Why is everything so black and white here?


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions.

Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

That is your answer right there. 3 thoughtful posts. Then a post like dmcowen674's appears and a similar post on the other side will quickly bash right back. This thread will be come 100 posts of verbal baseless attacks and the thoughtful posts will be buried and unanswered.

There are many people on Anandtech who are willing and able to have a debate on the subjects, and are willing to listen to facts and opinions. However, we are for the most part scared away from P&N since any real thoughtful posts just get lost.

I'm one of the fringe posters. I read a lot of P&N, but I rarely post. I will post if I am in the first 20 or so posts, since there is a chance that I'll get a response. After that, I almost always consider the thread dead even if I had something useful to say or learn from others.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

That is your answer right there. 3 thoughtful posts. Then a post like dmcowen674's appears. This thread will be come 100 posts of verbal baseless attacks and the thoughtful posts will be buried and unanswered.

Thank you Dullard for beating me to the punch.

Another reason for the often personal attacks is electronic forums like this are anonymous so indivduals will tend to act out more than they would if discussing teh topic face-to-face.



Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions.

Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

. . .So said the perfect embodiment / example of what the OP was talking about. And thus it was written, and so it is done. And so it shall be as it always has been unto perpetuity. . .

Some people just have a more narrow view of the world than others.


Senior member
May 29, 2004
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Insecurity and fear of being wrong....basically GenX's answer.
Agreed. People live with a set of beliefs that if ever proven wrong could destroy their social foundation, so they will defend them vehemently to avoid being wrong IMO.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..
That's not true. There are many here have no strong feeling either way for the man. I voted for him in 2000, but not in 2004 (nor Kerry, for that matter.) I think he's done a piss-poor job in many regards, but not everything he touches turns to sh1t, as many seem to believe. And I've seen many peope here capitulate to opposing viewpoints, when debated long enough. I've changed my own views on topics such as same-sex marriage due to insightful and well-argued posts.

You have to learn to look for the faint signal among the sea of noise. Notice than posts from Rains, Stunt, etc get very little attention. That's because they typically take a stance while making sure they refrain from throwing in moronic, sweeping generalization. Most people gloss over these because they contain too much common sense, and rather "go for the kill" when then see a outrageous Zendari or BBond post (we're all guilty of this, myself included.)

Now sometimes, this is a necessary thing - it's called 'playing the game.' I am perpetually fascinated by the viewpoints of those with whom I simply cannot identify, posters like Steeplerot, 1EZduzit, and dauhunan. Some, like dauhunan, you can converse and dialog with. Others, like Steep you have to stoop down to, play their game, call them out - basically, make an ass of yourself - just to get them to open up. Ask them a direct question, and they refuse to answer and resort to name-calling, etc. Go along with their game, rant against them, provoke them a bit, and they'll open up their true views somewhat, and if you are careful, you can gleam a bit of insight into thier mind, provided you don't get caught up in the drama of the CAPS, emotes, and exclamation points.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..
I think that whole attitude got a big boost in the early 90s with the republican "contract for America". It was a very successful campaign where the republicans banded together and for the most part none ever swayed even a bit from their party's agenda. That worked wonderfully politically and did get a lot of legislation started.

However, this solidified unified front made it a "us or them" battle. There was very little flexibility for minor differences in opinion among the party members. They all voted as a block, nothing else. That was true wether or not the politician or his/her constituents really wanted the vote. The battle lines were drawn. You were either with them 100% or against them 100%.

However, in reality, no one believes 100% what another person believes. Thus, no person believes 100% with a party's beliefs. Yes I am a democrat. But I support Bush on a few subjects (military base closures and rearrangements for example). Yet as a democrat, I detest the increased spending that republicans have been for in the last ~50 years. I believe that Alaska needs to be throughly explored for oil and we need to be prepared to drill for oil. However, I disagree that we should drill now. Lets use up foreign oil and save ours for ourself when the rest of the world runs dry. I could go on and on where I agree with part of what he does but I disagree often with the execution. I support the war in Afghanistan, but not the timing or execution of that war.


Jan 6, 2005
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda. As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.
Comments like this tend to start the flame wars.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..
That's not true. There are many here have no strong feeling either way for the man. I voted for him in 2000, but not in 2004 (nor Kerry, for that matter.) I think he's done a piss-poor job in many regards, but not everything he touches turns to sh1t, as many seem to believe. And I've seen many peope here capitulate to opposing viewpoints, when debated long enough. I've changed my own views on topics such as same-sex marriage due to insightful and well-argued posts.

You have to learn to look for the faint signal among the sea of noise. Notice than posts from Rains, Stunt, etc get very little attention. That's because they typically take a stance while making sure they refrain from throwing in moronic, sweeping generalization. Most people gloss over these because they contain too much common sense, and rather "go for the kill" when then see a outrageous Zendari or BBond post (we're all guilty of this, myself included.)

