why dont people pay attention when driving


Jul 12, 2004
im really sick of people who dont pay attention to the road when driving. Its like they purposely do what they can to avoid the road like the cellphone, playing with their radio or nav system, listening to headphones, arguing with someone, etc... I feel like I have to drive for two people all the time, myself and the other person because they are too dumb to drive.

Just now going to get lunch, I am in a shopping center with the right of way going straight through. I can tell when people are going to drive and not look around, and I was right. This guy that wanted to cross my straight way DOES NOT EVEN LOOK MY WAY after looking the other way, and goes straight through and cut me off. I am not even going fast, but if I dont break, I hit him, and I am liable. He stops when he sees im about to hit him, and then keeps going, not a care in the world.

EDIT: I added this next part because it was just another frustrating incident that occurred right after the previous guy on the way home, but with a pedestrian. Maybe I am off my rocker or explaining it wrong, but I am getting heat for this in the post. If I am still wrong or the bad guy, well, I dont get it then. Basically, the pedestrian did not look for traffic when crossing the street, and there is no walking sign, so you have to use common sense. I had a clear green light to make a turn, and she starts walking across the street after I am already in motion making the turn. Basically, she waited on the sidewalk, and perhaps was dumb enough to think green on the street light meant go for her; I dont know. Bottomline was that she should not have crossed at that time, and she failed to even look back towards me on the street parallel to her; she just took it upon herself to start walking when she felt like it. END EDIT

Then when driving home, I am trying to make a right on to my street. This lady is on the sidewalk walking her child in a stroller. I am ALREADY MAKING THE TURN onto the street, and she keeps walking not even looking to see if a car was making a turn. Again, this is a slow turn, I have to stop or I hit her and the child.

I am so sick of these fucking retards!!


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2006
Originally posted by: KLin
The lady wasn't driving though.

Even more reason to pay attention to the cars on the road.

That said, AFAIK as soon as one foot steps in the crosswalk, trafic is legally required to stop.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Answer to the Title question ignoring the little speech:

Because they do it all the time so they think its easy and get careless and complacent.
Same thing with people who handle Hazmat at work. Doesnt matter how many safety lectures you hear, if you work with it on a daily basis you will start to slack on the safety procedures. Thats why most companies have some sort of recurrant Hazmat training program, to keep people from getting complacent.

Of course, if you see some guy get horribly burned or blinded, you will probably have more respect for Hazmat, but the idea is to avoid accidents.

Cars are the same thing. Only almost everybody drives.
Unless you have constant reenforcement of the rules OR witness a horrible accident, you will get complacent and start doing foolish things. Even if you did watch that Blood on The Highway movie when you were young, you will probably forget it over time.

The cops are partly to blame for this. Too many mother fuckers who think they're slick attempt (and get away with) illegal shit all the time.
If cops threw people in jail for one night instead of handing them a ticket, I think folks would be more inclined to follow the laws.

I believe people should be forced to retake the drivers test every ten years. One class and one test at age 16 is clearly not going to leave a lasting impression on most folks.



Dec 28, 2004
Good job trying to run over a pedestrian and her child. Sounds like the OP's the one who should stay off the road.


Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Baked
Good job trying to run over a pedestrian and her child. Sounds like the OP's the one who should stay off the road.

ok, put down your doobie and read again, I am already IN the turn with a green light, and then she starts walking on the street ahead of me. She is not paying attention to me taking a turn, got it?

now resume smoking position.


Golden Member
Dec 20, 2005
Originally posted by: nervegrind3r
Originally posted by: Baked
Good job trying to run over a pedestrian and her child. Sounds like the OP's the one who should stay off the road.

ok, put down your doobie and read again, I am already IN the turn with a green light, and then she starts walking on the street ahead of me. She is not paying attention to me taking a turn, got it?

now resume smoking position.

#1, you never said you had a green in the OP

#2, even if you have a green, it's possible the lady has the walk signal and just took her time getting started

#3 "this is a slow turn, I have to stop or hit her"... So if it were a fast turn, you would be allowed to just hit her? I don't understand this part.


