Why do Muslims have such a hard-on against Jews?


Sep 6, 2000
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

The brits splitting up palestine for israel + the fact that israel is a zionist state, they probably saw them as a threat.... other than that, i have no idea, muslims and jews used to be allies against christians during the crusades, so who knows.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
A little 'single view' history

1 - DEFINITION OF PALESTINE: Quds is the first of the two Qiblahs and the third holy sanctuary after Mecca and Medina. It is also the Scene of the Prophecies, flower of the cities and place of people sights since ancient times.

2 - THE LOCATION OF THE CITY: This sacred city is situated on the middle of the Palestine approximately towards east part of Mediterranean Sea, and on a chain mountain with gradients inclined to west and east. The city is raised upon Mediterranean Sea level with 750 meters, and from Dead Sea level with 1150 meters. It is situated on the longitude of 35 degree and 13 minutes eastwards as well as on the latitude of 31 degree and 52 minutes northwards. This city is about 52 kilometers far from Mediterranean Sea, as well as 22 kilometers from Dead Sea and 250 kilometers from Red Sea. It is also about 88 kilometers far from Oman, 338 kilometers from Beirut and 220 kilometers from Damascus.

3 - FOUNDING OF THE CITY: Verily, one of the deepest historical roots about construction of Quds city returns to the name of its builder or founder known as Ilyaa'a bun Iram bun Saam bun Noah (peace be upon him) ? Ilyaa is one of the names of Quds - It was said that (Maleek Sadiq) one of the kings of Al-Yabusiyeen ? the most famous tribe of Al-Kan'aniyin ? the first person to design and build the city is called (Yabus) and this was in year 3000 B.C. Maleek Sadiq was known for his piety and loving of peace till he was named as (Maleeku Salam) Peace King. From here the name of city Salim or Shalim was derived or (Ur shalim) means let Shalim establish or Salim city. Therefore Ur shalim was a well-known name and existing before the Jews usurped it from the hands of its owners Al-Yabusiyeen and named it Zion (Sahyun) ascribing to a mountain in Palestine. Finally the name (Quds) prevailed over the other names due to the fact that it is one of the Divine Attributes, it has been also called (Baitul Muqaddas)Jerusalem meaning Divine's House.

- Quds city was extended during the time of the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him), so as many houses and palaces were constructed there and it became the capital city of the state. This sacred city was extended from Al-Furat river to the depth of Egypt. Solomon framework is considered to be the most important and famous huge antiques building which was built by (Al-Kan'aniyan) Kan'aanids in order to be appendant temple to the palace.
? The second Caliph Umar bun Al-Khattab made many innovations in the city.
? In year 72 A.H., Abdul Maleek bun Mar'wan built Qubbatu Sakhrah (the Holy Rock dome) and The Farthest Mosque. This was done by him with the intention to turn direction of pilgrims over The Farthest Mosque instead of Mecca in which his opponent Abdullah bun Az-Zubair had settled.
? The seventh Caliph of Al-Fatimi Ali Abul Hasan began to build the city fence in year 425 A.H. after he constructed Ar-Ramlah fence. Also at the same period of Al-Fatimi, the first great hospital was built in Quds city by a big religous endowments.
? In year 651 A.H. / 1253 A.D. in the Al-Mamalik time, Quds became one of the most important scientific centers in Islamic world.
? In year 1452 A.D. the King Solomon Al-Qaanuni renewed the city present fence which surrounded the old city whose length is almost 4200 meters and its height is 40 feet.

5 ? THE FEATURES: Quds land was a desert in the old time which has been surrounded from east, south and west by valleys, As to the north and northwest was exposed and encloses by mountains which the city has been constructed on. These mountains are: Muriya mountain (means the chosen) which The Farthest Mosque and Qubbatu Sakhrah (The Holy Rock dome) are located on, its height is about 770 meters. Then Ukra mountain, this mountain locates where Al-Qiyamah church exists. Nebrita mountain is near to As-Sahirah door, Sahyun mountain, known as David mountain and situated in southwest part of the old Quds. The distance of the city is almost 19331 kilometers square surrounded by impregnable fence made in form of square which height reaches to 40 feet, 34 arranged towers as well as 7 doors such as:
1 ? Al-Khalil door, 2? Al-Jadid door, 3 ? Al-Aamud door, 4- As-Sahirah door, 5 ? Al-Mugharibah door, 6 ? Al-Asbat door, 7 ? The Prophet David's door (peace be upon him).

1 - Al-Jahannam valley whose former name was (Qadrun) and now Arabs call it Salwan valley (Wadi Salwan).
2? Ar-Rababah valley whose former name was (Hanum).
3? Al-Wadi or (Al-Wad) valley which is called also (Tirobiyun) meaning (cheese makers).

1 ? Al-Mukabbir mountain: It is located in the south part of Quds city whose peak is high upon the sea level with 795 meters, while beside it there is tomb of Shaikh Hamd Abil Abbas - surnamed by Abi Thawr - who is one of the warriors participated in conquering of the Quds with Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi.
2 - At-Tur mountain or Az-Zaitun mountain: This mountain is high upon the sea level with 826 meters and situated in east part of the holy city. The mountain exposes Quds city and it is believed that Jesus has been ascended to sky from this mountain.
3 - Al-Masharif mountain: It is situated in the north part of the city and it is called (Al-Mashhad mountain), while the Westerners named it as (Scubis mountain) ascribing to a Romanian leader.
4 - The Prophet Samuel's mountain: This mountain is situated on northwest part of Quds and it is high 855 meters upon sea level.
5 - Al-Aasur hill: The word is distorted from the word (Ba'al Hasur) means master or spouse village and is high about 1016 meters upon sea level. It locates between two villages of Dir Jarir and Salud, and it is the fourth highest mountain in Palestine.
At the end of ninth century in year 900 A.H., Mujiruuddin Al-Hanbali has described Quds city saying: (Quds is great city with a firm buildings between mountains and valleys. Some of the buildings are on high lands and some on a low valleys, most of buildings which are on elevated places are overlooking the low ones. Some of the streets of the city are plane and others are rough. There are old buildings below most of places, and new and modern buildings has been erected on the ancient ones. The city also has several wells for water preservation, because its water is gathered from rain water).

The markets of the city are as follows: ? Al-Qatanin market which is close to the door of the mosque at the western part. It is an extremely high and perfect market which cannot be founded in most of countries. The three neighboring markets which are near to Al-Mihrab door (The Altar), known as Al-Khalil which is one of the Roman buildings. The first of these three markets is Al-Attarin market in western side which has been constructed by Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi in his As-Salahiyah school.

THE AREAS OF THE CITY: The famous areas of Quds are: Al-Mughaaribah area, Ash-Sharaf area, Al-Ilm (The Knowledge) area, Al-Hayadirah area, As-Saltin area, Ar-Rishah area, Bani Al-Haarith's area, and Az-Dhuyah area.

THE CASTLE OF THE CITY : The castle of the city is a big castle built in the outside of Jerusalem at the west part of it, known as Mihrab of David (Altar)(peace be upon him). There is also a great tower inside it named as David's tower which is an old building returns to the time of king Solomon (peace be upon him). In fact, they do play kettledrum in that building every night between Maghrib (Sunset) and Isha'a (Nightfall) as a habit of the castle of the city.

