Why I'm joining the GOP!

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Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Genx87

Already converted.

This is fun!
Pssst - you spelled 'Perveted' wrong
Doesnt look like my fellow lefties can handle this conversion.
Dont worry you will get used to it.

I can hear the Bushies cheering now. They have one less crackpot troll to embarass them.

Don't worry Bushies. He's still just as much of an embarassment as ever.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Genx87

Already converted.

This is fun!

Pssst - you spelled 'Perveted' wrong

Doesnt look like my fellow lefties can handle this conversion.
Dont worry you will get used to it.

We can handle it, if you can.

Conjur-Just don't like BS and baseless rhetoric. 6-10-04

You aren't really making a point here with your attempt at sarcasm. At least not one I can see.

Well, "carry on". :laugh:



Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk

President Bush has promised to give me more tax cuts even though our federal government owes trillions of dollars to its creditors.
But that's someone else's problem, not mine. Republicans are about the here and now, and I'm here now.

I would be glad to vote for whichever party was committed to balancing the budget, but that party doesn't exist. The Democrats lost both chambers of Congress in '94 in large part due to the '93 tax increases, and you can be darn sure they won't do that again. So they'll just continue what today's GOP Congress is doing - deficit spending. Voters talk a great game about balancing the budget, but when it comes time to trim the fat, no one wants their ox gored, and no one wants to pay more, either. This problem isn't unique to the U.S., either; most other major democracies face the same problem re deficits.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This appropriate for this thread, more summation of the Republicans:

6-16-2005 Confessions of a white Christian Republican

So if the Republican Party has become the "white, Christian party," as Dean charges, it's partly so because the Democratic Party has made white Christians feel so uncomfortable in its ranks.

The Democrats have bent over backwards to please minority groups - blacks, gays, angry feminists and atheists - at the expense of us old white guys (and gals - yes, we're not afraid to call our wives that) who grew up not feeling guilty about being white or Christian.

Displaying barely concealed contempt for white Christians is Dean's formula for ethnic and theological purity in the party, and I say, "Pour it on, Howard!" Keep it up and the Democratic Party will be confined to a few zip codes in Manhattan, Hollywood and San Francisco.

The rest of us can just say a little prayer of thanks and join our white Christian neighbors in voting straight Republican.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
You will be disappointed as your beliefs don't match that of the republican party. It does match how the radical left (think hollywood, mainstream media, etc.) portray republicans.

The problem is you will be voting for people like McCain so you vote will not even be wanted by conservatives.


Jul 25, 2002
Since the 'Gingriching of America' there have been more than 420 Elected Democrats
that switched to the GOP - after winning their seats in their districts AS DEMOCRATS
Tey changed party affiliation because they were promosed financial assistance,
and the help of the 'Christian Right Bloc' to sustain their position of power.

Don't you think that that is disingenuous - to gain office on a lie,
and then turn your back on those who put you in office in a position to represent them ?

Under Clinton there was a pretty good gain against the budget and deficeit, but that was tossed out by the 'Profiteers'
who live off the work of others, and use their position of Political Office to perpetuate graft - in the form of Extortion and Blackmail.

You got to get up pretty early to fall off the turnip truck.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Under Clinton there was a pretty good gain against the budget and deficeit, but that was tossed out by the 'Profiteers'.

Two important points about that:

1) It wasn't until the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress that the budget got balanced, but I don't give them much credit for it because

2) the record tax revenues received during the later Clinton years were based on the brief and irrational Internet bubble, and aren't likely to be repeated any time in the future.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This appropriate for this thread, more summation of the Republicans:

6-16-2005 Confessions of a white Christian Republican

So if the Republican Party has become the "white, Christian party," as Dean charges, it's partly so because the Democratic Party has made white Christians feel so uncomfortable in its ranks.

The Democrats have bent over backwards to please minority groups - blacks, gays, angry feminists and atheists - at the expense of us old white guys (and gals - yes, we're not afraid to call our wives that) who grew up not feeling guilty about being white or Christian.

Displaying barely concealed contempt for white Christians is Dean's formula for ethnic and theological purity in the party, and I say, "Pour it on, Howard!" Keep it up and the Democratic Party will be confined to a few zip codes in Manhattan, Hollywood and San Francisco.

The rest of us can just say a little prayer of thanks and join our white Christian neighbors in voting straight Republican.

Thre's quite a bit of truth in that, but whether on purpose or accidentally, you left out the "good" parts:

Fact No. 3, and here's where Dean has overlooked something important - we were white Christians, but we were not Republicans. Republicans were mostly Protestant, wealthy and members of country clubs. We were Catholic, middle-class and Democrats.

