Why do people hate ATT?


Senior member
Jan 18, 2007
These days, it seems like every gadget blog and online tech forum all have one thing in common when it comes to the iPhone, they love the iPhone but absolutely loathe ATT. User comments generally go along those lines with the requisite "i'm going to dump ATT as soon as the iPhone comes out on Verizon." Now i'm by no means an ATT fan for a variety of reasons but I can't help but think this is a typical case of the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I'll be the first to admit that the iPhone plans offered by ATT are expensive by any standards but even more so when compared to the iPhone plans offered in other countries. I know for a fact that Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan offers an iPhone plan starting at approximately $30/month. Even compared to other ATT plans, iPhone users are paying a premium for the plans they are getting. That beings said, ATT is subsidizing an expensive piece of hardware and I can't really blame them for trying to make a profit off of their investments.

ATT's inability to keep up with the iPhone's features like MMS or tethering etc. has also been a source of complaints levied against ATT, especially when compared to other countries who have already implemented these features. Again, I don't have hard numbers to back up my claims but I really doubt the other countries telecom companies have as large of an iPhone customer base in as vast of an area as the United States. The only country I can think of that comes close is China and last i checked they just began to officially offer the iPhone a month ago. So while ATT is lagging behind other telecom companies in this sense, i'm willing to give them a pass because they're in a no-win situation. If they rushed to roll out MMS and tethering before they were sure their networks could handle the inevitable rush of traffic and it collapsed, the resulting PR nightmare would be just as bad, if not worse than if they took their time to make sure their networks could handle it.

By far the biggest complain against ATT is that their networks suck compared to Verizon's network. I'll be the first to admit that i've never used Verizon because I go to Asia a lot and need my phone to support GSM and not CDMA. But I have a lot of friends that are with Verizon and I have not encountered one instance where I didn't have signal and my Verizon counterparts did. Until the Droid comes out, Verizon does not have a phone that has the multi-media, internet capabilities of the iPhone and even then, it will take years, if ever, before the network demands of Droid users come close to the sheer number of people with iPhones. If all these iPhone users were on Verizon's network, whose to say they wouldn't encounter the same problems? I know for a fact that prior to the iPhone, i never once accessed the internet from my phone and I now avg about 400 MB of data usage per month and I'm pretty sure i'm not alone in that regard. That astronomical increase creates a huge burden on any network.

ATT is by no means perfect but every time I hear these complaints about them, I feel slightly indignant for ATT because I do feel that they're working on improving their network infrastructure. This is 100% anecdotal but when I first got my iphone, my house was pretty much a complete dead zone with spotty reception at best and now i have 75%-100% full bars throughout the house and haven't had a dropped call in my house since. I do hope Verizon offers the iPhone as well simply because competition would result in better deals on iPhone plans for us, the customer. I won't hesitate to switch to Verizon's iPhone plan if it is a better deal. And if nothing else, the exodus of iPhone users on ATT networks would help alleviate the network congestion on ATTs networks.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Now i'm by no means an ATT fan for a variety of reasons but I can't help but think this is a typical case of the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I can't say that I've ever used ATT, but I'd guess that you're probably right. If ATT was really as bad as people say, they'd have been out of business long before the iPhone was released.

So while ATT is lagging behind other telecom companies in this sense, i'm willing to give them a pass because they're in a no-win situation. If they rushed to roll out MMS and tethering before they were sure their networks could handle the inevitable rush of traffic and it collapsed, the resulting PR nightmare would be just as bad, if not worse than if they took their time to make sure their networks could handle it.

I wouldn't give them a pass for that, the iPhone has been out for how long now? I was dumbfounded when I found out that the iPhone didn't have MMS capability, although I don't know how much of that was Apple's fault initially.

Until the Droid comes out, Verizon does not have a phone that has the multi-media, internet capabilities of the iPhone

What is the Storm missing that makes you discount it?


Sep 11, 2005
I've been an AT&T customer for roughly 8 years now and I can't complain. Coverage is good, the service is reliable, and the phone selection is decent. I always hear people claiming that their carrier is the best for one reason or another and that I should switch. Honestly though, each carrier has its pros and cons. You go with who you like and leave it at that.

Feb 10, 2000
The thing about cell carriers is that their performance is highly location-specific. I was a Verizon guy for about a decade before moving to AT&T when the iPhone 3G came out. I have had nothing but positive experiences with AT&T, and don't really care about the features they lagged in providing - I have sent maybe 1 MMS message in my life, and with the Facebook app on my iPhone will probably never send one again. I love my iPhone a lot more than I loved Verizon (which I always liked a lot), and in some ways prefer AT&T (in particular, their website and electronic billing is easier to use, at least compared to the state Verizon was in when I switched).

