Why do people hate on Christians so much?

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Nov 23, 2003
I'm annoyed by the fake persecution complex some Christians are taking in this country.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Strk
I'm annoyed by the fake persecution complex some Christians are taking in this country.

EXACTLY! What is happening is that Christians have been so used to getting their way throughout the years (see prayer in schools) that once there is a pushed against their beliefs, they start crying "Christians are being attacked!" The simple fact is, people are tired of them pushing their bullsh!t rules on them.


Dec 5, 2000
i think a good bit has to do with them trying to regulate what people can watch on tv or listen on the radio, etc.


Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: kogase
People, especially Americans, hate anyone who tries to tell them what to do, or tells them they know what's best for them. Christians are very loud on this front, whether they are doing door-to-door proselytising or wide-scale political activism. Of course many people who say they hate Christians are making major generalizations. Episcopalians, for example, are very different from Southern Baptists.

I'm Catholic, and we don't do any "door to door" stuff. In fact, we go to church, help the community, and try to be nice to each other. Yet, people focus on the small percentage of negative stuff that's happening in the church instead.

Our religion's baseline rule is "Love your fellow man", and we're getting crap about it. I don't get it.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: kogase
People, especially Americans, hate anyone who tries to tell them what to do, or tells them they know what's best for them. Christians are very loud on this front, whether they are doing door-to-door proselytising or wide-scale political activism. Of course many people who say they hate Christians are making major generalizations. Episcopalians, for example, are very different from Southern Baptists.

I'm Catholic, and we don't do any "door to door" stuff. In fact, we go to church, help the community, and try to be nice to each other. Yet, people focus on the small percentage of negative stuff that's happening in the church instead.

Our religion's baseline rule is "Love your fellow man", and we're getting crap about it. I don't get it.
The problem is your Priests are taking "Love your fellow man" to literally. Frankly I think in the case of Catholics it's the Church not the followers that are getting the bulk of the criticism, a lot of it from Catholics themselves.

BTW do you realize than a lot of Fundies don't even consider you guys Christian and consider your Church the "Whore of Babylon"?



Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: dogooder
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.

I agree. In my opinion, faith is poisonous.

I will say this - Buddhism isn't like the rest. "Question everything" is one thing that they say. Or right from The Buddha: ?In properly organized groups no faith is required; what is required is simply a little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins to verify all he hears the better it is for him? Accept nothing you cannot verify for yourself.?
I don't think Buddhism has been responsible for any kind of religious wars or outright oppression. But then, my history knowledge is somewhat less than thorough.

Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.
you are out of your fvckin mind.
He sounds right-on to me. The very basis of many religions actively discourages thinking. Look at Genesis - right away, God tells humans that knowledge is a bad thing. And don't question the teachings. That's blasphemy and you'll go to Hell for it. Don't think, just accept it on blind faith, and you'll go to Heaven.
An organized religion that asks its followers to kindly refrain from thinking and just do what they're told.....it sounds quite dangerous to me.

Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I'm an Atheist and I don't hate the vast majority of Christians. Granted some of them annoy the hell out of me (read Funda Mental Cases) and I wish they'd mind their own business.

have you been an atheist your whole life or are you a convert?
Convert? How do you convert into not believing Fairy Tales?
answer my question without being insultive if possible.

were your parents atheists also?
Calling religion "fairy tales" isn't near to being insulting. I think that showed restraint compared to what some of us really think about organized religion.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Strk
I'm annoyed by the fake persecution complex some Christians are taking in this country.

fake persecution? Just look at this thread. Over half the people are bashing the religion, and you claim christians have a persecution complex? Give me a break.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Why do people hate the KKK?

As a side note, the KKK is an anti-Catholic but religious-based organization (Protestant I think? I don't remember exactly which denomination)


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Why do people hate the KKK?

As a side note, the KKK is an anti-Catholic but religious-based organization (Protestant I think? I don't remember exactly which denomination)

Comparing Christianity to the KKK is ludicrious, and just makes you look like a total idiot. Way to be a jackass.


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
Originally posted by: Strk
I'm annoyed by the fake persecution complex some Christians are taking in this country.

fake persecution? Just look at this thread. Over half the people are bashing the religion, and you claim christians have a persecution complex? Give me a break.

Yes, a bunch of computer geeks are picking on religion. The horrors Christians in America must face..... :roll:


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.

F U!

Why do so many assholes seek to redefine what Christians are about.

He did not do what you said he did. Fundamentalism != "what Christians are about"

Christians don't picket a homosexual kid's funeral with signs that say "God hates fags." Fundamentalist Christian groups do that, and they are the people that everyone does and should hate.

The problem with individuals like yourself and others who feel they're being persecuted is you take attacks on "Christian fundamentalists" too personally. Christians are not naturally fundamentalists. It's assholes like Fred Phelps that seek to redefine our religion.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: jjsole
I don't hate on Christians as much as I hate on Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism. They often lead to a foundation of judgementalism and hating of others under the guise of love.

