor. Anyone can make it if they have the will. A "true" conservative believes in the power of the people. The major difference between a Liberal and a Conservative is that Liberals believe the government is the ultimate force that makes a country great, Conservatives on the other hand believe it's the people.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Daxxax
Originally posted by: Fixxors
"Why do conservatives think that their way is the only way?"

Because conservative people have ideals based on ignorance and hatred, which they can only support by thinkin in black and white. Right or wrong. Conservatives don't want to think. They want to have someone tell em its evil, or a sin, so they use what little sytem resources their brains can power to watch Jerry Springer.

Matter of fact, they consider thinking "hypocracy". Abortion will always be a grey area for the liberal mind. So will the death penalty, gun control, the envonment, seperation of chuch and state and so on. A liberal will carry the burden of thinking, and rethinking, and reconsidering, even if the answer may never come. And liberals trust in each other, no matter how different. They don't fear other races, or cultures, or orientations, and thus they are open to peace instead of dominance. And the conservative walls that keep back our community will eventually be overcome. The liberal american dream of unity and equality may seem unattainable, but it's the struggle that is so important. Even now the conservatives today share many ideals of the liberals of yesterday. They are just a couple decades behind.

Conservatives are just people that have given up, and are stubbornly letting themselves be left behind because they are afraid of diversity and don't trust in mankind. They want "god" to set the rules. They want progress and change to be demonized and illegalized or censored. With our conservatives you are either for or against. Pro or con. That's why religion is such an important tool for them. But they are a dying breed and they realise it, and they are bitter. America will not let them forget the aftermath of our own hatred and ignorance. Racism has been proven immoral, as has sexism. America will not let it's gays or women or minoritys suffer anymore. Prohibition and censorship have only led to perversion and made our children victims.

They think their way is the only way, because they are not free to invest any real thought. In the end what is right will prevail. Sadly there are a lot of people being hurt in our country even today as we wait for conservatives to catch up.

Sad, just really sad. Do yourself a favor and pick up a good book written by a strong conservative and maybe you'll actually understand what conservatism is all about. You sound like someone who has been spoon feed by the Ultra-left your whole life. Maybe it's you that needs to "think and rethink" your beliefs. I really like the part where you say that conservatives "fear" other races and cultures. It's the Democrats who think that minorities are inferior and need special treatment. I as a Conservative believe that anyone can make it America whether you are black, red, pink or purple, gay, lesbian, short, tall, rich or poor. Anyone can make it if they have the will. A "true" conservative believes in the power of the people. The major difference between a Liberal and a Conservative is that Liberals believe the government is the ultimate force that makes a country great, Conservatives on the other hand believe it's the people.

But if someone does not agree with the government he should get out. Right?


Senior member
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax
Originally posted by: Fixxors
"Why do conservatives think that their way is the only way?"

Because conservative people have ideals based on ignorance and hatred, which they can only support by thinkin in black and white. Right or wrong. Conservatives don't want to think. They want to have someone tell em its evil, or a sin, so they use what little sytem resources their brains can power to watch Jerry Springer.

Matter of fact, they consider thinking "hypocracy". Abortion will always be a grey area for the liberal mind. So will the death penalty, gun control, the envonment, seperation of chuch and state and so on. A liberal will carry the burden of thinking, and rethinking, and reconsidering, even if the answer may never come. And liberals trust in each other, no matter how different. They don't fear other races, or cultures, or orientations, and thus they are open to peace instead of dominance. And the conservative walls that keep back our community will eventually be overcome. The liberal american dream of unity and equality may seem unattainable, but it's the struggle that is so important. Even now the conservatives today share many ideals of the liberals of yesterday. They are just a couple decades behind.

Conservatives are just people that have given up, and are stubbornly letting themselves be left behind because they are afraid of diversity and don't trust in mankind. They want "god" to set the rules. They want progress and change to be demonized and illegalized or censored. With our conservatives you are either for or against. Pro or con. That's why religion is such an important tool for them. But they are a dying breed and they realise it, and they are bitter. America will not let them forget the aftermath of our own hatred and ignorance. Racism has been proven immoral, as has sexism. America will not let it's gays or women or minoritys suffer anymore. Prohibition and censorship have only led to perversion and made our children victims.

