Why do marijuana smokers bother me?

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Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: Looney
Blah blah blah blah blah

If you read the thread on who my favorite philosophers were, you'd know what my stance on this is (assuming you know Hobbes).

Woah, nice argument. I'll look into Hobbes some more since we only went over him briefly a long time ago.

Argue about what? You spent 10mins rehashing things that i don't disagree with.

I guess I misunderstood you. I know this is a bit off-topic from the OP but if you subscribe to Hobbes' viewpoints, would it not be beneficial to have a "father" figure government where all rights and wrongs are explicitly dictated by this individual? He seems to focus on multiple viewpoints as a source of discord and thus conflict and requires a ultimate central figure whose viewpoints everyone must agree with whether they personally believe it to be right or wrong. My grazing of Hobbes viewpoints is pretty narrow, I'll admit, so if I'm missing something major here, please let me know.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2005
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
You're out of your mind! Marijuana is NOT addictive! I can quit any time I want.

I can't say the same about you being able to quit being a jerk, though :|

hahaha i love this reply


Senior member
Oct 23, 2000
Don't go to far down that road, it does not lead anywhere good. Smoker+Non-smoker does not work out for the long run most of the time from what I know.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: glutenberg
Originally posted by: Looney
Blah blah blah blah blah

If you read the thread on who my favorite philosophers were, you'd know what my stance on this is (assuming you know Hobbes).

Woah, nice argument. I'll look into Hobbes some more since we only went over him briefly a long time ago.

Argue about what? You spent 10mins rehashing things that i don't disagree with.

I guess I misunderstood you. I know this is a bit off-topic from the OP but if you subscribe to Hobbes' viewpoints, would it not be beneficial to have a "father" figure government where all rights and wrongs are explicitly dictated by this individual?

Yes we do... which is also why i said this isn't a perfect world, and which is why the law needs prefer people like him. I just don't like the MJ laws, or people who are so brainwashed by it that they believe it's some great evil that they would risk ruining a relationship over it.

As humans, we're pretty hopeless without laws. Take it away, and you get things like what happened during Katrina in New Orleans. It's not just third world countries that have riots or people climbing over one another for water. Some of us are actually more enlightened and probably wouldn't resort to that, but we'll need to succumb to the lowest common denominator to survive, which unfortunately would mean to be like savages to compete with the other savages.

I also have a brother who's becoming a cop.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: SampSon
Your primary issue is with selfishness, not marijuana.

I typically agree with much of what you say, but this is rather bone-headed. I don't think it is selfish to not want people smoking up pot in your car and furthermore it is not selfish to be concerned about legal repercussions it may have on one's career.

Originally posted by: Tizyler
Man.. some of you guys are being way too harsh on him.

I smoke at least a couple times a week, usually, but I completely understand where you're coming from.

It sounds like you know what's up, unlike most people who have never tried smoking, or don't smoke occasionally, but you just have a moral problem with being around someone who is smoking all of the time. Face it guys--this is a lot different than hanging out with people who speed in their cars.

I think she has tried to make things work for you, and you are trying to be considerate... but sometimes you can't change the way you feel about something.

Maybe take some time to think about it and tell her how you feel. There may not be an easy way to resolve this, short of her quitting.

Probably one of the few sensible things posted thus far.


Platinum Member
Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: UDT89
Originally posted by: Looney
Yes you're being unreasonable. Obviously it's part of who she is, and she's already compromised for you. If you aren't even willing to meet her halfway, then it obviously won't work... and since you're upset even over the little she's doing, i doubt you'll ever get over it.

so i should be ok with coming home one day and saying "hey honey, i arrested two guys for having marijuana on them"

......while my g/f just smoked the hour before?

If you're the kind of cop who would arrest someone for having some mj, then you're a dick.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2002
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Duddy
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


Wow, just wow.

Make sure your eyes aren't open all the way when you come out of that hole.


Golden Member
Feb 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Duddy
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


why do you hate them? im sure they dont care what you think. your hate isnt going to make them stop.

to quote a song:
My choice is what i choose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you choose to be;
and if youre causin no harm, then youre alright with me.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2005
Originally posted by: kstu
Originally posted by: Duddy
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


why do you hate them? im sure they dont care what you think. your hate isnt going to make them stop.

to quote a song:
My choice is what i choose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you choose to be;
and if youre causin no harm, then youre alright with me.

what is the name of that song kstu?


