Why does nvidia cheat so much?

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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
It's only deplorable if the actions were to nefariously mislead with the information they offer and at times, learned of nVidia limitations, specifically their filtering back in the 6XXX series and their under filtering issues and lod.

Probably did get excited for being asked but after some time had reservations and decided this is not the right way of doing things. It's called a mistake to me.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
It's only deplorable if the actions were to nefariously mislead with the information they offer and at times, learned of nVidia limitations, specifically their filtering back in the 6XXX series and their under filtering issues and lod.

Probably did get excited for being asked but after some time had reservations and decided this is not the right way of doing things. It's called a mistake to me.

I interpret your post to be in reference to the people themselves who were members of the group "back then"...if this is the case then I agree in that it is universally true that people can, and do, change over time.

I am not the same person today that I was 10yrs ago, or even 5yrs ago. And I'd be fooling myself if I didn't accept as fact that I probably won't be the same person I am today come 5-10 yrs from now.

People are not static, our personalities and moral compasses are not static. Even as a society our guiding principles and moral compass are not static. What is reprehensible today will be accepted and glorified tomorrow, and vice versa.

What matters is how we account for our actions today, how we treat others and how we wish to be treated ourselves. I no more wish to cast aspersions on my fellow forum colleagues than I wish for them to cast aspersions on me. That's one basic human tenant that seems to transcend time, going back as far as archaeologists have been able to uncover documented legal structures such as Hammurabi's code and so on.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
A little respect, kindness and tolerance goes a long way.

I suppose that might be true, regardless, F U

LOL, just kidding , couldn't resist the irony that such a response would hold in light of the spirit of your message which is a message of truth to the core :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Lets make one thing clear. OPTIMIZATION AND MALICIOUS CODE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. You'd have to blind to think that this stuff is in any way, shape, or form , "optimization".

You didn't read those links at all did you? Nvidia didn't optimize anything, they created tesselation intentionally in ways that wasn't even visible (beneath the world) , didn't improve image quality, and was manipulated in a way to be SOLELY malicious to non nvidia users. NVIDIA put malicious code in Batman : AA that disabled AA on non nvidia GPUs. Please for the love of god tell me how putting code in a game to disable AA on competing hardware is optimization?

Nvidia puts malicious code in games to intentionally disable features and run dummy features on non nvidia hardware, that isn't designed to optimize it for nvidia - this has gone on for years and for too long.



Those are just 2 examples, there are more, like age of conan, metro 2033, FC2 and others.

My comment stands, its not malicious code.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
It's really no different than supporters of sports franchises because what do some of these technologies offer for the consumer? Offer vehicles for entertainment and bring joy to millions and millions. A loyal consumer may feel their choice is being unfairly challenged or slighted and feels the need to lash out, challenge, defend, voice loudly.

Personally welcome it because there is discussion and passion about products and companies that do innovate and supply these positives to the consumer. Obviously, not all the discussion is ideal but it's good over-all and many mind-sets come together and try to debate.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
I'm not aware of my having defended Keysplayr anymore so than I have endeavored to defend multitudes of other forum members who were being harassed in a disrespectful manner that reflected poorly on the stature of our community as a whole.

I definitely meant No disrespect at all. I actually see it as alittle funny. But from my pov, you do get involved nearly everytime someone calls him out on his being a focus member and or when someone says he's paid off by nvidia, or a nvidia stooge or whatever. And i'm not saying you should/shouldn't. But he is a big boy.

Its just something I notice and just kinda see it as funny. Thats all



Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
I definitely meant No disrespect at all. I actually see it as alittle funny. But from my pov, you do get involved nearly everytime someone calls him out on his being a focus member and or when someone says he's paid off by nvidia, or a nvidia stooge or whatever. And i'm not saying you should/shouldn't. But he is a big boy.

Its just something I notice and just kinda see it as funny. Thats all

If the fight is 1v1, Keys can handle it single handed. However, fights are very dirty to an extend that lots of personal attacks are involved. To even the ground, Keys forfeit his moderator rights in this section of the forum just so that people don't use his moderator status against him so he can post like an average Joe. Is that enough? May be he needs to forfeit being in the focus group too, but does it solve the problem? No, Keys will always be seen as someone who gets paid to talk.

What did you do for this forum? Did you sacrifice anything for us? No, but Keys did. That sacrifice is enough for me to be the sole reason to defend Keys shall anyone jumps on him based upon his status instead of the things he said.

Keys admit he is bias, and we all know that. Tell me with a straight face that there are no other posters that are bias. In fact, the title of this thread said it all. May be someone should start a thread titled "Why does AMD cry foul so much?" Oh wait, did fans simply does it for AMD? did AMD pays people to act as a fan to do this? It does not matter to me, but it is OMG big deal if you switch the color. Isn't this funny?



Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
I definitely meant No disrespect at all. I actually see it as alittle funny. But from my pov, you do get involved nearly everytime someone calls him out on his being a focus member and or when someone says he's paid off by nvidia, or a nvidia stooge or whatever. And i'm not saying you should/shouldn't. But he is a big boy.

Its just something I notice and just kinda see it as funny. Thats all


I really haven't much choice in the matter, the posting guidelines pretty much compel me to take action against personal attacks if/when/as they are brought to my attention as moderator.

I suppose I could choose to be derelict in my duties, turn a blind eye to a beat-down or a call-out, but that's a slippery slope, who wants to know they have an unfair mod? We never know when the tables will be turned on us and the hunter becomes the hunted.

Be you the hunter or the hunted, I'd like to think the preference exists to have a mod who strives to enforce the rules as blindly as possible in the pursuit of equitable fairness for all.

I don't come to the defense of Keysplayr the focus group member, I come to the defense of the ideology that no one should be vilified and attacked with ad hominem solely for the sake of their real-life affiliations.

Be you a focus group member, an AMD employee, a reviewer...I don't care, I can't care, I do not have the luxury of picking and choosing my battles as a moderator, regardless what you do in real-life, regardless who you are in real-life, I am not allowed to stand idly by and watch forum members leverage that information regarding your real-life affiliations to attack your credibility and integrity in technical discussions relating to video cards and graphics.

And if you think about it, who would want a mod that would stand idly by while such was occurring under his watch? I wouldn't want to be a member of that community, the mob mentality is just not my thing.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
People sidelining into personal attacks makes it difficult to discuss the subject line of this thread. The thread is perfectly valid, nvidia cheats and manipulates, there is ample evidence of this.

Whether it be their viral-marketing, mandated game list for certain reviewers, removing AA support to make the competition look bad and the rest. These are not personal or individual issues.

An answer to the thread is simple, they do it to influence you the buyer, get you to prefer their brand and make them money when you buy their products.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
People sidelining into personal attacks makes it difficult to discuss the subject line of this thread. The thread is perfectly valid, nvidia cheats and manipulates, there is ample evidence of this.

Whether it be their viral-marketing, mandated game list for certain reviewers, removing AA support to make the competition look bad and the rest. These are not personal or individual issues.

An answer to the thread is simple, they do it to influence you the buyer, get you to prefer their brand and make them money when you buy their products.

By working harder and offer more influences buyers as well.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
People sidelining into personal attacks makes it difficult to discuss the subject line of this thread. The thread is perfectly valid, nvidia cheats and manipulates, there is ample evidence of this.
Valid? I don't see lots of post/thread about how Intel forces Nvidia out of chipset business. Where is the "Why Intel cheated so much" thread? The thread title itself is a flamebait.

Whether it be their viral-marketing,
From both side right? Do you see Richard Huddy as someone who speaks for AMD and is someone paid to do so? Do you need evidence?
...mandated game list for certain reviewers,
AMD loved the game named Crysis 2. Don't worry, Batman is coming.
removing AA support to make the competition look bad
ain't you bored? Why do you believe Richard Huddy so much, an employee of AMD, and take every word he said as facts?
and the rest.
Which is?
These are not personal or individual issues.
Most are not, except the fact that people likes to say Keys is Nvidia's viral-marketer and then develop on it.

An answer to the thread is simple, they do it to influence you the buyer, get you to prefer their brand and make them money when you buy their products.
That is your answer based upon an assumption that Nvidia did cheat as well as Nvidia is the only company that fits in that sentence.

Lets see it in a different way. Most reviewers receive their hardwares for free. Are they all being paid to write good things about the product given? Is there something wrong for a company to stop sending out goodies to reviewers who does reviews poorly? Note that by doing that, those reviewers will likely to bad mouth them. Worth it?

3D vision doesn't work on DX:HR, a Game Evolve titled game, and so is the HUD on multi-display.

EyeFinity does not have the HUD on the outer monitor when used correctly. If he gets that result EyeFinity is not setup correctly for him. The game integrates with AMD specific APIs to access the primary monitor location, bezel sizes, etc.

The game will list EyeFinity enabled in the setup dialog specifically.

The UI as well as some other things get placed on the primary monitor, while up to 5 additional monitors are used for peripheral vision.

Since these features are implemented using AMD specific APIs these are not currently available on NVidia hardware.
No foul???

Upon the release of DA2 and DX:HR, performance of Nvidia lineup sucks. Coincident?

Why does AMD cheat so much?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Valid? I don't see lots of post/thread about how Intel forces Nvidia out of chipset business. Where is the "Why Intel cheated so much" thread? The thread title itself is a flamebait.

From both side right? Do you see Richard Huddy as someone who speaks for AMD and is someone paid to do so? Do you need evidence?

AMD loved the game named Crysis 2. Don't worry, Batman is coming.
ain't you bored? Why do you believe Richard Huddy so much, an employee of AMD, and take every word he said as facts?

