Why do people buy movies?

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Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
occasionally, i will watch a movie a gazillion times (super troopers)

The library of movies I own is often used as a setpeice of entertainment to bring everyone together. Once you have enough movies, you often have the perfect thing to watch.


Dec 11, 2000
Bluray is ass. It's ONLY useful if you have the players, which are ungodly expensive still. You need a new tv, which are expensive. The discs themselves are BRUTALLY expensive. They give hardly ANY measurable improvement to 99% of films out there. In fact, all the DRM and online bonus feature issues surrounding bluray make them pretty much worse than DVD in every category. Out of all my hundreds of friends and acquaintances I know exactly one who owns a bluray player or disc.

While I agree with most of your post, this is absolute fail. Ungodly expensive players? There are a lot of good deals going around these days; many "Buy TV get a free player" deals, BB currently has 11 BRD players UNDER 200 bucks, or hell, get a PS3 for 300 and play games/stream Netflix as well.

Discs are BRUTALLY expensive? A third of my collection cost me 15/BRD. Hell, I just bought Monster's, Inc, UP, Cars, and Braveheart for a grandtotal of 62 bucks. Just about 15/movie, not that brutal, eh? You just need to wait for sales.

No improvement over 99% of films out there? That's absolutely absurd. It just proves you to be ignorant. Hell, check out http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1168342 and see that MOST BRDs are significantly better than their DVD counterparts. Of course, there are some that are not - but not even close to the majority.

DRM and online bonus features make them worse in every category? What does this even mean? I've never had any problem with my BRDs.


Feb 18, 2004
maybe a couple.. what? a couple people watch movies more than twice, versus hundreds upon hundreds of people?

Or... that people might watch a movie a couple times, but not hundreds upon hundreds of times?
it seems weird to me that someone might have hundreds upon hundreds of movies that they actively watch and re-watch on a regular basis.

different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I grew up with a hoarder... I'm very anti collecting anything unless I have a specific reason for it (books that I reference things out of, comic books that are worth money, etc).


Dec 11, 2000
why spend $20 on something you'd get 2 hours of entertainment out of when you can spend less on netflix for dozens of hours of entertainment?

I can see the point if you've got kids, but personally, I very very rarely watch a movie more than once by choice.

I just bought 24 movies for 40 bucks, that's $1.77 a movie. That's about a dollar/hour for entertainment.

I also bought all 7 sevens of 24 for 13.99 a piece. That's 118 hours of entertainment (with commercials removed) for 98 bucks. That's 83 CENTS an hour for entertainment. Not too shabby.
May 16, 2000
While I agree with most of your post, this is absolute fail. Ungodly expensive players? There are a lot of good deals going around these days; many "Buy TV get a free player" deals, BB currently has 11 BRD players UNDER 200 bucks, or hell, get a PS3 for 300 and play games/stream Netflix as well.

Buying a $700 tv to get a free media player isn't my idea of a good deal...especially since my tv is perfectly adequate. I can pick up a dvd player for $30.

Discs are BRUTALLY expensive? A third of my collection cost me 15/BRD. Hell, I just bought Monster's, Inc, UP, Cars, and Braveheart for a grandtotal of 62 bucks. Just about 15/movie, not that brutal, eh? You just need to wait for sales.

I have almost never paid over $10 for a dvd, with probably 75% of my collection being less than $5 each. When multiplied over many hundreds of movies that difference is the equivalent of a full time job for a year.

No improvement over 99% of films out there? That's absolutely absurd. It just proves you to be ignorant. Hell, check out http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1168342 and see that MOST BRDs are significantly better than their DVD counterparts. Of course, there are some that are not - but not even close to the majority.

There's just no discernable quality difference between my remastered Quiet Man on DVD and the reissued Quiet Man on BluRay. For newer movies with tons of effects and higher grade recording, sure, if you have good enough home components you might see some minor differences...but for the vast majority of movies there's just nothing there. It's only a way for the distribution companies to get another round of money out of the consumers.

DRM and online bonus features make them worse in every category? What does this even mean? I've never had any problem with my BRDs.

While drm cracks come out faster than a pop-stars tits at a rave, the entire bluray format was designed with draconian drm in mind. It's a 'hand the keys to the executive' format, and that pisses me off.

