why does a person need to carry a gun on a daily basis in america in 2005?

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Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Thera
Originally posted by: ryan256
Originally posted by: Reapsy00
It seems crazy too me that you can have citizens walking around with guns legally. Still I suppose it's just what you're used to. Hope it never happens over here (UK).

It seems funny to me that after banning legally owned firearms your gun crime rate has actually gone UP!! Hope it never happens over here (US).
Yeah, having 30,000 gun deaths per year makes us a great example for gun ownership. :thumbsup:
The US had a bit over 12,000 murders and 17,000 suicides by handgun in 1999. Way to show your sources. Hint: Michael Moore is not a reliable one.

Sorry, make that 29,000. Thanks for posting your source Mr. Moore.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: wchou
Originally posted by: Kroze
heh. funy that you asked. i just got my license to purchase handguns today.

and i'm in jersey.

already got my rifle/shotgun license.
i think if everyone have a gun, then there would be no reason to fear anyone. there is no right or wrong in life, who ever is armed becomes the ruler of this planet. disarming citizen or civilians is what any dictator will do if they want to slaughter all of you little by little and no one can do anything about it.

most people need to learn how to handle a gun correctly, it is your best protection against domestic corruption. the people have become pussies, they no longer feel responsible for their own life and depends on 3rd party to protect them which makes them a dependent on others who may not care at all. What's the difference between them and you? they have a gun and are trained, that is all. Even a woman can be bad asses once trained in the art of gun shooting.

The right to bear arms, our 2nd amendment can mean life or death and can never be infringed including the government who are working hard to scare us and asking us to give up every rights that will make us their slaves overnight. what makes this country so great can turn into another killing field of cambodia or vietnam war if we're not careful. I feel that we the people should rise up and speak out against every wrong doing that has been done so far. only we the people have the power to stop what is going on today, we need to stop watching television news that are based on fantasy. Either you are part of the problems or part of the solution. Most of us do not cooperate well with another, that's why we are at a losing battle to solve world conflicts. I hate war as much as anyone who likes peace, why aren't anyone doing anything about it? Is this insanity or what? Has the world gone mad?

Jesus, do you wear a tinfoil hat when you go outside? And BTW, just carrying does NOT make you a "bad ass."

Now, I own guns, but I never carry. They are their if I need to defend myself or this country from some sort of invader/oppressive gov (which was the original intent of the 2nd amend BTW). I really think as the number of people who carry go up, so will crime and murder stats. Arms escalation is never a good thing.


Junior Member
Sep 24, 2005
First , In Fla. the laws are such that if someone wants to carry something to protect themselves they have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry even a small knive. Secondly, who said anything about a person, has anyone been attacked by 3 or 4 dogs and not have anything to protect ones self? I have, Its not very much fun, infact anyone can get hurt bad , and not many others know what to do to stop such an attack. And I will garentee that if it happens to you you will be applying for a concealed weapons permit. Did I mention that it is against the law to carry anything but a small knive without a concealed weapons permit in Fla..


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: tripod264
First , In Fla. the laws are such that if someone wants to carry something to protect themselves they have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry even a small knive. Secondly, who said anything about a person, has anyone been attacked by 3 or 4 dogs and not have anything to protect ones self? I have, Its not very much fun, infact anyone can get hurt bad , and not many others know what to do to stop such an attack. And I will garentee that if it happens to you you will be applying for a concealed weapons permit. Did I mention that it is against the law to carry anything but a small knive without a concealed weapons permit in Fla..

Wont a can of pepper spray serve such a purpose?


Senior member
Nov 7, 2002
Most people have no idea how to even properly handle a handgun. It takes a lot of practice to even become a decent shooter with a handgun. Belive me, I have placed high in state handgun tournaments and know how to kick some ass quickly with a handgun. It took thousands of rounds of ammo to accomplish that.

I really enjoyed shooting, the power to hit 5 headshots on 5 different targets in under 3 secs is an extreme rush.

Its too bad I can't get time to shoot as much anymore.


Mar 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Pablo
Inspired by another thread...

Does a gun make you feel safer? I think about all the times I wish I had been carrying a gun in my life, and they total 0. I don't think we need to outlaw guns or anything... I think guns are awesome, fun to shoot, etc... But why would you need to carry one on a daily basis?

It seems to me like "I need one for protection" pretty much is just an excuse to justify the purchase of a new toy. Anybody else feel this way?

Inspired by the guy taking a dump on The Constitution quoted above...

