Why is everything so black and white here?

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May 9, 2002
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

That is your answer right there. 3 thoughtful posts. Then a post like dmcowen674's appears and a similar post on the other side will quickly bash right back. This thread will be come 100 posts of verbal baseless attacks and the thoughtful posts will be buried and unanswered.

There are many people on Anandtech who are willing and able to have a debate on the subjects, and are willing to listen to facts and opinions. However, we are for the most part scared away from P&N since any real thoughtful posts just get lost.

I'm one of the fringe posters. I read a lot of P&N, but I rarely post. I will post if I am in the first 20 or so posts, since there is a chance that I'll get a response. After that, I almost always consider the thread dead even if I had something useful to say or learn from others.

well put dullard. im the same way.

while my core views havent really changed, ive gained a better understanding on some issues. its rare, though, as most of the time its not worth picking out the diamond posts from the pool of hot vomit.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

You are asking extremists why they have extreme viewpoints?

At least you understand why I quit trying to reason with the unreasonable. I post hoping that those who have not been completely convinced by the liberal media and liberal schools will hear an other viewpoint.

Only an extremist would believe that the media and schools are out to indoctrinate the country and that anyone that watches/listens to them or went to them is somehow extreme while you, yourself remain "mainstream" and centered.


Jun 22, 2000
I would't say everyone here is totally rigid, I have witnessed a few people (including myself) adjust thier opinions based on posts here. Well, Good posts anyways, if someone posts a bunch of violent cursing and partisan drivel, It just strengthens my opinion, or I just ignore them.

Before I came to AT, I actually got flamed off of Toms Hardware forums for being pro-gun control (this was in like 1999) I actually wanted a complete ban on guns. Eventually I came to my senses and am now a strong oponent of almost all types of gun control. Over the course of 6+ years I made a total 180 on that issue.

As for taxes I've been all over the place, but as time goes on I start to like Forbes' ideas more and more, with a few exceptions.

Like Dullard, I also stay away from threads with 100's of replies, unless in some cases I was involved from the start. Usually if you waste the time to catch up on some 8 page thread, you'll find the discussion being raged on page 8 has nothing to do with the OP, or even its immediate replies.


Apr 19, 2005
In the few short 3 weeks maybe I have started posting here, I've noticed there are two kinds of posters really. One who do personal attacks, call each other commies, facists, rep, dems, ect ect, and all and all subscribe to the us vs them ideology. The others actually have good, in depth arguments, and can argue without resorting to personal attacks, troll baits, and accusations, (including the ever so good, show me proof, which can and is needed sometimes, should not be used for common sense issues). Though I came here with a number of convictions, I have changed some, and been informed on others.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
So I guess the consensus here is that those who shout the loudest here tend to distract from civil discussion. Like Sonz says, people that resort to name calling by calling others with dissenting opinions "Liberals", "Right Wingers", commies and other derogatory, stereotypical comments really disrupt things around here. Additionally, the people that use quasi-racist ideology tend to distract from the big picture. So what?s the solution? Ignoring them and stop feeding the trolls when they have something (nothing) to say?


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Steeplerot

Just as you do daily when you get the nuts up to come in and actually challenge something besides bleat and quip and run like usual, your such a hack, you even name off folks that have opposing viewpoints as you having to "talk down" to. grow up, you are not one of the better posters in here in any way shape or form, just a sideline troll sinking a witty baited-hook down time to time.

I don't converse with you becasue you do not offer any content..just "prove it" or a witty synopsis of how you percieve what people say with your sheltered view.

When you get some actual experience and a real view on anything..bring it, if not continue your trollish one-liner commentary.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
basically, make an ass of yourself

Just as you do daily when you get the nuts up to come in and actually challenge something besides bleat and quip and run like usual, your such a hack, you even name off folks that have opposing viewpoints as you having to "talk down" to. grow up, you are not one of the better posters in here in any way shape or form, just a sideline troll sinking a witty baited-hook down time to time.

I don't converse with you becasue you do not offer any content..just "prove it" or a witty synopsis of how you percieve what people say with your sheltered view.

When you get some actual experience and a real view on anything..bring it, if not continue your trollish one-liner commentary.

Some of us here actually like to learn some stuff but don't buy everthing we hear. So, links to factual articles are important.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Don't even have a one-liner for that today eh?
My dear friend, you solidify my points with your own posts more efficiently that I ever could.

Cheers! :beer:


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Don't even have a one-liner for that today eh?
My dear friend, you solidify my points with your own posts more efficiently that I ever could.

Cheers! :beer:

In your mind maybe.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..

I have to ask; doesn't that say more about the administration then about us?

Like I've said before if you don't like it here there are plenty of forums. P and N gets constant hate from people who post 'Turd Burgler' threads and the like in OT. We have a post like this every so often and sadly some people think its actually thoughtful or unique.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

I agree.

I think it is in part sort of a self-perpetuating polarization.... the more and more people fight over these issues the more one becomes irritated and angry at the disagreeing side and reason falls to anger


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Frackal
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

I agree.

I think it is in part sort of a self-perpetuating polarization.... the more and more people fight over these issues the more one becomes irritated and angry at the disagreeing side and reason falls to anger

That is a good point, we humans are stubborn creatures, and the more we attach ourselves to any particular viewpoint, the harder time we have of being able to apply reason to it. And it becomes even worse when we are attached to sides instead of ideas. I think the real question is what is it about politics that brings this out in people, you tend to see this everywhere, but it has always seemed far worse in politics. Is it because people generally understand only the broad strokes of any particular issue, is it the fact that our political leaders tend to encourage this sort of behavior, or is it something fundamental in human nature when it comes to deciding who rules whom?

