Why I don't like Windows 10


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
So after giving Windows 10 the benefit of the doubt and running it for 3 days, I have finally come to a conclusion that this OS is not for me as a power user but is a great option perhaps for installing it for family members who only want a PC to surf the net and not be at risk because they may not have the latest Windows updates, don't care about the weird aesthetics of the OS, etc.

Below are my reasons why I don't like and will not use Windows 10:

1- Windows Updates!

I disabled Windows Driver Installation via Windows Update from the Device Manager options, then I ran the tool which Micro$h4ft released to show/hide updates and let it search for the updates, then I selected all the driver updates and hid them.

My system ran fine updates wise for 2 days then on the 3rd day Windows updates notified me that there is an update for the Bluetooth Adapter even though I have just installed the latest official Broadcom Bluetooth drivers from ASUS site / My motherboard's download list.

I searched for updates using the Microsoft Hide/Show updates tool but it wasn't seeing that Broadcom Driver update yet everytime I open Windows Update, it will show the Broadcom driver update ready to be installed and there is no way to hide it or get rid of it, which in turn was preventing other updates from being installed because it seems like I am forced to install this first. How did I know there are other updates? Because when I run the Microsoft Updates Hide tool it only shows a security update for Microsoft Silverlight yet I don't see that in the actual Windows updates, seems like the other update is pending installation of the driver update thrown at my face first.

ENOUGH!! I have Windows 10 Pro for the supposedly more control over my OS and having access to Group Policy Editor!!

I don't want your drivers Micro$haft leave my system running fine as I have installed/configured it for the love of God!

2- Control Panel vs PC Settings

It was already bad in Windows 8, now it's a complete joke! No matter how many times I have changed some settings, I just cannot seem to remember them and have to sit and guess where X setting is in Control Panel or PC Settings

3- Privacy

While I know my way around things and have disabled Cortana, typing correction, etc......

I just am not happy that I have to disable 10s of things before the OS is safely useable, if you go into the PC Settings / Privacy you will see how you have to disable apps for accessing Radio (whatever that Radio means I don't know), PC Contacts, Mail, Messaging, Webcam, oh lord! seems like every Metro app has access to everything unless you go and disable literally everything in the PC Privacy.

I don't know about you, but this doesn't leave a good impression for me using an OS which has its privacy heavily compromised out of the box.

4- Windows Updates Bandwidth Sharing

Again, I know how to disable it and did, but the idea of Micro$h4ft wanting to use people's PCs as file servers for Windows updates is just wrong wrong!! What has the world reached to!

I bet you 8 out of 10 people who buy new PCs now will be puzzled why their new PC's internet, upload, VoiP chats or what not are crippled or slow, not knowing that their PC has just been registered as an MS update server for free. Why isn't Microsoft paying us for this? The OS should be free of charge really if they want to do this IMHO.

5- Start Menu

I thought the whole idea of Microsoft releasing the preview builds was to finally "listen to their customers", the outcome of this new Start menu means they did exactly that.

Instead of listening to what their customers have been long complaining about, they brought the Metro Design team, let them eat a few Windows 7 Start Menu Sandwiches and then had them vomit out this new crippled start menu which looks like a cartoony joke of MS taunting people saying "oh you want a start menu? Here you go MUWHAHA"

I did install Classic Shell and get around that, but now I find myself having to tweak way too many things just before this OS is useable and at the end of the day I must ask myself........what am I doing? Why am I not using Windows 7?????? Which brings me to the next and final point....

The Start Menu Should Be Sacred (But It’s Still a Disaster in Windows 10)

6- Windows Photo Viewer

Windows photo viewer does not launch automatically when I double click any image file even though I set it as the default app.

I then did a reg trick that forces Windows Photo Viewer to be the default app but then again,
Does Microsoft expect people to go out of their way and do reg tweaks to get the basic functionality of the OS? Oh and I don't mind using the metro like Photos app, except it displays blank/black images for a lot of the files I tried opening which were mostly PNG files of benchmark screenshots I've taken, nothing too complex for their lovely Photos app. If only it worked..

7- CUDA does not work in Windows 10

Even by doing the "Restore CUDA in the latest nVIDIA Drivers" method, CUDA does NOT work in Windows 10. I realized that when I ran a few videos in MPC-HC which I have configured to use LAV/CUVID but the videos just appeared as a blank black page. At first I was puzzled as to what was going on until I tried a few other video converters like Splash Player Pro EX and Nero VIDEO and they both were acting as if CUDA was not present.

8- DPI Scaling completely broken!

DPI Scaling on Windows 7 was ok, on Windows 8, they improved it a little bit with everything looking sharper even with a 125% display scaling on my Alienware 18's 1920x1080 resolution.

