Why Do We Need An Explicitly Gay Comic Hero?

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Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2001
The American Family Association has been leading the charge with claims that the comic is an attempt to introduce children to homosexuality.


And hell no, no gay person should even whisper they are in the same situation as minoritys
Gays are in the majority in USA??

Seriously though, how many politicians and general figures of society do you have that are openly gay?

D@mn people there are freakin' real things to get yer panties in a wad about why waste your hate on a fictional person
well said

Who cares.
even better

Mr Alonso is quick off the mark to point out that the Rawhide Kid comics are for adult eyes only.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
And Moonbeam, the last time I checked you decide who you go to bed with. Having sexual relations with the same sex is a choice.

Agreed but who cares? More women for the straight guys. I know of several people who expirmented with homosexuality in college and are now married to the opposite sex, Obviously a choice they made then and a choice they made now. I still could care less.



Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: Corn
What's the big difference there classy?

The difference is that Classless don't like no gays.....

When I walk out the door, or go for a job interview I can't hide the fact I'm black. Blacks and Jews as well were treated as less than human beings. Gays are criticized for their "lifestyle". Minoritys are criticized for their race. World of difference. Unless someone is flaming or they tell you, you don't know who is gay and who is not. So they have the luxury of keeping quiet about their sexual preference to protect other interests that might be affected by revealing they are homosexuals. We have no such luxury. Being born a certain race and fighting for equality is way different than fighting to get people to give the ok cause you wanna sleep with the same sex. Give me a break.

LOL. Is it too late to tell you that homosexuals don't choose their "lifestyles"? Have you ever considered that they were born that way?

Actually, I don't know why I'm telling you this. As they say "You can't argue with an idiot...".


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: Corn
What's the big difference there classy?

The difference is that Classless don't like no gays.....

When I walk out the door, or go for a job interview I can't hide the fact I'm black. Blacks and Jews as well were treated as less than human beings. Gays are criticized for their "lifestyle". Minoritys are criticized for their race. World of difference. Unless someone is flaming or they tell you, you don't know who is gay and who is not. So they have the luxury of keeping quiet about their sexual preference to protect other interests that might be affected by revealing they are homosexuals. We have no such luxury. Being born a certain race and fighting for equality is way different than fighting to get people to give the ok cause you wanna sleep with the same sex. Give me a break.

It's simply the "minority" being treated unfairly by the "majority" ok? Sure there are differences, but there are more similarities.

And Moonbeam, the last time I checked you decide who you go to bed with. Having sexual relations with the same sex is a choice.

You don't have to actually go to bed with anyone to be gay. It's a matter of who you are attracted to which is not a choice.



Golden Member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Davegod


Well who wouldn't turn gay after seeing picture's like this. I mean after looking at the cover all I can think about are men.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What is it classy, a need to look down on gays so at least you can feel superior to somebody?


Jul 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
ultimatebob, I'll see a doctor if you will. Mean time try to apply what you see in me to yourself.

Geez, lighten up! My comic book idea isn't half as perverted as half of the stuff already on the shelves. What's wrong with a couple of scantily clad women (that look like bikini models, naturally) beating up evil villain types while occassionally making suggestive remarks toward each other? I'd think that it would make for an amusing adult comic, and I'd bet that a lot of comic book fans would agree with me!

Sure, this comic wouldn't end up in the kids section, but it wouldn't be a porno, either.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Clearly AMDS is apathetic till it's not equal for him. Then we'll hear him whine.

ub, don't get me wrong. I got no problem with your fantasy. I just like to analyse what it's based on. Seducing lesbians makes me a stud don't you think? If not maybe you should tell me what's the attraction. I guess I just happen to think that a lesbian really really actually in fact surely truly actually isn't interested in having sex with me. (Chokes back a tear) Somehow I'll just have to carry on. But gee, if I could seduce a lesbian wouldn't that cure any confidence problem I could ever have. Wow! I AM hot.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Corn will have to wait a bit for his response because he requires a much more complex answer and, as it happens, I'm out of barley. No really, I have to go get some barley simple as that.

