Why do we want to import more poverty in the US when we have enough already?

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May 15, 2000
A brick wall is ahead of you. Name a single time where accelerating towards it has harmed you.

I can point to many people who have hit brick walls that were hurt, can you point to anytime immigration has hurt us? Is there something special about this latest immigration debate that's different from other times?


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
Oh, I get it now. Your goal each day, is to see if you can "one up" your dumbest post from the previous day. I totally get your shtick now. Nice

We should all play a game guys.

Which of the two is the dumbest Incorruptible post

A) Above


B) If the victim was any other religion they would have arrested the suspect and laid hate crime charges but apparently Christians dont matter.

He also hates apostrophes

C) Both A and B
Reactions: Phenzyn


Sep 5, 2000
lazy poor whites are more afraid of immigrant mentality then the poverty they bring.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
Unfortunately "the right thing" is extremely subjective.

Not in this case. Portugal's strategy reduced drug use, drug addiction, drug overdoses, HIV infections, drug violence, drug prison time, money spent fighting drugs, underage drug use. It has been a win-win-win-win-win-win-win. It is objectively the right thing to do unless you want MORE of the things that Portugal reduced. Which would be a fucking weird thing to want.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
When the wealthy don't pay their people enough and/or provide adequate benefits for their employees, they are stealing from us because we are subsidizing their employee's living cost.
Reactions: Phenzyn


Jan 12, 2005
Bringing them will only make things worse for people in the US. They will undercut wages and cause even more problems for people struggling with work. People are idiots and want to bring them in since they want to be generous with other peoples money.
Everyone knows this huh?

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
According to the responses, the bottom line is.
White people are lazy and we need to bring in poor unwashed masses from other countries so they can do the work lazy white people do not want to do.

When you guys mean lazy white people, do white hispanics count (shocking news not all Hispanics are brown people yeah mind blowing)

I need clarification what does white people mean, and why are white people so lazy that we need to bring millions of impoverished people to be put to work.

Now what about white people with college degrees working mcjobs, why are they working these jobs instead of taking one of the millions of high paying jobs waiting form them?


Sep 5, 2000
According to the responses, the bottom line is.
White people are lazy and we need to bring in poor unwashed masses from other countries so they can do the work lazy white people do not want to do.

this is accurate.
Mar 11, 2004
Er, I guess I'm getting him confused with someone else, but I could swear the OP was from Canada. I don't ever recall them posting in such a manner either, so did their account get hijacked or something?

I need clarification what does white people mean, and why are white people so lazy that we need to bring millions of impoverished people to be put to work.

Because we have jobs that aren't being done? I mean, do you really struggle with understanding this that badly? You seem to be really trying to play obtuse, but I know you're not this fucking stupid.

This coupled with TallBill really makes me wonder if there wasn't a breach in the forums or something.


Sep 5, 2000
Er, I guess I'm getting him confused with someone else, but I could swear the OP was from Canada. I don't ever recall them posting in such a manner either, so did their account get hijacked or something?

Because we have jobs that aren't being done? I mean, do you really struggle with understanding this that badly? You seem to be really trying to play obtuse, but I know you're not this fucking stupid.

This coupled with TallBill really makes me wonder if there wasn't a breach in the forums or something.

naw they are paying $75 a hour to pull broccoli out of the ground. Its so great. Everyone can have a high paying job. Too bad produce costs $45 for a lb.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
lazy poor whites are more afraid of immigrant mentality then the poverty they bring.

Now they are lazy poor whites because they refuse to work for below living wages, no benefits, poor working conditions, emergency room medical care, never mind immigrants mostly illegal were used historically to punish higher paid blacks who would speak out about employers injustices and help undermine unions that got too uppity,

Rich white liberals have sure brainwashed you fools with their identity politics so they can enjoy the upward movement of wealth that exploited brown immigrants bring them while claiming they are for unions, living wages, healthcare as a right, benefits, etc.,

because if a white or black American refuses to work under the conditions exploited illegals do they cut into the 1% profits so they label them as lazy and all you so called liberals join in not realizing you are cutting of your nose to spite your face so you can appear politically correct for your team.


May 15, 2000
Now they are lazy poor whites because they refuse to work for below living wages, no benefits, poor working conditions, emergency room medical care, never mind immigrants mostly illegal were used historically to punish higher paid blacks who would speak out about employers injustices and help undermine unions that got too uppity,

Rich white liberals have sure brainwashed you fools with their identity politics so they can enjoy the upward movement of wealth that exploited brown immigrants bring them while claiming they are for unions, living wages, healthcare as a right, benefits, etc.,

because if a white or black American refuses to work under the conditions exploited illegals do they cut into the 1% profits so they label them as lazy and all you so called liberals join in not realizing you are cutting of your nose to spite your face so you can appear politically correct for your team.

