Why I am not a conservative by Moonbeam

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Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Well thebestMAX is clearly a flip flop wimp so we don't want him landing the blow, especially that kind. I already saw today what Dave thinks of 'those'.

That was unfortunate. The little dickhead brought my wife into it and I lost my temper.



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
<<Well thebestMAX is clearly a flip flop wimp so we don't want him landing the blow, especially that kind. I already saw today what Dave thinks of 'those'. >>

I wore a lot of flip flops in the Service. Guys who have SERVED know what I mean.



Oct 11, 1999
Moonbeam, you live in the right state

How's California's budget deficit coming along?

Honestly, if money wasn't an issue, I think a lot more folks would be more liberal, but I see folks using the TX Lone Star Card (our current mechanism of distributing money to those who qualify for welfare in TX) @ the grocery store getting into a lot nicer cars than I drive. (I had to replace my 3rd broken window regulator, replace the HVAC control unit (upside down with my head jammed under the passenger side dash wishing my arms bent in more places), & replaced the Autolite (thought the previous owner told me he'd put in Bosch Platinum plugs) on my gen III Maxima this a.m. & I still don't have all the grease out from under my fingernails, so I'll focus on cars today.)

I'm mixed up on the issues, myself, registered independent, vote Republican, union member...

Libertarian Left, same class as Ghandi...



Oct 9, 1999

Maybe things would be better if we made separate bathrooms and drinking fountains for those horrible conservatives. We could make them sit in the back of the bus and go through the back door at restaurants. Then we could pretend they don't exist.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2001
the original post should have been bracketed as a rant.
Look at Galilelo. He was a liberal and the Conservative church finally got around to his point of view how long later?
baaaah. galileo was not a liberal; he was a staunch conservative, loyal church supporter, devoted worshipper, sycophant to the
pope like all the other catholic subordinates. the mere fact his scientific discoveries contradicted church dogma does not ispo facto
mean he was a political liberal.

All conservatism is yesterday's liberalism.
if not for conservative restraint, we could offer the example of nihilists, anarchists, and others who by whim, fashion or whatever
their caprice would take society for a joy ride and see how long she would last before imploding. conservatism is a critical check
against the innate slip into excess that doctrinaire theories fall victim to. most revolutionaries think in the immediate present,
wanting to correct their perceived evils without any regard that their remedies may prove more disastrous than the disease.
there are countless examples where liberalism's do-gooder revelry led to disastrous social change. nihilism, anarchy circles,
and other vile isms were very popular in the 19th century and look at their results.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Well I took the test and I'm moving to India. I came out as Mahatma Gandhi.

Dave, I just got through saluting you, see my new sig and I'm a bleeding heart; I don't hit.

I'm not sure I'd buy right or wrong, but I can see a problem of rushing better ways before people can catch up to them. Politics is sort of like a precognitive dream with sleep paralyses. You wake up knowing you're in a nightmare, try to scream and nothing comes out. Then begins the struggle to gain control. There's a monster after us, run, run for your life. Meanwhile your conservative body just lays there fat dumb and happy. Move it you stupid ass, we're about to be eaten, slowly the neuron fire mounts to crescendo, the hormones course through the veins, the body begins to stir, you hear a scream and finally finally the feet say, get us the f out of here and the country moves. Anybody who's slept in a sub birth knows if you sit up too fact you risk a different form of unconsciousness so there is a trade off.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The guy had no business mentioning anybodies wife. He acted like an ass and got what he deserved.

syzygy, there are as many threats of those kinds on the right as on the left. And I knew galilelo wasn't a political liberal. It was an example with if only in steriotype, pictures what I was saying. I didn't intend it for rigorous examination because it's not fundamental to my case.


Senior member
Dec 31, 1999
Yes Moonbeam, I was a speeder in my youth as a Marine, where I was defending your liberal views and ability to rant on here. Yes, I know if you had to you would enlist in the military, but that is below you and I was just too dumb to do anything else obviously. Why don't you just do us all a huge favor and tell us your ideal world so we can all just agree with you? Tell us please, how society should be run, how many laws we need, and oh yes who is going to protect our boarders since we have no use for the military except to do what the all knowing UN tells us to do. Now when you cut an paste this post as you do to all the other nasty conservative posts on here, be sure to put a smiley face next to me so I can be lulled into a false sense of happiness, in our new advanced society brought to us by you and your progressive thinking people who just want to get us out of the rut of our out dated views and thoughts.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
BoberFett, if it's OK with you I'd like to still be able to eat dinner with my family at the same table. I love conservatives. Liberals love everybody. You knew that. You're not responsible for how you are, don't forget.

