Why does it all have to be so COMPLICATED!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
"Who cares? I use Linux because it works well for me, if you don't like it noone is forcing you to use it. If you want to actually try to make it work well for you and understand why it works the way it does, we'll be here to help but if you're just going to complain then by all means, leave.

So you insult others about their english even though its not their 1st language wow congrats MR.PERFECT you have endorsed "noone" as a new word to your language you might receive sh*t-head of the year award for that amazing achievement. Keep up the goodwork dumba*s

"Who cares? I use Linux because it works well for me, if you don't like it noone is forcing you to use it. "

Do you read Mr.Genius I use linux because I like the various features in it , I chose Fedora because the Anaconda installer that comes with it is easy for any non technical people , and comprehnsible by any user who installed windows before. Also it has an excellent company support by Redhat and it gets alot of attention by the community debian is 6th at distrowatch and fedora is 3rd . I prefer fedora because its standard I dont have to worry about my OS disappering because the couple of dozen linux developer that were developing it in one of their mothers house basement, because they were running out of doritos. I want something that has the ability to counter attack microsoft and behind it a name that can put some serious trust in it example RedHat. I want something organized with a goal to achieve. And a plan for the future of computing.
yes concerning that AOL comment you mentioned I cant beleive some idiot who has a nickname " Nothinman" can call me a 12 yrs old buy chatting on AOL . you are right you are nothing and maybe you have well earned your nick you are after all Nothinman the man that has a brain full of nothin very impressive, je*k


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2004
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
WOW!!!!!!! I started this post as a linux supporter now the conclusions are as follows :


" And Windows isn't? Give a new user a Windows box and it'll be unusable in a week because of all the viruses and spyware"

what a great thinker havent you read what I have said so far about Windows read people.

" I wish I stumbled across linux when I was 12 I would have been very experienced by now.

I dont' know about that, you haven't even managed to master proper punctuation and spelling so far."

Wow another deep sighted thinker so you were observing my spelling all the time , great job dipsh*t what a great example
for linux users I am asking questions, expecting some open minds to give me an answer not adress me with insults about how poor my english is. You dont even know how to spell the name of my country let alone know how to speak my language either properly or non properly you dolt what now you are giving me a hard time for being a newb to english too great that's all I needed.


You know what? I think you're a fraud, Linuxator (Linux Hater?). This thread smells of astroturfing and damning via faint praise.

"Hi, this is my first post ever ... Windows is so much easier, faster, and just works ... it's really hard to use Linux ... see, read this link that says Linux is hard .... Linux is for supercomputers ... the Linux community is a bunch of meanies (even though everyone in this thread has tried to be helpful) ... any newbies thinking about trying Linux had better not."

Linux on the desktop is here, right now, for anyone that is willing to try."

So after all of this some short sighted people come up with the conclusion that I havent tried (at all), Linux is only for supercomputers, and I'am being discriminated against because of my english, till now no suggestions or useful peace of advice about advancing my knwoledge in linux. Oh ya you are learning so much in debian and trying so hard by typing apt get xxx wow your knwoledge is so superior to mine Congrats!!!!!!!

Thats it for me I have always read anandtech forums and liked how much help people get around here, so I start my first post and what great bundle of surprises I receive. I am so impressed you losers. yah I wonder how many million people will
convert to open source after reading this article and seeing how much people offered help and advice . I bet yah they are
taking a number right now.

If I may suggest something: perhaps you should first try speaking to users who speak your own language. The way you are coming across into English isn't exactly very favorable.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
So you insult others about their english even though its not their 1st language wow congrats MR.PERFECT you have endorsed "noone" as a new word to your language you might receive sh*t-head of the year award for that amazing achievement. Keep up the goodwork dumba*s

Wow, I made 1 typo in a half-dozen posts and you pointed it out. I bow before your reading comprehension.

I chose Fedora because the Anaconda installer that comes with it is easy for any non technical people , and comprehnsible by any user who installed windows before.

So? You see the installer once, why do you care what it looks like?

Also it has an excellent company support by Redhat and it gets alot of attention by the community

RH has spun it off into a seperate entity, they'll still be doing some work for it but it's no longer a part of RedHat proper. And the Fedora community must not pay too much attention if you have to google around for a dozen 3rd party repositories for all of your packages.

debian is 6th at distrowatch and fedora is 3rd .

