Why do YOU Play?


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2012
We are studying the motivations of gamers and the impact of gaming on their lives.
Level of Education:
1) How did you first get into video gaming?
2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
3) Why do you continue to play video games?
4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
12) Why do you play single player games?
13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Thank you for your participation!


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2012
We are student researchers based in Orange County who are studying the psychological impact of gaming on social interaction in real life and the use of video games as a substitute for real life social interaction. All replies are anonymous, and we will not be publishing the results other than in our class project.

TLDR: students working on a school project


Oct 10, 2006
College Junior at a 4-year university.

1. Started playing educational games at age 3 on an old IBM, kept doing so throughout my childhood transitioning to mainstream games in mid-late elementary school.

2. My parents thought it would be good for me, hence the early educational games.

3. Fun. I play casually and I'll play virtually anything at varying skill levels.

4. See above.

5. It can be. Obviously a single player game is not a social activity, but various forms of multiplayer allow for a social experience.

6. Yes.

7. No.

8. No. I have a few online-only acquaintances, people I've friended through services like steam because they were fun to play with, but I wouldn't call them

9. Back when I was depressed in high school/early college I tended to use video games as an escape, to the detriment of various parts of my life.

10. Yes.

11. Of course. I'll initially restrict the amount of time that they play, probably 1-2 hours maximum, and of course after all homework and chores are completed. Said restrictions will be gradually lifted as they age and show proper self-control/maturity.

12. Story, plot, immersion.

13. When I was depressed, yes, but not recently.

14. Classic single player and modern/traditional multiplayer, but I despise MMOs. Mainly because I see them as paying exorbitant fees for a very mediocre gaming experience. I'd much prefer a solid single player campaign with a complex, involved story to a multiplayer game, although I have plenty of fun playing online in multiplayer shooters and real time strategy games.

15. I'd say overall it's made me happier. It's the entertainment value of watching a good movie only more engaging, and provides a fun group activity when I have people over.

Edit: Fixed response to 12, mis-read the question originally.
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Jan 8, 2010
We are studying the motivations of gamers and the impact of gaming on their lives.
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Level of Education: College
1) How did you first get into video gaming?
Parents bought an Atari 2600 when it first came out.
2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
Enjoyed it
3) Why do you continue to play video games?
To pass time.
4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
Competition, comradery
5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
I do these days. While a majority of my gaming life was spent playing single player games, I would say that in the last 10 years I enjoy multiplayer games more and play them more because of that.
6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Yes a very active social life
7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
To some degree. You are able to interact with people and cultures from all over the world that you might not otherwise ever come in contact with.
8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
Yes. Actually for years none of my in person friends are people I play games with. They are 2 separate groups.
9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
Yes. At one point Starcraft put a strain on my marriage.
10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
N/A but I wouldn't stop them if I had them.
12) Why do you play single player games?
Usually for story which multiplayer lacks
13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
Multiplayer. I've been hooked on MMO's and stay away from them now due to the time sink needed. I get an adrenaline rush from multiplayer games that I don't get from single player games.
15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
At most I'd say they help pass time when necessary.
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Dec 12, 2001
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Level of Education: College + Tech school (A+, MSCE, graphic arts prepress)
1) How did you first get into video gaming?
Played NES at my cousin's house when I was about 5.

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
It was fun

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
It's still fun

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
I don't have any. I'm not competitive. I play what I enjoy and sometimes playing online is enjoyable.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
It can be when you invite friends over, talk to people about the latest games, some online games are very interactive.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Of course

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
Not at all.

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
Sort of...I once played an MMORPG for so long that I had to call in sick to work lol

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
Sure, anything they enjoy doing is fine especially when it's something you do at home. Better than out partying it up.

