Why Illegals will get everything they want

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Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper
Originally posted by: palehorse74

I don't care if you're black, white, brown, yellow, green, or purple! the fact is that there are legal immigrants, and there are illegal immigrants. It is only the latter that we have any problem with!

Now hold on...if all of these illegals...if all 12 or 20 million of them were declared to be "legal" overnight, would you then no longer have a problem? What if we declared that immigration-at-will were to be completely legal and opened up our borders, allowing the U.S. population to swell to 1 billion within a few years. All of the immigrants would, of course, be legal. Would you have a problem with it or would it be OK with you?

My point is that the issue is not merely illegal immigration, but also mass immigration--legal or illegal.

One of the huge issues that has gone unrecognized in this debate is whether the proper approach for the U.S. government is to ask, "Is a given amount of immigration in the rational selfish interest of the American people? Instead, people seem to believe that, like a religious mystic, we should follow tradition and allow immigration because it occurred in the past.
I wouldn't have a problem if a temporary amnesty was given, only for the people currently here because it would be a logistical and financial nightmare to round all of them up and deport them. Then our borders should be sealed tighter, a new Soc Sec database tied directly to employers be made, and a new deportation law for illegals be established. Unless you have a better solution, please enlighten me.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
WTF do I care for? Other than my property values will go though roof with 12 million new Social Security numbers/potential home buyers? :thumbsup: You guys just think negative.

Edit: that reminds me.. I'm hungry out the door now to this hole in the wall where no english is spoken but they have the best food.
Yes, because you are all for the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We need a solution that doesn't promote a bigger divide between the lower and uppers, this mentality is the exact same one that got us into this mess (businesses seeing dollar signs by hiring illegals to work for under minimum wage).



Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Zedtom
I saw a Mexican national lady on the news who was in trouble for running an unlicensed daycare center out of her home. She said she can't get licensed because she is not a legal resident.

If this country granted her amnesty and allowed her to become a citizen, would she go get licensed? You know the answer already.
What was stopping her from running a successful daycare in her own country? What was stopping her from applying for legal immigration, and then opening up her business here? No pity from me.



Feb 6, 2002
America does not have the guts to do what China did and call out the tanks and the military and kill the protestors. It is just a fact that in the USA we have this kind of reverence for the protestors. However this could cause an eventual civil war if it get violent.


Sep 26, 2000
The Irish were lazy and unwashed and compared to dogs.
The Italians were sleazy, greasy and criminals.
The Jews were Christ killers and thieves.
And it goes on and on.
Every immigrant group has faced discrimination. And yet by the third generation they were as patriotic and true blue Americans as anyone.
I believe that legal Mexican immigrants will do just as well.



Senior member
Jun 10, 2002
Originally posted by: CessnaFlyer
In Central and South America, the people mass in the streets, with the not so subtle threat of violence imminent.

IMO that is a good thing.

That is what gives democracy its power. Your vote doesnt matter just because its your mark on a piece of paper. It matters because behind that vote is a person, a person who could potentially take up arms.

I'm not too keen on Mao's politics, but I think he was absolutely right when he said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."


Mar 29, 2004
You can say what you wish, the sellouts, and neocons, and wanna-be rich corporate anarchists in this thread are laughable, you will not get your way, there is no possible way you will or can, My view is reasonable seeing as there is 12 million people who are without full rights here, we all know this has been going on for a long time.

Whine all you want about being called out as racist gulliable trash. say I suck all you want.
It is you xenophobic wingnuts that a once again going to lose on this issue. You should be ashamed you have been played so hard, I am sure the vast majority do not see this as being racist in any way for various reasons, but I watched some of the media you all are getting this hardline view from, and frankly that is the way they are pushing, "It's only us protecting ourselves and laws and thats all."

Like it or not this issue is more complicated then "they broke the law, how dare them" once again not using your head instead of just rushing into the most "tough guy" way will get us into trouble hence the quotes I put up the other day comparing this situation to another rush job kneejerk screw like iraq.

With this much anger if there was a race war like deporting this many people with the tvs blaring about how dirty, scummy, welfare leeches they are supposedly to the middle class, it is not going to be peaceful, I don't think these people mean anyone any harm, they are here to work, not take advantage but yet people are calling for their blood and to make them criminals. For what? Washing dishes? Mowing lawns? Getting sick with the flu?

