Why do parents act like they know what we care about?

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Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
Originally posted by: funboy42
You know what I have to butt in here and say a little considering I felt the same way as a child and have lived the situation your about to face.

For one stop thinking with your pecker and chill for a moment. Love will come and go. Yes you I dont doubt for one minute your in love but you trully are your going to want the best for you and especially her right? If so that is what your parents are thinking as well. If you dont go to school and get an education all the love you two have will not mean a hill of beans if you cannot provide for her.

Want to be where im at 34, no schooling, and cannot provide for your family because you were a grunt in the work force got hurt and can no longer do what you used to to provide for your family???? How to you plan on keeping a roof over your heads if you cant make ends meet? Pay the bills with love????? Will not happen. If you trully love her DO SO but also think that you want to give what she is going to need and having no education will not do that for you two. Like living in gang/drug town and worry about what little you have is going to get stolen or taken from you from the ass hole next door. Thats where your going to live if you or her dont get some sort of an education. What if you have kids? How are you going to feed them, cloth them, make sure they get an education? One thing about parents is they have done and been in your situation before and in most cases dont want you to make the same misstakes as they did. Why we are always on our kids ass. Thats why I am always on my kids ass. My parents didnt care. I went to 2-3 different schools a year because we moved so much. We were so poor we ate pop corn for breakfast lunch and dinner for weeks because thats all we had. I sh1t white turds because thats all we ate. Do you think for one moment thats what I want for them? No. Do you feel thats what your parents want for you? NO. They want to make sure you can make it in the world, have an education, a job, MONEY, because soory who ever said money cant buy you happynees must be a rich person because it is what makes the world go around.

As for the talk like you want to kill them. WTF is wrong with you. I was there man. My mom was dying of cancer and I was 17. All I cared about was getting my dick wet and not the fact she was dying. Let me tell you something buddy they are the ones who brought you into this world. Fed you, clothed you, gave you meds when your were sick. Comforted you when the boogyman was under your bed and no pussy is worth it when your parents die on you and you think back of how selfish you were because you wanted to get laid. It happends fast. One minnute your all sitting around telling jokes or stories and the next your parent is coughing up blood and dies on you in less then a year. Im not saying it will happen but it happened to me and I never got the chance to tell them how sorry I was for being an ass liek your being. You should grab your parents, give them a hug, tell them your sorry for being the way you are and ask what you can do to make sure you and the one you love will be able to make it in the world like they have and do what they say.

You may not think much of it because you have that great $8 an hour job but once you leave the nest your going to need more. Putting off being together all the time and do what is best for you in the long run not short term for now. They may not know you completly but they know how the world works and how bad it is out there first hand and been doing it longer then you have been alive. Give them a brake and dont say or do anything your going to regret once they are gone. It will be a lifetime of hurt inside, I know.

Im kinda speechless now, you just nailed it right there

I guess my worse fear is... i always used to think too much about the future, and now im concentrating alot more about the present, because i realized if you dont enjoy what youre living NOW youll never enjoy it, ive been waiting the first years of my life for something like this, for someone that made me as happy as she does, same for her... what if we keep waiting and seeing each other rarely and then something bad happens and i look back and i cant even say i enjoyed my youth? i really want to enjoy life NOW, 3 years from here i might be dead, who knows... and then my life was a total waste... i wanna die and look back "man that was a life worth living" just that...

Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt. Thinking that you can die any minute is just an excuse so you can do what your doing now. So you cant be with her ever damn minute of the day NOW but once you have all your ducks lined up in order with a good education and a great paycheck with the little house on the corner if she is still with you at that time your set for life. You dont do it now, think your gonna get by with the megar mean s you have and your going to loose. The first guy that comes into her life and lays down a nice dress or diamond ring shes gonna look at you the bum and go fvck you hes got a job, a car, a home, and an education. WTF am I doing with this looser. Trust me girls will come and go. Right now your on cloud nine because you dont have to slap your monkey around by yourself and its called pupply love. There is no promise that can be made that you two will stay together but I can say with 99% sureness (yeah I made it up I think) that once she matures and looks around at the sh1t hole she is living in her feelings will change and then your stuck once again holding your dick in your hand, broke and alone because all you learned how to say was "welcome to mc donalds may I take your order please".

