Why does the Obama campaign keep harping after Mitt's tax returns?

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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Who is this "GOP" you speak of?

If it's the actual voters who nominated him it raises a question: Do the registered Republican voters give a d@mn about seeing even more of Romney's tax returns? More interesting I think would be what do swing voters think. IDK, perhaps there's a poll out there some where.

I don't think Democrat voters matter at all, they weren't going to vote for Romney anyway.


First of all you're either playing naive, or you really are naive. I'm pretty sure it's the former.

We all know damn well that the GOP leadership decides ultimately which set of candidates they are going to back and support well before he/she is nominated. The GOP has always been known for its execution and precision when it comes to political elections. Since Bush, however, they've been completely falling apart at the wheels. Completely uninteresting candidates. Romney has been known for quite a while now, and I'm simply astounded that nobody within the GOP had the foresight to check this guy's background for anything catastrophic like really shady tax returns.

And Republicans do care about seeing Romney's tax returns, the list of prominent REPUBLICANS that have called on him to release more is actually quite extensive. But, and you know this is true, they hate Obama more because he is black and they can't stand to see a black man in the White House. Especially one with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.

Racism, bigotry, and ignorance will trump Romney's tax returns every time with the moronic GOP base (of which you are a part of).

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
First of all you're either playing naive, or you really are naive. I'm pretty sure it's the former.

We all know damn well that the GOP leadership decides ultimately which set of candidates they are going to back and support well before he/she is nominated. The GOP has always been known for its execution and precision when it comes to political elections. Since Bush, however, they've been completely falling apart at the wheels. Completely uninteresting candidates. Romney has been known for quite a while now, and I'm simply astounded that nobody within the GOP had the foresight to check this guy's background for anything catastrophic like really shady tax returns.

And Republicans do care about seeing Romney's tax returns, the list of prominent REPUBLICANS that have called on him to release more is actually quite extensive. But, and you know this is true, they hate Obama more because he is black and they can't stand to see a black man in the White House. Especially one with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.

Racism, bigotry, and ignorance will trump Romney's tax returns every time with the moronic GOP base (of which you are a part of).

Ahh, so Fern is a bigot, racist, and ignorant. That statement reflects more poorly on you than him. While I disagree with him (and you) on many things I wouldn't have thought to call him those. I course I could be mistaken. Please post examples of Fern being racist.
Feb 10, 2000
No response to me calling you and bow out on your lie? You really expect me to just blindly let you two lie about me and walk away together like lovers? Seriously?


Your own dishonesty is, like your inability to spell, laughably transparent to everyone here. Fortunately I have better things to do on a Saturday night then bicker with an evidently autistic stranger on the Internet. (Just as, unlike you, I don't have time to post 40 times per day.)

You are one strange ranger, and one sad little man.


Nov 11, 1999

I know the Search This Thread function can be a bit frightening for you, but please at least try to use it when you are searching for something.

In other words, you have not & will not address the issue, and will continue to claim that you have.

Four times-

There are no economic miracles in the aftermath of an enormous credit bubble- just a lot of deleveraging, lack of demand, liquidity trap, even a deflationary spiral were it not for action by the Fed & the Treasury.

Do you agree or disagree with that? Should Obama have been omniscient when campaigning back in 2008, realized that the situation was more like 1929 than anything in modern history, worse than anybody else realized at the time?

Where's that Kenyan time warp voodoo mind control when we need it?

Charles Kozierok

Elite Member
May 14, 2012
Nope. I'm quite able to understand a thing without accepting it as desirable. More than that I also recognize that people generally aren't interested in facts. It's all about attacking one side to defend yours.

Okay, so what's the solution to that? IMO, it is making an effort to be fair to both sides, and to criticize those who are unfair on either side.

The matter of contention here is a set of data that starts counting from the day Obama was inaugurated. You and I both know that's not reasonable. So why accept it at face value?

Well the tech bubble eventually burst as they all do and that left Bush with an economy with no place to go. That wasn't his fault.

I've never heard any reasonable attempts to blame Bush for the dot-com bubble. A couple of hard lefties perhaps but that's it.

What was is the involvement of the US in Iraq which siphoned off money from the economy. That can be laid directly at the feet of his administration, but again only one component. I don't see that being brought up in discussions do you?

Certainly Dems bring this up, and Reps try to ignore it. Not sure what your point is here.

What is missing is all this is that the key economic problem is that too many people do not have quality jobs, where long term employment and pay is likely. So we have a stimulus. Great. What happens when that money runs out? Another one?