It didn't help.

I don't understand what the big deal is aobut your differentiating what I suggested you said and what you said is. Since you attribute such signnificance to that difference, please tell me what's the big deal.

The big "difference" Moonie is that the way you phrased my so-called "formula". Taking what you said, you make it seem as if I believe that people who happen to be gay actually do today, this very minute, enjoy the rights the rest of us do. As if to say that as it stands today, all is well.

That, of course, is not what I said, nor implied. There is a grand difference between "is" and "should".

You yourself may not be a Republican to which playing the race card appeals.

Actually, that just shows how little you really understand the truth of ideals of the Republican party. Republicans abhor the use of the "race card" as a matter of principle (of course there are those in the party that do not follow that creed, but there's a few in every bunch that don't): Everyone should enjoy the same freedoms. Everyone should have equal opportunity for success.

I don't blame you for your ignorance, Moonie, as you are obviously the product of the quality of your schooling. The single largest area in which the Republicans fail to measure up to, say, the Democrats is their aversion to pandering openly on the issue of race. Your closed mind hides this from your understanding (or you're just dishonest about it), and lets be honest; I doubt you've got the strength to admit it even if you did.

Is it possible that we have prejusides precisely and only becquse we are blind to them?

it is possible that some may have prejudices they are "blind" to. On the whole though, eh, I think that those that are prejudice toward race or sexual orientation are well aware it, even if they do not openly act on it.

sounds also like a self proclamed fact without much evidence to me at all.

Oh no Moonie, the facts are a mere search feature away........

...uttering proclamation after proclamation based on the irrefutalbe fact that everybody you speek to that you differ with is a moron or an idiot.

Well Moonie, when you're right, you're right. Unfortunately I cannot control the quality of, say, the bigots I've argued with in this thread. I hoped for a more robust argument from you, but I'm somewhat disappointed. You haven't given me much to think about really, I had hoped for more.

In the first place if it isn't so called hatred than please define it as you see it.

Hatred is a strong word Moonie, it's really more a feeling of contempt. I realilze that the liberal in you screams "don't judge me", but trying to equate the mocking of hypocrites and bigots on an equal plane to that of the ongoing theme of this thread only appeals to someone who might consider themselves in the catagory of the former.

Does feeling contempt for a murderer = racism? Only to someone who needs to make it their sole argument because they have no other valid points to make............


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
What is it classy, a need to look down on gays so at least you can feel superior to somebody?

Well Moonie, there's one thing we can agree on.......but that sounded suspisciously like an "accusation" of something......

Hmm, I guess "placing blame" is OK after all........


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Good grief, Corn. When I said that I agree about gays having the same right as others I wasn't implying that they do. I was refering in speach to that principle. "All men are created equal." Noperson in their right mind assumes that ethical principles are the actuallity. That all men are created egual means that they should be treated equally, not that they are. I protest that you're being a sophist and generating a non existant issue. Please practice some charity. If you think I goofed up and actually think gays are getting an even deal, contrary to the essence of my posts here to date, just ask. Help!

I asked classy a question. Accusations are declaritive, not inquisitive. The inquisition comes first. I have arrived at no conclusion, only the suspicion based on my own inward analysis of how I work, one which you share. My turn to be sophistical.

Got to clean my barley soup pot and dishes before mo Mom gets here.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Please practice some charity. If you think I goofed up and actually think gays are getting an even deal, contrary to the essence of my posts here to date, just ask. Help!

I never said that I believed you thought that gays were getting an "even deal", I'm just making sure you didn't put words into my mouth that I did not say:

Taking what you said, you make it seem as if I believe that people who happen to be gay actually do today, this very minute, enjoy the rights the rest of us do..........That, of course, is not what I said, nor implied.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Corn Quote: "Actually, that just shows how little you really understand the truth of ideals of the Republican party. Republicans abhor the use of the "race card" as a matter of principle (of course there are those in the party that do not follow that creed, but there's a few in every bunch that don't): Everyone should enjoy the same freedoms. Everyone should have equal opportunity for success.

