Why do Muslims have such a hard-on against Jews?

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Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Most goats in industrialized nations are probably owned by corporations instead of individuals.

I dunno man, them corporations like to screw EVERYONE


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: hatim
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: hatim
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: hatim
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: hatim
Ill tell you why muslims hate jews. Jews are selfish. Thier religion teaches them that jews are special. And all other religions are low-life.

I dont think Muslims as a whole hate Jews. The Jewish people are very intelligent, capable and hardworking people. More power to them.

maybe your version of Islam teaches that. All humans are created equal and they are not better just because they were born rich or muslim. Thats racism.

My "version" of Islam does not teach me to hate Jews. I hope your "version" does not teach you that either. It also does not tell me that the Jewish people are very intelligent, capable and hardworking people. By observation, I can see that the Jewish people are very intelligent, capable and hardworking people. By your own statement, since all humans are created equal, the Jews cannot be more selfish than a non-Jew, isnt it?

As 3chordcharlie said. the only thing that distinguishes jews is their religion. When they were born they were like any other human. Its what they were taught that made them jews first of all. You dont mind the jewish occupation of Palestine? You dont mind the threats to other coutries made by them? You dont mind their control of the world econmy by riba (interest)? You dont mind their hatred of other religions? You dont mind whatever mishcheiv they caused in history? Yes it was Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihissalam) that bought Jewism, but that was replace by christianity 2000 years ago. Now its changed. These people living in Israel are not even jews. They are zionnists.

And you were the one who said that even muslims teach that they are special. Now you are contradicting yourself. My guess; you are a wahabi.

On the contrary, I mind the indifference of the majority of Muslims with regards to Palestine. The threats can be made by Muslims as well, they hold most of the world's oil. Muslims control the world economy just as much by pumping out oil. I dont mind what you call "their hatred" for other religions. To each his belief. There's no point accusing others when your own house is not in order.

Did I say Muslims teach they are special? I dont recall that. Nonetheless, I've been taught that they received many favors from God which they were ingrateful for.

Who said muslims control the oil? They are all american puppets nothing else. Saddam was there, now hes gone....Whos next? Iran; the only "muslim" contry left. Besides muslim brotherhood was a concept of the past it seems. You dont mind if they kill your brothers, torture them, very sad indeed! If a criminal beleives that the more you kill the better, im sure with your idiotic philosophy you would bow down to him for following his own beleifs.

Yes it was my luck that I was born who I am today, but that doesnt make me higher than anyone else.

It hurts me so much that my own government gives preference to american lives than our own.

Who are American puppets? If you know they are, so should the Muslim people of the Middle East. Why dont they do something about it? They should stand up against their government who are perceived to be American puppets. If the Muslim people let the American government run their country, then the Muslims are to blame, not the Americans.

The Muslims do the exact same thing with the Jews with respect to your earlier post about why the Jews deserved to be hated. Only difference is the Jews use state of the art weaponry, the Muslims use suicide bombers. Dont hold one to a higher degree of evil than the other. This issue can be resolved simply and effectively if the Muslim nations of the Middle East stop the oil supply, and that can be done if the Muslim PEOPLE want to. Till then, we are ALL - both you and me - apathetic to the cause of Palestine and whatever other occupied territory you want to name.


Feb 19, 2004
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!

I disagree. He doesn't really seem to be anti-semite whatsoever. Seems like he compliments the Jewish people.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!

Are you hard of comprehension?

Wtf has clitoral amputation to do with anything? Are you retarded?

No woman is subjugated by any practicing Muslim. Do I hear you complaining about your fellow "insert your religion here" women spreading their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

Slavery??? Wtf???

You're just a blind Jew-lover who doesnt understand, nor can comprehend written English.

Get some medical help! NOW!


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!

Are you hard of comprehension?

Wtf has clitoral amputation to do with anything? Are you retarded?

No woman is subjugated by any practicing Muslim. Do I hear you complaining about your fellow "insert your religion here" women spreading their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

Slavery??? Wtf??? Get some medical help! NOW!

