Why is it aways Muslims/Muslim sects behind recent acts of terrorism globally?

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Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: asadasif
Originally posted by: Sultan
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: asadasif
Originally posted by: dug777
I mean we haven't seen Christian sects blowing the hell out of Jakarta, or Jews bombing nightclubs, or Buddhists hijacking multiple commercial airliners to attack civilian targets...sure you might find the odd example but nothing close to the scale of Muslim terrorism...

I did a unit on the Middle East a few years ago, and it was quite an eye opener, the Islamic attitude to women is nothing short of totally unnacceptable, and shar'iah law is barbaric and backwards by any standard today (look at afghanistan under the taliban)...how you reconcile this 'pure system' of islam with modern beliefs and practices is beyond me...

meh, for them, salvation comes when Satan and his armies have been destroyed, but the Koran doesn't say whether Allah needs a hand, hence the concept of jihad, and we all know where that has led to.

Every religion has a few people who take the extremist path. Go through history. You will find such examples for all religions (Christianity, Jews, Hindus). You are taking a limited time frame and basing your ideas on it. Being a Muslim doesn't means that you are a terrorist even if some delusional psychotic fools like to think so. I find the term 'Muslim terrorism' very racial and offensive.

Some of the most rigid Muslims live in the Middle East. You are basing your ideas on a select group of people which makes your stand very suspicious.

Women in Islam are a widely exploited topic. I find the status of women in Islam to be much better than some other religions. Islam lays down equal rights for women in most areas. It is upto the people to follow them and not let their regional traditions hamper their understanding of Islam.

Jihad; another word widely used in the wrong context. Jihad in it's essence means 'to do one's utmost for the betterment of oneself and people'. I am doing Jihad by getting education which would enable me to become a successful citizen of my country. Does that makes me a terrorist? Not at all! Armed jihad is valid under certain conditions and the agenda of the terrorists certainly doesn't meets the criteria of armed jihad. Anyone who says suicide bombings will get you into heaven is uttering falsehood and misleading people. Any one who commits suicide; be it by bombing or by jumping off the roof of a skyscraper, will never get into heaven.

You need to get your info straight before posting such racist comments. IMO, you seem to be exploiting a sensetive topic for some ulterior benefit of yours.

Shame on you!

First what ulterior motive could i possibly have? Have you ever seen one evident in my 12000 odd posts in the last year here? I think not :roll:

Secondly, when is armed jihad acceptable?, thats a worrying thing to be saying i find, my unerstanding (see, feel free to enlighten me ) is that if a 'mujahid' dies in the process of fighting for the causes of allah and islam, in a fight for national independence (because without this there is no possibility of installing a true and ideal islamic regime (which i gather afghanistan under the taliban was supposed to be)), in a fight to get rid of a corrupt muslim regime ('you could be the most pious muslim, attendiung meticuloulsy to all you duties, but if the regime is corrupt, wicked, un-islamic and you did nothing to change the situation, you would be punished on the day of judgement and cannot expect to enter paradise'), to fight against the enemies of Islam and Allah, to fight so that the true islamic order may reign supreme, then as a reward for his martydom he will go directly and immediately to paradise...whats your response to this as a good muslim?

And thirdly, if an act of terrorism is perpetrated by a muslim group (as most of the acts of terrorism globally in recent times have been), it's an act of 'muslim terrorism', nothing racist about it, just a descriptive term...if it was greenpeace i'd say environmental terrorism, if it was the jews i'd say jewish terrorism...would you prefer it i said 'muslim fundamentalist' terrorism?

So why should i feel ashamed for bringing this topic up?

Armed Jihad is only acceptable under the call of the Caliph (or leader of the entire Muslim nation) on account of attack on the nation or when the sovereignity is threated (for example, stopping water supply, etc). That is IT.

Apart from that, Jihad basically means "struggle" and a good Muslim must struggle every day to conform to Islamic teachings, be it in his daily life or to change a corrupt Islamic government. That does not imply living in a non-Muslim land and Jihadofying to change the non-Islamic government into an Islamic government

As to your last point, I am a Muslim, and I am not associated with terrorism. Bringing in my identity with those who committed an act contrary to a Muslim's belief is offensive to me and to the majority Muslims who have nothing to do with such acts.

Hope that helps and leads to your enlightenment

And there is no country in the world at this time which can be said to be truly representing Islam and whose leader could be called a true Caliph. A call to armed Jihad by anyone else doesn't holds any meaning.