I don't blame you for your ignorance, Moonie, as you are obviously the product of the quality of your schooling. The single largest area in which the Republicans fail to measure up to, say, the Democrats is their aversion to pandering openly on the issue of race. Your closed mind hides this from your understanding (or you're just dishonest about it), and lets be honest; I doubt you've got the strength to admit it even if you did."

M's response to the above: That the Republicans abhor the Willy Horton card is, of course, precisely why I applied it to Republicans. You seem to confuse me with a Democrat, big D. I can see the games on all sides and, oddly enough, I can confess to it too. I just like to focus on you Holyer than Thou Republican because you suck so much oxigen here and are filled with such pretensiousness that a little bit of closet door opening is worth doing. You have to be careful, Corn, not to attach your pure form of consciousness and ethical purity it a party like the Republican or Democratic one. Goodness me, they are so beneath you, NO? It surprises me to think that you can't see that the Republicans have consiously been aware that they attract the bigoted white supremicist south's vote in elections and have become the dominate party there because they have blocked evil elvelsation that seeks to elivate the rights of a few. Remember how you said 'should' instead of 'is'. Doesn't that sort of tell your engaging mind that things are actually better right now for some than others and that conservatism has it's immediate effect nothing more than conserving that imballence? How noble to stand in an unjust world against changes that would turn that unjustice into into an unjustice of reverse characteristics. Hehe. There is but one pie and my oh my it's my pie. You get some, it's less for me. Right?

Quote (M)

Is it possible that we have prejusides precisely and only becquse we are blind to them?

Quote (C)

it is possible that some may have prejudices they are "blind" to. On the whole though, eh, I think that those that are prejudice toward race or sexual orientation are well aware it, even if they do not openly act on it.

M's response:

Geez Corn, Are you paying any attention to classy at all? Now there's a dude who is well aware of his bigotry against homosexuals, right? Try to get a picture of what you are saying, please. You make this too easy. (<----- Moonbeam needles Corn)

Quote (M)

sounds also like a self proclamed fact without much evidence to me at all.

Quote (C)

Oh no Moonie, the facts are a mere search feature away........

M Responds:

Come on Corn, some other fool, I mean some fool makes a statement on the internet somewhere and now your truth becomes The Truth. Help! Maybe you haven't notices but I see a large difersity of opinion out there. I wonder if I could find a reference that MOONBEAM IS ALWAYS RIGHT out there. Boy would you be up sh!t creek then.

Quote (M)

...uttering proclamation after proclamation based on the irrefutalbe fact that everybody you speek to that you differ with is a moron or an idiot.
Corn Quote:

Well Moonie, when you're right, you're right. Unfortunately I cannot control the quality of, say, the bigots I've argued with in this thread. I hoped for a more robust argument from you, but I'm somewhat disappointed. You haven't given me much to think about really, I had hoped for more.
M responds: Hehe, How can we argue. We agree that all men are created equal. Right? And as far as a judgment of the robustness of an argument goes, well again, I've heard of horses that can be shown the water but will not drink. NO? And for some strange reason I seem to be a constant target of the accusation that I feign deepness. You can't imagine how that hurts my feelings, so I try to tread lightly.

Quote (M)

In the first place if it isn't so called hatred than please define it as you see it.
Quote (C)

Hatred is a strong word Moonie, it's really more a feeling of contempt. I realilze that the liberal in you screams "don't judge me", but trying to equate the mocking of hypocrites and bigots on an equal plane to that of the ongoing theme of this thread only appeals to someone who might consider themselves in the catagory of the former.

Does feeling contempt for a murderer = racism? Only to someone who needs to make it their sole argument because they have no other valid points to make............

M's response:

Well now, something with real meat and importance at last. You have raised a huge subject here Corn and my post has grown already long. I will have to start a thread on this. I have menat to for some time. Basically you confuse what looks liberal to you with a higher synthesis of both liberal and conservative views, each of which contains truth and each of wihich is incomplete without the synthesis that unites them in a higher order concept. Think electicity and magnatism here.