Woah.. do yourself a fabour and read before you post. I mean read YOUR posts.

Women who strictly follow ANY religion are not allowed to spread their legs, technically speaking, before marriage. BTW do you know what the ancient translation for 'virgin' is? It's UNMARRIED WOMAN. That's right, it has nothing to do with whether the woman has previously had sex with a man. By my interpretation, some of the fine virgins in heaven may be very well used by the time you get to them

And clitoral amputation is actually very painful and indefensible, so I hope you aren't defending it or brushing it aside.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!

I disagree. He doesn't really seem to be anti-semite whatsoever. Seems like he compliments the Jewish people.


you actually DID understand and comprehend my words!!!

I am so glad that my lessons to you have not gone to waste!!! Keep it up Mr. Mongoose (no sarcasm intended )



Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is one of the most virulent anti-semites I have run across in years. He buys all the stuff about Jewish domination etc., all the myths that have been perpetuated. It's one thing to hate Israel, but his hatred of Jews is universal. You can almost feel it. Palestine is symbolic--Has he posted about the destruction of Sudanese by Muslims---about the expulsion of over 600,000 Jews from Arab countries? Has he posted about clitoral amputation still practiced by Muslims? Has he posted about the subjugation of women by many Muslims? Has he posted about forms of Slavery still practiced by some Muslims? Nope--its those damn Jews!

Are you hard of comprehension?

Wtf has clitoral amputation to do with anything? Are you retarded?

No woman is subjugated by any practicing Muslim. Do I hear you complaining about your fellow "insert your religion here" women spreading their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

Slavery??? Wtf??? Get some medical help! NOW!

Woah.. do yourself a fabour and read before you post. I mean read YOUR posts.

Women who strictly follow ANY religion are not allowed to spread their legs, technically speaking, before marriage. BTW do you know what the ancient translation for 'virgin' is? It's UNMARRIED WOMAN. That's right, it has nothing to do with whether the woman has previously had sex with a man. By my interpretation, some of the fine virgins in heaven may be very well used by the time you get to them

And clitoral amputation is actually very painful and indefensible, so I hope you aren't defending it or brushing it aside.

Woah :Q!

I know what I wrote. I said no woman is subjugated by any practicing Muslim so stop speaking for Muslim women, just like I dont speak for people of rextilleon's faith.

Clitoral amputation is practiced in certain parts of Northern Africa because of whatever culture they follow. I wouldnt know how painful it is. It has NOTHING to do with Islam. And if the people practice it, and they have no objections to the custom that has been prevalent since many decades, you neednt complain about it. Let the people who go through such an act be the first one to complain.


Feb 19, 2004
My apologies--Sultan isn't an anti-semite--Its that Hatim fellow--He just hates. By the way, 600,000 Jews were forced from their homes by Arab governments and I dont hear Sultan or anyother person demanding their right of return. Lets stop dancing around the fact that clitoral amputations takes place in Islam:

Female Circumcision

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is carried out among Muslims in Egypt, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, the Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan and Indonesia. Some apologists point out that it is not performed in Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia. They will also note that female mutilation was carried out in pre-Islamic times and is practised in some non-Islamic African states. This does not absolve Muslims for continuing the barbaric tradition and throws doubt on the "civilizing role" of Islam. Indeed some of the clergy still advocate female mutilation. Rather they should speak out vigorously to condemn the old practices.

There are three main degrees of female "circumcision" Firstly the "sunna proper" where the clitoral hood or prepuce is removed. This is analogous to male circumcision and does not physically damage female sexuality. It may well do psychological damage especially the way it is performed on older girls: a number of female relatives hold the girl down and the piece of skin is removed with a razor blade.

