Why Do We Need An Explicitly Gay Comic Hero?

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Oct 25, 2002
Gay monkeys are natural erratas like homosexuals. You are the bigot. You're either gay or have an affinity with homosexuality that hides all manners of prudent and objective judgement in your head.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yes, I know. I have the same problem with black people. I can't make all the prudent and objective observations as racists do. To me they are just people, like gays are just people. It's a distinction without a difference. That you distinguish is why you are the bogot, not me. Sorry but nice try. It's really hard for you to come to grips with isn't it. You aren't who you think you are. You have a defect in your thinking. But it's one you can grow out of when you dump your boat load of cabbage. Good luck. And remember, your mentality is dangerous for the world. It's time to put it to bed. You have to evolve to keep up.

Remember, we know you are gay, right. You admit to loving yourself as if it were OK. Have you read your bible yet, the one where they talk about gays and masterbation as different faces of the same unnatural erata?


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Classy, your not agreeing with a gay lifestyle is bigotry because it implies a value judgment that has no correspondence with reality but is just an irrational feeling you have exactly like the irrational feeling that some whites have that blacks are inferior. They will just point to a getto somewhere and say, see what a lousy lifestyle.

Dari, I don't care whether you agree or non't. That's up to you. You, however, are the simple one. BS about birth control, unnatural errata, Hahahaha. Bigotry is a disparet phenomenon with regard to target. My symplicity was to reveal the underlying unity of cause, irrational revulsion. You are a prisoner of your emotions and drag your mind along to provide cover for your defect. I am here simply to make it clear to you, but particularly to others that your silly logic is nothing but the workings of a disguised irrational revulsion you won't confess to having. Bigotry creates the stereotype that it's acceptable to harbor irrational feelings about gays. Collectively your kind of thinking damages people's lives. Otherwise, I could care less. All that's required for evil to win is for good people to say nothing. Most blacks know what I mean.

PS, please, guys, don't play with yourselves. Not only is it homoerotic, but it's unnatural, I mean an unnatural erata, but it does, of course, help to keep the population down.

You are such a boob. Here's the word bigot

"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Now did I say I was intolerant of them. NO. Did I condone any kind of ill will toward them. NO. Now to me I compare their quest to those who want to legalize drugs. I dont know how many times I've heard a drug dealer say it should be their right to sell drugs cause people should have the right to decide what they put in their bodies. They are right to say it is a person right to do that. But does that mean I support that kind of behavior? NO. How about men who want to be married to more than one wife? I don't condone their choice of lifestyle either. So am I bigot against druggies and polygamy too? Hey people can what they want, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Life is about choices. Obiviously your to stupid to understand that every choice a person makes doesn't need to be approved by others. And others are not required to approve it either. As long as they respect those people according to the law they are not required to do anything else. Its not about being superior or thinking I am better than someone else. Your talking about living in a way that even you try to justify by reffering to animals who do it. Just think about that. Your trying defend a lifestyle with comparisons to freaking animals. Give me a break.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Yes, I know. I have the same problem with black people. I can't make all the prudent and objective observations as racists do. To me they are just people, like gays are just people. It's a distinction without a difference. That you distinguish is why you are the bogot, not me. Sorry but nice try. It's really hard for you to come to grips with isn't it. You aren't who you think you are. You have a defect in your thinking. But it's one you can grow out of when you dump your boat load of cabbage. Good luck. And remember, your mentality is dangerous for the world. It's time to put it to bed. You have to evolve to keep up.

Remember, we know you are gay, right. You admit to loving yourself as if it were OK. Have you read your bible yet, the one where they talk about gays and masterbation as different faces of the same unnatural erata?

Give me a break about even trying to quote the bible. LOL Especially when it comes to homosexuality.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You are a boiot, classy, as well as a comedian, because you don't approve of a gay lifestyle. You are a nobody, or rather if you knew you were a nobody like I do, you wouldn't have the self importance to believe there was anything important in your opinion of gays and would put no stock in it. That's why I don't care what color people are. I'm not important and neither neither would any opinion I have against anybody be. Your opinion of gays, while it is your won, is absurd, biased, and everyday, just like racism used to be and still is in some places. The fact that homosexuality is an issue for you should tell you everything you need to know. You realixe, of course, the more you deny it, the more obviously true it is? At least your resistance to recognizing your own bigotry is a positive sign that you don't like who you are. But to change, you first have to see it. So give it up and face the hard truth. I know it hurts, but realization will make you a better person. Think of how much suffering you add to the lives of gays because you cannot admit them into the circle of humanity. Think of the enormous talent that America has wasted in it's blacks by being repelled by them. Black people are wonderful and so are gays. Try to expand your heart and mind. As you are you are quite sad, so aware in one dimension and so blind in another. It's pretty common though, so don't feel too bad. That only makes seeing all the harder. Good luck.