When people generalize and say Islamic terrorism or Muslim terrorists, that is an insult to me when I am not involved in any such radical acts. Would you prefer I use Christian terrorists promoting abortion or Jewish terrorists commiting a systematic genocide of Palestinians? (And no, it isn't posted to offend anyone, I am just stressing the point of generalization)

Like i said, i'd say that, quite innocently, if it described them...and no, i wouldn't be in the slightest bit offended if you said that (i might (by which i mean i don't ) have a problem with your use of the word genocide tho, you do know what that means don't you?). It's just a description of them, and as it turns out, they are muslim fundamentalist, terrorists, and driven to do what they do in the name of islam and their religion. I'm not insulting you or any other muslim out there by describing them as what they are, and what they themselves proclaim to be...and as i said, 'muslim/islamic fundamentalist' terrorists is probably a better wording of it.

Take this one step further and you'd have people saying that a news bulletin warning the public to look out for a tall african american murderer on the loose is insulting to tall african americans because you are using that to describe a murderer, and they are not murderers, and clearly most tall african americans are not murderers...

EDIT: and as a matter of general courtesy i'd appreciate it if you didn't baselessly accuse me of having an ulterior motive and accusing me of racism, i posed a perfectly civil and polite question, the least you can do is tell me where out opinions differ without insulting me...


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Fraggable
Maybe the reason we hear about muslims being responsible for bombings every few days is because that really is what the Koran teaches. Have any of you ever read it? I have. It teaches that anyone who will not convert to Muslim should be killed. It's the people who are truly muslims that are doing the bombings.
I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to kill everyone who will not convert.
It's not a verse that tells you to kill people, it's the attitude and mentality it tells you to have towards those who won't agree. You're supposed to hate them if they won't think the way muslims do. If you hate someone the way you're supposed to, the logical thing to do is get rid of them. The Bible won't tell you to hate 'unbelievers', it says to keep trying to persuade them.
It's not in the verses, but it's attitude/mentality? So basically what you said originally has completely fallen apart.

Now, I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to hate 'unbelievers'. Are you going to skip out on that one too?

...slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare to ambush them. But if they repent and establish [Islamic] worship...their way is free. Lo! Allah is forgiving and Merciful. (Quran; Surah 9:5)

Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them... (Quran; Surah 9:5)

I'm not being a bigot but these are easy to find...

You aren't a bigot for pointing out the truth. jpeyton and sully may be sympathetic to muslims but that doesn't mean that "religion" is one of peace.

Christianity isn't a religion of peace either, what's your point? And you guys EXCEL at quoting the Quran out of context and without any consideration to the history and time period when it was written. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

Are you serious? How about muslims today taking consideration of when it was written and not killing people in the name of their religion?

I agree. So what percentage of the world's 1.5 BILLION Muslims should take your advice?

A few thousand Palestinian militants? A few thousand militants in Indonesia? Who else? Add them up, divide by 1,500,000,000 and there is your percentage.

Preach to them.

Like you're preaching to us.

I get it. :roll:

yea... as said before, its not all that sympathise with the cause of militants to various degrees become militants. but the general atmosphere of acceptance encourages their rise and actions.

and really its still ignoring the fundamental fact that the koranic scripture is UNQUESTIONABLE. its the direct word of god through muhammed after all. not scribblings of deciples you can more or less discount if you want. be politically correct all you want, but all you are doing is ignoring the simple ugly facts.

Show me a religion that is peaceful. Go ahead.. name them all.

All you do is preach on how bad Islam is. It gets you nowhere and I dont think anyone is listening.

I think Islam is a slave religion but I dont go around trying to convince people of it.[/quote]

you think i'm defending a religion? is it rational to pretend that a religion can't be worse than others? don't be a fool. and really if you don't think anyone is listening just don't post yourself ok? leave me out of it.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Fraggable
Maybe the reason we hear about muslims being responsible for bombings every few days is because that really is what the Koran teaches. Have any of you ever read it? I have. It teaches that anyone who will not convert to Muslim should be killed. It's the people who are truly muslims that are doing the bombings.
I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to kill everyone who will not convert.
It's not a verse that tells you to kill people, it's the attitude and mentality it tells you to have towards those who won't agree. You're supposed to hate them if they won't think the way muslims do. If you hate someone the way you're supposed to, the logical thing to do is get rid of them. The Bible won't tell you to hate 'unbelievers', it says to keep trying to persuade them.
It's not in the verses, but it's attitude/mentality? So basically what you said originally has completely fallen apart.

Now, I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to hate 'unbelievers'. Are you going to skip out on that one too?

...slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare to ambush them. But if they repent and establish [Islamic] worship...their way is free. Lo! Allah is forgiving and Merciful. (Quran; Surah 9:5)

Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them... (Quran; Surah 9:5)

I'm not being a bigot but these are easy to find...