12) Why do you play single player games?
Engaging characters and story

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
single player because you don't have to listen to rage kids cursing at you and I can do things at my own pace.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
I don't think so outside the fact I can relieve some stress by playing Skyrim or Battlefield 3.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
oh good. survey's....with too many questions...in a forum....from someone with the word "research" in their name.
this looks promising.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
Too many questions, sorry. I don't have the time, I have to go play Black Ops zombies.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Age: 42
Gender: M
Education: Bacherlor's in Accounting, CPA
1. Started back in 6th grade with cassette tapes and Atari 2600.
2. It was the new thing/all the cool kids were doing it
3. Hobby/still fun/play with the kids
4. I rarely play MP
5. For me, no.
6. Yes. And NO, that active life does not include Facebook. I will never touch that abomination.
7. N/A
8. No
9. Kills my wallet at times
10. Can be but I don't go out of my way. I would rather work on projects around the house on a weekend.
11. Yep, not too many limits except no gaming during school week.
12. I don't want my experience to be ruined by 12-year old foul mouthed brats
13. No. There are periods of times that I will stop gaming completely. Could last a couple months or more.
14. Single player. See 12.
15. It's made me a chick magnet.


Feb 8, 2004
We are studying the motivations of gamers and the impact of gaming on their lives.
Age: 25
Gender: M
Level of Education: BSc
1) How did you first get into video gaming?
Played a mega drive (genesis) at friends house, loved it, parents got me one for xmas, was hooked
2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
3) Why do you continue to play video games?
Fun and domination of noobs
4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
Domination of noobs
5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
Yes, far more than it used to be thanks to high speed internet and multiplayer focus in games.
6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Define active Its active enough for me, i have a g/f and some close friends but i game with the friends more than actually hang out or go anywhere.
7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
Not particularly.
8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
Yup, some are rather boring/tame outside of games.
9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
Meh, more sociable than some, not as sociable as others, im in between.
11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
Yup when i have kids they can do whatever they want.
12) Why do you play single player games?
Storyline and gameplay, although for many genres story is not important (civ, simcity etc) you make your own story in them i guess.
13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
Classic single/multiplayer stuff, MMOs are boring as hell, i tried WoW and it was just ugh... not a terrible game but i just found it lame and dull.
15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Thank you for your participation!
Yup, hours of entertainment for a (usually) low price.



Super Moderator Graphics Cards
Dec 21, 2010
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Level of Education: Postgraduate

1) How did you first get into video gaming?

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
Lost interest in most forms of passive entertainment

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
No, only interested in single player

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
Not particularly

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?

12) Why do you play single player games?
Casual gamer only

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
Prefer single player for having started out that way in arcades; don't necessarily think it's better than the other two choices

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
Here, I answered the questions. Do I win an iPod?

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Level of Education: 2-year College

1) How did you first get into video gaming?
Been playing since I was a kid. My older brother introduced me to most games

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
I was just a kid looking to have some fun

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
Makes me forget RL troubles, connect with distant friends, plus it's tons of fun.

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
I get satisfaction from defeating competition that's just not available in single-player games. And interacting with humans.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
Depends on what type of game we're talking about here. Games like Dota 2 are just strangers yelling insults at each other, but games like Borderlands coop or even WoW Raids can be very social and can help develop a sense of camaraderie after playing and chatting for hours with select individuals

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Not really. Only have a handful of friends that I really care about

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
It probably gave me an excuse not to actively look for new friends

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
Yes, have a bunch of friends from back when I used to play WoW several years ago

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
Yeah, it affected my studying, though when I stopped gaming for a year, I just wasted my time through other means. So I don't really blame gaming here

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
Not really

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
I would, yes. Though I wouldn't let them game at the expense of other activities. I'd keep an eye on how they're spending their time.

12) Why do you play single player games?
Because they're immersive and tend to tell great stories that cannot be told through other mediums

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
When I feel down/wanna relax I might do that

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
I prefer singleplayer gaming, because it's not as addictive as multiplayer gaming, and is alot more immersive. You also can't tell a good story in multiplayer games, as people usually won't pay attention.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
I believe so, as gaming was my primary motivation to follow technology news and keep up with the tech world. I also met great people through WoW. Hell, two people even got married because of me, as I was the one who recruited a warlock from a different server and asked her to transfer over. One year later, she moved in with one of our guildmates and they got married
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Feb 6, 2007
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Level of Education: BA

1) My mother brought an Apple IIE home from work which had a handful of classic arcade games on it (Moon Patrol, Montezuma's Revenge, Missile Command, Q-Bert, Dig-Dug, etc.).