Does freedom of speech make you feel safer? I think about all the times I wish I had freedom of speech in my life, and they total 0. I don't think we need to outlaw freedom of speech or anything... I think freedom of speech is awesome, fun to speak your mind, etc... But why would you need freedom of speech on a daily basis?

It seems to me like "I need freedom of speech" pretty much is just an excuse to justify saying what you feel. Anybody else feel this way?
May 16, 2000
That's great for you, but what if someone elses experiences differ? What if someone, anyone, actually needed one once and didn't have one? Then they'd be hurt, or dead, on account of other people not needing one.

I've carried every day (just about) for the last 8 or 9 years. I've actually HAD to draw very few times, but there have been many more I was considerably more at ease knowing it was there.

Oh, and to your question about 'new toy' syndrome; I actually hate guns. Despise them. But because I consider them a necessary evil, I have them. I'd never buy one 'just because' or because I found it cool or some other such silly nonesense. They're a tool...you buy what you need.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: edro13
I don't carry a handgun because the one time I would get robbed, it would be out of reach or I would have forgotten to carry it.

For a handgun to be useful, it needs to be accessible at all times. That means you need to carry it with you, which is illegal in a lot of places and can result in a felony charge against you. (Federal buildings, bars, school zones, airports, trade zones, etc.)

I will have to rely on my ninja skills.

That's GROSSLY oversimplified. Rules for carrying vary widely, and yes you have to learn them. You also have to go to the trouble to actually carry. If you aren't willing to do those things, then you're right, a gun isn't for you. However, the derision you cast upon the process is unfounded.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: logic1485
Even if you do have a gun, do you really think you have the balls to shoot the other person, even if it is just shooting them in the foot just to disable them?

I know I wouldn't.

Absolutely, no question whatsoever. If you aren't fairly certain you'd pull the trigger, you have no business carrying.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: JACKHAMMER
Originally posted by: tripod264
First , In Fla. the laws are such that if someone wants to carry something to protect themselves they have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry even a small knive. Secondly, who said anything about a person, has anyone been attacked by 3 or 4 dogs and not have anything to protect ones self? I have, Its not very much fun, infact anyone can get hurt bad , and not many others know what to do to stop such an attack. And I will garentee that if it happens to you you will be applying for a concealed weapons permit. Did I mention that it is against the law to carry anything but a small knive without a concealed weapons permit in Fla..

Wont a can of pepper spray serve such a purpose?

Not reliably. Chemical agencies are of limited use. It's a good option to have, but not to rely on.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2004
It makes me feel safer to know that good guys have more gun than bad guys. However, I have a feeling that most gun owners are not gun proficient. Scary


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: JACKHAMMER
Originally posted by: tripod264
First , In Fla. the laws are such that if someone wants to carry something to protect themselves they have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry even a small knive. Secondly, who said anything about a person, has anyone been attacked by 3 or 4 dogs and not have anything to protect ones self? I have, Its not very much fun, infact anyone can get hurt bad , and not many others know what to do to stop such an attack. And I will garentee that if it happens to you you will be applying for a concealed weapons permit. Did I mention that it is against the law to carry anything but a small knive without a concealed weapons permit in Fla..

Wont a can of pepper spray serve such a purpose?

Not reliably. Chemical agencies are of limited use. It's a good option to have, but not to rely on.

Exactly why police carry all of the above. Use minimal force and escalate as necessary. Just be sure you have the tools to do so or you may quickly find yourself out matched.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2004
Anyone who has a basic understanding of the origins, applications, and limits of the government can answer this. If you don't like the 2nd Amendment, pass a constitutional amendment banning it. You will fail for a reason.


Apr 12, 2005
What I'd be thinking is any one of you guy's who is "carrying" could just lose the plot for a second and go john wayne at the ok corral styley. I mean come on you is all crazy enough to vote for george w


Aug 10, 2005
The people who have concealed carry licenses should have been around handguns enough to know how to use, take care of and be responsible for them. Its the people who pick one up at the local general store, or illegally, that don't take the time to train with them and be responsible. I don't find it neccesary for me to own a gun or carry a concealed weapon, other than a knife occasionally (not just for shanking attackers) but I like to think that I will have the right to do so should the need arise. I would like to hear statistics for the number of assaults/robberies/gun related deaths that involve CCHL holders asside from those where the weapon was used in self defence... When you really think about it if everyone had an unlicensed gun then this country would be a warzone, but if everyone had a gun and we all knew who was doing the shooting things would be a little different. I belive that is why countries like Canada and Switzlerland have very high gun ownership rates and low gun related death rates.