Nov 9, 2004
I think you've run smack up against the #1 occupational hazard of being in law enforcement. The population in general are law breakers, including friends and relatives. And once you take that oath to uphold the law, ethical delimas await you around every corner.

My best advice is to be upfront and honest with your GF about your concerns and intentions, and leave your job at the job when you come home. And don't be concerned about testing positive from second hand smoke, if you don't smoke you won't test positive.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Duddy
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


I didn't know people this ignorant existed...


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: UDT89
Originally posted by: SampSon
Your primary issue is with selfishness, not marijuana.

so im being selfish b/c i dont like being around people who break the law on a daily basis?

listen i understand the opinions of why it should be legal and all that. im not disputing those arguments but im talking present day.....its illegal and you can get arrested.

I just dont want to end up a hypocrite and arrest people with marijuana but have it be "OK" b/c shes my girlfriend.
Well you're only focusing on you, not marijuana or marijuana smokers. I'm not saying you're being selfish in a negative way, just thinking primarily about yourself and your needs before anyone elses (in this case your gf). In this case it's most likely a good thing to you, but mabey not to her. It's not marijuana that bothers you, it's her morals not meeting your morals. This situation can be had on any number of topics, just replace the word marijuana with whatever else it is and you have the same situation.

I typically agree with much of what you say, but this is rather bone-headed. I don't think it is selfish to not want people smoking up pot in your car and furthermore it is not selfish to be concerned about legal repercussions it may have on one's career.
Actually eveything you said defines selfish. It doesn't mean it's right or wrong, it just means the focus of thought is on the self and how the topic at hand relates to oneself. Sure it may be the topic of the thread, but that is generally how it is.

As I said in my retort to the OP, his issue is seeing morally eye to eye with his gf and how that difference in opinion affects him. I know it hasn't been said in this thread by the OP, and mabey it could be assumed; but has the OP thought of how his opinions affect his gf? Or has he simply taken the stance of "I don't like it no matter how you feel"? That's why I said it was an issue of selfishness. There were no negative connotions intended.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by: tcG
I can't help but think that part of the reason you have some sort of complex with marijuana smokers is because let's face it: marijuana smoking is taboo. Do you feel the same way about people who drink alcohol? Probably not.

I can't help but think that part of the reason people smoke it is because they're weak-willed and weak-spirited because, let's face it: if you need something like weed or alcohol or drugs to enjoy life then you're not doing something right.

OP, do yourself and your future a favor...dump the pothead and let her and her ignorant-ass family waste their lives away looking at the world through bloodshot, half-aware eyes. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders...now go find someone who offers the same. You will never pull her up away from the drugs; all that will happen is that you will get pulled down into them. She has to want to get away from that life and; evidently her family but it appears she was raised that way. She will see it as choosing between you and them...and 9 out of 10 times you will lose.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
My 2 cents:

I think you posted this thread only to hear what you wanted to hear (based on your responses to others' replies)

I think "because they're breaking the law" is ridiculous reasoning.

I also think you have the right to say you don't like it, and you don't have to be around it. Your body, your car, your house, whatever. As long as you're not telling other people what they can do in their own homes on their own time, etc,I say there's no problem with you putting your foot down for when people are at your place or in your car, etc


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: tcG
Originally posted by: Dean
I agree with the OP. My stepson is a pothead and says.."I can quit any time I want"

The thing is he hasn't and his life is a mess. He constantly misses work, he'll blow his entire paycheck on dope over the course of a weekend. He will then stooge of his pothead buddies to carry him over to the next paycheck.

His whole life revolves around getting high, but so many in here try to say it is not destructive like booze. I told him that if I find anything drug related in this house, he is out on his ass and the locks are being changed.

So much for a cool lifestyle. Almost 22 years old, has a kid on the way and will not make the slightest attempt to grow up.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Marijuana in itself is not addicting. It has no addicting properties, and withdrawal symptoms are little to none.

The people who get psychologically addicted to marijuana are the same type of people who get 'addicted' to caffeine or even sex.

caffeine is physically addictive. studies have proven it, and the world has pretty much known it.
having a certain amount every day, and not being able to function without it means your addicted. having physical withdrawal symptoms upon cutting your dosage or stopping altogether means your body has a physical dependence on the drug.
caffeine is physically addicting, and I know all too much about it. i also abuse it for sh!ts and giggles every now and then.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Duddy
I hate substance abusers. The very thought of them makes me want to puke.