Which is?

Most are not, except the fact that people likes to say Keys is Nvidia's viral-marketer and then develop on it.

That is your answer based upon an assumption that Nvidia did cheat as well as Nvidia is the only company that fits in that sentence.

Lets see it in a different way. Most reviewers receive their hardwares for free. Are they all being paid to write good things about the product given? Is there something wrong for a company to stop sending out goodies to reviewers who does reviews poorly? Note that by doing that, those reviewers will likely to bad mouth them. Worth it?

3D vision doesn't work on DX:HR, a Game Evolve titled game, and so is the HUD on multi-display.

No foul???

Upon the release of DA2 and DX:HR, performance of Nvidia lineup sucks. Coincident?

Why does AMD cheat so much?

So to condense your post. You prefer nvidia and this thread offends you because it speaks negatively about them.

Another answer to this thread would be to garner and cultivate opinions like yours about nvidia.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
I don't mind these threads because it is the one that posts the accusations to actually prove conjecture, innuendo and conspiracy and usually can't.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
So to condense your post. You prefer nvidia and this thread offends you because it speaks negatively about them.

Another answer to this thread would be to garner and cultivate opinions like yours about nvidia.

Perhaps you should address the points made rather than wonder about his preference and if the thread offends him. This is exactly the "personal sidelining" you were mentioning just a few posts ago. Remember?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Perhaps you should address the points made rather than wonder about his preference and if the thread offends him. This is exactly the "personal sidelining" you were mentioning just a few posts ago. Remember?

He didn't make any solid points at all in response to mine. His comments were all conjecture and I assume English is his second language as none of them made much sense at all in response to my comments.

I gave facts of nvidia viral-marketing in tech forums, cheating laid right out. This is solid proof of cheating. As far as them cheating AA out of Batman and useless worthless tessellation in other games, obviously some members will crow that it's just not so because there is no 'solid proof'.

It's the steady refrain of a few die-hard try-hards here. For the common sense contingent they can see what is obviously what, no matter how easy it might be to hide behind there not being signed confessions.

No point in back and forth with members who want to just crow it isn't so. I gave proof of nvidia being deceptive and cheating consumers and this forum public we are all posting on. Once a spade always a spade, this is a corporation not my pal across the street. Nvidia cheats, we know they cheat, they've been caught cheating.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
He didn't make any solid points at all in response to mine. His comments were all conjecture and I assume English is his second language as none of them made much sense at all in response to my comments.

I gave facts of nvidia viral-marketing in tech forums, cheating laid right out. This is solid proof of cheating. As far as them cheating AA out of Batman and useless worthless tessellation in other games, obviously some members will crow that it's just not so because there is no 'solid proof'.

It's the steady refrain of a few die-hard try-hards here. For the common sense contingent they can see what is obviously what, no matter how easy it might be to hide behind there not being signed confessions.

No point in back and forth with members who want to just crow it isn't so. I gave proof of nvidia being deceptive and cheating consumers and this forum public we are all posting on. Once a spade always a spade, this is a corporation not my pal across the street. Nvidia cheats, we know they cheat, they've been caught cheating.

Yeah well, there are a few die-hard try-hards that actually appreciate all Nvidia does to further gaming. You call this cheating, cut and dry. You accept no alternatives and many were given. That's the price you are going to pay for your own short-sightedness in this topic. You may be among the AMD apologists in that you don't tire of waiting for them to get up and really do something. All this attention to Nvidia "cheats" as you call them, just draw attention to AMD's shortcomings.
You mention Batman AA. Nvidia wrote their code and enabled it when Nvidia card was present and not when AMD card was present. Who falls short there? Nvidia? I'm sure you and your GTX480's appreciated that.
Unigine Heaven benchmarks. Cry of foul for extreme tesselation. It's a DX11 benchmark, what did the public expect to happen? Only use "light" amounts of tesselation? Who falls short there?
Crysis2 tesselation. The amount was too high, the ocean was tesselated and we can't even see it. I'm in agreement that the invisible ocean should not have been tesselated, but that isn't admission that Nvidia did anything malicious or try to kill AMD performance. AMD is responsible for that. If Nvidia performed worse than AMD in tesselation, there wouldn't be a peep from AMD apologists. I believe they would be pretty much touting the beautiful levels of tesselation in Crysis2. Invisible ocean be damned. Who falls short here?

You'll come around eventually. Back the do'ers. Not the whiners playing victim........ yet again.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
His comments were all conjecture

What you're trying to do is force conjecture, innuendo and conspiracy as factual and not common sense, when it comes to nVidia. But, when one uses the same odd thinking against AMD; it's now conjecture, based on your own wording.

They're not cheating consumers, they're doing more for their customers. It's clear as day, they're not trying to sabotage AMD; they're working with developers for GeForce Customers.
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