Why do we want to import more poverty in the US when we have enough already?

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Feb 5, 2006
Did we run out of poor people who struggle to survive? Why do we want to open the floodgates and bring in millions more who will not be able to find stable good paying jobs with benefits?

What exactly is the gameplan? I have not heard anyone explain why we want to increase our population in this country when our economy cannot support a big influx of people.

You have college grads flipping burgers and making coffee because they cannot find good jobs, you have homeless camps in several of our large cities already.

Maybe start with fixing the problems affecting American citizens first before importing the rest of the world problem?
Is excessive immigration stopping places like West Virginia from fixing their poverty problems? Maybe they should get on their knees and beg some immigrants to move there to create opportunities for them outside of sucking up coal dust.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
As I recall, the poem on the Statue of Liberty reads "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The US is supposed to be a land of opportunity for people coming from impoverished, violence-ridden or oppressive countries. It's not a "what have you done for me lately?" offer. If they're stuck in poverty and have few educational and economic opportunities... well, maybe you should lower the cost of education, raise the minimum wage and improve their options for mass transit, so they can easily reach better-paying jobs.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
It's not really so hard to understand. Those previous immigrations were mostly white people. Irish, Italian, German, etc.

Now they're coming from South of the border and are mostly brown.

It's racism. Trump is a racist, and his supporters are racist. It's pretty much that simple.

Edit: also I will add, the Irish and Italians (not just these two groups but I have more intimate knowledge with these than others since, I am them) were hated just as much when they came here en masse. Gangs of new york is a great movie, btw.

And Russians are mostly white, coincidence? I think not. Why else would Trump be kissing Putin's crooked ass so much. Putin is far worse than Hillary, the mindset of Trump's base is simply mind-boggling.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And Russians are mostly white, coincidence? I think not. Why else would Trump be kissing Putin's crooked ass so much. Putin is far worse than Hillary, the mindset of Trump's base is simply mind-boggling.

In addition, Russia has moved to position itself as one of the leading centers of ultra right white nationalism in the world. It goes a long way in explaining how the Republican Party went from an extreme anti-Russia party to a pro-Russia party. As Republicans moved more towards being a white nationalist party Russia all of a sudden doesn't look so bad.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2013
I can't hire good workers. People are not skilled and they don't want to move to where jobs are.

US economy has always depended on immigrants high productivity. If we depend on US citizens to produce, we are all doomed. Americans are some of the laziest and entitled workers I have ever dealt with.


Jun 19, 2006
this is the same kind of stuff that's said after every wave of immigration. The 2 that immediately come to mind are fear of Chinese and fear of Vietnamese. How are those immigrant groups doing today, decades later?

Let's be real here, the only people who should've been afraid of immigrants were the Native Americans.

yep and I was living in CA early 70s i remember folks talking about the Japanese taking over and that lasted for a couple decades. Remember the book and the movie Rising Sun?


Jun 19, 2006
I can't hire good workers. People are not skilled and they don't want to move to where jobs are.

US economy has always depended on immigrants high productivity. If we depend on US citizens to produce, we are all doomed. Americans are some of the laziest and entitled workers I have ever dealt with.

How much you pay and how much do I have to do! If it ain't much I can work.