Now sometimes, this is a necessary thing - it's called 'playing the game.' I am perpetually fascinated by the viewpoints of those with whom I simply cannot identify, posters like Steeplerot, 1EZduzit, and dauhunan. Some, like dauhunan, you can converse and dialog with. Others, like Steep you have to stoop down to, play their game, call them out - basically, make an ass of yourself - just to get them to open up. Ask them a direct question, and they refuse to answer and resort to name-calling, etc. Go along with their game, rant against them, provoke them a bit, and they'll open up their true views somewhat, and if you are careful, you can gleam a bit of insight into thier mind, provided you don't get caught up in the drama of the CAPS, emotes, and exclamation points.

Well that perfectly describes P&N. It is interesting how a few posters in this forum seem incapable of having a rational conversation and you have to talk to them by insulting them. I wonder how they are in real life...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dphantom
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

That is your answer right there. 3 thoughtful posts. Then a post like dmcowen674's appears. This thread will be come 100 posts of verbal baseless attacks and the thoughtful posts will be buried and unanswered.

Thank you Dullard for beating me to the punch.

Another reason for the often personal attacks is electronic forums like this are anonymous so indivduals will tend to act out more than they would if discussing teh topic face-to-face.

I am not anonymous and have met many folks from on here and we have had many discussions on topics from on here.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
Originally posted by: dullard
I believe that Alaska needs to be throughly explored for oil and we need to be prepared to drill for oil. However, I disagree that we should drill now. Lets use up foreign oil and save ours for ourself when the rest of the world runs dry.

I have to comment on this little tid bit. Don't you think it would be more viable to start going after the oil dust fields in Utah like the Canadians are doing up there? I'm just biased about drilling in Alaska because I fished up there and was literally in awe at the scenery. But there also were times when I looked on in horror when you see a tiny island completely clear cutted.

As to the OP, I actually come here to learn which can be hard to do sometimes when you have to dig through tons of crap to find one or two worthy posts. Overall, there are some really smart people here who I really respect. But when things get emotional I tend take a few steps back and just watch from the sidelines. Unless I have a point that might enrage someone. Because you all know it can be a great stress reliever at work.

Oh, and I really appreciate it when people post links to where they got there information.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: azazyel
I have to comment on this little tid bit. Don't you think it would be more viable to start going after the oil dust fields in Utah like the Canadians are doing up there? I'm just biased about drilling in Alaska because I fished up there and was literally in awe at the scenery. But there also were times when I looked on in horror when you see a tiny island completely clear cutted.
I'd rather not debate much in this thread, as it is going well so far. But if I were president I would focus on two issues with my energy policy. (1) Remove government red tape and let existing refineries expand capacity. That will give quick results in the real bottleneck of the whole energy problem. (2) Start government incentives for building coal to gas/diesel/oil plants. We have centuries worth of American coal. And coal can be converted to oil at a cost of $30-$40 a barrel (~$30 is the cost in South Africa, $40 is my personal estimate with higher American labor costs, but even if it were $50 a barrel it is worth it now and it will be even more important when oil starts running out). I do not know enough about dust fields in Utah to comment on that. But I certainly would look into alternatives like that if I were president.



Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
I think many of us would be surprised with one another in person. I think it's the nature of the beast (P&N) that people tend to be polarized and rigid, when in reality it's not quite as bad as it seems. Sure there's a few very, very narrow people, but I just think it's the forum such as this that brings it out (or makes the appearance of) single-minded black/white thinking.


Golden Member
Feb 9, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: dphantom
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Have to give credit to the successful and powerful Brainwashing Republican/Religious Agenda.

As you said the Sheeple have been made fruitless.

That is your answer right there. 3 thoughtful posts. Then a post like dmcowen674's appears. This thread will be come 100 posts of verbal baseless attacks and the thoughtful posts will be buried and unanswered.

Thank you Dullard for beating me to the punch.

Another reason for the often personal attacks is electronic forums like this are anonymous so indivduals will tend to act out more than they would if discussing teh topic face-to-face.

I am not anonymous and have met many folks from on here and we have had many discussions on topics from on here.

Well then, I'm sure you can keep the generalizations and flame-bait to yourself like the civil person we know you can be.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I feel worthless at my core but am largely unconscious of that. My worthless feeling is the result of tremendous emotional pain. I was made to feel as worthless as a human can feel pain. But because such emotion, if extended out in time would result in my physical death I suppressed it. I created a defense against my feeling of worthlessness by identifying with my oppressor. I too now am cold and hard and dead. I have become what was admired and acclaimed and was told I should be. I became a joiner of the approved. I am now the greatest person in the world and my pain is completely buried. It will stay that way till the day I am wrong. The day I am uncertain or wrong is the day I risk remembering I died. Oh please sweet illusions don't ever, ever desert me. Look at me! I am the most beautiful dream.

