Why Half Life 2 isn't the greatest game ever.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
Disclaimer: I LIKED HL2. I paid for HL2. I beat it on Medium. This is not intended to be some troll thread, and I'm not here to pick any fights. Just stating my opinion, and would like to see some discussion on the matter.

OK. Here goes, in no particular order:


Facial features and the character models are awesome. But seriously, what is with the dark scenes in the game? I'm running everything on high, with a 6800GT, and the dark scenes did nothing for me. Poor detail, and the shadows definitely seemed bad.


Can't complain much. Not up to par with Doom 3 though. This will be the only Doom 3 comparison. I promise.


I felt the vehicle missions/chapters were merely filler for the game. At no point in piloting the boat or dune buggy did I ever say "WOW" like when I first drove the Warthog in Halo. Physics were good. I did kind of like outrunning the gunships dropping depth charges though.

I could have done without the squads later on in the Game. It felt like a poor implementation of Freedom Fighter's squads. I literally felt like launching hoppers at my squad everytime the four of them blocked the doorways in City 17. And wtf is with the Medics charging into battle?? Ant Lions and the bugbait mission was pretty fun. Until you got in the Jail (see clogged doorways rant).

Enemy AI - Horrible.

The last thing that comes to mind about gameplay is the total amount of it. As in, there wasn't enough. I beat the game in about 18-20 hours, including taking a billion attempts to do the turret mission and dealing with the autosave crash/lock up experience. I figured something that took that long to develop would at least go that extra mile and make the game longer.


Or should I say lack of plot? 1984 anyone? Sure, the combine looked good. But the whole "Big Brother" spiel I could live without. They do a poor job of setting the story up. While you're immersed in the game there's no real attachment to the other characters. Maybe a bit more interaction would be nice. I think looking to Gordon as the Messiah or whatever kinda downplayed the mood from the first game. The final level was way too easy (why the heck would they give me a supergun that lets me kill groups of combine soldiers in 1 hit?) and the final battle was as far from epic as possible.

My biggest beef about the plot is the ending. It sucked. No matter what you say about anything I've typed here, the ending was just fricken stupid. I've played through the game, only kind of immersing myself in the story to have this totally lame ending. We learn NOTHING about the G-Man. There's no real cliffhanger whatsoever (that highest bidder crap was no big surprise considering we knew we were working for him anyways) to make us wonder "what next". There's no hint as to what might come. Basically the only thing that made the game relate to Half Life was Freeman, and the suit/crowbar.

Well, that's it. I have a couple other things, but I forgot em and it is time for me to eat... Did I like HL2? Yes. Will I replay it? Definitely. Is it the "best game ever'? Hardly.

Aug 4, 2004
Hmmm, how to respond to this...

I agree with you about the difficulty of the game, I did think it was a lot easier than HL1 but I can't complain about much else. Then again, you never had to fight in Xen which had to be the most aggravating part of HL1. Maybe other people noticed this but I felt as if some content was missing. The blue tentacle monster that kills a combine soldier in one of the teaser videos never actually took place in the game, did they have to shorten the game a bit to finally release it? Perhaps I skipped past some important content on the vid screens but I never really felt that period between Black Mesa and City 17 was ever explained in detail. Somehow most of the world was beaten into submission by the Combine...


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
\Poor detail and the shadows seemed bad?? I thought both were great. For example the swing set. Push it around, and the shadows follow perfectly. The dark scenes added to the game a lot. There weren't that many either. I bet you liked doom 3 where the entire game was dark. Remember, you can use your flashlight and equip a gun at the same time. Amazing!

As far as the whole crowded doorways thing...whats the big deal. You just walk where you want to go, and everyone starts apologizing about being in your way and moves. I thought that was cool. Ant lions in your way, then throw a ball thing towards the other end of the room.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ScottSwingleComputers
\Poor detail and the shadows seemed bad?? I thought both were great. For example the swing set. Push it around, and the shadows follow perfectly. The dark scenes added to the game a lot. There weren't that many either. I bet you liked doom 3 where the entire game was dark. Remember, you can use your flashlight and equip a gun at the same time. Amazing!

As far as the whole crowded doorways thing...whats the big deal. You just walk where you want to go, and everyone starts apologizing about being in your way and moves. I thought that was cool. Ant lions in your way, then throw a ball thing towards the other end of the room.

I just don't see why they would have you take the squad through a crowded apartment building with combine troops everywhere and you have basically no control over them.

You can order them all to one location, but the pathfinding is horrible. Not to mention they won't stay put, and return to your side if you like it nor not.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2003
Basically the only thing that made the game relate to Half Life was Freeman, and the suit/crowbar.

I don't know about you, but there are a lot more things reminenscent about Half-Life than just the suit. Erm, let's see, the first time you encounter the head crabs (the live ones, not the one they had in the lab), and most of sound cues (again, the headcrabs, the sound that the doors keypads make, the health and energy charging stations) are reminiscent of HL1. And the 'look' of the Source engine and all the machinery-laden indoor environments harkens back to Black Mesa; but of course, we never see a part of Black Mesa that we saw in the first one.