The practice has no Qur'anic justification and the Prophet did not have his daughter Fatima circumcised. '4 There is one hadith where he is reputed to have told Umm Attiya who performed excisions: "Reduce, but do not destroy." (He would not have liked his sexuality reduced by one micro-watt.) The inference from this hadith is to remove only the glans (tip) of the clitoris. This is analogous to removing the glans (head) of the male penis. To confuse things this circumcision is also known as "sunna" although a better name sometimes used is Khifad ("reduction").

The second level of female mutilation is clitoridectomy where the whole of the clitoris is removed. This is particularly traumatic for the girl: the pain and bleeding may continue for days-the clitoris is well-supplied with blood vessels so that it can swell on stimulation. This is analogous to the removal of the penis of a male as the clitoris is the centre of female sexuality and most women cannot achieve orgasm without it. What a terrible thing to do to your daughter! If sexuality is given to us by Allah then the implication is that it is there to be used, enjoyed. But sexual desire is not reduced by mutilation, only the means of satisfying it. It is not surprising that instead of being chastely frigid, some of these women go on a "promiscuous" search for satisfaction.

Thirdly there is pharaonic circumcision (often called infibulation, the Roman practice of putting rings across the vaginas of slave women.) All exterior genitalia are removed: the clitoris, the labia minora (the inner lips) and the labia majora (the outer lips). What is left of the vulva is sewn up leaving a small hole for urine and menses to escape, but penetration by a penis is impossible. On marriage, the macho male tries to penetrate often causing "hufta"-invaginated skin near the vaginal opening. On divorce, social pressures dictate that the opening be sewn up again. On childbirth, the skin must be cut but even then there can be complications: prolonged labor, foetal death and brain damage.

Many males favor the pharaonic method as the vaginal orifice can be made tight to enhance their sexual pleasure even if it is painful to the woman. Indeed, many women find anal sex preferable. If the woman is Makhtoma, too tight, she can take an hour to void her bladder and it is common for the abdomen of a girl to swell with undischarged menstrual blood-girls have even been murdered by fathers thinking that they were pregnant.

Pharaonic circumcision often leads to permanent trauma, frigidity, urinary and gynaecological infections, abortions or sterility, painful menstrual periods, fistulas, scar tissue, abscesses and even cancers. And yet the girl's relatives and the bridegroom expect it. The little girl aged 4 to 8 must have her tahara (purification) as she would be unacceptable in a Ghalaja (uncircumcised) state.

The name "sunna" (Muhammad's traditions) should not be given to any method of circumcision as surveys have shown that the name was the primary reason (religion) given by men for approving circumcision. However the fact should be faced that many of the husbands like to be in full control of the sexual act. He should be able to prolong it or bring it to an end when it suits him and not the woman. They can be compared with necrophiliacs but few normal western men would agree that passivity on the part of the female contributes to sexual enjoyment.

The reason for female mutilation is sometimes given that it prevents promiscuity. A random survey of 200 prostitutes in Cairo showed that 170 of them had suffered a clitoridectomy, exactly the same percentage (85%) as the general population. Of fifty women who had had sexual experience before "circumcision", none had been able to reach the level of satisfaction they knew before-hand.'5

But the girl does not only face physical circumcision, there is also the denial of mental and psychological development. Ignorance of the human body and sex is considered a virtue. Experience and knowledge about life is regarded as shameful. Passivity of the personality is considered a prerequisite of a wife.

Shame and Respect

The woman who chatters loudly, is too bright and perky, flits her glances or is not modest in walk and dress is Be-Sharm, shameless. A young girl who covers her head when her father enters the room is pleasingly modest or bashful. She has Izzat, respect for her father.

The younger women, the unmarried and new brides all show respect to the older women by deferring to them in conversation. Older women transmit the male dictates, are usually guardians of tradition and can be tyrants in their households. When a woman visitor comes, the younger ones push on with their sewing or whatever without interrupting their mother's conversation. It is rare for a son-in-law to visit his mother-in-law but when he does he must be treated with reserve and diffidence as he is head of her daughter's family. Young women must talk in lowered tones to elder relatives and, except for greetings which they should initiate, only respond and then positively to conversation and instructions. Their heads should be somewhat bowed and their hands covering their mouth. They should observe eye-purdah, that is avoid eye-contact.

