Why Do We Need An Explicitly Gay Comic Hero?

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Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?
I think gays are an aberration. Does that make me a bigot? Whether it's a choice or genetic, it's a harmful, high-risk life. It's certainly not a healthy lifestyle, why does everyone feel the need to publicly recognize gays? I don't go around carrying a "I'm a heterosexual" flag, do I? Whether a serial-killer murders by choice or by genetic abnormality, I think that they're harmful to the human race. The same can be said for gays. So, yes, there is a parallel. And I don't think we need comic books for either category.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: BooneRebel
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?
I think gays are an aberration. Does that make me a bigot? Whether it's a choice or genetic, it's a harmful, high-risk life. It's certainly not a healthy lifestyle, why does everyone feel the need to publicly recognize gays? I don't go around carrying a "I'm a heterosexual" flag, do I? Whether a serial-killer murders by choice or by genetic abnormality, I think that they're harmful to the human race. The same can be said for gays. So, yes, there is a parallel. And I don't think we need comic books for either category.



Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: BooneRebel
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?
I think gays are an aberration. Does that make me a bigot? Whether it's a choice or genetic, it's a harmful, high-risk life. It's certainly not a healthy lifestyle, why does everyone feel the need to publicly recognize gays? I don't go around carrying a "I'm a heterosexual" flag, do I? Whether a serial-killer murders by choice or by genetic abnormality, I think that they're harmful to the human race. The same can be said for gays. So, yes, there is a parallel. And I don't think we need comic books for either category.

I kind of knew what that was going to be before I clicked on it. Same question, same answer: Do we really need it? Fortunately, the press hasn't picked up "Young Jeffery Dahmer" for free advertising.



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
This thread has the Dharma and Greg dynamic, Moonbeam is Dharma's parents, and Corn is Greg's


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I always knew that me and Corn were fit for the comics.

Yup BooneRebel, calling somebody an aberration and harmful to the human race could be applied, by your logic, to all sorts of situations. You have selected out certain problems and applied them with a broad brush. We should also ignore and shun black people becasue they generally earn less or employed less often than whites, I guess. There are a couple of poisonous spiders and a huge amount of arachnophobia. Your thinking is completely irrational. It's a script running you can't control. You have a mental problem, an uncontrolable revulsion to a concept. The general term for it is bigotry or more specifically, homophobia.


Senior member
May 20, 2000
So you can have something to talk about with your gay friends, should you have any.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BooneRebel
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?
I think gays are an aberration. Does that make me a bigot? Whether it's a choice or genetic, it's a harmful, high-risk life. It's certainly not a healthy lifestyle, why does everyone feel the need to publicly recognize gays? I don't go around carrying a "I'm a heterosexual" flag, do I? Whether a serial-killer murders by choice or by genetic abnormality, I think that they're harmful to the human race. The same can be said for gays. So, yes, there is a parallel. And I don't think we need comic books for either category.

You caompare gays to serial killeers? How is it a harmful life?

You're an aberration.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, well, OK, so you didn't step into my little trap, so maybe I'll try to confound you with a few sentences of somewhat coherent yet certainly convoluted BS.........

Made sense to me Corn, maybe there's something wrong with you?


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
You're right classy, some are born black white red yellow male female homosexual or heterosexual. Won't it be wonderful when we don't really see a difference because what you are is a complete accident completely beyond choice, unless you can convince me, that is, that you can fall in love with a boy. Do that and I'll reconsider. You think that natural is usual. Only a relatively small percent of people are born black. Shall we describe them as unnatural and off? Your slipperyness on this issue is identical to a white supremicist trying to be talked out of his rediculous notion that blacks are inferior. Ke just knows they are because he was taught it in his bones. You want to find out about natural, study the bonobo chimps. They are sexy devils and our closest living relatives. Hope you're not out there on the evolution thingi too.

LOL. You try to come off intelligent, but at times you are so dumb its comical. First of all Natural would be and should be considered usual. Second just because I'm black is no reason for you to try to make this out to be a racist vs homophobia debate. Look Moon, if its ok with you that you want to get bent over, thats your business. If you find it a turn on two women getting busy, thats your business as well. But please spare me the drama that something is wrong with my thinking garbage. This is a moral issue. Plain and simple. Some like yourself maybe fantasize about Elton John, lol. But others like me, which by the way is like 90% of the planet, don't have those "delicate" thoughts. So its ok by me if you want to be Mr. Fluffy. But just don't try to make this out to be a struggle like what blacks or minoritys have to go through. Thats all I'm saying. Hey by the way here's good website for you to get some good around house clothes.
Woot Woot


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This is a moral issue. Plain and simple.