The idea of downloadable content and bonus features is fine if you want it (which I don't), but only if it doesn't create tiered offerings that lead to losses of privacy, wasted time, or inequitable purchases (ie getting less on a disc because the rest of the content must be downloaded). It can also be used to leverage people to convert to bluray by putting the best features online only, preventing dvd holders from accessing them...in effect marginalizing those consumers.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
it seems weird to me that someone might have hundreds upon hundreds of movies that they actively watch and re-watch on a regular basis.

different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I grew up with a hoarder... I'm very anti collecting anything unless I have a specific reason for it (books that I reference things out of, comic books that are worth money, etc).

I'll be honest, a good number of movies I buy are impulse buys that i'll watch once and maybe the special features if that.

Payday - check SD/Amazon - see what Blu ray's are on sale.

Go to Best Buy after work, check out to see if anything is on sale that I want. Or if there's some urge to see a movie right then and there and it's not stupidly priced.. buy it then.

I don't mind paying for movies I guess, I find them entertaining.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000

to go to the movie theatre would cost me $10 a ticket. since i usually go with my wife or kids it is over $20 to go. then i have to sit in sticky seats, people talking or having t hem walk in front of me.

i can buy the movie for $14and pause it or whatever when i want.

We do have netflix but some movies we watch enoguh to justify the $14

and i agree this is one of the dumbest fucking questions asked here.


Sep 11, 2005
I never understood why people buy movies. A rental these days is what, $5 or so? You'd have to watch a movie ~3 times to get your money's worth. I can't think of many movies that I've watched more than twice.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I decided to check out what netflix was all about... wow I'm impressed. Once I get a big screen TV I might consider getting an account. I usually just torrent but that's hit and miss, can't always get what you want, and speeds vary.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Buying a $700 tv to get a free media player isn't my idea of a good deal...especially since my tv is perfectly adequate. I can pick up a dvd player for $30.

I'm with you on owning physical copies, but come on... this is just a silly argument. No one (or rather VERY VERY FEW people) goes to the store thinking "I want the latest greatest media player... I guess I better spend $700+ on a new TV to take advantage of it!" Typically (as with myself recently) it's the exact opposite. You're in the market for a new TV because your old one is showing it's age. HDTV is catching on, Blu-Ray is growing, and if your budget allows, why not take advantage of new tech? I recently upgraded from a 27" Sony CRT to a 50" Panasonic Plasma. I got a PS3 at the same time because I wanted a Blu-Ray player to take advantage of it. Upgraded my cable box to an HD receiver too (even though I mostly just watch movies). I couldn't be happier with it.

I've been extremely pleased with 99% of my Blu-Ray purchases so far. Most of the ones that are poor transfers are older movies that I got from Circuit City when they went belly-up and were selling BD movies for $5 a pop. New releases I try to research to make sure I'm getting my moneys worth. And with my new plasma, I feel a good BD transfer is WELL worth the premium. Many movie enthusiasts share the sentiment.

As for the rest of this thread. Talk about epic trolling. People are seriously going to waste their time hating on others who like collecting movies? Does it make you feel good to denigrate those who have hobbies different from your own? Get a fucking life people.

PS: I have a moderate DVD/BD collection... my favorites I might have watched around 10 times (ya srsly) depending on how long I've had them. A couple I watch ritually with certain friends (like some do with Rocky Horror) on an annual basis. The ones at the bottom of the bin I still have probably watched 3 times. I only buy when I know I'll watch them many times over.

PPS: Coraline on Blu-Ray BLEW MY MIND. Decent movie, brilliant picture quality.


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2008
Why do people buy things? I really don't get it. The only things I own are ones bought for me without me asking for them. How many times do you really need to use a thing?

What is the appeal?


Dec 11, 2000
Buying a $700 tv to get a free media player isn't my idea of a good deal...especially since my tv is perfectly adequate. I can pick up a dvd player for $30.

And you can pick up a BRD player for $130 which gives you access to MUCH higher quality films. $130 isn't exactly a bank breaker. I'm glad your TV is adequate and BR might not be for YOU, but to argue that it's a waste is just absurd.

I have almost never paid over $10 for a dvd, with probably 75% of my collection being less than $5 each. When multiplied over many hundreds of movies that difference is the equivalent of a full time job for a year.

Coincidentally, I almost never pay more than $15 for a BRD, so I'm only spending 5 bucks more than you on a DVD. Sure, you're able to get some DVDs for 5 bucks, but I'm not still buying BRD version of those movies as there often aren't copies of those older films. I still buy more DVDs/month on average than BRDs/month because yes, they are more expensive, but not BRUTAL as you suggest.