But if you hold it off a bit, get you two an education, and in the mean time you both stick it out when your all set up your love for each other will be 10 fold what it is today and not only will you two be happy and better off but your children will be happy you did because they wont have to shop at the good will store for hand me down cloths or get made fun of because you cant afford the good stuff for them.

And also the thought of get what you want now because you may die tomorrow is BS. Trust me once you get older and if you dont take what im saying here or what your parents are trying to beat in your head and your sitting in your sh!tty trailer all alone holding Mr Flappy in your hands YOU WILL sit back and remember this day but your going to be too old to do anything about it.

So be a man, a smart man. Get an education. Let her get an education as well incase you two dont stay together. This is your fist tap at letting someone else play with the skin flute. There will be others but no other woman is going to want an un-educated man either so keep that in mind if this first love fails on you. OH and you speak of you being of age but she isnt. Watch out man because all her parents have to do is call the cops on you and then you can forget about any career you may have because you will be slapped with a big ole fellony on your record for life and most jobs will do a criminal background

Just wake up. See the biger picture and take the blinders off. Do what is right. What your parents know is right and I know you do to if you let the big head do the thinking for a minute You may be mad at them now but in a few years once youve gotten older, on your own you will come around and see what they want for you is the best and what they never had. Just hope you do this before anything bad happends to them and you cant tell them in person. BTW I lost my grandparents, mother and father in a 3 year period and never got to tell any of them thanks ro sorry for what I had done. Please dont let that happen to you. Your young and full of cum and dont see it but you will.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
This has to be shens.

Read the OP.

Grow up. You're just like everybody else.

You are not a unique snowflake. You are just like everybody else, dealling with and feeling exactly what everybody else has.


Jan 12, 2006
my translation:

youre 18, your gf ~15. both in high school. she has recently moved away, and since you two miss each other, you have fallen in love. so now you expect both sets of parents to let you move in with her, and support you while you do it, just because you are two teens in love and thats all that matters. since they wont let you, youre throwing a tantrum and threatening to make it happen no matter how you two can do it.

Close, were both in high school, but she always lived far away, and we knew each other for some months while being friends only, then "it" started happening

The way i see it is - why do high school apart from each other when we could do it together alot more easily and be extremely happy while at it? I dont see whats wrong


Sep 21, 2001
I'm going to give a different viewpoint than some of the others in this thread.

OP, to me you sound more mature than lots of the people your age - the ones who are out for sex and skip from girlfriend from girlfriend. You have a sense of committment and, though your feelings are certainly coloured by early stage infatuation too, you seem like you have a genuine affection and love for this girl.

On the other hand, your way of expressing yourself comes across as less mature than you are probably capable of being. Also, you are directing your frustration at her parents, which is an inappropriate response. It's fine to be frustrated, but what you should be frustrated at is a combination of your age and the situation. You also should not allow your frustration to cloud your perspective. If you take a step back, you'd be able to see that both you and your girlfriend absolutely need a foundation in life, for a myriad of reasons, that that is a reasonable priority. That doesn't make things any less frustrating, but it does mean that you need to make responsible decisions based on what's best for both of you.

If you do truly love this girl, you'll be able to put her best interest ahead of your desires. You will also be able to wait and continue to build your relationship no matter what restrictions are between you in the meantime. In fact, obstacles like that usually strengthen relationships.


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: spidey07
This has to be shens.

Read the OP.

Grow up. You're just like everybody else.

You are not a unique snowflake. You are just like everybody else, dealling with and feeling exactly what everybody else has.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: funboy42
Originally posted by: Frostwake
Originally posted by: funboy42
You know what I have to butt in here and say a little considering I felt the same way as a child and have lived the situation your about to face.