In many parts of Islam marriages are still arranged. Even the shame of a "love marriage" is covered up as an arranged one. The bride is expected to be modest and demure. She sits quietly with her head bent and may not come "out of her shell" for weeks or months-not perhaps until she has had her first baby. It is rare for an unmarried girl to go to a wedding as some of the remarks may be too risque' for her. If they can afford it the bride and groom will have separate bedrooms again for the sake of the modesty of the younger girls in the household. The bride is not addressed by her first name, even by her husband. She is the daughter (bint) of so and so. When her first son is born she becomes mother (umm) of so and so and this name stays with her until she dies.

I could post some direct quotes by Mohammed that confirm that women are objectified and the property of men--but what the heck, they will deny it.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: rextilleon
My apologies--Sultan isn't an anti-semite--Its that Hatim fellow--He just hates. By the way, 600,000 Jews were forced from their homes by Arab governments and I dont hear Sultan or anyother person demanding their right of return. Lets stop dancing around the fact that clitoral amputations takes place in Islam:

Female Circumcision

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is carried out among Muslims in Egypt, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, the Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan and Indonesia. Some apologists point out that it is not performed in Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia. They will also note that female mutilation was carried out in pre-Islamic times and is practised in some non-Islamic African states. This does not absolve Muslims for continuing the barbaric tradition and throws doubt on the "civilizing role" of Islam. Indeed some of the clergy still advocate female mutilation. Rather they should speak out vigorously to condemn the old practices.

There are three main degrees of female "circumcision" Firstly the "sunna proper" where the clitoral hood or prepuce is removed. This is analogous to male circumcision and does not physically damage female sexuality. It may well do psychological damage especially the way it is performed on older girls: a number of female relatives hold the girl down and the piece of skin is removed with a razor blade.

The practice has no Qur'anic justification and the Prophet did not have his daughter Fatima circumcised. '4 There is one hadith where he is reputed to have told Umm Attiya who performed excisions: "Reduce, but do not destroy." (He would not have liked his sexuality reduced by one micro-watt.) The inference from this hadith is to remove only the glans (tip) of the clitoris. This is analogous to removing the glans (head) of the male penis. To confuse things this circumcision is also known as "sunna" although a better name sometimes used is Khifad ("reduction").

The second level of female mutilation is clitoridectomy where the whole of the clitoris is removed. This is particularly traumatic for the girl: the pain and bleeding may continue for days-the clitoris is well-supplied with blood vessels so that it can swell on stimulation. This is analogous to the removal of the penis of a male as the clitoris is the centre of female sexuality and most women cannot achieve orgasm without it. What a terrible thing to do to your daughter! If sexuality is given to us by Allah then the implication is that it is there to be used, enjoyed. But sexual desire is not reduced by mutilation, only the means of satisfying it. It is not surprising that instead of being chastely frigid, some of these women go on a "promiscuous" search for satisfaction.

Thirdly there is pharaonic circumcision (often called infibulation, the Roman practice of putting rings across the vaginas of slave women.) All exterior genitalia are removed: the clitoris, the labia minora (the inner lips) and the labia majora (the outer lips). What is left of the vulva is sewn up leaving a small hole for urine and menses to escape, but penetration by a penis is impossible. On marriage, the macho male tries to penetrate often causing "hufta"-invaginated skin near the vaginal opening. On divorce, social pressures dictate that the opening be sewn up again. On childbirth, the skin must be cut but even then there can be complications: prolonged labor, foetal death and brain damage.

Many males favor the pharaonic method as the vaginal orifice can be made tight to enhance their sexual pleasure even if it is painful to the woman. Indeed, many women find anal sex preferable. If the woman is Makhtoma, too tight, she can take an hour to void her bladder and it is common for the abdomen of a girl to swell with undischarged menstrual blood-girls have even been murdered by fathers thinking that they were pregnant.