Jul 20, 2003
Some dude in a big van almost backed into me today at costco because some old lady decided to turn the wrong way up a 1 way in the parkinglot. So the guy in the van tries to back up so he can get around her but luckily realizes at the last second that I'm behind him and slams on his brakes. Eventually the old lady got the hell out of the way, but the lesson here is old people cause most traffic problems.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: nervegrind3r
im really sick of people who dont pay attention to the road when driving. Its like they purposely do what they can to avoid the road like the cellphone, playing with their radio or nav system, listening to headphones, arguing with someone, etc... I feel like I have to drive for two people all the time, myself and the other person because they are too dumb to drive.

Just now going to get lunch, I am in a shopping center with the right of way going straight though. I can tell when people are going to drive and not look around, and I Was right. This guy that wanted to cross my straight way DOES NOT EVEN LOOK MY WAY after looking the other way, and goes straight through and cut me off. I am not even going fast, but if I dont break, I hit him, and I am liable. He stops when he sees im about to hit him, and then keeps going, not a care in the world.

Then when driving home, I am trying to make a right on to my street. This lady is on the sidewalk walking her child in a stroller. I am ALREADY MAKING THE TURN onto the street, and she keeps walking not even looking to see if a car was making a turn. Again, this is a slow turn, I have to stop or I hit her and the child.

I am so sick of these fucking retards!!


u hit them, and their rich!

our justice system rewards carelessness FTL

why spend the time + effort to be careful when they kno the majority of other people will do it for both of them


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: nervegrind3r
Originally posted by: Baked
Good job trying to run over a pedestrian and her child. Sounds like the OP's the one who should stay off the road.

ok, put down your doobie and read again, I am already IN the turn with a green light, and then she starts walking on the street ahead of me. She is not paying attention to me taking a turn, got it?

now resume smoking position.

I don't know the laws in NY, but where I live, drivers are required to yield to pedestrians AT ALL TIMES. And if you were to hit one in a crosswalk, you're pretty much going to jail.

I understand your frustration with other drivers who don't pay attention, but you pretty much ruined your rant bringing up the pedestrian.

Here, you want a real "bad driver" rant? Yesterday, I'm driving on the highway, passing in the left lane at a reasonable speed (the flow of traffic in that lane), and this girl cuts me off without even looking and with no warning, no signal, and for no reason whatsoever. Only my quick reflexes on the brakes prevented a serious accident (allow I think I caused heart attacks in the cars behind me). So I move over to the wide-open right lane and pull alongside her to see what the issue is, and the bitch is flipping me off in a road-raging frenzy.
Now THAT is a bad driver


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Vic
Now THAT is a bad driver


I was merging onto the highway the other day. Speed limit is 65 and we get our own lane to merge that doesnt disappear for 1.5 miles. Person in front of me merges at 45mph. Typical. So I pull into the next lane and start passing him. Then he pulls out in front of me. So I go back to the lane we both just left and pull around him (this lane still doesn't end for over a mile). He flips me off. I flip him off.

I then make my way to the left most and lane and am driving 70mph when I notice the guy was still behind me. Very close behind me. He was also making hand gestures and yelling. He made a gun with his hand and pointed it at his head like he was going to shoot me. He pulled up along side me and yelled at me to pull over. I rolled up my windows. He's still over there shaking his fist and what not. By this point, I was getting a little scared.

Then he gets back behind me and is tail gating me. He couldn't have been more than 5ft from my bumper. So I tap my brakes. He slams on his in response and goes into a skid. Apparently that pissed him off even more; he revved his engine and pulled up directly behind and hit my car with his front bumper. This was when I had enough. I pulled out my cellphone to where he could see and dialed 911 and gave them his plates, car make/model, and a description of the driver.

He continued to follow me for a few more miles and continued to make threatening gestures and eventually got off the highway. In all, he followed me for 8 miles.

Scared the piss out of me.


Mar 18, 2007
That is just the way it is. Accept it. What I hate is when people don't signal when changing lanes or turning. Why do they do this ?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Originally posted by: pcslookout
That is just the way it is. Accept it. What I hate is when people don't signal when changing lanes or turning. Why do they do this ?

