Why Do Some Women Live Their Entire Lives in Denial?

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Jan 8, 2010
Am I the only person who read the title as "Why do some women live their entire lives in Denali?"

Something tells me it would be a much simpler answer.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Raising children is far harder than any office job I have ever held. I have never had a boss with poor control of his bowel, bladder and impulse control functions who barely could speak the English language


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
I've done both, full time parenting is just as hard, different set of stressors.

I did laugh at the gift card, when my employer "gives" me something worth more than the time I spent on the company crapper on company time is when I'm impressed with a gift from them.


Sep 22, 2007
LOL, I see this all the time OP, especially on FB. They'll seek attention and pat themselves on the back on Facebook for things that should've taken a fraction of the time. I see posts like the following, mostly from the wife's friends and family:

MARTYR #1: "Laundry is done, house is cleaned, dinner is cooked. And it only took me 8 hours to do all of it!"
(ICF note: 3 hours of work, max)

MARTYR #1 again: "Another long day at work, and then I have to go home and cook and clean!"
(ICF note: Funny how you were so "busy" at work that you managed to post 10 FB posts with links and videos today, including one post where you mentioned watching the videos at work)

MARTYR #1 again, on a Tuesday: "I have to create HR packets for every employee by FRIDAY!!!! I'm freaking out. Wish me luck!"
(ICF note: Her company has 30 employees. That's like 4 hours work, max, unless she is a complete idiot and doesn't automate anything).

MARTYR #1, again: "Mission 'Clean condo' is in effect. I only have 2 WEEKS to get the condo cleaned out and ready to show. Wish me luck!"
ICF RESPONSE ON FACEBOOK: "You moved into another house 8 months ago and moved everything out then. Why on earth would anyone wish you luck when you have 2 weeks to do a job that should take a weekend of LEISURELY work at most and more than likely, just a few hours?"
MARTYR#1 (paraphrased here): "Well, uh, errr, ummm.....but I still have a few things left and need to clean the carpet!"
(ICF note: The condo was 900 sq ft and probably 200-300 of that was not carpeted)

You'd have to know the person above to know how exceptionally inefficient she is and how bad her time management skills are to appreciate how ludicrous these comments are. I could write a book on her idiocy.
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Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Meh I have a 9 month old and it's way easier to do my job than stay at home.

Regardless I dislike whiners who whine about others more than those who whine about their own life. Who cares if people want to find validation in small stuff, being a douche about it is way worse.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Meh I have a 9 month old and it's way easier to do my job than stay at home.

Regardless I dislike whiners who whine about others more than those who whine about their own life. Who cares if people want to find validation in small stuff, being a douche about it is way worse.

yeah my wife took off for 6 months when our son was born in march and typically when i went to work on monday i was ready to GTFO of the house at 6am and just wish her good luck for the week. i'd much rather work my job than stay at home. the problem is when i'm at home i still want to be doing something productive, which is just hard when they are that young, unless they are sleeping. now he's starting to be able to entertain himself a bit though.

now she is back at work though and she also realizes now how little free time she has after work, which she didn't have to experience the first 6 months.


Oct 6, 2009
Am I the only person who read the title as "Why do some women live their entire lives in Denali?"

Something tells me it would be a much simpler answer.

Since it's my first name, my brain automatically rearranges it to Daniel


Mar 1, 2000
OP my wife is a stay at home mom and her job is EXTREMELY difficult.
Also, she would like your home address as she's going to come and kick your pansy ass.


Jan 2, 2000
Try taking care of a kid less than 6 months old all day, for a week. We'll see you trying to find support on here within the first 12 hours.

God forbid the kid has colic. You'd probably swallow a gun.

It's not that hard. It's NOTHING compared to having to get up and go to work all day.

Unless you have a kid with some type of disability, being a stay-at-home mom is nothing compared to having to work.

That doesn't mean the work they do isn't important...not at all. Raising kids properly is absolutely important...hell, it's critical.

