Why does nvidia cheat so much?

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Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
So to condense your post. You prefer nvidia and this thread offends you because it speaks negatively about them.

Another answer to this thread would be to garner and cultivate opinions like yours about nvidia.
Just so that you now, those companies can slave children from 2nd/3rd world as they pleased, I will QQ about it, but if the product delivers, that is where my money goes. Do I even care about their reputation? To your surprise, the lower the better. If they have good reputation, then price increases. So why am I appears to be defending? I didn't. I am seen that way because of fanboys like you at the opposite side keep saying I am.

Again, I don't mind Nvidia helping their customer by adding goodies, gimmick or not, into games. Fanboys see it as Nvidia take things away from them, that is idiotic. What they should really complain to is to their own GPU vendor, AMD. I continuously said that cutting GITG is a wrong move from AMD, killing that program is equivalent of killing part of gaming. They realized that and have resurrect the program and named it GE, which is good. Hey, proprietary, block, cheat or sabotage, I really don't care, as customers who paid for their GPU get something exclusive. If you think that is bad for Nvidia users, then you are very wrong. TWIMTBP had been playing without enemies. It is all a healthy competition as game companies and publishers are bias to money only. A game that makes a lot of money is a game that we will like to play. It is not rocket science.

I answered you as direct as possible, you can not argue as you are out of valid reasoning, so you accuse me of being a fanboy who doesn't speak English and likes to worship a company. I have seen this Propaganda over and over and over and over again. That is fine, I don't mind. You may not be able to read English, but there are far more readers, who have an open mind, then posters. At the end, people see who those fanboys are simply by reading what they post.
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
So to condense your post. You prefer nvidia and this thread offends you because it speaks negatively about them.

Another answer to this thread would be to garner and cultivate opinions like yours about nvidia.

I love how you completely ignored every individual point he made. You'd make a great politician that everyone would love to hate.

First sentence - acceptable to state as your opinion. Second sentence - simply not acceptable, inflammatory and unproductive.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the following portions of the AnandTech Forum Guidelines:
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Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
Nvidia is just more of a scumbaggery company. It's why I'll use AMD if the choice is there for me. It's not so bad I would not buy nvidia obviously, but would rather give my money to AMD than a company that uses viral marketers in forums to misrepresent their products, makes use of some review sites with blatant bias and harms all gamers by crippling titles to look better in benchmarks.

Really? Are you For real?
How did you end up with 3 gtx 480s? You had them for awhile. Why did you not buy 3 5870s? You had no other choice but 3 much more expensive nvidia cards?

Better yet, why do you still not use AMD gpus? Is there still not a choice for you to use AMD gpus? I mean you said clearly:

"It's why I'll use AMD if the choice is there for me"

Like you are forced to be using those 480s, what a shame!!

Why still do you complain endlessly about nvidia when the AMD option has been there for you all this time? As far as i can see, your love for AMD and their products is unconditional. Your consistent nvidia criticism is never-ending, daily, and predictable.

Why do you not have a choice? Nvidia doesnt make you happy, we can all see that but why do you not have a choice in the matter of what GPU brand you use. Its been a while and you still are using those 480s....... Is it that amd gpus are just not worth your money?
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Oct 9, 1999
Yeah AMD is a saint!

In late 2009 all the roadmaps said Bulldozer will be on AM3 so tons of people bought AM3 boards with weak Phenom II's to tie them over to BD(like me, i have 2 AM3 systems in my house and one 1366 system). Then a year later AMD anounces oops sorry we lied but BD is going to be AM3+ now.

I dont know about you but a company that is spending money to HELP its customers get a better experiance with the hardware is better in my eyes than a company that lies to its customers to boost sales short term then screws them over later, and then screws them some more with a length delays of a chip that wont even work wirh the socket they originally announced.

The truth is no company is a saint, they ALL practice less than ethical practices at one point or another but at the end of the day they are there to make there shareholders money.

I will still buy AMD/Intel/Nvidia if at the time im going to purchase they offer the best bang for the buck in my price range. I gave up a long time ago caring at all about the practices the company uses because at the end of the day they are all guilty to one degree or another.