For one stop thinking with your pecker and chill for a moment. Love will come and go. Yes you I dont doubt for one minute your in love but you trully are your going to want the best for you and especially her right? If so that is what your parents are thinking as well. If you dont go to school and get an education all the love you two have will not mean a hill of beans if you cannot provide for her.

Want to be where im at 34, no schooling, and cannot provide for your family because you were a grunt in the work force got hurt and can no longer do what you used to to provide for your family???? How to you plan on keeping a roof over your heads if you cant make ends meet? Pay the bills with love????? Will not happen. If you trully love her DO SO but also think that you want to give what she is going to need and having no education will not do that for you two. Like living in gang/drug town and worry about what little you have is going to get stolen or taken from you from the ass hole next door. Thats where your going to live if you or her dont get some sort of an education. What if you have kids? How are you going to feed them, cloth them, make sure they get an education? One thing about parents is they have done and been in your situation before and in most cases dont want you to make the same misstakes as they did. Why we are always on our kids ass. Thats why I am always on my kids ass. My parents didnt care. I went to 2-3 different schools a year because we moved so much. We were so poor we ate pop corn for breakfast lunch and dinner for weeks because thats all we had. I sh1t white turds because thats all we ate. Do you think for one moment thats what I want for them? No. Do you feel thats what your parents want for you? NO. They want to make sure you can make it in the world, have an education, a job, MONEY, because soory who ever said money cant buy you happynees must be a rich person because it is what makes the world go around.

As for the talk like you want to kill them. WTF is wrong with you. I was there man. My mom was dying of cancer and I was 17. All I cared about was getting my dick wet and not the fact she was dying. Let me tell you something buddy they are the ones who brought you into this world. Fed you, clothed you, gave you meds when your were sick. Comforted you when the boogyman was under your bed and no pussy is worth it when your parents die on you and you think back of how selfish you were because you wanted to get laid. It happends fast. One minnute your all sitting around telling jokes or stories and the next your parent is coughing up blood and dies on you in less then a year. Im not saying it will happen but it happened to me and I never got the chance to tell them how sorry I was for being an ass liek your being. You should grab your parents, give them a hug, tell them your sorry for being the way you are and ask what you can do to make sure you and the one you love will be able to make it in the world like they have and do what they say.

You may not think much of it because you have that great $8 an hour job but once you leave the nest your going to need more. Putting off being together all the time and do what is best for you in the long run not short term for now. They may not know you completly but they know how the world works and how bad it is out there first hand and been doing it longer then you have been alive. Give them a brake and dont say or do anything your going to regret once they are gone. It will be a lifetime of hurt inside, I know.

Im kinda speechless now, you just nailed it right there

I guess my worse fear is... i always used to think too much about the future, and now im concentrating alot more about the present, because i realized if you dont enjoy what youre living NOW youll never enjoy it, ive been waiting the first years of my life for something like this, for someone that made me as happy as she does, same for her... what if we keep waiting and seeing each other rarely and then something bad happens and i look back and i cant even say i enjoyed my youth? i really want to enjoy life NOW, 3 years from here i might be dead, who knows... and then my life was a total waste... i wanna die and look back "man that was a life worth living" just that...

Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt. Thinking that you can die any minute is just an excuse so you can do what your doing now. So you cant be with her ever damn minute of the day NOW but once you have all your ducks lined up in order with a good education and a great paycheck with the little house on the corner if she is still with you at that time your set for life. You dont do it now, think your gonna get by with the megar mean s you have and your going to loose. The first guy that comes into her life and lays down a nice dress or diamond ring shes gonna look at you the bum and go fvck you hes got a job, a car, a home, and an education. WTF am I doing with this looser. Trust me girls will come and go. Right now your on cloud nine because you dont have to slap your monkey around by yourself and its called pupply love. There is no promise that can be made that you two will stay together but I can say with 99% sureness (yeah I made it up I think) that once she matures and looks around at the sh1t hole she is living in her feelings will change and then your stuck once again holding your dick in your hand, broke and alone because all you learned how to say was "welcome to mc donalds may I take your order please".