Let me just add that part of your misunderstanding of my point of view is probably the result of a lack of experience on your part. Not your fault. Don't get defensive. I could be wrong. I'm sure you'll think so. If you had had an opportunity to follow some tiny little contempt, a mere trifle to be sure, hehe, deeper, say in a theraputic setting, and found yourself flipping out with rage and fear and terror at the oncomming return of consciousness as to the true source of that mere pea under the 39th matress, you might not be so quick to dismiss that tiny irritation as truly trifling. You might see it more as the self we are but are unaware we are. These ore only words that can be understood only by those who know and sound, I know so well how, to everybody else. How the expression of what is hidden changes the consciousness and understanding is known only to those who know. It's just the way it is. That is why I try to suggest to you some thought references for which we won't be finding on the internet, now, will we.

We have met the enemy and he is us. We are the world. What we see in others is what we hide from ourselves. How we treat the least of us is how we treat ourselves. Our self hate is the hate of the black, the woman, the gay, the other. It is wehat we call evil because it was what we were told we were. The only proof is in remembering.



Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Regardless of whether they are equal or not (OK, I'll go along with "All men are created equal"): Do they need their own comicbook? What's next, a cartoon for three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

Goodness me, they are so beneath you, NO?

Some are, so what's your point? The few don't speak for the whole and my conscience is clear.

I appreciate the effort Moonie, really I do. It's just that, well....well, I'll let your own words do the talking for me.........

And for some strange reason I seem to be a constant target of the accusation that I feign deepness. You can't imagine how that hurts my feelings............

Moonie, provides a perfect example as to why those accusations come to pass:

If you had had an opportunity to follow some tiny little contempt, a mere trifle to be sure, hehe, deeper, say in a theraputic setting, and found yourself flipping out with rage and fear and terror at the oncomming return of consciousness as to the true source of that mere pea under the 39th matress, you might not be so quick to dismiss that tiny irritation as truly trifling. You might see it more as the self we are but are unaware we are. These ore only words that can be understood only by those who know and sound, I know so well how, to everybody else. How the expression of what is hidden changes the consciousness and understanding is known only to those who know. It's just the way it is.

For the sake of brevity, I shall paraphrase that last quote:

Yeah, well, OK, so you didn't step into my little trap, so maybe I'll try to confound you with a few sentences of somewhat coherent yet certainly convoluted BS.........

Good night Moonie, my brain aches.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Moonie: Here ya go!:

Moonbeam is always right!

It gotta be true, it's on the Intarnet!!!!

Press CTRL-D to Bookmark this page.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?

Nite Corn. Sweet dreams. Don't let the boogyman bite.

By the way, there was no trap. That's simply our condition. We are but birds in a guilded cage.

Sing a song of six pence, pocket full of rye ...................


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I am a romantic. Hehe You don't suppose my heart's so warm that Corn pops, do you?

Thanks, sandorski. You are a bud.

Can't wait to get into another correction of one of etech the Linkmister's posts and counter link here.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
What is it classy, a need to look down on gays so at least you can feel superior to somebody?

Well Moonie, there's one thing we can agree on.......but that sounded suspisciously like an "accusation" of something......

Hmm, I guess "placing blame" is OK after all........

Corn your such a lowlife loser.