Oct 25, 2002
Homosexuality and racism are not the same, moonbeam, because while one (racism) has evolved into an unacceptable form of human nature, the other has been practiced and denounced by different societies over human history. Greeks, while promoting homosexuality, had slaves. Other societies deplored it as despicible. The issue of homosexuality changes differs between cultures, NOT over time. That is something you can't seem to understand. Human nature is as opinionated about this natural errata as it is about fashion. For some it's a non-issue, for others, it is the lowest form. As for racism, it has advanced as human rights has advanced. While the deploration of racism is unacceptable (morally) in any culture, the issue of homosexuality is debatable. You cannot make simple generalizations about cultures that don't accept it. If you do, you're the bigot.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Racism and hoomphobia are identical phenomenon. They are based on irrational attitudes. You have the one irrational attitude and so it seems rational to you, while you don't have the other and can see it differently. Human evolution of racism in our neck of the woods is more advanced than freedom from homophobia is. The presence or absence of a bias historically says nothing aobut the phenomenon. It's all bigotry. I can make all the generalizations I want without being a bigot because I am accurately describing what is. What is is that a huge number of people opperate on irrational prejudices of many different kinds. They are aflicted with a mental disease. Healthy people don't have phobic reactions or make destinctions that have no correspondence in reality. Cultures are just collections of similarly sick folks. You defend the illness instead of taking steps to root out your irrationality. Doesn't offer much hope for a better future, Dari. Time to sit down and rethink your life. You have to watch out. Somebody may popularize you as the new erata. You need more gay friends. The human race is trying to grow up and one thing it will need to do to acomplish that is to give up the irrationality to gays just like we are trying to giive it up for blacks and women. Get with the upward evolution. Who wants to be an anchor stuck in the mud. If you want to see how silly you sound, go back and read blacks wherever you use gay. It will make things clearer for you.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Racism and hoomphobia are identical phenomenon. They are based on irrational attitudes. You have the one irrational attitude and so it seems rational to you, while you don't have the other and can see it differently. Human evolution of racism in our neck of the woods is more advanced than freedom from homophobia is. The presence or absence of a bias historically says nothing aobut the phenomenon. It's all bigotry. I can make all the generalizations I want without being a bigot because I am accurately describing what is. What is is that a huge number of people opperate on irrational prejudices of many different kinds. They are aflicted with a mental disease. Healthy people don't have phobic reactions or make destinctions that have no correspondence in reality. Cultures are just collections of similarly sick folks. You defend the illness instead of taking steps to root out your irrationality. Doesn't offer much hope for a better future, Dari. Time to sit down and rethink your life. You have to watch out. Somebody may popularize you as the new erata. You need more gay friends. The human race is trying to grow up and one thing it will need to do to acomplish that is to give up the irrationality to gays just like we are trying to giive it up for blacks and women. Get with the upward evolution. Who wants to be an anchor stuck in the mud. If you want to see how silly you sound, go back and read blacks wherever you use gay. It will make things clearer for you.
Moonbeam, you have repeatedly used the term "irrational" here. However, if you reread the arguments in this thread I think you will see that there have been several rational reasons presented against your position. Despite an overwhelming majority telling you that you have a rock, you continue to call the stone in your hand an apple. But no matter how many times you repeat it, it is not going to come true. Instead of refuting these arguments, you continue to throw up the 'race' card, claiming that everyone else here is a bigot. Instead, looking over your posts, it appears as though you're a bigot against heterosexuals. I think it's humorous that you feel everything we have said is biased, while you are just "accurately describing what is". You are the 'anchor stuck in the mud', refusing to consider anyone else's position but your own. Good luck to you, I think I've had about all of this bickering I can stand.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Good work, BooneRebel. You have finally seen who you are. You are exactly as I appear to you. It's how things work. Your position is irrational and I have repeatedly undercut every attempt you make to make it sound rational to you. When a fool is convinced against his will he ratains the same opinion still. Ant there you are. You see, claiming rationality in differentiation is still irrationality. You have no real beef against gays except the one you were trained by parents and or society to hold. It's the same with racism and sexism and every other form of bias. It's a product of conditioning of the mind prior to an analytical adult mature intelligence that can reject garbage that gets thrown your way. That is why it is so important that you try to cure yourself. You will just pass your garbage to the next generation and screw them up too. Try to realize what damage bigotry causes in the world. It's so ugly. Why are you so proud. Is it because you feel that stripped of your cabbage you'd be nothing at all? You needent answer. I already know. I dumped some cabbage in my time. Ouch! It hurt for a while. The funny thing is, when you take from a person everything they became, you leave them with only that which they are. Do you know what that is? Good luck.