But if you hold it off a bit, get you two an education, and in the mean time you both stick it out when your all set up your love for each other will be 10 fold what it is today and not only will you two be happy and better off but your children will be happy you did because they wont have to shop at the good will store for hand me down cloths or get made fun of because you cant afford the good stuff for them.

And also the thought of get what you want now because you may die tomorrow is BS. Trust me once you get older and if you dont take what im saying here or what your parents are trying to beat in your head and your sitting in your sh!tty trailer all alone holding Mr Flappy in your hands YOU WILL sit back and remember this day but your going to be too old to do anything about it.

So be a man, a smart man. Get an education. Let her get an education as well incase you two dont stay together. This is your fist tap at letting someone else play with the skin flute. There will be others but no other woman is going to want an un-educated man either so keep that in mind if this first love fails on you. OH and you speak of you being of age but she isnt. Watch out man because all her parents have to do is call the cops on you and then you can forget about any career you may have because you will be slapped with a big ole fellony on your record for life and most jobs will do a criminal background

Just wake up. See the biger picture and take the blinders off. Do what is right. What your parents know is right and I know you do to if you let the big head do the thinking for a minute You may be mad at them now but in a few years once youve gotten older, on your own you will come around and see what they want for you is the best and what they never had. Just hope you do this before anything bad happends to them and you cant tell them in person. BTW I lost my grandparents, mother and father in a 3 year period and never got to tell any of them thanks ro sorry for what I had done. Please dont let that happen to you. Your young and full of cum and dont see it but you will.

funboy42, This is possibly the best post I have seen on this board regarding advice of this nature. :thumbsup:


May 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Frostwake
my translation:

youre 18, your gf ~15. both in high school. she has recently moved away, and since you two miss each other, you have fallen in love. so now you expect both sets of parents to let you move in with her, and support you while you do it, just because you are two teens in love and thats all that matters. since they wont let you, youre throwing a tantrum and threatening to make it happen no matter how you two can do it.

Close, were both in high school, but she always lived far away, and we knew each other for some months while being friends only, then "it" started happening

The way i see it is - why do high school apart from each other when we could do it together alot more easily and be extremely happy while at it? I dont see whats wrong

easier for who?

you....and thats it.

you think it would be easier for your parents to have to support you living away from home? think it will be easier for her parents to support you living in their home? think it will be easier on her with the tension arising from the conflict of her bf having no respect for her stupid ol' meanie parents?

i wont say youre stupid, but you are quite ignorant....

Originally posted by: shimsham

you know, if you have shred of any sense, respect, and maturity about you there is no way you can read that statement above and logically expect them to be on board with that load....
and that just assuming that half of the "facts" are facts.

not that it was a mystery, but that question is answered.



Jan 12, 2006
@ funboy42

Another great post, im aware that i might ruin my/her life by doing something crazy and so is she, lets see what happens...

I just dont like that "Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt." because fvcking is not involved here at all, would you dump your wife/girl if you 2 couldnt do it for some reason? if you did then obviously it wouldnt be love


Jan 12, 2006
easier for who?

you....and thats it.

you think it would be easier for your parents to have to support you living away from home? think it will be easier for her parents to support you living in their home? think it will be easier on her with the tension arising from the conflict of her bf having no respect for her stupid ol' meanie parents?

i wont say youre stupid, but you are quite ignorant....

Then you think its easier if we do it apart when we cant even think of anything else and were always frustrated because of not being together? Not to mention theres already a conflict of parents, but if we can hold it apart, of course it would be easier together

Yes im ignorant, since i havent lived through it


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
@ funboy42

Another great post, im aware that i might ruin my/her life by doing something crazy and so is she, lets see what happens...

I just dont like that "Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt." because fvcking is not involved here at all, would you dump your wife/girl if you 2 couldnt do it for some reason? if you did then obviously it wouldnt be love

See thats where your wrong. If dumping my wife and letting her go would mean a better life for her and the kids and she knew this as well I would do it. Thats called love
Making sure you have an education so you two dont live on the street, thats called love
Not doing anything to protect you both from future experances that will come into play, thats just plane stupid


Senior member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: HotChic
I'm going to give a different viewpoint than some of the others in this thread.