SALWAN FOUNTAIN: Salwan Fountain is situated outside of the holy Quds, near to the Qiblah direction of the valley, overtopping on the fences of Al-Junubi mosque. Thus, the importance of this fountain, its description and rank has been narrated in some prophetic traditions as well as it is one of running fountains mentioned in the Holy Quran: ( (In both of them are two fountains flowing.) )The Beneficence chapter / 50.

WELLS OF QUDS: The wells of Quds are: (Job) Ayyub's well, and it is close to the Salwan fountain, this fountain was named as Ayyub fountain ascribing to our Master Ayyub (Job) (peace be upon him). It is said that Almighty Allah said to his prophet Ayyub (Job) (peace be upon him): (Urge with your foot, here is a cool washing-place and drink). Suad Chapter, verse 42.

The mosques are:
1 - The Holy Farthest Mosque: The mosque contains the Holy Rock in the middle of it.
2 - Jamiul Magharibah Mosque: This locates outside of the Farthest Mosque at the west part of it.
3 - Jamiu An-Nabiy Dawud (The Prophet David's Central Mosque) (peace be upon him).

This sacred city contains many graveyards but the most important of them are:
? The Prophet Moses tomb (peace be upon him) and it locates at eastern part of Jerusalem.
- Burial ground of Prophet David (peace be upon him) is in a church known as (Al-Jeesmaniyah), it locates at the eastern part of Quds inside the valley. Likewise Prophet Zachary and the Prophet John's tombs (peace be upon both of them).
? The tomb of Mary (peace be upon her), her grave situates in Al-Jeesmaniyah church, inside Tur mountain and outside of Al-Asbat door.

? As-Saahirah graveyard: It is Al-Baqi'a known as As-Sahirah at outside of Quds at north. It is a place where they are burying dead bodies of the Muslims. The word (As-Saahirah) means a land which they do not sleep on it but rather stay awake.
? Babur Rahmah graveyard: Located in the near of The Farthest Mosque fence.
THE MARTYRS GRAVEYARD: Martyrs graveyards are:
? Maamala graveyard: In fact, this graveyard is the biggest graveyard of the country situated at outside Quds at the west.

THE SCHOOLS OF QUDS: There are several scientific, religious, and charity schools and institutions in the city. Of them are governmental schools such as: Darul Mu'allimin, Darul Muallimat, Ar-Rashidiya school, Al-Ma'amuniyah, Al-Bakriyah, Al-Umriyah, Ar-Rasaasiyah, Al-Buq'ah etc.

There are also other 70 schools which are old schools, but the most important ones are: An-Nahwiyah, An-Naasiriyah, At-Tazkiriyah, Al-Baldiyah, Al-Khaatuniyah, Al-Arghuniyah etc.

? There are 34 names for different libraries of the Quds, but we will mention the oldest ones which are:
? Al-Qiddis Al-Mukhlis library, founded in year 1558 A.D.
? Al-Khalili library, established in year 1725 A.D.
? The Orthodox Al-Batrikiyah library, founded in year 1865 A.D.
? The Arabian university library.
? Al-Khaalidiyah library, founded in year 1900 A.D. .
There are private libraries which returns to some ancient families, of them are: Al-Fakhriyah library, Aal Al-Badiri library, Aal Qatinah library and Aal Al-Mawqit library.

? The Governmental Museums for Antiques, built in year 1927 A.D.
- The Islamic Museum, founded by the Supreme Islamic Council in year 1341 A.H. / 1923 A.D.

THE OTHER HISTORICAL PLACES OF THE CITY: Qamamah church, Al-Qiyamah, Al-Maristan or Ad-Dabaghah, Habsul Masih, Al-Jastsimani, Tariqul Aalaam, As-Salahiyah, Al-Mat'haf, and (Jabalul Zaitun) Az-Zaitun mountain.

DOMES OF QUDS: (Qubbatu Sakhrah) The Holy Rock dome, As-Silsilah dome, Jabrael dome, Ar-Rasul (The Prophet) dome, Ar-Rasas dome, and Al-Mi'araaj (The Ascension) dome.

? Verily, Almighty Allah has specified Quds with blessing when he said: (And We delivered him as well as Lout (removing them) to the land which We had blessed for all people.)The Prophets chapter 71.
? The Holy Quran has mentioned the virtue of the sacred land frankly, when He said: (And when Musa said to his people O my people!... remember the favor of Allah ...O my people enter the holy land). The Table chapter, 21.

? Al-Amuriyun Arabs migrated to the Palestine in year 3000 B.C.
- The Friend Abraham (peace be upon him) migrated from Ur to Palestine in year 1900 B.C.
? Hucsus emigration occurred in year 1785 B.C. and likewise (Aal Yakub) Jacob progeny emigrated to Egypt within the same period which occurred in year 1740 B.C.
? Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his followers left Egypt to Palestine in year 1290 B.C.
? Prophet David (peace be upon him) made Ur Shalim (Jerusalem) his capital in year 1003 B.C. then his son Solomon (peace be upon him) was selected as his successor.
- Israel was defeated by the second Sarjun the Ashurian in year 722 B.C.
? Judah (Yahuda) was also defeated by Nabukhaz Nasr Al-Babili in year 586 B.C.
? In year 536 B.C. Kuresh Al-Akhmini occupied Babylon and allowed Jews to emigrate to Palestine.
? Al-Akhminiyun occupied Palestine in year 538 B.C., but Kuresh renovated Solomon statue and constructed the city as well.
? In year 332 B.C., Macedonian Alexander occupied Palestine and anarchy occurred in the country after his death in year 322 B.C.
? The Romans occupied Palestine in year 62 B.C.
? Hirodus Al-Adomi was appointed by Romans as king of Al-Jalil and Quds and ruled them till fourth year A.D.. The Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was born in Bait lahm in Hirodus time.
? A great riot occurred in the city in year 70 A.D. then Romanian Titos surrounded it and caused destruction, burning and killing. He also burnt the temple which is built by Hirodus.
? The Jews caused riot once again in year 135 A.D. but the Romanian Emperor Hadiriyan made an exemplary punishment on them, then destroyed the city, cultivated its area and changed it to an idolatrous city. He also allowed Christians to live there on the condition that they should be Jews by origin. The city was called (Al-Yakabita lina), this word is derived from Hadiriyan family which is known as Alya.
? Palestine became under occupation of Al-Bizenti in year 324 A.D.
? Khosrow Parviz occupied Palestine in year 614 A.D.
? Almighty Allah made His Messenger to go on a night journey from the Sacred Mosque to Farthest Mosque on the night the 17th of Rabi'ul Awwal one year before the Prophetic emigration.
? The Holy Prophet prayed his first prayer facing Quds in sha'ban month of the second year A.D.then the (Qiblah) direction faced in prayers changed to the Holy Kaaba on the same date.
? Hercules the Bizenti Emperor able to derive the persians away from Quds city in year 7 A.H. / 628 A.D..
? The battle of Mutah occurred in the 8th year A.H. / 629 A.D.
? The battle of Tabuk happened in 9th year A.H. / 630 A.D.
- The battle of Ajnadin took place in year 13 A.H. / 634 A.D. in which Muslims defeated Romans.
? The battle of Al-Yormuk happened in year 15 A.H. / 636 A.D. which Muslims gained victory in it.
? In year 17 A.H. / 638 A.D., Umar bun Al-Khattab entered Quds and compromised with its inhabitants.
? In year 40 A.H. / 661 A.D. Muawiyah bun Abi Suphyan secured allegiance in Quds and appointed Damascus as a capital city of his Caliphate.
? Palestine revolution took place in year 65 A.H. / 684 A.D. with the leadership of Nael Al-Juzami, this was done with the aim of supporting Abdullah bun Az-Zubair.
? In year 72 A.H. / 691 A.D. Sulaiman bun Abdul Maleek secured allegiance in Quds, and constructed his palace in Ar-Ramlah as well.
? Al-Mahdi Al-Abbasi visited Palestine followed by Ma'amun Al-Abbasi after him, this happened between years 163 - 218 A.H. .
? In year 264 A.H. Ahmed bun Tulun combined Palestine to his state in Egypt.
? The Fatimids prevailed on Palestine in year 385 A.H. / 968 A.D.
? The battle of Asqalaan occurred in year 417 A.H. in which the Arab Emirs gained victory over the Fatimids.
? The Fatimids Vizier Al-Af'dhal bun Badr Al-Jamaali occupied Quds in year 492 A.H.
? The Crusaders occupied Quds and committed a bloodshed in the yard of The Farthest Mosque and raised a Cross on the Holy Rock.
? The Sacred Quds was regained from the Crusaders by the leadership of Salahu Deen Al-Ayyubi. This event happened after the battle of Hitten.
? The British king Richard Qalb Al-Asad and the second Falib king of France attacked Palestine and occupied it in battle of Arsuf which happened in year 586 A.H. This incident is known as (The Third Crusaders Attack).
? The Ayyubids occupied Quds in year 637 A.H. / 1239 A.D.
? The Mamaliks occupied Palestine in year 651 A.H. / 1253 A.D.
? The battle of (Aynu Jalut) occurred in year 659 A.H. / 1260 A.D. and resulted defeat ness of Mughul.
? The sultan (Ashraf bun Qalawun) put an end to the kingship of the Crusaders in the Quds in year 690 A.H. / 1291 A.D. .
? Sultan (Salim Al-Uthmani) occupied Quds in year 922 A. H.
? Quds fell in the hands of The Ottoman Ibrahim Basha in year 1831 A.D.
? The first district of Jews was set up in Quds which was named as (Montifiorin district), this name is ascribed to a man who able to buy Palestinian lands with the help of the Ottoman sultan.
? In year 1920 A.D. Palestine was putted under British mandate, this is done in order to set up a Jews state in the city.
? In year 1948 A.D. Palestine was extorted by Jews and then sent the Palestinian Arabs away from the city.
? The Jews became well settled and prevailed on all parts of Palestine and Quds after setback of june and named Quds as (Jerusalem).
? In year 1980 A.D. Combining of the Quds politically to the occupied state of British has been declared completely under slogan of unity of Quds.