So? Ubuntu is first and it's based on Debian, you'd have a much easier time with it. Ubuntu has almost all of the same packages as Debian, that's over 16,000 packages available for installation without fighting with 3rd party yum repositories.

I prefer fedora because its standard I dont have to worry about my OS disappering because the couple of dozen linux developer that were developing it in one of their mothers house basement, because they were running out of doritos.

Nice. So how many FC developers are paid to do it? Can you name one? I doubt it.

I want something that has the ability to counter attack microsoft and behind it a name that can put some serious trust in it example RedHat. I want something organized with a goal to achieve. And a plan for the future of computing.

Once again, Redhat has lowered their involvement in Fedora not increased it, don't you read the news? And if you truly think Linux is about attacking MS, you're very confused.

You're obviously still looking at Linux from a Windows perspective, as long as you do that you'll never be really comfortable with Linux.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
A normal person struggling with MPlayer would have asked, "Hey, what do I need to get MPlayer working?"

You didn't. You "asked" a series of detracting rhetorical statements -- that is to say you made pronouncements in the guise of questions. You expressed little interest in the advice offered and used every response to further slam Linux, and especially, the Linux community.

I wonder how many million people will convert to open source after reading this article and seeing how much people offered help and advice .

I wonder how many will walk away with a keener eye for trolls? If you look at the threads where people actually asked questions, you'll see a lot of helpful advice.

So, let me set you: I suppose you already asked all about MPlayer on another forum or two?


Senior member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Nothinman
tell me where you able to get WIFI working on fedora core and how much time did it take

It took me ~10 minutes to get my new 802.11g card working in Debian.
Takes about the same on Gentoo. You just emerge ipw2200, then dhcpcd ethx. Having your wifi hardware supported is the great trick, though.


Senior member
Aug 17, 2000
I think what this gentleman is trying to say, Linux is not user friendly. The newbie is not going to use Linux. The newbie wants to point and click with a gui that will help and not hinder. I am not knocking Linux, I have tried different versions on various platforms. It is for the more serious user, who has more experience than the average casual user of windows. Who knows, maybe down the road, Linux will be made more bullet proof for the casual user. Just me two cents.

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Fin You are the only person till now that understood what I am saying
people here are slamming me with conspiracy theories questions while that was not intended by me.
Though I am not a casual user,I am a Computer Science and Engineering student and one hell of a hardcore pc gamer , system tweaker software and hardware wise ( If you check my win registry you most probably not recognise it as windows registry I never take stock and use it it most be optimised for my usage ), I am not a point and click guy my computer knwoledge isn't plain obsolete and neither my experience in linux. Though the click and run approach is necessary if we want to destroy the monopoly of our time by getting users of all levels of knwoledge into linux.
you might think I never read any guides for linux its always the same problem in many linux guides if not all there is no step by step instructions all of them assume somewhat deep to medium knwoledge in linux . Example: So what if I come up with my own OS nobody has ever heared of, or no one knows how it works if I give it to you and tell you go and change some network configurations and install this list of apps, and to do that you need to do a procedure called "emixeration" then after that you open file xxx/myOS/salol.bb and put the values you got from the "emixeration" procedure, wow plain simple"
the first question everybody will tell me after the os is on their system wtf is "emixeration". Well this is the same way linux looks for me in the guides people put out , lots of missing steps for people who are terying to get their feet deep in the linux area or just want the system to run.
Does everybody get what I am saying it needs to be more explained and comprehensible for people who didn't get their feets wet in that field.


Senior member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Does everybody get what I am saying it needs to be more explained and comprehensible for people who didn't get their feets wet in that field.
Linux isn't meant to cater to the most commonplace users. OSX seems to do that (and seems to do it quite well).

Nevertheless, like I think has been pointed out a lot already, you're confusing "linux" and "X distro".

And Linux isn't about being kept in the dark like some OSes. If you don't understand the docs, how about asking on forums? (This thread isn't asking; it's ranting.) Usenet? IRC? It's rare there's a problem you have someone hasn't already solved.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
See that's your problem. You waste all your time mucking around with window registry stuff instead of learning anything substancial.