Feb 6, 2002
Maybe a better question why allow a bunch of lazy rich people into the country who would add very little to our working economy and ideals of being an American?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
A: Because poor people coming from outside of the US are hungry AF. Hungry AF people bust their asses off. People that bust their asses off pay taxes. 40 years and 4 generations later, you have a shitload of immigrant families with high paying jobs paying taxes while slacker ass Americans get welfare checks and complain about immigrants taking their jobs on /r/politics
And this, folks, is the real reason why the right fears immigration.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
It's not your money, you want to steal it to give it to others who dont work for votes and make dependent on government.
Most wealthy people inherited their wealth, so in a very real way, you could say it's really not their money either, except through legal fictions.
Right wing reactionaries, like yourself, tend to hold 2 fundamental economic misconceptions.
The first is that macroeconomies are zero sum, ie that the total amount of wealth is fixed and thus any increase in wealth among one group means a decrease in wealth among other groups. That is completely wrong. On the macro level, wealth is not only dynamic, it is relative. And it is capable of increasing (or decreasing) among all groups simultaneously, with increases generally driven by technology.
And second, reactionaries tend to view asset ownership as fixed in time. This one, in particular, is where Ayn Rand got it completely wrong. John Galt might have invented a kind of perpetual motion machine, but he didn't invent the math and science that made it possible for him to do so. He didn't invent the language that made it possible for him to learn that math and science, and for him to communicate his own developments to others. Almost all of the modern technologies (and the wealth derived from same) that we rely on every day were invented by persons no longer living. So who owns all that? According to right wingers, it is to be owned by the descendants of those inventive persons, who mostly did nothing in their own right to deserve it except their accident of birth, so that they can enslave the rest of us in perpetuity.

TL;DR, what you and the rest of the right are most opposed to is the proposition that all men are created equal.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
Maybe a better question why allow a bunch of lazy rich people into the country who would add very little to our working economy and ideals of being an American?

Yes. I grew up poor, and I was the kid hustling for money. I shoveled snow, mowed lawns, even babysat as I realized that if I worked I made money, that could get me things. What is odd to me is how any decent hard working person thinks Trump in any way can empathize with them. His upbringing, his experiences are so different as to be alien to a factory worker stamping out car parts of working an assembly line.

Yet they flock to him in droves, and actually believe he works for their best interests, and knows the pain they feel. I did not like Bernie, but he was close I think in that while I don't think everyone should have a free college education, I'd be for free or greatly reduced trade school education. Imho these are the skills in demand right now, the technical blue collar work that the uneducated can't do, and the college graduates can't either.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Did we run out of poor people who struggle to survive? Why do we want to open the floodgates and bring in millions more who will not be able to find stable good paying jobs with benefits?

What exactly is the gameplan? I have not heard anyone explain why we want to increase our population in this country when our economy cannot support a big influx of people.

You have college grads flipping burgers and making coffee because they cannot find good jobs, you have homeless camps in several of our large cities already.

Maybe start with fixing the problems affecting American citizens first before importing the rest of the world problem?







Immigrants outperform native born citizens on average in productivity and tax contributions.

Probably because they're not racist pricks worrying about people they claim are inferior taking their jobs. (irony)
Nov 8, 2012
It's not really so hard to understand. Those previous immigrations were mostly white people. Irish, Italian, German, etc.

Now they're coming from South of the border and are mostly brown.

It's racism. Trump is a racist, and his supporters are racist. It's pretty much that simple.

Edit: also I will add, the Irish and Italians (not just these two groups but I have more intimate knowledge with these than others since, I am them) were hated just as much when they came here en masse. Gangs of new york is a great movie, btw.

Being against someone's nationality isn't a racist. Please quit using those two interchangeably, it is the leading cause of brain damage amongst the liberal tribe of stereotyping all the problems in life down to the words "racist, sexist, anti-gay". Life isn't as simple as throwing blankets on everything, it's what got us into the mess that are currently in.

Yes. I grew up poor, and I was the kid hustling for money. I shoveled snow, mowed lawns, even babysat as I realized that if I worked I made money, that could get me things. What is odd to me is how any decent hard working person thinks Trump in any way can empathize with them. His upbringing, his experiences are so different as to be alien to a factory worker stamping out car parts of working an assembly line.

Yet they flock to him in droves, and actually believe he works for their best interests, and knows the pain they feel. I did not like Bernie, but he was close I think in that while I don't think everyone should have a free college education, I'd be for free or greatly reduced trade school education. Imho these are the skills in demand right now, the technical blue collar work that the uneducated can't do, and the college graduates can't either.

Agree completely.