That's a pet peeve of mine as well. I mean really, does it take all THAT much effort to move your hand the inch or two required to flip the blinker on/off? YOU might know you're making a turn or changing lanes, but I sure as hell don't.


Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: nervegrind3r
Then when driving home, I am trying to make a right on to my street. This lady is on the sidewalk walking her child in a stroller. I am ALREADY MAKING THE TURN onto the street, and she keeps walking not even looking to see if a car was making a turn. Again, this is a slow turn, I have to stop or I hit her and the child.

You know, it sounds like she had the right of way.
Oct 20, 2005
Originally posted by: legoman666
Originally posted by: Vic
Now THAT is a bad driver


I was merging onto the highway the other day. Speed limit is 65 and we get our own lane to merge that doesnt disappear for 1.5 miles. Person in front of me merges at 45mph. Typical. So I pull into the next lane and start passing him. Then he pulls out in front of me. So I go back to the lane we both just left and pull around him (this lane still doesn't end for over a mile). He flips me off. I flip him off.

I then make my way to the left most and lane and am driving 70mph when I notice the guy was still behind me. Very close behind me. He was also making hand gestures and yelling. He made a gun with his hand and pointed it at his head like he was going to shoot me. He pulled up along side me and yelled at me to pull over. I rolled up my windows. He's still over there shaking his fist and what not. By this point, I was getting a little scared.

Then he gets back behind me and is tail gating me. He couldn't have been more than 5ft from my bumper. So I tap my brakes. He slams on his in response and goes into a skid. Apparently that pissed him off even more; he revved his engine and pulled up directly behind and hit my car with his front bumper. This was when I had enough. I pulled out my cellphone to where he could see and dialed 911 and gave them his plates, car make/model, and a description of the driver.

He continued to follow me for a few more miles and continued to make threatening gestures and eventually got off the highway. In all, he followed me for 8 miles.

Scared the piss out of me.

Damn, hopefully the cops got him. Any dmg to your car?


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2003
Yep, alot of people piss me off and one is my girlfriend. This girl had the nerve to blow her horn at me after we just left a restaurant in separate cars. The girl came around a truck @ a high speed as i was switching into the lane completely she was coming in also so she blew the horn. I called her cell asap at the next red light while she was the car behind me and asked what the **** was her problem and she said i cut her off. LMFAO, I swear this girl is crazy and she has the nerve to call me a crazy driver. She drives like a damn nut!


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Schfifty Five
Damn, hopefully the cops got him. Any dmg to your car?

Not sure if they got him. No noticeable damage. I drive a 1989 Camry so it wouldn't be a big deal anyway. I was more concerned about him causing me to lose control @ 70mph on a crowded highway.


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2006
The first example, I get, but the second where you failed to yield the right of way to pedestrians, you are not paying attention to the rules of the road. Next time, don't cut off pedestrians, stop and wait like you are supposed to.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2001
Some people are just morons, not that I haven't had my share of stupid moves myself.

I had some guy almost hit me the other day. I was pulling in to a parking spot and two spots over there was a guy pulling out of a spot in a truck with a trailer on it. Instead of pulling into the lane he decided to cut through the parking spots and almost hits me as I pull through to the second spot. Then him and his wife look at me like I'm was trying to hit them. I stared them down for a second and then just walked away. As I was walking he drives by and yells that I shouldn't drive so fast in the parking lot. I was pulling into a parking spot! how the heck could I have been going too fast when I was nearly stopped?


Nov 18, 2001
Beats me. I was driving home from work just now. I looked in my rear view mirror to see if any cars were behind me and look back at the road. I see a guy in oncoming traffic start to drift slightly into my lane so I paid more attention to him. All of a sudden he starts drifting further and nearly has a head on collision with the car in front of me (he's now fully in my lane). I knew there weren't any cars behind me in either of the lanes, so I was able to quickly change lanes and avoid an accident. Luckily I caught it early and was paying attention, otherwise I would've been rocked with a head on collision at 40mph.


Oct 9, 1999
pedestrians are worse. they think their signals don't apply to them. i almost mow them down while laying on the horn for 10 seconds while obeying mine.
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