You aren't a bigot for pointing out the truth. jpeyton and sully may be sympathetic to muslims but that doesn't mean that "religion" is one of peace.

Christianity isn't a religion of peace either, what's your point? And you guys EXCEL at quoting the Quran out of context and without any consideration to the history and time period when it was written. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

Are you serious? How about muslims today taking consideration of when it was written and not killing people in the name of their religion?

I agree. So what percentage of the world's 1.5 BILLION Muslims should take your advice?

A few thousand Palestinian militants? A few thousand militants in Indonesia? Who else? Add them up, divide by 1,500,000,000 and there is your percentage.

Preach to them.

Like you're preaching to us.

I get it. :roll:

yea... as said before, its not all that sympathise with the cause of militants to various degrees become militants. but the general atmosphere of acceptance encourages their rise and actions.

and really its still ignoring the fundamental fact that the koranic scripture is UNQUESTIONABLE. its the direct word of god through muhammed after all. not scribblings of deciples you can more or less discount if you want. be politically correct all you want, but all you are doing is ignoring the simple ugly facts.

Show me a religion that is peaceful. Go ahead.. name them all.

All you do is preach on how bad Islam is. It gets you nowhere and I dont think anyone is listening.

I think Islam is a slave religion but I dont go around trying to convince people of it.

you think i'm defending a religion? is it rational to pretend that a religion can't be worse than others? don't be a fool. and really if you don't think anyone is listening just don't post yourself ok? leave me out of it.[/quote]

Who are you to say what religion is right/wrong? Are you GOD?
Last time I checked you weren't.

That's ok, you want to post I'll comment. You don't have to answer me


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Fraggable
Maybe the reason we hear about muslims being responsible for bombings every few days is because that really is what the Koran teaches. Have any of you ever read it? I have. It teaches that anyone who will not convert to Muslim should be killed. It's the people who are truly muslims that are doing the bombings.
I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to kill everyone who will not convert.
It's not a verse that tells you to kill people, it's the attitude and mentality it tells you to have towards those who won't agree. You're supposed to hate them if they won't think the way muslims do. If you hate someone the way you're supposed to, the logical thing to do is get rid of them. The Bible won't tell you to hate 'unbelievers', it says to keep trying to persuade them.
It's not in the verses, but it's attitude/mentality? So basically what you said originally has completely fallen apart.

Now, I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to hate 'unbelievers'. Are you going to skip out on that one too?

...slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare to ambush them. But if they repent and establish [Islamic] worship...their way is free. Lo! Allah is forgiving and Merciful. (Quran; Surah 9:5)

Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them... (Quran; Surah 9:5)

I'm not being a bigot but these are easy to find...

You aren't a bigot for pointing out the truth. jpeyton and sully may be sympathetic to muslims but that doesn't mean that "religion" is one of peace.

Christianity isn't a religion of peace either, what's your point? And you guys EXCEL at quoting the Quran out of context and without any consideration to the history and time period when it was written. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

Are you serious? How about muslims today taking consideration of when it was written and not killing people in the name of their religion?

I agree. So what percentage of the world's 1.5 BILLION Muslims should take your advice?

A few thousand Palestinian militants? A few thousand militants in Indonesia? Who else? Add them up, divide by 1,500,000,000 and there is your percentage.

Preach to them.

Like you're preaching to us.

I get it. :roll:

yea... as said before, its not all that sympathise with the cause of militants to various degrees become militants. but the general atmosphere of acceptance encourages their rise and actions.

and really its still ignoring the fundamental fact that the koranic scripture is UNQUESTIONABLE. its the direct word of god through muhammed after all. not scribblings of deciples you can more or less discount if you want. be politically correct all you want, but all you are doing is ignoring the simple ugly facts.

Show me a religion that is peaceful. Go ahead.. name them all.

All you do is preach on how bad Islam is. It gets you nowhere and I dont think anyone is listening.

I think Islam is a slave religion but I dont go around trying to convince people of it.

you think i'm defending a religion? is it rational to pretend that a religion can't be worse than others? don't be a fool. and really if you don't think anyone is listening just don't post yourself ok? leave me out of it.

Who are you to say what religion is right/wrong? Are you GOD?
Last time I checked you weren't.

That's ok, you want to post I'll comment. You don't have to answer me [/quote]

humans CAN use reason. by the very scriptures of most religions GOD would have to be a total asshat. so its probable they are wrong. someones gotta be wrong after all.


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: yllus
I don't really think it's a comment on the religion, as much as it is coincidence that the poorest areas of the world are heavily Islamic at this time. If by chance the poles of the world were flipped - North America was predominantly Muslim and the Middle East mostly Christian - I think we'd be saying the same about Christianity.

