Why does nvidia cheat so much?

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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
keys you became a "focus group" member after they were caught doing the viral marketing thing. They probably did this because you were a well respected member of this community and they wanted to bring credibility to their new "focus group". And thats fine, I have no beef with you however I dont really hang out in here (vc&g) that much anymore so i dont really see the crap spew anymore and the damage was already done in my mind anyhow.

I dont even really understand why videocards are sooooo important to some people in here. Its almost like their livelihoods depended on it

I have a 6970 and before that a 4890 and before that a 8800gts 640mb. Think about those timelines and think about when the viral marketing was exposed.

I also have a halo effect on a lot of people around me so their is a multiplication of my buying habits. Lesson learned?

And next week when you discover AMD is currently doing the same, what will you do then? Intel? Matrox? It's good to have emotions, but to let them rule your life is doom.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
The whole thing was altered after it was all found out. It became a focus group but the company that ran the "project" was a viral marketing specialist company.

This pretty much sums it up. A name means nothing, all these grand pronouncements of higher expectations from the pulpit are ludicrous. It's just a name and a claim.

And as far as playing the victim card, I see a pretty clearly played victim card in this thread, and its not AMD users doing it. Considering there is one only nvidia card that has a performance edge over anything AMD has, that argument is moot anyways.

Nvidia hired AEG to viral-market in tech forums. To generate buzz and spread positive impressions and spin on their products. They got caught and now it's called the focus group. End of story.

I suppose what would incline one to believe its intent is somehow different now would be if its members no longer conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the original viral-marketing efforts intents. Does anyone see that happen ? It no longer fits the mold of viral-marketing of course, because that entails being deceitful and not revealing your motives or affiliations.

Now it's mostly just an offensive reminder of what nvidia propagated in these forums and others. Some other forums disallowed them altogether after nvidia got caught, some didn't.
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Sep 5, 2000
And next week when you discover AMD is currently doing the same, what will you do then? Intel? Matrox? It's good to have emotions, but to let them rule your life is doom.

Do you have proof that amd is doing this?


Sep 5, 2000
Ask yourself if believing anything else isn't utter folly. I mean really ask yourself.

Hmm? I will go off what I know. If you have information like this I would suggest bringing it to anand's attention. He built this place and its unfortunate that huge companies want to come in here and market to what he built without any form of payment to him.

I see banner ads all over this place and I'm ok with that because I know those companies are playing the game and helping to keep these forums and servers running.

Viral marketing is just taking from others, stealing if you will.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Hmm? I will go off what I know. If you have information like this I would suggest bringing it to anand's attention. He built this place and its unfortunate that huge companies want to come in here and market to what he built without any form of payment to him.

I see banner ads all over this place and I'm ok with that because I know those companies are playing the game and helping to keep these forums and servers running.

Viral marketing is just taking from others, stealing if you will.

As has been mentioned by Idontcare, Anandtech does not require affiliates of companies to make themselves known publicly. The reason that I have my affiliation public and in my sig is because Nvidia requires it.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
As has been mentioned by Idontcare, Anandtech does not require affiliates of companies to make themselves known publicly. The reason that I have my affiliation public and in my sig is because Nvidia requires it.
I don't hate you,the focus group or NVIDIA...Just making that clear.I dislike Nvidia at the moment and your Focus Group does nothing to help sway me as a potential customer of Nvidia.

Why does Nvidia require that in your sig anyway?


Jun 2, 2005
Now it's mostly just an offensive reminder of what nvidia propagated in these forums and others. Some other forums disallowed them altogether after nvidia got caught, some didn't.

Nvidia's viral marketing and paid posters also got some AMD fans banned from forums.

Nvidia has even pissed off Microsoft and several manufacturers. No console maker is going to go with Nvidia this generation, and I doubt MS ever will, at least not for a long long time.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Nvidia's viral marketing and paid posters also got some AMD fans banned from forums.

Yes. Rollo reported people on here for calling him out as marketing for nvidia and those posters were infracted or banned. Then it turned out they were right. The whole situation was very unfortunate.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
I don't hate you,the focus group or NVIDIA...Just making that clear.I dislike Nvidia at the moment and your Focus Group does nothing to help sway me as a potential customer of Nvidia.

Why does Nvidia require that in your sig anyway?

It's good to know you don't hate me. I didn't think I gave you any reason to.