OP, to me you sound more mature than lots of the people your age - the ones who are out for sex and skip from girlfriend from girlfriend. You have a sense of committment and, though your feelings are certainly coloured by early stage infatuation too, you seem like you have a genuine affection and love for this girl.

On the other hand, your way of expressing yourself comes across as less mature than you are probably capable of being. Also, you are directing your frustration at her parents, which is an inappropriate response. It's fine to be frustrated, but what you should be frustrated at is a combination of your age and the situation. You also should not allow your frustration to cloud your perspective. If you take a step back, you'd be able to see that both you and your girlfriend absolutely need a foundation in life, for a myriad of reasons, that that is a reasonable priority. That doesn't make things any less frustrating, but it does mean that you need to make responsible decisions based on what's best for both of you.

If you do truly love this girl, you'll be able to put her best interest ahead of your desires. You will also be able to wait and continue to build your relationship no matter what restrictions are between you in the meantime. In fact, obstacles like that usually strengthen relationships.

if OP can't get the msg with the above post then nothing will
btw nice post man


Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: funboy42
Originally posted by: Frostwake
@ funboy42

Another great post, im aware that i might ruin my/her life by doing something crazy and so is she, lets see what happens...

I just dont like that "Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt." because fvcking is not involved here at all, would you dump your wife/girl if you 2 couldnt do it for some reason? if you did then obviously it wouldnt be love

See thats where your wrong. If dumping my wife and letting her go would mean a better life for her and the kids and she knew this as well I would do it. Thats called love
Making sure you have an education so you two dont live on the street, thats called love
Not doing anything to protect you both from future experances that will come into play, thats just plane stupid

I see where youre getting at... and thats why our love looks more like obcession right? well different people have different kinds of love i guess... i dont believe you would be happy if you truly loved someone and had her go away from you, no matter how happy she would be.. its like some guy coming into your wifes life and making her happier then you ever did and since you "love " her and shes happy, youre happy as well? The thing i care most if having her close to me, feeling her affection, showing her / being show how much we care about each other etc


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
WTF, anyone else got tired of hearing "we only want the best for you" and felt like killing them because they have absolutely NO IDEIA WHATSOEVER of your interests?

MOTHER$%&%$& JESUS , seriously if all your parents want is for you to become a graduate anything else you do is unnimportant except for what they think "is the best for you", how about actually trying to think a little bit and remember that each person has their own goals in life? Im so pissed off... Not pissed off for myself, since im not underaged and i can do whatever i #"%$#% want but for my gf who is not, and her parents acting like total retards, and i just feel like getting a gun and shooting it up their ass... Is it so hard for parents to understand that all we want (read - priority number ONE) is to be together? We could do EVERYTHING we needed to after that, but no... they have to be stupid and think all that matters is school and that crap when we cant even stop thinking each other for a second... theres NO WAY IN HELL any of us is gonna do ANYTHING without being together, is it that difficult to grasp? Did parents think their children would be carbon copies of them and act just like wanted to? Do they forget we have our own will and priorities? For me love is WAY ABOVE anything else in life, its what makes life worthy, what makes you feel like you are actually ENJOYING every single moment of your life, and everything else comes after, if things dont turn out so great you still have each other anyway... Thats how things work for me, and thats how things work for her... "First we need to be together, then we will do whatever needs to be done"... And most couples would just give up and be happy with what they have, but we are not and we will do whatever it takes to prove them we're SERIOUS.. whatever it takes... And im pissed off at the fact they cant understand us and they cant understand they are $%&$%& everything up and only making it worse, because they are NOT gonna keep us from being together, theyre probably going to ruin our lives... so much for "whats best for you" crap... Wow ive written too much... just needed to "explode" somewhere and since i was browsing through ATOT ... Thanks for those who leave their point of view on the question, and for those who flame at least try to be funny so i laugh a little

why did you have to post that here?

read: WE DON'T CARE!



Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: HotChic
I'm going to give a different viewpoint than some of the others in this thread.

OP, to me you sound more mature than lots of the people your age - the ones who are out for sex and skip from girlfriend from girlfriend. You have a sense of committment and, though your feelings are certainly coloured by early stage infatuation too, you seem like you have a genuine affection and love for this girl.

On the other hand, your way of expressing yourself comes across as less mature than you are probably capable of being. Also, you are directing your frustration at her parents, which is an inappropriate response. It's fine to be frustrated, but what you should be frustrated at is a combination of your age and the situation. You also should not allow your frustration to cloud your perspective. If you take a step back, you'd be able to see that both you and your girlfriend absolutely need a foundation in life, for a myriad of reasons, that that is a reasonable priority. That doesn't make things any less frustrating, but it does mean that you need to make responsible decisions based on what's best for both of you.

If you do truly love this girl, you'll be able to put her best interest ahead of your desires. You will also be able to wait and continue to build your relationship no matter what restrictions are between you in the meantime. In fact, obstacles like that usually strengthen relationships.

Thanks for your words, and yes, for better or worse i love her in a way i feel i could die for her, and she feels the same, when shes sad, im sad, when she cries or so i feel my heart shrinking and have to do everything i can do cheer her up, its just so hard to put up with the distance and waiting...some days i just feel like sleeping until we can be together again, were gonna be together next week, and we will decide where to go to then... lets wait and see

Edit - Also , i dont believe we will let go off each other the next time we meet, its getting more and more painful every time, she cries, i cry, its like taking away half of you and you feel empty until you are with her again, while every single minute i spend with her seems like a dream, things that would usually agravate me or bore me dont, things that should be normal are fun when her is around, you know the feeling... theres nothing in life that comes even CLOSE to this.. unfortunately i believe fewer people get to know this kind of love nowadays, its more about sex and lust, and then they think it doesnt exist... what a shame


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Frostwake

I see where youre getting at... and thats why our love looks more like obcession right? well different people have different kinds of love i guess... i dont believe you would be happy if you truly loved someone and had her go away from you, no matter how happy she would be.. its like some guy coming into your wifes life and making her happier then you ever did and since you "love " her and shes happy, youre happy as well? The thing i care most if having her close to me, feeling her affection, showing her / being show how much we care about each other etc

Just like everybody else felt at your age and that time in your life.

dude, what you are feeling is nothing special. not special at all. everybody felt that way.

not to slam you but you sound like my college roomate who thought there was nothing in life but his girl. He married her at age 22. They divorced 9 months after.

Dont' be that guy.


May 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Frostwake
easier for who?

you....and thats it.

you think it would be easier for your parents to have to support you living away from home? think it will be easier for her parents to support you living in their home? think it will be easier on her with the tension arising from the conflict of her bf having no respect for her stupid ol' meanie parents?

i wont say youre stupid, but you are quite ignorant....

Then you think its easier if we do it apart when we cant even think of anything else and were always frustrated because of not being together? Not to mention theres already a conflict of parents, but if we can hold it apart, of course it would be easier together

Yes im ignorant, since i havent lived through it

yes, it would be easier for you two to stay put, get your life in order as far as vision, goals, and plans, and then persue a real relationship when you both mature enough to stand on your own two feet.

now that youve admitted your ignorance, its time to grow in maturity and listen to those giving you advice and anecdotes from when they lived through it.

btw, a little advice of my own from my own experience. no matter how mature you think this 15yo is, she will show her age and immaturity. dont think you couldnt move up there, she gets what she wants, gets bored, and then falls in love with some other 18yo guy that her parents dont approve of.

on the subject of parents, you would be best to tread lightly. would it really be worth it to piss them off? what if you two do have sex, sh!t goes even more sour, and they want to press charges for stat rape. what good would you be to your gf in prison and then labled a sex offender for the rest of your life when you get out of prison? i seriously doubt there is any girl that young, of mental stability, that would wait that out and deal with those issues for the rest of her life.

its time to open your eyes and wipe away those "eye buggers of love" and get your clear vision back.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: Frostwake

