Why is it so hard for Liberals to accept the election is over?


Jun 27, 2000
Look - Whether or not Gore lost, Gore conceded.

And the truth is we will never know who really got hte most votes. THe difference in votes is certainly within the margin of error of any machine counts. Furthermore, any hand recount will be biased. Just like when they did recounts in Broward and PB counties, there will be more democrats than repubs counting. And in some counties, that wil be reversed. When it comes to dimpled chads and "voter intent" this bias will certainly effect the outcome.

No recount will ever be 100% accurate until polls are completely electronic. Sorry.

Whether or not Gore lost, Gore conceded. This means Bush is president-Elect. We will never know who truly won because there is bias.


Jun 27, 2000
Your ability to copy-and-paste copied-and-pasted text from a lying, half-truth at best Liberal source is amazing.

So now you're talkign about managing to put 6 million votes into piles? Hmmm nice try. Perhaps you should save you whine and put some effort into getting decent polling technology instead of whining about the election.

BTW - I do not appreciate you blocking me on AIM. You know I have my gimp computer to check on whether or not that happens. I just haven't said anything to you, although the fact you sent me the link to the Q&A then promptly blocked me says a lot about your resolve and your confidence in the propoganda that you have sent me.

Now, I would be most impressed if you were to think of your own points, and not copying and pasting.


Oct 9, 1999
Can't see past your own bias, can you baconboy?

<< yes but the info we have at this time points to gore had more votes >>

What info? Gore still lost after 2 recounts.

Those Q&amp;A you posted were something that a guy got from a &quot;lawyer&quot; on the internet. I can answer those questions just as easily and spam it around, claiming that I'm a &quot;lawyer&quot;.

Q: I thought in a democracy, the guy with the most votes wins.
A: He did.

Q: So why not separate the votes into piles, indentations for
Gore, hanging chads for Bush, votes that everyone agrees went to one candidate or the other so that we know exactly how Florida voted before determining who won? Then, if some ballots (say, indentations) have to be thrown out, the American people will know right away who won Florida.
A: We did that. Gore still lost.

Q: In other words, if America knows the truth that Gore won, they
won't accept the US Supreme Court overturning Gore's victory?
A: Gore didn't win. Or perhaps you missed the part where Gore conceded.

Q: Is that a legal reason to stop recounts? or a political one?
A: The recounts that the Florida Supreme Court ordered were against the law. Under existing Florida law, the results must be certified by the 17th. They were. Gore lost.

Q: But if Florida's certification includes counts expressly
declared by the US Supreme Court to be unconstitutional, we don't know who really won the election there, right?
A: Yes we do. Bush did.

Q: That's completely bizarre! That sounds like rank political
favoritism! Did the justices have any financial interest in the case?
A: By favoritism do you mean the kind of favoritism that the Florida Supreme Court showed by illegally extending the recount deadline? No, it was nothing like that sort of favoritism.

Q: Why didn't they recuse themselves?
A: Because there was no reason to.

Q: I can't believe the justices acted in such a blatantly
political way.
A: They interpreted the law, exactly like the court is supposed to do.

Give it up crybabies. Like you told the guy in another thread: Check my sig.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
As much as I am a liberal, I am more an American. Bush, without a doubt, will become our new president, resistance is futile. The Supreme Court is the interpreter of the Supreme law of the land, they don't called them Supreme for nothing, what they say go.


Jun 12, 2000

<< now lets all go run around in circles waiting for bush to do something stupid >>

Do something stupid like:

Fire the staff of the travel office for no reason
screw around on his wife w/ Jennifer Flowers
send more time testifying to cover his ass than governing the country
give nuclear technology to China
sell stay-overs in the Lincoln Bedroom
solicite campaign contributions from a govt building
be impeached for perjury
expose himself to Paula Jones
get a BJ from a fat slut in the oval office
do that little pointing gesture of his at me and lie his ass off about the fat slut
illegal land deals
kill the Branch Davidians
have tea parties for communist campaign contributors
hold up traffic at LAX getting a haircut
Let all your friends go to jail for you
be sued by the bar association in your home state
ambush at Ruby Ridge
be the first president to spit in the face of veterans by visiting Vietnam
accept donations from well off friends to pay off legal bills
have the balls to even ask for donations to pay off legal bills

Yeah, lets wait for Bush to do &quot;something stupid&quot; he will have trouble beating his predecessor.