The purpose of the stimulus was to try to prime the pump of demand to stop the rollercoaster drop we were on in early 2009. To some extent, it worked.

The problem with the money running out isn't a result of the spending on the stimulus. It's a result of all the money we wasted when we had no problem with the economy. Governments, like people, are supposed to save for rainy days and then spend when the private sector locks up, as it did in 2008. But we spent the preceding 8 years blowing all of our money on unnecessary wars and tax cuts. So when a financial disaster happened and we needed the government to spur demand, the only way to do it was with record debt. Of course, the people who created this mess with their irresponsible behavior then blamed Obama for the debt.

Better than all that would be legislation giving a greater proportion of control to smaller shareholders of corporations instead of few controlling all, and those few in situations where they benefit of the lack of accountability in board rooms.

Not really sure what this would accomplish. I can see it opening quite a Pandora's Box as well, the idea of giving people who don't have controlling interest the ability to control the corporation.

Better tax incentives to control corporate behavior might make more sense.

Then there's the real elephant in the room, outsourcing, which is fueled by the fact that overseas labor is cheap and so are the goods compared to American products. What changes in trade do you see either candidate seriously proposing?

Nothing. And honestly, I am not sure there is anything they can propose. So instead they just attack each other.

Americans have to get used to the idea that the hey-days of us being the only game in town are over. Other countries want a piece of the pie, and they are willing to tolerate a lower standard of living than we are.

What about targeted tax incentives for corporation who meet criteria which provide such jobs? You want a break? Hire people here.

I'd be fine with that.

We are a ninety day economy. Meet the market expectations and everything else be damned. Hell of a way to run things, but there it is. Take the tax savings and use them to hire more offshore labor. No, I'll pass because that's a given disaster in the making.

The problems you are identifying are systemic, they are a part of our culture here in the US. They are also weaknesses in the free market system that free market advocates don't want to recognize.

It's not like we have a chance at good leadership since there being only two effective choices we'll have to take what one or the other give us. I don't have to like it.

No, you don't. I don't like it either.

I would vote in a heartbeat for an old-style Republican who actually took fiscal responsibility and freedom seriously. Instead, I have to choose between game-playing leftists, and kook right-wingers who pander to the rich and the religious right. But right now at least the leftists are somewhat sane, and so I have to go with them.

I think it was Churchill who said America will do the right thing, after trying everything else first. We're still in the wilderness when it comes to the debt and the economy overall. Like the guy who's got $50,000 in credit card debt and still thinks he "deserves" a 50-inch TV, we haven't sobered up yet.


Nov 11, 1999
Okay, so what's the solution to that? IMO, it is making an effort to be fair to both sides, and to criticize those who are unfair on either side.

The matter of contention here is a set of data that starts counting from the day Obama was inaugurated. You and I both know that's not reasonable. So why accept it at face value?

I've never heard any reasonable attempts to blame Bush for the dot-com bubble. A couple of hard lefties perhaps but that's it.

Certainly Dems bring this up, and Reps try to ignore it. Not sure what your point is here.

The purpose of the stimulus was to try to prime the pump of demand to stop the rollercoaster drop we were on in early 2009. To some extent, it worked.

The problem with the money running out isn't a result of the spending on the stimulus. It's a result of all the money we wasted when we had no problem with the economy. Governments, like people, are supposed to save for rainy days and then spend when the private sector locks up, as it did in 2008. But we spent the preceding 8 years blowing all of our money on unnecessary wars and tax cuts. So when a financial disaster happened and we needed the government to spur demand, the only way to do it was with record debt. Of course, the people who created this mess with their irresponsible behavior then blamed Obama for the debt.

Not really sure what this would accomplish. I can see it opening quite a Pandora's Box as well, the idea of giving people who don't have controlling interest the ability to control the corporation.

Better tax incentives to control corporate behavior might make more sense.

Nothing. And honestly, I am not sure there is anything they can propose. So instead they just attack each other.

Americans have to get used to the idea that the hey-days of us being the only game in town are over. Other countries want a piece of the pie, and they are willing to tolerate a lower standard of living than we are.

I'd be fine with that.

The problems you are identifying are systemic, they are a part of our culture here in the US. They are also weaknesses in the free market system that free market advocates don't want to recognize.

No, you don't. I don't like it either.

I would vote in a heartbeat for an old-style Republican who actually took fiscal responsibility and freedom seriously. Instead, I have to choose between game-playing leftists, and kook right-wingers who pander to the rich and the religious right. But right now at least the leftists are somewhat sane, and so I have to go with them.