Pharaonic circumcision often leads to permanent trauma, frigidity, urinary and gynaecological infections, abortions or sterility, painful menstrual periods, fistulas, scar tissue, abscesses and even cancers. And yet the girl's relatives and the bridegroom expect it. The little girl aged 4 to 8 must have her tahara (purification) as she would be unacceptable in a Ghalaja (uncircumcised) state.

The name "sunna" (Muhammad's traditions) should not be given to any method of circumcision as surveys have shown that the name was the primary reason (religion) given by men for approving circumcision. However the fact should be faced that many of the husbands like to be in full control of the sexual act. He should be able to prolong it or bring it to an end when it suits him and not the woman. They can be compared with necrophiliacs but few normal western men would agree that passivity on the part of the female contributes to sexual enjoyment.

The reason for female mutilation is sometimes given that it prevents promiscuity. A random survey of 200 prostitutes in Cairo showed that 170 of them had suffered a clitoridectomy, exactly the same percentage (85%) as the general population. Of fifty women who had had sexual experience before "circumcision", none had been able to reach the level of satisfaction they knew before-hand.'5

But the girl does not only face physical circumcision, there is also the denial of mental and psychological development. Ignorance of the human body and sex is considered a virtue. Experience and knowledge about life is regarded as shameful. Passivity of the personality is considered a prerequisite of a wife.

Shame and Respect

The woman who chatters loudly, is too bright and perky, flits her glances or is not modest in walk and dress is Be-Sharm, shameless. A young girl who covers her head when her father enters the room is pleasingly modest or bashful. She has Izzat, respect for her father.

The younger women, the unmarried and new brides all show respect to the older women by deferring to them in conversation. Older women transmit the male dictates, are usually guardians of tradition and can be tyrants in their households. When a woman visitor comes, the younger ones push on with their sewing or whatever without interrupting their mother's conversation. It is rare for a son-in-law to visit his mother-in-law but when he does he must be treated with reserve and diffidence as he is head of her daughter's family. Young women must talk in lowered tones to elder relatives and, except for greetings which they should initiate, only respond and then positively to conversation and instructions. Their heads should be somewhat bowed and their hands covering their mouth. They should observe eye-purdah, that is avoid eye-contact.

In many parts of Islam marriages are still arranged. Even the shame of a "love marriage" is covered up as an arranged one. The bride is expected to be modest and demure. She sits quietly with her head bent and may not come "out of her shell" for weeks or months-not perhaps until she has had her first baby. It is rare for an unmarried girl to go to a wedding as some of the remarks may be too risque' for her. If they can afford it the bride and groom will have separate bedrooms again for the sake of the modesty of the younger girls in the household. The bride is not addressed by her first name, even by her husband. She is the daughter (bint) of so and so. When her first son is born she becomes mother (umm) of so and so and this name stays with her until she dies.

I could post some direct quotes by Mohammed that confirm that women are objectified and the property of men--but what the heck, they will deny it.

I have no idea where you got the above from. However, you have proved a point - Female Circumcision has NOTHING to do with Islam as the article itself states.

I do not know about other countries, but being that many know I am from Pakistan, this practice is NOT carried out, at least to my knowledge having lived in Pakistan for many year. So you can now stop posting completely false, factless information that serves nothing but inflame the passions of those who are already of big anti-Islam nature. Your posts based on false information just further shows you are an anti-Islamic person who is complaining of someone else being an anti-Semite.

You article further goes on to prove that this practice has been adopted since the Roman times, again implying Islam, nor Muslims have created this practice on their own.

As regards to your second article, its half filled with exaggerations and half is it only demonising modesty and respect.

Some lies in the article I'll counter:

1. In many parts of Islam... wtf? There arent any PARTS of Islam. Marriages are still mostly arranged, and it works out much better. Love marriages are also quite common amongst Muslims.