There's just no discernable quality difference between my remastered Quiet Man on DVD and the reissued Quiet Man on BluRay. For newer movies with tons of effects and higher grade recording, sure, if you have good enough home components you might see some minor differences...but for the vast majority of movies there's just nothing there. It's only a way for the distribution companies to get another round of money out of the consumers.

Troll post is troll. That's all this is, trolling. Some of the older films are not THAT much better, sure, but MOST movies are MUCH better on BRD. You just said "but for the vast majority of movies there's just nothing there. " and that is just a blatant lie. Look at the AVS forum, http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1168342, lists a few hundred titles that are BETTER than DVD. Period. End of story. Obviously older movies are not going to gain as much improvement (like your selection from the 50's) because they simply weren't filmed on high quality media (relative to today's media). That is NOT a failing of BRD, you just can't make something out of nothing. This is a worthless point on your behalf.


Jul 18, 2000
I never understood why people buy movies. A rental these days is what, $5 or so? You'd have to watch a movie ~3 times to get your money's worth. I can't think of many movies that I've watched more than twice.

I currently have about 300 Blu-ray movies, and I buy them for a few reasons:

1. I don't go to the movie theaters. I feel that building a good movie library is MUCH cheaper than me posting bail for punching some ass face behind me kicking my seat or having his cell phone go off AND answering it AND talking in a normal voice while the movie is going on. :|

2. I get to watch a movie whenever I want. No waiting for Netflix. No wanting to watch a movie on a holiday when you know you can't go out and rent it because the store is closed. I just walk over to my movie shelf, pick out the one I want and start watching it. This is extremely convenient when friends or relatives are over my place and want to watch a movie.

3. I don't get pissed when I receive a movie from Netflix that won't play because the person before me was either chewing on the disc or skating around a concrete floor with the disc stuck to the bottom of their shoes.

4. I don't like putting sh!tty used/rented movies in my Blu-ray player. When I take the movie out of my case, I know it will be perfect. No scratches, no cracks. Just a perfect disc.

5. No waiting. I get the movie when I want it. No waiting in a "queue" or waiting for someone to return a movie. If I want to watch a movie, I just go to Best Buy and pick it up. However I do get most of my movies from Amazon.

Anyway, those are my reasons. And yes, I LOVE having a movie library at my disposal. And call me crazy, but I also buy my games.
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Jan 28, 2002
Why do people buy things? I really don't get it. The only things I own are ones bought for me without me asking for them. How many times do you really need to use a thing?

What is the appeal?

You never owned a toothbrush, washcloth or deodorant until someone bought them for you.

No wonder you didn't need to ask?
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Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
You see, if some of you didn't live in your mother's basement, you might actually have company over sometime. And every once in a while, you might all decide to watch a movie. At that point, usually your guests get to pick a movie from your library, however big or small it is.

Also, regarding the "huge" cost of a newer television. How about the cost of going to a theater, only to not enjoy the show thanks to people talking on cell phones, inconsiderate kids, etc. I don't buy new releases, but even if I did, $15 is a hell of a lot cheaper than it would cost for me and my wife to go to the movies. With a big screen television & quality sound system, it's almost the exact same experience - without the sticky floor, overpriced popcorn & drinks, and rude people. Plus, there's that "pause" button thing if you have to go to the bathroom midway through the movie.


Nov 17, 2004
I love owning movies, especially blurays now that I have something to play them in.

New tv, new surround sound setup - albeit a budget one...

For me it's all about hibernation. I needed a decent starter setup for the winter, and I LOVE owning movies to enjoy it with! It's all fairly new to me but when I watch Band of Brothers on bluray in the comfort of my own home, I feel like I'm really kicking ass at life.

I definitely want a more extensive home theater in the future when I finish my basement, and I'm sure before all is said and done, I'll own hundreds of movies on bluray!

Owning movies is FTW. I see where some kids are coming from with the whole, "omg buying movies is so lame lolololol" mentality... I'm not THAT far removed from when I felt the same way


Nov 17, 2004
I currently have about 300 Blu-ray movies, and I buy them for a few reasons:

1. I don't go to the movie theaters. I feel that building a good movie library is MUCH cheaper than me posting bail for punching some ass face behind me kicking my seat or having his cell phone go off AND answering it AND talking in a normal voice while the movie is going on. :|

2. I get to watch a movie whenever I want. No waiting for Netflix. No wanting to watch a movie on a holiday when you know you can't go out and rent it because the store is closed. I just walk over to my movie shelf, pick out the one I want and start watching it. This is extremely convenient when friends or relatives are over my place and want to watch a movie.