Oct 11, 1999
Why Do We Need An Explicitly Gay Comic Hero?

Sure, why not, I don't have to buy it & or support it, because I choose not to.

Now to the "Off Topic" part of this thread ie: gays/intolerance/bigotry, I had a sudden flash of insight...

How about the concept that there is a genetic component to disliking gays? If we did indeed evolve, wouldn't a predisposition to discriminating against homosexual behavior be somewhat adaptive to the species as a group?

If homosexual behavior (gay or lesbian) were accepted, wouldn't a species (humans) tend not to thrive?


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose

How about the concept that there is a genetic component to disliking gays? If we did indeed evolve, wouldn't a predisposition to discriminating against homosexual behavior be somewhat adaptive to the species as a group?

The genetic predisposition against homosexuality is called heterosexuality.

Although now that I think about it, the societal pressure to closet homosexual behavior probably does more to insure that whatever genes involved in generating that behavior persist, since those fearful of being shunned may engage in heterosexual behavior for appearance's sake.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose

If homosexual behavior (gay or lesbian) were accepted, wouldn't a species (humans) tend not to thrive?

Absolutely. If all the heterosexuals quit having sex.



Oct 11, 1999
The beauty of my genetic intolerance theory is that I don't have to apologize for my attitude, maybe I can broaden this theory to more aspects of my likes/dislikes...



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
The beauty of my genetic intolerance theory is that I don't have to apologize for my attitude, maybe I can broaden this theory to more aspects of my likes/dislikes...

Too bad it doesn't work.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's a great theory. The genetic dislike of minority whites will insure they are wiped out eventually.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Actually not Dari, it's you that's hard headed. You don't want to let go. I already did a long time ago. What looks like hard headed is just yourself bouncing off of a reflective surface. There's just no wind of homophobia in my quiet pond so the moon shows bright clear and round. You don't see that because you concern yourself with image. You want your image to be free of bias, but you can't do that with irrational arguments, you can only do that by letting go of your cabbage. The thing about truth is that it's true. We don't get options.


Oct 12, 1999
Moony, you have been quick to say people who disagree with being homosexual are bigots. Does that mean the only way a person can say they are not bigots, lol, is to agree its ok to be homsexual? Is that what your saying?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: classy
Moony, you have been quick to say people who disagree with being homosexual are bigots. Does that mean the only way a person can say they are not bigots, lol, is to agree its ok to be homsexual? Is that what your saying?

I think what Moonnbeam is trying to say, and I agree with him if my perception is correct, is that these are the same arguements used in previous subjects, such as racial equality. At one time people would have easily asked, "Why do we need a Black Super Hero?" or "Why do we need a Female Super Hero?".


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: classy
Moony, you have been quick to say people who disagree with being homosexual are bigots. Does that mean the only way a person can say they are not bigots, lol, is to agree its ok to be homsexual? Is that what your saying?

I think what Moonnbeam is trying to say, and I agree with him if my perception is correct, is that these are the same arguements used in previous subjects, such as racial equality. At one time people would have easily asked, "Why do we need a Black Super Hero?" or "Why do we need a Female Super Hero?".
Moonbeam's take is that it is a positive influence on society and I say it's negative, more so than cancer, mental illness, or any other disease. A 100% homosexual society has a 100% mortality rate and will die out within one generation. How can you consider that to be healthy?



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: BooneRebel
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: classy
Moony, you have been quick to say people who disagree with being homosexual are bigots. Does that mean the only way a person can say they are not bigots, lol, is to agree its ok to be homsexual? Is that what your saying?

I think what Moonnbeam is trying to say, and I agree with him if my perception is correct, is that these are the same arguements used in previous subjects, such as racial equality. At one time people would have easily asked, "Why do we need a Black Super Hero?" or "Why do we need a Female Super Hero?".
Moonbeam's take is that it is a positive influence on society and I say it's negative, more so than cancer, mental illness, or any other disease. A 100% homosexual society has a 100% mortality rate and will die out within one generation. How can you consider that to be healthy?