But it's not that hard. Not like women make it out to be, for damned sure.

My wife used to try and pull that "I'm so tired" after I was at work all day and she was at home with our 2 kids.

I welcomed her to go back to work and I'd stay home. She wouldn't do that, lol. I literally told her: "I will do everything you do, keep the house cleaner than you keep it, the kids better taken care of, and STILL have time to go play golf and be willing to do you when you get home".

And it was true.

The REAL reason that your typical stay-at-home mom with 2 kids can't get anything done and is "so tired" is because they're too busy doing everything else BUT what the hell they claim they do.
Go to Starbucks. Take the kids to the park...a.k.a., "hang out with my friend who also has kids." Play on Facebook. Watch TV. Then wonder where all the time went, why the house is a mess, why there's no dinner, etc.

Then her niece collapsed (eventually passed away) and she went up to be with her sister for over a week...the kids were 4 and 2 at this point. I took care of them by myself, worked (and had a super-busy month), and she came back to a house that was twice as clean as she left it, and I still had time (it was winter, so no golf) to play video games and do whatever I wanted to do. Piece of cake. PLEASE let me quit my job and you go to work. You'll be begging to come back home.

OP has a VERY good point. It's not PC to SAY it, but it's the truth.


Jan 2, 2000
LOL, I see this all the time OP, especially on FB. They'll seek attention and pat themselves on the back on Facebook for things that should've taken a fraction of the time. I see posts like the following, mostly from the wife's friends and family:

MARTYR #1: "Laundry is done, house is cleaned, dinner is cooked. And it only took me 8 hours to do all of it!"
(ICF note: 3 hours of work, max)

MARTYR #1 again: "Another long day at work, and then I have to go home and cook and clean!"
(ICF note: Funny how you were so "busy" at work that you managed to post 10 FB posts with links and videos today, including one post where you mentioned watching the videos at work)

MARTYR #1 again, on a Tuesday: "I have to create HR packets for every employee by FRIDAY!!!! I'm freaking out. Wish me luck!"
(ICF note: Her company has 30 employees. That's like 4 hours work, max, unless she is a complete idiot and doesn't automate anything).

MARTYR #1, again: "Mission 'Clean condo' is in effect. I only have 2 WEEKS to get the condo cleaned out and ready to show. Wish me luck!"
ICF RESPONSE ON FACEBOOK: "You moved into another house 8 months ago and moved everything out then. Why on earth would anyone wish you luck when you have 2 weeks to do a job that should take a weekend of LEISURELY work at most and more than likely, just a few hours?"
MARTYR#1 (paraphrased here): "Well, uh, errr, ummm.....but I still have a few things left and need to clean the carpet!"
(ICF note: The condo was 900 sq ft and probably 200-300 of that was not carpeted)

You'd have to know the person above to know how exceptionally inefficient she is and how bad her time management skills are to appreciate how ludicrous these comments are. I could write a book on her idiocy.

The women at my old job were like that. Car dealership, and there was a central office, all women. They were all fat...or got fat if they started off skinny. Lots of them smoked.

They were lazy as hell, IMO. Slow to do EVERYTHING. But management kissed their asses all the time...gave them things, took them to lunch, had cookouts...hell, on FB just the other day, they had a pic of the GM grilling them steaks. They never grilled steaks for the people who actually brought income into the company...who were mostly men. And that's why. Men aren't as high maintenance.
It's just a fact of life.
Nov 8, 2012
OP my wife is a stay at home mom and her job is EXTREMELY difficult.
Also, she would like your home address as she's going to come and kick your pansy ass.

Well we can clearly tell who wears the pants in your relationship. Go ahead and believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth every day. Your wife is obviously EXCELLENT at deceiving you, it clearly shows your intelligent level (or rather, the lack of).