And for all of those still whining about the batman AA issue get REAL. If Nvidia paid for the programmers to add the AA and ATI declined to participate to add AA to their cards how can you blame them for locking out ATI cards? Nvidia is there to make Nvidia buyers happy, not do charity work for ATI. Nvidia made a CHOICE to give there gamers a better experiance in a AAA title since the developer decided AA was not worth the money. ATI also made a CHOICE, a choice to leave there gamers out in the cold, untill the media backlash became to great then the finally added AA to the later released edition. All of that would have been prevented if from the beggining ATI had decided to pay the cash instead of asking nvidia for a handout for AA code.


Senior member
Oct 22, 2010
Again, I don't mind Nvidia helping their customer by adding goodies, gimmick or not, into games. Fanboys see it as Nvidia take things away from them, that is idiotic.

Yeah, they got no SLI on their AMD rigs also no use of their Nvidia cards for Physx when running a card from the competition. Also they get overtessellated DX11 games unplayable on their budget Nvidia cards because Nvidia is doing exactly what you said later:

Hey, proprietary, block, cheat or sabotage, I really don't care, as customers who paid for their GPU get something exclusive.

Also the proud owners of $1000-1500 laptops with faulty Nvidia chipsets got as a replacement from Nvidia $300 single core laptops. And this only after they sued and only for those who joined the lawsuit in which Nvidia made this commitment:

"a replacement computer of like or similar kind and equal or similar value will be provided to the consumer at Nvidia's expense".

Unsatisfied with the CQ-56, some class members sought help from Ted Frank of the Center for Class Action Fairness. Frank filed a complaint in March and the court conducted a hearing on March 28. Frank said he's seen class members be ripped off before, but never anything like this.


You can bet many Nvidia owners "get something exclusive" as you said.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
The same usual five or six posters show up. It's why it's not worth trying for a discussion in any thread that doesn't cry love for nvidia. The same try-hards come to every one and contribute the same old diatribe we used to hear from Rollo all the time - 'they're doing it for gamers'

If your lockstep quartet is worth anything, it's as a testament to the wily marketing department nvidia has at their disposal, nothing more.

It's always a good chuckle when the die-hards can't fathom someone owning an extent of the hardware they praise so much yet don't/can't buy themselves, and not being enamored with the company that produces it the way they are. Of course we get the usual unrelated nonsense, this time references to AMD's CPUs. If you noticed, I don't use AMD CPUs because Intels are clearly better, whereas I do buy and use AMD GPUs because nvidia's cards are not clearly better.

Reading some of these posts from users who actually believe nvidia has a superior product leaves one with the belief you must be completely out of touch. Nvidia offers nothing AMD doesn't these days, but one. The one outlier nvidia can lay claim to is the 580, in contrast to that AMD has the 6990 though. Besides the 580, AMD has nvidia matched/bested in every other category. It's those sort of beliefs that kept some buyers waiting seven months for fermi when they could of had DX11 and the same performance long before then. Even longer for those buyers who waited almost a year for the 460, when the 5850 was there to be had before that.

I bought two 5870s at launch. Then later I got some 480s. Neither company has my undying loyalty, and I'm certainly not enough of a sucker to believe a dead-end, failed proprietary standard like physx or twimtpb 'being for my good' is a reason to lock myself out of what is available to consumers.

Do I prefer to use AMD, sure. At least I am honest about my preferences. Rather than coming into every thread that doesn't sing the praises of my brand-master and crying over it, all the while claiming no fanboyism when it's as clear as pie on your face. I prefer to use AMD for the simple fact I don't like a company that comes into tech forums and viral-markets and deceives people. One that chooses to lock standard features of any game out of gamers hands who choose not to use their hardware.

As always it's laughable the way you can see the hardcore fanboys by their being mystified at someone owning nvidia hardware but not raining praise upon them. As if the two have to go hand in hand. I think they must be oblivious to the multitude of members here who use both or go back and forth.

I think AMD and nvidia being on performance parity these days is why we hear so much about worthless stuff like physx and twimtpb etc. Since there is no longer a clear performance disparity to market on, it's now become a matter of trying to highlight 'extras' and 'goodies'.

Same old story from the same old posters in this thread, like the other with that [H] Deusex review. Except this time it's; we don't want anyone to talk about nvidia and their history of poor ethics so let's talk about AMD or shoot the messenger - instead of; we don't want anyone to talk about AMD being faster in Deusex, so lets ramble on about the 580 none of us own and drivers.

