Why do people hate on Christians so much?

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May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Because hate is the easy way out.

Christianity teaches love and that offends some people. Go figure.

Sure it does. I guess those abortion doctors were killed because of all the love. :roll: Oh right, those weren't REAL Christians. :roll: Why don't people hate Buddhist here in the US? They teach AND practice love.

Seriously, do you believe the sh!t you just said? Oh wait, you believe in magic people in the sky. I can't count on you to be logical. Sorry.

Let me get this straight... I am not allowed to argue with you because you have already defined what a Christian is?

Fair enough... you are obviously a logical asshole. Wow, you must feel so superior. :laugh:

Oh I didn't say you couldn't argue with me. It's just your arguments are moronic. People are offended because Christiansity teaches love? Is that's your reasoning? That makes sense to you? If so, your name suits you.
Your best retort is to make fun of my username?

You try to tell me I support killers in the name of Christianity and I am supposed to agree with you?

It's fairly obvious you have issues with a family member or other significant person in your life that has led you to hate all Christians. I don't know what they did to you but I don't hate you for hating me. I hope you find some peace bro and stop hating because the hate thing never works out long term.



Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Because hate is the easy way out.

Christianity teaches love and that offends some people. Go figure.

Sure it does. I guess those abortion doctors were killed because of all the love. :roll: Oh right, those weren't REAL Christians. :roll: Why don't people hate Buddhist here in the US? They teach AND practice love.

Seriously, do you believe the sh!t you just said? Oh wait, you believe in magic people in the sky. I can't count on you to be logical. Sorry.

Let me get this straight... I am not allowed to argue with you because you have already defined what a Christian is?

Fair enough... you are obviously a logical asshole. Wow, you must feel so superior. :laugh:

Oh I didn't say you couldn't argue with me. It's just your arguments are moronic. People are offended because Christiansity teaches love? Is that's your reasoning? That makes sense to you? If so, your name suits you.
Your best retort is to make fun of my username?

You try to tell me I support killers in the name of Christianity and I am supposed to agree with you?

It's fairly obvious you have issues with a family member or other significant person in your life that has led you to hate all Christians. I don't know what they did to you but I don't hate you for hating me. I hope you find some peace bro and stop hating because the hate thing never works out long term.
If that is what you think my main retort was, you need to go back and do some more reading, BRO. I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post because it seems to be another moronic statement.


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: moshquerade
it's not that they hate them so much it's that Christians turn the other cheek.
This is why mosh is on my "buddies" list.



Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
its just that ive seen christians preach their religion and want people to convert (ive had several people come to my house). i dont hate them or anything...its that, IMO, i dont believe in God or any religion, and my parents are hindu. i used to, but i realized that most of it is just stories for kids (not counting the kama sutra mind you heh) and they make believeable stories out of them and make statues from them.

i think that people should be allowed to do their own thing, but not to preach it to other people. let them have their own way, i dont have a problem with it. there have been good things and bad things about christianity, you just hear the bad side of things more often than good (sex scandals, priests, etc).

all religions have their pros and cons. christianity isnt any different.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2003
Apart from the usual rivalry of Muslims with the Christian,
me, as a neutral do have problems with christian regulars as well. I get bugged into attending church all the time,
Not like I never tried.. but they never give up.
Its like a salesman trying to sell u a product kinda thing.. I mean, just expressing my thoughts. No offence to christians out there.


Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2002
Yup, creationsim

over 50% of all wars EVER have been due to religious conflict.

Also, religion is simply an outdated layer of control used by governments. Why do you think some governemtns enforce one religion? Because of "faith". Think about it and see the truth.


The popular anti-religion arguments always include the "fact" that millions have died because of religion x.

Oh, you people have such empathy. What kind-hearted, clear-thinking men (and women) you must be.

Again, false. First of all, I'd like you - this being a general "you" to anyone here - to tell me any war ever in the history of mankind that was fought for the singular reason that "God told me to." You cannot, as it has not happened.

Religion has been used poorly, countless times in history. It is not, however, the reason for millions of deaths - it is merely the justification for such atrocities. Wars are fought when something is to gain, whether it be land, money, or power. The teachings are not to blame, but rather the cliche phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is more fitting. You should look as faith as being so powerful, that people will blindly obey others who are ultimately using it against them. That's something worth respecting, even if you do not agree with it.

Religion is not to blame, nor is it what you should be hating. It's the people who use it for their personal gain. These people are no different than your Hitler or Mussolini's.