<-- Owns and has actually read the Koran (in English).

You do know that the only proper way to read the Koran is in Arabic, since it is literally the word of Allah? The difference between the Koran and other holy books is that the muslims believe the Koran is 'literally' the word of allah, and thus is absolutely perfect as it is...
Yes, I did know that. I've read it in Arabic too.
Originally posted by: Fraggable
Maybe the reason we hear about muslims being responsible for bombings every few days is because that really is what the Koran teaches. Have any of you ever read it? I have. It teaches that anyone who will not convert to Muslim should be killed. It's the people who are truly muslims that are doing the bombings.
I challenge you to come up with the verse that tells Muslims to kill everyone who will not convert.

Didn't Mohammed "marry" (i.e., rape) a little girl?



Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Ausm
They promise them that if commit a suicidal act that will guarantee them a spot in heaven.



also, once in heaven, they get a choice of virgin girls, or boys, to fvck (i.e., rape). It's entirely up to them!


J Heartless Slick

Golden Member
Nov 11, 1999
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

don't forget how many native americans the white man layed to waste when they came to this land.

there is no comparison to the white man in terms of killing. Its what we do. (yes I am white)


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?

Why are they not legitamate because they were not approved by rich white men in nice suits?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

Dug, get the hell back you know where

This thread proves that anyone who believes in religion or is an athiest or agnostic should be shot.


Senior member
Feb 14, 2005
I don't like fanatic of any sort (jews, christians, muslims or whatever).
This thread, as justified as I may find it, since I agree that muslims present the biggest threat to the free world today, is still pretty much worthless in the sense that the issue is pretty much undebatable.
People tend to lose any inteligence they might have had, when disscussions such as this arise, and instead strong emotions are taking place.
So, though I agree with everyone here who thinks that the muslims are probably the world's biggest problem today, I'm still aware to the fact that emotions have got much to do with this opinion rather than pure facts.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Why hasn't this been moved to P&N yet?

Because the moderators have said that flaming religion belongs in OT.

BTW, few have addressed the topic title. Spanish Inquisition? Crusaides? Ethnic cleansings?




Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2004
I find it entertaining though, that years ago there were probably people sending letters around asking one another "What's up with those crazy Christians?"

The Muslim religion is being held hostage by fanatics and it portrays poorly to the rest of the world. They need a few generations that are educated, have jobs, have families and live life in a democracy. If you're around 20 years old, you will probably see this in your lifetime. In the end people are going to say, "I need to feed my family, and fanatics don't put food on the table." And when that time comes, you'll see change sprout quickly.

The problem is with Iraq and Afghanistan both, the US isn't allowing for an Islamic state and I think if it's going to be democracy, you need to let people choose that path. So then when they figure out that a bunch of religious crazies are running their government and aren't doing anything for THEM, they will change on their own. How do you think we got to where we are now? Oh wait.... Bush is our President...


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?

Why are they not legitamate because they were not approved by rich white men in nice suits?

Ever heard of the Geneva Convention on Armed Warfare? Go away, read up, and learn something Oh, and trolling's bad mmmkay...

J Heartless Slick

Golden Member
Nov 11, 1999
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?

The US fire bombed Japanese civilian areas.



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?

The US fire bombed Japanese civilian areas.

nuked is more like it. fat man and little boy anyone? Civilians walking around with there skin melting off.....


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
How many people in Southeast Asia did the US kill to make the world safe from Communism? How many Iraqis have been killed in the US's latest war against their country? How many people did the Germans killed in the second European world war to make the world a better place for real Germans?

Is there something intrinsic in the US or European character that fosters this total lack of regard for human life?

Considering Christian Europe's and the US's murderous histories, I question the OP's motives and biases for starting this thread.

I think you'll find anyone with a shred of common sense being able to tell you the difference between terrorism and war...and FYI I'm Australian not American.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question, why is it that most acts of terrorism in recent times have been committed by muslims/muslim sects (and if you dispute that fact you've clearly forgotten the Bali bombings and the 11th of september pretty quickly, to name two huge recent examples)?

there really is no difference in terrorism or war. Its killing.

ok there is one difference.....the marketing campaign that precludes it.

edit: there is one other difference....war generates money for rich white people and terrorism causes rich white people to lose money.

umm ok :roll: so you think the Bali bombings and the 11th of september were legitimate acts of war? civilians a fair target?

Why are they not legitamate because they were not approved by rich white men in nice suits?

Ever heard of the Geneva Convention on Armed Warfare? Go away, read up, and learn something Oh, and trolling's bad mmmkay...

ahaha thanks for supporting my statement again. Geneva Convention was a system for rich white folks to sanction rules for wars that benefit rich white folks.

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