I know many of you haven't been here that long, but political discussion reminds me of the Intel vs AMD wars here a few years ago. Otherwise rational people just threw aside the idea of technical analysis and reasoned judgement and just tried to figure out any reason "their" company was better. It was really stupid in retrospect (and I admit I contributed some to that stupidity), and that was a scientific topic involving people who knew far more about it than the average person knows about political issues. Maybe it's just human nature to want to take sides over something.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Condor
The middle of the road ends at the fork.

LOL, that depends on which direction your traveling.

1EZduzit, that's hilarious and true on so many levels~



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Frackal
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

I agree.

I think it is in part sort of a self-perpetuating polarization.... the more and more people fight over these issues the more one becomes irritated and angry at the disagreeing side and reason falls to anger

That is a good point, we humans are stubborn creatures, and the more we attach ourselves to any particular viewpoint, the harder time we have of being able to apply reason to it. And it becomes even worse when we are attached to sides instead of ideas. I think the real question is what is it about politics that brings this out in people, you tend to see this everywhere, but it has always seemed far worse in politics. Is it because people generally understand only the broad strokes of any particular issue, is it the fact that our political leaders tend to encourage this sort of behavior, or is it something fundamental in human nature when it comes to deciding who rules whom?

I know many of you haven't been here that long, but political discussion reminds me of the Intel vs AMD wars here a few years ago. Otherwise rational people just threw aside the idea of technical analysis and reasoned judgement and just tried to figure out any reason "their" company was better. It was really stupid in retrospect (and I admit I contributed some to that stupidity), and that was a scientific topic involving people who knew far more about it than the average person knows about political issues. Maybe it's just human nature to want to take sides over something.

Thats a horrible analogy.

Politics has bearing on real life for many Americans. Intel vs. AMD was a bunch of spoiled, pale little kids whining like babies about inconsequential things.

You are simplifying things. There are those in America who care for all facets of American society and those who care about themselves. Its pretty easy to see whos who. Most people don't want to look at the truth. Of course these ideologies are going to fight. And thats good. Whoever wins out sets the future of our nation.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Proletariat
The strange thing is most Repubs I know in real life will readily admit their selfish.

And that is even a dumber generalization. Most Republicans I know will readily admit that religious beliefs, not economic ones are the reason they vote Republican. Those type of people can NEVER change their political opinions, as long as the Republicans have the religous right cornered.

I know PLENTY of selfish, greedy Democrats who financially should vote Repbulican yet refuse to do so due to social issues.

It is far more complex than you would like to believe, both parties have good and bad in them, but to project that "Democrats" care about the world and that Republicans are "selfish" is a stupid generalization to make.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
Originally posted by: Proletariat
The strange thing is most Repubs I know in real life will readily admit their selfish.

And that is even a dumber generalization. Most Republicans I know will readily admit that religious beliefs, not economic ones are the reason they vote Republican. Those type of people can NEVER change their political opinions, as long as the Republicans have the religous right cornered.

I know PLENTY of selfish, greedy Democrats who financially should vote Repbulican yet refuse to do so due to social issues.
Uh.. What?

They would be selfish and greedy if they voted Republican because they would get tax cuts.

Instead they choose to vote for the common good.

What exactly are you talking about?


Senior member
Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Frackal
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

I agree.

I think it is in part sort of a self-perpetuating polarization.... the more and more people fight over these issues the more one becomes irritated and angry at the disagreeing side and reason falls to anger

That is a good point, we humans are stubborn creatures, and the more we attach ourselves to any particular viewpoint, the harder time we have of being able to apply reason to it. And it becomes even worse when we are attached to sides instead of ideas. I think the real question is what is it about politics that brings this out in people, you tend to see this everywhere, but it has always seemed far worse in politics. Is it because people generally understand only the broad strokes of any particular issue, is it the fact that our political leaders tend to encourage this sort of behavior, or is it something fundamental in human nature when it comes to deciding who rules whom?

I know many of you haven't been here that long, but political discussion reminds me of the Intel vs AMD wars here a few years ago. Otherwise rational people just threw aside the idea of technical analysis and reasoned judgement and just tried to figure out any reason "their" company was better. It was really stupid in retrospect (and I admit I contributed some to that stupidity), and that was a scientific topic involving people who knew far more about it than the average person knows about political issues. Maybe it's just human nature to want to take sides over something.

best poster in p&n. :]


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
Originally posted by: Proletariat
The strange thing is most Repubs I know in real life will readily admit their selfish.

And that is even a dumber generalization. Most Republicans I know will readily admit that religious beliefs, not economic ones are the reason they vote Republican. Those type of people can NEVER change their political opinions, as long as the Republicans have the religous right cornered.

I know PLENTY of selfish, greedy Democrats who financially should vote Repbulican yet refuse to do so due to social issues.
Uh.. What?

They would be selfish and greedy if they voted Republican because they would get tax cuts.

Instead they choose to vote for the common good.

What exactly are you talking about?

So someone that acts like a jerk, really doesn't care about others and votes along party lines suddenly isn't selfish or greedy because of how they vote? You are breaking people down by their party affiliations, I'm sure there are PLENTY of Republicans that donate money to charity and serve the COMMON good.



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2005
"The choice in politics isn't usually between black and white. It's between two horrible shades of gray."
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