2. Women do go to marriages. What utter crap.

3. Where the fvck did you read the bride and groom have separate bedrooms? Retard. Another example of not to believe what you read.

4. Bride is not addressed by her first name? :Q! Are you living in a hole that you arent aware of whats happening in the Muslim world?

5. The bint part is the same as the bin part... you know, Osama BIN Laden? I dont know ANY Muslim women called Umm-something. That's an Arabic tradition and has NOTHING to do with Islam.

6. Son-in-law cannot meet his mother-in-law? You're a cretin!

I dont exactly know what quotes by Mohammad (pbuh) you would post, but I have a fairly good idea. The implication "property of men" is completely inaccurate. The quote by the prophet is meant to state that their wives are their honor, thier companions and they should treat them with respect and love and so on and so forth - not as a possession. Idiot.

2 million Muslims live in Al-Quds under perpetual fear of the IDF who are there to protect 20000 Israelites and you're telling me to complain about 600000 Jews displaced? I'll complain after I see you complain about the pathetic state of the Muslims under persecution of the Israeli state, alrite?


Feb 19, 2004
I love Islam---I just would love it to be far away from me as possible. Actually I dont like any organized religions--They are the font of misery, oppression, destruction--You see Sultan, you are a true believer---someone who thinks that you know the truth. I am in search of the truth and refuse to allow you or any other religious person to oppress me. Thats what we are really talking about. And by the way, I do think that Sharon is doing a masterful job! Last but not least, watch your language--Your Iman should take you across his knee and give you a spanking and then he should wash your mouth out with soap!


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: rextilleon
I love Islam---I just would love it to be far away from me as possible. Actually I dont like any organized religions--They are the font of misery, oppression, destruction--You see Sultan, you are a true believer---someone who thinks that you know the truth. I am in search of the truth and refuse to allow you or any other religious person to oppress me. Thats what we are really talking about. And by the way, I do think that Sharon is doing a masterful job! Last but not least, watch your language--Your Iman should take you across his knee and give you a spanking and then he should wash your mouth out with soap!

Good, you prove yourself to be a bigoted, racist, anti-Islam person. I am far from a true believer but I dont appreciate retards speaking of something they have no knowledge about, retards meaning people like YOU!

Good luck in finding the Truth. Remember, the truth is out there.

Kudos to Sharon from me too. He is doing a good job.

An Iman should take me and spank me? Do you even know what you're talking about? Do you even know what Iman is?



Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Sultan
Clitoral amputation is practiced in certain parts of Northern Africa because of whatever culture they follow. I wouldnt know how painful it is. It has NOTHING to do with Islam. And if the people practice it, and they have no objections to the custom that has been prevalent since many decades, you neednt complain about it. Let the people who go through such an act be the first one to complain.

Clitoral amputation is not the female equivalent of circumcision, if that's what you are assuming. It is barbaric, often results in painful intercourse for women, and robs them of feeling sexual pleasure, none of which are accomplished by male circumcision. So yes, in fact, cultural tradition or not, I do need to complain about it. I suspect CanOWorms would rank it right up there with Monarchy

Now if what you're saying is that Islam does not promote female circumcision, that's fine.

Now as to what non-religious women 'spreading their legs for every tom dick and harry' has to do with Christian, Jewish or other religious women, I have no idea. Frankly, I don't have a problem with premarital sex at all, and while I don't practice it, I'm not offended by casual sex either. But what women (or men!) who do not strictly follow a religion have to do with whether people are subjugated in another religion, I'm having trouble decoding.

Two simple questions:

1. Is one partner in a Muslim marriage expected to obey the other?

2. Which one?
Aug 14, 2001
My apologies--Sultan isn't an anti-semite--Its that Hatim fellow--He just hates.

Calling him only an anti-semite is an understatement. But I see what you mean from Hatim's "Jews control America's wealth" statements of the past. He must think very highly of Jewish people if such a small minority controls the most powerful country in the world.