Jun 27, 2000
Oh yes.
So now you block me on my server computer too?

I take this as an invition to settle this issue here on the forums rather than talking to me on AIM.

You know the difference between you and John is that John is smart enough to derive his own observations from a given set of data. You, on the other hand, have now, and always have, relied on copy and pasting other text. Unfortunately none of what you copied and pasted makes much sense nor is it true.

Furthermore, your discussions with me are always formulated around a single point that you keep on reiterating. Usually, these points are weak, biased, and without support. Occasionally you will prove a valid point, although, it is someone else's and you just heard it or read it and use it as your own.

And if I do a history of your posts, I reveal the following links:

Notice that in none have you proven a point that is valid, and your own. Occasionally, it is one or the other. But usually it is none of the above.

http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?start=51&amp;catid=38&amp;threadid=293038 A two word post. Useful, of course.

However overlooking nef-like posts, I am shown several political based postings.


<< ok so illegally filling out THOUSANDS of absentee ballets(that were mostly republican) so they can be counted is fair then why don't we just let the dead vote...oh and how bout my dog lets let him vote too.... >>

Oh yes, thus further proving my point. This time you didn't even try to say half-lies, you just made stuff up and another useless comment.

Later in that message -

<< ok this is corruption if ya ask me florida SC more dems so they vote for recount but US SC more reps so they vote to stop it....this is no coinscidence in my opinion >>

Really? Your skills of deduction are amazing. You must not waste them here when so many crimes go unsolved. Go forth, young one!

Oh and later -

<< glenn1 - the legislative branch is suppose to interpret the law as they see it, so they aren't actually making up their own law >>

ROFL. Appearantly your grasp of our government structure is desperately lacking. Last time I checked it wasn't the legislative branch that interpreted laws.

Later -

<< EngineNr9 - how bout instead of having mindless infactual dribble spew forth form that thing in the front of your face why don't you come up with some proof? >>

Coming from you? hahahahhahaha.

<< this is true but it wasn't done as much as illegal filling out of overseas ballots >>

Appearantly you do not understand what happened in Seminole county. The democrats had the ballots before they were submitted, per se. Not the Repubs fault the Dems didn't appropriately follow procedure.

<< hpkeeper ummm republicans were the ones who filled out the army absentee ballots that weren't complete and the majority of those ballots should be for bush ....thus they should be thrown out due to illegal tampering with them making them able to be counted.... >>

Appearantly, again, you show your lack of the grasp of what actually happened. First of all, it wasn't the army ballots; second, they didn't &quot;fill them out.&quot; The Repubs and Democrats both had a chance to approve the ballots.

<< answer is simple....florida is so screwed up i say throw it out... >>

Again, this shows a whole lot of intelligence on your part.

And I conclude with one comment you have made.

<< go get a brain >>

Again, coming from you, this says a lot.

And the truth is I could do this to most of your posts. You lack the ability to formulate your own ideas based on event happens, and support these ideas. And even at times your facts are not factually correct.



Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
It is really hard for ANYONE to accept the election is over because Bush has the intelligence of a 5th grader. He stutters on everything he says and his VP has twice the brains he does, although his heart isn't very good.

I'm surprised he even got through college, and I have no clue whatsoever how the hell he made it to the damn white house. I think there were leftover votes from '92 that were &quot;accidentally&quot; counted over and thats why he won.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000

Because they've been able to keep Billy Boy out of trouble for the last eight years by subverting the law and politicizing [see Sluggo's post]. They want to use the same techniques to get Al into office, and just like a baby with a sucker, they cry like mad when you take away the candy.


Maybe they feel that the Supreme Court was acting politically instead of judicously in their ruling. They feel wronged, and want what they consider &quot;justice&quot;. I find it fascinating that the FSC, which is basically Democratic 6-1, only managed a 4-3 majority on their ruling for a state-wide recount. The dissenting justices, including their Chief Justice, pointed out that the remedy the ruling provided was obvously unconstitutional.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I am just going to keep harassing him and his followers.