Quds is considered to be one of the blessed lands which was aimed by the Prophets with the intention of worship, starting from the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) to our Holy Prophet Mohammed (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him and his pure progeny). This sacred city has been visited by 20 companions and 80 Followers of the companions along with a big number of kings and great figures of scholars, among of those are as follows: Ubaid Amil Al-Khalifah Ath-Thani, Abu Az-Zubair Al-Mu'azin, Maleek bun Dinar, Rabi'atu Al-Awzaa'i, Al-Adawiya, Abdu Rahman bun Umar, the Jurist Abu Al-Ma'ali Muqaddasi, the Jurist Abul Fadhl Ataa'u and Shamsu Deen bun Khalkan.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Is it just me or is this somewhat idiotic and perhaps only the thoughts of a drunk rambling moron?

NOT what i would have expected from you glenn1.

Face it, the ones who killed the most jews in history, were christians, that includes three major events.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Ozoned
A little 'single view' history

1 - DEFINITION OF PALESTINE: Quds is the first of the two Qiblahs and the third holy sanctuary after Mecca and Medina. It is also the Scene of the Prophecies, flower of the cities and place of people sights since ancient times.

2 - THE LOCATION OF THE CITY: This sacred city is situated on the middle of the Palestine approximately towards east part of Mediterranean Sea, and on a chain mountain with gradients inclined to west and east. The city is raised upon Mediterranean Sea level with 750 meters, and from Dead Sea level with 1150 meters. It is situated on the longitude of 35 degree and 13 minutes eastwards as well as on the latitude of 31 degree and 52 minutes northwards. This city is about 52 kilometers far from Mediterranean Sea, as well as 22 kilometers from Dead Sea and 250 kilometers from Red Sea. It is also about 88 kilometers far from Oman, 338 kilometers from Beirut and 220 kilometers from Damascus.

3 - FOUNDING OF THE CITY: Verily, one of the deepest historical roots about construction of Quds city returns to the name of its builder or founder known as Ilyaa'a bun Iram bun Saam bun Noah (peace be upon him) ? Ilyaa is one of the names of Quds - It was said that (Maleek Sadiq) one of the kings of Al-Yabusiyeen ? the most famous tribe of Al-Kan'aniyin ? the first person to design and build the city is called (Yabus) and this was in year 3000 B.C. Maleek Sadiq was known for his piety and loving of peace till he was named as (Maleeku Salam) Peace King. From here the name of city Salim or Shalim was derived or (Ur shalim) means let Shalim establish or Salim city. Therefore Ur shalim was a well-known name and existing before the Jews usurped it from the hands of its owners Al-Yabusiyeen and named it Zion (Sahyun) ascribing to a mountain in Palestine. Finally the name (Quds) prevailed over the other names due to the fact that it is one of the Divine Attributes, it has been also called (Baitul Muqaddas)Jerusalem meaning Divine's House.

- Quds city was extended during the time of the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him), so as many houses and palaces were constructed there and it became the capital city of the state. This sacred city was extended from Al-Furat river to the depth of Egypt. Solomon framework is considered to be the most important and famous huge antiques building which was built by (Al-Kan'aniyan) Kan'aanids in order to be appendant temple to the palace.
? The second Caliph Umar bun Al-Khattab made many innovations in the city.
? In year 72 A.H., Abdul Maleek bun Mar'wan built Qubbatu Sakhrah (the Holy Rock dome) and The Farthest Mosque. This was done by him with the intention to turn direction of pilgrims over The Farthest Mosque instead of Mecca in which his opponent Abdullah bun Az-Zubair had settled.
? The seventh Caliph of Al-Fatimi Ali Abul Hasan began to build the city fence in year 425 A.H. after he constructed Ar-Ramlah fence. Also at the same period of Al-Fatimi, the first great hospital was built in Quds city by a big religous endowments.
? In year 651 A.H. / 1253 A.D. in the Al-Mamalik time, Quds became one of the most important scientific centers in Islamic world.
? In year 1452 A.D. the King Solomon Al-Qaanuni renewed the city present fence which surrounded the old city whose length is almost 4200 meters and its height is 40 feet.

5 ? THE FEATURES: Quds land was a desert in the old time which has been surrounded from east, south and west by valleys, As to the north and northwest was exposed and encloses by mountains which the city has been constructed on. These mountains are: Muriya mountain (means the chosen) which The Farthest Mosque and Qubbatu Sakhrah (The Holy Rock dome) are located on, its height is about 770 meters. Then Ukra mountain, this mountain locates where Al-Qiyamah church exists. Nebrita mountain is near to As-Sahirah door, Sahyun mountain, known as David mountain and situated in southwest part of the old Quds. The distance of the city is almost 19331 kilometers square surrounded by impregnable fence made in form of square which height reaches to 40 feet, 34 arranged towers as well as 7 doors such as:
1 ? Al-Khalil door, 2? Al-Jadid door, 3 ? Al-Aamud door, 4- As-Sahirah door, 5 ? Al-Mugharibah door, 6 ? Al-Asbat door, 7 ? The Prophet David's door (peace be upon him).