Another thread polluted. I gave my opinion, clearly there cannot be a discussion here because the nvidia loyalists will keep screaming. Not to worry though, there is still the http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2185654&page=28 thread started about an article done by a credible review site highlighting the usual suspicious nvidia antics - an article with sentiments echoed by several other sites that also took a look at Crysis 2. I think there are still some lucid people in that thread that need to be shouted down with the 'it's for gamers' mantra.
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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
Yeah, they got no SLI on their AMD rigs also no use of their Nvidia cards for Physx when running a card from the competition. Also they get overtessellated DX11 games unplayable on their budget Nvidia cards because Nvidia is doing exactly what you said later:

Also the proud owners of $1000-1500 laptops with faulty Nvidia chipsets got as a replacement from Nvidia $300 single core laptops. And this only after they sued and only for those who joined the lawsuit in which Nvidia made this commitment:

"a replacement computer of like or similar kind and equal or similar value will be provided to the consumer at Nvidia's expense".


You can bet many Nvidia owners "get something exclusive" as you said.

I would like to read the Judges ruling and the context.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
The same usual five or six posters show up. It's why it's not worth trying for a discussion in any thread that doesn't cry love for nvidia. The same try-hards come to every one and contribute the same old diatribe we used to hear from Rollo all the time - 'they're doing it for gamers'

If your lockstep quartet is worth anything, it's as a testament to the wily marketing department nvidia has at their disposal, nothing more.

It's always a good chuckle when the die-hards can't fathom someone owning an extent of the hardware they praise so much yet don't/can't buy themselves, and not being enamored with the company that produces it the way they are. Of course we get the usual unrelated nonsense, this time references to AMD's CPUs. If you noticed, I don't use AMD CPUs because Intels are clearly better, whereas I do buy and use AMD GPUs because nvidia's cards are not clearly better.

Reading some of these posts from users who actually believe nvidia has a superior product leaves one with the belief you must be completely out of touch. Nvidia offers nothing AMD doesn't these days, but one. The one outlier nvidia can lay claim to is the 580, in contrast to that AMD has the 6990 though. Besides the 580, AMD has nvidia matched/bested in every other category. It's those sort of beliefs that kept some buyers waiting seven months for fermi when they could of had DX11 and the same performance long before then. Even longer for those buyers who waited almost a year for the 460, when the 5850 was there to be had before that.

I bought two 5870s at launch. Then later I got some 480s. Neither company has my undying loyalty, and I'm certainly not enough of a sucker to believe a dead-end, failed proprietary standard like physx or twimtpb 'being for my good' is a reason to lock myself out of what is available to consumers.

Do I prefer to use AMD, sure. At least I am honest about my preferences. Rather than coming into every thread that doesn't sing the praises of my brand-master and crying over it, all the while claiming no fanboyism when it's as clear as pie on your face. I prefer to use AMD for the simple fact I don't like a company that comes into tech forums and viral-markets and deceives people. One that chooses to lock standard features of any game out of gamers hands who choose not to use their hardware.

As always it's laughable the way you can see the hardcore fanboys by their being mystified at someone owning nvidia hardware but not raining praise upon them. As if the two have to go hand in hand. I think they must be oblivious to the multitude of members here who use both or go back and forth.

I think AMD and nvidia being on performance parity these days is why we hear so much about worthless stuff like physx and twimtpb etc. Since there is no longer a clear performance disparity to market on, it's now become a matter of trying to highlight 'extras' and 'goodies'.

Same old story from the same old posters in this thread, like the other with that [H] Deusex review. Except this time it's; we don't want anyone to talk about nvidia and their history of poor ethics so let's talk about AMD or shoot the messenger - instead of; we don't want anyone to talk about AMD being faster in Deusex, so lets ramble on about the 580 none of us own and drivers.

Another thread polluted. I gave my opinion, clearly there cannot be a discussion here because the nvidia loyalists will keep screaming. Not to worry though, there is still the http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2185654&page=28 thread started about an article done by a credible review site highlighting the usual suspicious nvidia antics - an article with sentiments echoed by several other sites that also took a look at Crysis 2. I think there are still some lucid people in that thread that need to be shouted down with the 'it's for gamers' mantra.

There clearly can be a discussion, but when one brings conspiracy, conjecture and innuendo and force it to be factual and blanket -- the ones that don't agree are like Rollo -- another conspiracy and blanket view once again -- well done.