I see where youre getting at... and thats why our love looks more like obcession right? well different people have different kinds of love i guess... i dont believe you would be happy if you truly loved someone and had her go away from you, no matter how happy she would be.. its like some guy coming into your wifes life and making her happier then you ever did and since you "love " her and shes happy, youre happy as well? The thing i care most if having her close to me, feeling her affection, showing her / being show how much we care about each other etc

Just like everybody else felt at your age and that time in your life.

dude, what you are feeling is nothing special. not special at all. everybody felt that way.

not to slam you but you sound like my college roomate who thought there was nothing in life but his girl. He married her at age 22. They divorced 9 months after.

Dont' be that guy.

can you imagine how funny it is when my cousin comes and tell me how unique are the things he's doing for his girlfriend...hahaha...how unique are his experiences....haha...


Jan 12, 2006
not to slam you but you sound like my college roomate who thought there was nothing in life but his girl. He married her at age 22. They divorced 9 months after.

Im/Were not thinking of getting married, ever lol i dont see the point really, just more paper work


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
Originally posted by: funboy42
Originally posted by: Frostwake
@ funboy42

Another great post, im aware that i might ruin my/her life by doing something crazy and so is she, lets see what happens...

I just dont like that "Dont think as fvcking is the best that will happen to you right now because it isnt." because fvcking is not involved here at all, would you dump your wife/girl if you 2 couldnt do it for some reason? if you did then obviously it wouldnt be love

See thats where your wrong. If dumping my wife and letting her go would mean a better life for her and the kids and she knew this as well I would do it. Thats called love
Making sure you have an education so you two dont live on the street, thats called love
Not doing anything to protect you both from future experances that will come into play, thats just plane stupid

I see where youre getting at... and thats why our love looks more like obcession right? well different people have different kinds of love i guess... i dont believe you would be happy if you truly loved someone and had her go away from you, no matter how happy she would be.. its like some guy coming into your wifes life and making her happier then you ever did and since you "love " her and shes happy, youre happy as well? The thing i care most if having her close to me, feeling her affection, showing her / being show how much we care about each other etc

Well you nailed it right on the head. What you have is an obssesion. If you feel only you and no one else can have her even if it means ruining her life so that YOU can be he one that does it and no one else your obsessed with her. If you feel that she doesnt need an education and neither do you so you can drag each other through the mud just so you can have her to yourself, that is obsession. If you can left her go a bit and have a life, an education, and not smother her then that is love.

And yes I love my wife so much that if letting her go to another man that can provide for her, give my children what they need because I cannot I would. That to me is the deapest kind of love there is because I wouldnt be selfish keeping her in a hell hole with me if I know she can be better off if I was not in the picture. If your having thoughts of if I cant have her no one can have her that is very unhealthy. You two are still very young and have let your emotions for one another cloud the big picture around you. Stop being obssesed and you two need to take a breath. Finish school and over summer brake be together as much as you can and get it all out of your system. By the time summer is over you two will hate each other because all you were doing is being together.

I wish I could beat more sense into your head but I am falling asleep as I been writing this to help you to understand. I will follo wup more with you in the morning and feel free to PM me for I trully have been in your shoes and can help you to see the light.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
Originally posted by: HotChic
I'm going to give a different viewpoint than some of the others in this thread.

OP, to me you sound more mature than lots of the people your age - the ones who are out for sex and skip from girlfriend from girlfriend. You have a sense of committment and, though your feelings are certainly coloured by early stage infatuation too, you seem like you have a genuine affection and love for this girl.

On the other hand, your way of expressing yourself comes across as less mature than you are probably capable of being. Also, you are directing your frustration at her parents, which is an inappropriate response. It's fine to be frustrated, but what you should be frustrated at is a combination of your age and the situation. You also should not allow your frustration to cloud your perspective. If you take a step back, you'd be able to see that both you and your girlfriend absolutely need a foundation in life, for a myriad of reasons, that that is a reasonable priority. That doesn't make things any less frustrating, but it does mean that you need to make responsible decisions based on what's best for both of you.