2) A lot of my peers had the NES so I was tempted to try this whole "video game" thing out. I didn't want to be left out of the loop on something that was universally accepted as "cool."

3) A variety of reasons, chief of which is that they've simply become part of what I do. It's hard to grow out of a hobby. I'm a member of a gaming group, my friends and relatives include many avid gamers, and I like the interactivity of the medium as opposed to music or television.

4) Getting to interact with other people to work together to solve problems, or, more often, engage in some friendly competition in a medium where the only thing that can get hurt is feelings.

5) I do consider gaming to be a social activity. Back in the days of the SNES, I would have friends over to play splitscreen Mario Kart or Killer Instinct or Play Action Football. We graduated on to splitscreen in Goldeneye, then the more active atmosphere of motion-controlled games like Wii Sports. And I've been playing games online since 1999, which has offered me an opportunity to make friends with people I never would've otherwise met, with some friendships extending beyond the game and into real-world interactions like BBQs and such.

6) I do. I spend a fair amount of time playing pool, and even though I have a pool table, it's fun to go out to local pool halls to play. Many of my friends are active pool players as well as gamers.

7) I feel more comfortable using racial slurs with strangers... no, that's not true. Honestly, I don't feel that it's changed me much. I try to speak to people the same online as I would if I were face-to-face; if I wouldn't say it for fear of getting punched, does it really need to be said?

8) Yes, several in my gaming group, and that's primarily because of their location. I know people in Canada, Australia, Japan, Hawaii and states several thousand miles away that I consider friends who I've met through gaming. It would be unreasonable to expect me to travel to Australia just to share a beer with someone (well, not share a beer, but you get my point).
9) I've ducked out on responsibilities once or twice for gaming, but never in a way that led to any long term ramifications. I've taken vacations from work based solely around the release of an anticipated game, but again, they were planned in advance.

10) I'm not an extrovert by any stretch until I feel comfortable with someone or there's alcohol in me. I consider myself friendly, humorous and helpful, but I wouldn't say that I go out of my way to meet new people or be the life of the party.

11) I would, up to the point of them getting sucked into WoW or StarCraft and dying during a marathon gaming session. I think as long as you teach your children proper values and keep a watchful eye on the games they're being exposed to, video games offer a good teaching tool and a good source of socialization with people of different cultures (I now know more Australian and Canadian terminology than I ever figured I would solely by interacting with people in video games). And, obviously, they're a good source of entertainment as well.

12) To feel like the hero. To run around in a world where my actions have no consequence. Generally, this doesn't mean much, since I'm too nice a person, and I try to be generally good whether playing in a single-player world or a multi-player world, but every now and then it's nice to just be a complete dick to everything without having to worry that you're griefing in someone else's game and ruining their day. That, and single-player games offer a much more cohesive story than multi-player games, since you can't usually put a narrative that revolves around a whole bunch of different players operating independently.

13) In the sense of talking to the game? No. Sometimes you need an escape from social interaction, which is no different than what you experience when reading a book, or listening to classical music through headphones, or watching Full House in the dark while masturbating and crying. Single-player games are simply another opportunity to entertain yourself without the company of others. And, incidentally, I've never played any of the Mass Effect games, but I have watched my friend played it for several hours and enjoyed simply watching the story unfold. It doesn't have to be a solo experience just because only one person has control.

14) This is a tough one, because I'm generally open to many different types of games. I'd say MMO's are my least favorite, in part because it's so hard to stand out in a server populated by thousands and thousands of other people, and in part because they always feel like they're based around the gameplay of grinding on and on to get better gear to grind on and on some more. No thanks. I like traditional multiplayer FPS games like Counter-Strike or the Battlefield games. I also like a single-player game that offers me a unique world and good story (GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, etc.).