Grooveriding said:
People sidelining into personal attacks makes it difficult to discuss the subject line of this thread

You personally attacked in a sweeping blanket view and with conjecture, innuendo and conspiracy accused some of viral intention.
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Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
The same usual five or six posters show up. It's why it's not worth trying for a discussion in any thread that doesn't cry love for nvidia. The same try-hards come to every one and contribute the same old diatribe we used to hear from Rollo all the time - 'they're doing it for gamers'

If your lockstep quartet is worth anything, it's as a testament to the wily marketing department nvidia has at their disposal, nothing more.

It's always a good chuckle when the die-hards can't fathom someone owning an extent of the hardware they praise so much yet don't/can't buy themselves, and not being enamored with the company that produces it the way they are. Of course we get the usual unrelated nonsense, this time references to AMD's CPUs. If you noticed, I don't use AMD CPUs because Intels are clearly better, whereas I do buy and use AMD GPUs because nvidia's cards are not clearly better.

Reading some of these posts from users who actually believe nvidia has a superior product leaves one with the belief you must be completely out of touch. Nvidia offers nothing AMD doesn't these days, but one. The one outlier nvidia can lay claim to is the 580, in contrast to that AMD has the 6990 though. Besides the 580, AMD has nvidia matched/bested in every other category. It's those sort of beliefs that kept some buyers waiting seven months for fermi when they could of had DX11 and the same performance long before then. Even longer for those buyers who waited almost a year for the 460, when the 5850 was there to be had before that.

I bought two 5870s at launch. Then later I got some 480s. Neither company has my undying loyalty, and I'm certainly not enough of a sucker to believe a dead-end, failed proprietary standard like physx or twimtpb 'being for my good' is a reason to lock myself out of what is available to consumers.

Do I prefer to use AMD, sure. At least I am honest about my preferences. Rather than coming into every thread that doesn't sing the praises of my brand-master and crying over it, all the while claiming no fanboyism when it's as clear as pie on your face. I prefer to use AMD for the simple fact I don't like a company that comes into tech forums and viral-markets and deceives people. One that chooses to lock standard features of any game out of gamers hands who choose not to use their hardware.

As always it's laughable the way you can see the hardcore fanboys by their being mystified at someone owning nvidia hardware but not raining praise upon them. As if the two have to go hand in hand. I think they must be oblivious to the multitude of members here who use both or go back and forth.

I think AMD and nvidia being on performance parity these days is why we hear so much about worthless stuff like physx and twimtpb etc. Since there is no longer a clear performance disparity to market on, it's now become a matter of trying to highlight 'extras' and 'goodies'.

Same old story from the same old posters in this thread, like the other with that [H] Deusex review. Except this time it's; we don't want anyone to talk about nvidia and their history of poor ethics so let's talk about AMD or shoot the messenger - instead of; we don't want anyone to talk about AMD being faster in Deusex, so lets ramble on about the 580 none of us own and drivers.

Another thread polluted. I gave my opinion, clearly there cannot be a discussion here because the nvidia loyalists will keep screaming. Not to worry though, there is still the http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2185654&page=28 thread started about an article done by a credible review site highlighting the usual suspicious nvidia antics - an article with sentiments echoed by several other sites that also took a look at Crysis 2. I think there are still some lucid people in that thread that need to be shouted down with the 'it's for gamers' mantra.

How many lies are needed to defend AMD?

Please participate in that thread, as most of the "review" has been debunked and shown to be based on ignorance and a lack of understandign of DX11, tesselation, Crytek's level design and their engine.

Stop lying and start posting facts.

This is not politics and empty words are just that: EMPTY words.

This thread is just another example of a pitty-pat-AMD on the back.

They loose out in performance (due to hardware design) og they loose out in games (due to poor game developer relations)...and the "answer" is not to press for changes there...but to whine, lie and tinfoilhat-FUD against the competitor.

That is a loosers attitude...so stop the lies, fallacies and selfpitay and bring facts to the table.

This thread has none...and your posts are just as bad as the OP.

Mindless verbal feces with little to no facts, but lots of lies, ignorance and fanboyism.

Instead of pointing the finger at AMD for a poor fixed tessellation engine...a tinfoilhat theory is invented....and tesselation is EVIL.

Instead of pointing the finger at AMD for dragging their feet in GPU-physics...a tinfoilhat theory is invented...and PhysX is EVIL.

Instead of pointing the finger at AMD for dragging their feet in in 3D...a tinfoilhat theory is invented...and 3D is EVIL.