I think it was Churchill who said America will do the right thing, after trying everything else first. We're still in the wilderness when it comes to the debt and the economy overall. Like the guy who's got $50,000 in credit card debt and still thinks he "deserves" a 50-inch TV, we haven't sobered up yet.

I recognize that you're replying to scattershot points in order, so bear with me.

First off, we need to acknowledge that fairness isn't necessarily a 50/50 split. If one side is 90% wrong and the other 10% wrong, we need to account for that. I think you're attempting to do so, but in a confused manner.

We have forces invoking denial & forces attempting to overcome it. You touched on that when you referenced the relative sanity in both sides of the argument. You'd do well to examine your own conceptualizations more closely. Not that I think they're terribly off base, but rather that you're entirely capable & that doing so would lend clarity.

Many on the Right are simply not capable of that, at all, and are the victims of their own beliefs & of persuasions they can't fully comprehend because of what they believe. If that sounds circular, it's because it describes circular thinking. It's how they can be so wrong while believing themselves to be so right.

Try this piece-


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Charles I'm at work now but I do have ideas and can comment this evening or tomorrow.


Nov 17, 2011

Right. I actually have some paper canadian dollars as well. You should have seen the look on the clerk's face when I spent a paper two dollar bill a few years back. I simply wanted to be rid of it, but she refused to accept it. The guy behind me looked eager as he said he would give me a toonie for it. I told him I just wanted to be rid of it and that Canadians should be first in line to keep their own old money. He was happy.

So yes, I already know all about loonies and twonies. That is one of the reasons why I chose that spelling - it is already a spelling people use. The other is that I knew returners would go bonkers when I not only only called them returners (which are very closely related to the loonie birthers) but called them an altered spelling of loonie.

There is much precident for purposefully mispelling things as a jab at groups. You may have heard the term republicrat to refer to centrist politicians, or maybe Boooosh to refer to Bush, or possibly Ubomba to refer to Obama. I suspect you have, and that you understood the mispelling was on purpose and meant to be a jab at the supporters.

Hope this clears it up. I suspect loonie returners will still be all butt hurt and claim this is all a lie, but it is just them being upset at being exposed for the loons they really are.


Nov 17, 2011
Your own dishonesty is, like your inability to spell, laughably transparent to everyone here. Fortunately I have better things to do on a Saturday night then bicker with an evidently autistic stranger on the Internet. (Just as, unlike you, I don't have time to post 40 times per day.)

You are one strange ranger, and one sad little man.

AH! The butt-hurt is strong in this one. Keep it up, this is great! You are getting madder and madder! Please, don't take it out on your pet.


Nov 17, 2011
Do you agree or disagree with that? Should Obama have been omniscient when campaigning back in 2008, realized that the situation was more like 1929 than anything in modern history, worse than anybody else realized at the time?

Where's that Kenyan time warp voodoo mind control when we need it?

I already covered this, and showed it to you already. Stop pretending I did not, it makes you look sillier than Vito when he is all butt-hurt.


As for do I agree with you, yes. I agree Obama should never have made his promises when he himself knew he was horribly ignorant on the subject. He did, though. He made a bunch of promises and claims that he did not follow through with. Your need to defend his lies is appauling.
Feb 10, 2000
I already covered this, and showed it to you already. Stop pretending I did not, it makes you look sillier than Vito when he is all butt-hurt.


As for do I agree with you, yes. I agree Obama should never have made his promises when he himself knew he was horribly ignorant on the subject. He did, though. He made a bunch of promises and claims that he did not follow through with. Your need to defend his lies is appauling.

Is "appauling" going to be your new "loonie"?


Nov 17, 2011
Is "appauling" going to be your new "loonie"?

Only if I notice it makes you as butt-hurt as loonie. So far, it does not appear to do so, but it does show you are still mad at being outed for being a loonie returner.

Keep it up, your anger is entertaining.
Feb 10, 2000
Only if I notice it makes you as butt-hurt as loonie. So far, it does not appear to do so, but it does show you are still mad at being outed for being a loonie returner.

Keep it up, your anger is entertaining.

No anger here - just bemusement at the Internet's Most Prolific Troll. You're a sad little guy. I feel sorry for you despite your efforts to make me angry. I imagine you'll be very upset when Governor Romney loses this election.


Nov 17, 2011
No anger here - just bemusement at the Internet's Most Prolific Troll. You're a sad little guy. I feel sorry for you despite your efforts to make me angry. I imagine you'll be very upset when Governor Romney loses this election.