1 - Al-Jahannam valley whose former name was (Qadrun) and now Arabs call it Salwan valley (Wadi Salwan).
2? Ar-Rababah valley whose former name was (Hanum).
3? Al-Wadi or (Al-Wad) valley which is called also (Tirobiyun) meaning (cheese makers).

1 ? Al-Mukabbir mountain: It is located in the south part of Quds city whose peak is high upon the sea level with 795 meters, while beside it there is tomb of Shaikh Hamd Abil Abbas - surnamed by Abi Thawr - who is one of the warriors participated in conquering of the Quds with Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi.
2 - At-Tur mountain or Az-Zaitun mountain: This mountain is high upon the sea level with 826 meters and situated in east part of the holy city. The mountain exposes Quds city and it is believed that Jesus has been ascended to sky from this mountain.
3 - Al-Masharif mountain: It is situated in the north part of the city and it is called (Al-Mashhad mountain), while the Westerners named it as (Scubis mountain) ascribing to a Romanian leader.
4 - The Prophet Samuel's mountain: This mountain is situated on northwest part of Quds and it is high 855 meters upon sea level.
5 - Al-Aasur hill: The word is distorted from the word (Ba'al Hasur) means master or spouse village and is high about 1016 meters upon sea level. It locates between two villages of Dir Jarir and Salud, and it is the fourth highest mountain in Palestine.
At the end of ninth century in year 900 A.H., Mujiruuddin Al-Hanbali has described Quds city saying: (Quds is great city with a firm buildings between mountains and valleys. Some of the buildings are on high lands and some on a low valleys, most of buildings which are on elevated places are overlooking the low ones. Some of the streets of the city are plane and others are rough. There are old buildings below most of places, and new and modern buildings has been erected on the ancient ones. The city also has several wells for water preservation, because its water is gathered from rain water).

The markets of the city are as follows: ? Al-Qatanin market which is close to the door of the mosque at the western part. It is an extremely high and perfect market which cannot be founded in most of countries. The three neighboring markets which are near to Al-Mihrab door (The Altar), known as Al-Khalil which is one of the Roman buildings. The first of these three markets is Al-Attarin market in western side which has been constructed by Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi in his As-Salahiyah school.

THE AREAS OF THE CITY: The famous areas of Quds are: Al-Mughaaribah area, Ash-Sharaf area, Al-Ilm (The Knowledge) area, Al-Hayadirah area, As-Saltin area, Ar-Rishah area, Bani Al-Haarith's area, and Az-Dhuyah area.

THE CASTLE OF THE CITY : The castle of the city is a big castle built in the outside of Jerusalem at the west part of it, known as Mihrab of David (Altar)(peace be upon him). There is also a great tower inside it named as David's tower which is an old building returns to the time of king Solomon (peace be upon him). In fact, they do play kettledrum in that building every night between Maghrib (Sunset) and Isha'a (Nightfall) as a habit of the castle of the city.

SALWAN FOUNTAIN: Salwan Fountain is situated outside of the holy Quds, near to the Qiblah direction of the valley, overtopping on the fences of Al-Junubi mosque. Thus, the importance of this fountain, its description and rank has been narrated in some prophetic traditions as well as it is one of running fountains mentioned in the Holy Quran: ( (In both of them are two fountains flowing.) )The Beneficence chapter / 50.

WELLS OF QUDS: The wells of Quds are: (Job) Ayyub's well, and it is close to the Salwan fountain, this fountain was named as Ayyub fountain ascribing to our Master Ayyub (Job) (peace be upon him). It is said that Almighty Allah said to his prophet Ayyub (Job) (peace be upon him): (Urge with your foot, here is a cool washing-place and drink). Suad Chapter, verse 42.

The mosques are:
1 - The Holy Farthest Mosque: The mosque contains the Holy Rock in the middle of it.
2 - Jamiul Magharibah Mosque: This locates outside of the Farthest Mosque at the west part of it.
3 - Jamiu An-Nabiy Dawud (The Prophet David's Central Mosque) (peace be upon him).

This sacred city contains many graveyards but the most important of them are:
? The Prophet Moses tomb (peace be upon him) and it locates at eastern part of Jerusalem.
- Burial ground of Prophet David (peace be upon him) is in a church known as (Al-Jeesmaniyah), it locates at the eastern part of Quds inside the valley. Likewise Prophet Zachary and the Prophet John's tombs (peace be upon both of them).
? The tomb of Mary (peace be upon her), her grave situates in Al-Jeesmaniyah church, inside Tur mountain and outside of Al-Asbat door.

? As-Saahirah graveyard: It is Al-Baqi'a known as As-Sahirah at outside of Quds at north. It is a place where they are burying dead bodies of the Muslims. The word (As-Saahirah) means a land which they do not sleep on it but rather stay awake.
? Babur Rahmah graveyard: Located in the near of The Farthest Mosque fence.
THE MARTYRS GRAVEYARD: Martyrs graveyards are:
? Maamala graveyard: In fact, this graveyard is the biggest graveyard of the country situated at outside Quds at the west.

THE SCHOOLS OF QUDS: There are several scientific, religious, and charity schools and institutions in the city. Of them are governmental schools such as: Darul Mu'allimin, Darul Muallimat, Ar-Rashidiya school, Al-Ma'amuniyah, Al-Bakriyah, Al-Umriyah, Ar-Rasaasiyah, Al-Buq'ah etc.

There are also other 70 schools which are old schools, but the most important ones are: An-Nahwiyah, An-Naasiriyah, At-Tazkiriyah, Al-Baldiyah, Al-Khaatuniyah, Al-Arghuniyah etc.

? There are 34 names for different libraries of the Quds, but we will mention the oldest ones which are:
? Al-Qiddis Al-Mukhlis library, founded in year 1558 A.D.
? Al-Khalili library, established in year 1725 A.D.
? The Orthodox Al-Batrikiyah library, founded in year 1865 A.D.
? The Arabian university library.
? Al-Khaalidiyah library, founded in year 1900 A.D. .
There are private libraries which returns to some ancient families, of them are: Al-Fakhriyah library, Aal Al-Badiri library, Aal Qatinah library and Aal Al-Mawqit library.

? The Governmental Museums for Antiques, built in year 1927 A.D.
- The Islamic Museum, founded by the Supreme Islamic Council in year 1341 A.H. / 1923 A.D.

THE OTHER HISTORICAL PLACES OF THE CITY: Qamamah church, Al-Qiyamah, Al-Maristan or Ad-Dabaghah, Habsul Masih, Al-Jastsimani, Tariqul Aalaam, As-Salahiyah, Al-Mat'haf, and (Jabalul Zaitun) Az-Zaitun mountain.

DOMES OF QUDS: (Qubbatu Sakhrah) The Holy Rock dome, As-Silsilah dome, Jabrael dome, Ar-Rasul (The Prophet) dome, Ar-Rasas dome, and Al-Mi'araaj (The Ascension) dome.