Don't believe everything thing you see on tv, your anger is misdirected, why not the same outcry against the people in power who allow this to happen then play you all off the economic refugees they are responsible for?

Oh becasue being a jerk to those you think you can get over on is easier. That's exactly what it is, once again.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: piasabird
America does not have the guts to do what China did and call out the tanks and the military and kill the protestors. It is just a fact that in the USA we have this kind of reverence for the protestors. However this could cause an eventual civil war if it get violent.

Does not have the guts?! You're a psycho to make that kind of comparision! Whether or not you agree with the protestors, you shouldn't be calling for their mass slaughter. Even if they get violent, there are ways to disperse them with far less bloodshed.


Senior member
Aug 13, 2004
Each American is born with hundreds of thousands if not more in (national) debt. more people less debt per person.

We need more people to pay into the social security and medicare system. If you think you are paying a lot now, just think how much we have to pay when large numbers of baby boomers start collecting.

Lets get more people to pay for social security for the aging baby boomers!!!

Oct 30, 2004
Originally posted by: DigitalX
Each American is born with hundreds of thousands if not more in (national) debt. more people less debt per person.

We need more people to pay into the social security and medicare system. If you think you are paying a lot now, just think how much we have to pay when large numbers of baby boomers start collecting.

Lets get more people to pay for social security for the aging baby boomers!!!

Translation -- let's enact a Ponzi scheme. We need more people to pay for social security, so let's expand our population! (Note that this assumes that the expansion will be an expansion of middle class people who pay taxes and not merely an expansion of impoverished people and that middle class jobs will remain in the U.S.) But what happens when those "more people" get older? Do you increase the size of the population again? Where does it end?

Eventually someone ends up getting screwed. The population would also explode. A better solution would be to find a way to pay for it without suffering the negative costs population explosion.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
TextSo genius if your familly or you came here legally, after immigration laws were set up, you are a legal immigrant. There is a difference between illegal and legal immigrants, you should look into that.
I m trying to think what he is trying to say, but he s undestanding about US immigration history is limited.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: jrenz
Originally posted by: RichardE
It is sad, that illegals, people who do not have most of the rights you do, are more politically active in your country.

Taking to the streets and protesting is about the only way they can be politically active. And drawing the conclusion that *if* they get their way, they will continue to be politically active... I think that is wrong. I recall hearing that only 3% of the latino population voted in the last election, which may or may not be accurate, but realize that political activism now does not equate to continued activism once immediate goals are achieved.

Most of those people are not even Citizens, so they do not deserve a voice or deserve to be heard. Who are they to think they can just bardge in to my country and take things over to suit their needs at my personal expence. As far as I am concerned they have worn out their welcome and it is time to pack your bags and go home.

This thread is closely tied to another thread I posted last night. I encourage you to read watch the video I posted.



Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Illegal Immigrants will get everything they are lobbying for solely because they are politcally active. Whereas the majoirty of people against it sit on there ass, saying "ugh..this is bad because of (insert talking point here)", Illegals take to the streets, protesting, making there voice heard.

Your friendly politicians see this, and realise all the votes he can have, from an obviously politically active demographic and will push through tooth and nail for them to get everything they wish. Why? Because if illegals are protesting right now, when they can't vote...if they are politcally active without any rights, how will they reward the guy who gives it to them?

It is sad, that illegals, people who do not have most of the rights you do, are more politically active in your country.

The liberal cities are not allowing protests in favor of closing and protecting our borders. They have a lot to gain by such actions. More votes, the ability to remove the right of self defense and gun ownership from legal and honest citizens. Even the ability to squelch free speech by making certain statements illegal (think enforced PC speech).

The law abiding citizens have not gone and protested the protestors because of how violent the protestors have been. Luckily, most law abiding citizens have stayed away so the protests have been reasonbly free of violence, meaning no deaths.

In support of your statement:
GAO finds problems with SSN in October 2003

A couple of excerpts:
In 2002, The SSA issued nearly 6 million new SSN's, of which 1.3 million were issued to noncitizens.

GAO investigators were able to obtain SSN's using counterfeit documents.

Individuals may receive 52 replacement cards per year. Of the 18 million cards issued in 2002 69% were replacements.