The thing is, though, AT&T performance is very bad in some major metro areas (especially NYC), so they get lambasted when compared to other carriers in those areas. The bottom line is that your mileage will always vary based on where you live.


Jul 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Now i'm by no means an ATT fan for a variety of reasons but I can't help but think this is a typical case of the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I can't say that I've ever used ATT, but I'd guess that you're probably right. If ATT was really as bad as people say, they'd have been out of business long before the iPhone was released.

So while ATT is lagging behind other telecom companies in this sense, i'm willing to give them a pass because they're in a no-win situation. If they rushed to roll out MMS and tethering before they were sure their networks could handle the inevitable rush of traffic and it collapsed, the resulting PR nightmare would be just as bad, if not worse than if they took their time to make sure their networks could handle it.

I wouldn't give them a pass for that, the iPhone has been out for how long now? I was dumbfounded when I found out that the iPhone didn't have MMS capability, although I don't know how much of that was Apple's fault initially.

Until the Droid comes out, Verizon does not have a phone that has the multi-media, internet capabilities of the iPhone

What is the Storm missing that makes you discount it?

Really the storm? have you used one?

If anything the Bold but the iPhone's web browser is better


Senior member
Jan 18, 2007
Well, I have friends with the Bold, Curve and Storm and I must say, i wasn't a fan of any of them. Curve keyboard is way too cramped. The storm's ui is kinda cool but nothing spectacular but the clicking/depression of the screen felt weird. The much ballyhooed trackball works but I find the touchscreen controllers to be much more intuitive. The Bold browser is still mostly HTML based from my brief experiences with it and leaves much to be desired, imho. I guess my point is that while BB users swear by their blackberries, I've found the interface really hard to get used and it takes some time for a newbie to adjust to the phones interface while the iPhone's seem much more intuitive. BBM is really cool though and I wish the iPhone had a similar version built in since it seems like most of my friends are upgrading to an iPhone and it would save me a ton of money from my text plan.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Really the storm? have you used one?

Yes, I have one and besides the default media player not being that great I still don't see what multimedia and Internet capabilities are missing.

If anything the Bold but the iPhone's web browser is better

The Storm's included browser is ok, I tend to use Bolt instead most of the time though.

but the clicking/depression of the screen felt weird.

That's one of the things I liked about the Storm. I can slide my finger around to highlight/select what I want and not click until I actually push a little bit.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: JC86
I know for a fact that Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan offers an iPhone plan starting at approximately $30/month. Even compared to other ATT plans, iPhone users are paying a premium for the plans they are getting.

Ummm, you heard that wrong. I'm living in Taipei at the moment (my new job requires me to stay here 6 months out of the year) and Chunghwa Telecom does NOT have an iPhone specific plan.

They have a "best value" bundle plan and that's NT$1349 (or USD$42) per month which includes unlimited internet (20% off their mobile internet plan) and a voice plan.

The mobile internet plan dubbed "mPro" is their generic mobile internet plan. If you want internet on your smartphone you sign up for the mPro plan. If you want a metered plan with a smaller data bucket instead of unlimited, they'll let you. IN FACT, if you chose to get an iPhone you get an ADDITIONAL 20% off their mPro prices. So that's hardly "paying a premium for the plans they're getting". Oh wait, there's more- their iPhone deals actually gives FREE text messages (100 or 200/month) while EVERYONE ELSE has to pay additional for it.

They also offer different levels of carrier subsidy depending on what plan you get. With AT&T, it's either $99 for 3G 8GB, $199 for 3GS 16 and $299 for 3GS 32. Not much freedom or incentives to move up in your plans.

Also with their iPhone promotions, you're required to prepay I think NT$16,000 (US$500) of monthly service upfront, but you get a bonus of nearly USD$100 with that prepayment (i.e., pay US$500 worth of bills and that counts as USD$600).

Second of all, their mPro plan includes an Exchange sync server. AT&T does not. You're also allowed to tether with Chunghwa Telecom for no additional cost. Even more, in Taiwan iPhones are sold UNLOCKED so you're free to move to whoever you want when the contract is over and keep the same phone.

So your "iPhone users have to pay a premium for everything" is simply false with CHT. I'd jump on it if I didn't get my AT&T 3G unlocked and use another provider instead. You wanna talk about paying a premium in Taiwan? Try BlackBerry and Taiwan Mobile. God, NT$990/month for BIS plus voice and a 30-month contract? In fact, Chunghwa Telecom's bundle deal for the iPhone is so good that PEOPLE ARE SIGNING UP FOR THE CONTRACTS AND DUMPING THEIR IPHONES FOR A PROFIT JUST TO KEEP THE PLANS.