Second, to Americans out there who, for whatever reason, literally hate religion, what about the atrocities of the European settlers who came here to form America? You are aware we just about wiped out an entire race of people - quite brutally might I add. Yet many of you are proud to call yourself Americans, and reap the benefits of living in a society that was created by the blood of countless innocents.

And an edit to simply state that I am not religious by any means - I'm actually a borderline atheist/agnostic. I was, however, raised in a religious family, and I understand and respect their beliefs.


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: secretanchitman
its just that ive seen christians preach their religion and want people to convert (ive had several people come to my house). i dont hate them or anything...its that, IMO, i dont believe in God or any religion, and my parents are hindu. i used to, but i realized that most of it is just stories for kids (not counting the kama sutra mind you heh) and they make believeable stories out of them and make statues from them.

i think that people should be allowed to do their own thing, but not to preach it to other people. let them have their own way, i dont have a problem with it. there have been good things and bad things about christianity, you just hear the bad side of things more often than good (sex scandals, priests, etc).

all religions have their pros and cons. christianity isnt any different.

You have it right about religions overall. They all have their pros and cons.

I've studied all the major religions and even a few obscure ones. Most fine and respected religions have similar doctrines and beliefs about how people should treat each other. The most common theme is "treat others as you would have them treat you" to put it in a nutshell. Is this such a bad idea? No, of course not.

I could be blunt and go on about how a goat herder decided to make a name for himself and create a new cult religion about 1,400 years ago but that might upset people. We know how people get when you offend their pagan gods, lol.

Bottom line, all REAL religions believe in being good to others. Fake religions talk of killing people of other religions.



Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: secretanchitman
its just that ive seen christians preach their religion and want people to convert (ive had several people come to my house). i dont hate them or anything...its that, IMO, i dont believe in God or any religion, and my parents are hindu. i used to, but i realized that most of it is just stories for kids (not counting the kama sutra mind you heh) and they make believeable stories out of them and make statues from them.

i think that people should be allowed to do their own thing, but not to preach it to other people. let them have their own way, i dont have a problem with it. there have been good things and bad things about christianity, you just hear the bad side of things more often than good (sex scandals, priests, etc).

all religions have their pros and cons. christianity isnt any different.

Right on man.

IMO people should just live and be happy they're alive. Religion =/ life. No pun intended, but it actually = death more than it should. Granted, I believe in something beyond my power; a God, an alien civ, I don't know what...but what I want to believe is just that.

Bottom line is, David Blaine is the 2nd coming...:wine:


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2001

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.



May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.

F U!

Why do so many assholes seek to redefine what Christians are about.



Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy. So-called "organized religions" worries me most of all because "faith" can be involked by their members as a shield against all rational discussion. I worry that the upswing in fundamentalist Christian groups is moving us toward a less tolerant religious oligarchy here in the United States. We can see what this looks like in the Middle East.

F U!

Why do so many assholes seek to redefine what Christians are about.

No one is redefining anything. We draw conclusions based on history. Whether you like it or not, christians are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history.


Jun 8, 2006
Who do you refer to "people"?
I think some people also hate muslims, atheist, or whatever group u are in...

Janet Reno

Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy.

There's only one leader for Christians to follow without question.


You can look him up some time.


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Janet Reno
Originally posted by: PowerEngineer

Well, personally I do not hate Christians -- I fear them.

All groups that require members to accept without question the teaching of their leaders make me uneasy.

There's only one leader for Christians to follow without question.


You can look him up some time.

No one should be unquestioned. Absolute power leads to corruption. Jesus is probably crooked by now. Taking protection prayers from people. Then when they don't pay, errr... pray, BAM, Hurricane Katrina. He's probably even taking prayers from Hindus and Muslims.

Plus he's black.

And had illegitimate children.

And I donkey punched him once.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
No, people don't generally hate Christians. You are mistaken. If you want to feel hated, go look at racial hatreds or perhaps the Jewish people

People generally hate uptight morality police and bigots. Christians who do this generally use their faith (wrongly) to justify these kinds of actions.

Let's just make a list!

1) People hate the morality police. Don't tell me what's cool in the privacy of my own home.
2) People hate bigots. Don't tell me gays are abominations "just because"
3) People hate people that shut themselves off from logic/reason. See creationism
4) People don't like being told that their religion is the wrong choice (this is especially fvcked up if you know anyone that tries to convert)

I'm Catholic, I know many nice Christians that do not fall into the above categories, and they are not hated for their religion. I have lived in Phoenix and Tucson (AZ), and there were never people running around hating on people for being Christian. Hell, on the University of Arizona campus we'll have preachers show up and tell everyone that they're sinning and literally using name-calling ("You're a sinner and a whore" was one of my favorites), but we'll tolerate them or at worst yell back and tell them that they're bigots.