Just my $.02
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Reapsy00
What I'd be thinking is any one of you guy's who is "carrying" could just lose the plot for a second and go john wayne at the ok corral styley. I mean come on you is all crazy enough to vote for george w

Take that back! I spent about half of every day campaigning against the SOB both elections!


Sep 7, 2001
Not that I am opposed to training (I'm a very big proponent of training), but there are legions of cases of little old ladies and men and soccer moms with no firearms training defending themselves just fine against violent criminals with an old .38 that hadn't been fired in 20 years, who otherwise wouldn't have had a chance of defending themselves without superior force.

Worst case scenario, having their gun taken from them (which is in fact quite uncommon), they are no worse off than thousands of victims who are brutalized annually because they are defenseless against physically superior and violent scumbags who use the element of surprise to get the upper hand. Criminals have no problem getting guns and there isn't much we are going to do about that with nearly as many firearms in private possession as there are people (200+ million), particularly with the massive traffic that our shipping ports receive and our porous borders. It would be very easy for an enterprising criminal in some ailing Eastern European country to smuggle thousands of guns in to the US, as they do into Great Britain to supply ethnic gangs in London with fully automatic weapons.

Preventing citizens from carrying firearms for protection, with some reasonable restrictions, has nothing whatsoever to do with crime prevention or public safety. It has to do with police departments not wanting to look bad or be forced to justify their multi-million dollar budgets when the news reports that a victim just protected him or herself from violent crime just fine at no cost to the tax payer, and with any luck, saving tax payers the expense of trial.

It sets a bad example that people might find sensible. And then what would politicians (and police unions) use to scare people in order to justify higher taxes to fund massive police budgets?


Oct 20, 2004
I'm all for the 2nd ammendment, but I don't think there is much practicality in carrying for self defense. If someone has a gun pointed at you, you'd have to be a damn quick draw to pull out a concealed handgun and cap his ass. If you have hopes of being a hero, say so, instead of pretending it's for self defense.

If I'm ever doing research or something in a seedy 2nd or 3rd world country, or at sea, I will be bringing an automatic weapon!


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
It's so much cooler to just use ninja skills. Be cool. Lose the gun.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
I'm all for the 2nd ammendment, but I don't think there is much practicality in carrying for self defense. If someone has a gun pointed at you, you'd have to be a damn quick draw to pull out a concealed handgun and cap his ass. If you have hopes of being a hero, say so, instead of pretending it's for self defense.

If I'm ever doing research or something in a seedy 2nd or 3rd world country, or at sea, I will be bringing an automatic weapon!
Its really not as hard to be quick enough. Look for some statistics on it, it seems that it really doesn't happen that way. When you go for it, it generally looks like you're reaching for a wallet.

That said there are plenty of pistols that will fit comfortable in a pants pocket, which many people even better for them since they can have their pockets at any time and draw no suspicion from doing so.

Its a personal choice, I wouldn't ever try to convince someone to carry. I used to think its was a little out there to carry, but all it takes is one time for you to wish you had one and have a pocket full of fuzz to make you change your mind.


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Pablo
Inspired by another thread...

Does a gun make you feel safer? I think about all the times I wish I had been carrying a gun in my life, and they total 0. I don't think we need to outlaw guns or anything... I think guns are awesome, fun to shoot, etc... But why would you need to carry one on a daily basis?

It seems to me like "I need one for protection" pretty much is just an excuse to justify the purchase of a new toy. Anybody else feel this way?

Cause a man has a right to protect himself, his family, and his property. And no lawman is going to take that away from us.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Well, since people can shoot anyone at random now in Florida, it is probably a good idea to at least have a handgun. Maybe you'll be able to shoot first and get away in time


Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: RMSistight
Originally posted by: Pablo
Inspired by another thread...

Does a gun make you feel safer? I think about all the times I wish I had been carrying a gun in my life, and they total 0. I don't think we need to outlaw guns or anything... I think guns are awesome, fun to shoot, etc... But why would you need to carry one on a daily basis?

It seems to me like "I need one for protection" pretty much is just an excuse to justify the purchase of a new toy. Anybody else feel this way?

Cause a man has a right to protect himself, his family, and his property. And no lawman is going to take that away from us.

Let's say someone has a gun pointed at you and you are carrying a pistol. How does the scenario play out in your head?
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