Think I'm lying? http://mpro.emome.net/iPhone_Rate_Plan_CHT.pdf

...now, onto AT&T. I'm indifferent about AT&T. They've actually treated me fairly well AFTER I switched over to their business side. Without a FAN, be prepared for horrific wait times and CS reps who just didn't care. AT&T does have great coverage in all the places I've lived in, but so did T-Mobile. It's essentially a monopoly when it comes to AT&T though, if you want service with a GSM provider that has 3G. T-Mobile's network is a joke at this point.

I'm not too sure with Verizon as I've never had service with them on their postpaid side. However, their prepaid department is exceptional when it comes to customer service, non of that second-class treatment AT&T's GoPhone and T-Mobile's prepaid arm give you.

AT&T also does not spend any real effort improving their network. They sure talk the talk with their commercials, but does nothing to back it up. I had an OptionGT ExpressCard HSDPA modem a while back prior to iPhone 3G's "flooding the network". In San Diego, CA, I used to be able to pull 1Mbps to 1.2Mbps consistently with my card in '06. A year later the very same card was only able to achieve 700-800kbps on the same laptop. What happened? Seems fairly obvious that over the course of the year they added more subscribers but didn't bother to expand their network accordingly. They oversell their network and spend no effort improving capacity, and when problems really come by they turn around and blame it on the iPhone and use that as an excuse to add costs and withhold features like MMS and tethering.

Seems like a terrible business tactic to me. At least when airlines oversell their seats and have a problem, they try to make accommodations and compensate the affected customers by giving them free seat upgrades, coupons or money.


Oct 11, 1999
I had an ATT contract back in the day, I'm not a coverage nazi, am much more of a customer service nazi.

Every time I have ever called ATT for any kind of customer service, I'm drawn into a horrible mash of bureaucracy that makes me want to slit my wrists.

Matter of fact, one time I kept track of all of the calls and the names and responses given by customer service, emailed the mess to some minor demon in corporate or other, and was given 6 months of service for free for all the miserable customer service I got.

That was a long time ago.

Nowdays, I get the distinct feeling some can't afford a ~$100/month cell phone bill for an iPhone and use the coverage as an excuse.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Parasitic, that was long and fascinating, but he said "Even compared to other ATT plans, iPhone users are paying a premium for the plans they are getting." which solely focuses on AT&T.

You omitted the first part of his paragraph which lays out that especially compared to other countries AT&T iPhone customers are paying more for less.

Context clues mofo!


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: TheStu
Parasitic, that was long and fascinating, but he said "Even compared to other ATT plans, iPhone users are paying a premium for the plans they are getting." which solely focuses on AT&T.

You omitted the first part of his paragraph which lays out that especially compared to other countries AT&T iPhone customers are paying more for less.

Context clues mofo!

Oops...well it was late when I wrote it, and the noises in Taipei kept annoying me. Still, what I said remains true. Just because AT&T is subsidizing iPhone at a substantial rate it doesn't mean they can't come up with better plans or treat their customers better.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
When I hear people complain about ATT I try to ignore it and just assume they are either impatient or just like to whine. The big issue lately is how ATT was so slow to implement MMS on the iphone. Well how much of that wait time was Apples fault? The iPhone has been out for a few years now and Apple just released an OS capable of sending and receiving MMS.

Ive been an ATT customer for about 8 years and an iPhone customer for about 6 months and I have never had any major problems with them. 3G coverage in San Francisco is very good. They have good customer service, every time I have called, the wait time is short and I have spoken with someone who speaks English.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
i had at&t years ago and had TONS of issues, pre-3g i think, so i dropped them and went to Verizon for almost 2 years, worked great no complaints, pricey but fine. then iphone came around and i went back to at&t and after all the shit talk i hear it has really been great, i could probably count the amount of dropped calls on my hand. I actually save over 20$ a month WITH an iphone & the data plan as to what i was paying verizon. so even if verizon came out with the iphone i wouldn't switch to pay more for the same service.


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
I dont care much about ATT even though in some areas where I live has some problem getting connected to...I am glad iPhone has WIFI built in where I can find WIFI hotspot to connect to. I love my iPhone 3Gs
Tmobile has problems too when I had a Sidekick 3 but still I don't care I love my Sidekick 3


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
i dont...i just hate how they charge way more than some of the other carriers - especially to use an iphone. i also dont like how they charged $10-15 more for a 3G/3GS monthly plan than the original iphone.

coverage wise, they have been great. not a single dropped call, and i get coverage everywhere (except in the basement of the house).
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