Again, no one says it's easy. But is it "exhausting"? Fuck no. There is ZERO mental skills involved. The only POSSIBLE exhaustion would be physical based. PLEASE for the love of fuck tell me what is EXHAUSTING about sitting on a couch and having a kid suck your tit while you watch TV? Or changing a diaper? OH GOD I HAD TO GET ON MY FEET! Chores? Vacuuming or scrubbing occasionally is hard? I know maids that clean 3 houses IN FULL every single day. You think doing a chore here or there daily (spread out over the week) for 1 house is exhausting?

Who the FUCK are you kidding? Your stupidity level knows no bounds if you honestly find any of the above "exhausting". That or you're in the same boat when you go to work and in reality you sit at a desk and act like you're working for 8 hours.

I actually work full time and do the majority of house chores myself. My wife works full time as well.

Some people here have understood it, while ignorant people such as yourself haven't. I'm not insulting the work of all mothers. I understand it isn't easy, but nor is it hard. But the point simply being if you have time to Facebook 20 times a day, watch Jerry Springer, still bitch about mommie work, and somehow convince themselves that they are doing a hard torturous labor job - then they really just have their head up their ass.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
It's not that hard. It's NOTHING compared to having to get up and go to work all day.

Unless you have a kid with some type of disability, being a stay-at-home mom is nothing compared to having to work.

That doesn't mean the work they do isn't important...not at all. Raising kids properly is absolutely important...hell, it's critical.

But it's not that hard. Not like women make it out to be, for damned sure.

My wife used to try and pull that "I'm so tired" after I was at work all day and she was at home with our 2 kids.

I welcomed her to go back to work and I'd stay home. She wouldn't do that, lol. I literally told her: "I will do everything you do, keep the house cleaner than you keep it, the kids better taken care of, and STILL have time to go play golf and be willing to do you when you get home".

And it was true.

The REAL reason that your typical stay-at-home mom with 2 kids can't get anything done and is "so tired" is because they're too busy doing everything else BUT what the hell they claim they do.
Go to Starbucks. Take the kids to the park...a.k.a., "hang out with my friend who also has kids." Play on Facebook. Watch TV. Then wonder where all the time went, why the house is a mess, why there's no dinner, etc.

Then her niece collapsed (eventually passed away) and she went up to be with her sister for over a week...the kids were 4 and 2 at this point. I took care of them by myself, worked (and had a super-busy month), and she came back to a house that was twice as clean as she left it, and I still had time (it was winter, so no golf) to play video games and do whatever I wanted to do. Piece of cake. PLEASE let me quit my job and you go to work. You'll be begging to come back home.

OP has a VERY good point. It's not PC to SAY it, but it's the truth.

This is so true.

Yet somehow while the Husband has been at work all day they are expected to come home and jump right into taking care of the kids while the wife takes a break because she has been exhausted by her hard day taking care of the kids.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Well we can clearly tell who wears the pants in your relationship. Go ahead and believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth every day. Your wife is obviously EXCELLENT at deceiving you, it clearly shows your intelligent level (or rather, the lack of).

Again, no one says it's easy. But is it "exhausting"? Fuck no. There is ZERO mental skills involved. The only POSSIBLE exhaustion would be physical based. PLEASE for the love of fuck tell me what is EXHAUSTING about sitting on a couch and having a kid suck your tit while you watch TV? Or changing a diaper? OH GOD I HAD TO GET ON MY FEET! Chores? Vacuuming or scrubbing occasionally is hard? I know maids that clean 3 houses IN FULL every single day. You think doing a chore here or there daily (spread out over the week) for 1 house is exhausting?

Who the FUCK are you kidding? Your stupidity level knows no bounds if you honestly find any of the above "exhausting". That or you're in the same boat when you go to work and in reality you sit at a desk and act like you're working for 8 hours.

I actually work full time and do the majority of house chores myself. My wife works full time as well.