Linux is easy. It's just different so if your coming from windows it's difficult becuase you expect that within a month of using it it will be as familar as Windows even though you've been using Windows for probably over 10 years.

Just install Ubuntu, read their docs, read the Debian docs on how to use apt-get. Learn how to use bash, learn howto use a text editor properly. Learn a bit how computers and software realy works, it's not that difficult.

Beleive me I have a much harder time in Windows XP then any half-way modern Linux distro. I mean you can't even do something stupid simple like check the md4sums on a cdrom you just burnt, or installing GCC is a huge pain in the rear. Seriously, it sucks. I mean have you ever tied to write intellegent dos batch scripts? OH shoot me in the head, please, rather then subject me to that crap. You don't beleive me? Try writing a script to make a shortcut on you desktop.. *shudder*

For me trying to download and install software that properly burns a ISO image is a 3-4 hour ordeal for me in windows XP.

In Debian:
sudo apt-get install cdrecord
sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -v randumb.iso


Golden Member
Feb 27, 2002
The primary problem with Linux is that people aren't willing to take the time to learn and understand it. Distributions such as Ubuntu are easier to operate than Windows. Anyone wanting to use Linux as an alternative to Windows will discover this on their own. Which makes it pointless for me to highlight the advantages of the operating system in this thread. They're many distributions maintained today that can easily be used and geared toward desktop users. The only skills needed is the willingness to read and ability to comprehend the information.

I feel that open source in general is really unappreciated by many. This is more of a travesty than an end user screaming X game won't work or Y hardware isnt supported by the operating system, which they more than likely just downloaded legally for free. It's as if people's brains fails them when they have to think outside of the box and think for themselves. I could go on, however, to do so would simply be a waste of energy and a gross misuse of the English language.


Jul 12, 2001
It's amazing how a thread of this stupidity level lures even the most timid and infrequent posters into contributing.

Linuxator, you've abused this forum with your ignorant rant. This is a resource, not a sounding board. Keep the whining and the tantrums in OT.

Like drag said, you're coming at this from only one perspective, a Windows perspective. Linux is not Windows-like, and is not meant to compete with Windows. There is no nVidia/ATI or Intel/AMD fanboi dichotomy with operating systems, no dramatic, epic battles between camps, and no, absolutely NO intelligent fanaticism (is there ever?). Simply put, open source does not care whether or not you like it or use it.

If you would like assistance with a particular problem, clearly state the problem and problem's context in as much detail as possible, and we will help you solve it and/or direct you to more comprehensive resources. Pissing people off won't help you learn anything. You don't need to be a computer scientist to understand Linux, you just have to be willing to read and learn. My undergraduate education was in communication studies and scientific and technical communication. My current graduate work is in rhetoric. I've gotten along just fine on Slackware for some time now, and my parents and even my grandparents use it too (Firefox, Thunderbird, and amaroK mostly). After all, clicking and typing is the same on all computers!


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2000


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by: STaSh
Worst first thread ever...and yet, somehow par for the course for this forum.

One comment (actually three):
Seriously, it sucks. I mean have you ever tied to write intellegent dos batch scripts? You don't beleive me? Try writing a script to make a shortcut on you desktop.. *shudder*

a. Who still uses batch files?

Not very many people, because they suck.
However since bash scripts dont' suck people use them everyday. They are a conveince.

People still use batch scripts though. Plenty of people do, just not very many normal desktop users.
b. Who still uses DOS?

Microsoft I guess. Open your start menu, find the run thingy, type in cmd.
Behold the magic.

Obviously it's command line is provided for a reason.
And note that I didn't say 'dos', I said 'dos-like' PLUS I was talking about Windows XP, so it should be extremely obvious that I was talking about Microsoft CLI. Which numerous people still use for a wide veriaty of reasons. There are numerious usefull administrative utilities, network utilities, and functions that Microsoft provides.

Some exaples include:
the ability to use the 'extract' command to get replacements for corrupted system files from your i386 folder. (Which is very usefull for fighting various spyware/worms/viruses or recovering from file system damage)
the ipconfig command, ftp, telnet, ping and numerious other utilities (usefull for troubleshooting networks)

Try to find me a replacement for 'arp' command on Windows XP so that I can see the arp cache when I need to troubleshoot some network address resolution issues.