If you do truly love this girl, you'll be able to put her best interest ahead of your desires. You will also be able to wait and continue to build your relationship no matter what restrictions are between you in the meantime. In fact, obstacles like that usually strengthen relationships.

Thanks for your words, and yes, for better or worse i love her in a way i feel i could die for her, and she feels the same, when shes sad, im sad, when she cries or so i feel my heart shrinking and have to do everything i can do cheer her up, its just so hard to put up with the distance and waiting...some days i just feel like sleeping until we can be together again, were gonna be together next week, and we will decide where to go to then... lets wait and see

Edit - Also , i dont believe we will let go off each other the next time we meet, its getting more and more painful every time, she cries, i cry, its like taking away half of you and you feel empty until you are with her again, while every single minute i spend with her seems like a dream, things that would usually agravate me or bore me dont, things that should be normal are fun when her is around, you know the feeling... theres nothing in life that comes even CLOSE to this.. unfortunately i believe fewer people get to know this kind of love nowadays, its more about sex and lust, and then they think it doesnt exist... what a shame

Now that I've read some more of this thread and this discussion...

OP, you are reacting in much more immature way than you ought to react, and much less maturely than you are capable of reacting. Think with your head, not just your heart. You need to focus on what's best for both you and girlfriend right now, and not just what's best for your feelings but for your lives and family relationships.

You protested in this thread that you can't plan without her to plan too. That is absolutely untrue and you need to stand up and recognize that. Step back and map out, just as an exercise, some plans for your life together. Plans that would include living together now, like you want, and plans that follow the line her parents are mandating. Spend some time considering practicalities, weighing the importance of things impartially, without using feelings as the determining factor. Without some practice in real life planning, you will never get to the point you want to be. If you start being responsible and realistic now, you may wind up at that point sooner than you otherwise would, though it probably still won't be extremely soon.

To truly be responsible in this relationship, you need to learn how to recognize what is best for your girlfriend and encourage her in it, even when she disagrees and those become tough discussions. That's an adult way to act, to help coach one another through difficult times, like separation.

To those who are saying here that you're young and they know the outcome, you can't argue. They might even be right. But you definitely can't prove them wrong. All you can do is take one appropriate step at a time, make one right choice NOW, rather than forecasting into an uncertain future.


Oct 10, 2000
great this turns into a soap opera :roll:

, i dont believe we will let go off each other the next time we meet, its getting more and more painful every time, she cries, i cry, its like taking away half of you and you feel empty until you are with her again, while every single minute i spend with her seems like a dream, things that would usually agravate me or bore me dont, things that should be normal are fun when her is around, you know the feeling

ummm .... you need prozac


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Frostwake
not to slam you but you sound like my college roomate who thought there was nothing in life but his girl. He married her at age 22. They divorced 9 months after.

Im/Were not thinking of getting married, ever lol i dont see the point really, just more paper work

That's not an encouraging viewpoint to her parents. How does it sound to you?

"I'm desperately in love with your daughter, I'll never leave her, I'll take care of her, I want to be with her!"
"When do you want to get married?"
"Why would we get married?"

Marriage is more than paperwork. There are legal protections, socially binding committments, and other things that show you are serious. You can't say you're as serious as you've been going on about and then be so cavelier about marriage without undermining your own statements of committment.


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: HotChic
Originally posted by: Frostwake
not to slam you but you sound like my college roomate who thought there was nothing in life but his girl. He married her at age 22. They divorced 9 months after.

Im/Were not thinking of getting married, ever lol i dont see the point really, just more paper work

That's not an encouraging viewpoint to her parents. How does it sound to you?

"I'm desperately in love with your daughter, I'll never leave her, I'll take care of her, I want to be with her!"
"When do you want to get married?"
"Why would we get married?"

Marriage is more than paperwork. There are legal protections, socially binding committments, and other things that show you are serious. You can't say you're as serious as you've been going on about and then be so cavelier about marriage without undermining your own statements of committment.

isn't this kid 14 years old?
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