Some people here have understood it, while ignorant people such as yourself haven't. I'm not insulting the work of all mothers. I understand it isn't easy, but nor is it hard. But the point simply being if you have time to Facebook 20 times a day, watch Jerry Springer, still bitch about mommie work, and somehow convince themselves that they are doing a hard torturous labor job - then they really just have their head up their ass.

You whine more than a women and obviously have never had to deal with children. And yes, it can be mentally exhausting dealing with children. Now, add on work in the office and house work. You complain about women posting to FB but you're doing the same thing here.


Mar 1, 2000
Well we can clearly tell who wears the pants in your relationship. Go ahead and believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth every day. Your wife is obviously EXCELLENT at deceiving you, it clearly shows your intelligent level (or rather, the lack of).

Again, no one says it's easy. But is it "exhausting"? Fuck no. There is ZERO mental skills involved. The only POSSIBLE exhaustion would be physical based. PLEASE for the love of fuck tell me what is EXHAUSTING about sitting on a couch and having a kid suck your tit while you watch TV? Or changing a diaper? OH GOD I HAD TO GET ON MY FEET! Chores? Vacuuming or scrubbing occasionally is hard? I know maids that clean 3 houses IN FULL every single day. You think doing a chore here or there daily (spread out over the week) for 1 house is exhausting?

Who the FUCK are you kidding? Your stupidity level knows no bounds if you honestly find any of the above "exhausting". That or you're in the same boat when you go to work and in reality you sit at a desk and act like you're working for 8 hours.

I actually work full time and do the majority of house chores myself. My wife works full time as well.

Some people here have understood it, while ignorant people such as yourself haven't. I'm not insulting the work of all mothers. I understand it isn't easy, but nor is it hard. But the point simply being if you have time to Facebook 20 times a day, watch Jerry Springer, still bitch about mommie work, and somehow convince themselves that they are doing a hard torturous labor job - then they really just have their head up their ass.

I assure you, you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you're talking about. You're making some SERIOUS gross assumptions in your accusations (hint -- those assumptions are very VERY wrong for a lot of stay at home mothers.

Again, please provide me your address. My wife will be happy to sit you down and explain how the real world works.

Edit: For the record, I WILL agree with the OP when the stay-at-home mom has a sugar daddy earning a truck ton of money, a nanny, and nothing else to do. In my case that is NOT the situation. Not to mention my wife does run a out-of-the-home business and we have a child with some disabilities. I know several stay-at-home parents that have cleaning ladies etc and still claim it's "hard" That shit isn't right.
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Sep 22, 2007
The women at my old job were like that. Car dealership, and there was a central office, all women. They were all fat...or got fat if they started off skinny. Lots of them smoked.

They were lazy as hell, IMO. Slow to do EVERYTHING. But management kissed their asses all the time...gave them things, took them to lunch, had cookouts...hell, on FB just the other day, they had a pic of the GM grilling them steaks. They never grilled steaks for the people who actually brought income into the company...who were mostly men. And that's why. Men aren't as high maintenance.
It's just a fact of life.

And WTF is it with the constant bitching about laundry?!?!?! Laundry is one of the easiest chores you can possibly do:

1. Put in first load and start washer.
2. Come back 45 minutes later, move load to dryer and start dryer. Load second load in washer.
3. Repeat until done, then fold or put stuff away.

"Martyr #1" in my first post complains about laundry EVERY FREAKING WEEK. She lives with a guy and that's it and not only that, we got the weekly rant about laundry when she was single and living alone! When I was single and living alone, I did 2 loads of laundry every week - every Wednesday night. The actual work was like 30 minutes of putting stuff in/taking stuff out, folding, and putting stuff away. The rest of the time was machines doing all the work! But if you asked her, I'm sure she would say she spends "hours" on laundry, ignoring the fact that she could be doing other things while the machines run.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Ah, the sexist generalizations. What's the current term for these lads? When it's a women making generalizations of men, they're 'feminists' (yeah, yeah, I know; feminism ain't about that in the slightest), but I haven't come across the term for when men do the same pizzle.