The ability to obtain many replacement cards with relatively weak documentation may allow individuals to impersonate others by using counterfeit documents to obtain SSN's for a range of illicit uses, including selling them to noncitizens.

You will be happy to know that the practice of issuing SSN cards for the purpose of obtaining a drivers license has been stopped. I also believe that some of the problems reported two years ago have been stopped, but not all.


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2004
Personally I'm sick of the illegal immigrant issue. I think this, gays and abortion were "hot" topics so the people would be distracted from the real issues such as hunger, war, peace, etc.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: RichardE
Illegal Immigrants will get everything they are lobbying for solely because they are politcally active. Whereas the majoirty of people against it sit on there ass, saying "ugh..this is bad because of (insert talking point here)", Illegals take to the streets, protesting, making there voice heard.

Your friendly politicians see this, and realise all the votes he can have, from an obviously politically active demographic and will push through tooth and nail for them to get everything they wish. Why? Because if illegals are protesting right now, when they can't vote...if they are politcally active without any rights, how will they reward the guy who gives it to them?

It is sad, that illegals, people who do not have most of the rights you do, are more politically active in your country.

The liberal cities are not allowing protests in favor of closing and protecting our borders. They have a lot to gain by such actions. More votes, the ability to remove the right of self defense and gun ownership from legal and honest citizens. Even the ability to squelch free speech by making certain statements illegal (think enforced PC speech).

The law abiding citizens have not gone and protested the protestors because of how violent the protestors have been. Luckily, most law abiding citizens have stayed away so the protests have been reasonbly free of violence, meaning no deaths.

In support of your statement:
GAO finds problems with SSN in October 2003

A couple of excerpts:
In 2002, The SSA issued nearly 6 million new SSN's, of which 1.3 million were issued to noncitizens.

GAO investigators were able to obtain SSN's using counterfeit documents.

Individuals may receive 52 replacement cards per year. Of the 18 million cards issued in 2002 69% were replacements.

The ability to obtain many replacement cards with relatively weak documentation may allow individuals to impersonate others by using counterfeit documents to obtain SSN's for a range of illicit uses, including selling them to noncitizens.

You will be happy to know that the practice of issuing SSN cards for the purpose of obtaining a drivers license has been stopped. I also believe that some of the problems reported two years ago have been stopped, but not all.

If you have a SSN, then you can collect free money. Illeagal Immigrants never contribute but always take.

I am not making this up.

When I lost my job many years ago, I went to the welfare office to ask about food stamps and assistance. I was only granted $10 in food. Meanwhile in the parking lot several of non-english speaking (definitly illeagal) Mexicans pull up (when (I am waiting) in nice brand new Trucks and Cars (or almost new, nicer than mine). A few of them were customized with fancy wheels, paint jobs, booming CD players, flashing lights and nice clothing. WHen I saw and heard how much they get, I was floored. Many of them were recieveing $500 in food (some got $100+) and were given free medical aid.

It just is not right when they are here illeagaly, driving a vehicle worth $14,000 or more and getting free welfare aid.

I also see this when I am at the grocery store (in Florida). When I look at their receipts, they often have triple digit balances left on their food stamp cards. Then I watch them walk out to the nice car in the parking lot.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Googer

I am not making this up.

When I lost my job many years ago, I went to the welfare office to ask about food stamps and assistance. I was only granted $10 in food. Meanwhile in the parking lot several of non-english speaking (definitly illeagal) Mexicans pull up (when (I am waiting) in nice brand new Trucks and Cars (or almost new, nicer than mine). A few of them were customized with fancy wheels, paint jobs, booming CD players, flashing lights and nice clothing. WHen I saw and heard how much they get, I was floored. Many of them were recieveing $500 in food (some got $100+) and were given free medical aid.

It just is not right when they are here illeagaly, driving a vehicle worth $14,000 or more and getting free welfare aid.

I also see this when I am at the grocery store (in Florida). When I look at their receipts, they often have triple digit balances left on their food stamp cards. Then I watch them walk out to the nice car in the parking lot.

That would be cubans not mexicans, (mexicans in FL haha) and they are citizens and can get welfare, mexicans will get turned away for cash/food stamps as the law will not allow undocumented people to get such things, I call BS.