So Moonie's for a 100% Homosexual society? Hmm, I must have missed that part!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Hehe, sandorski, I missed that part too. These guys, you have to understand, are having trouble grappling with the fact of their bias. They want it to be a rational opinion instead of the inculcated irrational prejudice or bigotry that it actually is, for appearance's sake. It's not pleasant realizing one is a bigot and irrational. But there's no getting around that realization if you want to grow. That's why, for their sakes, I'm willing to go an extra mile to help them.
OK, BooneRebel, you first:

"Moonbeam's take is that it is a positive influence on society and I say it's negative, more so than cancer, mental illness, or any other disease. A 100% homosexual society has a 100% mortality rate and will die out within one generation. How can you consider that to be healthy?
No, I'm not saying homosexuality is positive or negative. I'm saying it is and therefore I'm neutral about it. I accept it as a fact that there are homosexuals who are human and individuals identical to heterosexuals in every way except for their sexual orientation, just as the only thing about blacks that's different is their color and the only thing different about women is their sex. I need make no moral judgments differentiating or prejudicing their rights or reputation. That you do so is why it's you who are diseased. Yours is the disease that is killing humanity, the I'm different and better disease. While it is impossible to say at the current state of knowledge what the cause or causes of homosexuality are, or even if it makes sense to phrase it thusly, it's pretty clearly not a matter of personal decision. We won't then be seeing the majority making that impossible shift to 100% numbers any time soon, I don't think. Jeez!

Now, Classy, you are either shrinking right before my eyes or trying to get tricky with your words.

Classy quote:

Moony, you have been quick to say people who disagree with being homosexual are bigots. Does that mean the only way a person can say they are not bigots, lol, is to agree its ok to be homsexual? Is that what your saying?

I don't know if it's what I'm saying or not, Classy, since I think you are hiding your intention. Let's get clear on some things before we go further here. Just exactly what do you mean by 'disagree with'? You, I think, want to pretend that you mean, "If I'm heterosexual does that mean that I'm a bigot if I'm not a homosexual?", and the answer is no, of course not, but I don't think that by 'disagree' you really only mean "differ". Disagree has that connotation. "I would find homosexuality completely disagreeable to my nature because I'm heterosexual exclusively." But you, I think, want, in addition to disagreeing that you can be a homosexual yourself, that there is something wrong with actually consummating homosexual love. It gives you the 'willies' and you irrationally transfer your emotional reaction over into a generalized prejudice. That is irrational bigotry like recoiling from a black hand after you've been taught that blacks are evil. Now you don't have any such revulsion to your own black and male hand so you really should be able to see how silly you are. But don't worry. I know you think that's completely different. You have to think that. Because you especially don't like racial bigots, you will find it especially hard to see yourself with the same malady. Perhaps seeing how easy it is to become diseased you can begin to have some charity for racial bigots. It will help you to feel some charity and get some clarity on your own. We have all been forgiven, no?



Jan 23, 2001
This was an interesting lunch time read. 5 pages long and after each page I expected that someone would post the answer before I got a chance to reply. Yet no one really got to the answer. Some people hinted at it, but none made the reason so blatantly obviously clear. See, we don't "need" any comic heroes, a comic is a just a form of entertainment and, the same as any form of entertainment, it is never needed but wanted.

Now once we fix the original question to be "Why do we want an explicitly gay comic hero?" then it is much more manageable to answer. In the land I grew up in, America, you can make something, not because everyone wants it, but because you see it as a vision and hope that people share that same vision. Obviously, if your vision sucks, it will fail and you will have wasted a lot of your cash, time and effort. But, if your vision suceeds, then you make a lot of cash and your effort feels rewarded. A hypothetical example would be that I felt it would be a really cool concept if there was a housewife heroine who battled corporate america and made it home in time to tuck her kids in. There are other people who agree, we get together and make the comic. Who wants the comic at this point? We do. We also hope that once the comic is finished, other people, like us, will want it too. Does this help you to understand why someone would want the comic addressed in the original post? Obviously because the creators wanted it and hope that people like them will want it too. To be fair, this model doesn't always hold true and sometimes their is an alterior motive behind entertainment (controversy / etc) and it could even be the case here, but I like to give things the benefit of the doubt.

While I won't get into the whole debate regarding whether homosexuality should be considered a natural behaviour or not, I do think several posts from members such as Classy did come off as pretty negative towards homosexuality. I find that pretty ironic coming from the minority superhero himself. No, I won't go dig quotes, it was just the overall vibe I got from the past 5 pages, starting from where you tried to differentiate between a minority such as blacks and a minority such as gays, refusing to believe that the term minority actually fits both groups completely perfectly. The thread just got worse from there, where gays were compared to serial killers and considered a threat to humanity. My stance goes something like this (you may have heard it before): What 2 consenting adults do together is their own business. While it might be their own business, I do understand that if there are many consenting adults of this type, sooner or later items on shelves will be targeted towards this market.

I'd like to end this with a comment about the soul reason I even kept reading this thread. Ace and Gary own


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2001
Originally posted by: skace

I'd like to end this with a comment about the soul reason I even kept reading this thread. Ace and Gary own

Yeah, but you can only get away with saying that because no one's actually sure if they're gay or not.
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