That's not CLI scripting, that's vbscripting, and it's still very silly. It is possible to do it thru real batch scripts, beleive me. And it's even worse then your example you linked too.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2000
And note that I didn't say 'dos', I said 'dos-like' PLUS I was talking about Windows XP

Where did you say 'dos-like'?

The XP command line is pretty powerful. Not as powerful as 2003, but the only similarities to DOS are the color scheme.

That's not CLI scripting, that's vbscripting, and it's still very silly.

That most certainly is CLI scripting...cscript.exe.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
Oops Guess I did say dos. I ment to say dos-like. Probably edited it out by mistake.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: BujinZero
It's amazing how a thread of this stupidity level lures even the most timid and infrequent posters into contributing.

Linuxator, you've abused this forum with your ignorant rant. This is a resource, not a sounding board. Keep the whining and the tantrums in OT.

Eh? It's both. It's a place to discuss OSes. :beer:


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: STaSh
Worst first thread ever...and yet, somehow par for the course for this forum.

One comment (actually three):
Seriously, it sucks. I mean have you ever tied to write intellegent dos batch scripts? You don't beleive me? Try writing a script to make a shortcut on you desktop.. *shudder*

a. Who still uses batch files?
b. Who still uses DOS?
c. Quick googling turns up this: http://www.quepublishing.com/content/images/0789728494/webresources/A011403.html

Strangely enough about two years ago, we had an entire server consolidation done on about ~400 network servers. We condensed them all down to five servers on a SAN backend. All done through batch files, VBscripting, robocopy, and Doubletake ( I believe)

All local user accounts on each box was converted to NT domain (at the time) accounts. Duplicates were deleted and users had permissions tied to existing accounts on already present accounts.

It took a while to do it, but it worked. Most of the time spent was tracking down SAs for the systems, installing the mirror software and copying the data.

I seriously gave MS some respec when I saw what you could do with a combination of batches and vbs. Matter of fact, strangely enough again, that's were I found my enjoyment (yeah sorry guys) of CLI scripting.


Edit to the OP, Package managers and enabling 3rd party repositories is the answer you are looking for. You can't fault linux for the constrains a developer puts on their distro. RH/FC plays it safe and omits the "Questionable packages". Nothing stops you from installing those packages yourself.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Thanks for the post OP. I checked this forum out because I was thinking of setting up a file server with linux using an Airlink 802.11g wireless connection with read write capabilities and contolling remotely from an XP machine. Sounds like it'll take some digging to see if it is even possible to control from an XP machine, assuming I get the network set up. At least I know what I could be in for. Now to check out some distros...
I love point and click. This is as command line as I like to get.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: clarkmo
Thanks for the post OP. I checked this forum out because I was thinking of setting up a file server with linux using an Airlink 802.11g wireless connection with read write capabilities and contolling remotely from an XP machine. Sounds like it'll take some digging to see if it is even possible to control from an XP machine, assuming I get the network set up. At least I know what I could be in for. Now to check out some distros...
I love point and click. This is as command line as I like to get.

OpenSSH works just fine to control things.

What chipset on the wireless card? That's the important part.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Just looking at the card I see a chip with a state of texas logo with a T in the middle(Texas Instruments?) tnetw1130gvf. It's an Airlink 101.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: clarkmo
Just looking at the card I see a chip with a state of texas logo with a T in the middle(Texas Instruments?) tnetw1130gvf. It's an Airlink 101.

Ew. I'd invest in a decent wireless card.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Odd, the accompanying router has linux supportlisted on the web site. I'm still digging. Being as cheap as they are you'd think someone in the linux cheap software industry would've come up with a driver.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: clarkmo
Odd, the accompanying router has linux supportlisted on the web site. I'm still digging. Being as cheap as they are you'd think someone in the linux cheap software industry would've come up with a driver.

TI actively campaigns against Free and Open Source Software. They will not release hardware documentation. Someone can spend the time and effort reverse engineering the hardware, or get a decent card. I recommend RALink chipsets.
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