Seeing as how I hear reports of conflict on that side of the isle, I thought some Conservatives would come forward and tell us what's hot about being Conservative. What side of the conflict that's going on is on the right track. Doubtless it would be the more liberal side, but you never know.


Oct 17, 1999
I remember correctly the conservatives are\were
Against the civil rights movement
Against the women liberation movement
Against the ecology movement
For putting people in jail
Against gun control
Against labor unions
Against welfare except when it benefits them and their friends
For pushing their social agenda on other people, for example Protestant Christian prayer in schools
Against "big goverment" unless it benefits them or their friends



Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Hmmm, I wonder...... Let me try something here....

Liberals tend to advocate "speech codes" whereby offensive speech is banned. Does this mean that if I find Moonbeam's speech offensive that he will therefor favor banning his own speech?

In all seriousness though, to each his own. If you want to be a pinko, that's your business. One of the beautiful things about this country is that while I can't force the pinkos to see reality, the pinkos can likewise not force me to share their views. It's also what allows the pinkos to call our Commander In Chief "shrub" and me to call the pinkos pinkos.


EDIT: I couldn't tell you what a conservative is. However, I can tell you what I am and you can go from there based on your categorization of me.

I am a true Capitalist. I believe in a pure free market economy without regulation. I believe that legislation of morality is ludicrous, that only such actions as are detrimental to society should be illegal. I believe in a culture of personal honor and personal responsibility. I believe that no-one should be mandated to help anyone else. I believe that if people work hard, they should keep the results of their labor. I believe that the less fortunate should work to better themselves instead of mooching off of the successful people.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2001
syzygy, there are as many threats of those kinds on the right as on the left. And I knew galilelo wasn't a political liberal. It was an example with if only in steriotype, pictures what I was saying

i'm not conducting a bean counter here, counting threats. the nature of these threats (and excesses) are in fact part of the innate differences between the two.

has there ever been a 'liberal revolution' that did not, in the end, exceed its own limits of change and not produce degeneracy ?
remember, these revoltuioanry forces had to overcome the same conservative elements you consider to be the essence of wrong.

yet, the french revolution replaced one despot with another. same in russia, vietnam, cambodia, china, and every eastern
european country. if the agitators in france, america (remember president mckinley was assassinated by an anarchist in
1902), great britain, greece, and few other spots had not been defeated, there would have been more failures at greater
cost to contend with today.

even liberal reform programs that fight the good fight on social issues have exceeded their original noble goals and slid into
horrible excesses that have created problems worse than the original evil.

one major example: roosevelt's new deal. it gave birth to the welfare industry whose righteousness we are still struggling to overcome.



Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Well I took the test and I'm moving to India. I came out as Mahatma Gandhi.

Me too. Just a bit to the left and a bit to the libertarian side. Nice test, zzzz.

Even though I think a surplus and debt reduction should always be #1 on a government's todo list, I think some government regulation is needed in order to make sure every company plays fair and to make capitalism run better.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
schmedy, I only brought up the speeding thing because I thought it contrasted nicely with you're first post. I didn't remember any of the particulars except that you were likely one of the speeders. I don't have ANY of the attitude you assume I do about the military

For my presidential platform it will be my intention as a liberal and still an appreciator of my new found interest in striking a balance to do everything I do as president after consultations with all representative points of view, with the intention, first to remove the influence of money from decission making, in those areas where money and human welfare are in conflict, and then afterwards to engage in profound and serious political debate with those same representative opinions to find out and do what is best for the Nation of the United States of America, and not for any one segment of the population in particular. What is good for General Motors in not necessarily good for the USA and they better find a business model that gets good and God Damned used to it. And that goes for everybody else who thinks his or her personal welfare is more imprortant to the long termed welfare of the whole nation. But don't hold your breath. I'm a moonbeam, a dreamer.


Senior member
Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Mister T
Call me whatever you want, I don't give a damn... but

DO NOT take half my money because I work my ass off
DO NOT compromise my constitutional right to bear arms
DO NOT tell me that people are entitled to all kinds of welfare



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I dont like people who wont let me build a house on my land because it may endager the habitat of the One Eared Mongolian Mosquito. That's not why I'm a conservative, just one way liberals irk me.


Feb 8, 2001
Some would label me conservative - call it whatever you want.

I am for personal responsibility, meritocracy and public safety.

I am against handouts and entitlement.

Give everyone a reasonably even starting point and enough of a safety net that noone who wants to work goes hungry. The "reasonably even starting point" is the hard part as our inner city schools (and some suburban) are in such a sorry state that few people can escape.