And the irony is thick; 'You're saying taking care of kids is hard? No it's not! You just want attention! I work way harder! Give me attention!'

I believe I made the statement that men do the same sort of attention seeking, with Someone being a rather good example, sans his roundabout away of doing it.
Nov 8, 2012
I assure you, you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you're talking about. You're making some SERIOUS gross assumptions in your accusations (hint -- those assumptions are very VERY wrong for a lot of stay at home mothers.

Again, please provide me your address. My wife will be happy to sit you down and explain how the real world works.

Edit: For the record, I WILL agree with the OP when the stay-at-home mom has a sugar daddy earning a truck ton of money, a nanny, and nothing else to do. In my case that is NOT the situation. Not to mention my wife does run a out-of-the-home business and we have a child with some disabilities. I know several stay-at-home parents that have cleaning ladies etc and still claim it's "hard" That shit isn't right.

You're comparing YOUR personal situation of taking care of a disabled kid and running a business out of the house to stupid women that can afford to post their Facebook status and take/post 20 pictures of their children every-day?

You clearly missed the point in what applies to the post.
Nov 8, 2012
And WTF is it with the constant bitching about laundry?!?!?! Laundry is one of the easiest chores you can possibly do:

1. Put in first load and start washer.
2. Come back 45 minutes later, move load to dryer and start dryer. Load second load in washer.
3. Repeat until done, then fold or put stuff away.

"Martyr #1" in my first post complains about laundry EVERY FREAKING WEEK. She lives with a guy and that's it and not only that, we got the weekly rant about laundry when she was single and living alone! When I was single and living alone, I did 2 loads of laundry every week - every Wednesday night. The actual work was like 30 minutes of putting stuff in/taking stuff out, folding, and putting stuff away. The rest of the time was machines doing all the work! But if you asked her, I'm sure she would say she spends "hours" on laundry, ignoring the fact that she could be doing other things while the machines run.

I actually do all of the laundry in our home, as much as that is usually a chore for the wife.... My OCD goes nuts when at the end of the week there is a full basket. My wife can keep going until her closet is completely depleted

So I pretty much do all the laundry... Except folding the fitted sheet. Fuck that.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Well we can clearly tell who wears the pants in your relationship. Go ahead and believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth every day. Your wife is obviously EXCELLENT at deceiving you, it clearly shows your intelligent level (or rather, the lack of).

Again, no one says it's easy. But is it "exhausting"? Fuck no. There is ZERO mental skills involved. The only POSSIBLE exhaustion would be physical based. PLEASE for the love of fuck tell me what is EXHAUSTING about sitting on a couch and having a kid suck your tit while you watch TV? Or changing a diaper? OH GOD I HAD TO GET ON MY FEET! Chores? Vacuuming or scrubbing occasionally is hard? I know maids that clean 3 houses IN FULL every single day. You think doing a chore here or there daily (spread out over the week) for 1 house is exhausting?

Who the FUCK are you kidding? Your stupidity level knows no bounds if you honestly find any of the above "exhausting". That or you're in the same boat when you go to work and in reality you sit at a desk and act like you're working for 8 hours.

I actually work full time and do the majority of house chores myself. My wife works full time as well.

Some people here have understood it, while ignorant people such as yourself haven't. I'm not insulting the work of all mothers. I understand it isn't easy, but nor is it hard. But the point simply being if you have time to Facebook 20 times a day, watch Jerry Springer, still bitch about mommie work, and somehow convince themselves that they are doing a hard torturous labor job - then they really just have their head up their ass.

haha wow, it is 1000000000% obvious that you've never had to stay home with a baby, or probably even had to watch one for an hour alone.

but to be fair, before i had one, i would have taken a stance similar to yours. but after having one and experiencing it, you sound like a complete moron with this statement. you have absolutely not a clue what you are talking about.
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