15) Absolutely. Without gaming I wouldn't have met the people in my gaming group. I made friends with them through CS, but I've since met a number of them at a local LAN party hosted by a member, I've gone to BBQs and parties with some of them, I've helped them build computers (and vice versa), and made some good friendships out of it. It was a friend I made through an old Half-Life mod called Frontline Force who turned me on to Sage Francis, Aesop Rock and other underground hip hop artists who now rank as some of my favorite music. I did my college thesis on how gender portrayals in video games have evolved over time. I learned how to build computers so that I could get off Macs and make a computer that would be able to run current video games, a skill which has paid for itself nicely over the years. I'd say video games have contributed far more good than bad in my life, even outside of their value as an entertainment medium.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2010
Wow, I can't believe you guys answered all of those questions. I've seen less effort in research papers.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2010
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Level of Education: Chemical Engineer (Bachelor's) / Accountant (Masters) / Chartered Accountant

1) How did you first get into video gaming?
I started playing a pre-PC (can't remember the name - it was even before DOS-based games) at the age of 3-4. It planted the seed of a PC gamer in me.

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
The entertainment, I guess. On a most basic level, I just enjoy it.

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
See (2). Having better graphics and sound nowadays help also.

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
n/a (like single player mostly)

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
yes. Had heaps of fun playing D2, WC3 and others in the past with friends over LAN.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Yes, mostly on weekends and holidays.

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
I did as a kid (played too much and studied little) but it's not a problem now

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
I'm no socialite but I can hold good conversations with almost any type of person/group

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
Yes, but they must be clear that their responsibilities (e.g. studies) take precedence over this right (gaming)

12) Why do you play single player games?
Just like it and because I can play any time I want.

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
I will on those solitary days but I try not to do this normally. It tends to leave me feeling bad afterward.

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
Single player

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Hmm, it gives a temporary distraction from real-life stress so I guess that's a yes?


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Level of Education: Bachelors in Engineering (Instrumentation)

1) How did you first get into video gaming?
- With the NES

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
- A lot of fun.

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
- Best form of entertainment besides music & movies

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
- No motivation. It's just pure entertainment.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
- No.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
- Yes.

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
- No

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
- No.

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
- Addiction to WOW once led me to take a week's leave from work. I just wanted to farm those Emblems.

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
- Yes.

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
- They can if they want to.

12) Why do you play single player games?
- because you dont have to worry about getting disconnected and losing progress or listen to pesky kids ruining an entire raid. Better yet, no NINJAs.

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
- Hell No.

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
- Single player for reasons mentioned in point 12.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
- No, except I get to proudly show-off upcoming trailers to friends and make a face as if I created those games.
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Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2006
Level of Education:B.Sc Computer Science
1) How did you first get into video gaming?
my father brought me DOS games for our 286.
2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
Fun and beating the computer
3) Why do you continue to play video games?
they challenge me mentally and intellectually, provide fulfillment
4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
fun with friends, goofing around
5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
No, i usually do it alone.
6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
I'm married, so NO j/k yeah as much as any other person...
7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?
8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?
used to, not anymore
9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
i got glasses at 18, may not be related...
10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?
11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
Yes, as much as they would like to be. my wife disagrees and doesn't want it
12) Why do you play single player games?
because most games are single player...to enjoy the experience for myself, without interference.
13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?
Yes, when i'm not in the mood to go out or too tired to do anything else.
14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
classic single player games, lets you explore and discover things on your own time and terms.
15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Yes, i learned english through playing games, improved my knowledge, imagination, and hand coordination (i also play the piano), experienced emotional highs and lows and was exposed to other cultural influences (such as the japanese culture), learned history and much more.
see above


Dec 11, 2000
Age: 27

Gender: Male

Level of Education: Last year of medical school.

1) How did you first get into video gaming?
NES for Christmas

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
I suppose my parents saw it as a way to keep me occupied as a youngin

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
Stress relief, escapism, like many other vices. Also social outlet.

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
Competition, social outlet.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
Of course. It blows my mind when people don't. People sit on facebook and stalk others for hours, but using a headset and playing a game with people is ultra nerdy? I use games to keep in touch/virtual hang out with many old high school and college friends.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?
Not as active as college (partying/hanging out all the time), but that's because med school is a bitch.

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?
No more so than any other vice, of course there are times that I'm losing productivity when I'm gaming.

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
Sure. Can't really judge the degree without better context.