Or even better...NVIDIA makes an AA solution for a unreal engine 3 based game (the engine itself has no native AA solution) and it only runs on NVIDIA GPU's...the AMD base then whine and scream..not at AMD (who got the offfer to do the exact SAME THING...but refused!) for dropping the ball..but at NVIDA for giving their customerbase AA...talk about stupidity and fanboyism as easter of intelligence.

If we were to reverse the table it should look like this:

Instead of pointing the finger at NVIDIA fo not having multimonitor gaming...a tinfoilhat theory is invented..and multimonitor gaming is bad....oh wait.

NVIDIA picked up the ball and got SLI Multimonitor of the ground.
They even added older hardware to the mix.
That is how you respond...learn from it.

See the difference?
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Aug 10, 2009
Lets see it in a different way. Most reviewers receive their hardwares for free. Are they all being paid to write good things about the product given? Is there something wrong for a company to stop sending out goodies to reviewers who does reviews poorly? Note that by doing that, those reviewers will likely to bad mouth them. Worth it?

This is so off topic, but I'm going to address it a bit. I hope it doesn't drag the topic off too far, but it's been mentioned more than once already.

Do reviewers get paid to write good things? Well, sadly, they pretty much do. Not only do they get free equipment, but they get advertising. They can also get some special consideration for review equipment. Like 2x 590's or 6990's for crossfire/SLI reviews, or some other things. I've seen review sites get gear first because they have a policy of informing the supplier if they have any real issues and giving them a chance to fix it before they report it. Often, without the general public even knowing the issue existed. Etc.. etc...

In the end review sites are a marketing arm of the vendors. It's very cheap advertising.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Yeah AMD is a saint!

In late 2009 all the roadmaps said Bulldozer will be on AM3 so tons of people bought AM3 boards with weak Phenom II's to tie them over to BD(like me, i have 2 AM3 systems in my house and one 1366 system). Then a year later AMD anounces oops sorry we lied but BD is going to be AM3+ now.

I dont know about you but a company that is spending money to HELP its customers get a better experiance with the hardware is better in my eyes than a company that lies to its customers to boost sales short term then screws them over later, and then screws them some more with a length delays of a chip that wont even work wirh the socket they originally announced.

The truth is no company is a saint, they ALL practice less than ethical practices at one point or another but at the end of the day they are there to make there shareholders money.

I will still buy AMD/Intel/Nvidia if at the time im going to purchase they offer the best bang for the buck in my price range. I gave up a long time ago caring at all about the practices the company uses because at the end of the day they are all guilty to one degree or another.

And for all of those still whining about the batman AA issue get REAL. If Nvidia paid for the programmers to add the AA and ATI declined to participate to add AA to their cards how can you blame them for locking out ATI cards? Nvidia is there to make Nvidia buyers happy, not do charity work for ATI. Nvidia made a CHOICE to give there gamers a better experiance in a AAA title since the developer decided AA was not worth the money. ATI also made a CHOICE, a choice to leave there gamers out in the cold, untill the media backlash became to great then the finally added AA to the later released edition. All of that would have been prevented if from the beggining ATI had decided to pay the cash instead of asking nvidia for a handout for AA code.
That about sums it up. :thumbsup:

Before I looked at these discussions, a few weeks back, I was beginning to have a negative view about some of Nvidias practices myself. Upon further reflection, its all changed. If I owned Nvidia, I'm pretty sure I would do the same what they are doing right now. It is a BUSINESS, not a charity that spends resources and time and effort on games only for the tight-fisted competition to reap the benefit. AMD would love nothing more than to piggy-back on Nvidias work with game devs. Fucking leeches. Once Jen-Hsun Huang begins to have a 'for the good of gamers everywhere' POV, I would pull all my money out of Nvidia if I were an investor and would wait for him at Nv headqurters with a pie to throw in his face.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
This is so off topic, but I'm going to address it a bit. I hope it doesn't drag the topic off too far, but it's been mentioned more than once already.

Do reviewers get paid to write good things? Well, sadly, they pretty much do. Not only do they get free equipment, but they get advertising. They can also get some special consideration for review equipment. Like 2x 590's or 6990's for crossfire/SLI reviews, or some other things. I've seen review sites get gear first because they have a policy of informing the supplier if they have any real issues and giving them a chance to fix it before they report it. Often, without the general public even knowing the issue existed. Etc.. etc...