? Verily, Almighty Allah has specified Quds with blessing when he said: (And We delivered him as well as Lout (removing them) to the land which We had blessed for all people.)The Prophets chapter 71.
? The Holy Quran has mentioned the virtue of the sacred land frankly, when He said: (And when Musa said to his people O my people!... remember the favor of Allah ...O my people enter the holy land). The Table chapter, 21.

? Al-Amuriyun Arabs migrated to the Palestine in year 3000 B.C.
- The Friend Abraham (peace be upon him) migrated from Ur to Palestine in year 1900 B.C.
? Hucsus emigration occurred in year 1785 B.C. and likewise (Aal Yakub) Jacob progeny emigrated to Egypt within the same period which occurred in year 1740 B.C.
? Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his followers left Egypt to Palestine in year 1290 B.C.
? Prophet David (peace be upon him) made Ur Shalim (Jerusalem) his capital in year 1003 B.C. then his son Solomon (peace be upon him) was selected as his successor.
- Israel was defeated by the second Sarjun the Ashurian in year 722 B.C.
? Judah (Yahuda) was also defeated by Nabukhaz Nasr Al-Babili in year 586 B.C.
? In year 536 B.C. Kuresh Al-Akhmini occupied Babylon and allowed Jews to emigrate to Palestine.
? Al-Akhminiyun occupied Palestine in year 538 B.C., but Kuresh renovated Solomon statue and constructed the city as well.
? In year 332 B.C., Macedonian Alexander occupied Palestine and anarchy occurred in the country after his death in year 322 B.C.
? The Romans occupied Palestine in year 62 B.C.
? Hirodus Al-Adomi was appointed by Romans as king of Al-Jalil and Quds and ruled them till fourth year A.D.. The Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was born in Bait lahm in Hirodus time.
? A great riot occurred in the city in year 70 A.D. then Romanian Titos surrounded it and caused destruction, burning and killing. He also burnt the temple which is built by Hirodus.
? The Jews caused riot once again in year 135 A.D. but the Romanian Emperor Hadiriyan made an exemplary punishment on them, then destroyed the city, cultivated its area and changed it to an idolatrous city. He also allowed Christians to live there on the condition that they should be Jews by origin. The city was called (Al-Yakabita lina), this word is derived from Hadiriyan family which is known as Alya.
? Palestine became under occupation of Al-Bizenti in year 324 A.D.
? Khosrow Parviz occupied Palestine in year 614 A.D.
? Almighty Allah made His Messenger to go on a night journey from the Sacred Mosque to Farthest Mosque on the night the 17th of Rabi'ul Awwal one year before the Prophetic emigration.
? The Holy Prophet prayed his first prayer facing Quds in sha'ban month of the second year A.D.then the (Qiblah) direction faced in prayers changed to the Holy Kaaba on the same date.
? Hercules the Bizenti Emperor able to derive the persians away from Quds city in year 7 A.H. / 628 A.D..
? The battle of Mutah occurred in the 8th year A.H. / 629 A.D.
? The battle of Tabuk happened in 9th year A.H. / 630 A.D.
- The battle of Ajnadin took place in year 13 A.H. / 634 A.D. in which Muslims defeated Romans.
? The battle of Al-Yormuk happened in year 15 A.H. / 636 A.D. which Muslims gained victory in it.
? In year 17 A.H. / 638 A.D., Umar bun Al-Khattab entered Quds and compromised with its inhabitants.
? In year 40 A.H. / 661 A.D. Muawiyah bun Abi Suphyan secured allegiance in Quds and appointed Damascus as a capital city of his Caliphate.
? Palestine revolution took place in year 65 A.H. / 684 A.D. with the leadership of Nael Al-Juzami, this was done with the aim of supporting Abdullah bun Az-Zubair.
? In year 72 A.H. / 691 A.D. Sulaiman bun Abdul Maleek secured allegiance in Quds, and constructed his palace in Ar-Ramlah as well.
? Al-Mahdi Al-Abbasi visited Palestine followed by Ma'amun Al-Abbasi after him, this happened between years 163 - 218 A.H. .
? In year 264 A.H. Ahmed bun Tulun combined Palestine to his state in Egypt.
? The Fatimids prevailed on Palestine in year 385 A.H. / 968 A.D.
? The battle of Asqalaan occurred in year 417 A.H. in which the Arab Emirs gained victory over the Fatimids.
? The Fatimids Vizier Al-Af'dhal bun Badr Al-Jamaali occupied Quds in year 492 A.H.
? The Crusaders occupied Quds and committed a bloodshed in the yard of The Farthest Mosque and raised a Cross on the Holy Rock.
? The Sacred Quds was regained from the Crusaders by the leadership of Salahu Deen Al-Ayyubi. This event happened after the battle of Hitten.
? The British king Richard Qalb Al-Asad and the second Falib king of France attacked Palestine and occupied it in battle of Arsuf which happened in year 586 A.H. This incident is known as (The Third Crusaders Attack).
? The Ayyubids occupied Quds in year 637 A.H. / 1239 A.D.
? The Mamaliks occupied Palestine in year 651 A.H. / 1253 A.D.
? The battle of (Aynu Jalut) occurred in year 659 A.H. / 1260 A.D. and resulted defeat ness of Mughul.
? The sultan (Ashraf bun Qalawun) put an end to the kingship of the Crusaders in the Quds in year 690 A.H. / 1291 A.D. .
? Sultan (Salim Al-Uthmani) occupied Quds in year 922 A. H.
? Quds fell in the hands of The Ottoman Ibrahim Basha in year 1831 A.D.
? The first district of Jews was set up in Quds which was named as (Montifiorin district), this name is ascribed to a man who able to buy Palestinian lands with the help of the Ottoman sultan.
? In year 1920 A.D. Palestine was putted under British mandate, this is done in order to set up a Jews state in the city.
? In year 1948 A.D. Palestine was extorted by Jews and then sent the Palestinian Arabs away from the city.
? The Jews became well settled and prevailed on all parts of Palestine and Quds after setback of june and named Quds as (Jerusalem).
? In year 1980 A.D. Combining of the Quds politically to the occupied state of British has been declared completely under slogan of unity of Quds.

Quds is considered to be one of the blessed lands which was aimed by the Prophets with the intention of worship, starting from the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) to our Holy Prophet Mohammed (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him and his pure progeny). This sacred city has been visited by 20 companions and 80 Followers of the companions along with a big number of kings and great figures of scholars, among of those are as follows: Ubaid Amil Al-Khalifah Ath-Thani, Abu Az-Zubair Al-Mu'azin, Maleek bun Dinar, Rabi'atu Al-Awzaa'i, Al-Adawiya, Abdu Rahman bun Umar, the Jurist Abu Al-Ma'ali Muqaddasi, the Jurist Abul Fadhl Ataa'u and Shamsu Deen bun Khalkan.

Please tell me you are joking, not even you, daft of the daftest can be that incredibly daft?


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Is it just me or is this somewhat idiotic and perhaps only the thoughts of a drunk rambling moron?

NOT what i would have expected from you glenn1.

Face it, the ones who killed the most jews in history, were christians, that includes three major events.

Dude Klixxer. You managed to just mangle the interpretation of the OP. Try reading it again.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2002
The term, "Hindu India" is a quite misleading. There are about 140 million muslims in India, and with very few exceptions (primarily in Kashmir, Gujrat and parts of Maharashtra states), they are very well integrated and well-taken care of, sometimes to the point of appeasement. Muslims are very prominent in the Indian government, sports, businesses, arts, sciences, etc.