And that last comment does really mark your misconception of the focus group and it isn't to sway anybody. BUT!!!! On my own accord, I will attack FUD when I see it and I see if all too often. Something that hasn't changed since I joined these boards in 2003. Waaaay before the focus group.

And the sig serves to purposes. Full disclosure of any affiliation of mine with Nvidia, and that my opinions don't necessarily reflect their own or vise versa.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
It's good to know you don't hate me. I didn't think I gave you any reason to.

And that last comment does really mark your misconception of the focus group and it isn't to sway anybody. BUT!!!! On my own accord, I will attack FUD when I see it and I see if all too often. Something that hasn't changed since I joined these boards in 2003. Waaaay before the focus group.

And the sig serves to purposes. Full disclosure of any affiliation of mine with Nvidia, and that my opinions don't necessarily reflect their own or vise versa.
And I will speak out against any thing perceived by me as unfair,biased and questionable....and Nvidia has that in spades..


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
IMO focus groups are just a euphemism for shills. IIRC Nvidia gave free cards to their viral marketeers/focus group members incl Rollo. He spent alot of time talking up Nvidia and defended Nvidia's broken purevideo functionality in the 6 series until it became even too ludicrous for him.

As long as they're gamers chosen, don't have a problem. I would have a problem if they were PR professionals acting as a gamer.


Sep 5, 2000
As has been mentioned by Idontcare, Anandtech does not require affiliates of companies to make themselves known publicly. The reason that I have my affiliation public and in my sig is because Nvidia requires it.

Thats very revisionist. There was a huge backlash here and anandtech moderation said they wanted the focus group tag in everybodys sig.
Mar 11, 2004
As you have gone to great efforts to communicate above, the topic itself is one for which you are emotionally invested to the point of eliciting emotions of anger on your behalf.

An emotional state which is known to cloud one's ability to think clearly and rationally about the topic itself.

Furthermore, you have endeavored to create something entirely artificial in your post such that you could then vilify "it" as if "it" had anything to do with me, my posts, or the spirit of the message I have communicated in this thread.

There is nothing I can do to dispel the multiple straw men you have concocted in your post. They are of your doing, not mine, and were crafted by you to serve your own misguided purpose, one born from a state of emotional investment in the topic itself, as you amply demonstrated.

Nothing productive will come from my attempting to engage you in rational discourse with the objective of dispelling your keen desire to see shadows of strawman where none exist. Make the devil of me if you find therapeutic benefit in the exercise, release that anger so the healing can start.

Its simply not healthy, not mentally healthy, for you to be so emotionally invested in something as inane as an online forum to the extent that it elicits emotions of anger from you when you are/were faced with the prospect that there are/were marketeers in the audience. Such a co-dependence with the makeup of a forum community is not healthy.

Well, I can see this got way out of hand. Clearly it was all my fault, and none of yours for saying that people get AMD hardware and me asking for clarification (that I pointed out multiple times does have some significance given this forum's history). I'm also clearly mentally deranged. I mean, I didn't make a single absurd analogy. Wait, I'm sure I can somehow compare it to Hitler and the Nazis, just give me a chance!

Whoa, I'm the one making a straw man argument when you won't even actually address my original question and then make claims about mental health? Whoops, I'm treading sketchy ground here, don't want to get too invested now do I? Because clearly, I invested so much here that they decided to make me a moderator.

Here's a link to help you with that last statement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm

Multiple straw men? Please point them out. I seriously am completely baffled by your responses. You don't actually address anything, you just make accusations that I'm jumping to conclusions that you then basically confirmed to other people, and now you're just slinging silly accusations about anger issues.

You're using the straw man claim as a straw man argument.

I assure you my "anger" was short lived and I guess you're a digital switch when it comes to emotion, but I'm more analog. See, I can get "pissed" about something that, as you point out is inane and not worth it, and I really am not mad much at all (basically just stopped going here). Then, there are things that I would get really mad about. Like if our government were to detain a certain group of people for a suspect reason, even if it is during war time.

Here's something that might help you understand me being "pissed" about the focus group and shills:

All I wanted was a simple answer, clarification to an accusation that you yourself made. Instead, you just slung accusations. But yes, I'm the irrational one. [here it is again for ya: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm]


Senior member
Oct 22, 2010
I've been attacked and received infractions on many HW forums even back when I was a loyal Nvidia customer and only because I criticized Nvidia or pointed sometimes the strengths of some ATI cards.