Senior member
Dec 31, 1999
I don't have ANY of the attitude you assume I do about the military
So when were you in and what branch? Or you are getting ready to join right? Would you give your life for this nation at the drop of a hat? How do you feel the military should be used? What amount of the budget for the military is good for the nation? Should they get paid more since they are the ones at risk of death for our great nation? So you feel that if I have talent and am smart in business that I should give my money away to the people who don't want to work too hard or feel it?s easier to stay on welfare then get that job that would pay no more? And hell why work if you can sit at home and make the same money? Why is it my job, or any big business to support those who don't work or don't make as much as me? I worked hard to get where I am now and have no desire to give away my hard earned salary to those who feel its too hard to stop having children and work that evil 40 hours a week and actually earn money instead of just being handed it. Do you think that everyone should be given higher education and assistance if they don't want to either study and advance themselves or work hard to get there? If so why would anyone work and not take the free ride of this gravy train you speak of? Why should I bear the burden of responsibility to support my family when you can go to work and give me assistance? Why make the people with honor, pride, and discipline in their lives do all the work just to help out the lazy? People need to learn to be responsible for their actions, if you want something work hard for it to get there. God forbid join the military, protect our nation and learn a skill which may help you be a contributing member of society too. I am not here to argue that I am right, I am just wondering how you think, and why you think that way.

On a side note about a fellow liberal raised Californian, John Walker Lindh, what do you think if anything should be done to him Moonbeam?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
You know, it's funny but liberals label me "conservative," and conservatives label me "liberal."

I am for conserving freedom, and for progressing towards more freedom than we have left today.

I believe that taking away or restricting freedoms is REgressive, not progressive, therefore I think many who call themselves "liberal" are anything but.

So I guess I'm both.

I just laugh when people try to pigeonhole me into one label or the other.

Yes, Moonie, our Founding fathers were "liberal." Liberal in that they believe individuals should be free, so long as they harmed no one else. Modern folks who call themselves "liberal" are very far from this. The most pathetic thing I see today is elitist authoritarians running around claiming they are "liberal" and that their ideas are progressive. They are not. Nanny state ideology is the very thing we left behind when we eschewed the idea of monarchies.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: schmedy
I don't have ANY of the attitude you assume I do about the military
So when were you in and what branch? Or you are getting ready to join right? Would you give your life for this nation at the drop of a hat? How do you feel the military should be used? What amount of the budget for the military is good for the nation? Should they get paid more since they are the ones at risk of death for our great nation? So you feel that if I have talent and am smart in business that I should give my money away to the people who don't want to work too hard or feel it?s easier to stay on welfare then get that job that would pay no more? And hell why work if you can sit at home and make the same money? Why is it my job, or any big business to support those who don't work or don't make as much as me? I worked hard to get where I am now and have no desire to give away my hard earned salary to those who feel its too hard to stop having children and work that evil 40 hours a week and actually earn money instead of just being handed it. Do you think that everyone should be given higher education and assistance if they don't want to either study and advance themselves or work hard to get there? If so why would anyone work and not take the free ride of this gravy train you speak of? Why should I bear the burden of responsibility to support my family when you can go to work and give me assistance? Why make the people with honor, pride, and discipline in their lives do all the work just to help out the lazy? People need to learn to be responsible for their actions, if you want something work hard for it to get there. God forbid join the military, protect our nation and learn a skill which may help you be a contributing member of society too. I am not here to argue that I am right, I am just wondering how you think, and why you think that way.

On a side note about a fellow liberal raised Californian, John Walker Lindh, what do you think if anything should be done to him Moonbeam?
This man speaketh the truth.



Sep 22, 2001
I think you guys are off-base attacking Moonie about the military. I get the impression that he would rather we spent some of the money in other places and that war/violence are never justifiied but I've never felt any personal animosity from him based on my being in the service.

I think the question was asked about what makes you conservative or liberal. I'll try--

I am for a strong defense department
I am against affirmative action or any "quota" system.
I am against school vouchers.
I am against spending on programs like the NEA
I am against legalizing drugs except for maybe pot (you people almost have me convinced)
I am against a flag burning amendment.
I think the pledge should go back to it's original form.
I am for teaching all theories of evolution/creationism in schools without stupid disclaimer stickers.
I am pro choice in the first trimester
I despise Hillary Clinton and Jerry Falwell with equal ferocity.
I am pro death penalty.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
I'll try too...

I am for a strong defense department
I am against affirmative action or any "quota" system.
I am for school vouchers. (actually, I'm for abolishing public education)
I am against spending on programs like the NEA
I am for legalizing drugs.
I am against a flag burning amendment.
I think the pledge should go back to it's original form.
I am for teaching all theories of evolution in schools without stupid disclaimer stickers.
I am pro choice in the first two trimesters.
I despise Hillary Clinton and Jerry Falwell with equal ferocity.
I am pro death penalty.

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