Liberals have been brainwashed? You say this knowing that it's Democrats who support a minimum wage, its Democrats who support a path to legalization, its Democrats who have, through government ID's, tried to bring immigrants out from the shadows. The only one brainwashed is you, whose party controls all three branches of government and who hasn't even bothered to put forward an immigration reform bill, let alone a bill that addresses all their "concerns"? Shit its your party, whose only major piece of legislation, was a huge tax cut to the uber rich.

I don't know how old you are but I hope that's not what senility looks like because if it is, I'd just as well kill myself than have to deal with that bizarro reality you live in.

Are you even capable of questioning the mind rot you call news? Or questioning the talking points your party shits into your brains? Do you even wonder why the party who claims Hillary is corrupt as fuck, hasn't f done a single thing about it now that they control every branch of government? Do you even have the slightest bit of curiosity as to why your party who, again control all three branches of government, haven't done anything to reduce government spending? Does it concern you one iota that the party that complained about Obama's economic recovery not doing anything for wages, hasn't done shit to raise wages? Have you even had a single thought as to why you should be concerned with a Democrat party who is "beholden to the 1%" when your party is actively trying to dismantle an agency that protects consumers and remove financial regulations for the very industry you guys complained about getting a bailout under Obama? Did you ever wonder, in the slightest, why a trump appointed agency head, was not forced to resign after numerous scandals and who has broken the law and wasted a ton of tax payer money?


And you have the gall to call others brainwashed? Sure /eye roll


Oct 18, 2005
Now they are lazy poor whites because they refuse to work for below living wages, no benefits, poor working conditions, emergency room medical care, never mind immigrants mostly illegal were used historically to punish higher paid blacks who would speak out about employers injustices and help undermine unions that got too uppity,

Rich white liberals have sure brainwashed you fools with their identity politics so they can enjoy the upward movement of wealth that exploited brown immigrants bring them while claiming they are for unions, living wages, healthcare as a right, benefits, etc.,

because if a white or black American refuses to work under the conditions exploited illegals do they cut into the 1% profits so they label them as lazy and all you so called liberals join in not realizing you are cutting of your nose to spite your face so you can appear politically correct for your team.

There is a ton to unpack in your post so I'm just going to focus on the section in bold.

1. Its the GOP who has done much to enable that growth through trickle down economics, hell the latest tax cut we're borrowing money to pay rich people.
2. The GOP has actively campaigned against unions for decades now, increases in the minimum wage, healthcare, etc etc etc.

So I have a question for you. Name one (just one) politician on the national stage who has positions you think would improve the lot of working Americans and supports the things you say rich white liberals don't.
Reactions: greatnoob


Jan 6, 2005
A: Because poor people coming from outside of the US are hungry AF. Hungry AF people bust their asses off. People that bust their asses off pay taxes. 40 years and 4 generations later, you have a shitload of immigrant families with high paying jobs paying taxes while slacker ass Americans get welfare checks and complain about immigrants taking their jobs on /r/politics
Those Americans once had strong work ethics and middle class paying jobs. But then we outsourced all of their jobs without a plan to retrain them, while simultaneously importing a huge wave of undocumented slave labor willing to work below minimum wage without any of the labor protections the middle class fought so hard to attain.

So yes, 40 years later, the American middle class is angry and that is how you get a candidate like Trump.


May 15, 2000
Those Americans once had strong work ethics and middle class paying jobs. But then we outsourced all of their jobs without a plan to retrain them, while simultaneously importing a huge wave of undocumented slave labor willing to work below minimum wage without any of the labor protections the middle class fought so hard to attain.

So yes, 40 years later, the American middle class is angry and that is how you get a candidate like Trump.

By electing a person whose policies would exacerbate the problem? Brilliant! /s


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What I always find odd about restrictionist immigration attitudes is that they generally seem to agree that past waves of immigration (Ellis Island, all that) is a big part of what made America into the great place it is today but for some reason current immigration will make it worse.

I wonder if they realize that for all the prior ‘good’ waves of immigration there were contemporaneous people making almost identical claims to what they are saying now.


May 15, 2000
What I always find odd about restrictionist immigration attitudes is that they generally seem to agree that past waves of immigration (Ellis Island, all that) is a big part of what made America into the great place it is today but for some reason current immigration will make it worse.

I wonder if they realize that for all the prior ‘good’ waves of immigration there were contemporaneous people making almost identical claims to what they are saying now.

They don't realize it all. I tried raising that point and it was totally ignored.


Mar 18, 2018
What I always find odd about restrictionist immigration attitudes is that they generally seem to agree that past waves of immigration (Ellis Island, all that) is a big part of what made America into the great place it is today but for some reason current immigration will make it worse.

I wonder if they realize that for all the prior ‘good’ waves of immigration there were contemporaneous people making almost identical claims to what they are saying now.
It's not really so hard to understand. Those previous immigrations were mostly white people. Irish, Italian, German, etc.