I don't think the sex scandals were even necessary, although they're fvcked up too


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: CStan

So what's YOUR basis on hating Christians? I really want some insight on this. Is it it's views on sex or gays? Church scandals (like priests and alter boys)? Its "track record" (Mostly from the Roman Catholic Church: Crusades, abuse of power in the middle ages, greed and corruption by some officials)?

In order:

1) A track record of murder, greed, theft, corruption, attempting to destroy science and scientists, selling fear, ad infinitum ad nauseum.
2) Refusal to accept the facts that science has now disproved their beliefs on the origin of the earth and of mankind.
3) Sex scandals
4) Inability to explain how god allowed the sex scandals to happen if he's really up there watching.
5) The whole concept of God as a vindictive, arrogant bastard who will watch every move you make and consign his worshippers to an eternity of torment for eating fish on Friday or using a condom just because he loves them so much. Seriously, how do you wrap your mind around that?


Hate is a two way street GagHalfrunt. Stop the hate and the ignorance. And smile, because God loves you.

The ignorance? ROFL, see, that's the part that makes people with brains hate (or at least scorn) religious freaks. Anyone that doesn't believe the same fairy tales as you must be ignorant. I was raised a catholic and I can guarantee that I know far more about the real workings of the church than you do.

Do you dispute that Christianity has a long history of violence and murder directed towards those who disagree with the Church?

Do you dispute that the Catholic Church has been practicing systemic pedophilia for hundreds or thousands of years?

Do you dispute that Christianty has always violently opposed scientific thought and has murdered scientists for proving that the christian doctrine is WRONG?

Do you dispute that the best way to spend the money collected for the poor and unfortunate would be on the poor and unfortunate and not on stainded glass, gold fixtures and out-of-court settlements?

Tell me in detail what I'm ignorant about. I'll be happy to provide you with all the gory details of those the church has murdered in God's name because he loves all mankind so much.

Dont make me break out the history stick about "irreligeous" freaks and countries, like modern China which is murdering Christians and other believers daily.

You obviously prefer hate and thats sad.

Religious zealots have murdered 10x (at least) more people than the Chinese. The Chinese could wipe out half of their population and still be behind.

Lack of religion does not create a morality crisis. People who want to kill will always kill regardless of the presence of religion. If they have religion, then they will kill in its name. If they don't have religion, then they will kill anyway.


Golden Member
Dec 17, 2004
Christians are chastized because we are not friends of the world.

And we so desperately try to show people Jesus because we care so much, and we know where the lost go when they perish from Earth.

So the next time a Christian wants to tell you about Jesus, please don't get upset. At the very least feel good because that person cared about you enough to consider your eternal happiness.

If anyone would like to know the path to eternity and a relationship with Jesus, please PM me.



Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: kogase
People, especially Americans...


I refused to read any further through this post or this thread at this point... so here's my reply based on the OP's post.

People that hate christians are ignorant retards. But there are plenty of people out there that believe many christians are hypocrits who only want to convert people to their faith. In my personal experience, most of my friends are christians, and while I've had a few deep conversations with some of them and attended religious events (or maybe that should say an event...) with them, they're nothing like the stereotypes and are very accepting of MY beliefs. When most sane, educated individuals rip on christians, they're usually ripping on douchbags like Pat Robertson and his ilke.

Wow, you acted like a total jackass and stopped reading my post, and then went ahead and made every point I made in my post. Way to go.


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: CStan

So what's YOUR basis on hating Christians? I really want some insight on this. Is it it's views on sex or gays? Church scandals (like priests and alter boys)? Its "track record" (Mostly from the Roman Catholic Church: Crusades, abuse of power in the middle ages, greed and corruption by some officials)?

In order:

1) A track record of murder, greed, theft, corruption, attempting to destroy science and scientists, selling fear, ad infinitum ad nauseum.
2) Refusal to accept the facts that science has now disproved their beliefs on the origin of the earth and of mankind.
3) Sex scandals
4) Inability to explain how god allowed the sex scandals to happen if he's really up there watching.
5) The whole concept of God as a vindictive, arrogant bastard who will watch every move you make and consign his worshippers to an eternity of torment for eating fish on Friday or using a condom just because he loves them so much. Seriously, how do you wrap your mind around that?

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