12) Why do you play single player games?
Escapism. Same reason I read books or watch movies, except that video games are interactive.

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
I can't say I prefer one to the other, they serve slightly different purposes.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Sure. Hours of enjoyment, staying in touch with friends, and I actually learned quite a bit of history, mythology, and vocabulary when I was younger.


Senior member
Dec 8, 2005
What the hell, I'll give it a go:

Age: 28
Gender: M
Level of Education: Bachelor's in Accounting and Master's in Finance

1) How did you first get into video gaming?
Parents had an old Intellivision that I used to play before moving on to an original NES (which I still have, with original box, in my office).

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming?
It was something that was fun to do.

3) Why do you continue to play video games?
It is something that continues to be fun to do.

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games?
Working with friends to accomplish goals in game.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not?
It can be in a co-op or MMO setting.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming?

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how?

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming?

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way?

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person?

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree?
If it's something they enjoy, then yes.

12) Why do you play single player games?
I mostly stick to single player RPGs for the story and character growth.

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction?

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion?
Generally single player but it more depends on the quality of the game.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way?
Sure. They provide entertainment and stress relief.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
1) Got an Atari gaming machine at the age of 6.
2) It was fun.
3) It is fun.
4) A.i.'s are boring to beat....more demanding to beat a real human...most times.
5) Depends on the game.
6) Yup.
7) Nope.
8) Yup.
9) Nope.
10) Depends on if I click with people or not...my life is to short for useless people.
11) Yes and it's up to them
12) Like reading a good boook...just interactive.
13) Nope, A.I's make for poor converstionpartners...and make a lowsy breakfast.
14) Prefeer singleplayer as many MMO's are to easy and too "fuzzy-warm-feelings-everyone-is-a-winner"...boring.
15) It has widen my horizon...and thaught me that most people whine too much.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2012
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Level of Education:B.S. and M.S. in Manufacturing Engineering

1) How did you first get into video gaming? Got my first NES the Christmas after I turned three years old... never been able to get away

2) What was your motivation to begin gaming? Its great entertainment, fairly cheap when compared to other things I could be doing, and Wisconsin winters are worthless, need something to fill the time.

3) Why do you continue to play video games? I'm hooked... After playing for so many years I honestly can't really imagine not playing.

4) What is your motivation to play multiplayer games? Every time you log on, it is different. Single player can get stale, but playing with other people having free-will makes the game constantly a different experience.

5) Do you consider gaming to be a social activity? Why or why not? If I'm at home alone playing BF3 while on a headset - no way. If I am at a buddy's house having a LAN party, or have three other guys playing Mariokart with me, then yes.

6) Do you have an active social life outside of gaming? Yes, too active... I'm always worn out/tired nights I go out and do other things besides games.

7) Do you feel that multiplayer gaming has altered your social abilities? If so, how? I'm sure I've called someone a "noob" in real life.... no excuse other than online gaming.

8) Do you have any friends you do not interact with outside of video gaming? Yes, there are a few guys (randoms or friends of friends) who will play with us on a Vent server... never met them in my life though.

9) Has video gaming ever hindered you in any way? Some nights I'll be playing and realize it is like 3 hours later than I thought it was with work the next morning... that is really about it.

10) Do you consider yourself to be a sociable person? Yes.

11) Will/do you allow your children to become gamers? If so, to what degree? I sure will, hopefully they like it as much as I do... someday I'm going to need someone to compete against and my fiance' isn't really cutting the mustard.... but she tries

12) Why do you play single player games? It doesn't have a multiplayer option... some sports games I prefer single player as well.

13) Do you ever use single-player games as a substitute for social interaction? Nah, usually single player games are played for a few minutes here or there between doing things or before bed.

14) Do you prefer classic single player or multiplayer gaming, or MMO’s? What makes this game design better in your opinion? I like multiplayer gaming that I can just hop in/out of (BF3)... MMO's require too much time commitment.

15) Have video games improved your life in any way? I certainly think it has helped in puzzle solving, hand eye coordination, keeping my brain/memory fresh, obviously entertainment, and it gives me a nice escape from the daily grind.... nothing like taking the stress of work out on some poor sucker online.
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