I do agree that HL2 lost that 'Black Mesa factor,' in that you start off in a completely alien environment, and nothing too easily recognizeable. (Unlike HL1, where you start in a completely acceptable reality, with recognizeable authority figures like the US government, and then everything gets thrown to hell). I don't see how this sequal's plot is any less or more mysterious than the first game, though I understand there is some dissappointment in that we were expecting 'more' plot, or at least more solid connections to the first HL (other than just the sound cues I mentioned, and the suit and crowbar). I really do regret that they didn't integrate more of this first HL, a game that undoubtedly has left impressions with many people. Why not show us at least one part of Black Mesa also features in HL1 in one of those "XXX years later"-type deals? Have the same level layout, but adding, obviously much improved models and visuals, along with visual 'rot,' showing the age of the facility. Throw in some dilapidated Bradley or Apache and have people who played the first game go "Hey, I saw/fought that in HL1, this game really relates!"

Otherwise, IMHO, this game is excellent. I havn't played through all of it, but that swamp-boat level was incredible; it truly felt like a movie, especially with the moment-specific music. I know it's been done before, but not to this level of craft.


Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
Originally posted by: BlueWeasel

indeed. perhaps you are sub-human ? This is the best game ever man, period. Nothing is anywhere near as good as this game, console, pc, checkers, chess whatever


Sep 11, 2003
Basically the only thing that made the game relate to Half Life was Freeman, and the suit/crowbar.

There are tons of relations to Half-Life 1. They are all so sublimely done it's difficult for me to ponder. Off the top of my head:

The returning cast; Barney, Dr. Kleiner, Dr. Vance, G-man, Vortigaunts.
The teleportation experiment gone awry.
The Valve riff playing as you step into the Hazard suit for the second time.
Barney holding up *the* crowbar.
The Lambda seal everywhere...the sign of the resistance even.
Common enemies - headcrabs, headcrab zombies...attacking aircraft....barnacles...
The travel sequences (On A Rail, anyone?)

The connections are there, they just aren't shoved down your throat like so many other games, and thank goodness for that. The originality that Valve put on display here was really what impressed me the most. Innovation has been what's lacking in games most these days, but now that is no longer the case.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2003
I still wish there was one little part that was in Black Mesa. The game would be truly complete.

The Citadel design is awe-inspring (especially that first time you see it, when you get your crowbar).

This is one of those games you remember, because it's so immersive. The story in this game seems muddled, but it's so appealing because of it: it's sort of like a Half Life mystique. I can't explain it. Proves that good, story-driven single player gaming is still alive and very well in this quagmire of MMOG crap. Last time I felt anything like this about a computer game was when SW:KOTOR rolled out, and before that, Freelancer (that game was underrated).


Jun 24, 2003
A few days have passed since I beat the game. I feel better about the story now. I realize that it's just a bridge between HL1 and whatever is to come. I'm just excited for the next installment.

I was pissed about the ending at first... But great graphics, amazing physics, cool characters, awsome atmosphere and involving gameplay made this (I'm gonna say it) the best game I've ever played.

I don't really feel the urge to play through it again though....


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2002
I sure as hell feel the need to play it again, and to play an expansion pack. Best game ever for me.


Senior member
Jul 9, 2004
TAG for when I have a computer that is able to play the game, and when I actually finish the game. If this topic's still around by then.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: canadianpsycho

Facial features and the character models are awesome. But seriously, what is with the dark scenes in the game? I'm running everything on high, with a 6800GT, and the dark scenes did nothing for me. Poor detail, and the shadows definitely seemed bad.

Although I disagree with just about every aspect of your review, this one aboslutely blew me away. I thought the dark scenes, especially Ravenholm, were done perfectly. Unlike Doom and other "dark" games, the levels were never too dark or over-done to the point where the darkness was not effective anymore. As for the poor detail bit, were you playing the same game as the rest of us? lol...


Apr 25, 2004
I'd have to agree with many of his points. Though I never had any expectations for HL2, after it came out and I started to hear all this talk of "OMG its the best game EVER!", I guess you can say I got pretty excited. But after playing through it, I believe I can honestly say that it wasn't even as good as the first one. The original was far more creepy, had a more believable and coherent story, the AI seemed better, the scripted events more interesting, and the enemies more frightening. I dunno, there was something about you, a lonely scientist being (mostly) all alone, underground in a top secret science lab a hundred miles from civilization, with an experiment gone wrong and both aliens and the US government trying to exterminate you, just seemed more interesting than the "OMG its Gordon Freeman, our savior!" storyline from HL2. I swear, thats all I ever heard. And throughout the entire game, not once did I know where I was, where I was going, and why I was going there.

I would actually have to disagree about the "Basically the only thing that made the game relate to Half Life was Freeman, and the suit/crowbar". To me, it actually DID feel like they were shoving HL1 down our throats, as if Valve was trying to make it painfully obvious that "Hey, you're still in the Half Life universe, even if it looks and feels absolutely nothing like it!". The same sound effects, the same puzzles, the constant references to characters in the 1st game. Even the music was taken directly from the 1st one. While i'm all for a bit of nostalgia ever now and then, HL2 seemed to desperately try to cling on to its roots (in terms of story, not gameplay). I'm not saying HL2 was a bad game, cause its not. Its an awesome game, and quite a few times its made me scream out loud "OH !#$&". But in the grand scheme of things, it didn't seem to even top its predecessor. I'd have to agree with the above poster. Best game ever? Hardly.