They think their way is the only way, because they are not free to invest any real thought. In the end what is right will prevail. Sadly there are a lot of people being hurt in our country even today as we wait for conservatives to catch up.

Sad, just really sad. Do yourself a favor and pick up a good book written by a strong conservative and maybe you'll actually understand what conservatism is all about. You sound like someone who has been spoon feed by the Ultra-left your whole life. Maybe it's you that needs to "think and rethink" your beliefs. I really like the part where you say that conservatives "fear" other races and cultures. It's the Democrats who think that minorities are inferior and need special treatment. I as a Conservative believe that anyone can make it America whether you are black, red, pink or purple, gay, lesbian, short, tall, rich or poor. Anyone can make it if they have the will. A "true" conservative believes in the power of the people. The major difference between a Liberal and a Conservative is that Liberals believe the government is the ultimate force that makes a country great, Conservatives on the other hand believe it's the people.

But if someone does not agree with the government he should get out. Right?

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: jahawkin
But bashing Clinton for what he did is alot different than bashing Bush. One has to do with covering up a sex life, another has to do with screwing over the world.

Alternatively one is about a complete lack of self-respect for himself, the office and the people who put their faith and reputation behind him (I'm reminded of Clinton parading his cabinet members out to shill for him on the eve of the bombshell) while the other is simply about foreign policy disagreements.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.


Senior member
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.

Your right, Although I am a registered Repulican I have problems with both sides. I don't believe all politicians are snakes but a good chunk of them are. I do think Bush is doing what he feels is best for our country, If you agree with his reasons or not I think you owe him at least the benefit of the doubt. Iraq has had tweleve long years to show compliance. The only reason Saddam is even showing some cooporation now is because of our military presence in the region. It's not about oil, the U.S. flexing it's muscles or Bush being a war-monger. It's about a rogue country that has a dictator who continues to not follow the rules. Saddam is a danger to us, his direct neighbors, his own people and he must be dealt with before it's to late.

I don't want anyone to die either especially innocent civilians, but if it comes down to a small percentage of Iraqis being killed by misguided bombs, rockets and other military accidents or American civilians being killed in a Chemical, Biological or nuclear terriosts attack. I will choose to go to war without hesitation. Does that make me a Warmonger?? I don't think so.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Daxxax
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.

Your right, Although I am a registered Repulican I have problems with both sides. I don't believe all politicians are snakes but a good chunk of them are. I do think Bush is doing what he feels is best for our country, If you agree with his reasons or not I think you owe him at least the benefit of the doubt. Iraq has had tweleve long years to show compliance. The only reason Saddam is even showing some cooporation now is because of our military presence in the region. It's not about oil, the U.S. flexing it's muscles or Bush being a war-monger. It's about a rogue country that has a dictator who continues to not follow the rules. Saddam is a danger to us, his direct neighbors, his own people and he must be dealt with before it's to late.

I will not give him the benefit of the doubt. Friends, family, and strangers are people I give the benefit of the doubt. My employees have to earn my respect from the ground up. I trust no politicians in our current government. Jaded? Yes. I am.

What makes taking care of Saddam and countries thousands of miles away from us our responsibility?


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.

They are.... they are honest.. to the ideals that they and their party seek to install in our country. That is the over riding factor. What is their agenda? The long term agenda... consider not the instant issue of Iraq or Iran before it or Korea... those and all issues will be contorted to foster support for one side or the other by the players seeking the implemtation of their vision for this country... it is their only real opportunity to inflame the population to act. The republicans are in office so the democrates need action to unseat the opposition..
For the most part, we do not know what we do not know. Lives... American lives.. are at stake and
perhaps fewer are at stake with action rather than inaction in Iraq... I don't know... and glad it is not my choice to make. Liberal vs Conservative... not in this issue.


Senior member
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.