India is a soft-state against terrorism and would rather negotiate or succumb to demands than stand up and fight. Mostly, this is justifiable if you take India's economic, military and societal limitations along with the tradition of non-violence into consideration. Pakistan is about the only country that we make fewest concessions for. It's more a lack of political will than any statement on the abilities of the average Indian. There is no braver soul than the Indian soldier, no greater strategist than the Indian General, just to set the record straight!

Over and above all this, India has traditionally maintained very good relations with the Arab states (including Iraq, to a very small extent) and was one of the first nations to recognize Palestine as an independent state. Arafat has in the past been considered a friend of India (or vice-versa). Until very recently (when the so-called Hindu nationalists came into power), India had few ties with Israel, if any. In fact, if my memory serves me right, India has even boycotted Israel at sporting events, such as the Davis Cup for Tennis. With the end of the cold war, India has also drawn much closer to Israel, but for obvious reasons still maintains a safe distance.

As for Bangladesh, it is also a Muslim-majority state and with it's current government, is actually closer to Pakistan than to India (which helped liberate it in 1971).

In fact, India is one of the greatest sufferers of Islamic terrorism, but the above are some of the reasons why there is no international coalition of Islamic states against India. I might be underplaying the impact of India's diplomatic successes here, but I would rather err on the side of cynicism.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: KevinH
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Is it just me or is this somewhat idiotic and perhaps only the thoughts of a drunk rambling moron?

NOT what i would have expected from you glenn1.

Face it, the ones who killed the most jews in history, were christians, that includes three major events.

Dude Klixxer. You managed to just mangle the interpretation of the OP. Try reading it again.

He questioned why the Muslims have a hard on for killing Jews, the rest is just a ramble of stuff most of us already know. I am saying they do not.

I am saying that he should go beyond the "christians were the ones killing muslims so they should be looking at them" and look at the facts, christians didn't just kill Muslims, christians or rather those who claim to be christians have killed more jews than the muslims he is saying ARE the ones who are against the jews.

I didn't mangle it, i managed to read it for what it is, a ramble.


May 26, 2003
ozoned did you know that long article was terribly historically inaccurate? the word "palestine" did not come to be until the roman emperor renamed the province of Judea "palaestina" in 135AD

hadrian renamed jerusalem with a latin name "aeolia capitalina"

jsut a couple for starters


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Shad0hawK
ozoned did you know that long article was terribly historically inaccurate? the word "palestine" did not come to be until the roman emperor renamed the province of Judea "palaestina" in 135AD

hadrian renamed jerusalem with a latin name "aeolia capitalina"

jsut a couple for starters

Did you also notice the text that I chose for the description of my Link?

Do you disagree that the holy city of 'quds' is a great source of the current friction between Arab and Jew?


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2004

You didn't really prove that the Muslims have a hard-on for the Jews. India is a very special case in muslim relations towards other religions. India was ruled by the muslim majority, and that rule was co-opted by the British. India's move towards independence had within it a reasonably large hostility towards muslims, due to historical complaints. Remember that Ghandi was assaninated by a Hindu. This is a historical argument that goes back centuries, one which was started independently between the Muslims and the Hindus. I could see that many Arabic Muslims think of it as an argument for the Indians to sort out.

Israel, however, was in great part created as a decision of imperialistic powers, in a region that was predominately Arabic for centuries. You'd be pissed off too. This does not justify the actions of the terrorists today, but it does explain why anti-Jewish sentiment is such a pervasive force in the Middle-East today. It's on their turf.

Do you have any evidence that the Palestinian actions during WW2 were motivated primarily by anti-Jewish sentiment? Remember the anti-Jewish sentiment latent in Soviet Russia. Their decision to go to war was based purely on security reasons ie. invasion.

Palestine's decision could have been based entirely on fear of the same, or on the estimation that Germany would win the war. Politics rarely have as much to do with ideology as the politicians would have you beleive.


Jan 5, 2003
Muslims hate Jews because of Palestine and the things they see on T.V that they do not show here.
Jews hate Muslims for their suicide bombings.

Should have just put the Jews in France and everything would have been fine.. crying French .. nothing new with that and a safer world. J/K

All seriousness it's because one who believes in a religion so strongly does not believe in any other religion and since their holly sites are right next to each other there are going to be problems when one of the sides controls the other side.


May 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Shad0hawK
ozoned did you know that long article was terribly historically inaccurate? the word "palestine" did not come to be until the roman emperor renamed the province of Judea "palaestina" in 135AD

hadrian renamed jerusalem with a latin name "aeolia capitalina"

jsut a couple for starters

Did you also notice the text that I chose for the description of my Link?

Do you disagree that the holy city of 'quds' is a great source of the current friction between Arab and Jew?

no and yes

but you never know, after all some people michael moore tells the truth too


Nov 23, 2001
Every group needs someone to hate... for the muslims, and pretty much for lots of different groups, it happens to be the Jews. They're awfully convenient for the purpose. The Arabs (and Islam in general) blames the Jews for their problems, Hitler blamed them for Germany's problems. But this is nothing new... In 1492, under influence from Father Tomas de Torquemada (of Spanish Inquisition fame, and a shining example of Christian tolerance), Spain expelled its Jews...


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Most Nationalist Indians also wanted to allied themselves with the Axis powers. Hell if it were not for Ghandi the Brits would of lost control of India during WW2. The fact is that both the Japanese and Germans used the nationalist card in certian areas to garner support away from the Brits who had a rather large empire in the 3rd world.

P.S. Pro-Nationalist and anti-Christian/Muslim groups like BJP and others have a large role in the Indian goverment. Most Indian Nationalist groups have roots to and pay homeage to pro-National Socialist ideals aka NAZI ideals.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Kibbo

You didn't really prove that the Muslims have a hard-on for the Jews. India is a very special case in muslim relations towards other religions. India was ruled by the muslim majority, and that rule was co-opted by the British. India's move towards independence had within it a reasonably large hostility towards muslims, due to historical complaints. Remember that Ghandi was assaninated by a Hindu. This is a historical argument that goes back centuries, one which was started independently between the Muslims and the Hindus. I could see that many Arabic Muslims think of it as an argument for the Indians to sort out.

Israel, however, was in great part created as a decision of imperialistic powers, in a region that was predominately Arabic for centuries. You'd be pissed off too. This does not justify the actions of the terrorists today, but it does explain why anti-Jewish sentiment is such a pervasive force in the Middle-East today. It's on their turf.

Do you have any evidence that the Palestinian actions during WW2 were motivated primarily by anti-Jewish sentiment? Remember the anti-Jewish sentiment latent in Soviet Russia. Their decision to go to war was based purely on security reasons ie. invasion.

Palestine's decision could have been based entirely on fear of the same, or on the estimation that Germany would win the war. Politics rarely have as much to do with ideology as the politicians would have you beleive.

Kibbo, Muslims have never been a majority in India. Muslims ruled India from sometime in the 11th or 12th centuries up until the British occupation in the mid-1800s - a few good and several terrible monarchs. I am not sure what "historical complaints" you are referring to. Yes, there are some people who still haven't got over the Muslim invasion of India, but the Hindu-Muslim differences since independence mostly revolve around the act of partition - which was demanded and obtained by Muslim leaders who feared that with the departure of the British, they would become second-class citizens in a Hindu-majority India. Time and events have disproven this theory for the most part. While any minority is bound to face some form of discrimination from extremists in the majority, Muslims in India are still far better off (as citizens of a country and not necessarily adherents of a religious belief) than in neighbouring Pakistan.