This is one of the only intelligent replies in this entire thread, and I feel that it represents a majority of Americans' opinions on why people "hate Christians." Most people don't hate Christians, they hate a few select fundamentalists who happen to be Christian. This answers the OP's question.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.

I'd have to disagree here. I openly invite you investigate christiantiy (not catholcism) and arrive at your own conclusions. Of course people are allowed to question their leaders. It would be a cult otherwise and christianity is certainly not a cult.

I think the biggest problem today, and I see it a lot in this thread, is people lumping the catholic church together with all christians. Go in to any good bible teaching community church it change your perception of christians.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: timosyy
I hate to stick my head in a religious thread, but /shrug.

A lot of the reasons listed (especially that numerical list) are one of the main reasons the Protestants split off Catholicism. Just thought I'd throw that out there. And yes, It is annoying to have people throw their religion in your face. Heck, I'm Christian and I wince or smile embarassingly at the Jehovah Witnesses handing out New Testaments at college campuses or ringing at my door, and don't particularly enjoy (or would ever watch) the TV evangelists who seem more hypocritical than anything else. The Bible instructs its followers to pray inside, out of sight, and not boast it in the streets. Though I understand their calling as well, I do not feel it is as needed in America, a place "saturated" with Christianity as it is. In a way, Christianity really worked better as it originally started out: a source of hope for the broken, the religion of the slaves, prostitutes, beggars, tax-collectors.


People who attack Christianity all too often attack its people and not Christ/the belief itself. Understandable, of course, but people falter. It is the curse, some would say, of Adam's children (note I intended this to be a symbolic reference and not to open up a sidetracked discussion on creationism). Christianity itself is a rather interesting religion, and not so stuck up or egotistical as some would believe. It was a radical belief back in the day. Above all, it was intended as religion/teaching of compassion. I've taken several world religion/comparative religion classes and one thing that professors have always mentioned was that the early Christian church was one particularly marked by a sense of joy. And why not? It is a beautiful message, in my opinion. And intriguing enough that its held my intellectual attention thus far. How many texts this old are still so relevant today?

Besides, even the Bible itself is a fascinating (intellectual) study. Its not like it was written by one (mortal) man or even a group of men sitting around a room devising and scheming ways to get money out of people. We're talking about a text that was pieced together over centuries (heck, there are several centuries of silence seperating the Old and New Testaments), almost every book written by a different author, and with the exception of the Gospels, none of whom knew each other. That it is so consistant is something I consider amazing in and of itself. Yes, you can talk of the Nicene Council and its cannonizing of some books while leaving out others, but all they really did was simply canonize the books most early churches considered the official teachings, while leaving out the extremists/fringes. And while I do not doubt that leaders have used religion to control its people, I do not believe it is the intent of the religion itself. Christianity, itself, was meant as a source of hope (Grace vs. Karma) and not a tool of fear. People will bend things to serve their own (often perverted) needs.

very well written ..if more people would take the time to really look at christianity i'm sure they would hate it so much.



Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.

"Unfortunately, for reasons justifiable and unjustifiable, individuals hostile to belief in God often malign faith in Him as the lure of emotion clinging to an idea with the mind disengaged."

great quote from Ravi Z.

Why do people who are hostile towards God, believe that because someone has faith that they must be intellectually lacking?


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Davegod75
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.

"Unfortunately, for reasons justifiable and unjustifiable, individuals hostile to belief in God often malign faith in Him as the lure of emotion clinging to an idea with the mind disengaged."

great quote from Ravi Z.

Why do people who are hostile towards God, believe that because someone has faith that they must be intellectually lacking?

Because being able to apply the Scientific Method is the mark of at least some level of intelligence?


Golden Member
Jul 29, 2004
Criticism != persecution, mmkay? Persecution (in almost every case) can only occur by the majority upon the minority because it requires power.


Golden Member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Davegod75
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.

"Unfortunately, for reasons justifiable and unjustifiable, individuals hostile to belief in God often malign faith in Him as the lure of emotion clinging to an idea with the mind disengaged."

great quote from Ravi Z.

Why do people who are hostile towards God, believe that because someone has faith that they must be intellectually lacking?

I don't think most people find those with faith intellectually deficient, but rather that they chose not to exercise their intelligence (in a lot of respects). There are snart people with well-thought-out and (to thenm) rational reasons for belief. I don't find them convincing, but they do, that's their perogative. However, a majority of people never bother to figure out for themselves WHY they believe what they do. They just believe it, and when questioned can only say "well you have to have faith." This makes them sound like they are not using their (supposed) god-given intelligence.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Davegod75
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.

"Unfortunately, for reasons justifiable and unjustifiable, individuals hostile to belief in God often malign faith in Him as the lure of emotion clinging to an idea with the mind disengaged."

great quote from Ravi Z.