In the end review sites are a marketing arm of the vendors. It's very cheap advertising.

Is there not anything that isn't a conspiracy?
I must admit this is an excellent thread and I hope everyone has the stamina to stay and read it. I feel the tide of this forum is turning a bit. People are beginning to get tired of the conspiracy theories and are starting to peer through all that haze and see what is really going on here. There is a group, who would perpetuate the conspiracy mantra. Trying to keep it alive and well. Well, it's almost time to put it all on life support because I don't think people are going to take it anymore or be manipulated by the obvious BS.
The ability to be transparent is fading for them.
I'm not a psycho Nvidia fan. I love their products, and I can clearly see that company does more for gaming and it's customers and I appreciate that and will buy from them because of that. Which is exactly why Nvidia does it. To be far better than any competition and get more customers to buy their products. That is simple business, and when you do less for your customers, you lose them. That is what is happening en-masse now I think.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
NVidia 1 Customers 0 :thumbsdown:

"The Court finds that the CQ-56 replacement computer is a reasonable replacement for the original computers at issue in this case. Although there are differences between the CQ-56 and various computers for which it is offered as a replacement, the CQ-56 meets or exceeds nearly all of the specifications of the original computers. In addition, it comes with an advanced operating system, new warranty and other programs," US District Chief Judge James Ware said."

Meets or exceeds nearly all of the specifications of the original computers.
When you RMA a 3 year old GPU that you originally paid 250 dollars for, do you expect to get what 250 dollars buys you today? Or do you have the realistic expectation of a like kind and quality card which would probably be worth 1/4 of what you originally paid, but offers similar performance or even a little better.

The world is watching.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nvidia has created ridiculous brand fanaticism among users through their online word of mouth campaign, its pretty amazing. Is nvidia a religion these days?
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Apr 8, 2002
Nvidia has created ridiculous brand fanaticism among users through their online word of mouth campaign, its pretty amazing. Even with evidence presented, some people take nvidias word as religion or something, better not say anything bad about them or else.

Heh good thing for you the tin foil hat worked lol

What you call brand fanaticism, I call critical thinking. Looking at a situation and arriving at a conclusion that doesnt require a conspiracy theory.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2007
It's why would you give them credit for innovation? The answer is no -- there are already many, many articles about this from the Wall Street Journal to the AP, that disagree with you.

I'm struggling to see how a journalism major gushing over an NV press release has anything to do with the idea that heterogeneous multiprocessing isn't an old idea.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2009
You did speak vocally and loudly, there is no innovation and deserves no credit.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
I love their products, and I can clearly see that company does more for gaming and it's customers and I appreciate that and will buy from them because of that. Which is exactly why Nvidia does it. To be far better than any competition and get more customers to buy their products. That is simple business, and when you do less for your customers, you lose them. That is what is happening en-masse now I think.
''....and will buy from them...''...LOL on using the word ''buy'' and even more LOL on Ati losing customers ''en masse''.Where do you get this stuff.People go back and forth between the two camps all the time...Or do you have links for this 'en masse' loss by ATi who you imply do less for their customers?

Anyhow this thread is pure entertainment only.I'm not sure Nvidia cheats and I have ceased to care.I don't like them mainly because their 8800GTS card died on me,wasn't that great a performer,was a hot,noisy card and left me frustrated and disappointed.Since that year 2008 I've used 4850 then 5850 and had no problems.

I prefer Ati ....but if Ati's cards give me any stress like that 8800 GTS then I will buy from it's competitor.

The rabid fans of Nvidia are amusing and the lengths and time that some go to in order to praise and defend Nvidia make me wonder if they even play games at all or are just part of some marketing machinery.Nvidia has a sleaziness about them that's tangible to me....but ATi has a 'victim' mentality that's bad for Ati..Both companies have their weaknesses but Nvidia, Nvidia's PR and Focus Group does the exact opposite of making me want to buy their products.But I will buy from them again if I feel it's right.

I have no loyalty to AMD but I will stick with my 5850 and decide next year between BOTH COMPANIES.Some people will never go to the 'other side ' no matter what.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2007
Is there not anything that isn't a conspiracy?

I'm curious what alleged conspiracy you're talking about here. Please be specific.

Edited to add - that's for everyone who magically started using the phrase "conspiracy theory" all at the same time.
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