You did not see me put down gays anywhere. I simply stated I dont want to be compared to them in certain aspects. I dont agree with their lifestyle. Period. That doesn't make me any worse or better than you who agrees with it. But just because you agree with it, who the hell said your opinion is the right one and everyone else's is wrong.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Can't say I did see you put them down in so many words. I wouldn't expect you to agree with their lifestyle in so far as wanting to adopt it. I'm only pointing out to you that, as others said, who you like isn't a matter of choice. It happens below conscious reasoning. You maintain it's choice, incorrectly and presumpuously, I think, because you ought to be able to go out with a guy one night and get arrowsed at least once to be able to prove your point. You can't , I bet, and so you don't have the grace to extend that incapacity to the other guy. That you do, I think, because you have a program running in you that gayness is bad, just as supremicists have a program running that says blacks are inferior. I pointed out where I think you miss the boat, but you prefer, it looks like to me, your prejudice over the realization that you too are capable of exactly the kind of stuff that screws over so many black lives. I go after you about it because it's pretty sad, but of course to me. It's expecially sad since I had to give up everything I ever heald dear, and I didn't die. At least not yet. Good luck to you and try to work on loving Corn. If nothing else it will confuse the hell out of him.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Can't say I did see you put them down in so many words. I wouldn't expect you to agree with their lifestyle in so far as wanting to adopt it. I'm only pointing out to you that, as others said, who you like isn't a matter of choice. It happens below conscious reasoning. You maintain it's choice, incorrectly and presumpuously, I think, because you ought to be able to go out with a guy one night and get arrowsed at least once to be able to prove your point. You can't , I bet, and so you don't have the grace to extend that incapacity to the other guy. That you do, I think, because you have a program running in you that gayness is bad, just as supremicists have a program running that says blacks are inferior. I pointed out where I think you miss the boat, but you prefer, it looks like to me, your prejudice over the realization that you too are capable of exactly the kind of stuff that screws over so many black lives. I go after you about it because it's pretty sad, but of course to me. It's expecially sad since I had to give up everything I ever heald dear, and I didn't die. At least not yet. Good luck to you and try to work on loving Corn. If nothing else it will confuse the hell out of him.

See this is where I get off the bus. I don't believe in any ill will towards gays. No type of discrimination either. But to me there is a difference. And I don't have to realize nothing. As long we continue to born both male and female there is nothing to realize. You are born what you are. Plain and simple. And what you are born, whether male or female is the role you should live. You and many others contend its natural and not a choice. Well when a man can give birth to children, or a woman can make a baby with another woman without the use of a man, then maybe I'll reconsider my position. See I have all of unbiased creation saying my belief is right. What proof you got to support your belief?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Can't say I did see you put them down in so many words. I wouldn't expect you to agree with their lifestyle in so far as wanting to adopt it. I'm only pointing out to you that, as others said, who you like isn't a matter of choice. It happens below conscious reasoning. You maintain it's choice, incorrectly and presumpuously, I think, because you ought to be able to go out with a guy one night and get arrowsed at least once to be able to prove your point. You can't , I bet, and so you don't have the grace to extend that incapacity to the other guy. That you do, I think, because you have a program running in you that gayness is bad, just as supremicists have a program running that says blacks are inferior. I pointed out where I think you miss the boat, but you prefer, it looks like to me, your prejudice over the realization that you too are capable of exactly the kind of stuff that screws over so many black lives. I go after you about it because it's pretty sad, but of course to me. It's expecially sad since I had to give up everything I ever heald dear, and I didn't die. At least not yet. Good luck to you and try to work on loving Corn. If nothing else it will confuse the hell out of him.

See this is where I get off the bus. I don't believe in any ill will towards gays. No type of discrimination either. But to me there is a difference. And I don't have to realize nothing. As long we continue to born both male and female there is nothing to realize. You are born what you are. Plain and simple. And what you are born, whether male or female is the role you should live. You and many others contend its natural and not a choice. Well when a man can give birth to children, or a woman can make a baby with another woman without the use of a man, then maybe I'll reconsider my position. See I have all of unbiased creation saying my belief is right. What proof you got to support your belief?

Gays are born not attracted to the opposite sex, just like you are probably not attracted to obese hairy women. Should you have to date obese hairy women if someone else tells you that's who your supposed to be attracted to?



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You're right classy, some are born black white red yellow male female homosexual or heterosexual. Won't it be wonderful when we don't really see a difference because what you are is a complete accident completely beyond choice, unless you can convince me, that is, that you can fall in love with a boy. Do that and I'll reconsider. You think that natural is usual. Only a relatively small percent of people are born black. Shall we describe them as unnatural and off? Your slipperyness on this issue is identical to a white supremicist trying to be talked out of his rediculous notion that blacks are inferior. Ke just knows they are because he was taught it in his bones. You want to find out about natural, study the bonobo chimps. They are sexy devils and our closest living relatives. Hope you're not out there on the evolution thingi too.
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