With Windows 10, they completely removed the setting in the screen resolution which basically allows you to set the same scaling level across all connected displays to the computer (not sure of the actual wording but something like this), and due to that, now when I choose a 125% DPI scaling, for some reason the normal stuff like Computer in File Explorer, the desktop, start menu, all look nice and sharp, but other things like Device Manager, Group Policy Editor, Services window, all look blurry as if I was using a non-native resolution! There is no way around this for now but to go back to a 100% DPI scaling. Imagine what that would mean for some poor fellow who just purchased a shiny new laptop with a 4K display that needs a 200% to 250% DPI scaling for things to look good! Everything would be blurry as heck! Now they have to use a 100% DPI scaling and purchase a good professional magnifier to be able to read anything on their screen!

9- Performance

Maybe I am not as smart as I think I am but what I don't get is, Windows 8 was supposed to perform better in every aspect as it has better support for new and future hardware right? So why is that not the case and Windows 7 beats it in almost every aspect of performance?

Then comes Windows 10, which is a much newer OS and should support new hardware and make the most out of it even better? But the result is the total opposite as we have seen from @Mr. Fox benchmarks that he posted recently and they tally with my own benchmarks.

Forgetting about benchmarks, even the whole OS has this lag that I feel, everything is not as "snappy" as I am used to. Not happy.....

Credit to @Mr. Fox for taking the time to do all these benchmarks to give us a clear picture how the OSes compare as not everyone has the experience and time to properly test all these performance aspects of an OS:

While some of the points above I can live with because I know once you have setup your OS the way you want, privacy wise and start menu wise I can live with, but what I cannot live with is not having control of Windows Updates properly, no I don't like the idea of using another tool to hide updates, let alone the fact that I just discovered it doesn't work as intended; and then the performance, MS wants to let me use my computer the way they want and update what they want? No thank you

This is all I can remember and I hope I didn't sound like a troll but this is my own personal opinion and would love to hear what others have to say. Heck I'd take Windows 8 any time of the day over 10 if I had to. The only reason I gave it a try was for DX12 and that is the cheapest strategy Microsoft is using to make some forced to upgrade when the time comes that DX12 come out and would only work good with DX12.

I just spent a full day re-installing Windows 7 and acting like a detective to ensure the updates that engage the Windows 10 upgrade don't get installed! It's like avoiding a virus having to avoid this new OS!

To avoid Windows 10 Upgrade in case anyone is wondering, below are the updates that you need to hide:

Windows 7:

  • KB3035583
  • KB2952664
  • KB3021917
  • KB2505438

Windows 8:

  • KB3035583
  • KB2976978
  • KB3021917
Last edited:


Dec 12, 2001
So you complain about things you know how to fix? That's stupid.

As for the performance it's fine to me, it is faster than 8 on my system which was faster than 7. Games and the like perform fine and will get better with better drivers. Seriously the drivers are only official for what a week?

As for windows update, I checked my history and aside from windows defender definitions (which I have no issue with it keeping up to date) and a few basic Windows 10 updates I have zero drivers installed from windows update when I told it not to. What's more is I know there are newer versions of a few drivers I have installed from windows 8. I've seen more than once that people claim the option doesn't work but it's functioning fine for me. I turn the option to install drivers on and it will show me a new Intel Ethernet driver.


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2012
And Windows 10 will apparently be the last version. So nothing to look forward to from MS ever again... :thumbsup: R.I.P. MS


Diamond Member
May 14, 2001
Oh....man...you are gonna get it now. Going to make some popcorn and get a soda...wonder where my lawn chair is....oh yeah, outside.


Dec 12, 2001
And Windows 10 will apparently be the last version. So nothing to look forward to from MS ever again... :thumbsup: R.I.P. MS

pfft lol...it's going to be like OS X. They don't have OS XI, they just have updates for X.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
Just remembered the problem with the Windows Photo Viewer, please check point #6 in the original post.


Jun 3, 2011
apparently, there's a whole bunch of settings in W10 that can't be turned off fully; just a few things i read on "mouse control under windows 10". according to People Who Know Shit (tm) mouse response under W10 is inferior to W7. It's also not possible at this moment to load unsigned drivers, for example, to overclock USB ports.

probably more typical M$ crap like that but i stopped reading when i read "bad mouse", do i dont know.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2000
Just remember it was free, and you got more than what you paid for.


Dec 12, 2001
apparently, there's a whole bunch of settings in W10 that can't be turned off fully; just a few things i read on "mouse control under windows 10". according to People Who Know Shit (tm) mouse response under W10 is inferior to W7. It's also not possible at this moment to load unsigned drivers, for example, to overclock USB ports.

probably more typical M$ crap like that but i stopped reading when i read "bad mouse", do i dont know.

How is it inferior exactly?


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
Just added a new point to the original post that I remembered, CUDA does NOT WORK in Windows 10, please check point #7 in the original post.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2006
How is it inferior exactly?