No it's not. You really think people are attracted to the same sex because they have bad morals? They don't find the opposite sex attractive just as you probably don't find big hairy women attractive. It has nothing to do with morals.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
classy, your insults miss the point entirely and prove the case against you. So maybe it's you who is dumb, what do you think about that?


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: EngineNr9
classy, your insults miss the point entirely and prove the case against you. So maybe it's you who is dumb, what do you think about that?

What case? Who are you? Judge Wapner?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Classy, please don't say I try to come off sounding intelligent. It will upset Corn who will recognize the implications.

My issue is you, trying to help you with your sad and glaringly paradoxical inability to see in yourself the an example of the very thing that has done so much harm and especially to black people here in America. Melanophobia and homophobia are the same thing. The reason you can't see it is because you don't like the one and therefore can't admit to the other. Naturally, therefore, your rationalization process kicks in to explain to yourself that your bias is of an approved, moral issue, kind. Right! Plento of people do the same thing with white supremicy. It's just natural and right, even Biblically approved. No bigot says to himself, I'm really an irrational fool but prowd of my bigotry. He always is morally superior. It's the moral superiority, the reflecive response to an inner feeling of worthlessness, that produces the arrogance to assume that superiority. You can easily see all this, classy, if I were directing it at a rwhite racist, but you cannot see it about yourself. Until you want to, you probably won't. It takes some horsepower to face many things about ourselves. Hope you get there some day. To climb, you don't have to step on someone elses head. The fact you can't let go of your attitude makes your world a smaller place.


Oct 25, 2002
moonbeam, your argument has holes in it because you're comparing racism (against minorities) in America to homophobia in America. But there are more people of african descent around the globe than those of european descent. Globally, blacks (and other minorities in this country) are very much the majority while causcasians are the minority. Meanwhile, the percentage of gays remains the same (roughly 10%). Furthermore, the various races of the human specie is a natural phenomenom (sic?) while homosexuality is a natural errata. Nature can only survive when there are offsprings. Homosexuals aren't attracted to the opposite sex, hence, they go against the natural current. While racism is an advanced form of bias, ignorance, and competition (within a certain group), the hostility towards homosexuals derives mainly from the fact that homosexuals are very different from heterosexuals. While racism can be overcome (to an extent) via knowledge and mutual respect, homosexuals can never fit into the natural scheme of things. No male group will accept them (except for sexual purposes). It is sad to say that they are the ultimate pariah.

The natural advantage of homosexuality is that it keeps a check on organic growth.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Dari, there's no hole in my argument like you claim. The whole point is that numbers don't make for a definition on natural. Blue eyes are natural. We don't have to shun people who have them because they seem unnatural. We could though, if we were fools and also didn't understand genetics. Kill the bearers of the Rare Evil Eye. Meanwhile the numbers of people with blue eyes remain essentially the same. You clearly didn't read your lesson on the Bonobo's because you're still spouting that 'Natural" garbage. Homosexual and heterosexual are both natural, obviously, in a proportion of 9 to 1. Hehe. You are simplely confused with what is natural. You are making moral judgments about your definition. It's how you inject your bigotry. 'Homosexuals and heterosexuals are very different', that's a laugh. It's sad to say you make them the ultimate pariah in your own mind. Elsewhere they have been totally accepted. I told you that bigotry isn't something you just glance at yourself and see. It's always accompanied by a circular and self consistent series of logical assumptions. They just happen to be wrong. What you cannot accept is not what others can't accept.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Dari
moonbeam, your argument has holes in it because you're comparing racism (against minorities) in America to homophobia in America. But there are more people of african descent around the globe than those of european descent. Globally, blacks (and other minorities in this country) are very much the majority while causcasians are the minority. Meanwhile, the percentage of gays remains the same (roughly 10%). Furthermore, the various races of the human specie is a natural phenomenom (sic?) while homosexuality is a natural errata. Nature can only survive when there are offsprings. Homosexuals aren't attracted to the opposite sex, hence, they go against the natural current. While racism is an advanced form of bias, ignorance, and competition (within a certain group), the hostility towards homosexuals derives mainly from the fact that homosexuals are very different from heterosexuals. While racism can be overcome (to an extent) via knowledge and mutual respect, homosexuals can never fit into the natural scheme of things. No male group will accept them (except for sexual purposes). It is sad to say that they are the ultimate pariah.