Feb 19, 2004
Sultan is a true believer--Eric Hoffer wrote about this type of person brilliantly--The True Believer, thinks that he (or his religion etc) has the truth and that the rest of us need to be converted or destroyed. Hitler was a true believer---Stalin was a true believer---Mao was true believer---Most Muslims like Sultan will spin and dance whenever confronted with the excesses of their belief system--(read above) They will seldom take responsibility for their own actions, blaming everything on some conspiracy against them. How many times have you questioned a Muslim man about the treatment of women in many parts of Islam---The response you get is usually--well we honor women, thats why we have them cover themselves. Or we dont hate Jews, we hate Zionists--Or we like the American people we just hate the AMerican government (they are to backward to understand that for good or for evil, the government in the US is the people). Have you ever heard Sultan complain about the Egyptian government's broadcast of a defamatory piece on the Protocols of Zion--in which the old blood libel accusations against Jews was brought up. Have you ever heard Sultan complain about the butchering of the people of Dafour by Muslims. Of course not---its always those damn Jews.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: rextilleon

butchering of the people of Dafour by Muslims. Of course not---its always those damn Jews.

Darfur is not a Muslim vs. Another conflict. Both groups are Muslim. I believe it's a racial conflict: Arab vs. Black.


Junior Member
Jun 22, 2001
This is the Politically Incorrect version of history, but it IS accurate. The brotherly hatred burns to this day thousands of years later.

It all goes back to the fact that Abraham couldn't keep it in his pants like God commanded him to. He was old, and so was Sarah. Sarah couldn't get pregnant right away after God promised them a son, so Abraham got horny and went into Hagar's tent and got busy. Hagar was his slave.

Hagar and Abraham had Ishmael, a bastard son who Muslims are directly decended from.

Later, God's prophecy was fulfilled when at the age of 75 Sarah gave birth to Isaac, who the Jews are directly decended. His birth was legitimate.

The brothers resented each other greatly. Ishamel was resented by Isaac because he was older, and Isaac was resented by Ishamel because he was legimate.

That's why the intense hatred. Nothing like a good old family quarrel to get the blood pumping.



Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Sultan
Clitoral amputation is practiced in certain parts of Northern Africa because of whatever culture they follow. I wouldnt know how painful it is. It has NOTHING to do with Islam. And if the people practice it, and they have no objections to the custom that has been prevalent since many decades, you neednt complain about it. Let the people who go through such an act be the first one to complain.

Clitoral amputation is not the female equivalent of circumcision, if that's what you are assuming. It is barbaric, often results in painful intercourse for women, and robs them of feeling sexual pleasure, none of which are accomplished by male circumcision. So yes, in fact, cultural tradition or not, I do need to complain about it. I suspect CanOWorms would rank it right up there with Monarchy

Now if what you're saying is that Islam does not promote female circumcision, that's fine.

Now as to what non-religious women 'spreading their legs for every tom dick and harry' has to do with Christian, Jewish or other religious women, I have no idea. Frankly, I don't have a problem with premarital sex at all, and while I don't practice it, I'm not offended by casual sex either. But what women (or men!) who do not strictly follow a religion have to do with whether people are subjugated in another religion, I'm having trouble decoding.

Two simple questions:

1. Is one partner in a Muslim marriage expected to obey the other?

2. Which one?

I know what clitoral amputation is, and this practice is no where mentioned in Islam.

The point I made with statement you quoted was that one does not need to speak for another. Muslim women are NOT subjugated in Islam.

Answers to your question:

1. No.

2. n/a.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
My apologies--Sultan isn't an anti-semite--Its that Hatim fellow--He just hates.

Calling him only an anti-semite is an understatement. But I see what you mean from Hatim's "Jews control America's wealth" statements of the past. He must think very highly of Jewish people if such a small minority controls the most powerful country in the world.

ohhhh, going down to back-biting now, is it Mr. Mongoose?

why dont you speak to me if you have anything to say about me?

and Jewish people are very intelligent, capable and hardworking, and they got to where they are by their efforts. ofcourse, you should know there's a very strong Jewish lobby in our government. Not that its a bad thing, but the Jewish people ARE very influential in our government.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
My apologies--Sultan isn't an anti-semite--Its that Hatim fellow--He just hates.