3. I don't get pissed when I receive a movie from Netflix that won't play because the person before me was either chewing on the disc or skating around a concrete floor with the disc stuck to the bottom of their shoes.

4. I don't like putting sh!tty used/rented movies in my Blu-ray player. When I take the movie out of my case, I know it will be perfect. No scratches, no cracks. Just a perfect disc.

5. No waiting. I get the movie when I want it. No waiting in a "queue" or waiting for someone to return a movie. If I want to watch a movie, I just go to Best Buy and pick it up. However I do get most of my movies from Amazon.

Anyway, those are my reasons. And yes, I LOVE having a movie library at my disposal. And call me crazy, but I also buy my games.
awesome post, love it!


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Man, I buy tonnes of movies. I just bought two Blu-rays yesterday (Apocalypto which I have not seen yet and Elf, which is a Christmas movie I love) and plan on hitting the store tomorrow to get Fight Club, which finally comes out here on Blu-ray, and Christmas Vacation (lost my DVD).

I re-watch stuff I own all the time and like having them in all of their Blu-ray glory if possible.



Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2000
i am buying Star Trek Blu-ray tomorrow, and Rome Blu-ray probably next week. yeaaaa! i love owning Blu-rays, but don't care for DVDs quite as much...i'm really impressed with the quality of them.
Feb 6, 2007
Man, I buy tonnes of movies. I just bought two Blu-rays yesterday (Apocalypto which I have not seen yet and Elf, which is a Christmas movie I love) and plan on hitting the store tomorrow to get Fight Club, which finally comes out here on Blu-ray, and Christmas Vacation (lost my DVD).

I re-watch stuff I own all the time and like having them in all of their Blu-ray glory if possible.


Elf came out on Blu-ray? Is it only a Canadian release?


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
I only buy movies that I know I will watch more than once., e.g. Office Space


Nov 18, 2005
I currently have about 300 Blu-ray movies, and I buy them for a few reasons:

1. I don't go to the movie theaters. I feel that building a good movie library is MUCH cheaper than me posting bail for punching some ass face behind me kicking my seat or having his cell phone go off AND answering it AND talking in a normal voice while the movie is going on. :|

2. I get to watch a movie whenever I want. No waiting for Netflix. No wanting to watch a movie on a holiday when you know you can't go out and rent it because the store is closed. I just walk over to my movie shelf, pick out the one I want and start watching it. This is extremely convenient when friends or relatives are over my place and want to watch a movie.

3. I don't get pissed when I receive a movie from Netflix that won't play because the person before me was either chewing on the disc or skating around a concrete floor with the disc stuck to the bottom of their shoes.

4. I don't like putting sh!tty used/rented movies in my Blu-ray player. When I take the movie out of my case, I know it will be perfect. No scratches, no cracks. Just a perfect disc.

5. No waiting. I get the movie when I want it. No waiting in a "queue" or waiting for someone to return a movie. If I want to watch a movie, I just go to Best Buy and pick it up. However I do get most of my movies from Amazon.

Anyway, those are my reasons. And yes, I LOVE having a movie library at my disposal. And call me crazy, but I also buy my games.

well the great thing with blu-ray... renting is not a worrisome event whatsoever.
I have let myself get very lazy with my BD discs, be it a movie or game, though I still baby any DVDs. BD I have used random materials to wipe finger prints off, no problems. Not a single rented disc has had anything but oil smudges on them, again, wipe off with whatever is handy.
Retail BDs are by far the most durable optical media I have ever encountered. The protective coating applied to the entire disc is very impressive, you have to literally try with extreme effort to scratch a BD.

However, for most movies I watch, I'd rather own. But quite a few I expect I'll only want to watch once, maybe twice, so I'll continue to use Blockbuster Online (with in-store exchanges) for such movies. Never worried about a rented BD surprising me by them being in any condition other than perfect, minus the occasional finger print smudge.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Elf came out on Blu-ray? Is it only a Canadian release?

Nope, I bought it in the United States of America (I was in Seattle all weekend).


Edit: was $19.99 at Best Buy FYI.
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Feb 18, 2004
You see, if some of you didn't live in your mother's basement, you might actually have company over sometime. And every once in a while, you might all decide to watch a movie. At that point, usually your guests get to pick a movie from your library, however big or small it is.
are all old people get togethers that boring?
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