Also as a side note - it seems a lot of people here are having trouble distinguishing what the overall topic is. Would help to always clarify for folks with the statements "Legal immigration" and "illegal immigration" (or "undocumented" for you PC snowflakes). I think the majority of conservatives (at least the non-retarded ones) on this forum are overall in favor of legal immigration. In fact, I would love to push the narrative that I am for drastically increasing our legal immigration process to quicken the process. I am in complete agreeance that LEGAL immigrants pay more in taxes and are overall better for this country - both in terms of people and the economy.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Being against someone's nationality isn't a racist. Please quit using those two interchangeably, it is the leading cause of brain damage amongst the liberal tribe of stereotyping all the problems in life down to the words "racist, sexist, anti-gay". Life isn't as simple as throwing blankets on everything, it's what got us into the mess that are currently in.

So like how the white supremacists on the right want everyone to believe that anyone who is against white supremacy must be racist against whites?

And sorry, guy, but the current agenda against immigration is against all forms of immigration, legal and illegal. They use the legal/illegal rhetoric purely to disguise the fact that they are changing the laws to make more paths of immigration illegal.
All of this derives from an anti-meritocratic entitlement mentality among malcontents on the right. They were born white, therefore they deserve more success, regardless of whether they earned it or not. They were born American, therefore they deserve more success, regardless of whether they earned it or not.
I'll say it again, what the right is most opposed to is the proposition that all men are created equal, to which this great nation of ours was purportedly dedicated to.


Nov 11, 1999
Also as a side note - it seems a lot of people here are having trouble distinguishing what the overall topic is. Would help to always clarify for folks with the statements "Legal immigration" and "illegal immigration" (or "undocumented" for you PC snowflakes). I think the majority of conservatives (at least the non-retarded ones) on this forum are overall in favor of legal immigration. In fact, I would love to push the narrative that I am for drastically increasing our legal immigration process to quicken the process. I am in complete agreeance that LEGAL immigrants pay more in taxes and are overall better for this country - both in terms of people and the economy.

That bullshit narrative would run completely contrary to what the Trump admin is doing. They're moving to make legal residents illegal. The Dreamers, the Salvadoran refugees here since 2001 & others as well. They're even moving to create a task force to revoke the citizenship of people naturalized long ago over things dead & buried. They take every opportunity to fuck over decent people in a catch-22 sort of way.



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Did we run out of poor people who struggle to survive? Why do we want to open the floodgates and bring in millions more who will not be able to find stable good paying jobs with benefits?

What exactly is the gameplan? I have not heard anyone explain why we want to increase our population in this country when our economy cannot support a big influx of people.

You have college grads flipping burgers and making coffee because they cannot find good jobs, you have homeless camps in several of our large cities already.

Maybe start with fixing the problems affecting American citizens first before importing the rest of the world problem?
We don't need tons more people beyond our own citzenry and LEGAL/skilled immigrants. Your common sense is at odds with a lot of agenda driven and propaganda blinded numbskulls.

Large industries in this country want an end run around the nations labor, wage and work condition laws. So they want a steady stream of cheap illegal labor crossing the border. They've turned entire industries into 'jobs Americans won't do" and idiots parrot that.

Hint: picking cotton for nothing under a whip, or sharecropping under indentured servitude conditions were also "jobs Americans won't do."

Ask yourself this ... does every nation on earth share a border with a third world nation it exploits or else it can't feed itself? Are they starving in the UK and can't afford a head of lettuce or other such dumb stories as the pro-illegal crowd lies about?

Some businesses don't want to pay an American worker what they are worth in an above board, legal labor enviornment. So with spineless congresscreeps in their pocket, they float all the horseshit about how allowing them to lure in the third world is good for us.

Democrats also want illegals in by the millions and suddenly made legal voters. So they stump for the cheating business and actually try and convince poor people that millions of other poor people willing to do illicit work for even less dumped into their neighborhoods is good for them.

After all, you want to be able to afford lettuce don't you? Also: you're not hard working. Because you won't do 7 days/16 hour days at $1.21. You haven't achieved sainthood, you lazy wanna be first-worlder.