For most of my adult life, I considered myself a Democrat and voted for Democrats for president - from John F. Kennedy in 1960 to
Bill Clinton in 1992. I began voting for Republican presidential candidates, and thinking of myself as Republican, only after it became abundantly clear that people with my views on abortion, prayer in school and other moral issues were no longer considered welcome in the Democratic Party.

A whole lot of us crossed over, taking our whiteness and our Christian beliefs into the party of the country-club set. We didn't feel so much that we had abandoned the Democratic Party as it had abandoned us. Borrowing the spirit of the "No Irish Need Apply" mentality of my grandparents' time, the Democrats posted a "no pro-lifers need apply" sign on their party doors. It became clear that Catholic Democratic officeholders (the Kennedys, Bidens, Kerrys and the rest) had to check their Catholic beliefs at the door and proclaim the Democratic pro-choice loyalty oath to retain good standing in their party.

Of course, Dean is also overlooking an important fact, and that is the only successful Democratic presidential candidates in recent times were two white Christian guys - Jimmy Carter and Clinton, both red-state good ole boys with Southern accents and some familiarity with Scripture. So when Dean vaguely implies that "white Christian" is a pejorative term, he's playing to a Democratic base that's growing narrower and narrower - non-white, non-Christian, non-Southern and non-winning.

It appears to be a legitimate complaint. I know many disingenuous people like to claim the Republican party to be 'a bunch of rich racists," but that's not the case. They are a bunch of people, just like the Democrats, that have slightly different opinions on the best ways to make this country better for everyone in it.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Meh. Listening to the hateful and generally libelous rhetoric of the "liberals" on ATPN is enough to make almost anyone vote Republican (as was proven in the polls last November, when the least popular incumbent in history got re-elected). Most of you idiots are worse than the Limbaughite dittoheads of the '90s (albeit from an opposing political spectrum). If the 'Pubs win again in 2006 and 2008, I will be blame your kind. With friends like you, the Democrats have no need of enemies -- the general public hates the uber-left more than the Bush, and that is saying a lot.

edit: cKGunslinger, your post hits the nail right on the head.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.


Oct 14, 1999

Good one, Kirk. Good to see a GOP guy with a sense of humour. Are you sure you'd fit in? I thought all humorists were libertarians.


Apr 8, 2002
Have to admit I didnt see a single one or my logical thinking moderate to right leaning brothers and sisters say a thing in this thread.

Only the rabid left so I have a feeling the rabid lefts ASSumptions about the moderates and right on this msgboard are wrong, as usual.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.

Who are these "Bushies?" Do you have anything about the topic at hand to add to this thread?


Mar 29, 2004
comlaining about the rush dittoheads of the 90's in 2005 while parroting his words..

get a clue rush hates the left not the public. The public as a whole can't stand bush and the gasbags like rush that spew such hate.

You people really need to chill with the foxnews/limbaugh rhetoric and go outside sometime.

Thes wind of change are blowing and your sad little tales of freeperdom are a joke.

America is waking up, care to join us?

Or would you rather goosestep youselves into the abyss of another hategroup?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
comlaining about the rush dittoheads of the 90's in 2005 while parroting his words..

get a clue rush hates the left not the public. The public as a whole can't stand bush and the gasbags like rush that spew such hate.

You people really need to chill with the foxnews/limbaugh rhetoric and go outside sometime.

Thes wind of change are blowing and your sad little tales of freeperdom are a joke.

America is waking up, care to join us?

Yet they elected Bush and gave the republicans more seats in the house and senate just 8 months ago.



Mar 29, 2004
fear can work wonders...better be careful how many times those gasbags cry wolf...

it's already coming back to slap you all in the face, look at the news outside of your little box.

Even this place used ot be freeperheaven.

You people are nothing but the few "dead enders" left.



Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Under Clinton there was a pretty good gain against the budget and deficeit, but that was tossed out by the 'Profiteers'.

Two important points about that:

1) It wasn't until the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress that the budget got balanced, but I don't give them much credit for it because

2) the record tax revenues received during the later Clinton years were based on the brief and irrational Internet bubble, and aren't likely to be repeated any time in the future.

The Democrats were in charge of Congress through and including the 103rd session which began in 1993.
The Republicans did regain some from of control in the 104th starting in 1995 - except for that time when Jeffords
aligned himself as an Independent to deny the Senate their majority.

History shows that the balancing of the books and the reduction of the deficets was NOT the exclusive results of the Republicans work,
but of both parties and a responsible Executive branch.
There has been no budget balancing since Clinton left office and the comemcement of the 106th Congress.