Dec 21, 2005
they are not "undocumented people" goddamnit, they are fvcking illegal immigrants!

your intentional omition of the word "illegal" from your vocabulary says it all.... your agenda is a fvcking joke.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74
they are not "undocumented people" goddamnit, they are fvcking illegal immigrants!

your intentional omition of the word "illegal" from your vocabulary says it all.... your agenda is a fvcking joke.

And your agenda keeps insisting that you use illegal to cover up the real reason why you support this.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Googer
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: RichardE
Illegal Immigrants will get everything they are lobbying for solely because they are politcally active. Whereas the majoirty of people against it sit on there ass, saying "ugh..this is bad because of (insert talking point here)", Illegals take to the streets, protesting, making there voice heard.

Your friendly politicians see this, and realise all the votes he can have, from an obviously politically active demographic and will push through tooth and nail for them to get everything they wish. Why? Because if illegals are protesting right now, when they can't vote...if they are politcally active without any rights, how will they reward the guy who gives it to them?

It is sad, that illegals, people who do not have most of the rights you do, are more politically active in your country.

The liberal cities are not allowing protests in favor of closing and protecting our borders. They have a lot to gain by such actions. More votes, the ability to remove the right of self defense and gun ownership from legal and honest citizens. Even the ability to squelch free speech by making certain statements illegal (think enforced PC speech).

The law abiding citizens have not gone and protested the protestors because of how violent the protestors have been. Luckily, most law abiding citizens have stayed away so the protests have been reasonbly free of violence, meaning no deaths.

In support of your statement:
GAO finds problems with SSN in October 2003

A couple of excerpts:
In 2002, The SSA issued nearly 6 million new SSN's, of which 1.3 million were issued to noncitizens.

GAO investigators were able to obtain SSN's using counterfeit documents.

Individuals may receive 52 replacement cards per year. Of the 18 million cards issued in 2002 69% were replacements.

The ability to obtain many replacement cards with relatively weak documentation may allow individuals to impersonate others by using counterfeit documents to obtain SSN's for a range of illicit uses, including selling them to noncitizens.

You will be happy to know that the practice of issuing SSN cards for the purpose of obtaining a drivers license has been stopped. I also believe that some of the problems reported two years ago have been stopped, but not all.

If you have a SSN, then you can collect free money. Illeagal Immigrants never contribute but always take.

I am not making this up.

When I lost my job many years ago, I went to the welfare office to ask about food stamps and assistance. I was only granted $10 in food. Meanwhile in the parking lot several of non-english speaking (definitly illeagal) Mexicans pull up (when (I am waiting) in nice brand new Trucks and Cars (or almost new, nicer than mine). A few of them were customized with fancy wheels, paint jobs, booming CD players, flashing lights and nice clothing. WHen I saw and heard how much they get, I was floored. Many of them were recieveing $500 in food (some got $100+) and were given free medical aid.

It just is not right when they are here illeagaly, driving a vehicle worth $14,000 or more and getting free welfare aid.

I also see this when I am at the grocery store (in Florida). When I look at their receipts, they often have triple digit balances left on their food stamp cards. Then I watch them walk out to the nice car in the parking lot.

You are in Florida and don't have a clue? They are Cuban, with big money countrymen making sure the politicians greet them with open arms, cash in hand, and all in exchange for future votes. Legal as soon as they step on dry land.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: palehorse74
they are not "undocumented people" goddamnit, they are fvcking illegal immigrants!

your intentional omition of the word "illegal" from your vocabulary says it all.... your agenda is a fvcking joke.

And your agenda keeps insisting that you use illegal to cover up the real reason why you support this.
again, labeling me racist simply because i disagree with you is laughable. give it up steeple...

I use the word "illegal" to describe those who have broken the immigration laws of my country. it doesnt matter if they're white, black, brown, yellow, red, green, purple, or blue.

they are criminals, therefore "illegal," period.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Googer
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: RichardE
Illegal Immigrants will get everything they are lobbying for solely because they are politcally active. Whereas the majoirty of people against it sit on there ass, saying "ugh..this is bad because of (insert talking point here)", Illegals take to the streets, protesting, making there voice heard.

Your friendly politicians see this, and realise all the votes he can have, from an obviously politically active demographic and will push through tooth and nail for them to get everything they wish. Why? Because if illegals are protesting right now, when they can't vote...if they are politcally active without any rights, how will they reward the guy who gives it to them?