BTW, Gandhi was assassinated because Hindu extremists hated what they saw as his Muslim appeasement policies and felt he betrayed the nation by agreeing to partition - not sure what point you were trying to make with reference to Gandhi's assassination. He is still by far the most revered figure in modern Indian history - for Hindus and Muslims and anybody else that believes in peace and non-violence.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Most Nationalist Indians also wanted to allied themselves with the Axis powers. Hell if it were not for Ghandi the Brits would of lost control of India during WW2. The fact is that both the Japanese and Germans used the nationalist card in certian areas to garner support away from the Brits who had a rather large empire in the 3rd world.

If by Nationalist Indians, you really mean the small group of Indians that didn't want to necessarily obtain independence by non-violent means, you are probably right. However, if you are implying that to be a Nationalist Indian during WWII meant to have Nazi sympathies, you couldn't be further from the truth. The only reason extreme nationalists like Subash Chandra Bose wanted to ally with the Axis powers was because the occupiers were part of the Allied forces. They saw WWII as an opportunity for India to win her independence

P.S. Pro-Nationalist and anti-Christian/Muslim groups like BJP and others have a large role in the Indian goverment. Most Indian Nationalist groups have roots to and pay homeage to pro-National Socialist ideals aka NAZI ideals.

Aw geez! The BJP is a political party whose Defense Minister was George Fernandez and who appointed A P J Abdul Kalam to the Presidency :| I take offense to your idiotic mischaracterization of my country and her heroes :| And that too on the occasion of her 58th Independence Day :| Not enough mad smileys to convey the utter contempt I have for your lack of intelligence :|

And it's spelled G-A-N-D-H-I :| And to correct your grammar, "the Brits would *have* lost control...." (which is still factually incorrect). The phrase "would of" does NOT exist in the English language - and even if ALL the 12 and 13 year olds on this board with single-digit IQs continue to use it, it still will NOT be added to the English language :|

A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
if you know much about the Muslims, you would know not to look for logic in their views or actions...


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: DeeKnow
if you know much about the Muslims, you would know not to look for logic in their views or actions...

Your god is right and everyone elses does not exist...


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'"

"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119)

"Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' ... Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is one of three.' There is but one God. If they do not desist from so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly punished." (Koran, Sura 5:71-73)

"The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?" (Surah 5:18)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"...now that a Book confirming their own has come to them from God, they deny it...they reply: 'We believe in what was revealed to us.' But they deny what has since been revealed, although it is truth...Say: 'Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel' (who has by God's grace revealed to you [Muhammad] the Koran as a guide...confirming previous scriptures)..will surely find that God is the enemy of the unbelievers.'...And now that an apostle has come to them from God confirming their own Scriptures, some of those to whom the Scriptures were given cast off the Book of God behind their backs...The unbelievers among the People of the Book, and the pagans, resent that any blessings should have been sent down to you from your Lord. " (Surah 2:88-, 98-, 103-)

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216)

"Men are tempted [in this life] by the lure of women...far better is the return of God. Say: 'Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous shall be rewarded by their Lord? Theirs shall be gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever: wives of perfect chastity..." (Surah 3:14, 15)

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

"Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home..." (Surah 8:12-)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

"To those that declare: 'God has commanded us to believe no apostle unless he brings down fire to consume an offering,' say: 'Other apostles before me [Muhammad] have come to you with veritable signs and worked the miracle you asked for...If they reject you [Muhammad], other apostles have been rejected before you..." (Surah 3:183-)

"If you wish to replace a wife with another, do not take from her the dowry you have given her..." (Surah 4:20)

"Forbidden to you are...married women, except those you own as slaves." (Surah 4:20-, 24-)

"Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but wait till you can grasp the meaning of your words..." (Surah 4:43)

"Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially." (Surah 4:126-)

"The God will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind 'Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?' 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say that to which I have no right?" (Surah 5:114-)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 8:51-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"It ill becomes the idolaters [non-Muslims] to visit the mosques of God..." (Surah 9:17)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true Faith [Islam] to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters [non-Muslims] may dislike it." (Surah 9:31-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)

"Blessed are the believers...who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to them)...These are the heirs of Paradise..." (Surah 23:1-5-)

"You shall not force your slave-girls into prostitution in order that you make money, if they wish to preserve their chastity." (Surah 24:33-)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'"

"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119)

"Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' ... Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is one of three.' There is but one God. If they do not desist from so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly punished." (Koran, Sura 5:71-73)

"The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?" (Surah 5:18)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"...now that a Book confirming their own has come to them from God, they deny it...they reply: 'We believe in what was revealed to us.' But they deny what has since been revealed, although it is truth...Say: 'Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel' (who has by God's grace revealed to you [Muhammad] the Koran as a guide...confirming previous scriptures)..will surely find that God is the enemy of the unbelievers.'...And now that an apostle has come to them from God confirming their own Scriptures, some of those to whom the Scriptures were given cast off the Book of God behind their backs...The unbelievers among the People of the Book, and the pagans, resent that any blessings should have been sent down to you from your Lord. " (Surah 2:88-, 98-, 103-)

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216)

"Men are tempted [in this life] by the lure of women...far better is the return of God. Say: 'Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous shall be rewarded by their Lord? Theirs shall be gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever: wives of perfect chastity..." (Surah 3:14, 15)

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

"Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home..." (Surah 8:12-)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

"To those that declare: 'God has commanded us to believe no apostle unless he brings down fire to consume an offering,' say: 'Other apostles before me [Muhammad] have come to you with veritable signs and worked the miracle you asked for...If they reject you [Muhammad], other apostles have been rejected before you..." (Surah 3:183-)

"If you wish to replace a wife with another, do not take from her the dowry you have given her..." (Surah 4:20)

"Forbidden to you are...married women, except those you own as slaves." (Surah 4:20-, 24-)

"Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but wait till you can grasp the meaning of your words..." (Surah 4:43)

"Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially." (Surah 4:126-)

"The God will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind 'Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?' 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say that to which I have no right?" (Surah 5:114-)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 8:51-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"It ill becomes the idolaters [non-Muslims] to visit the mosques of God..." (Surah 9:17)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true Faith [Islam] to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters [non-Muslims] may dislike it." (Surah 9:31-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)

"Blessed are the believers...who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to them)...These are the heirs of Paradise..." (Surah 23:1-5-)

"You shall not force your slave-girls into prostitution in order that you make money, if they wish to preserve their chastity." (Surah 24:33-)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

Half of those are incorrect and the others and taken out of context. There is one version of the Quran and it is an Arabic. Want to know the true meaning? Go learn Arabic. Your information is misleading and incorrect.
Actually 90% of that thing is wrong. Wonder why you even have these anti-Muslim sites in your history anyways .. good to have hate in you, hate which is lead by lies.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: athithi
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: glenn1
I'm not quite sure I get the fixation on Jews by the Muslims. It seems like a more fitting target of their rage would have been the British or French who ruled various Arab states as protectorates for decades. Instead, even before there was an Israel, the Muslim community was focused on Jews. Hell, they managed to put together an pan-arab army to attack Israel when it was created. No such luck for Tunisia which had been suffering under French rule since 1883 and didn't gain independence until the mid 50s. Arabs took no real role in assisting Muslim Pakistan in its multiple wars against Hindu India. Not a peep out of the Islamic world over China's repression of Muslims (which continues to this day), nor when Bangaladesh decided to seceed from Muslim Pakistan, or when the Christian Phlangists in Lebanon used to butcher up Shiites or Druze, not to mention secular and Ba'athist Syria more or less turning the country into a client state.