We no longer have a responsible Executive Branch - nor do we have responsible Senate or House policies.
Our Government has become a travesty - worshiping themselves.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
fear can work wonders...better be careful how many times those gasbags cry wolf...

Maybe the only fear the American people had was looking at John F Kerry's face and the elite liberal policies he would bring as our president for the next 4 years?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.
I'm not a "Bushie," I voted for Kerry (but only as the lesser of 2 evils).

The uber-left just doesn't want to recognize the obvious fact that they are destroying the Democratic party by alienating its moderate mainstream. For example, look at the comedy of errors that was Kerry's campaign. At virtually no point was he allowed to cater to the moderate mainstream, but was constantly forced to make promises to the extreme left (I say "allowed" and "forced" because it was obvious that this campaign policy went against his own personal judgement). This policy made no sense at all because the extreme left would have rather died than vote for Bush.
Why did this happen? See cKGunslinger's post above. The extreme left has taken the position that "moderates need not apply," or "toe the party line or go elsewhere." For example: don't support gay marriage, you're a bigot; hold personal religious beliefs, you're an anti-science fundamentalist; don't support socialized healthcare, you hate the poor; don't support political correctness and affirmative action, you're a racist; etc. In essence, the Democratic party has become the party of exclusion, and if it continues on this course, that will be its downfall.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.

Their utopia. People working 3 jobs while the uber rich float away in their 100-ft yachts. Wal-Mart on every corner, 4-year-olds sewing together clothing, pollution levels at levels that would choke a horse, water supplies contaminated with mercury, majority of the beef industry infected with Mad Cow Disease, the temperature of the Earth rising 1 degree a year, one candidate on every ballot, one state religion, one state language, one state line of thinking, detention camps for dissenters, executions of those deemed "enemies of the state", Patriot Acts 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 passed without a single nay vote, continuous warfare, blood spilt on every continent on the globe (including the Wahabi (sp) penguins of Antarctica), gas prices at $8.00 per gallon, public schools destroyed where only the "elite" children would be educated, slavery reinstated being called "Patriotic Serfdom" and so much more right-wing LOVELINESS.


Apr 8, 2002
We no longer have a responsible Executive Branch - nor do we have responsible Senate or House policies. Our Government has become a travesty - worshiping themselves.

More importantly we also dont have the internet boom.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: BBond
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.

Who are these "Bushies?" Do you have anything about the topic at hand to add to this thread?

If you don't know who you are, may I suggest psychotherapy?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
fear can work wonders...better be careful how many times those gasbags cry wolf...
Maybe the only fear the American people had was looking at John F Kerry's face and the elite liberal policies he would bring as our president for the next 4 years?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: BBond
Well, all the Bushies are in agreement. Everything will be just perfect now.
I'm not a "Bushie," I voted for Kerry (but only as the lesser of 2 evils).

The uber-left just doesn't want to recognize the obvious fact that they are destroying the Democratic party by alienating its moderate mainstream. For example, look at the comedy of errors that was Kerry's campaign. At virtually no point was he allowed to cater to the moderate mainstream, but was constantly forced to make promises to the extreme left (I say "allowed" and "forced" because it was obvious that this campaign policy went against his own personal judgement). This policy made no sense at all because the extreme left would have rather died than vote for Bush.
Why did this happen? See cKGunslinger's post above. The extreme left has taken the position that "moderates need not apply," or "toe the party line or go elsewhere." For example: don't support gay marriage, you're a bigot; hold personal religious beliefs, you're an anti-science fundamentalist; don't support socialized healthcare, you hate the poor; don't support political correctness and affirmative action, you're a racist; etc. In essence, the Democratic party has become the party of exclusion, and if it continues on this course, that will be its downfall.

I've found that it's impossible to win by taking your enemy's advice.


Mar 29, 2004
kerry did not represent the left as a whole and had a sh1t policy of the war.

Like I said nothing left but the hardcore dead enders propping up a corrupt regime.

bush's lies are coming back at him faster and faster. just another lame duck until the americans take care of this next nixon.

shame we couldn't have bitchslapped reagan out of office too.

we will make sure to provide the corrupt traitors with no mercy this time...

fascist sympathizers be gone! We have no use for you in a free democratic society.

America doesent need your next civil war you all are gunning for nor do we need to become a third world cesspool.

The south shall not rise again nor shall funamentalists have their say, our forefathers came here to escape you feudalist/totalitarian wingnuts

-not be harassed and our democracy subverted every few generation later.

If you want to live in a sh1thole where might makes right and only the elite rule then piss off to cambodia or vietnam...it suits your idealogy well.
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