I guess i'll shut up now, as i've probably angered quite a lot of people.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2003
I wouldn't say it looks and feels nothing like it.

'Best game' or even 'good game' is highly subjective (obviously). I do agree that this probably this game was not as revolutionary as the first one (in that the gameplay here is somewhat similar to the first one, a shooter-puzzler).


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I agree with the OP.
A friend let me borrow it a bit this weekend, so I haven't had a chance to play a whole lot, hence my oppinion is based on the first 2/3 or so of the game.

The story is rather uninteresting, it pales compared to Half Life 1.
The levels are very varying, for example Ravenholm was very cool, while the prison level(Entangeled?) was pretty boring, in fact that's where I stopped playing because I just didn't feel the urge to go on.
The graphics are definitely very nice, they really make the environments kick ass, the sounds are pretty good as well.

Overall, so far not a bad game, but definitely not a great one either, nowhere close to the original which I really loved(I've probably played it through about 20 times, at least).
If I do pick it up, it'll probably be for online gaming, but right now, CS:Source isn't worth $50.


Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
You know its sad. There are always haters, people who always have the sorry need to slag something just because they do. I'd love to hear from everyone what game(s) are better than HL2. Specifically which titles and why ? You tell me what game you think is better than half life 2 and what about it is superior. I hear a lot of crap about this being of a so-so game. But of course no mention of where you drawing your comparisons from to say so. HL2 is the best game, ever, period. No hype, doom3 was a letdown. HL2 was a step-up.


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2002
Originally posted by: RealityTime
You know its sad. There are always haters, people who always have the sorry need to slag something just because they do. I'd love to hear from everyone what game(s) are better than HL2. Specifically which titles and why ? You tell me what game you think is better than half life 2 and what about it is superior. I hear a lot of crap about this being of a so-so game. But of course no mention of where you drawing your comparisons from to say so. HL2 is the best game, ever, period. No hype, doom3 was a letdown. HL2 was a step-up.

I feel the same way... With every big thing that comes out, you get those people who want to be "above" the game, and score it a 6/10 because they think it makes them sound smart. I'm not saying this represents all of you, but at the very least a lot of the negative user reviews I've seen focus on the bad parts, however miniscule they are, and make no mention of the good ones.

And you people talk about HL like it had an amazing story. It didn't, it was the way that the game was presented, and there's no way you can say that HL2 didn't improve upon this presentation. There was virtually no development through the game, besides the military coming to clean up and you going to Xen. I couldn't go very far in HL2, on the other hand, without any character development (of which HL had none), or extra details or twists concerning the story. The story in HL2 wasn't amazing by any standards, but to say HL had a better story is insane to me (and this is besides the fact that I think a lot of you that complain about the story need to get to playing RPG's already). Yes, the ending was a little lackluster and anticlimactic, but it made sense, unlike what people may tell you. As someone else somewhere (I don't remember where ) said, if Valve had tied up all the knots in the story, you'd have no reason for a plot standpoint to play HL3 or, for that matter, any expansions. As it is, I can't wait for the inevitable expansions and for HL3.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, I don't like the same games as you, so I'm a hater, gotcha. :roll:

Well, I can compare it to Half Life 1, HL1 was simply more fun, storyline is the wrong word, more like "development of events", it was way more exciting than HL2.
Far Cry was better as well IMO, again for the same reason, the story was simply more exciting, it really made me wanna go on.

"But of course no mention of where you drawing your comparisons from to say so"
I gave my reasons, agree or not, but that's my oppinion.
Of course since I'm disagreeing with you, my oppinion isn't valid, right? :roll:

Oh and another game that I feel roughly the same about is Doom III.
Good game, but not spectacular, awesome graphics, good sounds, etc, but it just didn't have "it" to make me wanna play on.
In the case of Doom I did however, after all, I bought the game, so I had to.


Apr 25, 2004
To say that I was disappointed with the ending would be an understatement. Hell, I was disappointed with the entire direction that the "story" took. It really feels like Valve is suffering from The Matrix syndrome. You have the first movie which is just completly awesome - it took place in a believeable world, with a believeable story, yet it was quirky and strange enough to keep you hooked. The same was with the first HL - great concept, unparalleled gameplay, believeable setting, yet quirky story. But once the sequels came, it seems like they both decided to take the "lets just confuse the hell out of everyone" direction. What was once a story felt like it could happen today in 2004, now feels like its magically set 100 years in the future, yet i'm never told why. You'd think that after being gone for 7 years or however long Earth was taken over, SOMEONE would try to fill me in as to whats happened. Near the end levels i kept thinking "am I playing half life or Halo?", cause I swear thats what it looked like. Yeah, its Valve's game, and they can do whatever they want with it. But I still wish they could have kept the story a *little* more down-to-earth, in true homage to the original.
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