I've been attacked for saying that DX10.1 is useful, for saying that the HD 4770 was a great card, for saying that CUDA transcoding gives a bad result compared to the software one (CPU). Also for criticizing the locking of the Physx when a ATI card was present, dropping the SLI on the AMD systems after AMD bought ATI, etc.

But the worst thing Nvidia ever did was the way the dealt with the bumpgate thing. For 18 million G84 and G86 laptops sold, Nvidia paid less than 100 million in damages because they denied their fault until those laptops went out of warranty and shafted the few customers that went in the class-action suit.

As a comparison Intel paid $700 million for a few motherboards with faulty chipsets.

The Nvidia fans (Focus or not) are easy to spot. For instance the DX11 and tessellation were useless back when only AMD had them, now when Nvidia has the edge the very same people claim they're the best thing ever.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
I've been attacked and received infractions on many HW forums even back when I was a loyal Nvidia customer and only because I criticized Nvidia or pointed sometimes the strengths of some ATI cards.

I've been attacked for saying that DX10.1 is useful, for saying that the HD 4770 was a great card, for saying that CUDA transcoding gives a bad result compared to the software one (CPU). Also for criticizing the locking of the Physx when a ATI card was present, dropping the SLI on the AMD systems after AMD bought ATI, etc.

But the worst thing Nvidia ever did was the way the dealt with the bumpgate thing. For 18 million G84 and G86 laptops sold, Nvidia paid less than 100 million in damages because they denied their fault until those laptops went out of warranty and shafted the few customers that went in the class-action suit.

As a comparison Intel paid $700 million for a few motherboards with faulty chipsets.

The Nvidia fans (Focus or not) are easy to spot. For instance the DX11 and tessellation were useless back when only AMD had them, now when Nvidia has the edge the very same people claim they're the best thing ever.

If your behavior then is anything like it is today, I could easily see why you'd be attacked. Your posting style is Hyper-Inflammatory and quite literally begs for attack. Some people like the angst or attention so they do it for kicks.
I'm quite certain if you were to show us examples of your DX10.1 is useful and HD4770 was a great card etc. etc. posts in their exact context, I'd bet I would be able to tell you why you were attacked for them.

As for bumpgate, a judge ruled that the settlement was a fair one. I bet none of us know the entire story and just "heard a few things here and there" like us. Whatever the case, no company is perfect and makes mistakes. Just like people.

Show me where anyone but the most devout Nvidia nut said that DX11 and tessellation was useless when AMD had the only DX11 hardware in town.

Ah, what am I wasting this text for. :: palms forehead :: ()


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
DirectX 10.1 was useful and had tangible benefits and there was content that could take advantage of 10.1's strengths and was a good thing.

Tessellation is a nice feature, when ATI offered TruForm with Hardware N-patches back in the Radeon 8500 days, and great to see AMD offer and execute on DirectX 11 hardware and they enjoyed the fruits of it as well. It's also nice to see nVidia raise the bar with tessellation, too, with their Fermi family.


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2004
It most absolutely is. Jacko, mosox, what exactly do you think the focus group is?

An assembly line of online puppets that keep touting the company gospel so that those same people keep receiving free goodies periodically. Although, I'm certain you're above such hubris.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
Do you seriously believe that Rollo's posting behavior while he was here, and continues to post on other forums, is acceptable? I think we all know what a focus group is in theory and on paper, but when a focus group is dominated by someone like Rollo, is it any wonder that people mistrust other focus group members as well?

So far Rollo continues to be a focus group member despite his atrocious posting behavior for years now. What kind of conclusion can we draw from that except that NVIDIA, who runs the focus group, approves of that behavior?
This is something I've always wondered. Rollo was a train wreck on so many forums, and I'm quite certain he turned off many people to Nvidia products. How could he not? Yes he continues to represent Nvidia, I think that speaks volumes.
This is very sad Madcatatlas. I have no idea why you would ever in a million years consider this reportable. I'm on Earth. Where are you?
And there is such a thing as abusing the report function.
Lastly, actually telling someone that you're reporting them is a spiteful act. Lots of malice in you.
Don't you hear the bile in your own words here? It ain't healthy dude. You don't know me, nor do you care to. Easier to hate and condemn what your ignorant of I guess.
What is with your obsession with other peoples mental health? Seriously, I find it very odd, disturbing even.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
I propose that Anandtech divide the video/graphics forum into separate Nvidia/AMD sections, like whats done in other forums. It should help keep most of the easily agitated folks out of each others hair.


Sep 5, 2000
I really dont understand how anything born of viral marketing can do any good.
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