Now they're coming from South of the border and are mostly brown.

It's racism. Trump is a racist, and his supporters are racist. It's pretty much that simple.

Edit: also I will add, the Irish and Italians (not just these two groups but I have more intimate knowledge with these than others since, I am them) were hated just as much when they came here en masse. Gangs of new york is a great movie, btw.


May 19, 2011
Did we run out of poor people who struggle to survive? Why do we want to open the floodgates and bring in millions more who will not be able to find stable good paying jobs with benefits?

What exactly is the gameplan? I have not heard anyone explain why we want to increase our population in this country when our economy cannot support a big influx of people.

You have college grads flipping burgers and making coffee because they cannot find good jobs, you have homeless camps in several of our large cities already.

Maybe start with fixing the problems affecting American citizens first before importing the rest of the world problem?

OP has been trained well.

A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies. ‘The banker takes 19 cookies and warns the worker: “Watch out, the immigrant is going to take your cookie away.”
Reactions: Phenzyn


Jan 6, 2005
I wonder if they realize that for all the prior ‘good’ waves of immigration there were contemporaneous people making almost identical claims to what they are saying now.
They do realize it. It’s because Democrats always make it about race, when its far more complex than that.

Both my grandfathers were the brown people of their immigration wave, and would respond quite angrily to the derogatory terms used towards their culture. But they were also fanatically patriotic and proud of the American citizenship they attained.

They would also point out the distinction that they did not have the luxury of running across a border, and for every one person from their village that made it to America, there were many many many more who did not. Despite the demand for labor, not everyone who wanted to got in.

My grandfathers were also active and loyal union tradespeople. Their frustration with current immigration waves was never about race or skin color. It was more about an influx of undocumented workers undermining the wage floors they fought so hard to attain.

If they were alive today, they would probably also point out that there was no concept of social justice for their immigration wave, so they held a very meritocratic if perhaps myopic view of what it means to be American. Nobody gave a sh!t if the Irish, Italians or Germans were under represented at the Oscars or in Ivy league schools or in corporate board rooms.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If this is truly about economic anxiety and not...let’s just say... something else, then why is it that the areas that are most against immigration are generally the ones with the fewest immigrants? When you look at immigration populations in the US they are in NYC, Los Angeles, places like that. Shouldn’t they be most at risk from immigrants depressing wages and therefore most against it? Instead those areas are among the most supportive of immigration. Instead you have people in Kansas and Missouri, those with very low immigration populations leading the charge against it.

To me the economics argument doesn’t add up.


Jan 6, 2005
If this is truly about economic anxiety and not...let’s just say... something else, then why is it that the areas that are most against immigration are generally the ones with the fewest immigrants? When you look at immigration populations in the US they are in NYC, Los Angeles, places like that. Shouldn’t they be most at risk from immigrants depressing wages and therefore most against it? Instead those areas are among the most supportive of immigration. Instead you have people in Kansas and Missouri, those with very low immigration populations leading the charge against it.

To me the economics argument doesn’t add up.
It does add up. The rural red state areas were going to Trump simply by merit of the fact that he ran as a Republican, which is a totally seperate conversation.

I am talking about the blue dog rust belt states that Clinton lost to Trump...places like Pennsylvania and Florida that contain the remnants of those prior immigration waves or retirees with links to it.

I knew Clinton was in trouble the moment I started seeing more and more tradespeople with Trump stickers on their trucks.

Its the economy stupid.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It does add up. The rural red state areas were going to Trump simply by merit of the fact that he ran as a Republican, which is a totally seperate conversation.

I am talking about the blue dog rust belt states that Clinton lost to Trump...places like Pennsylvania and Florida that contain the remnants of those prior immigration waves or retirees with links to it.

I knew Clinton was in trouble the moment I started seeing more and more tradespeople with Trump stickers on their trucks.

Its the economy stupid.

The areas that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania and Florida do not have high proportions of immigrants; the correlation between immigrant levels and Trump voters is strongly negative.


Jan 6, 2005
The areas that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania and Florida do not have high proportions of immigrants; the correlation between immigrant levels and Trump voters is strongly negative.
They may not have high proportions of current immigrants, but make no mistake that those communities have very strong ties to prior immigration waves and therefore very strong opinions on the decline of the middle class and labor as it relates to immigration.


Mar 1, 2000
Did we run out of poor people who struggle to survive? Why do we want to open the floodgates and bring in millions more who will not be able to find stable good paying jobs with benefits?

What exactly is the gameplan? I have not heard anyone explain why we want to increase our population in this country when our economy cannot support a big influx of people.

You have college grads flipping burgers and making coffee because they cannot find good jobs, you have homeless camps in several of our large cities already.

Maybe start with fixing the problems affecting American citizens first before importing the rest of the world problem?


Fixed that for you, OP.
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