"Let's alter our perception of reality cause we got nothin' better to do with our lives dude!"


Wow. So, ingestion of a substance automatically equals "abuse"? If you drink a cup of coffee, are you abusing caffeine? If caffeine were made illegal, would you then be abusing it? Are you abusing alcohol if you drink a beer?

You, sir, appear to be the retard here.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: TheFamilyMan
Originally posted by: tcG
I can't help but think that part of the reason you have some sort of complex with marijuana smokers is because let's face it: marijuana smoking is taboo. Do you feel the same way about people who drink alcohol? Probably not.

I can't help but think that part of the reason people smoke it is because they're weak-willed and weak-spirited because, let's face it: if you need something like weed or alcohol or drugs to enjoy life then you're not doing something right.

OP, do yourself and your future a favor...dump the pothead and let her and her ignorant-ass family waste their lives away looking at the world through bloodshot, half-aware eyes. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders...now go find someone who offers the same. You will never pull her up away from the drugs; all that will happen is that you will get pulled down into them. She has to want to get away from that life and; evidently her family but it appears she was raised that way. She will see it as choosing between you and them...and 9 out of 10 times you will lose.

grow the hell up and wake your sorry a$$ up. don't tell me that BS that people who smoke cannot enjoy life without it.
life is amazing, most people who smoke know that. they simply enjoy the high. its a bonus.
are you going to call adrenaline junkies ignorant because they can't enjoy life? they are doing the same thing: abusing a natural process, and doing extreme things to get a large amount of adrenaline into their body to cause a natural high. guess what, marijuana is a natural high too. just how it gets into your body is a different process. people enjoy life, just people like to have a little gift for themselves to get deeper.
people have different methods for getting in touch with the world. some meditate, some do drugs, some meditate and do drugs. all around the world, ancient civilizations have done all of those things. and they were way more in touch with life than modern civilizations.

you just want an excuse to pride yourself since you don't? do drugs, and what to make yourself believe that everyone else is stupider than you because they might happen to do something illegal.

do you drink? if you do, you're entire argument is void btw.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Looney
Yes we do... which is also why i said this isn't a perfect world, and which is why the law needs prefer people like him. I just don't like the MJ laws, or people who are so brainwashed by it that they believe it's some great evil that they would risk ruining a relationship over it.

As humans, we're pretty hopeless without laws. Take it away, and you get things like what happened during Katrina in New Orleans. It's not just third world countries that have riots or people climbing over one another for water. Some of us are actually more enlightened and probably wouldn't resort to that, but we'll need to succumb to the lowest common denominator to survive, which unfortunately would mean to be like savages to compete with the other savages.

I also have a brother who's becoming a cop.

Well, it's not so much that he doesn't wish to interpret the law based off of his own moral standards. He listed in the OP that he also smoked MJ in his youth and he hasn't associated MJ as being morally wrong. The OP's conflict is not due to him only wanting to follow the law by the letter but the hypocrisy that's developed from applying a law to some but not others based on personal relationships. It's an internal conflict and one that would also affect an officer in the perfect world as the perfect world officer would still have to decide upon his/her own morality.

I think my problem was that in your original post you made it seem like he's only following the letter of the law whereas my interpretation of his OP is that he is in conflict regarding enforcing a law arbitrarily. He is being forced to decide that some are guilty while others are above the law. You either be a hypocritical officer (which would only fan the flames of the ATOT I hate police crew) or you be a stiff (which the ATOT I hate police officer crew would love too). It's a lose-lose situation.


Feb 13, 2003
Hahaha, how'd I guess TheFamilyMan was going to post something retarded?


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: TheFamilyMan
Originally posted by: tcG
I can't help but think that part of the reason you have some sort of complex with marijuana smokers is because let's face it: marijuana smoking is taboo. Do you feel the same way about people who drink alcohol? Probably not.

I can't help but think that part of the reason people smoke it is because they're weak-willed and weak-spirited because, let's face it: if you need something like weed or alcohol or drugs to enjoy life then you're not doing something right.

Oh if that isn't the most egotistical, highfalutin, BS rationale about drugs and users I've EVER heard, I don't know what is. Some Family Man you must be, I'd love to see the concentration camp you must run at home with blanketed thoughts like that. I can see a point in there, but you're basically describing the addicts and abusers without even addressing that there are those who simply use as a recreational drug and really don't *need* it or chalk it down as being "something to do". Same goes for alcohol.
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