I get a lot more random restarts with my mouse in 10 than I was getting in 8.1 (as in ~1/hr in 10 V <1/day in 8.1). I initially put it down to the mouse beginning to fail. But I'm not so certain now.


Dec 12, 2001
I get a lot more random restarts with my mouse in 10 than I was getting in 8.1 (as in ~1/hr in 10 V <1/day in 8.1). I initially put it down to the mouse beginning to fail. But I'm not so certain now.

Your mouse causes restarts? I've never heard of that. That's not what he was talking about. I'm pretty sensitive to input lag but don't see any inferior movement.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2006
Your mouse causes restarts? I've never heard of that. That's not what he was talking about. I'm pretty sensitive to input lag but don't see any inferior movement.

No it restarts the mouse (and sometimes everything else connected to the USB ports) not the whole OS... If it were the latter that would be a deal breaker for sure.

At the moment I haven't done a fresh install so it may just be problematic drivers.

tHa ShIzNiT

Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2000
Its a little early to be jumping to conclusions. A lot of your issues appear to be things that are going to be hammered out shortly. Although some of them do seem to be legitimate gripes.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013
Non-issues all of them:

A) Its brand new it doesn't have a year+ of updates like 8.1 built into it, obviously performance will vary.

B) Privacy has a slab of options to disable if you want. Big deal. You are not forced into anything.

C) Drivers I don't mind, its up to the user. For standard (non-tech) users its better to have it enabled than not.

D) Photos, use Irfanview (2MB!). Music get Foobar2000. Videos get MPC-HC. Simple.

E) Settings in the 1995 control panel use the start menu to look them up, otherwise use Win Key + I.

F) Bandwidth, disable it. I'm certain MS has optimized it so it won't suck up all your bandwidth and shuts off when you hammer your own connection.

And clean install already. ALWAYS CLEAN INSTALL.


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2012
I just spent a full day re-installing Windows 7 and acting like a detective to ensure the updates that engage the Windows 10 upgrade don't get installed! It's like avoiding a virus having to avoid this new OS!

Why didn't you just create an image before installing Windows 10, rather than spend all day installing 7 again? Are you new at this?


Senior member
Jul 5, 2006
OP. I've got a list of gripes similar to yours. I even started a Word doc to add to the list as I find them. I would also add that you can no longer delete all of the Modern Apps without running Powershell commands.

I just found a new one even. If you move a file or folder and it is located in a jump list you can not remove it from said jump list. Windows will prompt you to delete it but it doesn't and just stays in the list taking up space. As I have just relocated my user files it has more or less rendered all my jump lists useless.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
Why didn't you just create an image before installing Windows 10, rather than spend all day installing 7 again? Are you new at this?
I did But when I tried restoring it the imaging utility was unable to use that image telling me that the partition layout of the SSD changed or something like that.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
OP. I've got a list of gripes similar to yours. I even started a Word doc to add to the list as I find them. I would also add that you can no longer delete all of the Modern Apps without running Powershell commands.

I just found a new one even. If you move a file or folder and it is located in a jump list you can not remove it from said jump list. Windows will prompt you to delete it but it doesn't and just stays in the list taking up space. As I have just relocated my user files it has more or less rendered all my jump lists useless.
Wow, thanks for posting this, I didn't have time to even check that as I was busy with the other quirks of this OS, another reason I won't ever try it again!


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2006
As much as I disliked 8.1, it's flaws seem relatively trivial now compared to 10's forced updates.
Very true, as much as I disliked 8, now it looks like a great OS compared to this new Win 10 mess. I'd take it any day if I had to leave over using 10 again.


Dec 12, 2001
Non-issues all of them:

A) Its brand new it doesn't have a year+ of updates like 8.1 built into it, obviously performance will vary.

B) Privacy has a slab of options to disable if you want. Big deal. You are not forced into anything.

C) Drivers I don't mind, its up to the user. For standard (non-tech) users its better to have it enabled than not.

D) Photos, use Irfanview (2MB!). Music get Foobar2000. Videos get MPC-HC. Simple.

E) Settings in the 1995 control panel use the start menu to look them up, otherwise use Win Key + I.

F) Bandwidth, disable it. I'm certain MS has optimized it so it won't suck up all your bandwidth and shuts off when you hammer your own connection.

And clean install already. ALWAYS CLEAN INSTALL.

Pretty much my thoughts too but on the bolded I wonder if people complaining about privacy stuff even own a smart phone and if they do, do they complain about having to turn off location settings and contact sync as well?


Senior member
Jul 5, 2006
Wow, thanks for posting this, I didn't have time to even check that as I was busy with the other quirks of this OS, another reason I won't ever try it again!

On further inspection I can delete some of the files from the jump lists but not everything. With some files in some program's jump lists I can remove them. The jump list for file explorer is broken though. I can even pin the new location for things like Documents, Downloads, Pictures etc or delete the broken links.
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