Why do people who are hostile towards God, believe that because someone has faith that they must be intellectually lacking?

Because being able to apply the Scientific Method is the mark of at least some level of intelligence?

Moreover the _inability_ to apply it (or any logical thought process) is a trait only present in children, animals, and religious people.



Jul 31, 2001
I dont hate all christians, only the ones that try to impose their moral code on everyone else, especially when they get involved in politics


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Atheus
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Because being able to apply the Scientific Method is the mark of at least some level of intelligence?

Moreover the _inability_ to apply it (or any logical thought process) is a trait only present in children, animals, and religious people.

Made my own point better than I could. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Jeff7

I will say this - Buddhism isn't like the rest. "Question everything" is one thing that they say. Or right from The Buddha: ?In properly organized groups no faith is required; what is required is simply a little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins to verify all he hears the better it is for him? Accept nothing you cannot verify for yourself.?

I've been a self-avowed Buddhist for about six years now and Shakyamuni Buddha did say, "Be a lamp unto yourself" which is basically the 'question everything' mentality. However I think one has to be careful to use the word "faith" because things are translated though many, many years, to be caught up in semantics can be, at times, silly. Such as in the above quote, what is the difference between "faith" and having "trust"? It's all the same, it just depends on what words you choose to hear. I am not so sure Shakyamuni Buddha said that, but I'll take your word for it.

Originally posted by: Jeff7
I don't think Buddhism has been responsible for any kind of religious wars or outright oppression. But then, my history knowledge is somewhat less than thorough.
As pro-Buddhist as I like to be, unfortunately it too - as with everything in the world - has had it's dark sides. You have the more common and cliche modern examples of Buddhist monks blessing Kamikaze pilots during World War II but it does go back further than that. One of the more lesser known things is how the Tibetan Buddhist wiped out the local shamanistic religions in Tibet. Apparently the Tibetan Buddhists were pretty fond of torturing and imprisoning people up until the Chinese kicked them out. The Tibetan monks stripped everybody of their personal land and if you weren't a monk, you were essentially a serf.
Or at least that is some of the stuff I have come across, who knows maybe I too am wrong. Don't get me wrong, that is not to say Tibetan Buddhist are all bad - reading a book now by H.H. the Dali Lama - but that is just to say not everything was peachy keen in the past either.

Originally posted by: Jeff7
He sounds right-on to me. The very basis of many religions actively discourages thinking. Look at Genesis - right away, God tells humans that knowledge is a bad thing. And don't question the teachings. That's blasphemy and you'll go to Hell for it. Don't think, just accept it on blind faith, and you'll go to Heaven.
An organized religion that asks its followers to kindly refrain from thinking and just do what they're told.....it sounds quite dangerous to me.

I don't think you could be more wrong.

I think most religions, in the grand scheme of thigns, encourage thinking. Hell, just take a look at how many univerisities that were started by the Catholic church. Many great scientists in the world were men and women of religions. The Vatican built one of the oldest observatories in the world. Throughout history Buddhist and Hindus have been know to be great logicians, then you have the entire mathematical and science advancements done by the Muslims back in the day. Yes, suppression of thought will be found in religion, however it can be found anywhere and is not clearly a trait only of religious groups.
Personaly I think you are using your point of view as some sort of excuse to attack religion when the reality is I don't think your opinion has much merit.

Originally posted by: Jeff7
Calling religion "fairy tales" isn't near to being insulting. I think that showed restraint compared to what some of us really think about organized religion.

Yes it is and it is a shame that you don't see it. I don't consider myself a practicing Christian in any way, however I don't go around and belittle other people's beliefs. I think that is just a wrong thing to do regardless of one's personal ideology.

Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Davegod75
Originally posted by: TheShiz
I don't hate them, its just blind acceptance of fairy tales tends to project lack of intelligence, so I just avoid them pretty much.

of course there are intelligent religious people, and stupid non religious people.

"Unfortunately, for reasons justifiable and unjustifiable, individuals hostile to belief in God often malign faith in Him as the lure of emotion clinging to an idea with the mind disengaged."

great quote from Ravi Z.

Why do people who are hostile towards God, believe that because someone has faith that they must be intellectually lacking?

Because being able to apply the Scientific Method is the mark of at least some level of intelligence?

Are you a scientist and do you apply this so called "scientific method" to your everyday life and additionally judge other people based on it?

I'll tell you this. I consider myself a scientist; been doing analytical/research chemistry for over seven years now. Most of the people I have worked with at various laboratories have been people with one religious belief or another.
I find it interesting in that most scientists have no problem reconciling their personal religion along with their professional scientific practices. It is the arm-chair internet "scientists" (and I use that term loosely) that seem to have a mis-understood opinion when it comes to science and religion. What many of you people seem to think how science and religion interact is hardly how what we the scientist actually seem to think.
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