Feb 23, 2005
Nativists talked the same shit about every immigrant group that ever entered this country. We swallowed them right up, made them us.

Most wealthy people inherited their wealth, so in a very real way, you could say it's really not their money either, except through legal fictions.

Most? Well, not really.

Right wing reactionaries, like yourself, tend to hold 2 fundamental economic misconceptions.
The first is that macroeconomies are zero sum, ie that the total amount of wealth is fixed and thus any increase in wealth among one group means a decrease in wealth among other groups. That is completely wrong. On the macro level, wealth is not only dynamic, it is relative. And it is capable of increasing (or decreasing) among all groups simultaneously, with increases generally driven by technology.

Wait, what? Ive never heard a conservative talk of wealth that way. I ve heard many liberals or progressives refer to wealth this way though. I think you got it backwards.
Nov 8, 2012
That bullshit narrative would run completely contrary to what the Trump admin is doing. They're moving to make legal residents illegal. The Dreamers, the Salvadoran refugees here since 2001 & others as well. They're even moving to create a task force to revoke the citizenship of people naturalized long ago over things dead & buried. They take every opportunity to fuck over decent people in a catch-22 sort of way.


What in any of my post was I agreeing with our current administration that I didn't vote for?


Feb 23, 2005
Most wealthy people inherited their wealth, so in a very real way, you could say it's really not their money either, except through legal fictions.
Right wing reactionaries, like yourself, tend to hold 2 fundamental economic misconceptions.
The first is that macroeconomies are zero sum, ie that the total amount of wealth is fixed and thus any increase in wealth among one group means a decrease in wealth among other groups. That is completely wrong. On the macro level, wealth is not only dynamic, it is relative. And it is capable of increasing (or decreasing) among all groups simultaneously, with increases generally driven by technology.
And second, reactionaries tend to view asset ownership as fixed in time. This one, in particular, is where Ayn Rand got it completely wrong. John Galt might have invented a kind of perpetual motion machine, but he didn't invent the math and science that made it possible for him to do so. He didn't invent the language that made it possible for him to learn that math and science, and for him to communicate his own developments to others. Almost all of the modern technologies (and the wealth derived from same) that we rely on every day were invented by persons no longer living. So who owns all that? According to right wingers, it is to be owned by the descendants of those inventive persons, who mostly did nothing in their own right to deserve it except their accident of birth, so that they can enslave the rest of us in perpetuity.

TL;DR, what you and the rest of the right are most opposed to is the proposition that all men are created equal.
So like how the white supremacists on the right want everyone to believe that anyone who is against white supremacy must be racist against whites?

And sorry, guy, but the current agenda against immigration is against all forms of immigration, legal and illegal. They use the legal/illegal rhetoric purely to disguise the fact that they are changing the laws to make more paths of immigration illegal.
All of this derives from an anti-meritocratic entitlement mentality among malcontents on the right. They were born white, therefore they deserve more success, regardless of whether they earned it or not. They were born American, therefore they deserve more success, regardless of whether they earned it or not.
I'll say it again, what the right is most opposed to is the proposition that all men are created equal, to which this great nation of ours was purportedly dedicated to.

Which immigration law has been enacted or changed that made once legal immigrants into illegal ones?


May 15, 2000
Which immigration law has been enacted or changed that made once legal immigrants into illegal ones?

Right now, like most of trumps policies, things are being changed by executive order. No need to pass laws when changes can be implemented on the down low.
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Nov 11, 1999
Which immigration law has been enacted or changed that made once legal immigrants into illegal ones?

The law hasn't been changed, just its implementation to fuck over the Dreamers & Salvadoran refugees here since 2001. And that's just for starters.
Nov 8, 2012
You'd just love to push a false narrative as to what conservatives, Trump voters, really want.

I'm giving my serious and upfront opinion. As someone that works with a shitload more immigrants than you do in my daily work life - I have no problem saying that I am in favor of bringing more of them in on a legal basis.... to the point of investing some money to speed up the process.
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