The natural advantage of homosexuality is that it keeps a check on organic growth.

Dude that is flat out an impressive response. Clear and concise. Very well explained. And it puts forth my sentiments thoroughly as well.


Jul 8, 2002
No, Classy is the everfighting negro, who is soooo god damn discriminated, he can recognize that so are homosexuals, but he does not like their ways so he does not understand...

The same can be said for the KKK... which means that Classy belongs more in the KKK movement... of course, he does not think so, and neither do most white racists...

Does that make the racists better or worse than Classy, no, it makes him the same as the people he despises...

So Classy, your only choice in the end is to kill yourself... that way, you have served your agenda very well...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm sure one of the greatest comforts to bigots are other bigots. Unfortunately, they do bread.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I'm sure one of the greatest comforts to bigots are other bigots. Unfortunately, they do bread.

Hey, homosexual bigots do not breed...


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: SnapIT
No, Classy is the everfighting negro, who is soooo god damn discriminated, he can recognize that so are homosexuals, but he does not like their ways so he does not understand...

The same can be said for the KKK... which means that Classy belongs more in the KKK movement... of course, he does not think so, and neither do most white racists...

Does that make the racists better or worse than Classy, no, it makes him the same as the people he despises...

So Classy, your only choice in the end is to kill yourself... that way, you have served your agenda very well...

Huh? Dude your thoughts are like leaves in the wind. All over the place. Again to compare homosexuality to racism is way off base. And my being negro has no more to do with my disapproval of homosexuality, like you being white has no more to do with you being clueless. And kill myself for what? Where did that nugget of wisdom come from? Dude for your sake you better hope I don't kill myself. At least I know that I am to make babies with WOMEN so the HUMAN RACE can continue. And You? What do you think you should do? And you know I just really laugh. You try to make me get into an issue about about racism and homosexuals. When like I said before, to me its a moral issue. To me its a choice. I don't relate the two. And news flash for ya. Neither do most folks. That is most straight folks anyway. What is stupid is you call me a bigot just because I don't like the homosexual lifestyle. I never said I didn't like the people. I never said they should be shown any type of ill will either. But I guess your more interested in labeling people instead of reading all of what they say. Well thats almost as dumb as saying all republicans and people who vote republican are racist. Now is that true? No. Hey I am straight. Plain and simple. If you guys think its ok to get busy with the same sex, then more power to you. But to call people names over their disapproval of homosexuality doesn't make them bigots, stupid, or ignorant. Hey if I use your analogy as well as Corn and Moonie, I would say your all flaming homosexuals who are mad no one wants to agree with your lifestyle. So be it. To each his own.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: BooneRebel
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Boone, sounds like you see some parallel between three-toed exhibitionist underwater basketweaving serial killers and gays. That cound indicate bigotry, NO?
I think gays are an aberration. Does that make me a bigot? Whether it's a choice or genetic, it's a harmful, high-risk life. It's certainly not a healthy lifestyle, why does everyone feel the need to publicly recognize gays? I don't go around carrying a "I'm a heterosexual" flag, do I? Whether a serial-killer murders by choice or by genetic abnormality, I think that they're harmful to the human race. The same can be said for gays. So, yes, there is a parallel. And I don't think we need comic books for either category.

You caompare gays to serial killeers? How is it a harmful life?

You're an aberration.
How many people have you know that have died of AIDS? Of that number, how many were gay? It's harmful because it's a lifestyle that has a higher rate of mortality due to STDs. It's harmful because society as a whole shuns the 'lifestyle', so a homosexual 'partnership' that manages to adopt or otherwise locate a child to rear is only leading that child into a lifetime of abuse. I think it's repulsive because anal sex is unnatural. Despite Moonbeam's apparent feelings to the contrary, no matter how hard you try you are not going to make any babies that way. Trying to defend homosexuality as a distinctive trait like blue eyes is ludicrous. You can try and make it sound warm and fuzzy, but a sexual relationship between two males is anything but natural.
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