So what gives?

Most Nationalist Indians also wanted to allied themselves with the Axis powers. Hell if it were not for Ghandi the Brits would of lost control of India during WW2. The fact is that both the Japanese and Germans used the nationalist card in certian areas to garner support away from the Brits who had a rather large empire in the 3rd world.

If by Nationalist Indians, you really mean the small group of Indians that didn't want to necessarily obtain independence by non-violent means, you are probably right. However, if you are implying that to be a Nationalist Indian during WWII meant to have Nazi sympathies, you couldn't be further from the truth. The only reason extreme nationalists like Subash Chandra Bose wanted to ally with the Axis powers was because the occupiers were part of the Allied forces. They saw WWII as an opportunity for India to win her independence

P.S. Pro-Nationalist and anti-Christian/Muslim groups like BJP and others have a large role in the Indian goverment. Most Indian Nationalist groups have roots to and pay homeage to pro-National Socialist ideals aka NAZI ideals.

Aw geez! The BJP is a political party whose Defense Minister was George Fernandez and who appointed A P J Abdul Kalam to the Presidency :| I take offense to your idiotic mischaracterization of my country and her heroes :| And that too on the occasion of her 58th Independence Day :| Not enough mad smileys to convey the utter contempt I have for your lack of intelligence :|

And it's spelled G-A-N-D-H-I :| And to correct your grammar, "the Brits would *have* lost control...." (which is still factually incorrect). The phrase "would of" does NOT exist in the English language - and even if ALL the 12 and 13 year olds on this board with single-digit IQs continue to use it, it still will NOT be added to the English language :|

A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.

Seems I and the US goverment are in agreement about the BJP and their RSS friends.



Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: DeeKnow
if you know much about the Muslims, you would know not to look for logic in their views or actions...

Captain Obvious to the rescue. Searching any religion for logic is an excercise in futility. Religious people discourage its use for subconsciously they know it would force them to examine their beliefs. Critical thought makes Jesus and Mohammad cry. 'Course I respect peoples' beliefs, but a person of one religion criticizing another is hi-larious.

"My imaginary friend is better than yours."

And now, back to the regularly scheduled topic..


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Drift3r

Seems I and the US goverment are in agreement about the BJP and their RSS friends.


How shocking :roll: Perhaps the US should have gone for a regime change in India?

I will read the report because I am interested in seeing the US perspective of something I have experienced first hand. But let me just point out that because you have insufficient information to back your claims or refute my statements, you just linked a huge article to escape from the debate. I am not typically inclined to brush off anything that might provide me with new insight. But you have made some very ignorant statements that either simply parrot some biased information you have read somewhere or reflect a terribly poor understanding of whatever you have read.

BTW, from a brief glance at the report -

"Violence and discrimination against Muslims and Christians continued in other parts of the country as well."

These are blanket statements and abominably unfaithful to the truth of society in India. It's like saying, racism is active in Louisiana and continues in other parts of the United States :roll: (whereas the truth is that La nearly elected Bobby Jindal, a Republican of Indian origin, to the position of Governor. So, do La and other parts of the US condone racism?)

Another stupid statement from the report:

"however, state and local governments only partially respect this freedom"

How ridiculous can it get? The law enforcement agency and the politics of India are flawed, often corrupt and occasionally under-educated for the power they wield. Hence, state and local govts. may take insufficient steps towards ensuring that religious freedom is respected. But that is completely different from endorsing a disregard for religious freedom. As a matter of fact, most govt. bodies in India would rather appease minorities than be accused of discriminating against them.

Have you even read the article?

"Hindu groups such as the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) are pushing for a uniform civil code that would treat members of all religions alike."

I'd bet you merely skimmed the article to see if it had enough phrases that matched your prejudiced ideas. Read the rest of it and then go and get some more opinions from people who have lived in India and make your own judgements rather than spouting some catch phrases that you got from somewhere :frown:


From the article:

"The worst religious violence during the period covered by this report was directed against Muslims by Hindus in Gujarat."

and the other (or rather, first) half of the story that the US has turned a blind eye to :| (though the report mentions it a few passages down)

EDIT 2: After reading more of the report, I have to admit that a large portion of it is very well researched, though opinionated and often peppered with blanket, misleading statements. However, it is even more obvious now that you have NOT read this report!!! There are more commendations for religious tolerance than there are indictments for discrimination! Next time, read the freakin' article before linking to it :roll:


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'"

"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119)

"Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' ... Unbelievers are those that say, 'Allah is one of three.' There is but one God. If they do not desist from so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly punished." (Koran, Sura 5:71-73)

"The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?" (Surah 5:18)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"...now that a Book confirming their own has come to them from God, they deny it...they reply: 'We believe in what was revealed to us.' But they deny what has since been revealed, although it is truth...Say: 'Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel' (who has by God's grace revealed to you [Muhammad] the Koran as a guide...confirming previous scriptures)..will surely find that God is the enemy of the unbelievers.'...And now that an apostle has come to them from God confirming their own Scriptures, some of those to whom the Scriptures were given cast off the Book of God behind their backs...The unbelievers among the People of the Book, and the pagans, resent that any blessings should have been sent down to you from your Lord. " (Surah 2:88-, 98-, 103-)

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216)

"Men are tempted [in this life] by the lure of women...far better is the return of God. Say: 'Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous shall be rewarded by their Lord? Theirs shall be gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever: wives of perfect chastity..." (Surah 3:14, 15)

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

"Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home..." (Surah 8:12-)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

"To those that declare: 'God has commanded us to believe no apostle unless he brings down fire to consume an offering,' say: 'Other apostles before me [Muhammad] have come to you with veritable signs and worked the miracle you asked for...If they reject you [Muhammad], other apostles have been rejected before you..." (Surah 3:183-)

"If you wish to replace a wife with another, do not take from her the dowry you have given her..." (Surah 4:20)

"Forbidden to you are...married women, except those you own as slaves." (Surah 4:20-, 24-)

"Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but wait till you can grasp the meaning of your words..." (Surah 4:43)

"Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially." (Surah 4:126-)

"The God will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind 'Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?' 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say that to which I have no right?" (Surah 5:114-)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 8:51-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"It ill becomes the idolaters [non-Muslims] to visit the mosques of God..." (Surah 9:17)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true Faith [Islam] to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters [non-Muslims] may dislike it." (Surah 9:31-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)

"Blessed are the believers...who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to them)...These are the heirs of Paradise..." (Surah 23:1-5-)

"You shall not force your slave-girls into prostitution in order that you make money, if they wish to preserve their chastity." (Surah 24:33-)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

Half of those are incorrect and the others and taken out of context. There is one version of the Quran and it is an Arabic. Want to know the true meaning? Go learn Arabic. Your information is misleading and incorrect.
Actually 90% of that thing is wrong. Wonder why you even have these anti-Muslim sites in your history anyways .. good to have hate in you, hate which is lead by lies.

plenty of mulsims disagree with you and believe literally in their meaning. so sod off really. i love how defensive some people get, this is from a religion, and well, revealing ugliness something that isn't pc must pretend its all peace and love. must pretend. must put head into sand.
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