You all are nothing but fvcking sheep.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Same here,bush would probably be a good guy to party with, from what I understand he was good at procuring beer. In fact, since he will doing very little this next 4 years, he could create a new department of getting BEER for all his republican buddies.



Jan 25, 2000
I think most democrats do accept that this election is over. They are not doing this to somehow reverse the election. However, if a hand recount gives the democrats the ability to weaken the Bush presidency and just wait it out till 2002 elections, why not do it? As far as ways and means are concerned, a hand count is certainly less radical then impeaching a president for the same reason. I think some conservatives were under an illusion that if Bush just pushes his way through this election and gets to the white house, everyone will just drop any questions about his legitimacy and that the Democrats and Republicans will get together, hug and make up.
It's not going to happen. The Republicans are in control of Congress and the Presidency and are in a position of strength. If the Democrats can find a way to weaken the Republicans, they will take it. Especially if they can act nice in Congress and just let the pundits attack Bush on the nightly news. Dirty politics... What else is new?
Will we ever know who should have won this election for sure? Probably not. But if the Democrats can convince sufficient number of people that Bush should not have won it, it will undermine his ability to pass some of that right wing conservative garbage because the Democrats can say he does not have support of the people.
I sure as hell don't want to see the Republicans cry &quot;DIRTY POLITICS&quot; after what they did for the last 8 years.


Sep 6, 2000
&quot;Old George is probably a pretty decent fellow...&quot;

Red, i'm so proud of you... you referred to Bush in a post with just the barest hint of an insult. Don't tell me you're mellowing out, the OT forums won't be nearly as fun

Time will tell whether George Part Deux will be a good President or not. He does have his work cut out for him though... i don't envy the task in front of him of trying to get his agenda passed. If he manages to get more than minor portions of it enacted, it will probably be a miracle. Time to put that ability he spoke of, that he had the gift of &quot;bringing Democrats and Republicans together&quot; to the test.

I didn't personally vote for him, but i hope he's up to the task and sucessful. I would remind everyone, that America and its peoples would be the main losers if he were not. That's more important than who happens to be inhabiting the White House any given term.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999

<< Why is it so hard for Liberals to accept the election is over? >>

Who said it was, it isn't for me, I certainly understand it is over. I'm looking forward to see how Bush does. So far, it looks like he is doing very well, with his cabinet picks, and folks he is talking to.

<< Look - Whether or not Gore lost, Gore conceded. >>

That's true, see above.

<< Whether or not Gore lost, Gore conceded. >>

Right again.

<< This means Bush is president-Elect. >>

I'd certainly agree with that.



Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2000
The election may be over but we democrats/liberals now have four years to discredit GWB and show America who actually won the election,not who was manipulated into the White House by republicans playing with their GWB marionette.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
veryape<<but we democrats/liberals now have four years to discredit GWB>>

.... and there you have it. The stupidity inherent in that statement speaks volumes.


Senior member
Oct 16, 1999
After reading the title of the thread and noting the capital &quot;L&quot; in Liberal, I thought this thread would be about the Canadian election. And I was going to say that every Liberal in Canada has gladly accepted the fact that the election in Canada is over.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
veryape<<but we democrats/liberals now have four years to discredit GWB>>

.... and there you have it. The stupidity inherent in that statement speaks volumes.

Damn, you are right, we are starting to act like republicans. The next thing that might happen, is we get a hit man like russh bimbob, and attack family and friends of the president.
Sounds like a plan!!LOL!!



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
regardless of how He became the president elect i no longer feel like arguing about it as it is purely academic now. Now is when real Americans show what they are really made of. Do we now come together and find a way to do what is best for all concerned or do we perpetuate the partisanship of the last 3 decades? Yup i said 3 decades. The current flavor of partisanship was around long before Clinton came along. So whats it going to be do the right thing or run this country into the crapper in a struggle for power. Personally I think GWB is sincere and wants to bring everyone together. On the otherhand i am very sure that there is an element in the political arena that will attempt to make that as difficult for him as possible whether it hurts the country or not.
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