Your right, Although I am a registered Repulican I have problems with both sides. I don't believe all politicians are snakes but a good chunk of them are. I do think Bush is doing what he feels is best for our country, If you agree with his reasons or not I think you owe him at least the benefit of the doubt. Iraq has had tweleve long years to show compliance. The only reason Saddam is even showing some cooporation now is because of our military presence in the region. It's not about oil, the U.S. flexing it's muscles or Bush being a war-monger. It's about a rogue country that has a dictator who continues to not follow the rules. Saddam is a danger to us, his direct neighbors, his own people and he must be dealt with before it's to late.

I will not give him the benefit of the doubt. Friends, family, and strangers are people I give the benefit of the doubt. My employees have to earn my respect from the ground up. I trust no politicians in our current government. Jaded? Yes. I am.

What makes taking care of Saddam and countries thousands of miles away from us our responsibility?

9/11 made it our responsiblity. For us to prevent something like that happening again we need to be on offense not defense. A lot of people thought like you do back in the thirties when Hitler was making his moves in Europe. Before they knew it the entire world was dragged into a war that ended up costing millions of lives. If Hitler had been dealt with in the begining many of those lives could of been saved. If a rogue nation like Iraq decided to sell a nuke to a terriost group or use a Nuclear weapon on one of it's neighbors like Isreal, Kuwait, or even ship one to the U.S. many, many more people will die then if we go in right now and take him out.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: HJD1
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Daxxax

No, of course not as long as it does not undermine are nations strategy. I have no problem with people disapproving of our goverment for one reason or another. Thats why democracy is so great. My beef is not with the normal, regular, thinking people who for whatever reason just don't happen to agree with Bush on the Iraq crisis. As long as they're reasons are sensible and logical, I can listen and respect they're point of view, I just don't happen to agree with them.
It's the radical lefties like Fixxors that really piss me off. The people who don't take the time to read and understand where another point of view might be coming from. The people who compare Bush to Hitler or say that "America is evil!!" That's the kind of people that I'd like to see leave the U.S. And like it or not Bush is the president of the U.S. Do you have to agree with his administrations point of view? No. Do you have to respect the Office of the president?? Yes

I respect the office of the president. Atleast what it stood for when it was initiated. There is not a politician out there right now that I believe is honest and sincere.

They are.... they are honest.. to the ideals that they and their party seek to install in our country. That is the over riding factor. What is their agenda? The long term agenda... consider not the instant issue of Iraq or Iran before it or Korea... those and all issues will be contorted to foster support for one side or the other by the players seeking the implemtation of their vision for this country... it is their only real opportunity to inflame the population to act. The republicans are in office so the democrates need action to unseat the opposition..

$$. That is what they are after. Its all about the benjamins.

For the most part, we do not know what we do not know. Lives... American lives.. are at stake and
perhaps fewer are at stake with action rather than inaction in Iraq... I don't know... and glad it is not my choice to make. Liberal vs Conservative... not in this issue.

If we kept our noses out of other people's business, we may not have had many of the problems we currently face


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: HJD1
For the most part, we do not know what we do not know. Lives... American lives.. are at stake and perhaps fewer are at stake with action rather than inaction in Iraq... I don't know... and glad it is not my choice to make. Liberal vs Conservative... not in this issue.

If Bush were a democrat, Daschle would be a hawk and Lott would be a chicken.

That is the hypocrisy.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Daxxax

9/11 made it our responsiblity. For us to prevent something like that happening again we need to be on offense not defense. A lot of people thought like you do back in the thirties when Hitler was making his moves in Europe. Before they knew it the entire world was dragged into a war that ended up costing millions of lives. If Hitler had been dealt with in the begining many of those lives could of been saved. If a rogue nation like Iraq decided to sell a nuke to a terriost group or use a Nuclear weapon on one of it's neighbors like Isreal, Kuwait, or even ship one to the U.S. many, many more people will die then if we go in right now and take him out.

If we kept ourselves out of it in the first place we may not have had it happen.

Im not sure I agree with the isolationist thing, just something Ive been rolling around in my head for a couple of months now.
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