Calling him only an anti-semite is an understatement. But I see what you mean from Hatim's "Jews control America's wealth" statements of the past. He must think very highly of Jewish people if such a small minority controls the most powerful country in the world.

ohhhh, going down to back-biting now, is it Mr. Mongoose?

why dont you speak to me if you have anything to say about me?

and Jewish people are very intelligent, capable and hardworking, and they got to where they are by their efforts. ofcourse, you should know there's a very strong Jewish lobby in our government. Not that its a bad thing, but the Jewish people ARE very influential in our government.

I was referring to Hatim, as he was.

Jewish people are very influential in the US government. However, they are not conspiring to control the US and all of its wealth.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Sultan is a true believer--Eric Hoffer wrote about this type of person brilliantly--The True Believer, thinks that he (or his religion etc) has the truth and that the rest of us need to be converted or destroyed. Hitler was a true believer---Stalin was a true believer---Mao was true believer---Most Muslims like Sultan will spin and dance whenever confronted with the excesses of their belief system--(read above) They will seldom take responsibility for their own actions, blaming everything on some conspiracy against them. How many times have you questioned a Muslim man about the treatment of women in many parts of Islam---The response you get is usually--well we honor women, thats why we have them cover themselves. Or we dont hate Jews, we hate Zionists--Or we like the American people we just hate the AMerican government (they are to backward to understand that for good or for evil, the government in the US is the people). Have you ever heard Sultan complain about the Egyptian government's broadcast of a defamatory piece on the Protocols of Zion--in which the old blood libel accusations against Jews was brought up. Have you ever heard Sultan complain about the butchering of the people of Dafour by Muslims. Of course not---its always those damn Jews.

Again, I must say you are quite retarded. None of the above has any relevance to what I posted, nor are you arguing on the basis of what I stated. You are indulging in personally attacking me, which shows your bigoted, racist, intolerant nature.

Treatment of women is fine in Islam. You get as much complaint about mistreatment of women by males as you get of spousal abuse in the United States. Your bringing this up only shows your lack of knowledge and immaturity.

I dont hate Jews. Period.

I can voice my opinion about the US Government, I dont need your permission to do what is a given right. If you object to my voicing opinions about the US Government, it further goes to show your intolerant nature, and also shows your hypocrisy of touting democracy and limiting my freedom to voice my opinion.

I have not complained about Egyptian government's broadcasts, nor of Darfur and NEITHER have I complain about "those damn Jews." You baseless lies and figments of imagination do no one in Anandtech any good. Get off your crack pipe ass.


Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: theblooms
This is the Politically Incorrect version of history, but it IS accurate. The brotherly hatred burns to this day thousands of years later.

It all goes back to the fact that Abraham couldn't keep it in his pants like God commanded him to. He was old, and so was Sarah. Sarah couldn't get pregnant right away after God promised them a son, so Abraham got horny and went into Hagar's tent and got busy. Hagar was his slave.

Hagar and Abraham had Ishmael, a bastard son who Muslims are directly decended from.

Later, God's prophecy was fulfilled when at the age of 75 Sarah gave birth to Isaac, who the Jews are directly decended. His birth was legitimate.

The brothers resented each other greatly. Ishamel was resented by Isaac because he was older, and Isaac was resented by Ishamel because he was legimate.

That's why the intense hatred. Nothing like a good old family quarrel to get the blood pumping.


I'm sorry but I had no knowledge about this. I always thought it was the Jews and the Christians who couldnt stand each other from a religious point of view. After all, the Jews put Jesus up on the crucifix (Muslims dont believe he was crucified at all). Furthermore, I thought Jews called Jesus the son of the devil. Any knowledgable Jew and/or Christian wishes to correct me, please do so.
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