And meanwhile below the surface of ticking thought beats the booming heart of the Giver pumping my blood as laughter to the ends of the universe. Oh Infinite Love, how did you strand me here on this lonesome shore? Where is the key to this prison I cannot see? How can I let go the reigns of this disgusting identity? I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death without Thee.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..
That's not true. There are many here have no strong feeling either way for the man. I voted for him in 2000, but not in 2004 (nor Kerry, for that matter.) I think he's done a piss-poor job in many regards, but not everything he touches turns to sh1t, as many seem to believe. And I've seen many peope here capitulate to opposing viewpoints, when debated long enough. I've changed my own views on topics such as same-sex marriage due to insightful and well-argued posts.

You have to learn to look for the faint signal among the sea of noise. Notice than posts from Rains, Stunt, etc get very little attention. That's because they typically take a stance while making sure they refrain from throwing in moronic, sweeping generalization. Most people gloss over these because they contain too much common sense, and rather "go for the kill" when then see a outrageous Zendari or ****** post (we're all guilty of this, myself included.)

Now sometimes, this is a necessary thing - it's called 'playing the game.' I am perpetually fascinated by the viewpoints of those with whom I simply cannot identify, posters like Steeplerot, 1EZduzit, and dauhunan. Some, like dauhunan, you can converse and dialog with. Others, like Steep you have to stoop down to, play their game, call them out - basically, make an ass of yourself - just to get them to open up. Ask them a direct question, and they refuse to answer and resort to name-calling, etc. Go along with their game, rant against them, provoke them a bit, and they'll open up their true views somewhat, and if you are careful, you can gleam a bit of insight into thier mind, provided you don't get caught up in the drama of the CAPS, emotes, and exclamation points.

Word. :thumbsup:


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
basically, make an ass of yourself

Just as you do daily when you get the nuts up to come in and actually challenge something besides bleat and quip and run like usual, your such a hack, you even name off folks that have opposing viewpoints as you having to "talk down" to. grow up, you are not one of the better posters in here in any way shape or form, just a sideline troll sinking a witty baited-hook down time to time.

I don't converse with you becasue you do not offer any content..just "prove it" or a witty synopsis of how you percieve what people say with your sheltered view.

When you get some actual experience and a real view on anything..bring it, if not continue your trollish one-liner commentary.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..
That's not true. There are many here have no strong feeling either way for the man. I voted for him in 2000, but not in 2004 (nor Kerry, for that matter.) I think he's done a piss-poor job in many regards, but not everything he touches turns to sh1t, as many seem to believe. And I've seen many peope here capitulate to opposing viewpoints, when debated long enough. I've changed my own views on topics such as same-sex marriage due to insightful and well-argued posts.

You have to learn to look for the faint signal among the sea of noise. Notice than posts from Rains, Stunt, etc get very little attention. That's because they typically take a stance while making sure they refrain from throwing in moronic, sweeping generalization. Most people gloss over these because they contain too much common sense, and rather "go for the kill" when then see a outrageous Zendari or ****** post (we're all guilty of this, myself included.)

Now sometimes, this is a necessary thing - it's called 'playing the game.' I am perpetually fascinated by the viewpoints of those with whom I simply cannot identify, posters like Steeplerot, 1EZduzit, and dauhunan. Some, like dauhunan, you can converse and dialog with. Others, like Steep you have to stoop down to, play their game, call them out - basically, make an ass of yourself - just to get them to open up. Ask them a direct question, and they refuse to answer and resort to name-calling, etc. Go along with their game, rant against them, provoke them a bit, and they'll open up their true views somewhat, and if you are careful, you can gleam a bit of insight into thier mind, provided you don't get caught up in the drama of the CAPS, emotes, and exclamation points.

Yeah, that pretty well covers it.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
It just seems so odd how either you LOVE Bush or HATE him, no in between feelings towards the adminstration. I just don't see much moderation here, I mean it is possible to accept some aspects of his foreign policy while detesting some of his domestic policies, or vice versa..

are you f'n kidding me? i was behind george bush after 9.11. i was behind him when we decided to go into Afghanistan.

Then Bush took the "mandate" given by me to do numerous idiotic things that make me so mad. It's no wonder that I HATE him after he used my support to further some partisan agenda.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

You are asking extremists why they have extreme viewpoints?

At least you understand why I quit trying to reason with the unreasonable. I post hoping that those who have not been completely convinced by the liberal media and liberal schools will hear an other viewpoint.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
I've noticed that people here, myself included at times, are so deadeset in their views that no amount of reasoning or proof could sway their opinions. Most of the people in here make valid points, why is it so difficult for us to see that and to have civil debate instead of going through an endless loop of fruitless discussion?

You are asking extremists why they have extreme viewpoints?

At least you understand why I quit trying to reason with the unreasonable. I post hoping that those who have not been completely convinced by the liberal media and liberal schools will hear an other viewpoint.

If people wanted to hear more lies they would turn on any cable news station, save it, we have enough talking point parrots in here.

Originally posted by: ExpertNovice

Liberals everywhere push Fascism and Communism.

congratulations, you win the mann coulter award for idiocy of the day.
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