It is sad, that illegals, people who do not have most of the rights you do, are more politically active in your country.

The liberal cities are not allowing protests in favor of closing and protecting our borders. They have a lot to gain by such actions. More votes, the ability to remove the right of self defense and gun ownership from legal and honest citizens. Even the ability to squelch free speech by making certain statements illegal (think enforced PC speech).

The law abiding citizens have not gone and protested the protestors because of how violent the protestors have been. Luckily, most law abiding citizens have stayed away so the protests have been reasonbly free of violence, meaning no deaths.

In support of your statement:
GAO finds problems with SSN in October 2003

A couple of excerpts:
In 2002, The SSA issued nearly 6 million new SSN's, of which 1.3 million were issued to noncitizens.

GAO investigators were able to obtain SSN's using counterfeit documents.

Individuals may receive 52 replacement cards per year. Of the 18 million cards issued in 2002 69% were replacements.

The ability to obtain many replacement cards with relatively weak documentation may allow individuals to impersonate others by using counterfeit documents to obtain SSN's for a range of illicit uses, including selling them to noncitizens.

You will be happy to know that the practice of issuing SSN cards for the purpose of obtaining a drivers license has been stopped. I also believe that some of the problems reported two years ago have been stopped, but not all.

If you have a SSN, then you can collect free money. Illeagal Immigrants never contribute but always take.

I am not making this up.

When I lost my job many years ago, I went to the welfare office to ask about food stamps and assistance. I was only granted $10 in food. Meanwhile in the parking lot several of non-english speaking (definitly illeagal) Mexicans pull up (when (I am waiting) in nice brand new Trucks and Cars (or almost new, nicer than mine). A few of them were customized with fancy wheels, paint jobs, booming CD players, flashing lights and nice clothing. WHen I saw and heard how much they get, I was floored. Many of them were recieveing $500 in food (some got $100+) and were given free medical aid.

It just is not right when they are here illeagaly, driving a vehicle worth $14,000 or more and getting free welfare aid.

I also see this when I am at the grocery store (in Florida). When I look at their receipts, they often have triple digit balances left on their food stamp cards. Then I watch them walk out to the nice car in the parking lot.

You are in Florida and don't have a clue? They are Cuban, with big money countrymen making sure the politicians greet them with open arms, cash in hand, and all in exchange for future votes. Legal as soon as they step on dry land.

The Cubans occupy South Florida. Outside of Miami, it is mostly Mexican. The Hillsborough, Polk, Orange, Sarasota, and Manatee Counties are mostly Mexican with few Cubans. I live in Tampa where Cubans are "almost non-existant". In my town Mexicans outnumber Cubans 50-1. Also I should note that in some small towns near me Taco Shops are on every corner and spanish is the Dominant Language.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Googer

I am not making this up.

When I lost my job many years ago, I went to the welfare office to ask about food stamps and assistance. I was only granted $10 in food. Meanwhile in the parking lot several of non-english speaking (definitly illeagal) Mexicans pull up (when (I am waiting) in nice brand new Trucks and Cars (or almost new, nicer than mine). A few of them were customized with fancy wheels, paint jobs, booming CD players, flashing lights and nice clothing. WHen I saw and heard how much they get, I was floored. Many of them were recieveing $500 in food (some got $100+) and were given free medical aid.

It just is not right when they are here illeagaly, driving a vehicle worth $14,000 or more and getting free welfare aid.

I also see this when I am at the grocery store (in Florida). When I look at their receipts, they often have triple digit balances left on their food stamp cards. Then I watch them walk out to the nice car in the parking lot.

That would be cubans not mexicans, (mexicans in FL haha) and they are citizens and can get welfare, mexicans will get turned away for cash/food stamps as the law will not allow undocumented people to get such things, I call BS.

Your Ignorance is sick. Mexicans are the Defacto numeral uno Spanish speaking group in the Central and North Florida areas. Cubans are number one in South Florida and Miami.

EDIT: You live in New Jersey, why are you telling me about my local area and state that I have lived in for the past 23 years?


Nov 11, 2004
This Email I recieved says it all:

Dear President Bush:

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas

and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole

at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to

government services.

9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to

learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for

all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.

Thank you so much for your kind help.

A U.S citizen and tax payer
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