Priceless! Keep going, you are great!

Yes, you keep making it obvious the butt-hurt is strong in you. I never realized you would be cut so deep by being called a loonie returner.

Don "loonie returner" Corleone. "I'm gonna make Romney an offer he can't refuse, he shows his tax returns and I will stop being a loon."

"I want you to see what he's got in his tax returns."
Last edited:
Feb 10, 2000
Priceless! Keep going, you are great!

Yes, you keep making it obvious the butt-hurt is strong in you. I never realized you would be cut so deep by being called a loonie returner.

Don "loonie returner" Corleone. "I'm gonna make Romney an offer he can't refuse, he shows his tax returns and I will stop being a loon."

The troll doth protest too much. You're obviously stabbing at your keyboard and yelling at your mom's cat as you write all those smiley faces. Again, you mostly just make me sad. I fear that as we become more wired as a society there will be more of your brand of weird, autism-spectrum loneliness. Anyway, enjoy your bus ride to work in good health.

But yeah, as to the topic at hand, I do think Romney's tax returns are a legitimate topic of interest, and I think, like George Will and many others, that his refusal to release them bodes ill for his campaign. The GOP has chosen one shitty candidate, and thus will lose an eminently winnable election. Oh well . . .


Nov 17, 2011
The troll doth protest too much. You're obviously stabbing at your keyboard and yelling at your mom's cat as you write all those smiley faces. Again, you mostly just make me sad. I fear that as we become more wired as a society there will be more of your brand of weird, autism-spectrum loneliness. Anyway, enjoy your bus ride to work in good health.

<-- You.

Keep it up, you are showing your butt-hurt strongly! You are even returning to your classic lines where you accidently showed your hatred of blacks. One would think a person who claims to have been a trial lawyer would not suck so bad at crafting arguments.


Nov 17, 2002
Is "appauling" going to be your new "loonie"?
He's had countless opportunities to clean up his boy-clown behavior, but it's clear he cannot. At this point he is readily dismissed as a noise source and nothing more. I don't think anyone in P&N actually takes him seriously any more anyway.


Nov 11, 1999
I already covered this, and showed it to you already. Stop pretending I did not, it makes you look sillier than Vito when he is all butt-hurt.


As for do I agree with you, yes. I agree Obama should never have made his promises when he himself knew he was horribly ignorant on the subject. He did, though. He made a bunch of promises and claims that he did not follow through with. Your need to defend his lies is appauling.

That never addressed my statement, and never will. You already knew that, and your latest reply is just more of the same kind of dodging, more of the usual Blame Obama! tripe.

Are you arguing that efforts by the FRB were insufficient? That the stimulus was too small?

Or are you taking the delusional Austrian argument, the same one offered by Mellon to Hoover-

He advised President Herbert Hoover to "liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate… it will purge the rottenness out of the system."


Rational people detest Romney for the same reasons Roosevelt detested Mellon- he embodies all that's wrong with the system, all the things that led to financial excess & subsequent collapse.

Not that your circular thinking is capable of understanding that in the slightest.


Nov 17, 2011
That never addressed my statement, and never will. You already knew that, and your latest reply is just more of the same kind of dodging, more of the usual Blame Obama! tripe.

Your statement can be restated as "Obama made claims and promises while knowing nothing about the subject, so it is not his fault he cannot fulfill these promises and anyone who says otherwise is dumb".

This is a silly position to hold.

If Obama made grandiose promises (which he did), then it is his own fault when he fails to make good on those promises. He obviously was very ignorant about the topic, but that is also his own fault - he should never have made promises about things he was completely closeless about.


Jul 16, 2001
if the IRS isn't interested then it all applicable laws/taxes/criteria have been satisfied. The obama can't run on his record so divert/duck and hide will be his campaign tactics. He has no choice in this matter.


Nov 11, 1999
Your statement can be restated as "Obama made claims and promises while knowing nothing about the subject, so it is not his fault he cannot fulfill these promises and anyone who says otherwise is dumb".

This is a silly position to hold.

If Obama made grandiose promises (which he did), then it is his own fault when he fails to make good on those promises. He obviously was very ignorant about the topic, but that is also his own fault - he should never have made promises about things he was completely closeless about.

Obviously, you need to "restate" what others have said, to put words into other people's mouths to make any argument at all.

Which, other than in the usual realm of right wing faux equivalence, has nothing to do with Mitt's likely illegal tax evasion, does it?

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